Whirring Sentence Examples
The only sound came from the police helicopters ' whirring blades.
The lights went out, and she blinked, looking up at the sound of whirring.
Don't be left behind in the whirring world of roller skate shoes.
Like other skippers it has a fast whirring flight, which often ends up with a return to its original resting place.
The PC is now gently whirring beneath the desk, with the graphics card tightly wrapped in a hot metal sandwich !
My brain was still whirring from the previous evenings 3 hour meeting at work - aargh indeed!
The PC is now gently whirring beneath the desk, with the graphics card tightly wrapped in a hot metal sandwich!
Octobriana giggles and sashays over to them, ears whirring, confident she can cool the situation.
The car would then speed along the floor making a whirring noise.
Occasionally 1 or 2 birds would fly off on loudly whirring wings like a tiny, motor-driven toy.
AdvertisementFor example, a jagged shape suggests the sound of glass breaking, a spiral shape suggests an equivalent whirring sound.
Customers were offered huge banknotes to decorate and free use of a whirring ATM Dream Machine, which issued music and balloons.
The only spinning that I want to see are rows of small turbines attached to people 's houses, quietly whirring away.
My brain was still whirring from the previous evenings 3 hour meeting at work - aargh indeed !
Lovely the swift Sparrows that brought you over black earth A whirring of wings through mid-air Down the sky.
AdvertisementA whirring of engines, click, clock, clitter clock, smote upon his ears.
There was complete silence, except for the whirring of police helicopters above the human white band.
A low humming or whirring noise typically emits from the machine as the mechanisms rotate.
When the MRI machine is scanning, the child hears loud clanging and whirring noises.
Thus, the Koreans go far beyond the Eskimo and number their demons by thousands of billions; they fill the chimney, the shed, the living-room, the kitchen, they are on every shelf and jar; in thousands they waylay the traveller as he leaves his home, beside him, behind him, dancing in front of him, whirring over his head, crying out upon him from air, earth and water.
AdvertisementThe other custom is the use of the turndun, as the Australians call a little fish-shaped piece of wood tied to a string, and waved so as to produce a loud booming and whirring noise and keep away the profane, especially women.
While there are those couples who do everything they can do make sure the press gets wind of their special day, there are those who would rather not exchange vows over the sounds of whirring helicopters and clicking cameras.
When you turn on your battery powered dog nail file, you will notice that it makes a whirring noise.
You can enjoy a television program without having to increase the volume to overcome the whirring sounds of a fan.
The consistent whirring can be distracting if you plan to use the diffuser for meditation or in quiet environments.
AdvertisementAnd at once, as a clock begins to strike and chime as soon as the minute hand has completed a full circle, this change was shown by an increased activity, whirring, and chiming in the higher spheres.
Whichever side you walk in the woods the partridge bursts away on whirring wings, jarring the snow from the dry leaves and twigs on high, which comes sifting down in the sunbeams like golden dust, for this brave bird is not to be scared by winter.