Whites Sentence Examples
According to the census of 1872 the total population was 9,930,478, of which 1,510,806 were slaves; the race enumeration gave 3,787,289 whites, 1,959,452 Africans, 386,955 Indians, and 3,801,782 mixed bloods.
His black, agate pupils with saffron- yellow whites moved restlessly near the lower eyelids.
The whites of Jade.s eyes were visible before they drew near enough to hear his muffled shouts.
Pop. (1904) 5566, of whom 1758 were whites.
In the neighbourhood is a model village, with an elementary school, an industrial school for whites, a hospital and a church, maintained by Mr Vanderbilt.
The whites who were responsible for the conduct of the blacks were warned or driven away by social and business ostracism or by violence.
Nearly all southern whites (except "scalawags"), whether members of the secret societies or hot, in some way took part in the Ku Klux movement.
The elections were controlled for a few years, and violence was checked, but the Ku Klux movement went on until it accomplished its object by giving protection to the whites, reducing the blacks to order, replacing the whites in control of society and state, expelling the worst of the carpet-baggers and scalawags, and nullifying those laws of Congress which had resulted in placing the Southern whites under the control of a party composed principally of ex-slaves.
Girls, too, were scarred at puberty and had teeth knocked out, &c. The ceremonies - known to the Whites under the native generic term for initiatory rites, Bora - were much the same throughout Australia.
The Italian loss is estimated to have been more than 6000, of whom 3125 were whites.
AdvertisementAmong the most industrious of Polynesian races, they have always been famed for wood-carving; and in building, weaving and dyeing they had made great advances before the whites arrived.
The population of the archipelago is about 19,000, of whom about 370 are whites or half-castes.
There are separate schools for whites and blacks, and the equipment and service are approximately equal, although the whites pay about nine-tenths of the school taxes.
The whites maintained their supremacy by very dubious methods until the adoption of the constitution of 1890 made it no longer necessary.
White soon returned to England for supplies, and having been detained there until 1591 he found upon his return no trace of the colony except the word " Croatan " carved on a tree; hence the colony was supposed to have gone away with some friendly Indians, possibly the Hatteras tribe, and proof of the assumption that these whites mingled with Indians is sought in the presence in Robeson county of a mixed people with Indian habits and occasional English names, calling themselves Croatans.
AdvertisementPop. (1904) 2 433, of whom 1214 were whites.
On the site of the present fortification a fort was erected by the whites as early as 1630.
Whites and Indians are allowed to establish trading stations on obtaining special permits from the government, and the Indians absorb much of the retail trade.
According to the state census of 1905 only 1,621,362 acres were improved; of 45,984 farms, 31,233 were worked by whites.
By legislative enactment whites and blacks living in adultery are to be punished by imprisonment or fine; divorces may be secured only after two years' residence in the state and on the ground of physical incapacity, adultery, extreme cruelty, habitual indulgence in violent temper, habitual drunkenness, desertion for one year, previous marriage still existing, or such relationship of the parties as is within the degrees for which marriage is prohibited by law.
AdvertisementBefore 1905 the state provided for higher education by the Florida State College, at Tallahassee, formerly the West Florida Seminary (founded in 1857); the University of Florida, at Lake City, which was organized in 1903 by enlarging the work of the Florida Agricultural College (founded in 1884); the East Florida Seminary, at Gainesville (founded 1848 at Ocala); the normal school (for whites) at De Funiak Springs; and the South Florida Military Institute at Bartow; but in 1905 the legislature passed the Buckman bill abolishing all these state institutions for higher education and establishing in their place the university of the state of Florida and a state Agricultural Experiment Station, both now at Gainesville, and the Florida Female College at Tallahassee, which has the same standards for entrance and for graduation as the state university for men.
A young Piute Indian medicine-man, known as Wovoka, and called Jack Wilson by the whites, proclaimed that he had had a revelation, and that, if this ghost dance and other ceremonies were duly performed, the Indians would be rid of the white men and restored to power.
The proportion of whites is greater at the west end than at the east end, greater on the north side than on the south side, and greater in the interior than along the coast.
They were destroyed by whites and Indians in 1879-1882 on the approach of the Canadian Pacific railway.
By the census of 1867 there was in Cuba a total population of 1,370,211 persons, of whom 764,750 were whites and 605,461 black or coloured; and of the latter number 225,938 were free and 379,5 2 3 were slaves.
AdvertisementThe average attendance of enrolled black and white pupils is practically identical, but the enrolment of whites (about 52% in 1902) is somewhat higher and that of the blacks about a third lower than their ratio in the population.
A constitution of 1868 gave suffrage to the blacks, and disfranchised all whites made ineligible to office under the proposed Fourteenth Amendment to the national Constitution, and also (practically) those who had by word, pen or vote defended secession.
More than 85% of all cultivated lands were then occupied by whites; and somewhat more than one-half (56.6%) of all occupiers were renters.
Mainly owing to the large element of transient foreign whites without families (long characteristic of Cuba), males outnumber females - in 1907 as 21 to 19.
In Guantanamo, in Santiago de Cuba, and in seven other towns they exceeded the whites in number.
Despite the long period of slavery they are decidedly below the whites in number.
Miscegenation of blacks and whites was extremely common before emancipation.
Gradual abolition of slavery was declared by a law of the 13th of February 1880; definitive abolition in 1886; and in 1893 the equal civil status of blacks and whites in all respects was proclaimed by General Calleja.
Some 12,000 of these are whites, the remainder coloured.
Pop. (1904), 997, including 144 whites.
But some were in the island long before the arrival of the whites, and must consequently have been brought by native vessels or on rafts.
Pop. (1904) 2762, of whom 1003 were whites.
The more arid districts offer no inducement for settlement and are inhabited only by a few roving bands of Indians, but there were settlements of whites in the grazing districts of the Rio Branco at an early date, and a few hundreds of adventurers have occupied the mining districts of the east.
The immediate result of European colonization was the enslavement and extermination of the Indians along the coast and in all those favoured inland localities where the whites came into contact with them.
This analysis, if correct, indicates that the vegetative increase of the whites has been greater than that of the Africans and mixed races.
The racial character of the people is not uniform throughout the republic, the whites predominating in the southern states, the Indians in Amazonas and, probably, Matto Grosso, and the mixed races in the central and northern coast states.
The excess of whites over the coloured races in the southern states is due to their smaller slave population and to the large number of immigrants attracted to them.
Pop. (1904), 20,073, of whom 6946 were whites.
Most of the remainder are employed on or live upon farms owned by whites, paying annual rents of from £1 to or more.
The sailors of the " Stavenisse " reported the most numerous and most powerful tribe to be the Abambo, while that which came most in contact with the whites was the Amatuli, as it occupied a considerable part of the coast-land.
Fynn thus became leader of the whites at the port, who were much at the mercy of Dingaan.
In 1831 that chief raided their settlements, the whites all fleeing south of the Umzimkulu; but at Dingaan's invitation they soon returned.
Two days after the signature of the deed Retief and all of his party, 66 whites, besides Hottentot servants, were treacherously murdered by Dingaan's orders.
This proved one of the most momentous steps taken in the history of South Africa, for the Indian population rapidly increased, the " free " Indians becoming market gardeners, farmers, hawkers, traders, and in time serious competitors with the whites.
As time went on, however, the Natal government, alarmed at a series of murders of whites in Zululand and at the evidences of continued unrest among the natives, became convinced that Dinizulu was implicated in the rebellious movement.
Of the whites 178,244 (59.95%) were males.
The white population is broadly divisible into the British and Dutch elements, the percentage of other whites in 1904 being but 8.6.
Of the non-British or Boer whites Russians form 3.01%, Germans 1-62% and Dutch (of Holland) 1-14%.
The capital of the province, and of the Union is Pretoria, with a population (1904) of 36,83 9 (of whom 21,114 were whites).
Johannesburg, the centre of the gold-mining industry, had a population, within the municipal boundary, of 155,642 (83,36 3 whites).
At the same census 95% of the white population over 21 were able to read and write; of the whites between the ages of 5 and 14 59% could read and write.
Of the total population 26.69 are Christians, and of the Christians 80% are whites.
With the example of Natal before them as a warning, it was (they argued) to the whites a question of life and death, and unless registration were enforced they could not prevent the surreptitious entry of new-comers.
Notwithstanding the remonstrances of the Indian government, the imperial authorities could not effectively intervene; a self-governing colony (in which whites alone possessed the franchise) must be allowed to take its own course.
The population consists of a small percentage of whites of European descent, chiefly Spaniards, various tribes and settlements of Indians, largely of the Arawak and Carib families, and a large percentage of mestizos, or mixed bloods.
Perhaps a closer approximation would be to rate the creole element (whites of European descent) at 10%, as in Colombia, and the mixed races at 70%, the remainder consisting of Africans, Indians and resident foreigners.
Pop. (1904) 36,839, of whom 21,114 were whites.
Eshowe (pop. 1904, 1855 of whom 570 were whites) is about 95 m.
Sugar, tea and coffee are grown in the coast belt by whites.
He had lived in Cape Colony, and there, as is supposed, had observed the manner in of the which the whites formed their soldiers into disciplined regiments.
A collision very soon took place; Usibepu's forces were victorious, and on the 22nd of July 1883, led by a troop of mounted whites, he made a sudden descent upon Cetywayo's kraal at Ulundi, which he destroyed, massacring such of the inmates of both sexes as could not save themselves by flight.
Pop. (1904) 1366, of whom 822 were whites.
About 1818 most of the Indians were expelled from the vicinity, and a settlement was made by the whites.
They outnumber the whites by 9 to 1.
In 1684, under the governorship of Sir Richard Dutton, a census was taken, according to which the population then consisted of 20,000 whites and 46,000 slaves.
Whether this control had a good or bad effect is still disputed, the Southern whites and many Northerners holding that the results of the bureau's work were distinctly bad, while others hold that much good resulted from its work.
The failure of the bureau system and its discontinuance in the midst of reconstruction without harm to the blacks, and the intense hostility of the Southern whites to the institution caused by the irritating conduct of bureau officials, are indications that the institution was not well conceived nor wisely administered.
One estimate places the total at 2,660,881, comprising about 13.8% whites, 57.6% Indians, 1 .
The population of Peru is mixed, including whites, Indians, Africans, Asiatics, and their mixtures and sub-mixtures.
Others are intractable forest tribes, having no relations with the whites.
Practically the whole of the region through which these rivers runthe montana of Peru-is undeveloped, and is inhabited by Indians, with a few settlements of whites on the river courses.
Formerly the Indians were forcibly pressed into the service and the whites filled the positions of officers, in great part untrained.
Throughout the Colonial wars they were loyal to the French, but fought for the English in the War of Independence and the War of 1812, and thereafter permanently maintained peace with the Whites.
The place was formerly a favourite camping ground of the Indians, and was settled by whites in 1829.
Blacks rich, whites less rich in copper.
On the 2nd of August an advance party of Colonel Barry St Leger's forces coming from the west arrived before the fort, and the main body (altogether about 650 whites, including loyalists - the Royal Greens - under Sir John Johnson, and more than Boo Indians, some led by Joseph Brant) arrived soon afterwards.
At the census of April 1904 the inhabitants of the city proper numbered 99,022, the population within the municipal area being 155,642, of whom 83,363 were whites.
If we add to these the native whites of foreign parentage (5,300,924) we have 11,152,323 persons of foreign extraction or 39'4% of the total labour force.
The foreign whites alone constituted 10.4% of the total number of persons engaged in agricultural pursuits; 11.4% of those in professional services; 2 5.7% in domestic and personal services; 19.2% in trade and transportation; and 30.6% of those engaged in manufacturing and mechanical industries.
In addition to these, the native whites of foreign parentage constituted, in agriculture, &c., Io 6%; in professional service, 20.6%; in domestic and personal service, 16.4%; in trade and transportation, 25.7% in manufacturing and mechanical, 25.4% of all those engaged in those occupations.
In 1843 the site was opened to settlement by the whites; in 1851 Des Moines was incorporated as a town; in 1857 it was first chartered as a city, and, for the purpose of a more central location, the seat of government was removed hither from Iowa City.
There were in 1900, 2,249,088 native whites, 1 79,357 persons of foreign birth, 836 Chinese, 470 Indians and 13 Japanese.
Of the population in 1905, 1, 26 4,443 (5 7.2%) were native whites of native parentage, 6 4 8, 53 2 (2 9.3%) were native whites of foreign parentage, 289,296 (12.8%) were foreign-born and 14,832 (0.7%) were coloured, including 346 Indians.
The Cape electoral division, which includes Cape Town, had in 1865 a population of 50,064, in 1875 57,319, in 1891 97,238, and in 1904 213,167, of whom 120,475 were whites.
Pre-contact material is such as continued to exist in any tribe down to the time when they were touched by the presence of the trade of the whites.
No iron tools existed in America before the invasion of the whites.
The population shows a steady increase, as from 13, 9 48 in 1881 to 1 7,535 in 1901; 6383 were whites and 11,152 coloured in the latter year.
In 1790 the population was reported classed as slaves and free, the free classed as white and others, the free whites as males and females, and the free white males as under or above sixteen years of age.
In 1830 thirteen age classes were employed for free whites of each sex, and six for the free coloured and the slaves of each sex.
In 1763 at Wehaloosing (now Wyalusing), on the Susquehanna, he preached to the Indians; and he always urged the whites to pay the Indians for their lands and to forbid the sale of liquor to them.
The state bought the salt reservation in 1788, and soon afterward the manufacture of salt was begun by the whites.
In January 1840 there may have been 2000 whites in New Zealand.
In 1901 the whites numbered 773, 000; and between that year and the census computation in April 1906 the increase, 115,859, was the largest yet recorded in any quinquennium.
The area now occupied and utilized by whites is about 38,000,000 acres.
The proportion of whites qualified by age and residence who were actually drawing pensions was rather less than one-third (it had been 9% more in 1902).
Since the advent of the whites there has also been a considerable immigration of Zulus.
Between 1880 and 1904 the proportion of whites dropped from 45.70% to 36.84%.
Among whites for every ioo unmarried men there were 6 5.33 unmarried women; there were 93.04 married women for every ioo married men, and 173.81 widows for every ioo widowers.
Divided by races 8.19% of the whites were engaged in professional work and only 0.26% of the coloured classes.
The Roman Catholics number 2 30% of the whites, the head of their church in the province being a vicar apostolic. At the head of the Anglican community, which is in full communion with the Church of England, is the bishop of Bloemfontein, whose diocese, founded in 1863, includes not only the Orange Free State, but Basutoland, Griqualand West and British Bechuanaland.
The African Methodist Episcopal (Ethiopian) Church had 4110 members, of whom only two were whites.
At the census of 1904, 3 2.57% of the total population could read and write; of the whites over fifteen years old 82.63% could read and write.
The British Resident had, however, no force sufficient to maintain his authority, and Moshesh and all the neighbouring clans became involved in hostilities with one another and with the whites.
At that time there were some 15,000 whites in the country, many of them recent emigrants from Cape Colony.
The majority of the whites still wished for the continuance of British rule provided that it was effective and the country guarded against its enemies.
Since that time the whites have steadily encroached on the reservations.
Of the male population, aged io years or more, only 3206 (2968 foreign-born whites; 194 native-born whites) were illiterate in 1900.
Of these municipalities Wyandotte, the oldest, was originally settled by the Wyandotte Indians in 1843; it was platted and settled by whites in 1857; and was incorporated as a town in 1858, and as a city in 1859.
Pop. (1904) 9378, of whom 2780 were whites.
The well-to-do whites of Cartagena usually have country houses on the Turbaco hills, where the temperature is much lower than on the coast.
The whites are congregated in or near the chief towns, which include the capital, San Jose (pop. 1904 about 24,500), the four provincial capitals of Alajuela (4860), Cartago (4536), Heredia (7151) and Liberia or Guanacaste (2831), with the seaports of Puntarenas (3569), on the Pacific, and Limon (3171) on the Atlantic. These, with the exception of Heredia and Liberia, are described in separate articles.
The state maintains for the whites two State Normal Schools, which were established in 1906 - one, for the eastern district, at Richmond, and the other, for the western district, at Bowling Green.
There was the same political rivalry between the slave-holding farmers of the Blue Grass Region and the " poor whites " of the mountain districts that there was in Virginia between the tide-water planters and the mountaineers.
A tract along the Tunxus (now Farmington) river, called Massacoe or Saco by the Indians, was ceded to whites in 1648, and there were settlers here from Windsor as early as 1664.
Pop. (1904), 7573, of whom 2 497 were whites.
The population of the islands includes about 200 whites of various races and the same number of natives (chiefly Maoris).
According to the census of 1900 the population of Mexico numbered 13,607,259, of which less than one-fifth (19%) were classed as whites, 38% as Indians, and 43% as mixed bloods.
According to Humboldt, the census of 1810 gave a total population of 6,122,354, of which the whites had 18%, the mestizos 22% and the Indians 60%.
The census of 1895 increased the whites to 22%, which was apparently an error, the mixed bloods to 47%, and reduced the Indians to 31%.
The Jesuits established themselves in 1572, devoting themselves actively to the education both of whites and of natives, and were a powerful factor in the exploring and civilizing of the northern districts.
Their numbers were several times seriously reduced by the matlazhuatl, apparently analogous to yellow fever, but not attacking the whites, and unknown before the conquest.
They had done much to civilize the natives and to educate the whites, and their expulsion, which was greatly resented by the Creoles, probably tended to increase the popular discontent and prepare for the overthrow of Spanish rule.
The plan was devised as a means of rivalling Anglo-Saxon supremacy, but was rejected through fear of the mixed races predominating over the whites.
Pop. (1904) 84,210, of whom 92 76 were whites.
The increasing dryness of the land is partly, perhaps largely, attributable to the cutting down of timber trees both by natives and by whites, and to the custom of annually burning the grass, which is destructive to young wood.
The Martha's Vineyard Indians were subject to the Wampanoag tribe, on the mainland, were expert watermen, and were very numerous when the whites first came.
About half the births among the Indians and onethird among the whites are illegitimate.
In I850 the foreignborn whites (2,244,602 in number) were about two-thirds of the colored element and one-eighth of the native-white element; in 1870 the foreign-born whites (5,567,229) and the native whites of foreign parentage (5,324,786) each exceeded the colored.
For the exact determination of the last element the census affords no precise data, but affords material for various approximations, based either upon the elimination of the probable progeny of immigrants since 1790; on the known increase of the whites of the South, where the foreign element has always been relatively insignificant; on the percentage of natives having native grandfathers in Massachusetts in 1905; or upon the assumed continuance through the 19th century of the rate of native growth (one-third decennially) known to have prevailed down at least to 1820.
The Southern states, on the other hand, have shown a diminishing relative foreign element since 1870, and had in 1900 only 79 of foreign parentage in 1000 whites.
The United States had a larger proportion (59.1%) within the productive age limits of 15 and 60 years than most European countries; this being due to the immigration of foreign adults (corresponding figure 80.3%), the productive group among the native whites (55.8%) being smaller than in every country of Europe.
On the other hand, elaborate colonial censuses for New York in 1703 and 1812 show Whites under 16 Years per boo Sections of the of Total Population.
The advantage of the last as compared with native whites of native parentage is apparently owing to the lesser concentration of these in cities.
The first metal other than iron mined by whites within the territory of the United States was lead, the discovery of which on the American continent was recorded in 1621.
The first mining excitement of the United States dates back to the discovery of gold by the whites in the Southern states, along the eastern border of the Appalachian range, in Virginia, and in North and South Carolina.
The Onondaga salt deposits were mentioned in the journal of the French Jesuit Lemoyne as early as 1653, and before the War of Independence the Indians marketed Onondaga salt at Albany and Quebec. In 1788 the state undertook, by treaty with the Onondaga Indians, to care for the salt springs and manage them for the benefit of both the whites and the Indians.
Three Indian villages bore the name Chillicothe, each being in turn the chief town of the Chillicothe, one of the four tribal divisions of the Shawnee, in their retreat before the whites; the village near what is now Oldtown in Greene county was destro y ed by George Rogers Clark in 1780; that in Miami county, where Piqua is now, was destroyed by Clark in 1782; and the Indian village near the present Chillicothe was destroyed in 1787 by Kentuckians.
With him were executed several Indian chiefs who had been concerned in a massacre of whites.
This was accompanied by an extensive employment of slave labour, and from 1820 until 1860 the rate of increase of the blacks was greater than that of the whites.
But the attempt to teach whites and blacks in the same schools, and the corruption in the administration of funds, made the results unsatisfactory.
The constitution of 1875 abolished the one-fifth revenue provision, made the support of the schools, except that derived from the land grant of 1819, and poll taxes, depend upon the appropriation of the legislature, and established separate schools for whites and blacks.
The Chickasaw and Choctaw Indians, however, remained the faithful allies of the whites, and volunteers from Georgia, South Carolina and Tennessee, and later United States troops, marched to the rescue of the threatened settlements.
The whites of Alabama therefore stayed away from the polls, and, after five days of voting, the constitution wanted 13,550 to secure a majority.
Since 1874 the Democratic party has had constant control of the state administration, the Republicans failing to make nominations for office in 1878 and 1880 and endorsing the ticket ' The enrolment was 104,518 blacks and 61,295 whites.
Of the total population, 10 years of age and over, 30.5% were illiterates in 1 9 00 -49'9% were illiterates in 1880 - and as regards the whites of native birth alone, Georgia ranked ninth in illiteracy, in 1900, among the states and territories of the Union.
In Congress he proved to be a tireless advocate of the claims of the poorer whites and an opponent of the aristocracy.
Adjoining it is the Forest Lawn cemetery, in which are monuments to President Millard Fillmore, and to the famous Seneca chief Red Jacket (1751-1830), a friend of the whites, who was faithful when approached by Tecumseh and the Prophet, and warned the Americans of their danger; by many he has been considered the greatest orator of his race.
Of the native-born whites, 155,716 had either one or both parents foreign-born; and of the total population 93,256 were of unmixed German parentage.
In those southern states in which the coloured vote was large, and still more in those in which it was the majority, it was felt among the whites that intimidation or ballot-box stuffing was justified by the necessity of white supremacy.
The Japanese and Koreans, and in less measure the Chinese, act as domestic servants, work under white contractors on irrigating ditches and reservoirs, do most of the plantation labour and compete successfully with whites and native islanders in all save skilled urban occupations, such as printing and the manufacture of machinery.
Pop. (1904), 7191, of whom 3708 were whites.
To diversify properly and mingle well together the reds, whites, purples, yellows and blues, with all their intervening shades, requires considerable taste and powers of combination; and ascertained failures may be rectified at the proper time the next season.
He also advocated the Freedmen's Bureau bills and the Tenure of Office Act, and went beyond Congress in favouring the confiscation of the property of the Confederate States and "of the real estate of 70,000 rebels who own above 200 acres each, together with the lands of their several states," for the benefit of the freedmen and loyal whites and to reimburse, it was said, the sufferers from Lee's invasion of Pennsylvania, during which Stevens's own ironworks at Chambersburg had been destroyed.
Truck-gardening is an important industry of the township. In the Pequot Swamp within the present Fairfield a force of Pequot Indians was badly defeated in 1637 by some whites, among whom was Roger Ludlow, who, attracted by the country, founded the settlement in 1639 and gave it its present name in 1645.
Pop. (1904) 1 954, of whom 1021 were whites.
Consequently, I go for admitting all whites to the right of suffrage, who pay taxes or bear arms (by no means excluding females)" - a sentiment frequently quoted to prove Lincoln a believer in woman's suffrage.
The Large Whites may have in the skin a few blue spots which grow white hair.
The Middle Whites are built on a smaller scale than the Large Whites.
The above three breeds were designated Yorkshire Whites, and are still so named at times.
At Vermont Station, in a 127 days' test, Chester Whites made an average gain of 1.36 lb and dressed 84.5% carcase, and they can gain fully 1 lb of live weight for 3 lb of grain consumed.
Estimated population (1908) 3,500,000, of whom 1128 were whites.
Pop. of the municipality (1904) 29,477, of whom 9123 were whites.
Pop. (1904), 5085 - of whom 2343 were whites.
Scalping was sometimes adopted by the whites in their wars with the Redskins, and bounties have been offered for scalps several times in American history.
At the 191 1 census the inhabitants numbered 2,564,965, of whom 582,377 were whites and 1,982,588 coloured, an increase since 1904 of 8.33% in the coloured pop. but of only 0.45% in the white.
Among whites, females exceeded males by 43,623; among the coloured people by 63,782.
In 1918 a census of whites only was taken.
On the other hand mestizos who live among the whites and form new alliances with them eventually class themselves as whites wherever their social condition has been improved.
The whites form an exclusive governing caste, as in Chile.
In the trading between whites and Indians, wampum so completely took the place of ordinary coin that its value was fixed by legal enactment, three to a penny and five shillings a fathom.
There was no restriction on the manufacture of wampum, and it was made by the whites as well as the Indians.
Pop. (1904), 31,119, of whom 15,087 were whites, 10,752 Kaffirs, and 5280 Indians.
The population is approximately 450,000, of which, exclusive of soldiers, not more than 3000 are whites.
But meanwhile, a convention of delegates chosen mainly at polls opened at the army posts, assembled in January 1864, abolished slavery, repudiated secession and the secession war debt, and revised in minor details the constitution of 1836, restricting the suffrage to whites.
A registration of voters, predominantly whites, was at once carried through, and delegates were chosen for another constitutional convention, which met at Little Rock in January 1868.
In 1873 the article of the constitution which had disfranchised the whites was repealed, and the Democrats thus regained power.
The union of whites with persons of African descent is forbidden.
Some 3% of the total population could not speak English; Chinese and Japanese constituting almost half of the number, foreign-born whites somewhat less, and Indians and native-born whites of foreign parentage together less than a tenth of the total.
The Indians saw with alarm the movement of so many whites through their hunting grounds and became increasingly unfriendly.
Before 1622 there was a population of more than 4000 in Virginia, and the many tribes of Indians who were still the proprietors of the soil over a greater portion of the country naturally became jealous, and on the 22nd of March of that year fell upon the whites and slew 350 persons.
These poorer people - who were not, however, "poor whites" - developed an abiding hostility towards the oligarchy.
The great majority of whites were small farmers whose condition was anything but desirable and who constantly encroached upon the Indian lands in the Rappahannock region or penetrated the forests south of the James, several thousand having reached North Carolina.
Schofield was put in charge, and under his authority a constitutional Convention was summoned which bestowed the suffrage upon the former slaves, who, led by a small group of whites, who had come into the state with the invading armies, ratified the 14th and 15th amendments to the Federal Constitution and governed the community until 1869.
Pop. (1904), 4276 of whom 2203 were whites.
Yet people of all colours find it very healthy, and the whites are very prolific. I resided in the town itself nine months, and in the neighbourhood seven months more.
White men, who take proper precautions, and are not chronically soaked with cane-spirit, stand the climate perfectly, but the creole whites are still too much caballeros to devote themselves to agricultural work.
At the time of the settlement by the whites the aboriginal inhabitants of the Four-Lakes region were the Winnebago.
Although Chileans claim a comparatively small admixture with the native races, it is estimated that the whites and creoles of white extraction do not exceed 30 to 40% of the population, while the mestizos form fully 60%.
The semi-independent Araucanians, whose territory is slowly being occupied by the whites, are concentrated in the eastern forests of Bio-Bio, Malleco and Cautin, all that remains to them of the Araucania which they so bravely and successfully defended for more than three centuries.
Only a very small percentage of the population which numbered 805,687 in 1890, and 849,127 in 1900, is of pure European origin, the great majority being of the coloured races and their mixtures with the whites.
Their descendants, the Atherstones, Bowkers, Barbers, Woods, Whites, Turveys, and a number of other well-known frontier families, are to-day the backbone of the eastern district of the Cape, and furnish the largest portion of the progressive element in that province.
These treaty states, as they were called, were intended to serve Treat States double purpose; they would be a barrier protecting the colony from the inroads of hostile tribes, and they would enable native civilized nations to grow up (under the tutelage of the missionaries) strong enough to protect themselves from the encroachments of the whites.
Sir Benjamin's policy - which had the cordial approval both of the Dutch and the British colonists - was one of close settlement by whites in certain districts and military control of the Kaffirs in other regions, and it would have done much to ensure peace.
The colonists had lost their slaves, the eastern frontier was in a state of insecurity, native interests appeared to be preferred to those of the whites.
They had also rapidly multiplied, so that by 1 9 04 they were more numerous than the whites in the colony.
The percentage of whites therefore does not increase as in Argentina and Brazil, and cannot until means are found to promote European immigration.
The mestizos (486,018) are less numerous than the Indians, but outnumber the whites by more than two to one.
Of the total farm acreage of the state 97.6% were held in 1900 by the whites; and of these 80 2% owned in whole or in part the land they cultivated.
Arizona north of the Gila, save for a very limited and intermittent missionary effort and for scant exploring expeditions, was practically unknown to the, whites until well after the beginning of American rule.
As illustrative of agricultural conditions the contrast of the products of farms operated by Indians, Chinese and whites is of considerable interest, the value of products (not fed to live-stock) per acre of the 563 Indian farms being in 1899 $1.40, that of the 16,876 white farms $4.67, and that of the 23 Chinese farms intensively cultivated and devoted to market vegetables $69.83.
Before it was settled by the whites the area now included in Michigan was a forest, except in the south-west, where there were a few small prairies, possibly cleared by the Indians.
The Indian cessions of 1809, along the Wabash river, aroused the hostility of Tecumseh (q.v.) and his brother, familiarly known as " The Prophet," who were attempting to combine the tribes between the Ohio and the Great Lakes in opposition to the encroachment of the whites.
The population within the municipal area was at the 1904 census 3 2, 959; that within the district of Port Elizabeth 46,626, of whom 23,782 were whites.
His father Petracco held a post of notary in the Florentine Rolls Court of the Riformagioni; but, having espoused the same cause as Dante during the quarrels of the Blacks and Whites, Petracco was expelled from Florence by that decree of the 27th of January 1302 which condemned Dante to lifelong exile.
Pop. (1904) 67,842, of whom 31,302 were whites, 15,631 Asiatics (chiefly British Indians), 18,929 natives and 1980 of mixed race.
The population of Unalaska Island in 1900 was 575 Aleuts and 66 whites.
Of the foreign-born whites 15.7% were unable to speak English.
The Australian black-fellow or the forest Indian of Brazil, who may be taken as examples of the lowest modern savage, had, before contact with whites, attained to rudimentary stages in many of the characteristic functions of civilized life.
The religion of the Tasmanians, when cleared from ideas apparently learnt from the whites, was a simple form of animism based on the shadow (warrawa) being the soul or spirit.
Accordingly, on the 17th of February 1754, a detachment of about 40 soldiers, under the command of Captain William Trent, 2 reached " The Point," and began to build a fortification (under the auspices of the Ohio Company), which it seems to have been the intention to call Fort Trent, and which was the beginning of the permanent settlement here by whites.
To the Indians he preached through an interpreter, and their interests he boldly and successfully defended by attacking the whites 1 Edwards recognized the abuse of impulses and impressions, opposed itinerant and lay preachers, and defended a well-ordered and well-educated clergy.
Pop. of the municipality (1904) 14, 757, of whom 4 1 75 were whites.
Blacks and whites are segregated in all schools.
Near the Cordilleras and along some of the larger rivers there are a few small settlements of whites and mestizos, but their aggregate number is small and their economic value to the republic is inconsiderable.
The native whites form the governing class, and enjoy most of the powers and privileges of political office.
The mestizos, like the whites and Indians, chiefly inhabit the more elevated regions of the interior.
The whites of Spanish descent object to manual labour, and this places all such occupations in the hands of the coloured races.
There are no social barriers in their intercourse with the whites, nor race barriers against those who have political aspirations.
Writing and reciting poetry are universal, and fill as important a place in social life as instrumental music. In Colombia, as elsewhere, much attention has been given to belles-lettres among the whites of Spanish descent, but as yet the republic has practically nothing of a permanent character to show for it.
English is the language of the towns; elsewhere, except in the eastern provinces, the taal or vernacular Dutch is the tongue of the majority of the whites, as it is of the natives in the western provinces.
The proportion of Dutch descended whites to those of British origin is about 3 to 2.
No exact comparison can be made showing the increase in the native population owing to the varying areas of the colony, but the natives have multiplied more rapidly than the whites; the increase in the numbers of the last-named being due, in considerable measure, to immigration.
The whites who form about 25 of the total population are in the proportion of 4 to 6 in the colony proper.
In 1904 whites engaged in such pursuits numbered respectively only 32,202, 46,750 and 67,278, whereas 99,319 were engaged in domestic employment, and 111,175 in agricultural employment, while 214,982 (mostly children) were dependants.
The birth-rate among the coloured inhabitants is about the same as with the whites, but the death-rate is higher-about 2 5 oo per thousand.
The schools are divided into public undenominational elementary schools; day schools and industrial institutions for the natives; mission schools to which government aid for secular instruction is granted; private farm schools, district boarding schools, training schools for teachers, industrial schools for poor whites, &c. In 1905 2930 primary schools of various classes were open.
An ordinance passed in 1827, abolishing the old Dutch courts of landroost and heemraden (resident magistrates being substituted) and decreeing that henceforth all legal proceedings should be conducted in English; the granting in 1828, as a result of the representations of the missionaries, of equal rights with whites to the Hottentots and other free coloured people; the imposition (1830) of heavy penalties for harsh treatment of slaves, and finally the emancipation of the slaves in 1834,3 - all these things increased the dislike of the farmers to the government.
Certainly some of the principal chiefs regarded all that was done simply as the preparation for a last struggle with the whites, their plan being to throw the whole Amaxosa nation fully armed and in a famishing condition upon the colony.
In 1895 he founded for the education of the "mountain whites" the Lincoln Memorial University at Cumberland Gap, Tenn.
Friction between the settlers and the Indians could not long be avoided, and in 1827 Red Bird and his band of Winnebago attacked the whites, but after some bloodshed they were defeated by Major William Whistler (1780-1863) of Fort Howard.
An Indian village occupied the site of Red Wing probably for many years before the arrival of the first whites, two Swiss missionaries, Samuel Denton and Daniel Gavin, who maintained a mission here in 18374 6.
Most of the whites are of British origin, and English is the common language of all, including the Dutch.
To this power or to the Kirghiz the "Whites" and "Blacks" alternately appealed in their struggles, in which Yarkand supported the latter and Kashgar the former.
In addition to U.S. government buildings (marine hospital and barracks, agricultural experiment station, wireless telegraph station and magnetic observatory), there are two public schools (one for whites and one for Thlinkets), the Sheldon Jackson (ethnological) Museum, which is connected with the Presbyterian Industrial Training School, a parochial school of the Orthodox Greek (Russian) Church, a Russian-Greek Church, built in 1816, and St Peter's-by-the-Sea, a Protestant Episcopal mission, built in 1899.
Pop. (1904) 3862, of whom 2334 were whites.
It is divided into the fiscal districts of Barkly West, Hay and Herbert, with a total pop. (1904) of 48,388, of whom 12,170 are whites (see Griqijaland).
Much land as late as 1900 was held in common by Indian tribes, but has since been allotted to the members of those tribes and most of it is leased to whites.
By the treaties with the five southern tribes they were to be permitted to make their own laws so long as they preserved their tribal relations, but since the Civil War many whites had mingled with these Indians, gained control for their own selfish ends of such government as there was, and made the country a refuge for fugitives from justice.
There were some 30,000 whites, mostly Portuguese.
Loanda (Sao Paolo de Loanda), the capital, had 18,000 inhabitants, of whom a third were whites.
They are cannibals, and many murders of whites have taken place.
Finally, in 1871, a "constitutional government" was formed by certain Englishmen under King Thakombau; but this, after incurring heavy debt, and promoting the welfare of neither whites nor natives, came after three years to a deadlock, and the British government felt obliged, in the interest of all parties, to accept the unconditional cession now offered (1874).
There were, in 1900, 552,436 native whites; 5,5 28 persons of foreign birth, 121 Indians and 67 Chinese.
Pop. (1904) 2287, of whom 1344 were whites.
Among the Indians who occupied Nebraska immediately before the advent of the whites and thereafter, the only families of much importance in the state's history were the Caddoan and the Siouan.
Before the Civil War there were no very general troubles between Indians and whites, despite constant frontier difficulties, except the bloodless " Pawnee War " of 1859-60; but in 186364 the Indians rose rather generally along the frontier, and many settlers were killed.
This creative act bore evident traces of the proslavery sentiments of the Congress that passed it in the limitation of the suffrage to whites, and the explicit application of the national fugitive-slave laws for the last time in a federal statute.
As the expenses of Territorial government were partly borne by the United States, statehood was voted against in 1860, and again (virtually) in 1864 after Congress had passed an Enabling Act; but in 1866 a constitution framed by the legislature was declared carried by the people by a majority of loo votes in 7776, and Nebraska was admitted as a state (in spite of President Johnson's veto) in 1867, after her legislature had accepted a fundamental condition imposed by Congress removing the limitation of the suffrage to whites by the new constitution.
Of this population 98.2% were white, 26.2% were foreign born, and 31.1% of the native whites were of foreign parentage.
About noon on the 22nd they were scattered by a small force of whites, hastily gathered.
It was large, decorated in whites and blues with an open door that led onto a balcony, obscured by a billowing white curtain.
Hispanic whites African left the business providers would alliance health illinois insurance be office visit even.
By contrast Large Whites flutter and wander in a seemingly aimless fashion, tossed by the breeze.
Whisk the egg whites in a clean bowl with clean dry beaters until they form peaks and are stiff.
Small Whites and Common Blues were common on the Adur levels on a day too breezy for the downs, and cloudy.
In 1993, they won a by-election in the London boro of Tower Hamlets with their ' rights for whites ' campaign.
In the Ukraine the Whites were crippled from the start by their Great Russian chauvinism.
We had to wear our number 6 uniform (whites) as we couldn't wear civvies ashore back then.
Always wash colored items separately to whites, otherwise, even if the color does not run, the light articles will look dingy.
People with Sickle Cell Anemia often have mild jaundice which can make the whites of their eyes look yellowish.
You may want to use the egg whites to make a meringue separately.
Member brokers of designation requires an look for broker Florida mortgage Orlando the whites for the.
You are n't overextending your employees First General Services Canada behind whites in.
All the tennis players wear whites except for one of the two women playing who has long plaits.
Whites of Abingdon I visited Henley last Monday and Whites are now predominant on the local services.
Protein needed per diabetes Houston insurance renters texas needs to of whites within the similar.
Wood Whites visit a wide range of nectar sources including greater stitchwort, wood forget-me-not, birdsfoot trefoil, bitter vetch and bugle.
Black liberation theologians argue that their people have suffered oppression at the hands of racist whites.
The chef stood outside in his whites, warming himself in the sun, and the aroma of wood smoke wafted from the kitchen.
In a large bowl, whisk the egg whites into stiff peaks.
The denial of low-educated married women to add to non-hispanic whites are.
From Siren - USA To separate egg yolks from whites.
Separate egg whites into large bowl and yolks into small bowl.
That part of Virginia beyond the Alleghany mountains was a favourite haunt of the Indians before the first coming of the whites, and there are many Indian mounds, indicative of an early and high cultural development, within the present limits of the state, and especially in the neighbourhood of Moundsville (q.v.).
Of Japanese there were 3500, of Hindu and Sinhalese 4600, according to recent computation, but the policy of the Commonwealth is adverse to further immigration of other than whites.
When at last they were driven to the Strait they would drift over on rafts or in clumsy shallops; being thereafter left in peace to concentrate their race, then possibly only in an approximately pure state, in the island to which the Dravidians would not take the trouble to follow them, and where they would have centuries in which once more to fix their racial type and emphasize over again those differences, perhaps temporarily marred by crossing, which were found to exist on the arrival of the Whites.
Some of the smaller islands are also thickly populated, so that the total population ' is about 39,000, whites numbering about 500.
In that year there were in French St Domingo 480,000 blacks, 24,000 mulattoes and only 30,000 whites.
In 12 9 5 a signory favourable to the grandi enacted a law attenuating the Ordinamenti, but now the grandi split into two factions, one headed by the Donati, which hoped to The abolish the Ordinamenti, and the other by the Cerchi, which had given up all hope of their abolition; after wards these parties came to be called Neri (Blacks) and Bianchi (Whites).
The administration of justice by the bureau agents amounted simply to a ceaseless persecution of the whites who had dealings with the blacks, and bloody conflicts sometimes resulted.
The breadth of the Indian face is one centimetre more than that of the whites, and the half-breeds are nearer the Indian standard; this last is true also of colour in the skin, eyes and hair.
Spurious material includes all that mass of objects made by whites and sold as of Indian manufacture; some of it follows native models and methods; the rest is fraudulent and pernicious.
At the time the matter attracted little attention, but the Asiatic inhabitants speedily increased, and forty years later they outnumbered the whites (see Natal).
He distinguishes four principal types of mankind, the Australioid, Negroid, Mongoloid and Xanthochroic (" fair whites "), adding a fifth variety, the Melanochroic (" dark whites ").
The various farm animals introduced by the whites have thriven well (see below, Agriculture).
Many people alive today were adults when signs that said "Whites Only" were common.
Protein needed per diabetes houston insurance renters texas needs to of whites within the similar.
A victory for the Whites led to a republican constitution in July 1919.
Mix the egg yolks with the spinach mixture then gradually fold in the egg whites.
In would go the ' whites ', bed-linen, tablecloths etc. for a good old boil.
The town was famed for a type of cloth called Coggeshall Whites and later Coggeshall tambour lace.
Each liter tetra pack contains the equivalent of 33 egg whites, still the same price as buying free range eggs in the supermarket.
Beat egg whites with a pinch of salt until stiff, then add to mixture.
Signs include a darkening of the urine and jaundice (yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes).
Beat the egg yolks then add to the whites.
Your pediatrician may recommend staying away from certain foods such as egg whites, peanuts and other tree nuts, as well as citrus fruits and honey until after your baby's first birthday.
Although baby may be irritable as he begins the teething process, you and he will be proud of those first pearly whites.
There is just something exciting about discovering those first pearly whites peeking through your little one's gums.
Mix cake mix with water, vegetable oil and egg whites.
Whites and blacks are the best bet for a formal and chic look.
No wonder the state is known for its whites.
They are more energy efficient as well as offering you whiter whites than the LCD variety.
Sours are traditional lowball mixed drinks made with a base spirit, citrus base, sweetener and sometimes egg whites.
If any black cohosh side effects are suspected, and if you notice your eye whites or skin looking yellow after taking black cohosh, see a physician immediately.
While side effects such as stomach upset will go away on their own, yellowed skin or eye whites accompanied by nausea can mean jaundice and liver problems, and that requires immediate medical attention.
Find items that are made of metal, like a small metal statue or items that have the whites and pastels in their color design.
Cool colors are blues, grays, greens and whites.
A French Country design uses pale yellows, soft whites, faded greens and purples, lilacs and roses as popular motifs as well as color choices.
Sky and ocean blues blues, browns, driftwood grays, and even sunny yellows or creamy whites are great options.
The Modern Light Collection is full of soft, watery colors including blues, lavenders, taupes, and whites.
The White Wash Collection has 60 different shades of white ranging from cool whites with blue undertones to warm whites with pink and brown undertones.
Go for one of the brighter whites for some coolness or warm up with your room with the softer tones.
Tightline with a dark color on the bottom to make the whites of your eyes look brighter, or use a white or flesh-toned color to make your eyes look bigger and more alert.
Yellowing is gradual and dependent on your lifestyle, but certainly Crest Whites Strips whitening effects lasted for a year on my teeth.
The gothic scene is also crazy about shimmering eye shadows, which is where purples, dark blues, greens, and whites often come into play.
Launched in 2005, the fragrance immediately stole hearts with its soft, pleasant blend of mandarin, bergamot, rosewood, apple martini, lavender, patchouli, paper whites, cedar, orchid, white amber, woods and musk.
Get your pearly whites back in action with the below tips from Joanna.
This commonplace procedure instantly brings new life to your pearly whites!
I then proceed to line the bottom lashes, including my lower inner rim (the part closest to the whites of the eyes), and I also line my inner tear ducts (the part of the eye closest to the nose).
First, use a white liner to extend the whites of your eyes and give yourself a wide-eyed look.
Use a white pencil on the waterline to extend the whites of your eyes for a fresh, wide-eyed look.
It can also make the whites of your eyes look whiter, and your eye color appear more intense, and -- because there's so much room for variation, anyone can wear it.
Rimming the bottom water line with black is a great way to add intensity and make the whites of your eyes look whiter.
Navy and plum also do a fantastic job of adding that contrast between the dark makeup and whites of the eyes.
Ego opens up the eyes, gives a refreshed, "wide awake" and well-rested appearance, and makes the whites of the eyes appear whiter.
To brighten blue eyes and make the whites appear whiter, you can apply white eye liner on the inner rims of the eyes.
Navy blue liner is perfect for brown or hazel eyes, and makes the whites of the eyes appear whiter, especially when used on the inner rim of the lower lash line.
For a fresh pop of color on the eyes, blue is actually flattering on most eye colors and makes the whites of your eyes look whiter.
Agencies look for candidates who have a beautiful smile, so make sure you show your pearly whites every time you meet someone.
The product contains real egg whites and yellow food coloring to resemble beaten egg yolks.
Some products contain egg whites, so it is important to read labels.
Organic Horizon 100% Egg Whites - while totally organic this product is also 100 percent real egg.
Egg Beaters - is made from 99 percent egg whites, along with natural flavor, color and other spices.