Who-s Sentence Examples
And Shipton is the only one who's doing the talking.
Do you honestly think you can keep a secret that's a major part of your life from someone who's sharing a bed with you?
Six, but who's counting?
I'm the one who's running.
That lady who's in the news, the one from Idaho who claims she's the tipster, she wrote an entry.
Second, who's your sponsor?
Hey, who's there? he called out in a tone only used by persons who are certain that those they call will rush to obey the summons.
I may be the person who's having the visions but I can't do it alone.
That way he can do what he wants and who's to know?
Just when I start to like you … you know, it's amazing even a man who's thousands of years old can act like a twelve-year-old.
AdvertisementSo it's you who's starving us to death!
What about that intern who's been calling you so much lately?
He's like a modern-day king who's in charge of the superheroes trying to beat down the evil villains.
Yeah. The old guy who's always taking pictures.
There's a young girl who's been staying with us.
AdvertisementHe and his wife, who's as nutty as Planters, aren't on anyone's top one hundred list of the rich and famous.
All you need to do is tell me where you do your fishing and who's in the boat.
You may be a cop, but you're also an obnoxious slob who's soiling a clean carpet with your discarded body parts.
Katie, my brother Tamer, who's in charge of Africa, Kris grated.
Nine times out of ten, in these here capers, it's the she who's doing the deed.
AdvertisementI only sent you the note yesterday by Bolkonski--an adjutant of Kutuzov's, who's a friend of mine.
I don't see how telling us what the case is about, who the litigants are and who's the attorney compromises anything.
He's one of these type A personality guys who's always wound up tighter than a spring—wears whatever face suits the crowd.
Then he added, You might have better luck learning who's been trying to buy the worthless mine and who at Bird Song swiped the itsy-bitsy bone you found.
Look and see who's selling the other ones—the other Lucky Strike tins!
AdvertisementFor tracks that have speaking parts or multiple singers/speakers, the site's lyrics are careful to make notes to let you know who's saying what.
You'll never guess who's in town!
I'm an immortal who's older than dirt.
Hopefully, Sofi can tell us who's on Czerno's payroll.
You may find a family who's willing to have a book exchange with you.
The spice rack in an Indian kitchen is tantamount to a who's who of the spice world.
Does anyone who's coming to dinner have any sort of dietary allergies or other types of restrictions?
For the scrapbooker who's determined, you can find Disney items for that digital book with a little hunting.
Almost anyone who's in business deals with wholesale distributors.
More on the latter part about his best friend who's also my best friend who likes me and he tried to discourage me about it?
He doesn't stand a chance with someone who's as observant as I am.
Oh and to add one more stone to the water, his best friend who's also my best friend, may like me as more than a friend.
This great-haired boy who's heart you crushed?
It's always best to look for certain telltale behavioral signs or changes that can clue you in on a child who's ready to free themselves from the burden of their daily life.Not all teenage runaway situations can be prevented.
Have you ever wondered who's who in the high school football national rankings?
What if the teen you need to buy for is a sharp dresser who's into the latest duds?
Sending a teen who's gotten into trouble to a wilderness or survival camp.
There are many variations that depend on who's hosting, whether the ceremony is religious or secular, and whether it is formal or casual.
Choose your invitations carefully, and say "I do" feeling just like a princess who's finally found her prince.
Unfortunately, they're also very expensive, so unless you know a professional pastry chef who's willing to cut you a deal or make you a cake as a gift, you may end up blowing a lot of your budget on a custom cake.
Making a cake is hard work, especially if you're a beginning decorator who's not very familiar with the effort involved in creating an elaborate celebration cake.
Whether you're a bride or groom making your own cake or a passionate baker who's making a cake for a friend, keep a few tips in mind that can help you create the best dessert possible.
Find a decorator who's skilled with molding fondant, and ask him or her to create small edible figurines to fit a theme on your cake or use as custom toppers.
How do you determine who's really using pure Egyptian cotton, though?
Regardless of size, luxury, price, or location, a celebrity house has to be definited by who's living in it.
Anyone who's seen or heard about the reality TV show Jersey Shore knows that its stars aren't necessarily known for their fashion sense.
Reading like a Who's Who of Hollywood royalty, the Walk of Fame has become the most famous sidewalk in the world.
Probably not, but who's really complaining?
Sounds like a great guy, someone who's deserving of the Big Brother winner's $500,000 grand prize right?
It's easy enough to dig up a who's who of bad celebrity tippers, but who are the Tinseltown elite who really stand out as the worst of the bunch?
Just ask any present-day celebrity who's is hounded by the paparazzi.
Whether it's the first picture of a celebrity baby, a hot new couple or someone who's resurfaced after months in isolation or a stint in rehab, it's sure to create buzz and most importantly, sell magazines and garner hits for Web sites.
Encompassing pictures, videos, forums and the latest news, it's a veritable who's who of celebrity.
Which makes one wonder…with all this partying it up in Sin City, who's watching the boys?
The question is, who's the bigger drama queen, her or Spencer?
Just like arguing who's better, Superman or Batman, this can be a fun debate that anyone can get involved in.
Don't know who's in that picture at Amy Grindhouse.com?
Fans know Alyssa Milano as the young daughter in the series Who's The Boss, which began in 1984 when she was 10 years old.
At six years old, she appeared on various television commercials and landed small roles in popular sitcoms and dramas such as Who's the Boss, St. Elsewhere and Growing Pains, the latter alongside her brother.
Fans know Alyssa Milano as the young daughter in the series Who's The Boss, which began in 1984.
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (1967) - 34 years after her first Oscar win, Hepburn won her second statue.
When you have a child who's growing fast and it's hard to keep up, overalls allow for a little extra growing room, as well as some extra time to save up on wardrobe replenishment.
You want an advisor who's accessible and easy to talk to, but it's also important to consider how he or she can help you meet your educational goals.
If you're even luckier, you may have a relative who's willing to foot the bill.
Or perhaps you're a guitar player who's just interested in the basics and isn't concerned about learning every single chord.
If you have a contractor who's handling the manual labor and will receive the delivery, fine.
The important thing to look for is an experienced installer who's available for a consult.
Buy a kit from a lighting manufacturer who's been in business for a while.
If there's a person who's hard to shop for on your gift giving list, consider purchasing a beautiful signet ring for him or her.
For the man who's taller or broader than average, finding big and tall men's suits for his dressier occasions will be important.
Allow your casual vibe to peek through while still looking like an employee who's glad to be there.
As anyone who's been to Colonial Williamsburg or studied American history knows, colonial men's clothing for both rich and poor was radically different from modern dress.
For the man who's taller than average (whether or not he's also overweight), finding clothes that fit perfectly can be a challenge.
Men's sport coats are an excellent selection for someone who's looking to pick up his wardrobe.
A good pair of men's compression shorts are crucial for the athlete who's serious about his performance in any weather.
Not only does this design eliminate a problem, it also shows off sculpted shoulders and blades as well, perfect for the athletically inclined woman who's proud of all her upper body work.
A dainty bow tie adorns the neck and snap closures make securing it an easy task for anyone who's not adept at buttoning.
For the full-figured woman who's looking for sexy club wear or party attire, leather plus size hot pants are the perfect solution.
If you're a girl who's always up on the latest fashions, having the most current style is important to you, so peruse magazines geared toward teens to see what's new.
For the woman who's not comfortable showing a lot of leg, the maxi dress is the perfect solution.
Though comfort and sexiness don't always go hand in hand (just ask anyone who's stepped out in a pair of fabulous-yet-thoroughly-painful heels), more often than note it's quite possible to find something that easily meets both requirements.
Ask anyone who's stepped out in a glamorous bra or panties and she'll usually tell you how bold and beautiful she feels, if only for the hint of mystery involved in wearing something so sexy, yet completely unseen by others.
Anyone who's in charge of preparing meals or serving food should always wash their hands before and afterwards.
Anyone who's had to suffer food poisoning knows how miserable an experience that is, so whatever methods we employ to prevent that will be worth it.
Who knows, though, some of the Who's Who of Hollywood may just decide to bring them back full force.
There' s a cat eye style for almost anyone who's interested in adding a little vintage flair to her eyewear wardrobe.
Tournament mode is where you progress through matches in different cities and on different beaches to see who's the number one team.
In it, you play as CJ Johnson, a former gangster who's come home to San Andreas following the death of his mother.
Anyone who's played one of the restaurant games will know how charmingly addictive they are.
Anyone who's played a Castlevania game remembers the Belmont, the cursed blood-lineage that has the power to hunt and defeat Dracula even though the pesky bugger keeps on reappearing throughout history.
Of course, anybody who's actually tried to stumble home from the bar at one in the morning to break off a piece of squirrel tail knows that getting from point A to point B is never that easy.
In Predator, one player is given all the animal abilities and goes after the other players, who's goal is to take the Predator down.
She's agreed to turn over a Russian Cipher machine, known as a Lektor, if she can meet James, who's she completely infatuated with.
And by that, I mean you'll be able to play other players (PVP) to your heart's content without worrying about the guy who's forty levels higher than you wielding the ultra-rare Hammer of Thor.
If you know someone who has been through a similar situation, either as the gamer who's recovered or someone who pushed them into getting help, that could be a good place to start.
By now, anyone who's a serious gamer has heard of Dance Dance Revolution, or DDR for the hardcore crowd.
Indigo Prophecy is about Lucas Kane, who's your average IT man working in New York City.
You play a 'tagger' with the gang GG, the good-guy gang who's only out to create graffiti art.
Getting a bunch of your friends over to sing karaoke is always fun, but with the actual judging you can see who's good and who need tomatoes thrown at them.
Use the first lap to see who's racing the best, then on the second lap, ram them into a wall or make them go headfirst into a pylon or something similar.
The can be all out battle to see who's the last one standing and the fight can be either strategic and fun or intense and bloody.
You play Sam Fischer, who's recently disappeared on his own and is being accused of fraternizing with known terrorists.
Enter "Buy" mode and select the Sim who's needs you wish to fill.
My wife, who's not a video game fan, started playing it and loved it.
An opera singer and actress, Melissa is the main baddie who's turning everyone into human barbecues and wishes a race of pure mitachondria to rule the world.
You play Jericho, a cowboy in the Old West who's slowly turning into a vampire.
Anyone who's played any of the other Viewtiful Joe titles will automatically know what those words mean.
You don't know who's getting one, which hinders any chance of people going elsewhere.
If you are just starting your collection, and you're unsure about who's who on the roster, just check out the Minnesota Vikings official team website.
This is an excellent resource for anyone who's interested in learning what a fair value is for any used tent camper.
It is possible to find used parts in decent condition, but it will require more time to search for someone who's selling the part that you need and in a condition that you want.
While having a Bluetooth headset goes a long way, sometimes you still want to know who's calling.
You don't have to open it to check the time or see who's calling, though, thanks to an external display.
Holding one of these sheets is usually discouraged when actually taking lessons (and certainly when actually dancing) but if you're using the web for a teacher, who's to know that you printed out the directions?
You're a paying customer and you're the one who's going to have to live with the look, so you want to be sure you and the stylist are on the same page.
Anyone who's seen a magazine cover during the past ten years knows all about "the Rachel," the haircut made famous by actress Jennifer Aniston.
He's a man who's unafraid of a little change, though, and his styles have proven as much over the years.
Any hairdresser who's ready to shear away a stylish emo look is going to need some inspiration.
Only someone who's experienced it firsthand can possibly know the feeling of dread that accompanies a drain full of hair.
Better yet, if you find an emo on the street who's style you admire, it may behoove you to find out who their stylist is to avoid a most unnecessary bad hair day.
Ask anyone who's ever experienced a nightmare haircut that took months to grow back into "normal" condition - there's nothing more important than someone who really knows the ins and outs of hairstyling and cutting.
Formal hairstyles can be quite complex, as anyone who's attended a major event can attest to.
Whether you're a bride who's selecting her bridesmaids' hairstyles or a member of the bridal party looking for a chic wedding day 'do, bridal party hairstyles should always be polished, but never take attention away from the bride.
All designs are original and created by a professional graphic artist [and mom!] who's been designing for a variety of media for over twenty years.
It's getting close to that time of year where summer resorts and sandy beaches plague your mind, but have you taken a moment to examine the who's who and what's what in 2007 swimwear?
If you're a guy who's looking for something new to wear at the beach, by the pool or on a lakeside getaway, Baskit Swimwear is an option worth checking out.
This isn't like an eyebrow tweezing; painful complications can result if done by someone who's not as knowledgeable about this process as they need to be.
She's not afraid to admit that her childhood was less than idyllic, and if she can help a young lady who's struggling with similar adversities, she's willing to try.
It's good to know who's who when you need help in a hurry.
Mastectomy swimsuits can help any woman who's been through breast surgery look and feel more like herself again.
Men in speedos litter public beaches and pools, but you may not always be aware of who's wearing one.
If you want to know who's designing the "must have" swim wear of the coming season, the SI swimsuit issue is considered the swimsuit bible.
Musclemag doesn't only focus on the man who's well acquainted with his biceps and triceps.
It's a great idea for the avid beach goer or anyone who's planning a trip in the near future.
Raven is a curvy girl who dresses like someone who's proud of her shape.
A quick glance at the Salinas collection makes it clear just why everyone who's anyone is wearing the brand.
Why not tie one on this summer and stand out from every other guy who's wearing the expected "uniform" of board shorts or trunks?
While some of the sarongs you'll find here are long and roomy, others are mini versions or sheer, which will flatter a guy who's in superb shape!
This might be frustrating at first, especially if you're someone who's enjoyed the water for years.
For anyone who's in the water at least once a week, it's worth it to take the time and learn how to do it right.
If you are wondering who's a good candidate for tankini short sets, the truth is, just about anybody is.
Also, as anyone who's used an inkjet printer knows, the ink can run if it gets wet.
If prolonged overdosing on vitamin A, D, E and others can cause significant health problems, who's to say B12 is any different?
Someone who's in the fashion business can provide valuable advice in helping you learn which fashions complement you and which ones don't.
Just ask any woman who's struggled into a pair of jeans, stood frustrated in the middle of the swimsuit department or searched in vain for that perfect dress.
You may prefer form-fitting fashion that shows off those dangerous curves, or you might be a more laid-back girl who's into everything breezy and gauzy.
Many players use computer programs and websites when playing online Scrabble because who's going to know, right?
Perhaps for legal reasons, they don't give the names of celebrities, only generic terms like "golfer celebrity", but it's not hard to tell who's who.
There's almost always someone out there who's up for an imagined encounter.
You can lay it all out there and ask for cybersex right away, but make sure you're talking to someone who's interested.
Browse through the profiles to see who's looking for love.
Swap babysitting with a friend who's dating, too.
These places aren't always advertised, so it helps to know someone who's already a member of the scene.
Alternately, don't let a quiz convince you to stick with someone who's just not right for you.
Then there was the guy on Match.com, who's since been arrested, who is being called the Match.com serial rapist.
Any guy who's talked about can create a username and password and post his story to the site.
We only live once, you don't want to waste a lot of time with somebody who's not right for you.
Someone who's been married for years might not understand the modern online dating scene.
When you sign up for daily horoscopes online or over your cell phone, it can be hard to know who's writing them.
Does the advice come from an experienced astrologer, or just some freelance writer who's getting paid to make up horoscopes?
Still, recommendations from friends are a good way to find someone who's committed to the art.
Do you wonder sometimes if you're the one who's crazy?
Being in a relationship with someone who's not in the relationship for the long haul hurts.
One day, you see the guy who's always been there for you in a new light, and suddenly your thoughts drift to turning a friend into a boyfriend.
Are you flirting with someone who's married?
The ultimate goal of any guy who's truly in love is to sweep her off of her feet.
Just relax, breath deeply, and allow yourself to experience every emotion that you have for this woman who's at the center of your life.
You can also browse photos and see who's online.
Once the score cards are handed back in and the host has had a chance to see which ones match up after the event is over, the participants will find out who's interested in going out on a one-on-one date with them.
Anyone who's ever been "torn" by caring for two people at the same time can understand the appeal.
Assignment Proof is a program that allows you to scan documents and figure out who's using parts of your work elsewhere, including the use of subtle grammatical patterns that may be unique to you.
Anyone who's craving an expensive, exquisite bag to carry is likely to find at least one thing she likes within the Fendi line.
Perfect for an active guy or gal who's constantly on the go, this not-too-big, not-too-small bag keeps the essentials within easy reach.
Just ask anyone who's ever dug through a bottomless pit of ancient receipts, gum wrappers and coins!
Ever wonder who's on those calorie-restriction diets?
Sagittarius wants a mate who's intellectual while also being exciting and willing to drop everything to go with him on his next exciting adventure.
Capricorn traits read like a list for the ideal homebody who's determined to create the perfect home sweet home.
Today's casting calls are just as likely to show up as email alerts or text messages; it's just a matter of figuring out who's in the cyber loop, what kind of referral services they provide, and how to sign on.
So of the Scary Movie 3 cast, who's new and who's back for another round of comedic horror?
Seth and Maggie fall in love when they meet in the hospital where she's a heart surgeon, but there's only one problem-he's an angel who's supposed to be watching over Los Angeles.
It's a song about a little boy who's trying to buy his mom a pair of slippers for Christmas.
For a male cross-country racer who's not afraid of color, Puma offers the Grasshopper.
For anyone who's ever dreamt of looking like Jessica, the singer's line of fashionable yet affordable footwear are manna from heaven.
Love it or hate it, you have to admit that Karl Lagerfeld, who's been at the helm of Chanel for the past two decades, knows fashion and that the Chanel name drives trends.
For the girl who's a bit of a tomboy but still proud to be a girl, try black low cut sneakers with white flowers and cherries.
The shoe is marked down 50%, so it's definitely worth your while to keep an eye on these specials, particularly if you're someone who's dancing regularly, because it's better for your feet to change shoes each time.
Ballroom Gifts offers a lot of personal assistance and shoes they describe as "true narrows," which is great for anyone who's bought a narrow shoe and discovered it still doesn't really fit.
Different colored ribbons can show support for a variety of causes for the Crocs wearer who's into awareness issues.
For the stylish gentleman who's interested in wearing American designers, Tommy Hilfiger shoes can be a reasonable investment.
These blogs are your best bet for finding out who's wearing what!
Any woman who's looking to increase the effectiveness of her workout has probably considered wearing these from time to time.
For the child who's passionate about bowling, this can make a great gift.
Anyone who's ever become loyal to a brand can suffer disappointment if they can no longer find it.
Whether you're an Uggs fan who's all about fashion or you live in a very cold climate where furry boots are a necessity, you'll find several brands and dozens of styles.
Amidst the hoopla about who's cheating on who, who's having who's baby, when so-and-so will get caught and various other shenanigans, soap opera ratings seem to take a bit of a backseat - at least to the audience.
Since her time on OLTL, Light starred on the very successful Who's the Boss sitcom as well as numerous made-for-television films.
The soap clichés link includes definitions of some of the greatest clichés to play out on the small screen from amnesia to who's the daddy.
Test your knowledge of who's who, the big romances, the little romances, who died where and more.
She appeared in many 1980s television shows including Still the Beaver, Night Court and Who's the Boss?.
Knight plays George O'Malley, the shy, but lovable intern who's nursed many bad relationships during his run on Grey's.
Anyone who's a soap fan knows how quickly plots and themes change.
Emily Symons as Louise Appleton, who's made waves since she first arrived in Emmerdale in 2001.
Verity Rushworth as Donna Windsor-Dingle is yet another Dingle family member who's made her mark in the village.
It's not easy to simply jump into a soap opera - what with the intricate, complicated storylines, it can be a bit of a challenge keeping up if you aren't familiar with who's who!
These updates allow fans to know who's coming and who's going on their favorite daytime serial.
Who's coming, who's going, and who's sleeping with Erica next?
The popular daytime serial is at the top of the list when it comes to fans wanting to know who's getting axed, who's sleeping with whom next, and when the next natural disaster is going to hit Pine Valley.
It also provides an updated list of who's coming and going on the show.
For a complete list of characters, whether they be dead, missing or current, visit the Who's Who Guide at Soap Central.
Other major events include Pete and Violet's relationship, Violet's subsequent pregnancy and who's the daddy drama with Sheldon for a time.
While tattoo machines and tools vary in quality and performance, there are plenty of price brackets available for the aspiring tattoo artist who's shopping for his/her first pieces of professional equipment.
Try putting in a search in your own website category, and see who's listed first in the search engine results.
I highly recommend this book to anyone who's even a little curious about different beading techniques they might not have tried yet.
It's been around for decades cycling in and out of favor, but it's always there for anyone who's searching for a quick way to lose a few pounds.
If you're looking to build muscle, you'll need more protein than someone who's just looking for a healthy maintenance diet.
If you're more introverted or the kind of person who's not very tolerant of other people being jerks, steer clear -- it's just not worth the aggravation.
Because some bikes have a weight limit, getting a rating from a user who's in the upper range of that limit to report on how well the bike stood up to their weight is a good way to check the durability.
Anyone who's budget-conscious or simply prefers exercising at home can get the same fitness benefits as someone logging hours with fancy and expensive workout equipment.
Most kickboxing workouts are high-intensity and not the best option for anyone who's new to exercise.
If you've always suspected that salsa might work really well with chocolate, then who's to judge?
If you have questions about your auto insurance policy, need information about who's covered or what's covered, or need to make changes, simply log into your account.
Unfortunately, without someone who's alive who knows about the policy or where the paperwork is, it's possible that the insurance money could go unclaimed.
Renters insurance is actually a very important form of insurance that every person who's renting a property should consider.
With features like sheer material, open cups, or being crotchless, however, you'll know this lingerie is for the woman of today who's comfortable in her skin while enjoying a little retro fashion.
Whether you're a woman who's had a mastectomy or a transvestite who wants to look more the part, you need quality foam breast forms.
The Lingerie Post is a great site for finding out who's having what sales, like Nancy Meyer offering discounts of up to 70%, or Saks' annual Intimate Apparel Week, and where to find something that isn't easily available.
While it's true that push up bras and sheer underpinnings are sexy, a lacy garter belt under that pinstripe suit will really let 'em know who's in charge!
That's the premise of the game, anyway, but there's usually a twist at the end, such as the lady who's told she has to model a teddy for the group and is given a teddy bear to strut around the room with instead.
And if you're a man who's been wearing women's tights, well, now you're in luck!
This style is for the sexy, confident girl who's not afraid to let it all hang out.
Now, he's back with a new album and this single, dedicated to anyone who's been trying to get the bartender's attention, and not just to get another beer.
Mask wearing metal band Slipknot is one of those bands who's fans become more like cult members than casual listeners.
The Woodstock music festival was all about the bands, of course, and the roster reads like a who's who of music.
Yippie activist Abbie Hoffman interrupted The Who's set to make an appeal for fellow activist John Sinclair to be released from prison.
Most famously is Olivia Newton-John herself, who's character Sandy in the film is also Australian.
Chorus - Who's got/What it takes to be/My beau/What it takes to make/Me glow/What it takes to make/This beat flow.
During this same period, Midler's music ties were further bolstered when she starred in the very first adaptation of The Who's Tommy on Broadway.
The Who's performances of Tommy in full helped sell the "rock opera" idea, and soon, critical tide changed.
A review of the individual tracks reads like a Who's Who listing of popular artists of the decade.
Instead of standard invitations, consider using the following methods to check who is and who's not actually on the guest list.
Well, in January 2005, the FOX network thought Who's Your Daddy could be a hit.
When I walk by the lines of people waiting to be seen, I'm looking to see who is smiling and who's friendly.
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe sees our heroes attempting to discover who's really in charge of the Universe.
Most authors I know don't even look at their Amazon pages and never do a Google search on their name, because it won't take long until you find one person who's going to ruin your whole day.
Doctor Who's popularity included spin offs such as The Adventures of Sarah Jane and Torchwood.
Anyone who's dealt with the pesky itch and discomfort associated with mosquitoes knows just how important it is to prevent mosquito bites in the first place.
Anyone who's experienced difficulty in removing acrylics knows just how frustrating it can be to maintain strong nails after subjecting them to such trauma during the removal process.
Read on for the details - you'll be prepared whether it's you or someone nearby who's dealing with the sting.
Now who's being vain?
Keep her safe until I know who's after her.
You couldn't take us all, and I'm certain I'd be the one who's left behind. Humans take priority to you angels. No, sweetmeats, I won't help you escape.
I bought one of those answering machines and I let the phone ring until it gives my messages and I find out who's calling.
And every time it's been really, really tough, you're the one who's been there.
You're the only man besides my husband and maybe some doctors who's ever seen me naked—at least since I was a little girl!
Hells bells, why would they bop me on the head when all I'm doing is leading them to someone who's supposed to know where Byrne is?
I just want to get a look at who's bugging the phone.
I'm the one who's been pushing to adopt a baby.
She says that, but who's carrying the rifle?
She's the lady who's renting the Foreman place.
So give him to someone else who's having aphid problems.
Now, who's in command?
You'll have to get rid of the person who's supposed to be there.
You're saying that, instead of treating him like I do my teenage cousins, I should pretend I'm dealing with a five-year-old who's convinced his stick figure drawing is a masterpiece.
Now who's the jealous boyfriend?
Think I figured out who's after it.
When the kitchen door opened suddenly, they jerked apart and turned guilty faces to Sarah, who's expression made it clear she had seen and comprehended their actions.
I guess it's different for a woman who's been a captive of the Comanche.
He added, Someone might want to get word to that dame in Boston who's appointed herself resident expert on the Psychic Tipster.
I don't know them personally, but they should be on top of the case with this bastard who's chasing you.
And a terrified little Oracle who's sobbing her eyes out right now.
Just when I start to like you … you know, it's amazing even a man who's thousands of years old can act like a twelve-year-old.
Funny how the devil is the one who's deceived me the least.
Paul is an ex-athlete who's never grown up.
Look and see who's selling the other ones—the other Lucky Strike tins!
It involves a woman destined to be the first Ancient's mate and who's immune to immortals.
World War Three is about to break out and the Council will dissolve if I don't introduce the human who's immune to us.
We're going to scatter to see who's followed, and if it's you, we'll kill anyone who follows your path.
He's one of these type A personality guys who's always wound up tighter than a spring—wears whatever face suits the crowd.
I'm sure he'll give me a speech about it not being his jurisdiction but he's the one who's talked to Jerome Shipton.
And then, to Dean's surprise, Weller added, Did you ever give a thought that maybe it's the wife who's the real culprit here?
He raised an eyebrow and crooned, Who's the man…?
You're the only man besides my husband and maybe some doctors who's ever seen me naked—at least since I was a little girl!
Maybe because someone who's lived so long has to have a little more going on than a constant hard-on.
Least a year derek BArch Aaron who's who of sports quot said.
Who's afraid Of The Big Bad wolf Who's afraid of the big bad wolf Big bad wolf, big bad wolf?
As play-by-play announcers hours and minutes company's more than who's who in.
But who's campaigning hardest to save the biosphere?
The con involves taking cash from a bar owner (Gambon) who's in debt to a ruthless mob boss (Richardson ).
Have you ever met a celeb who's blown you away?
We'll see who's got the biggest cojones.
If a chick is only going to give the come-on to a guy who's going places either give up or get going!
Contributing editor who's and true-believing conservative in as much a larger draft.
The Killing Leon is a small-time crook who's ridden his luck for three decades.
Also aboard is a heavily disguised Detective-Inspector Coutts who's on the track of a jewel thief named Joe Banks.
If he's afraid to touch the doorknob it's the character named Howard who's afraid, not Howard Hughes.
Believe me, the only person I know who's not ecstatic about the new Mac game bonanza is my wife.
Conrad who's had nine-day excursion from four times now miami fl or.
Blair still fibbing about " thrown out " inspectors Who's talking sense when it comes to Iraq?
This unemployed jester, who's nobody's fool, has paid for his merry jape, I send his tongue to you.
What can you say to a Philistine who's into Phil Collins and Dire Straits and other such frivolity?
The feminist frontline have a direct market they range who's going to.
He said " for someone who's just been pumped full of poison, you're looking really well " .
The reluctant giver is someone who's not going to open his wallet, or her purse, without a fight.
But just you wait until you find out who's to blame for this whole hoo-ha.
You just have to stay up to date with who's banging who, or else you become completely socially inept.
The only person, beside herself, who can't see this is Everton, who's completely infatuated with her.
Joseph henry " Who's The king " 16.
Everyone who's anyone is looking for Scottish roots in their family so they can don a kilt and be seen in it.
He's one of life's losers who's always just ' one plan away ' from making his fortune.
They 've a mascot who's better in goal than their first choice keeper.
Let's not get mawkish here, suffice to say that life has been kind to me in an absent-minded ' who's he?
I don't know anybody in television who's earning megabucks.
Tour quot Michael have benefited from who's who of.
Then an open mike in the Village for funniest person called Who's Line is it Anyway.
The entire channel six news team will be there, except for Phil, the boom mike operator, who's getting fired tomorrow.
You'll get to take control of Kian, who's a rather mysterious warrior from the world of Arcadia.
He has the grip of a man who's used to wringing the necks of wounded game birds.
You know the person who's walking down the street, totally oblivious to the fact they have bird muck on their shoulder?
Third, there is a 90 year old woman upstairs who's never had an orgasm in her life.
Beside, who's going to feed the ostrich?
Sophia is from Sicily, and is a very outspoken old lady who's mouth often lands her in trouble with daughter Dorothy.
The candidate who's a plumber (John Hamilton) spoke well and always stood to make his sometimes overlong responses.
I would dear a woman carrying no purse, who's cargo pants maybe are not stoppable.
Include a 300 word review of a TV presenter who's made an impact on you over time.
It's pitchfork wielding psychopath who's HOME FOR THE HOLIDAY!
Apart from yourself then, who's the best football pundit?
Neil is cold to David, who's trying to make him see the reasons.
No matter who's the leaders insurance renters storage in receive benefits only high service charges.
As an investigative reporter, " Who's behind this war?
Everyone knows of some evidently guilty person who's gone scot free thanks to a clever lawyer.
Well, HE'S dead now, he is--as dead as bilge; and who's to sail this ship, I don't see.
One of her earliest singles for the label was Who's That Lady With My Man.
And finally, a little skit about who's in china.
This is an indie kid who's played far too much sonic The Hedgehogs.
Even really terrible events can be got through with a good mate who's there for you.
I grab two beers from the unopened bar and take one over to Alex, who's hacking away at pigs trotters.
Standing on the doorstep is Jeeves, who's been sent by a domestic employment agency to be Bertie's new valet.
Look who's back... Abu Dhabi television shows a new videotape of President Sadaam Hussein of Iraq.
Hello, I'm a strange weirdo, who's a bit of a contradiction.
The bloke who's bought it is from somewhere in south Yorkshire.
Helene raised her voice and became more and more excited, "A man who's a better man than you in every way..."
If Helen Hunt wants to name her daughter Makena'lei Gordon, who's going to stop her?
All of our designs are original and created by a professional graphic artist [and mom!] who's been designing for a variety of media for over twenty years.
Estate sales are sales that occur when a family or loved one sells off the furnishings of a loved one who's recently passed on.
If you've got a jewelry lover in your life who's about to turn the page on a new year, consider buying him or her their birthstone.
If you have an older cat - one who's over eight years in age - be sure to buy extremely tasty and easy-to-digest food.
If there's a liquor store in your area with a large selection of wine, go there and ask someone who works there what kind of wine they recommend to someone who's trying new things.
A display on the handset or the base shows you who's calling and the phone number.
If you don't know a scuba diver who's selling their unused tanks, then don't look for a new tank at the premium outlet mall, try a website like Craigslist or eBay first.
To inform the person who's getting the gift, one idea is to place the receipt in a greeting card.
Rasco of NYC is a well known supplier of luxury doggy dishes, but who's to say that these incredibly adorned ceramic canine bowls can't be every bit as appropriate for your tasteful kitty?
This will keep them in place when it's windy, and regardless of who's sitting in the chair, the cushion will be positioned correctly for a comfortable fit every time.
Anyone who's ever sat down on a wooden rocker that didn't have the appropriate rocking chair cushions knows how important they can be.
Ultimately, it's up to you how extreme-green you'd like to go at home, but there will probably always be someone who's going greener in their home than you are in yours.
From the heart of the city to areas in Virginia and Maryland, you can easily find an interior designer who's right for your needs.
The bad thing about being a girl who's into remodeling is that no one takes your gift suggestions seriously.
I truly couldn't care less who's adopting children around the world or running around sans underwear.
This kind of job can be completed by one person who's had some experience.
Any woman who's shed a tear or two is familiar with runny mascara.
While a trade show doesn't exactly sound like a roaring party, the New York International Beauty Show (IBS New York) reads like a who's who of beauty industry bigwigs.
An actress such as Sarah Jessica Parker, who's best-known and perhaps most admired for her role as the fashionable Carrie Bradshaw in Sex and the City, is the perfect example of the ideal face to pair with a new fragrance.
The color is outstanding on the lips, particularly for anyone who's constantly searching for the famous "lips but better" shade with little success.
As anyone who's fallen asleep with a full face on knows, there's nothing fun about waking up to smudged raccoon eyes, foundation on the pillow and smeared lipstick.
Plain water will never completely get rid of all the makeup on your face - just ask anyone who's tried to remove mascara that way!
Anyone who's used a product for years and adopted it as a tried-and-true, lifelong favorite knows just how disappointing it is when the product suddenly disappears from stores.
Anyone who's followed makeup trends in recent months may have noticed quite a phenomenon in the mascara world, in particular.
This makes it especially handy for the beginner who's not adept with a makeup brush or who's never used the product before.
Knowing what wedding makeup for a white dress and red roses would be most flattering is important for the bride who's planning to get married in this ensemble.
If you're a beauty maven who's after a Hollywood starlet-worthy look, give airbrush makeup a try.
In addition to close family, the wedding featured a who's who of Hollywood favorites, including Renee Zellweger, Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe, Rupert Murdoch, and Naomi Watts.
I mean, look at me, I'm 5'2" and 100 lbs, who's going to be afraid of me?
It was during this time in which she also made her debut in her fist fillm in Who's the Caboose?
Anyone who's ever been guilty of catching a glimpse of any of the Brady shows on VH1, knows that Adrienne Curry has a bit of a temper.
You never know who's holding the cash in the world of celebrities.
For anyone who's interested in simply adding to what he currently owns, how can a man most effectively update his wardrobe?
That way, there can be no argument about who's better.
Okay, anyone who's even a casual gamer knows that every system launched near Christmas is the Holy Grail system.
Anyone who's decorated a bedroom from the ground up knows just how nitpicky the entire process can be.
These tats are still staples offered in every tattoo shop you'll ever walk into, and you might even be a little surprised to learn who's wearing them.
For someone who's moving from a sedentary lifestyle to a more active one, all of the information out there on fitness can get confusing.
You can also use it informally to describe someone who's nice or especially sweet-natured as in, Elle est chouette.
A tongue-in-cheek take on Easter, this is for the guy who's not too serious and even likes his bunny to sport some bling (the Easter Bunny on these shorts wears a shiny chain and egg pendant around his neck).
The male audiences loved them and the idea of the servant who's only too glad to make sure everyone's happy, and has been a fantasy ever since.
It's a great look for any guy who's either sporty or who prefers added support in day-to-day wear.
Camo lingerie isn't only for the tomboy, but for the girl who's decided to ramp up her wardrobe of essentials with touches of tough stuff.
Are you a vintage lover or someone who's looking for a new open bottom girdle?
It serves as a disco primer for anyone who's too young to remember that far back.
For anyone who's ever experienced them, it's worth it to understand the different types of acne scars and how they may be treated.
For anyone who's ever wondered why you should wear sunscreen, the answers to this question are straightforward and beneficial to your health.
Anyone who's ever spent too much time in the sun has probably searched frantically for sunburn cures.
However, if natural remedies don't work, consider seeing a doctor -- particularly one who's experienced in dealing with teenagers and their unique emotional states -- to help with this condition.
Like Billy's friend who's staying at Mr. Dean's boarding house, Bird Song!
I mean, this is supposed to be you starting your lives together, not hauling around your poor spinster of a friend who's about to be abandoned.
He raised an eyebrow and crooned, Who's the man…?
Here we have an adolescent who's sometimes sullen, often confused (especially about girls ), and always self-questioning.
The "flute diva" Wenz is a multi-dimensional performer who's produced a number of CDs featuring bamboo flute.
MySpace members use profile trackers frequently to check on who's checking them out and can only be used to track other members who are MySpace registered users.
Whether you are a MySpace user or you're a parent who's concerned about keeping your kids safe on the popular social networking site, you'll find articles that meet your needs in this category.
If you haven't noticed lately, everyone who's anyone has a blog.
In the bottom right part of the screen you can see who's online and who's recently been online.
What vocational opportunities are available for an almost-priest who's been out of this world for a few years?
Someone cut the son of a bitch's line and I'm the one who's stuck trying to find out who did it.
Anyone who's ever wanted to leave Facebook for good has wondered, "How do I delete my Facebook account?"
Tagging is a manner of attaching names to photos to show exactly who's pictured.
He wants to run down the tip and thank the guy who's responsible.
If the domain isn't posted for sale, start by doing a simple WhoIs lookup to see who owns the domain today.
You're the thirty-fourth person who's contacted me saying you were the tipster.
We've got Wang, who's the Korean ventriloquist's dummy from Big Fish.
He wants me to get you to talk to that sex offender who's free; the one they thought killed Annie.
Today, we found someone who's immune to our powers.