Western-world Sentence Examples
Thus it was the Aeginetans who, within thirty or forty years of the invention of coinage by the Lydians (c. 700 B.C.), introduced to the western world a system of such incalculable value to trade.
It was no longer possible to write as if the whole civilization of the Western world would sit down contentedly under the shadow of East Gothic dominion and Amal sovereignty.
But he is chiefly memorable for having introduced Plato to the Western world.
It now remains to consider the slavery of primitive origin which has .existed within recent times, or continues to exist, outside of the Western world.
He was associated with Marsilius Ficinus, Angelus Politianus, and Theodorus Gaza, in the revival of letters in the western world.
About the middle of the 11th century the Arabian medical writers began to be known by Latin translations in the Western world.
It is needless to point out the influence of the crusades in making Eastern ideas known in the Western world.
It may be said of the philosophy of Benedetto Croce that it has formulated the truth of the unity of the spirit in the form most acceptable to the Western world.
The various literatures of these nations were locked from view for more than two thousand years, while the literature of Israel had not merely been preserved, but had come to be regarded as inspired and sacred among all the cultured nations of the Western world.
Amiot was eminently fitted to make good use of the advantages which his situation afforded, and his works did more than had ever been done before to make known to the Western world the thought and life of the Far East.
AdvertisementLosing with the dissolution of the Western Empire its position as the state church, it became itself a new empire, the heir of the glory and dignity of Rome, and the greatest influence making for the peace and unity of the western world.
Larger synods representing the churches of a number of contiguous provinces also met frequently; for instance, in the early 4th century at Elvira, Ancyra, Neo-Caesarea and Arles, the last representing the entire Western world.
From the precious contents of that bamboo tube, brought to Constantinople about the year 550, were produced all the races and varieties of silkworm which stocked and supplied the Western world for more than twelve hundred years.
The Roman party recovered its power; Aurelian was again praetorian prefect in 402; and the Germanization which was to befall the western world was averted from the east.
Then came the break up of what remained of feudal Europe and a readjustment under Napoleon, which left the western world with five fairly balanced homogeneous nations.
AdvertisementIn its general ethical code Proverbs represents the best standard of the times; the sages are at one with the more enlightened moralists of the Western world.
It was this India to the east of the Indus that Megasthenes opened up to the western world.
On the day of Yazdegerd, or New Year's Day, the Parsees emulate the western world in rejoicing and social intercourse.
When the Empire in the 4th century adopted it, its cult, organization and teaching were carried throughout the western world.
The deposition of Romulus Augustulus, the last Roman emperor in the West, in 476, was certainly not one of those events upon which the history of the Western world depends.
AdvertisementIt has been held by some that a phenomenon so widely diffused over the western world must be attributable to physiological causes, such as alcoholism, syphilis, the abuse of narcotics and so on.
They enter into the basis of theology; results attained by long struggles in the East are simply presuppositions to the West; but, for the most part, no independent interest attaches to them in the Western world.
It had the dubious distinction of having the second highest crime rate in the western world.
And that is very hard to do today because the Western world has grown so decadent.
Canada now has the dubious distinction of having the second highest crime rate in the Western world.
AdvertisementThe reason why the age of abundance has not arrived even in the developed Western world is that human wants seem insatiable.
Age - related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of blindness in people over 60 years in the western world.
The Playboy of the Western World would smile to see himself so gently mocked.
Cardiovascular disease remains the most common cause of morbidity and mortality in most of the Western world and in Scotland in particular.
Highlights include The playboy Of The Western World in Ireland and Le Misanthrope in Boston, USA.
J. M. Synge's comedy playboy OF THE WESTERN WORLD caused a scandal when it was first performed in 1907.
I'm sad to say that the over-commercialised " I want " nature of Christmas in the Western World has never seemed more vulgar.
The first definite geographical theories to affect the western world were those evolved, or at least first expressed, by the Greeks.'
The findings offer an explanation as to why breast cancer is more rife in the western world compared with the developing world.
We insist on a policy of stringent safety precautions, ensuring our clients are never too far out of touch with the western world.
I 'm sad to say that the over-commercialised " I want " nature of Christmas in the Western World has never seemed more vulgar.
It's believed that the White Russian cocktail recipe dates back to somewhere around the 1950s when vodka was beginning to really catch on in the western world.
The burdock plant has been used for nearly 1000 years in Asian cultures and now the western world is also discovering the many benefits.
Once Warner Broadcasting purchased rights to broadcast the series during the popular Saturday morning time slot, the Pokemon series' popularity skyrocketed throughout the rest of the western world.
Introduced to the Western world in 1958, the practice of Transcendental Meditation, also known as TM, is a form of mantra meditation.
Depending on the location, you can also gain an entirely new outlook on life in the United States and the Western world in general.
Alternative medicine by definition is the practice of medicine that is not considered conventional in the Western world.
Sometimes it is used as treatment in its pure form and sometimes it is blended with traditional Western world medical practices.
Goth Lolita - Trendy popular look in Japan and growing in popularity in the Western world.
It's almost impossible to grow up in the Western world and not know the basic story of Little Red Riding Hood.
Overall, changes in diet and awareness mean that today's senior citizens are healthier than those in the Western world have ever been.
At the same time, the western world of dance began to intrigue him more and more.
In the Western world the five elements are thought of as something with a substance, an actual form.
Black Hat Sect Tantric Buddhist feng shui was created for the Western world as a cookie-cutter approach to what classical feng shui experts call fast food feng shui.
His translations are the ones most commonly used in the Western world.
Today, most women in the Western world shave their underarm hair.
Santa is probably one of the most recognized characters around the world, or at least in the Western world.
The Statue represents freedom, friendship and democracy throughout the Western world.
The Cold War secrecy kept the Western world from ever learning much about Mirny mining procedures.
Dan Post Boots have become legendary in the western world.
Traditionally dragons in the western world have been viewed quite differently than those in the East.
This style of tattoo art is gaining popularity throughout the western world contributed to the fact that more people are beginning to take interest in the culture and society of the Middle East.
Maharishi (produced mah-HARSH-ee) wanted the Western world to understand a version of meditation that was easy to perform, required little-to-no concentration, and promised a deeper exploration of the mind.
Pattabhi Jois, with introducing yoga to the Western world.