White-man Sentence Examples
The first white man known to have visited the site was Father Hennepin in 1680; later in the same year the trader Du Lhut (or Duluth) was here.
It is an attempt to show that the white man can flourish only in the temperate zones, that the yellow and black races must increase out of all proportion to the white, and must in time crush out his civilization.
In 1884 New Guinea was absolutely wild, not a single white man living on what is now the German part.
He was the third white man to descend, and the second to descend successfully, the Lachine Rapids.
Thousands of these lakes have been mapped more or less carefully, and every new survey brings to light small lakes hitherto unknown to the white man.
These people showed, to their own ruin, a reckless liking for the brandy of the white man.
Joseph Thomson, in his journey through the Masai country in 1883, was the first white man to see the lake and to correct the exaggerated notions as to its size.
The first white man to visit the site of Menasha was probably Jean Nicolet, who seems to have come in the winter of1634-1635and to have found here villages of Fox and Winnebago Indians.
The first white man known to have set foot in what is now Ontario was Champlain.
This exclusion of the European land speculator and denial of the right to buy and sell land and of freehold tenure was held by all the authorities to be essential for the moral and material welfare of the inhabitants of a land where the duty of the white man is mainly that of administration and his material advantages lie in trade.
AdvertisementThey had irrigated farms and dwelt in six-storey communal houses long before the advent of the white man.
But if this great difference has been brought about in the red man, might not the same have happened to the white man?
Plainly it might, time being given; for one cannot doubt that the inherent adaptability is the same in both, or (if not) that the white man possesses it in a higher degree.
The little that is known concerning the doings of the natives before the appearance of the white man belongs to the domain of ethnology rather than of history.
The name of the city is of Indian origin, meaning "a place of meeting," the site in the days before the coming of the white man being an established rendezvous among the neighbouring Indian tribes.
AdvertisementThe capacity of the cranium is estimated in cubic measure by filling it with sand, &c., with the general result that the civilized white man is found to have a larger brain than the barbarian or savage.
When Mr Hovey visited this cave in 1855 he found many extinct torches, charcoal embers, poles and pounders, as well as numerous footprints, in the soft nitreous earth of certain avenues, which were left by exploring parties previous to the coming of the white man.
They have maintained their stock untainted, and have withstood the influence of the white man to a remarkable degree (for example, they use no spirituous or fermented drink), though they have suffered a serious decrease in numbers at his hands.
With the aid and in the company of two English sportsmen, William C. Oswell and Mungo Murray, he was able to undertake a journey to Lake Ngami, which had never yet been seen by a white man.
The father, Mhlakza, went to see the men, who told him that they were spirits of the dead, who had come, if their behests were obeyed, to aid the Kaffirs with their invincible power to drive the white man from the land.
AdvertisementIn 1778 Jonathan Carver published in London Travels throughout the Interior Parts of North America, in which, following the example of the Spaniards, he asserted that there was a great river on the western coast, although, so far as is known, no white man had then ever seen such a stream.
Mrs Langloh Parker, of course, was not initiated (indeed, no white man has gone through the actual and very painful rites), but confidences were made to her with great secrecy.
Before the advent of the white man Nebraska was full of wild mammals, the buffalo, elk, black and white tailed deer, antelope, bears, timber wolves, panthers (pumas), lynx, otter and mink being common.
The emir heartily repudiated the leader of the rising, who claimed to be a Mandi inspired to drive the white man out of the country.
Where juvenile delinquents white man to they became engraved such fund managers.
AdvertisementHe was a tall, rather reddish white man and he had a thick mustache.
But Black Hawk's war policy soon resulted in letting the white man in; for the war which he instigated was concluded in 1832 by a cession to the United States of nearly 9000 sq.
The first white man certainly known to have approached the region from the east was Alexander Mackenzie of the Northwest Fur Company, who reached the coast at about lat.
Kaldor is merely rehashing Kipling 's ' white man 's burden ' in a new guise.
In Othello, the idea of the treacherous Moor versus the noble white man is inverted, subverting the stereotype.
Afterward going westward from Lake Athabasca and through the Peace river, he reached the Pacific Ocean, being the first white man to cross the North American continent, north of Mexico.
Even in the time of slavery tobacco was generally a white-man's crop; for it requires intelligent labour and intensive care.
The completion in 1899 of a railway from Lagos helped not only to develop trade but to strengthen generally the influence of the white man.
In 1843, for instance, no fewer than 50,000 Zulus crossed the Tugela seeking the protection of the white man.
Polished rocks outside the cavern and pictographs in the vicinity indicate the work of a prehistoric race earlier than the Osage Indians, who were the historic owners previous to the advent of the white man.