Wilcox Sentence Examples
South of the Cotton Belt is the Lime Sink Region, which includes Miller, Baker, Mitchell, Colquitt and Worth counties, the northern portions of Decatur, Grady, Thomas, Brooks and Lowndes, the eastern parts of Dooly and Lee, and the eastern portions of Berrien, Irwin, Wilcox, Dodge, and some parts of Burke, Screven and Bulloch.
In the house of Ansley Wilcox here VicePresident Theodore Roosevelt took the oath of office as president.
Wilcox seemed a bit AWOL for large patches of the game.
Next chance meeting finds the best Punk sneer in Bradford, ' Dave Wilcox ' .
Wilcox, a half-breed, educated in Italy, and a friend of the king and of his sister, was promptly suppressed.
Next chance meeting finds the best Punk sneer in Bradford, ' Dave Wilcox '.
He composed the tune himself and asked his bulger, Oliver Wilcox Norton, to play it.
Currently Dr. Wilcox is working on a study examining the effect of "background" TV on children, as many households simply keep the set on throughout the day.
T.J. Wilcox - Season One was Wilcox's first year on the roads, and he was vocal about just doing the job because he was looking for adventure.
Dr. Wilcox recently chaired a working party looking at diarrhoeal infections caused by the bacterium Clostridium difficile, spread primarily in hospitals.