What Sentence Examples
What time is it?
What is an earthquake?
What time are we going to leave tomorrow?
What was that supposed to mean?
What could he do about it but lose more sleep?
What did she eat today?
What shall I do?
That's what I say.
What in the world is this?
No one knows what the mother might do.
AdvertisementWhat was going on?
What is the problem?
What do you want?
Let us examine our prison and see what it is like.
What a big family it was!
AdvertisementWhat do you think of it, Prince?
What are you doing?
You are welcome to what we have.
What do you mean, 'wow'?
What's got into you lately?
AdvertisementWhat joy to talk with other children in my own language!
I can't imagine what he was thinking to hide a thing like that from you.
When new technology comes out, we generally understand it in terms of what it displaces.
Alex walked into the room, smiling when he saw what she had done.
What are you afraid of?
AdvertisementWhat many children think of with dread, as a painful plodding through grammar, hard sums and harder definitions, is to-day one of my most precious memories.
What do you care?
You faced what you thought was a great danger, and you were not afraid.
Maybe that was what Felipa was talking about - that she fussed over him too much.
He looked at the bright, yellow pieces and said, "What shall I do with these coppers, mother?"
What are you going to fix?
If this was what defined a vacation away from home, she'd just as soon stay at home.
And what little they have promised they will not perform!
They were well aware of what could have happened.
He picked it up, but could not see what he held.
What is the nature of the luxury which enervates and destroys nations?
What in the world is going on?
What is your style?
Look what you've done to the poor girl.
No. What made you think that?
Is that what he said?
What answer did Novosiltsev get?
What did you want me to say?
What was he planning?
That's what I've been wanting to tell you.
What do you think?
What makes you think I came here to see you?
What's it to you?
It was Alex who talked her into the IVF, but what did it matter?
What had happened that made him ditch everything he knew and come to Arkansas?
What did he do?
What was he doing here?
That night, after I had hung my stocking, I lay awake a long time, pretending to be asleep and keeping alert to see what Santa Claus would do when he came.
Tikhon, what did we talk about at dinner?
What were you trying to do, kill yourself?
Fine, but that's not what I asked.
It isn't what it looks like.
Is that what this is all about?
What goes on outside those doors is none of their business.
What did you want to talk about?
I don't care what other people think.
The 1920s to 1950s renderings of what people thought the future would look like are full of things like personal jetpacks and flying cars.
What do you have against me?
She had no idea what made him angry one minute and jovial the next.
You can do what you want.
What happened to her?
My dears, what shall we do?
What are you taking away?
This is what is commonly known as a swimming suit.
What do your folks think?
Otherwise, what's so different from yesterday?
What do you think I've been going through lately... wanting to tell you, wanting to hold you in my arms - not knowing if you felt the way I did.
What do you two think you're doing out here in the dark?
It's not what it looks like, Davis.
You just do what I said.
It's hard to tell exactly what happened, because the storm covered any tracks.
What was it Pete had said?
She kept her vigil for what must have been several hours.
More important, what had they been doing?
What business did he have here?
What gave you that idea?
What do you call it?
What are you doing over here?
I didn't realize what a mess it was.
What are you doing up at this hour?
What was he thinking of?
What would she say?
What would he say?
What are you going to do?
But what would that solve?
What was it like, traveling across the desert?
What if he didn't like it after she was done?
People always wanted what seemed unobtainable.
What was more important?
What else can you do?
Once a little fish swam too near the surface, and the kitten grabbed it in her mouth and ate it up as quick as a wink; but Dorothy cautioned her to be careful what she ate in this valley of enchantments, and no more fishes were careless enough to swim within reach.
The Wizard had listened intently to what Eureka had said.
Oh, Dorothy--you can't imagine what horrid things they are!
Do the Sanders know where everything is and what needs to be done with the animals?
So why should we listen to what they call normal?
I didn't know what to tell you until then.
What's important is that you're alive.
It was simply a ruse to keep her from exploring that path and what lay beyond.
I don't know what came over me to act that way.
What do you think you're doing?
What they had witnessed in the last hour required the silence of personal reflection.
Lisa wasn't looking for it, but when she saw it, she knew what it was.
Are you worried about what Rachel said yesterday?
So, what do your parents think of this arrangement.
What was going on in his life right now?
What he needed was friendship.
What if I fall off?
Was she merely a female to hold for the evening - or was this what he had been trying to tell her for so long?
Too head strong to do what you know is best.
What would it have hurt to put her studies aside for one day?
I don't know what I'd do without him.
Did it ever occur to you to ask what I thought about this?
You know what I mean.
What kind of a job do you have now?
What would you do in my place?
What ever happens, we're in this together.
What if he had abandoned her?
No wonder the cavalry wanted you bad enough to pay you twice what they thought Pete might pay.
What were his plans for the future?
What took you two so long to get water?
You've forgotten what constitutes love.
We had no control over what happened.
What did she know about him, after all?
What would his Aunt and Uncle say?
But then, what could they do?
The best way to decide was to find out what he had in the refrigerator.
His eyes expressed approval and the thin lips twitched in what she had grown to accept as a smile - fleeting as it was.
She wondered what would be worth the investment, but didn't want to wind up in the middle of a feud.
The arms that rescued her continued to cradle her gently, and what the fall had failed to do to her heart beat, his close proximity completed.
What was it about him that attracted her so?
What's the matter with your foot?
His features twisted into what might have passed for a wry smile.
No, that wasn't what I meant.
Of course, what goes on between you two in this big lonely house when no one else is around is between the two of you.
What kind of comment was that to make about her brother?
That way he can do what he wants and who's to know?
Unsure what to do with her hands, she rested them on his arms.
What is your sorcery good for if it cannot tell us the truth?
From that vantage point, if you had tried to look fifty years ahead to what the world would be like in the year 2500 BC, you would have expected very little change.
Whether things in the future stay the same as they are today or change from what they are today, both are understood in terms of the current reality.
What demon possessed me that I behaved so well?
For one terrifying moment the enormity of what they had done brought her close to panic.
Mom used to say that people suspected in others what they had experienced or what they would do in the other person's shoes.
Still, Alex had taken ownership for what he had done.
Maybe he was thinking about what his father would say or do when he came in.
Carmen, remember what you said to me before we married?
He probably didn't even realize what he said.
Who could say what might have been if the smallest thing had been different in their lives?
No matter what she said, getting him back meant financial security - a roof over her head and everything that went along with it.
He had apologized for what he had done and she had forgiven him.
What does he have?
That was what mattered right now.
Maybe the last situation was what gave her the courage to speak up when the inheritance tension came back.
They admire you for what you have accomplished.
What makes you think that?
That night exhaustion did what no pill could do, and she finally slept.
His mouth twisted into what might have passed for a smile.
What would Giddon do if he found out she had witnessed his connection?
If Sarah suspected that she already knew what was going on and looked the other way, why not welcome her into the family?
Probably nothing like what was on her imaginative mind.
What would inspire someone to chisel their name into a rock so far from civilization?
If they could talk, what tales these hills could tell.
You must have known what Allen would do to me if he caught me alone.
What Howard provided was an excuse.
She shivered, wondering what plan Yancey had for dealing with her.
What were you thinking about that made you cry – last night?
What she saw today was proof that she needed it close by.
I don't know what he's doing, but I think it's something illegal.
As long as I'm doing what he expects me to do, he'll have doubt.
What about this boy Allen who called yesterday?
What was it he said that day in the mountains... a body could be lost in those hills forever?
What did you think my business was?
No wonder Len knew so much about what was going on.
She knows men are attracted to her beauty, but she doesn't realize it's merely what gets them to her door.
What they got was a mother hen.
Don't spend a half hour selecting what you need, either.
What does he want with all that equipment?
What about that intern who's been calling you so much lately?
Kind of makes you wonder what they were up to when she was my age, doesn't it?
I can understand you not wanting to invest the money for a car, but what's wrong with accepting a ride now and then?
You've got something planned this weekend, but what about Wednesday night?
You're the first girl who has ever accepted me for what I am.
Was that what he was hinting at when he said she was his best friend - that he needed someone to talk to?
What's the point of living to a ripe old age if you can't enjoy yourself?
What if she starts running when we get out in the field?
If she only had a clue what was bothering him.
They didn't know what to think - you coming in here all huffy and chewing me out.
What were you thinking?
What are you doing standing out there in the snow?
As long as they weren't sleeping together or disrupting the household, what difference did it make that they were in love?
So what do you say, yes or no?
I'm working my way through college, but what have I ever done to give you the idea I was destitute?
What was worse, he was sending her away.
What does that have to do with it?
What makes you think I might still want it?
He was no greenhorn, but what was he doing in the desert?
What a wicked thought to have about the man who had risked his life to protect her - not once, but a number of times in the last few days - and with so little to gain.
What a weakling he must think she was.
After what seemed like hours, but probably wasn't more than thirty minutes in the hot sun, Bordeaux stood.
The long ordeal in the desert was over, but what waited for her now was uncertain.
What about her feelings for him – perhaps gratitude?
What if Bordeaux bought it?
Was that what Bordeaux had in mind?
When you ran off like that, I didn't know what to think.
She would tell him what she thought of him and demand that he let the twins go with her.
His expression gave no clue of what was going on inside his head.
It's fine to have high ideals about not going too far, but the reality of it is, it can happen before you realize what is happening.
After she got married and moved to Colorado the family information stopped – if you know what I mean.
From what I hear, he's pretty... frugal; I guess would be the best word.
Well, if that's what you want.
What could have happened so long ago that people still remembered it?
What if he had changed his mind?
What was the house like?
A chest of drawers with copper handles sat beside the bed - and what a bed it was.
What would he want for breakfast?
What makes you think the topic of my mother is...
That would do, but what about something to eat with it.
I don't know what traits you look for in beef cattle, but they look healthy.
What a pansy he must think she was.
As long as you eat what you catch.
Is this what you do out here all day long?
No, I simply think there is a proper way to do things, and humans have a habit of doing what pleases them at the moment, not what is best for the future.
Nothing is going on, if that's what you're getting at.
She knew what she liked, and it rarely had anything to do with what was in style.
But what if you don't like it?
Nothing Cade did indicated that he gave a hoot about what anyone else thought.
You do what you please.
I think I know what it is.
What was it he found so objectionable?
What must he be thinking to hold on to her like that?
What was it about him that she found so attractive?
And then what would he do?
What time would Cade want to get up this morning?
What were you doing all day today?
What did Russ say?
Examining history is not like gazing into some fantasy crystal ball, where what we see is prophetic in detail.
It took a decade or two for the new medium to be seen in light of itself, not just in terms of what it displaced.
If we have once seen, "the day is ours, and what the day has shown."
But I cannot remember any instance in which this feeling prevented me from repeating the naughtiness when I failed to get what I wanted.
Some have asked what I got to eat; if I did not feel lonesome; if I was not afraid; and the like.
What if the Smolensk people have offahd to waise militia for the Empewah?
But to judge what is best--conscription or the militia--we can leave to the supreme authority....
Those standing behind noticed what a speaker omitted to say and hastened to supply it.
Old Rostov could not tell his wife of what had passed without tears, and at once consented to Petya's request and went himself to enter his name.
I'm old and weak and this is what you wanted.
Dessalles looked in amazement at the prince, who was talking of the Niemen when the enemy was already at the Dnieper, but Princess Mary, forgetting the geographical position of the Niemen, thought that what her father was saying was correct.
Yes, he writes that the French were beaten at... at... what river is it?
She gave it to him and, unpleasant as it was to her to do so, ventured to ask him what her father was doing.
What was he disappointed about - the new baby?
It was impossible to know what was going on in Señor Medena's mind by observing his expression.
He doesn't remember what happened.
If I didn't want to do what he said I'd tell him so - and he would listen to my reasons.
He doesn't force me to do what he wants.
What else has happened to make you think she is trying to break us up?
But I think it's important that we're both aware of what's going on, don't you?
What if Señor Medena had three boys instead of three girls?
What had they done?
She was just surprised by what was in the envelope.
No matter how sorry Alex was for what happened, or how many times he apologized or tried to make up for it, he couldn't remove the hurt.
Alondra and Felipa were watching her intently, and even Señor Medena seemed to be interested in what their life was like at home.
Well, let him think what he wanted.
Like Alex, it was impossible to guess what was going on in his mind by the expression on his face.
What's up with that, anyway?
I am in the middle of it right now - only I don't know what I'm in the middle of.
How would you feel if I was fighting with my brother and wouldn't tell you what we were fighting about?
Oh, and we were whispering so you knew we were talking, but you didn't know what we were saying.
Señor Medena was watching her again in that strange way, as if it truly mattered what she thought.
Yet, what about the uneasy feeling she had today?
What have you two been arguing about, and why did you kiss your brother like that?
Was that what they had been arguing about?
He does not know what he want.
Was that what Dulce was arguing with him about - that he didn't know what he wanted?
If he had passed Dulce over, it was because she wasn't what he wanted.
What part have I got wrong, Carmen?
Apparently he found what he was looking for, because a smile touched the corners of his mouth and his eyes warmed.
Let him wonder what she would do when they got home.
After what seemed like a short wait, they boarded another plane.
What felt comfortable only moments ago now seemed bold and foolish.
What are you talking about?
That's what's been bothering me all this time.
I pretend like I know what's right and wrong, but I don't.
All I know is what Mom and Dad taught me.
Apparently finding what he was looking for, he finally shrugged.
What's wrong with it?
Actually, what I said was that no one got to the point that they couldn't use more money.
This wasn't about what he had hidden from her or the fact that he had left her alone for two weeks to go to Columbia.
While she was outside having a pity party, he was trying to figure out what he'd done wrong.
Now what brought on that comment?
Are you blaming a little boy for what his mother did?
What a complicated situation Alex had been born into.
What causes a parent to love one child more than another?
My guess is that he meant exactly what he said.
What part of 'wealthy' were you having problems understanding?
God is punishing my daughter for what you did.
Hands clasped, she prayed fervently, asking God not to let Destiny suffer for what they had done.
He must understand what Alex had been through.
I just wonder what his angle is.
He's at home with Jonathan and he can't come in because Destiny might catch what he has.
Alex would be upset, but what could she do?
He knew exactly what he wanted and I told him we would buy it for him.
I don't know what the odds are, but I figure god is responsible for both - don't you think?
He had a lot on his plate right now... the twins, his father and who knew what else?
I think I know what you mean.
What was clear was the fact that he was struggling over something.
He might not have heard what she said, but he must have heard her speak.
Maybe that was what he had been so preoccupied with lately.
You spring something on me and then you just shut me out - like what I feel isn't important.
I want to be able to focus on solving this problem, not worrying about what might be said or done to you.
What was even worse, their love life was suffering.
It shouldn't be any surprise, since that was what suffered when he had been troubled in the past.
I sure hope you're going to deliver what you've been promising all evening.
I mean - does he tell you what to cook for supper and what to wear?
I want to know what the problem is.
Is that what you and Dulce were fighting about?
So exactly what is it that Dulce wants you to do?
I guess the way I've acted... not telling you things - what else could you think?
Does her husband know what she's doing?
So what were you and Dulce arguing about?
What was this sudden obsession with her ability to run the ranch, and what made him think she was qualified?
You have thought much about what we discussed yesterday?
No one knew what the future held, but if they faced everything together, surely they would grow together.
They want what you give Carmen.
If they wanted what he and Carmen had, why didn't they go out and find it?
She didn't know anything about what he was doing.
In spite of what Allen thought, no incriminating words had crossed her lips.
You simply had to make better use of what was left.
What took you so long?
Do you know what they would want?
What a fool she had been to come here.
Those blue eyes were boring into her soul, searching for heaven only knew what.
Why hadn't she realized what wonderful parents she had while they were still alive?
What did she know about this man... other than the fact that he had a volatile temperament?
After what seemed like hours of traveling down trails that were little more than rockslides, Giddon stopped the ATV and shut off the engine.
What would give him the idea that she enjoyed having him carry her across the creek?
There was another way, but after what had happened today, she was reluctant to bring it up.
What are you laughing about?
Maybe what I needed was someone to kick me to my feet.
What other reason would there be for telling his daughter not to discuss his occupation?
What was it about him that she responded to in spite of what she knew about him?
In her room that night, she wrote a letter to Connie explaining what she had observed.
They had talked in front of her, so it couldn't be what she thought.
What if she had been seriously injured?
What if a snake had been in those bushes?
What was it she had heard about bear attacks?
And what would you have done if it had been a bear?
That's what happens when you don't do as you're told.
Was that what Sarah had found so amusing the first day - the fact that she hadn't melted under Yancey's stern gaze?
What she needed was a line item veto.
I always thought I knew what was going on out there.
What had come over him, anyway?
What had she been thinking of all this time?
It's just that sometimes I wonder what is more important in your life - your career or me.
What can he do out there right now that he couldn't do a month and a half from now.
What right did he have to complain?
In such a small town, there couldn't be many positions, and the pay wouldn't come close to what she was making in Tulsa.
Of course, once she had convinced everyone else what a foolish move it would be, how was she going to convince herself that she didn't need Brandon in her life?
What difference did it make?
Was it really so important what Brandon or anyone else thought?
What are you doing in Bartlesville, Adrienne?
What was that saying you were always reciting to me?
I'm trying to say that it's all right to switch boats if that's what you really want.
I'm saying what we had together was more important than what I have now.
That wasn't the point she was trying to make, but maybe a man would never understand what she was talking about.
See what you can do with those.
What was he doing out here alone in the middle of the desert?
What would the cavalry be doing out here?
What are you going to do when you find him?
You haven't asked me what a woman is doing out here driving a wagon.
Why should she care – and what did he have to gain by all this attention?
What did you do with that scorpion this morning - go back and eat it?
I know what you mean.
No, he didn't see, but what did it matter?
Was this what it would be like to be married to him - waking every morning to a feeling of security?
What was so terrible about a simple kiss?
Is it necessary to have someone say words over us, when we already know what we want?
What must he think of her, encouraging him one minute, and then turning away the next?
After all, what did they have to lose?
What are you waiting for?
What if he sold the ranch?
She wanted to hate Bordeaux for what he had done, but like a shameless hussy, she still longed to hear his voice - feel his touch.
Bordeaux had found what he wanted and claimed his prize.
She tried not to think of Bordeaux, instead focusing her attention on the twins and what she was going to say to her father.
Bordeaux was watching her, probably wondering what she would do next.
You want to stay with him, in spite of what he did?
I didn't hire him and I have no idea what deal you are talking about.
What had she done?
She fell in love with a trapper and he took her back to what we all describe as civilization.
I guess I distrusted all men because of what Dad did.
What time do you get off?
What would he have to talk to her about?
I don't know what kind of wages you draw here, but I'd be willing to pay you a hundred a week plus room and board.
What would my duties entail?
Hey, you'll never guess what happened tonight.
What can you expect out of a recluse?
But aren't you a little concerned about what people will say?
As for what the town thinks, I don't care.
Not that anyone cares what I do.
What else does the hermit want for his $100 a week?
Good for him, but what does that have to do with me working for him?
Oh, what's the use?
What was the use?
I couldn't care less what Claudette thinks, but let me take the question out of your mind.
Don't you see what you've done?
What's the matter, Cindy?
Write down exactly what you want.
I know what to get, now you go lay down on the couch until I get back.
Cade knew how to be a friend, even if he didn't know what to say.
I know what you're up to and thanks for the concern, but I'm fine now.
You know what would be nice?
What's so great about this pond?
Was that what their conversation had been about today?
There's no point in being uncomfortable just so you can prove what a macho man you are.
She stared at the fire, shocked by the enormity of what she had done.
That's what you pay me to do.
What could happen that hadn't already happened?
But what we do with our time after work is strictly between the two of us.
What would it take to make you happy, Cindy?
Maybe a housekeeper wasn't what he had planned on hiring in the first place.
You're welcome here no matter what - just pack up and come over.
But think about what I said, OK?
So what do you want me to do, make a museum out of this place?
Then what are you going to do?
A doctor appointment confirmed what she already knew, and that everything was normal - as normal as they could be under the circumstances.
What kind of future could she offer a child?
She wanted the best for it - better than what she had.
I noticed you were a good looking woman, if that's what you mean.
What did I do?
What's petrifying about that?
Was this what I experienced for three years?
I came downstairs and tried to figure out what happened and then I talked to Ben and it calmed me down.
I'm a mess wondering what's wrong with me.
What I have up there is just a power source and magnetic field.
What about the plants you're growing?
I'm sure Howie didn't snack on what I'm growing!
You're the person who suggested this; tell me what to do.
I'm as curious as you to find out what it is.
He reiterated his concern about anyone outside our group learning of what we were doing.
Martha finally brought to daylight what was on all our minds.
What was going on back then?
I'm sure he meant well, but his lecture wasn't what Howie, and to a lesser extent Betsy, wanted to hear.
He doesn't want to let go, but he doesn't know what to do next.
When my aunt practically insisted he visit me, I was scared to death wondering what he knew or why he wanted to come.
What did you lie about?
I don't know what... sinning?
This is what I want you to do tomorrow morning.
What would Cade say?
What had gotten into him?
It was still hard to accept what they had done.
I guess that's what you meant in the diner when you told me to hold that thought.
What kind of monster do you think I am?
That Martha LeBlanc is drop dead gorgeous; that's what!
Do you know what a dissociative fugue state is?
Howie doesn't have to work but he still suffers from head trauma, is pretty depressed and frankly, doesn't know what to do with himself.
From what I've learned his entire brain structure is distorted.
They plead for me, their master, to stop but I never will now that I know what I'm capable of accomplishing.
What vocational opportunities are available for an almost-priest who's been out of this world for a few years?
Now that I'm not, what do you have in mind?
I reluctantly descended the stairs, smiling but unsure what to say.
What did you see?
I'd assume no one would believe me and I'd be at a loss to prove what I saw.
Howie, what in hell are you doing?
He started to move away, but I stopped him, concerned what was bothering him.
Maybe I'd admit what happened to friends I knew I could trust.
I'm worried about Howie but I don't know what to do.
What should I do?
It's what happened next that's got me troubled.
I'll call it a dream for lack of another word but that's not what I experienced.
What happened to Howie was no ordinary dream, just as he said.
What does Howie have to do with ironing clothes and reaping hay?
I'd have to know what was going on.
I don't confess to understanding what happened but it's fascinating.
Look what he dreamt; a woman ironing shirts, a child playing, a cat and a farmer pitching hay.
Ben, what do you think?
If you have concerns, what are they?
Frankly, I'm petrified what I experienced last night might somehow lead to more of the same; people poking sticks at my psyche.
I lay there several minutes after I awoke and thought about what Howie experienced.
It certainly didn't sound anything like what I'd just experienced.
I don't know what the sentence for rape was back then.
Once. That's what I was afraid he'd remember.
Even if Brockville proved to be all he described, what would that tell us?
What would you do next?
I wouldn't know what to say.
That's what you guys are doing to me.
I'll tell you what's going on; he read about this place in a book, maybe a long time ago, and now he's dreaming about it.
Who knows what's going on in that head?
I don't disagree and God knows I have no more idea what's causing these visions but they're ruling his life right now.
Sure, I'm curious to find out what it is.
What exactly was happening?
It was nerve wracking not to know what was happening.
He knows what settings control each but it's far from exact.
Tell them what you can do.
I can't share what I see with anyone else and it not only reeks of voyeurism but feels selfish to me.
Why wouldn't you want to see yourself growing up, what your childhood was like?
Our inquiries are directed toward the accuracy of what you're seeing; did those scenes actually occur in the past.
This is what I'll do; I'll let you take me where I don't want to go.