White-sugar Sentence Examples
When the massecuite, well pugged and prepared for purging, is in the centrifugals, it is first washed with syrup of low density, to assist the separation of mother-liquor of similar quality, this washing being supplemented by the injection of pure syrup of high density, or " clairce," when very white sugar is required.
I* - This machine is adapted for weighing out granulated white sugar in parcels of I-lb, 2-lb and 4-lb weight.
Brown sugar Brown sugar is made by adding molasses to white sugar.
Further down the thickly wooded road, a dazzling white sugar cube emerges.
Kalkan was once a Greek enclave and retains its white sugar cube houses.
Decreasing white sugar and flour also helps the body heal itself.
They are often overweight because their diets consist of white foods - white milk, white sugar and white flour.
In addition, refined white sugar supplies empty calories and is a non-nutritious food item.
When given a choice, select whole grains instead of white flour and white sugar products.
These foods use a mass amount of processed white sugar in order them taste good.
AdvertisementLemon juice has long been prized by bathing beauties for its ability to lighten the hair when sunbathing, and lemon juice mixed with white sugar to make a paste is an ancient formula for bleaching skin.