Western church Sentence Examples
These "apparelled albs" (albae paratae) continued in general use in the Western Church till the 16th century, when a tendency to dispense with the parures began, Rome itself setting the example.
The Roman Catholic Ghegs appear to have abandoned the Eastern for the Western Church in the middle of the 13th century.
In the Byzantine and early Romanesque periods it was an essential part of church furniture; but during the middle ages it was gradually superseded in the Western Church by the pulpit and lectern.
Whether he meant it so or not, the saint's argument became a programme and an apologia for the imperializing of the Western Church under the leadership of Rome during the middle ages.
But the Western Church was also more conservative than the Greek.
In addition to the above three meanings strange uses of the term appear in the western church.
The western church did not accept Jerome's definition of apocrypha, but retained the word in its original meaning, though great confusion prevailed.
It survives in the ritual chasuble of the Western Church.
The Eastern bishops triumphed in the end under Theodosius, at the council of Constantinople (381), in which the pope and the Western church took no part.
The "Holy Leaven" is reputed to be a part of the original bread of the first Eucharist, brought by Addai and Mari' and maintained ever since in the Church; it is used in the confection of the Eucharistic wafers, which are rather thicker than those used in the Western Church.
AdvertisementIn the Western Church the title was hardly known before the 7th century, and did not become common until the Carolingian emperors revived the right of the metropolitans to summon provincial synods.
In the Western Church the Gloria Patri is repeated at the close of every psalm, in the Eastern Church at the close of the last psalm.
Afterwards, however, it was the Western church which absorbed almost his whole attention.
There is no evidence to show when the stole was first used in the Western Church.
In matters of ritual they agreed with the Western Church on the continent, save in a few particulars such as the precise time of keeping Easter and manner of tonsure.
AdvertisementThe Western Church accepted the decisions of Nicaea, Chalcedon and Constantinople, and so the doctrines of the Trinity and of the two natures in Christ were handed down as orthodox dogma in West as well as East.
Meanwhile in the Western Church the subject of sin and grace, and the relation of divine and human activity in salvation, received especial attention; and finally, at the second council of Orange in 529, after both Pelagianism and semi-Pelagianism had been repudiated, a moderate form of Augustinianism was adopted,, involving the theory that every man as a result of the fall is in such a condition that he can take no steps in the direction of salvation until he has been renewed by the divine grace given in baptism, and that he cannot continue in the good thus begun except by the constant assistance of that grace, which is mediated only by the Catholic Church.
This decision was confirmed by Pope Boniface II., and became the accepted doctrine in the Western Church of the middle ages.
It cannot be said that she developed as did the Western Church during this period, for she remained what she had been; but she freely developed her original characteristics, consistently, in every direction.
There was yet another outcome of this stubborn persistency of a peculiar type - the impossibility of continuing to share the life of the Western Church.
AdvertisementSubsequently, however, this version of Jerome (the Vulgate) became the basis of Western Biblical scholarship. Henceforward the Western Church suffered both from the corruptions in the official Hebrew text and also from the fact that it worked from a version and not from the original, for a.
It will be convenient now to pass to the fully-developed altar of the Western Church with its accessories, though the rudiments of most of the additional details are traceable in the earlier period.
They always kept up relations of some kind, especially by means of pilgrimages, and it was admitted that in any disputes which might arise with the Eastern Church the pope had the right to speak as representative of the whole of the Western Church.
But new possibilities of conquest were now opened up at the suggestion of Alexius, the son of the deposed emperor Isaac. He promised the crusaders that if they went first to Constantinople and re-instated Isaac, the latter would maintain them for a year, contribute 10,000 men and 200,000 marks for the expedition to Egypt, and subject the Eastern to the Western Church.
Of Greeks and Saracens we now hear only as a degraded remnant, to be won over, if it may be, to the Western Church.
AdvertisementBut the current view of the Western Church since Augustine has been that the precept to honour parents heads the second table.
Writers are fond of viewing him as representing all the degrees of the ecclesiastical hierarchy; they say that he is bishop of Rome, metropolitan of the of Roman province, primate of Italy, patriarch of the western Church and head of the universal Church.
The corresponding works in the Western Church are the passionaries or legendaries, varieties of which are dispersed in libraries and have not been studied collectively.
Although we find Siricius a year later writing to the African Church on this same subject in tones rather of persuasion than of command, yet the beginning of compulsory sacerdotal celibacy in the Western Church may be conveniently dated from his decretal of A.D.
Thus began the Great Schism which divided the Western Church for about fifty years.
In the Orthodox Church of the East and the various communions springing from it, the potestas ordinis of the bishop is the same as in the Western Church.
The great dogmatic work of the Eastern Church was the definition of that portion of the creed of Christendom which concerns theology proper - the doctrines of the essential nature of the Godhead, and the doctrine of the God head in relation with manhood in the incarnation, while it fell to the Western Church to define anthropology, or the doctrine of man's nature and needs.
A synod assembled at Rome in the autumn of 340, and the great council - probably that which met at Sardica in 342 or 343, where the Orientals refused to meet the representatives of the Western church - declared him guiltless.
The latter task was accomplished with no little power by the Western Church in the period of its independent development.'
The Greek and the Roman Catholic Churches stand united against Protestantism in the general theory of law and of sacraments; but a Protestant can hardly doubt that, if Catholicism is to be accepted, a Catholic organization, and doctrine are better furnished by the Western Church than by the arrested development of its rival.
But, in the utilization of the monks as the best of the Church's forces, the Western Church far surpasses the East, where meditation rather than practical activity is the monastic ideal.
The reply of the Western Church was promptly given in the unambiguously dyothelite decrees of the Lateran synod held by Pope Martin I.
In the 8th and 9th centuries, when the great emigration of Irish scholars and ecclesiastics took place, the number of wandering bishops without dioceses became a reproach to the Irish church; and there can be no doubt that it led to much inconvenience and abuse, and was subversive of the stricter discipline that the popes had succeeded in establishing in the Western church.
In 806 the northern and north-eastern districts were added to the empire of the Franks, and thus won for the Western Church.
In the time of Gregory the Great the Western Church obtained 1 "Placuit picturas in ecclesia esse non debere, ne quod colitur et adoratur in parietibus depingatur."
By these books, and by his two foundations, he introduced monasticism in the Western Church.
Augustine of Hippo trans- St Aligns- mits a type of Platonism as part of his legacy to the S A Western church.
While, however, between the 9th and 13th centuries, the Western Church was adding largely to her store of vestments, that of the East increased her list by but three, the Evxfipcov and i rtyaviKCa (see Maniple) and the aaKKos (see Dalmatic).
There the great secession from Rome was brought about by Martin Luther; but, in spite of his striking personality, the upheaval which was destined to shatter the unity of the Western Church was not his undivided work.
In 1613 he published his first printed work, though not his first literary composition - Gravissimae Quaestionis de Christianarum Ecclesiarum, in Occidentis praesertim partibus, ab Apostolicis temporibus ad nostram usque aetatem, continua successione et statu, Historica Explicatio, wherein he took up the history of the Western Church from the point where Jewel had left off in his A pology for the Church of England, and carried it on from the 6th till past the middle of the 13th century, but never completed it.
Papal supremacy is the special characteristic of the Western Church.