West-virginia Sentence Examples
It read, 'Croft's Feed, Alder's Bridge, West Virginia!
The total value of all clay products in West Virginia was $3,261,736 in 1908.
Railway development in West Virginia has been due largely to the exploitation of the coal and lumber resources of the state.
The West Virginia Colored Orphans' Home near Huntington is not under state control, but has received appropriations from the legislature.
Here it is sufficient to say that only nine of the forty-six delegates from the present state of West Virginia voted to secede.
Berkeley and Jefferson counties lying on the Potomac east of the mountains, in 1863, with the consent of the " Reorganized " government of Virginia voted in favour of annexation to West Virginia.
The Virginia legislature repealed the act of cession and in 1866 brought suit against West Virginia asking the court to declare the counties a part of Virginia.
During the Civil War West Virginia suffered comparatively little.
Though the first constitution provided for the assumption of a part of the Virginia debt, negotiations opened by Virginia in 1870 were fruitless, and in 1871 that state funded two-thirds of the debt and arbitrarily assigned the remainder to West Virginia.
In 1906 Virginia entered suit in the U.S. Supreme Court to compel West Virginia to assume a portion of the debt.
AdvertisementNatural gas is piped to Frostburg from the West Virginia fields, 120 m.
The discovery of iron ore in the Lake Superior region made Cleveland the natural meeting-point of the iron ore and the coal from the Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia mines; and it is from this that the city's great commercial importance dates.
The city is attractively built on high level land, above the river; in addition to a fine customs house, court house and high school, it contains the West Virginia state capitol, erected in 1880.
In October-November 1768, Sir William Johnson and representatives of Virginia and Pennsylvania met 3200 Indians of the Six Nations here and made a treaty with them, under which, for 10,460 in money and provisions, they surrendered to the crown their claims to what is now Kentucky and West Virginia and the western part of Pennsylvania.
After the erection of the state of West Virginia (1863), and until the close of the war, Alexandria was the seat of what was known as the "Alexandria Government" (see Virginia).
AdvertisementThe Appalachian oil field extends northward from West Virginia and Pennsylvania into Cattaraugus, Allegany and Steuben counties.
The more important railway lines are the Baltimore & Ohio, the Philadelphia, Baltimore & Washington (controlled by the Pennsylvania and a consolidation of the Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore, and the Baltimore & Potomac), the Western Maryland, the West Virginia Central & Pittsburg (leased by the Western Maryland), the Northern Central, the Maryland electric railways (including what was formerly the Baltimore & Annapolis Short Line), and the Washington, Baltimore & Annapolis electric railway.
Here Stonewall Jackson lay with a small force, and in front of him at the outlet of the valley was Banks, while Fremont threatened him from West Virginia.
Hunter's assault (June 18) failed, and the Federals, unable to hold their ground, had to make a circuitous retreat to the Potomac by way of West Virginia.
The operations resulted in re-establishing the confidence of the Confederates in their army which Johnston's retreat from Yorktown had shaken, in adding prestige to President Davis and his government, and in rectifying the popular view of General Lee as a commander which had been based upon his failure to recover West Virginia in the autumn of 1861.
AdvertisementOn the 8th of May 1862 was fought the combat of McDowell, won by Jackson against the leading troops of Fremont's command from West Virginia.
The Devonian system yields much oil and gas in western Pennsylvania, south-western New York, West Virginia and Ontario; and some of the Devonian beds in Tennessee yield phosphates of commercial value.
Pennsylvania (117,179,527 tons of bituminous and 83,268,754 of anthracite), Illinois (47,659,690), West Virginia (41,897,843), Ohio (26,270,639), Indiana (12,314,890) and Alabama (11,604,593) were the states of greatest production.
The Appalachian field (Pennsylvania, New York, Ohio, West Virginia and Tennessee) produces oil rich in paraffin, practically free from sulphur and asphalt, and yielding the largest percentage of gasoline and illuminating oils.
Ohio, West Virginia and California appeared as producers in 1876, Kentucky and Tennessee in 1883, Colorado in 1887.
AdvertisementPennsylvania, with a product valued at $155,620,395 from 1899 to 1908, West Virginia with $84,955,496, Ohio with $48,172,450 and Indiana with $46,141,553 were the greatest producers of the Union.
The city is the seat of Marshall College (founded in 1837; a State Normal School in 1867), which in1907-1908had 34 instructors and I ioo students; and of the West Virginia State Asylum for the Incurable Insane; and it.
He moved to West Virginia and practised law at Kingwood from 1877 to 1882, during the same period serving as chairman of the county Democratic committee.
Of the native population (5,316,865) 90.7% were born within the state and a little more than two-fifths of the remainder were natives of New York, Maryland, Ohio, New Jersey, Virginia, New England, Delaware and West Virginia.
He served on McClellan's staff during the West Virginia campaign, and was commissioned brigadiergeneral of volunteers and appointed chief of cavalry of the Army of the Potomac in August 1861, in which capacity he took part in the Peninsular campaign and the Seven Days' Battle.
Oil and gas are of importance in the Lower Carboniferous Pocono sandstone of West Virginia and in the Berea grit of Ohio, where brine also occurs.
His father, Thomas (1778-1851), was born in Rockingham (then Augusta) county, Virginia; he was hospitable, shiftless, restless and unsuccessful, working now as a carpenter and now as a farmer, and could not read or write before his marriage, in Washington county, Kentucky, on the 12th of June 1806, to Nancy Hanks (1783-1818), who was a native of Virginia, who is said to have been the illegitimate daughter of one Lucy Hanks, and who seems to have been, in 1 Lincoln's birthday is a legal holiday in California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, West Virginia and Wyoming.
W., at Pruntytown, is the West Virginia Reform School.
Glass sand is obt2 fined from the Illinois river valley in La Salle county; in 1906 it was valued at $156,684, making the state in this product second only to Pennsylvania and West Virginia (in 1905 it was second only to Pennsylvania).
The General Assembly passed an act at that time for refunding two-thirds of it, claiming that the other third should be paid by West Virginia.
In 1774 Lord Dunmore, the governor, led an army to the Ohio river to break an Indian coalition which had been formed to check the rapid expansion of Virginia over what is now Kentucky and West Virginia.
On the 23rd of May the people of the eastern counties almost unanimously voted approval of the acts of the Convention, and the western counties took steps to form the state of West Virginia (q.v.).
He took part in the West Virginia campaign of 1861, served in the Kanawha region, in supreme command after Rosecrans's relief in the spring, until August 1862, when his troops were ordered to join Burnside's 9th Corps in Virginia.
The Monongahela from Pittsburg to the West Virginia state line (91.5 m.) was improved in 1836 sqq.
He returned to the law, but at the beginning of the Civil War became colonel of the Eleventh Indiana Infantry, served in the West Virginia campaign, and on the 3rd of September 1861 was appointed brigadier-general.
The return freight movement to the Wisconsin lake ports is made up chiefly of coal from the Lake Erie shipping points for the coalfields of Pennsylvania and West Virginia.
It is served by the Pennsylvania (Marietta Division), the Baltimore & Ohio (Marietta & Parkersburg, Marietta & Zanesville, and Ohio River divisions) and the Marietta, Columbus & Cleveland railways, and by steamboat lines to several river ports; a bridge across the Ohio connects it with Williamstown, West Virginia.
So far, the only possibility benefit is Howie being the world's foremost expert on July, 1932 in West Virginia!
The search of a detailed West Virginia map and the internet yielded no reference whatsoever to Alder's Bridge, West Virginia.
After pleasantries I launched into a recap of our West Virginia weekend, detailing all we'd discovered.
The total output of the state was 44,648 tons in 1863, when the first shipments outside the state were made; and 41,897,843 tons (valued at $40,009,0J4) in 1908, when the output of West Virginia was third in quantity and in value among the states of the Union, being exceeded only by that of Pennsylvania and of Illinois.
In 1908 a law was enacted for establishing the West Virginia Children's Home to be under the control of the Humane Society.
At the head of the educational system is the West Virginia University (1867) at Morgantown (q.v.).
The principal institutions of higher learning not under state control are Bethany College (Christian, 1841), at Bethany; Morris Harvey College (Methodist Episcopal, Southern, 1888), at Barboursville; West Virginia Wesleyan College (Methodist Episcopal, 1890), at Buckhannon; and Davis and Elkins College (Presbyterian, 1904), at Elkins.
West Virginia's share of the Virginia debt which existed when West Virginia was set off from Virginia has not yet been determined (see below, § History), but other than this the state has no debt, and the contraction of a state debt other than " to meet casual deficits in the revenue, to redeem a previous liability of the state, to suppress insurrection, repel invasion or defend the state in time of war " is forbidden by the constitution.
Clawson 's study focused on tenured professors at the institutions of West Virginia.
Spare ribs fresh not an exaggeration of west virginia and a vintage.
This piece is from the blog Just a Modern Guy from the owners of The Purple Moon located in Charleston, West Virginia.
Every winter, snow sport enthusiasts from Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Washington DC, Maryland, Delaware and West Virginia visit the ski slopes in Pennsylvania.
They also offer last year's prom catalogs to residents of western or central Pennsylvania, Northern West Virginia and eastern Ohio.
The first was West Virginia University, much to the chagrin of the administration.
Costa Rica is a tiny nation in Central America - with only one tenth of one percent of the world's landmass (19,700 square miles), it is smaller than the state of West Virginia.
There are more than 60 individual seams of coal that have been found viable to mine in West Virginia.
The West Virginia Office of Miners' Health Safety and Training states that in 2010, 18,764 people worked in coal production.
For adults, the rate is 6.6 and varies approximately six fold, ranging from 2.5 in Alaska to 15.7 in West Virginia.
Other states, including West Virginia and Florida, are making long-term plans to move toward universal prekindergarten.
The following states have these laws in place - Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Montana, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Rhode Island, Texas, and West Virginia.
Are you trying to find out where you can make charitable donations of building materials in West Virginia?
Building material donations are accepted at various locations in West Virginia.
Making charitable donations of building materials in West Virginia is a great way to help those less fortunate while doing your best to recycle unwanted supplies.
Are you looking for ideas for fundraising in West Virginia?
There are plenty of ways to raise money in West Virginia.
Unfortunately, they only serve Panhandle, West Virginia.
You can find out how to get started and how much you can make with each sale by calling or stopping by the store at 42 River Walk Mall in Charleston, West Virginia.
Once you've chosen the fundraising company you would like to use, your next step is to make sure you are within the fundraising guidelines for West Virginia.
Sightings of a strange creature were reported in and around the town of Point Pleasant, West Virginia.
The legend of the nowfamousMothman began in a small town in West Virginia.
Five teenagers were traveling in a car and passed the old West Virginia Ordinance Works, a plant used to make dynamite during World War IIbut long since abandoned.
The actor joined the soap opera in 1983 playing Pine Valley's answer to Donald Trump despite his own humble beginnings in Pigeon Hollow, West Virginia.
Brad Paisley was born Brad Douglas Paisley on October 28th, 1972 in Glen Dale, West Virginia.
I was the first consultant in the state of West Virginia.
We searched unsuccessfully for a map of the West Virginia.
I'm on the road with West Virginia behind me, taking a brief rest from my hobby.
Our route scooted between Pennsylvania and Virginia for three hours until we crossed into West Virginia and traded a major highway for winding secondary roads.
The place didn't look anything like West Virginia.
I spotted familiar references to our earliest sojourns in West Virginia and knowing the time and location Howie visited there at least gave me a starting point.
Buried in back of a god-forsaken campground in West Virginia.
The plateau portion of West Virginia is largely covered by hardwood forests, but along the Ohio river and its principal tributaries the valuable timber has been removed and considerable areas have been wholly cleared for farming and pasture lands.
The bituminous coal of West Virginia is a particularly good coking coal, and in 1905, 1906, 1907 and 1908 West Virginia ranked second (to Pennsylvania) among the states of the Union in the amount of coke manufactured; the Flat Top district is the principal cokemaking region.
Natural gas, like petroleum, was first heard of in West Virginia in connexion with a burning spring on the Kanawha, and there were gas springs on the Big Sandy and the Little Kanawha.