Wheel Sentence Examples
She gripped the steering wheel more tightly.
The water goes under the wheel to turn it.
He turned back to the wheel, chuckling.
The concentrated activity which had begun at the Emperor's headquarters in the morning and had started the whole movement that followed was like the first movement of the main wheel of a large tower clock.
She tightened her grip on the wheel, assuming he spoke to Damian.
She hung up the phone, gripped the steering wheel hard and drove.
She squeezed the steering wheel then reached into her coat pocket for her cell phone.
A huge, broad-shouldered gunner, Number One, holding a mop, his legs far apart, sprang to the wheel; while Number Two with a trembling hand placed a charge in the cannon's mouth.
Dean walked up to the open driver's side window, startling the man behind the wheel, mid-bite in his hamburger.
Then his front wheel twisted violently and he knew the tire had blown a second before he hit the sand at the shoulder and felt himself twisting and rolling in the grass and sharp rocks at the edge of the roadside.
AdvertisementWorm wheel gearing is of very high efficiency if made very quick in pitch, with properly formed teeth perfectly lubricated, and with the end thrust of the worm taken on ball bearings.
He shook his head and squeezed the steering wheel until one of his fingers popped.
In this case the chain is not coiled, but simply passes over the lifting wheel, the free end hanging loose.
The wheel is 12 ft.
She desperately fought the steering wheel for control, but the car weaved all over the road.
AdvertisementThe machine can be set to deliver a certain number of coins, after which the counting wheel stops automatically.
If the wheel has very little work to do it may not be necessary to apply driving power, and uniform rotation may be maintained by the electro-magnet.
In an experiment described by Rayleigh such a wheel provided with four armatures was used to determine the exact frequency of a driving fork known to have a frequency near 32.
Thus the wheel made about 8 revolutions per second.
A turn in the political wheel brought an abrupt change four years later, in 1894.
AdvertisementBiren thereupon forced Anne to order an inquiry into Voluinsky's past career, with the result that he was tried before a tribunal of Biren's creatures and condemned to be broken on the wheel and then beheaded.
To work with a wheel of any other figure, its section must be a rolling curve, subject to the condition that the perpendicular distance from the pole or centre of the wheel to a straight line parallel to the direction of the motion of the rack shall be constant.
It is required to find, first, how many pairs of teeth must pass the line of contact of the pitch-surfaces before I and T work together again (let this number be called a); and, secondly, with how many different teeth of the larger wheel the tooth t will work at different times (let this number be called b); thirdly, with how many different teeth of the smaller wheel the tooth T will work at different times (let this be called c)
Then the wheel makes 8 N + 1 revolutions in N clock beats, and the fork makes 32 N + 4 vibrations in the same time.
When a cart wheel is ungreased it produces a very high note, probably due to torsional vibrations of the axle.
AdvertisementThe next election in 1896 brought still another turn in the political wheel, the Republicans being once more brought into power under the leadership of President McKinley.
This appearance puzzled the older observers, who were led thereby to give the name" wheel-bearers "to the group, until the true character of ciliary motion was recognized; for a wheel cannot be i i organic continuity with the support on which it rotates..
The twelve constellations of the zodiac form an ingenious machine, a great wheel with buckets, which pour into the sun and moon, those shining ships that sail continually through space, the portions of light set free from the world.
Under his own name Watson.published several volumes of sermons, among them being The Upper Room (1895); The Mind of the Master (1896) and The Potter's Wheel (1897).
Most remarkable is its resemblance to the adult form of the Wheel animalcules, or Rotifera, which retain the prae-oral ciliated band as their chief organ of locomotion and prehension throughout life.
Before the introduction of machinery applicable to the spinning of silk waste, the refuse from cocoon reeling, and also from silk winding, which is now used in producing spun silk fabrics, hosiery, &c., was nearly all destroyed as being useless, with the exception of that which could be hand-combed and spun by means of the distaff and spinning wheel, a method which is still practised by some of the peasantry in India and other Eastern countries.
Having grown up within fortifications, where every foot of ground was precious, it is mostly, in spite of recent improvements, a labyrinth of narrow, tortuous, up-and-down streets, accommodating themselves to the irregularities of the ground, few of them fit for wheel carriages.
The wheel carries a series of cups placed at equal distances around the circumference.
The theoretical efficiency of the wheel would then be Ioo %.
On entering, the water flows at first in a radial direction, and then gradually, as it passes through the wheel, it receives a downward component which becomes more and more important.
Another turbine of the mixed flow type is the " Victor," which consists of three parts - the outer guide case, and, inside this, the register gate, and the wheel.
The gate regulates the speed of the wheel by varying the quantity of water; when fully open it merely forms a continuation of the guide passages, and thus offers no obstruction to the flow of the water, but by giving it a movement through a part of a revolution the passages are partly blocked and the flow of the water is checked.
The water passes from the penstock through the guide blades of the upper wheel, and in doing so acts in an upward direction on a cover of the upper wheel, which thus becomes, as it were, a balance-piston.
In Northern India it is termed the karat, or Persian wheel.
He enjoyed great repute as a creator, and was supposed to use the potters wheel for the purpose.
Here sacrifice was offered every year to Summanus on the 10th of June, together with cakes called summanalia baked in the form of a wheel, supposed to be symbolical of the car of the god of the thunderbolt.
These furnaces possess a large cylindrical shell (e), lined with fire-bricks, and made to revolve round its horizontal axis by means of a toothed wheel fixed on its exterior; (if) are tire-seats holding tires (gg), which work in friction rollers (h).
The former, the old city, lying close to the harbour front, has streets as narrow as is consistent with wheel traffic. Obispo (Pi y Margall in the new republican nomenclature), O'Reilly and San Rafael are the finest retail business streets, and the Prado and the Cerro the handsomest residential streets in the city proper.
They weave and dye several kinds of cloth, tan and dress leather and manufacture oil and soap. Without the assistance of the wheel the women produce a variety of pottery utensils, often of very graceful design, and decorated with patterns in red and black.
The wheel W is therefore mounted on a guided rod, which is forced upwards by suitable levers and weights, and this relief of pressure is precisely proportional to the pressure on the respective bearings.
The driving clock moves the telescope in right ascension by means of a worm-gear wheel, 10 ft.
In the wheel and axle, motion is received and transmitted by two cylindrical surfaces of different radii described about their common fixed axis of turning, their velocity-ratio being that of their radii.
When the point of contact of two wheels lies between theim centres, they are said to be in outside gearing; when beyond theii centres, ip inside gearing, because the rolling surface of the larger wheel must in this case be turned inward or towards its centre.
Let r1 be the radiusvector of a point of contact on the wheel, Xi the ordinate from the straight line before mentioned to the corresponding point of contact on the rack.
One of those consists in forming the rim of each wheel into a series of alternate ridges and grooves parallel to the plane of rotation; it is applicable to cylindrical and bevel wheels, but not to skew-bevel wheels.
The pitch-surface of a wheel lies intermediate between the points of the teeth and the bottoms of the hollows between them.
Separate teeth, fixed into mortises in the rim of the wheel, are called cogs.
The radius of the pitch-circle of a wheel is called the geometrical radius; a circle touching the ends of the teeth is called the addendum circle, and its radius the real radius; the difference between these radii, being the projection of the teeth beyond the pitch-surface, is called the addendum.
In order that a pair of wheels, or a wheel and a rack, may work correctly together, it is in all cases essential that the pitch should be the same in each.
Let t, T be a pair of teeth in the smaller and larger wheel respectively, which at a particular instant work together.
Let the wheel I be the driver, and the wheel 2 th follower.
Consequently, one of the forms suitable for the teeth of wheels is the involute of a circle; and the obliquity of the action of such teeth is the angle whose cosine is the ratio of the radius of their base-circle to that of the pitch-circle of the wheel.
For a smaller pitch-circle the flanks would be convex and in- curved or under-cut, which would be inconvenient; therefore the C smallest wheel of a set should FIG.
Trundles and Pin-Wheels.If a wheel or trundle have cylindrical pins or staves for teeth, the faces of the teeth of a wheel suitable for driving it are described by first tracing external epicycloids, by rolling the pitch-circle of the pin-wheel or trundle on the pitch-circle of the driving-wheel, with the centre of a stave for a tracing-point, and then drawing curves parallel to, and within the epicycloids, at a distance from them equal to the radius of a stave.
The clearance allowed between the points of teeth and the bottoms of the spaces between the teeth of the other wheel is about one-tenth of the pitch.
A wheel thus formed resembles in shape a series of equal and similar toothed disks placed side by s de, with the teeth of each a little behind those of the preceding isk.
Teeth of Skew-Bevel Wheels.The crests of the teeth of a skew-bevel wheel are parallel to the generating straight line of the hyperboloidal pitch-surface; and the transverse sections of the teeth at a given pitch-circle are similar to those of the teeth of a bevelwheel whose pitch surface is a cone touching the hyperboloidal surface at the given circle.
When one is of considerably greater diameter than the other, the larger is commonly called in practice a wheel, the name screw being applied to the smaller only; but they are nevertheless both screws in fact.
To make the teeth of a pair of endless screws fit correctly and work smoothly, a hardened steel screw is made of the figure of the smaller screw, with its thread or threads notched so as to form a cutting tool; the larger screw, or wheel, is cast approximately of the required figure; the larger screw and the steel screw are fitted up in their proper relative position, and made to rotate in contact with each other by turning the steel screw, which cuts the threads of the larger screw to their true figure.
Let the axis Ai carry a wheel of N1 teeth, driving a wheel of ni teeth on the axis Ai, which carries also a wheel of N2 teeth, driving a wheel of 113 teeth on the axis A3, and so on; the numbers of teeth in drivers being denoted by Ns, and in followers by ns, and the axes to which the wheels are fixed being denoted by numbers.
A rotating shaft carries upon a cylindrical portion of its figure a wheel or pulley turning loosely on it, and consequently capable of remaining at rest when the shaft is in motion.
Flywheels.A flywheel is a rotating piece in a machine, generally shaped like a wheel (that is to say, consisting of a rim with spokes), and suited to store and restore energy by the periodical variations in its angular velocity.
From the centre of the town roads radiate like spokes of a wheel to the various gates.
The platen was screwed on to the under surface of the spindle; the table or bed had slides underneath which moved in, and not on, ribs as in the older form of press, and was run in and out by means of strips of webbing fastened to each end and passed round a drum or wheel.
The west front contains a great Norman porch and a fine wheel window.
He was condemned first to be broken on the wheel and then beheaded; but, reprieved on the scaffold, his sentence was commuted to lifelong banishment, with his whole family, to Berezov in Siberia, where he died six years later.
As the wheel revolves these uncoil and the prayer is considered to be offered.
On the 27th the Bulgarian wheel began, but instead of its being carried out on a fixed pivot, the pivot itself was allowed to advance eastward, so that, instead of presenting a united line, the Bulgarians formed a loose echelon, left in advance, which led to successive instead of simultaneous engagements.
The great velocity with which the wing is driven converts the impression or blur made by it into what is equivalent to a solid for the time being, in the same way that the spokes of a wheel in violent motion, as is well understood, more or less completely substance of the wing.
When the machine had travelled about woo ft., the left-hand forward wheel became disengaged from the safety track, and shortly after this the right-hand wheel broke the upper track-3 in.
The high Frick Office building has exterior walls of white granite; in its main hall is a stainedglass window by John La Farge representing Fortune and her wheel.
When the pull of the band, A, comes upon the wheel, B, it revolves through a certain angle in the direc - tion of the arrow until the three forces, viz.
The brushes are carried by sleeves which run loosely on the shaft, and to each sleeve is rigidly fixed a ratchet wheel.
Next the ratchet wheel is a disk which is keyed on to the shaft.
The ratchet wheel and the disk are automatically connected by clutch mechanism in order to effect the rotation of the brushes.
Behind the pulley at the top of the machine and on the same shaft is a spur wheel, which drives both of the spur wheels shown in the diagram.
The drum-shaft is connected by a friction clutch with a shaft in the same line, on which are keyed a sprocket wheel and a ratchet wheel.
The sprocket wheel is connected by a chain with a similar sprocket wheel which is keyed on the same shaft as that of the left-hand pulley.
The ratchet wheel is acted upon by a pawl which is shown on the diagram.
When the poise is at the zero end, and there is no load on the platform, the end of the steelyard is down, and has locked the ratchet wheel by means of the pawl; the shaft being thus locked, the sprocket wheels are stopped, the drum-shaft runs free by the friction clutch, and the two pulleys which are connected by the crossed band are running idle.
When the load to be weighed comes upon the platform, the end of the steelyard rises and unlocks the ratchet wheel through the pawl; the sprocket gearing is driven by the friction clutch, and drives the axle of the left-hand small pulley.
The mitre wheels come into operation and the poise is carried along till the end of the steelyard drops, and locks the ratchet by permission of the Controller of wheel.
When the poise arrives at zero it frees the clutch which connects the pulley and the sprocket wheel, and the machine is then ready for the next load.
But, when this programme is carried out, there is no small danger lest the relations traced out between God and men should collapse into dust, the facts of Christ transform themselves into symbols, and the idealistic theology of the right wheel to the left.
The Roman road of Watling Street crossed the Cheviots at Brownhartlaw (1664 ft.), close to the camp of Ad Fines, by means of which the warlike Brigantes on the south and the Gadeni and Otadeni on the north were held in check, while another Roman road, the Wheel Causeway, passed into Scotland near the headwaters of the North Tyne and Liddel.
Among other mythic Egyptian figures we have Ra, who once destroyed men in his wrath with circumstances suggestive of the Deluge; Khnum, a demiurge, is.represented at Philae as making man out of clay on a potter's wheel.
Here the wheel is added to the Maori conception of the making of man.
First of all, Louis XV.s system of roads was improved and that of Louis XVI.s canals developed; then industry put its shoulder to the wheel; order and discipline were re-established everywhere, from the frontiers to the capital, and brigandage suppressed; and finally there- was Paris, the city of cities!
In other fine adjustments by means of springs and balance wheels either a micrometer screw is moved (Zeiss), or a curved disk fixed to the balance wheel is turned (Leitz), or an oblique disk arranged more or less in a circle and attached to the balance wheel is revolved (Reichert).
The process is analogous to the optical experiment of looking at a quickly rotating wheel or engine through slits in a disk, rotating slightly faster or slower than the object observed.
His bike lay several feet from him, its front wheel still turning lazily, its back wheel twisted at a grotesque angle.
All opening door locks, cardan shafts and wheel sets are certified to group standards.
An NPL Rotating wheel abrasion Test Summary This measurement note describes the development of a rotating wheel abrasion test system.
An inclined channel feeds the silica abrasive to the surface of the test wheel about 2 cm in front of the test-piece.
However, on the railroad, the brakes are permanently on - operated by a large water accumulator via the drivers hand wheel.
Look at your hands on the steering wheel - they move as you make slight adjustments.
Once the dioptre adjustment has been set, the main central wheel will focus both eyes equally.
The control column wheel was to control both pitch via the elevators and roll using the ailerons.
Facilities include bathroom with wheel in shower, electric rise and recline armchair and modified kitchen.
The gear linking the two wheel axles is raised slightly above center line to achieve a correct mesh distance.
With a good hard bottom, you could try using a wheel barrow.
The large splash tray can accommodate wheel batts up to 360mm (14 ") diameter.
When I hit the last berm, my back wheel washed out, and I ended up in the dirt.
The oscillator was rotated by a brass wheel on the side of the compass binnacle, the two being connected by a steel cable.
The two canals are now linked by the Falkirk Wheel, the only rotating boatlift in the world.
The Falkirk Wheel, opened in May 2002, is the world's first revolving boatlift.
Ellen's in the wheel winding room where they wind the silk onto the small flat bobbins that fit into the lace machines.
Whilst working on the boost gage problem we noticed a small plate fitted on the rear bulkhead of the nose wheel bay.
Never use a " hiding place ", eg, inside the wheel arch or front bumper.
In the 1770s the wheel was powering three pairs of stones - one each of Cullens, peak and French burr.
B Take off the wheel For a hub gear, you need to disconnect the cable and take out the delicate indicator rod first.
Gripped by a six-piston caliper, braking forces are transferred optimally to the rim, virtually eliminating torsional load on the front wheel.
They are made with a camber adjuster so the wheel camber can be accurately adjusted once the trike is on its ' wheels.
This decoration, like that seemingly carefree throwing of soft clay on her Japanese kick wheel, is taken to its limits.
Many elderly & disabled folk need to cross here, often in electric wheel chairs.
Sometimes you will be held on the line by marshals or with a wheel chock.
The right water wheel drives the circular saw, while the left drives the frame saw.
Vehicles on the public highway that do not display a valid tax disk maybe wheel clamped or removed.
When combined with the optimized triple clamp and front wheel axle design, the result is an outstanding front-end rigidity.
The Bulldog Centaur is a popular Sold Secure and adjustable wheel clamp Why wheel clamps for security?
This bolt governs the distance between the rear gear's top jockey wheel and the rear cogs.
Used together, Beginner's Chinese and Behind the Wheel Chinese form an unbeatable combination.
Maximum strength combined with minimum weight is gained by the monocoque design with stressed sides, wheel arches and roofing.
Have a look on the color wheel to see what red corundum is called.
The Hearth publishes the long running Silver Wheel Magazine, runs teaching circles and postal courses as well as a working coven.
Features Features include solid rubber tires, a rotating propeller, racing graphics, padded red seat, wheel pants and front engine cowling.
To ensure smooth transmission of power while maintaining the desired direct power delivery feeling, the rear wheel uses iron rubber dampers.
A few corporations choose to grease the squeaky wheel to avoid product defamation by imposing management practices on us, their suppliers.
A wheel arch that is covered with Ultraseal is a good indication that the tire has experienced a controlled deflation.
The rolling fiery wheel was taken to be a representation of Man's tutelary deity, the sea god Manannan.
They said a wheel broke on a curve as the train approached the Jesus underground station and two train carriages derailed in the tunnel.
To protect them, lockable wheel nuts are an effective deterrent.
At the rear is a limited slip differential with a 3.46 to 1 ratio to reduce rear wheel slip under acceleration.
The wheel at each corner design maximizes the interior dimensions and allows the Getz to offer generous accommodation despite its relatively diminutive size.
If the wheel has big dings in the rim or is oval, get it trued first.
Taking each wheel in turn, use a piece of rag to wipe the dirt from around the tire valve.
The center of gravity is to the rear, making the dolly easy to wheel.
Richard is making a good recovery from a horrific crash behind the wheel of a jet-powered dragster at the Elvington airfield last month.
Birch splays before miles of new snow, fueling our noses, our four wheel drive.
The rear wheel drive drivetrain would outlive the more advanced arrangement found in the more luxurious 1500.
Here you can see the barnacle encrusted Alum Bay wooden gun carriage wheel brought up by divers in 2002.
As we climb the escarpment onto the plateau the dirt road degenerates into a couple of wheel ruts.
Mr Farthing would make pots on his wheel and once carved a stone statue for the Chigley cookie factory.
The boat shaped cap with a gallery held a 6 bladed fantail, underneath was the striking chain wheel and tailpole.
I knew something was wrong when the brake drum and hub flange came off still attached to the wheel.
Note the wheel flange is on the outer face of the rail.
Note the rather flashy wheel trims not seen before by me.
Wheel helps launch charity flip-flops Save the Children have teamed up with Wheel to help drive sales of this summer's must-have flip-flops.
To get the flywheel off requires removal of the nearside rear wheel.
The ASAP uses a revolving toothed wheel to grip the rope and appears virtually foolproof to use.
The nose wheel is raised backward into front fuselage.
The spare wheel is held in a secure cradle beneath the boot / gasoline tank which holds 10 imperial gallons.
In 1904 wheel steering and a reverse gear were offered together with 3 cylinder models of 1.4 and 2.4 liters.
The delicate tail wheel was added next with just a smear of super glue.
To steer, the choice was bicycle handlebars, the tiller of a boat or a wheel.
This was also the car that placed the company into the small, front wheel drive hatchback class.
An hour on the wheel left the helmsman with sore sides.
Complementary colors Created from opposing color hues on the color wheel.
Braking response and feel are outstanding, and a very lightweight, six-spoke cast aluminum wheel reduces unsprung weight and steering inertia.
The rest of the traveling was done in a four wheel drive jeep.
Late in 1972 Jaguar introduced the long wheel base XJ6L and XJ12L, offering an extra 4 inches legroom to the rear seating area.
Prefer to get rid of your road rage before getting behind the wheel of the wedding day limo?
We already use remote monitoring systems to measure such things as wheel condition or the status of track lubricators.
The filter wheel includes a 4x magnifier that results in 0.12 arcsec pixels for near diffraction limited imaging.
Nottingham Car 4 Wheel Alignment Ltd align all makes and models of vehicles and also specialize in Porsche and other prestige marques.
You'll see the miller turn the wheel on the right to open the sluice gate in front of the waterwheel.
There I was queuing for the Wheel with my four pals, an icy breeze whipping my legs and squeezing into my tight miniskirt.
I put up a water wheel and went to growing sugar cane and made molasses of sugar cane.
There is another point to be made regarding the way the wheel hinges using the very robust mudguard stays and mudguard stays and mudguard.
However, for shipping safety reasons we must supply the bike with the front wheel & front mudguard removed.
The overall design concept and configuration (with various color schemes on the fairing components and front wheel mudguard) deliberately enhances this image.
Units under the inner engine nacelles, each consisting of one wheel and two shock absorber struts.
This means it can be screwed onto a standard camera eyepiece nosepiece or included in a filter wheel.
Whilst you're around the back, lift up the spare wheel cover and have a good nosey at the boot floor.
Then jack up the car after loosening the wheel nuts and remove the wheel.
A wheel wrench with a telescopic extending handle makes cracking the nuts much easier, with less chance of grazed knuckles!
The fascia houses six rotary encoders for adjusting parameters in real time, while 14 buttons and a chunky data wheel complete the controls.
I intend to install parking meters and engage the services of wheel clampers to ensure that the tax is collected.
The noise of metal wheel on stone paving would have been a problem, even at the end of the 1930s.
The control surfaces are operated from the cockpit by means of a control stick or wheel column and rudder pedals.
The second wheel drives a pinion on the spindle of the " escape wheel " which turns once in 80 seconds.
Onto the rear end, a GSXR wheel and its matching brake was used, and then plumbed up with some more braided.
It features swivel wheel chassis and high performance pneumatic tires with deep treads.
For once the Honda Cadet final was fairly processional with Sean Babington leading from lights to flag with Nick Evans in his wheel tracks.
It has always been called a " wheel " but is actually a four-bladed propeller within a circular frame.
The stern section has an iron wheel shaft and a large spare propeller, which has unfortunately collapsed.
The rarely ever seen in public rotating covered paper psi wheel.
At 29 miles Curran suffered a front wheel puncture on a descent.
Wheel handle push button allows you to lock and unlock the pull handle and to easily adjust it to your preferred height.
A horizontal steering wheel Miniature steering wheels are for people who have little strength or very restricted movement.
Continue winding the jockey wheel to fully retract it into its outer case.
Recently revived Wheel nights pack the dance floor with Northern Souls who can still last the night.
With her fin keel, wheel steering and sloop rig she is an easy boat to sail.
The alloy wheel rim also features a tire bead rim.
In the wheel rut 's clinging dark watch an arc of bright cloud, blue sky.
As with all truly sacred places, the points where veins of primary water exited the Medicine Wheel were clearly marked.
The eccentric sheaves have also been fitted to the driving wheel axle.
There's ample torque low down, but you can feel the steering wheel shimmy as the turbo starts blowing.
The first step in correcting a wheel shimmy problem is having the tires balanced to a high degree of accuracy by a competent shop.
The screen to the left of the wheel is the Atlas Fishfinder, which locates shoals of fish by sonar.
Locking Wheel skewers replace the quick release skewers fitted to many bike wheels to prevent the wheels being stolen.
But when a wheel skids the point in contact with the road is sliding along the road, rather then sticking to it.
Needle wheel protein skimmer - with Ocean Runner PH 2000 pump.
By now the rear wheel had been loosened, after telling the poor chap he was trying to tighten it not slacken it.
Falling asleep at the wheel is increasingly preceded by feelings of increasing sleepiness.
The barge, being rear wheel drive, was quite slippy on some of the hairpin turns.
The level of the mill dam has dropped and is now below the level of the old wheel sluice.
A mid-term revision brought further styling tweaks, including the loss of the running boards and the addition of rear wheel spats.
Explain what you are about to ask them to hold the wheel, you will start it spinning then will stop the wheel spinning.
The wheel magnet attaches to conventional three crossed spoke pattern wheels, bladed or radial spokes may require an alternate spoke magnet.
During the week at Framlingham we had found 3 broken spokes on his back wheel, which we got fixed.
This involves really simple things like keeping your thumbs out from between the steering wheel spokes.
These figures are calculated by dividing the number of teeth on the rear chain wheel by the number of teeth on the gearbox sprocket.
The bus looks very spruce, only spoilt by the silver rear wheel, somewhat not in keeping.
I learned to wax the axle of the wheel so that it would n't squeak.
The good news is the wheel held up, even if the whole front end is now a little squiffy.
The whole building used to shake as the water rushed through and the wheel turned in its rather stately way.
I fitted a smaller steering wheel which clears my legs by 3/4 " .
The front wheel was carried in heavy duty motorcycle forks with a chain driven steering wheel.
Take the height adjustable steering wheel for example; it has chrome spokes, leather bound interacted with walnut.
Within 2 hours this car was exchanged for a maroon one with a black steering wheel.
The large steering wheel feels out of place in such a sporty car.
He wrapped his hands around hers and held on. *** Giles wrapped his hands tightly around the old steering wheel.
What functions does the ' multifunction steering wheel ' actually enable you to function?
After that, the multi-function steering wheel and tinted glass pale into insignificance.
A smaller diameter steering wheel was fitted, and twin coachlines were introduced.
Just to say many thanks for the extremely swift dispatch of the replacement wheel.
The pack is... £ 18.20 Qty Wheel Of Life Poster This poster contains a wealth of information, rich in Buddhist symbolism.
The Kia retains its user-friendly top-hinged tailgate but the spare wheel is now carried internally.
The 40 mm upside-down telescopic fork features a wheel travel of 260 mm.
The cams and spur wheel should be securely attached to the shaft, the grub screws being gently tightened as necessary.
Firstly, you can have a tiller installed in the place of the wheel.
Many veteran cars use a tiller rather than a wheel for steering, for example, and most operated at a single speed.
Note the pottery vessels used to scoop up the water lashed to the perimeter of the wheel.
We all took turns at the wheel, enjoying supercharged turbo vroom vroom vroom.
For this reason, we recommend switching to a microfibre wash mitt when wash mitt when washing wheels and the insides of wheel arches.
We have crept into this corner of grief, turning the water wheel with a flow of tears.
Sonning Mill was one of the last flour mills on the river to be driven by water wheel.
The first bit of advice is don't reinvent the wheel.
A future initiative coming soon will be the provision of steering wheel locking devices to motorists.
Mrs i back from Poland but unable to help as had to take car in for rear wheel brake binding and/or wheel bearing.
Both are operated from buttons and a scroll wheel on the top of the mouse.
It was made on a potter's wheel, not a mold.
The wheel is less extended and, with the shortened wheelbase, the bike is much more agile than traditional Harleys.
Powder coated red - chromed windshield, hubcaps, steering wheel and bell bonnet ornament - wooden ladders & real flashing red light.
Features include black padded seat, chrome steering wheel, chrome windshield, chrome bonnet ornament and chrome portholes.
Drivers that ignore a shimmy or steering wheel wobble or " whom whom whom.
The pinion z and the toothed wheel d are connected by an intermediate wheel and pinion Y; the numbers of teeth in the wheels and pinions are so proportioned that twenty-four revolutions of the micrometer screw produce one revolution of the drum and wheel d.
Out of the north (the Babylonian sacred mountain) comes a bright cloud, wherein appear four Creatures (formed on the model of Babylonian composite figures), each with four faces (man, lion, bull, eagle) and attended by a wheel; the wheels are full of eyes, and move straight forward, impelled by the spirit dwelling in the Creatures (the spirit of Yahweh).
Through this electromagnet pass impulses of current regulated in frequency by a tuningfork contact breaker; these impulses, acting on the teeth of the iron wheel, by a series of pulls keep it in uniform rotation.
Richard Trevithick, indeed, had in 1804 tried a high-pressure steam locomotive, with smooth wheels, on a plate-way near Merthyr Tydvil, but it was found more expensive than horses; John Blenkinsop in 1811 patented an engine with cogged wheel and rack-rail which was used, with commercial success, to convey coal from his Middleton colliery to Leeds; William Hedley in 1813 built two locomotives - Puffing Billy and Wylam Dilly - for hauling coal from Wylam Colliery, near Newcastle; and in the following year George Stephenson's first engine, the Blucher, drew a train of eight loaded wagons, weighing 30 tons, at a speed of 4 m.
In some cases the gauge is laid a little wider than the standard, and there are varying amounts of superelevation of the outer rail; but the most formidable factor in the production of resistance is the guard-rail, which is sometimes put in with the object of guiding the wheel which runs on the inner rail of the curve on the inside of the flange.
The component of a balance weight which is necessary to balance the reciprocating masses introduces a vertical unbalanced force which appears as a variation of pressure between the wheel and the rail, technically called the hammer-blow, the magnitude of which increases as the square of the speed of the train.
In some of these machines the pots have a valve in the bottom which enables them to descend without much resistance, and diminishes greatly the load upon the wheel; and, if we suppose that this valve was introduced so early as the time of Ctesibius, it is not difficult to perceive how such a machine might have led to the invention of the forcing-pump.
To drive these machines electricity has been applied, with indifferent success, but they have been very efficiently driven, each independently of the others in the set, by means of a modification of a Pelton wheel, supplied with water under pressure from a pumping engine.
A comparatively small stream strikes the wheel with a pressure equivalent to a great head, say 300 ft., and as the quantity of water and number of jets striking the wheel can be regulated with the greatest ease and nicety, each machine can without danger be quickly brought up to its full speed when purging high-class sugars, or allowed to run slowly when purging low-class sugars, until the heavy, gummy molasses have been expelled; and it can then be brought up to its full speed for finally drying the sugar in the basket, a boon which all practical sugar-makers will appreciate.
Numberless chapels were dedicated to her, and in nearly all churches her statue was set up, the saint being represented with a wheel, her instrument of torture, and sometimes with a crown and a book.
Being all condemned to the rack in order to extort confession, they appealed to the parlement; but this body, being as weak as the subordinate magistrates, sentenced the father to the torture, ordinary and extraordinary, to be broken alive upon the wheel, and then to be burnt to ashes; which decree was carried into execution on the 9th of March 1762.
By the time (5.3 0) it had sufficiently cleared this village it became apparent that the 4th brigade in its extension for attack would overlap the front assigned to the and, hence a further (half-left) wheel, still in mass, had to be undertaken before room for deployment could be obtained.
Savart's toothed wheel apparatus, named alter Felix Savart (1791-1841), a French physicist and surgeon, consists of a brass wheel, whose edge is divided into a number of equal projecting teeth distributed uniformly over the circumference, and which is capable of rapid rotation about an axis perpendicular to its plane and passing through its centre, by means of a series of multiplying wheels, the last of which is turned round by the hand.
Now, suppose that the note produced with Savart's apparatus is in unison with A3, when the experimenter turns round the first wheel at the rate of 60 turns per minute or one per second, and that the circumferences of the various multiplying wheels are such that the rate of revolution of the toothed wheel is thereby increased 44 times, then the latter wheel will perform 44 revolutions in a, second,.
The wheel rotates between Phonic the poles of an electro-magnet, which is fed by an intermittent current such as that which is working an electrically maintained tuning-fork (see infra).
If the wheel be driven at such rate that the armatures move one place on in about the period of the current, then on putting on the current the electromagnet controls the rate of the wheel so that the agreement of period is exact, and the wheel settles down to move so that the electric driving forces just supply the work taken out of the wheel.
Suppose now an observer to be looking from a fixed point at the bead through the hole in the phonic wheel, he will see the bead as 8 bright points flashing out in each beat, and in succession at intervals of k second.
In Rayleigh's experiment the 32 fork was made to drive electrically one of frequency about 128, and somewhat as with the phonic wheel, the frequency was controlled so as to be exactly four times that of the 32 fork.
Farr has drawn diagrams of bending moment for forty different very heavy locomotives on different spans, and has determined for each case a uniform load which at every point would produce as great a bending moment as the actual wheel loads.
The " tread " or circumferential part of the mould itself is made of iron, because this, by conducting the heat away from the casting rapidly, makes it cool quickly, and thus causes most of the carbon here to form cementite, and thus in turn makes the tread of the wheel intensely hard; while those parts of the mould which come in contact with the central parts of the wheel are made of sand, which conducts the heat away from the molten metal so slowly that it solidifies slowly, with the result that most of its carbon forms graphite, and here the metal is soft and shock-resisting.
The only protracted camel or mule caravan journeys remaining in connexion with the tea trade are those in Persia and Morocco, where the conservatism of race delays the introduction of even wheel roads, not to mention railways.
The finest pottery, often painted but all hand-made without the wheel, belongs to the prehistoric period; so also do the finest flint implements, which, in the delicacy and exactitude of their form and flaking, surpass all that is known from other countries.
This gives the acceleration of m as modified by the inertia of the wheel.
A pinion is a small toothed wheel; a trundle is a pinion with cylindrical staves for teeth.
The small spur wheel is mounted on the steelyard, and this wheel and the one that drives it are so arranged that their line of, 1111111111_ 1 11111111111111 opoitiL From the Notice issued by the Standards Department of the Board of Trade, H.M.
Flat-Away is intended for bicycle wheels so it comes in rolls sufficient for one bicycle wheel - which is enough for two pushchair wheels.
They were unanimous in their distaste for the Quartic steering wheel.
A bar on a pivot called the " pawl " is fixed above the ratchet wheel.
Let us recapitulate the history of the bill and see the part contributed to its career by each wheel in the machine.
Short drivers may wish to increase the chest to steering wheel separation by slightly reclining the seat.
Voice recognition enables you to place calls with both hands on the wheel, without taking your eyes off the road.
Wicked Wheels provide a professional alloy wheel refinishing service on your doorstep.
Finished wheel - click HERE to enlarge I refitted the wheels to the car with some bright new shiney chrome wheel studs.
Current problems were associated with the heavy leaf fall in late October when the retarder brake was too slow and caused many wheel flats.
A lighter wheel takes strain off the engine and allows the engine to rev more freely.
In the unit shown an electric motor is driving a scape wheel through a slipping clutch.
Runaway Escapement In the type of escapement shown below torque is applied to the scape wheel causing it to rotate.
It does n't scrabble for grip or tug at the steering wheel; it does n't spin its front wheels on a brisk getaway.
All opening door locks, cardan shafts and wheel sets etc. are certified to Railtrack Group standards.
There 's ample torque low down, but you can feel the steering wheel shimmy as the turbo starts blowing.
At times, the wheel would shimmy at low speeds.
Still, no lifting of the sidecar wheel took place.
Locking Wheel Skewers replace the quick release skewers fitted to many bike wheels to prevent the wheels being stolen.
These have been skimmed lightly in the lathe with each wheel mounted on a tapered arbor.
By the time Nicky arrived at the top the spokes in her front wheel had provided us with more slices of cake !
Was I found slumped over the wheel in Hyde Park?
He was spreadeagled on a large wheel, and his remaining sound limbs were smashed with a sledge hammer.
Manual sphygmomanometer with an easy to read liquid crystal display Very robust User adjustable deflation using thumb wheel.
Wheel Of Fortune Get ready to spin that wheel !
This process is aided by centrifugal force from the spinning of the wheel.
It can generate the bog-standard spirograph patterns like this or more sophisticated patterns like these (which involve a third wheel).
We 're like the spokes on a wheel, all radiating out from the same center.
Faith and repentance are but two spokes in the same wheel, two handles of the same plow.
The chairs are mostly made using the spokes of the wheel.
If you are on soft ground place a wood or plastic spreader plate under the jockey wheel.
The turbine then drove the spur wheel directly by means of a cast iron gear.
Sadly, the original wheel was stolen when the Arctic Corsair was broken into when laid up in Hull Albert Dock.
Check security of steering wheel; center bolt can come loose.
Features unique race car styled wheel that lets you steer in all directions.
I fitted a smaller steering wheel which clears my legs by 3/4 .
Now go back to your Wheel of Life and consider where you could add maybe two or three stiletto moments into your life.
Made in New Zealand, it features swivel front wheel....
Conditions 23 of that permission specified 6 or 8 wheel rigid tipper bodies, but the original application only mentioned 6 wheel vehicles.
No amount of psychological or psychic manipulation can undo the over tightened wheel nuts on a 3.5 ton truck !
All original with new interior leathers, steering wheel and tonneau cover.
You can do this with the wheel on the ground using a BIG torque wrench.
By now you must have seen the Norwich Union Yorkshire Wheel towering over the city.
In June 2006, a wheel fell off a bus as it was traversing speed humps on Dunnet Road in Plymouth.
The treadle wheel lathe provided some members of the aristocracy with a hobby that some found as absorbing as any modern day turner.
Golf Match is also equipped with leather trimmed steering wheel coupled with controls for both the computer and stereo.
They measured how far they had walked using the on-screen trundle wheel tool.
Got to make to the next meal Try to keep up with the turning of the wheel.
Then the man looks away, and twirls the wheel for his own amusement.
It is HEAT moving an uncovered psi wheel, not subconscious (or conscious) TK.
A badly positioned antenna masked by a main undercarriage wheel or a poorly constructed ground plane system all adversly affect system performance.
The mill was apparently run by an undershot wheel in the stream crossing under the lane 40 yards south of the house.
A spare wheel and tire are mounted on an AL-KO underslung carrier, which frees up space for storage in the front compartment.
Wheel cleaners are the most aggressive of all valeting products.
An issue that I discovered with the velveteen material for these cases is that it makes your iPod click wheel furry.
They carried the rope to the cave in a large coil, rolling it along down the passage like a wagon wheel.
For this reason, we recommend switching to a microfibre wash mitt when washing wheels and the insides of wheel arches.
The two substantial water wheel pits housed 30 ' x 4 ' and 40 ' x 4 ' wheels respectively.
The new rear wings, wheel arches and sills were then welded on.
The first bit of advice is do n't reinvent the wheel.
Wheel removal with spinning stud Is the wheel nut open ended?
It was made on a potter 's wheel, not a mold.
Drivers that ignore a shimmy or steering wheel wobble or whom whom whom.
Most painters know that colours on the opposite sides of the colour wheel contrast each other well.
If you would like to be a safer driver, abstain from using your phone while behind the wheel.
Although they can be kind of pricey, baby boys love to climb on small gyms that are complete with stairs, a slide, and maybe a steering wheel.
Is the front wheel a little wobbly on your jogging stroller?
Don't forget to look for a stroller that has a sturdy wheel base, too.
This is because the wheel tracks are closer together on SUVs than in other vehicle classes.
If you will mainly use the stroller to wheel the baby around while you shop, then you may want a car seat stroller, which allows a baby's car seat to be attached to the stroller frame and wheels.
Finally, if you are an avid jogger, consider the three wheel jogging strollers.
For people who find themselves scrolling through long documents, there is the mouse with a scroll wheel.
This wheel sits at the upper center of the mouse, where it is rotated with a finger.
You'll find the same "Click Wheel" here as well, although a slightly smaller version of it.
Despite its smaller size, the Nano's click wheel is just as easy and efficient to use as its bigger brethren.
The width of the wheel -- the part that actually touches the ground -- is fairly universal, but the diameter can vary substantially.
As far as durability, most wheel manufacturers use what is called the "a-scale", with a higher number representing a harder wheel.
If the wheel doesn't spin freely (excessive brake drag) there could be a problem with the wheel bearings or the brakes.
Fifth wheel - Fifth wheels must be towed by trucks.
One of the biggest features of the iPod Mini was the use of the "click wheel" , which was an easy-to-use navigational tool.
And if you have no choice but to ride your bike, you'll be berating yourself at every turn of the wheel while you cruise around town.
Look for the lawn tractors that contain two front wheels and one back wheel, which makes the tractor turn "on a dime."
You can get alarms, nebulizers, personal care items, mattresses, wheel chairs, wound care, and more.
You can fill in the blanks with quick picks or use the wheel to pick your lucky numbers.
More complex models may offer a hammock of some sort, but, in general, pet owners should not expect a hamster wheel.
Strain the contents into a martini glass and garnish the cocktail with a lemon wheel.
The sofa slides forward on a specially designed wheel system so the backrest slips down seat level and makes the couch width nearly twice as wide.
There might be a foreign object preventing the wheel from rolling or perhaps thread, string or hair is wound around it.
Depending on the chair, you might have to take the wheel itself apart to clean it.
Don't forget to clean the inside of the chair leg where the wheel attaches.
For example, a warm toned floor like heated bamboo should have a wall color that is either directly opposite it on the color wheel, like rich green, or has the same warm tone, like a pumpkin spice.
Garden accessories such as rustic log cabin birdhouses, cast iron bird baths and wagon wheel or whiskey barrel planters add rustic charm to a rugged lodge backyard.
Professional designers use the color wheel (pictured above) to help them choose paint colors that will go well together.
Use colors that are adjacent to one another on the color wheel.
Similar Hues - Colors that are next to one another on the color wheel (called analogous colors), such as yellow and orange and blue and purple offer a more subtle contrast than the opposite colors.
There are plenty of places for you to find free internet design advice, both online and in print publication form, so you should be able to learn your way around a color wheel without having to part with any of your hard earned cash.
The color wheel can be your friend when it comes to choosing the best color combinations.
Complementary colors are across from each other on the color wheel and blend well together.
The same holds true for analogous colors, which are three colors that lie in a row on the color wheel.
You can always add green, yellow or the opposite color in a color wheel, blue.
The first way to select accent colors is to use one color on either side of the main color as shown on a typical color wheel.
The second option is to select a color directly opposite your main color, using the same color wheel.
The twelve color families that you see on a color wheel are red, red-orange, orange, yellow-orange, yellow, yellow-green, green, blue-green, blue-red-violet, violet and blue-violet.
A color wheel helps you understand the relationships of colors.
For instance, colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel are known as complementary colors and they create a contrast.
Analogous colors are located next to each other on the color wheel.
Or, select a neutral background and use your favorite color along with the colors that adjoin it on the color wheel as bright accents against the neutral.
This pottery is formed without the use of a potter's wheel.
If you want to add a countrified, prairie aesthetic to a room, look for something like a stagecoach wheel mirror with a distressed wood or log-style frame.
First, you can take the color wheel and choose opposite colors.
On a color wheel, orange is opposite of blue, yellow is opposite of purple, and green is opposite from red.
Go to the color directly across from your eye color on the color wheel; that's the color family best suited for making your eyes pop.
Colors that fall on the opposite side of the color wheel sharply contrast one another, and thereby make the first color "pop" (this one of the reasons why red and green go together so nicely at Christmas time).
For brown eyes, locate brown on the color wheel and find the colors on the opposite side (namely purple and blue).
Orange and purple are opposite one another on the tertiary color wheel.
When looking at a color wheel chart, focus on which colors are directly across from each other.
Colors across from each other on the wheel are called complementary colors.
If you find that the colors that are complementary to your eye color are not so great with your skin tone, you can look at the wheel in two halves.
Those with pink tones will most often look best in the cool shades on the color wheel while those with yellow undertones look best with shades from the warm side of the wheel.
The best way to determine a good eye shadow color for girls with blue-green eyes is to look at the color wheel.
The colors opposite blue and green on the color wheel are what will enhance their color and vibrancy.
Orange is opposite blue on the color wheel and red is opposite green.
Fans of Wheel of Fortune can now play Wheel of Fortune online.
You can customize your avatar with limitations and then spin the wheel.
Choices allow you to play against the computer's contestants or your own friends as you spin the wheel to solve the puzzle.
Now you can feel the clock ticking down and the pressure to find the right letter or lose your turn through online versions of Wheel of Fortune.
A number of sites offer the opportunity to play Wheel of Fortune online.
GameHouse and RealArcade lets you capture all the Wheel of Fortune fun online for free in their 60 minute trial version.
You can spin the wheel or buy a vowel with over 2,000 unique Wheel of Fortune puzzles.
Fans have been able to play Wheel of Fortune online at the PlayStation Network since March 2009.
If you plan to play Wheel of Fortune on any of these sites, don't expect Pat Sajak or Vanna White to appear on your screen.
A common complaint from gamers is that they thought this host and hostess team would certainly be part of the Wheel experience, but in the online versions, it isn't so.
Gamers miss the thrill of one more spin of the wheel to determine the winner.
From the computer to the telephone to the wheel, it's all included in this library for your interest.
When you're ready to scrapbook, all you need to do is spin the wheel to see what products you have available.
To help scrappers find the perfect color combination for their particular layouts, the company also has a handy color wheel.
Simply rotate the wheel to display color combinations that will best suit your layout using the scrapbook papers of your choice.
Schools, universities, and community colleges all offer comprehensive drivers' training courses that include behind the wheel instruction.
Don't try to be the third wheel because it won't make you happy.
Taking unnecessary risks behind the wheel like running red lights, driving too fast, not yielding to pedestrians or other cars and tailgating.
Be a part of the 90% of teens behind the wheel putting their belt on to save their lives.
Keep focused on driving behind the wheel and don't drive when you can't (such as when you are sick).
Play it safe and you'll be giving yourself the best chance behind the wheel.
There's no need to reinvent the wheel when you choose a wedding cake design, but you shouldn't be afraid to step out and show some creativity if you're drawn to different looks.
The wool was spun into yarn and the material woven, oftentimes people spun their own yarn with a spinning wheel and wove material on a home loom.
On a traditional color wheel, the two colors are two spaces apart.
The colors can be opposite colors in the color wheel (complementary colors), yet still have a cohesive look.
Jeopardy! was created by Merv Griffin, who also developed Wheel of Fortune.
At the Niagara Falls, Canada location, the Ferris wheel from Steven Spielberg's film, 1941 is suspended from the ceiling.
Freeman and a friend were traveling down a Mississippi highway when he reportedly began falling asleep at the wheel and started veering off the road.
Instead, Wahler decides to get behind the wheel and is summarily pulled over and arrested.
Vanna White - The popular Wheel of Fortune letter-turner is not on Facebook, though there is a profile in her name with her photos.
The best-known scene from the film is a romantic moment that begins while Molly is working at her pottery wheel.
They are the grease for the wheel that keeps everything flowing from requirements to development to testing to deployment and troubleshooting.
This traditional-style boat is solely propelled by its large stern paddle wheel and offers overnight trips with night accommodations at shore-side lodges.
Another option is a "Countdown Cruise" on the Paddle Wheel Queen.
Dog nail grinders feature a spinning emery filing wheel that gently removes thin layers of nail.
The grinding wheel is covered by a protective cap that serves a dual purpose - to control the amount of nail that gets filed away and to catch and hold the filings so you're not left with a dusty mess once you're finished.
The biggest drawback of the dog nail grinder as seen on TV is that the grinding wheel is loud, and the dog may initially be uncomfortable around it, especially if he's a skittish dog to begin with.
Elwesianus should never be planted in prepared "holes," but, because of their extended root systems, on a much more generous plan, so that their thong-like roots, radiating like the spokes of a wheel from its hub, may be catered for.
Whimsical containers, such as old wheel barrows or watering cans, go well with a cottage garden style.
The site also features comprehensive guitar player resources such as a transposition wheel, chord finder and an introduction to music theory.
This includes an interactive transposition wheel, a chord finder, an ASCII chord chart, and music theory lessons.
Complementary colors sit opposite one another on the color wheel, like red and green or blue and orange.
An analogous color palette is formed by taking colors that are right next to one another on the color wheel.
Complementary color palettes are made from colors that lie opposite one another on the color wheel.
The pedals were attached to the front wheel of the bicycle, known as a velocipede.
The big wheel bicycle of the 1800s looks fabulous as a necklace.
Some people are looking for a pair of earrings with a realistic miniature model of a bicycle whereas others may look for a more stylized representation, for instance stud earrings that feature just a bicycle wheel.
These bracelets, made from bike chains or wheel spokes, not only look cool but are fun to wear.
Another version of the bicycle bracelet is the type made from the spokes of a bicycle wheel.
Another bracelet to check out is the Cyclist in Wheel Charm Bracelet by artist Dana Paige.
A logo depicting a large bicycle wheel was created to match.
One is the ancient way by using a stone wheel.
A stone wheel rotates over a stationary stone.
This allows you to get a wheel barrow, lawn mower, or other tools through the area easily.
If the vehicle has rear wheel drive, add extra weight to the trunk for increased traction and stability.
Wheel chairs, portable ramps and guard rails may take up more space than you assumed, creating a cramped home.
Visit the Meals on Wheel Web site and enter your state and city to find affiliated programs.
People knowing that they are suffering from sleep deprivation and choosing not to get behind the wheel could prevent many car accidents.
Falling asleep behind the wheel is the cause of about 56,000 car crashes annually according to the National Highway Safety Traffic Administration (NHTSA).
Drinking alcohol will impair your judgment, but it also increases your drowsiness and the likelihood that you will nod off at the wheel even if you are under the legal limit.
Choose your favorite color, the wheel spins, and you get a recommendation.
Land of the Dragons - A part of the park just for kids, featuring children's rides, a three-story treehouse, Ferris wheel, and small flume ride.
Crystal Beach had a Ferris wheel which is still in operation.
Today, Coney Island is also home to Astroland, Deno's Wonder Wheel Amusement Park, 12th Street Amusement and Kiddie Park.
The Wonder Wheel was built in 1918 and is a protected NYC landmark upheld by the National Register of Historic Places.
This steel Ferris wheel is a classic, and is part of Deno's Wonder Wheel Amusement Park.
Furthermore, the resort is also home to an indoor amusement park with attractions such as a Ferris wheel, elevated go karts, laser tag, miniature golf, and a themed carousel.
The Sun Wheel on Paradise Pier has been changed to Mickey's Fun Wheel.
During this time, rides and attractions such as a giant Ferris wheel, The Whip, a penny arcade and Tilt A Whirl were constructed.
Here you will also see lots of traditional carnival games, and you can also ride a merry-go-round and visit a giant ferris wheel.
With their Wongas, kids can by tickets to ride a Ferris wheel, carousel and other mini-rides.
You can use the Wii Remote and Nunchuk at the same time, drive with the Wii Wheel, or play with a GameCube controller.
These cabinets were generally taller than an average man and housed a monitor and deck where a joystick and buttons were placed (or a steering wheel, trackball, or a variety of other control mechanisms).
Get behind the wheel of some of the most remarkably race cars this planet has ever seen in Gran Turismo 4.
Mario Kart Wii, for instance, comes with a single Wii Wheel.
The same can be said about Nintendo Wii accessories like the Wii Zapper and Wii Wheel.
This is one of the easiest racing games to play, because you simply hold the Wii Remote on its side and tilt it as if you were turning a steering wheel.
There's even a steering wheel that you slip the controller into so that you can drive realistically.
A bundle deal usually includes a game and a special controller, such as the Mario Kart bundle, which included a steering wheel along with the game.
In this way, it very much feels like you have a steering wheel in your hands and not a video game controller.
Games that has you forming words and trying to guess a blank puzzle, kinda like Wheel of Fortune.
The critical difference is that you have a very specific objective in that the first letter in your formed words will be used in a Wheel of Fortune-like fashion to determine a mystery phrase.
For instance, racing games had the steering wheel on the touchscreen so the gamer can use the stylus to steer.
Other game bundles, like the Mario Kart bundle, package the game and steering wheel together.
The introduction of the Wii Wheel Wii accessory adds to the family friendly fun in this terrific Nintendo driving game.
This is done by tilting the Wii Remote or Wii Wheel upwards.
The free Wii Wheel is a great bonus too.
By doing so, you can unlock corresponding vehicles and then get behind the wheel and race your way to success.
This includes not only the main Wii Operations Manual, but also the manuals related to the Wii Channels, Wii Lens Cleaning Kit, Wii Balance Board, Wii Wheel, and more.
Follow path until you see a red wheel missing a spoke.
Grab the red spoke so you can turn the wheel.
The race style was that of Formula 1 and the arcade system was among the first to offer a steering wheel for controls.
Players got behind the wheel of a bright red Ferrari and had a female companion in the passenger's seat.
Other high-end features in the arcade version include force feedback on the steering wheel and a realistic manual transmission mode, complete with a clutch pedal and the possibility of a stall.
In this hugely anticipated sequel to the original Forza, you get to get behind the wheel of real cars, driving them in real locations while enjoying the physics of ultra realistic racing.
On this screen was a steering wheel and you could use the stylus to move the steering wheel.
I didn't have time to look down to see if the stylus was on the steering wheel or if I was turning at all.
Just like the TV game show, you get to spin the wheel, pick a vowel and attempt to solve the mystery phrase.
Mario Kart Wii came bundled with the new Wii Wheel accessory.
You insert the Wii Remote into this wheel and steer as if you were really driving the kart!
If your user profile (shown as a driver's license) is used to play with the Wii Wheel often enough, your online name will be highlighted with a Wii Wheel icon during online races.
While "Velvet Mistress" and "Liquid Seductress" are not your typical Pinot Noir descriptions, they are the type of remarks that lead one to believe there is so much more to Pinot than what you can find on a wine aroma wheel.