Whelks Sentence Examples
The surface x of the mantle between the rectum and the gill-plume is thrown into folds which in many sea-snails (whelks or Buccinidae, &c.) are very strongly developed.
When living near the coast foxes will, however, visit the shore at low water in search of crabs and whelks; and the old story of the fox and the grapes seems to be founded upon a partiality on the part of the creature for that fruit.
White wampum was made from the shell of whelks, either from the common whelk (Buccinum undatum), or from that of Pyrula canaliculata and Pyrula carica.
These pollutants have led to decreases in the populations of common whelks in the North Sea and cause DNA breakdown in some marine organisms.
Whelk stalls selling cooked whelk stalls selling cooked whelks used to be very common in the north of England.
One of the main predators are dog whelks which can be common on beaches with mussel beds.
When these hatch, the baby whelks feed on the unfertilised eggs.
Whelk stalls selling cooked whelks used to be very common in the north of England.