Wheatgrass Sentence Examples
This is undoubtedly the best manual wheatgrass juicer in our range.
And we all know about those that optimize for cost and nutrition but the resulting food tastes awful; I have consumed enough wheatgrass to attest to this.
A pine, wheat, or wheatgrass based litter is safe, will track less, provides better odor control, and will not harm your kitten if a little bit is ingested.
You can grow a variety of different sprouts using the kits, such as the common alfalfa and buckwheat sprouts; wheatgrass, bean sprouts, and even broccoli sprouts.
Additional online sprout kit vendors include The Sprout People and Wheatgrass Kits.
After all, the thought of eating bunches of wheatgrass or gulping down a green algae drink might seem a little daunting to those not used to experiencing nature's bounty in quite that way.
Most masticating juicers are capable of processing hard to juice items such as wheatgrass and leafy greens.
Are you making exotic juice like wheatgrass juice?
Most average juicers can't handle wheat grass and should not be used to juice wheatgrass.