West-africa Sentence Examples
Of the Sarcopsyllidae the best known species is the "jigger" or "chigoe" (Dermatophilus penetrans), indigenous in tropical South America and introduced into West Africa during the second half of last century.
The banded duiker (C. doriae) from West Africa is golden brown with black transverse bands on the back and loins.
His argument as to the narrowness of the sea between West Africa and East Asia, from the occurrence of elephants at both extremities, is difficult to understand, although it shows that he looked on the distribution of animals as a problem of geography.
One noteworthy feature in Liberia, however, is the relative absence of mosquitoes, and the white ants and some other insect pests are not so troublesome here as in other parts of West Africa.
Nowhere, perhaps, does the flora of West Africa attain a more wonderful development than in the republic of Liberia and in the adjoining regions of Sierra Leone and the Ivory Coast.
As a natural result of this belief we find the view that the operations of nature are conducted by a multitude of more or less obedient subordinate deities; thus, in Portuguese West Africa the Kimbunda believe in Suku-Vakange, but hold that he has committed the government of the universe to innumerable kilulu good and bad; the latter kind are held to be far more numerous, but Suku-Vakange is said to keep them in order by occasionally smiting them with his thunderbolts; were it not for this, man's lot would be insupportable.
In West Africa also prospects appear encouraging.
The first real account of the gorilla appears to be the one given by an English sailor, Andrew Battel, who spent some time in the wilds of West Africa during and about the year 1590; his account being presented in Purchas's Pilgrimage, published in the year 1613.
Freetown was the first place in British West Africa granted local self-government.
Its harbour affords ample accommodation for the largest fleets, it is a coaling station for the British navy, the headquarters of the British military forces in West Africa, the sea terminus of the railway to the rich oil-palm regions of Mendiland, and a port of call for all steamers serving West Africa.
AdvertisementBondu is traversed by torrents, which flow rapidly during the rains but are empty in the dry season, such streams being known in this part of West Africa as marigots.
Telegraph lines connect the coast with all the principal stations in the interior, with the Gold Coast, and with the other French colonies in West Africa.
Administration, &c. - The colony is under the general superintendence of the government general of French West Africa.
Since 1890 Air has been included in the French sphere of influence in West Africa.
Two species are found in the Malay region and one in West Africa.
AdvertisementBy decree of the 14th of August 1905, the frontier between Saharan territory dependent on Algeria and that attached to French West Africa was laid down.
The cult of the leopard is widely found in West Africa.
This body carries on missions in West Africa (since 1855), Japan, China, the Philippines and Porto Rico.
Congo is now one of the subdivisions of Portuguese West Africa (see Angola).
The Basel Society, with its famous seminary at Basel, which formerly supplied many able German missionaries to the Church Missionary Society, has extensive work in India, West Africa and South China.
AdvertisementThe climate, although unsuited to the prolonged residence of Europeans, is less unhealthy than that of the coast towns of West Africa.
Early voyagers to West Africa applied this term to the wooden figures, stones, &c., regarded as the temporary residence of gods or spirits, and to charms. There is no reason to suppose that the word feitico was applied either to an animal or to the local spirit of a river, hill or forest.
In 1903 the offices of the governor-general and of the court of appeal of French West Africa were transferred from St Louis to Dakar, which is also the seat of a bishop. In February 1905 a submarine cable was laid between Brest and Dakar, affording direct telegraphic communication between France and her West African colonies by an all French route.
There is telegraphic communication between Brass and Bonny and Europe by submarine cable, and land lines from Calabar to Lagos and from Lagos to Jebba, Lokoja, Zungeru, Kano, &c., a connexion being also effected with the telegraph system of French West Africa.
Banking is in the hands of the Bank of British West Africa and the Bank of Nigeria.
AdvertisementSir Percy Girouard devoted much attention to land tenure, probably the most important of the questions concerning imperial policy in West Africa.
Taking advantage of the temporary weakness of Egypt, the French government formed the project of seizing the Upper Nile valley and uniting her possessions in West Africa with those at the entrance to the Red Sea.
In June 1900 he made an arrangement with Spain, fixing the long-disputed boundaries of the French and Spanish possessions in West Africa.
All the eastern provinces, a great part of Asia Minor, Syria with the exception of a few towns on the shore, the main part of West Africa acknowledged the caliph of Bagdad as the Imam.
That the home of this species is West Africa from the Gambia 2 to the Gaboon is certain, but its range in the interior is quite unknown.
In Algeria and West Africa the French government has not merely found practical training schools for her own soldiers, but by opening a recruiting field amongst the native tribes it has added an available contingent to the French army.
In 1905 there were imported 7,941,920 lb from Chile (only 195,328 in 1909); 6,033,104 lb from Canada (this also fluctuates greatly; 1,801,072 in 1909); 1,241,408 lb from British West Africa (4,985,232 in 1909); 1,126,720 lb from the British West Indies and Guiana (3,022,208 in 1908).
In no other part of West Africa is the rainfall so heavy.
They have been recorded from the Indian Region, West Africa and sub-tropical America.
By the Anglo-French Declaration of the 21st of March 1899 Bilma was included in the French sphere of influence in West Africa.
At that time and for more than two centuries afterwards, Benin seems to have been one of the most powerful states of West Africa.
The flora resembles that of West Africa generally, the mangrove being common.
In 1870 negotiations were opened between France and Great Britain on the basis of a mutual exchange of territories in West Africa.
This reminds one of the Ananzi or spider creator of West Africa.
The dense forests of West Africa contain, in addition to a great variety of dicotyledonous trees, two palms, the Elaeis guincensis (oil-palm) and Raphia vinifera (bamboo-palm), not found, generally speaking, in the savanna regions.
The additional strata consist of the immense quantities of volcanic material on the plateau of East Africa, the basalt flows of West Africa and possibly those of the Zambezi basin.
P. tholloni, Bouvier, (Equatorial West Africa [Gaboon]), shows some neotropical features; there are 24 to 25 pairs of legs, the genital opening is between the penultimate legs, and though there are only three spinous pads the nephridial openings of the 4th and 5th legs are proximal to the 3rd pad, coxal organs are present, and the jaws are of the neotropical type; the oviducts have receptacula seminis.
Ethnic groups in West Africa use plants containing these alkaloids to treat malaria.
The site provides a calender of events, and details of activities in Asia, Central America, and West Africa.
The demand for baby chimps encourages poachers to hunt them in the jungles of West Africa.
Two British residents now in Guantánamo were taken by US agents from West Africa with the apparent connivance of the British authorities.
The forest zone of West Africa has a high risk of falciparum malaria throughout the year.
But if French forces find themselves in direct conflict with the Ivorian army, French militarism in West Africa will stand exposed.
Onchocerca volvulus is a nematode that causes onchocerciasis (river blindness) in West Africa and Central America.
You can only see those wildebeest in Kenya or Libya and far away from this country, Lome, Togo, West Africa.
Kwang-Chow-Wan however, is bound to providefor destitute children (see FOUNDLING HOSPITALS) Total in As and pauper lunatics (both these being under the care of the department), aged In Africa and the mdi Algeria and infirm people without resources and Algerian Sahara victims of incurable illness, and to furnish Tunisia medical assistance gratuitously to those West Africa without resources who are afflicted with Senegal..
The colonies under the governor-general of West Africa are ruled by lieutenant-governors with restricted powers, the budget of each colony being fixed by the governor-general, who is assisted by an advisory government council comprising representatives of all the colonies under his control.
In West Africa the Mpongwe believe in local spirits, just as do the Eskimo; but they are regarded as inoffensive in the main; true, the passerby must make some trifling offering as he nears their place of abode; but it is only occasionally that mischievous acts, such as the throwing down of a tree on a passer-by, are, in the view of the natives, perpetuated by the Ombuiri.
Most of the 600 or so rattan species are Asian in origin, although a few grow in West Africa and Australia.
Nut processing in rural Ghana The shea butter tree is a small deciduous tree abundant in the savanna areas of West Africa.
Cache-sexe are used throughout much of West Africa and parts of East Asia, where the term modesty apron is more commonly used.
Novica is an innovative website that allows artisans from countries such as India, Mexico, West Africa and Thailand to sell their handmade items directly to customers.
The most common serotype, HIV-1, is distributed worldwide, while HIV-2 is primarily confined to West Africa.
Did you know that the Yoruba tribe in West Africa has the highest rate of twin pregnancies in the world?
The organization was founded by Dr. Daniel Bernard, a highly accredited Christian pastor who spent a lot of time doing missionary work in West Africa before settling in Tampa Bay to create the Somebody Cares foundation.