Wild-goose Sentence Examples
Snipe, woodcock, ducks and rails, in vast flocks, haunt the banks of the Drina and Save; while the crane, pelican, wild-swan and wild-goose are fairly plentiful.
Wolves are numerous in the mountains; the heron, ibis, wild goose and snipe in the valley of the Wei.
Associated with these remains there have been found those of many other birds, including a hawk, a duck, a darter, a spoonbill, a heron, a rail and a wild-goose, some of these being much larger than any now inhabiting Madagascar.
The phenomenon the wise men had followed, always possibly a wild goose chase, had turned out to be for real.
The wild goose is more of a cosmopolite than we; he breaks his fast in Canada, takes a luncheon in the Ohio, and plumes himself for the night in a southern bayou.
Just like looking for a teacup in a discontinued china pattern, trying to locate the perfect size outdoor chaise cushion can send any homeowner on a wild goose chase because styles and shapes change so frequently.
Your wild goose chases will sometimes illicit groans, but thankfully it isn't too bad.
If you see a style you love, it's best to buy it when it's in season and easy to find, or you may find yourself on a bit of a wild goose chase.
If there is something else, perhaps more serious in nature, you definitely don't want to waste time on a wild goose chase.
I wanted to deal with Jeremy's heritage, but I also moved the fox maidens out of his life indefinitely, sending them on a wild goose chase.