Wild-cherry Sentence Examples
The valleys are treeless, except in the vicinity of the Truckee river, where considerable quantities of the cotton wood and a small amount of willow, birch, and wild cherry are found.
The sassafras, persimmon, wild cherry and Chickasaw plum are found in all parts of the state.
The alpine rose (Rhododendron dauricum) clusters in masses on the higher mountains; juniper, spiraea, sorbus, the pseudo-acacia (Caragana sibirica and C. arborescens, C. jubata in some of the higher tracts), various Rosaceae - Potentilla fruticosa and Cotoneaster uniflora - the wild cherry (Prunus Padus), and many other shrubs occupy the spaces between the trees.
Other trees are the juniper, willow, green ash, box elder, scrub oak, wild plum and wild cherry.
Pipe-sticks, from the wild cherry tree, are exported to Turkey.
The woodland is dominated by sycamore with ash, wild cherry and oak.
Our last halt was under a wild cherry tree a short distance from the house.
These drugs, and others, are not in common use, although wild cherry syrup may be used as a flavoring agent in some liquid cough preparations.
Daytrillen comes in an all natural wild cherry flavor making it pleasant to take.