Went-on Sentence Examples
The lights went on.
At his silence, Death went on.
Last Saturday, I went on a little day trip upriver with Steve in a bark canoe.
The announcement went on to describe what the young boy was wearing and listed a tip line phone number to call with information.
You wouldn't believe what shit went on up there, just because I told a couple of those jerks what I thought about them pawing me.
Xander was too powerful to care what went on around him.
Katie left him in Texas and went on to make a life of her own.
Supper was picked-at leftovers, and neither felt like socializing with Bird Song's guests, who came and went on their own, without their usual afternoon goodies and conversation.
Lana hesitated then went on with a frown.
She went on to explain she had 68 apartments scattered about the city with 22 vacancies.
AdvertisementHe hesitated and then went on.
Dean handed the phone to his wife as the light went on like in the comic books—a flashing bulb of inspiration.
He went on to add judiciously that elevation changed Mother Nature's rules about the weather every few hundred feet.
She wore a silk blouse, Jimmy Choo's and a pencil skirt with a slit up the side, which gave just a glimpse of leg that went on forever.
The Exemplars requested our help when Victor went on his rampage.
AdvertisementThus things went on from bad to worse.
Two slowed to keep pace with her while the other three went on ahead.
After Fred left the café for home Dean went on to work.
This illicit commerce went on steadily till 1739, when it led to an outbreak of war between England and Spain, which put an end to the asiento.
No great mountain chain was ever raised by a single effort, and folding went on to some extent in other periods besides those mentioned.
AdvertisementYear after year the raids went on under a succession of leaders - Heriold, Roruk, Rolf, Godfrey - and far and wide there was pillaging, burning, murder and slavery.
He redressed many grievances, regulated the administration of justice, encouraged commerce, reformed the coinage, but as time went on he was compelled to demand larger subsidies and to take severer measures against heretical opinions.
This disappointment brought on again the spiritual crisis he had experienced in his illness, and for a considerable time the conflict went on within him.
Under Diocletian and Maximian a road (the Via Herculia) was constructed from Aequum Tuticum to Pons Aufidi near Venusia, where it crossed the Via Appia and went on into Lucania, passing through Potentia and Grumentum, and joining the Via Popilia near Nerulum.
Mantegna then returned to Mantua, and went on with a series of works - the nine temperapictures, each of them 9 ft.
AdvertisementAnd the same usage went on after the Conquest; the use of English becomes gradually rarer, and dies out under the first Angevins, but it is in favour of Latin that it dies out.
But it took firm root on Norman soil; it made its way to England at an early stage of its growth, and from that time it went on developing and improving on both sides of the Channel till the artistic revolution came by which, throughout northern Europe, the Romanesque styles gave way to the Gothic. Thus the history of architecture in England during the 11th and 12th centuries is a very different story from the history of the art in Sicily during the same time.
Patricians and plebeians went on as orders defined by law, till the distinction died out in the confusion of things under the empire, till at last the word "patrician" took quite a new meaning.
The distinction, in truth, went on till the advantage turned to the side of the plebeians.
The Old-English laws point out ways by which the churl might rise to thegn's rank, and in the centuries during which the change went on we find mention - complaining mention - both in England and elsewhere, at the court of Charles the Simple and at the court of 'Ethelred, of the rise of new men to posts of authority.
After his death in 1054 the process of disintegration went on apace and the family feuds multiplied at an alarming rate.
Thus apparently he asserted his authority, but in reality, being only thirteen years old, he was a mere puppet in the hands of one of the opposition factions, who wished to oust their rivals, and for the next four years the misgovernment of the nobles went on as before.
He not only insisted that his daughter's religion should be duly respected, but he constituted himself the protector of the Orthodox population and this led to a new war in 1499, which went on till 1503, when it was concluded by the cession to Russia of Chernigov, Starodub and 17 other towns.
When he went on his last disastrous campaign, Hyrcanus led a Jewish contingent to join his army, partly perhaps a troop of mercenaries (for Hyrcanus was the first of the Jewish kings to hire mercenaries, with the treasure found in David's tomb).
A few days before the passover of 70 Titus advanced upon Jerusalem, but the civil war went on.
Within Judaism itself two parties were formed, the Liberals and the Conservatives, and as time went on these tendencies definitely organized themselves.
The decoration of mitres was characterized by increasing elaboration as time went on.
In 1218 he went on crusade to the Holy Land and took part in the capture of Damietta; then returning to England he died at Wallingford in October 1232.
War with Egypt still went on along the coasts of Asia Minor (the "Second Syrian War").
Naval preparations went on apace at all the dockyards, and numbers of flat-bottomed boats were built or repaired at the northern harbours.
War, therefore, went on.
Charles, however, has given good grounds for supposing that it is merely a preface, and that the work went on to discuss grammar, logic (which Bacon thought of little service, as reasoning was innate), mathematics, general physics, metaphysics and moral philosophy.
In the strife which soon broke out between the Girondins and the Jacobins he took no decided part, but occupied himself mainly with the legal and legislative work which went on almost without intermission even during the Terror.
During the struggle that went on in his soul, he began to take note of his psychological state; and this was the first time that he exercised his reason on spiritual things; the experience thus painfully gained he found of great use afterwards in directing others.
Eustace died in 1093, and was succeeded by his son, EUSTACE III., who went on crusade in 1096, and died about 1125.
The Babylonians apparently refused to be impressed by the Egyptians in this matter, and went on building temples in brick, probably for the good reason that they could not get any stone.
Down to the peace of Aix-la-Chapelle in 1748 she went on fighting for Silesia or its equivalent.
Up to this time Wesley says he had no notion of inward holiness, but went on "habitually and for the most part very contentedly in some or other known sin, indeed with some intermission and short struggles especially before and after Holy Communion," which he was obliged to attend three times a year.
On the 16th Berthier went on to Augsburg, where he learnt that Lefebvre's advanced troops had been driven out of Landshut, thus opening a great gap seventy-six miles wide between the two wings of the French army.
Napoleon's solution grew, as time went on and circumstances changed, in scope and complexity.
As the war went on the naval power of the Greeks diminished, partly owing to the penury of their treasury, and partly to the growth of piracy in the general anarchy of the Eastern Mediterranean.
The excavations at the Hieron have been recorded as they went on in the Ilpaeroat of the Greek Archaeological Society, especially for 1881-1884 and 1889, and also in the 'E4»u€pis 'ApxatoXoynoi, especially for 1883 and 1885; see also Kavvadias, Les Fouilles d'Epidaure and Tb r03'A?KX iv 'E7rukbpq, eat 9Epa7reta7'CJY Defrasse and Lechat, Epidaure.
They also noticed that a similar kind of chemical action went on in the battery itself.
On the withdrawal of the British legation from Paris Maret went on a mission to London, where he had a favourable interview with Pitt on the 2nd of December 1792.
The regard entertained by the natives for Caramuru (signifying man of fire) induced them to extend a hospitable welcome to his countrymen, and for a time everything went on well.
Thenceforward affairs went on prosperously; the mining districts continued to be enlarged; the trading companies of the littoral provinces were abolished, but the impulse they had given to agriculture remained.
The good doctor had travelled much, and the reading of his itineraries and note-books awakened such a longing for travel in the young Holberg that at last, at the close of 1704, having scraped together 60 dollars, he went on board a ship bound for Holland.
His learning was not drawn from books only; he was also an archaeologist, and frequently went on expeditions in France, always on foot, in the course of which he examined the monuments of architecture and sculpture, as well as the libraries, and collected a number of notes and sketches.
Kennett's Schweich Lecture (1909), The Composition of the Book of Isaiah in thelLight of Archaeology and History, an interesting attempt at a synthesis of results, is a brightly written b'ut scholarly sketch of the growth of the book of Isaiah, which went on till thegreat success of the Jews under Judas Maccabaeus.
During 1901 and 1902 the internal condition of the country remained disturbed, and fighting went on continually between the government troops and the revolutionists.
When the fleet went on to the coast of North America during the hurricane months of 1781 he was sent to serve with Admiral Graves (1725?-1802) in the unsuccessful effort to relieve the army at Yorktown.
In 1147 he went on crusade, and after his return renounced Bavaria at the instance of the new king Frederick I.
Having refused an appointment in Paris under the Polignac ministry, he went on a special mission to Prince Leopold of Saxe-Coburg.
With the others churches of the Anglican Communion the archbishop's relations were cordial in the extreme and grew closer as time went on.
He stayed at Cambrai for some time, where European diplomatists were still in full session, journeyed to Brussels, where he met and quarrelled with Jean Baptiste Rousseau, went on to the Hague, and then returned.
He went on writing satiric tales like Zadig.
The chief seat of her cult, however, was Thessaly, which was always regarded as the home of magic. As time went on her character was less favourably described.
Mrs Pepys went on one occasion specially to observe the fashions of the ladies because she was then "making some clothes."
An onset was made upon some of the Turkish trenches in the Helles area, which led to sharp fighting; the object was to prevent the Turks transferring troops northwards, and it probably served its purpose; apart from that, little was accomplished although the affray went on intermittently for a week.
The active encouragement of King Edward VIL., at whose instance in 1902 he was invited officially to be present at the coronation ceremony, marked the completeness of the change; and when, in 1905, the "general" went on a progress through England, he was received in state by the mayors and corporations of many towns.
If the life of the city went on uninterruptedly even during the many changes of government and the almost endemic civil war, it was owing to the solidity of the gilds, who could carry on the administration without a government.
In 545 an armistice was concluded, but in Lazica the war went on till 556.
For six months the siege went on with varying fortune, but at last the courage and determination of Ibrahim triumphed, and on the 9th of September, after a heroic resistance, Abdallah, with a remnant of four hundred men, was compelled to surrender.
A papal edict awarding the supremacy of Corsica to the Pisan church proved sufficient cause for the war, which went on from 1118 to 1132.
He was educated at the monastery of Reichenau, near Constance, where he had for his teachers Tatto and Wettin, to whose visions he devotes one of his poems. Then he went on to Fulda, where he studied for some time under Hrabanus Maurus before returning to Reichenau, of which monastery he was made abbot in 838.
They consented, however, to receive his wife, and the pair went on a visit to Montpellier.
He went on quite calmly, however, sure of his mission and of his music. His next volume (1872), Gareth and Lynette and The Last Tournament, continued, and, as he then supposed, concluded The Idylls of the King, to the great satisfaction of the poet, who had found much difficulty in rounding off the last sections of the poem.
Extremely pertinacious in this respect, the poet went on attempting to storm the theatre, with assault upon assault, all practically failures until the seventh and last, which was unfortunately posthumous.
As years went on their estates dwindled, and by the beginning of the 17th century Gledstanes was sold.
Meanwhile the business of translating went on apace.
After the cessation of civil wars under the sway of the Tokugawa, the building and improvement of roads went on steadily.
In this leisurely journey Pallas went by Kasan to the Caspian, spent some time among the Kalmucks, crossed the Urals to Tobolsk, visited the Altai mountains, traced the Irtish to Kolyvan, went on to Tomsk and the Yenisei, crossed Lake Baikal, and extended his journey to the frontiers of China.
Sulpicius Galba and others, and along with it the development of prose composition, went on with increased momentum till the age of Cicero.
As time went on the practice of introducing additional matter of an edifying character grew in popular favour, and was gradually extended.
What sort of conversation went on I certainly do not know.
Meanwhile the king of Portugal went on consolidating the power of the crown at home and the influence of the nation abroad.
As he entered the city and went on foot to the Capitol the plaudits of the people were unmistakably genuine.
He laboriously perfected the military machine, which when once set in motion went on to victory.
Before it was a marvellous mirror erected on a many-storeyed pedestal (described in detail); in this speculum he could discern everything that went on throughout his dominions, and detect conspiracies.
And when Vasco da Gama went on his voyage from Mozambique northwards he began to hear of "Preste Joham" as reigning in the interior - or rather, probably, by the light of his preconceptions of the existence of that personage in East Africa he thus interpreted what was told him.
Ultimately the whole city, which continued to harbour him, was laid under interdict; yet he went on preaching, and masses were celebrated as usual, so that at the date of Archbishop Sbynko's death in September 141r, it seemed as if the efforts of ecclesiastical authority had resulted in absolute failure.
Williams then led a successful expedition against the Sese islanders and went on to the south of the lake to obtain one of the young princes - heirs to the throne - who were at the French mission there.
During the meeting of Italian notables at Lyons early in 1802 Talleyrand was serviceable in manipulating affairs in the way desired by Bonaparte, and it is known that the foreign minister suggested to them the desirability of appointing Bonaparte president of the Cisalpine Republic, which was thenceforth to be called the Italian Republic. In the negotiations for peace with England which went on at Amiens during the winter of 1801-2 Talleyrand had no direct share, these (like those at Luneville) being transacted by Napoleon's eldest brother, Joseph Bonaparte (q.v.).
In the negotiations with England which went on in the summer of 1806 Talleyrand had not a free hand; they came to nought, as did those with Russia which had led up to the signature of a Franco-Russian treaty at Paris by d'Oubril which was at once disavowed by the tsar.
His half-brother, Lewis Morris (1726-1798), a signer of the Declaration of Independence, was educated at Yale, served in the Continental Congress from 1775 until early in 1777, and went on a mission to the western frontier in 1775 to win over the Indians from the British to the American side.
Puteoli was reached direct by a road from Capua traversing the hills to the north by a cutting (the Montagna Spaccata), which went on to Neapolis, and by the Via Domitiana from Rome and Cumae.
The gulf between the " laity " and " clergy " went on widening during the 5th and 6th centuries; and the people, stripped of their old prerogatives (save in form here and there), passed into a spiritual pupillage which was one distinctive note of the medieval Church.
In the South artificial grassing went on for a time hand in hand with cereal-growing, which by 1876 seemed likely to develop on a considerable scale, thanks to the importation of American agricultural machinery, which the settlers were quick to utilize.
But prosperity brought on a feverish land speculation; prices of wool and wheat fell in 187 9 and went on falling.
He went on a tour round the world, partly to make money by lecturing and partly to get material for another book of travels, published in 1897, and called in America Following the Equator, and in England More Tramps Abroad.
Apis was the most important of all the sacred animals in Egypt, and, like the others, its importance increased as time went on.
In 563 he left his native land, accompanied by twelve disciples, and went on a mission to northern Britain, perhaps on the invitation of his kinsman Conall, king of Dalriada.
His life was prosperous, for from his first prize at the university till his acquisition of an earldom, he went on a course of almost unbroken success.
Joseph took part in these efforts and went on a mission to Genoa in 1795.
He inveighs against the oppression of the poor by the rich, reproves those who, weary of matins or mass, spend their time in church "jangling," telling tales, and wondering where they will get the best ale, and revives the legend of the dancers at the church door during mass who were cursed by the priest and went on dancing for a twelvemonth without cessation.
That treasonable talk went on seems certain, but it is probable that matters went no further.
As time went on the Cossacks multiplied exceedingly.
Throughout the 18th century and the early part of the 19th, the old routine went on in England with little variety, and with no sign of expansion.
The battle of the Wilderness (q.v.) went on for two days, with little advantage to either side.
Six thousand men fell in one hour's fighting, and the total losses on this field, where skirmishing went on for many days, were 13,000.
But both these were Monophysite and of limited use, and the Nestorians still went on using the Peshito.
To some extent this historical vindication of the prophetic insight went on during the activity of the prophets themselves.
We can account for this only by emphasizing the fact that the form of Caesar's government became as time went on more undisguised in its absolutism, while the honours conferred upon him seemed designed to raise him above the rest of humanity.
Its founder, with a wise instinct, had forbidden the accumulation of wealth; its own constitutions, as revised in the 84th decree of the sixth general congregation, had forbidden all pursuits of a commercial nature, as also had various popes; but nevertheless the trade went on unceasingly, necessarily with the full knowledge of the general, unless it be pleaded that the system of obligatory espionage had completely broken down.
The wars of this nation with the Tepanecs, which went on into the 15th century, were merely destructive, but larger effects arose from the expeditions under the Culhua king Acamapichtli, where the Aztec warriors were prominent, and which extended far outside the valley of Anahuac. Especially a foray southward to Quauhnahuac, now Cuernavaca, on the watershed between the Atlantic and Pacific, brought goldsmiths and other craftsmen to Tenochtitlan, which now began to rise in arts, the Aztecs laying aside their rude garments of aloe-fibre for more costly clothing, and going out as traders for foreign merchandise.
Finding him obdurate, she went on to appeal to the pope; while at Rome she went mad (end of September 1866).
Diaz's supporters refused to recognize him, and a revolution broke out, which went on sporadically till Juarez's death on the 18th of July Death of 1872.
Still the work of improving and correcting went on through the centuries, and a modern copy of the Authorized Version shows no inconsiderable departures from the standard edition of 1611.
The operations of 1780 went on much the same lines.
The first went on to Havana, the second to San Domingo.
Having provided for the security of the Cape, Suffren went on to the French islands.
The calculator's work having now become easier and more mechanical, calculation went on apace.
No doubt, however, he went on writing and rewriting well into the last period of his life; for example, the recently discovered 'Ath i valwv 7roXtreia mentions on the one hand (c. 54) the archonship of Cephisophon (329-328), on the other hand (c. 46) triremes and quadriremes but without quinqueremes, which first appeared at Athens in 325-324; and as it mentions nothing later it probably received its final touches between 329 and 324.
These Works Were Probably Little Regarded At The Time; But As The Errors Of The Calendar Went On Increasing, And The True Length Of The Year, In Consequence Of The Progress Of Astronomy, Became Better Known, The Project Of A Reformation Was Again Revived In The I 5Th Century; And In 1474 Pope Sixtus Iv.
The scribes were mainly busied with the law; but no religion can subsist on mere law; and the systematization of the prophetic hopes, and of those more ideal parts of the other sacred literature which, because ideal and dissevered from the present, were now set on one line with the prophecies, went on side by side with the systematization of the law, by means of a harmonistic exegesis, which sought to gather up every prophetic image in one grand panorama of the issue of Israel's and the world's history.
After an education at St Andrews, and acting as tutor to the children of Lord Darcy, the English warden of the North, he became a Dominican, but was soon in trouble as a heretic. In 1536 he made his way to England, but failing to obtain the preferment he desired at Cambridge, he went on to Italy, where the influence of Cardinal Pole, who was himself accused of heresy, secured him the post of master of the novices in the Dominican convent at Bologna.
This elder Alan, whose name occurs in Breton documents before r080, went on crusade in 1097, and was apparently succeeded by his brother Flaald, whose son, the younger Alan, enjoyed the favour of Henry I., who bestowed on him Mileham and its barony in Norfolk, where he founded Sporle Priory.
As time went on and even the dynasty of David failed in the persons of unworthy representatives to maintain this ideal, both psalmists and prophets taught the people to look beyond the earthly kingdom to the spiritual kingdom of which it was a type.
Raised to the see of Feltre in 1512, he went on another embassy to Maximilian in 1513, and was created cardinal priest of San Tommaso in Pavione, 27th of June 1517.
In the midst of the frequent changes of pope which went on during these years, and the political vicissitudes of Italy, Hildebrand took such measures as .enabled him to checkmate the opposition of the Roman barons by turning against them, now the armed force of the Normans, now the influence of the German king.'
For three years, it is true, the founders of the "Free Press" went on printing, "not only without selling a single copy, but scarcely being able to get a single copy introduced into Russia"; so that when at last a bookseller bought ten shillings' worth of Baptized Property, the half-sovereign was set aside by the surprised editors in a special place of honour.
From Berlin Patkul went on to Dresden to conclude an agreement with the imperial commissioners for the transfer of the Russian contingent from the Saxon to the Austrian service.
His behaviour to his wife continued to be brutal and menacing, and he went on as before offending the national sentiment of the Russian people.
It seems, however, that as time went on some of them acquired a more extended character; thus Ba'al and Astarte assumed celestial attributes in addition to their earthly ones, and the Tyrian Melqarth combined a celestial with a marine aspect.'
The first, under the command of Captain David Porter, went on to the Pacific, where she did great injury to British trade, till she was captured off Valparaiso by the British frigate "Phoebe" (38) and the sloop "Cherub" (24) on the 28th of March 1814.
As time went on the travellers (with whatever object) who used the great alpine passes could not put up any longer with the bad old mule paths.
War went on for four years; the successes gained by Russia were outweighed by Austria's various reverses, terminating by the defeat of Wallis at Krotzka, and the peace concluded at Belgrade was a triumph for Turkish diplomacy.
The indirect process once established, the gradual increase in the height and diameter of the high furnace, which has lasted till our own days, naturally went on and developed the gigantic blast furnaces of the present time, still called " high furnaces " in French and German.
Thousands of workmen went on strike, demanding better wages and the suffrage.
In spite of the frequent pillage and destruction of monasteries by Northmen, Saracens, Arabs and other invaders; in spite of the existence of even widespread local abuses, St Benedict's institute went on progressing and consolidating; and on the whole it may be said that throughout the early middle ages the general run of Benedictine houses continued to perform with substantial fidelity the religious and social functions for which they were created.
The next day, wrapped in a tricolour scarf and preceded by a drummer, he went on foot to the Hotel de Ville - the headquarters of the republican party - where he was publicly embraced by Lafayette as a symbol that the republicans acknowledged the impossibility of realizing their own ideals and were prepared to accept a monarchy based on the popular will.
Such a tithe is still nothing more than the old offering of "firstfruits" (bikkurim) made definite as regards quantity, and it was only natural that as time went on there should be some fixed standard of the due amount of the annual sacred tribute.'
In 1197 Hermann went on crusade.
In 1201 he went on a diplomatic mission to Philip Augustus of France, and in 1202 he returned to England to keep the kingdom in peace while John was losing his continental possessions.
Resisting his offers, the youth went on to Rome, received the papal benediction, and then, in accordance with his promise, returned to Lyons, where he stayed for three years, till the murder of his patron, whose fate the executioners would not let him share.
The struggle went on until May 1142, when peace was made at Frankfort.
The process of division and subdivision which steadily went on broke up Germany into a bewildering multitude of principalities; but as a rule the members of each princely house held together against common enemies, and ultimately they learned to arrange by private treaties that no territory should pass from the family while a single representative survived.
Josephs brother and successor, Charles VI., also went on with it; and such were the blows inflicted on France by the victories of Blenheim, Ramillies and Malplaquet that the war Charles Vi.
From the 12th of June 1851 its sittings went on as if nothing had occurred since it was dispersed.
Settlement on the south-western coast began about 688 B.C. with the joint Cretan and Rhodian settlement of Gela, and went on in the foundation of Selinus (the most distant Greek city on this side), of Camarina, and in 582 B.C. of the Geloan settlement of Acragas (Agrigentum, Girgenti), planted on a high hill, a little way from the sea, which became the second city of Hellenic Sicily.
These transplantings from city to city began under Gelo and went on under Hiero (q.v.).
The war, chiefly marked by another great siege of Messina, went on till 1302, when both sides were thoroughly weakened and eager for peace.
The isle of Gerba off the African coast was held for a short time, and traces of the connexion with Greece went on in various shapes.
Though never an advanced critic, his article on Daniel in the second edition of Herzog's Realencyklopeidie, his New Commentary on Genesis and the fourth edition of his Isaiah show that as years went on his sympathy with higher criticism increased-so much so indeed that Prof. Cheyne has included him among its founders.
In Cyprus, on the frontier between the Greek and Semitic worlds, a struggle for ascendancy went on.
The last Greek prince, Hermaeus, seems to have succumbed about 30 B.C. It was just at this time that the Graeco-Roman world of the West was consolidated as the Roman Empire, and, though Greek rule in India had disappeared, active commercial intercourse went on between India and the Hellenistic lands.
But under the dynasties of his successors a great work of city-building and colonization went on.
Greek city life, with its political forms, its complement of festivities, amusements and intellectual exercise, went on more largely than before.
He visited Memphis, founded Alexandria, and went on pilgrimage to the oracle of Ammon (Oasis of Siwa).
He was for a while, without doubt, the leading living novelist, and he went on producing works of great force, in which, however, a certain motonony is apparent.
It is argued from these facts that image-worship went on unchallenged, and that this would not have been possible had Moses forbidden it.
Little is known of his personal history, except that he lived at Emmaus, and that he went on an embassy to the emperor Heliogabalus to ask for the restoration of the town, which had fallen into ruins.
Life went on much as usual, and the country, with a merely provisional government, was peaceful enough under the guidance of Moray, Maitland of Lethington, and the other lay Protestant leaders.
He went on to demand an unswerving loyalty to Himself and His teaching in the face of a threatening world; and then He promised that some of those who were present should not die before they had seen the coming of the kingdom of God.
As time went on it became obvious that without de p arture from the spirit of idealism Hegel's principle was susceptible of a different interpretation.
The one thing which satisfied his conscience was the burdensome thing he had to do, and that was to procure an Indulgence - a matter made increasingly easy for him as time went on.
There is a marked growth of refinement and of ideas of morality, and a condemnation of the shameless vice and oppression which went on amid a punctilious and splendid worship. It is extremely significant that between the teaching of the prophetical writings and the spirit of the Mosaic legislation there is an unmistakable bond.
As the years went on he became Strategus and the Syrian garrisons were withdrawn from all the strongholds except Jerusalem and Bethzur.
When Telesio went on to explain the relation of mind and matter, he was still more heterodox.
The road thence went on to Nuceria (whence a branch road ran to Septempeda and thence either to Ancona or to Tolentinum and Urbs Salvia) and Helvillum, and then crossed the main ridge of the Apennines, a temple of Jupiter Apenninus standing at the summit of the pass.
The work went on with much difficulty and contention, until in March 1885, when the amir was at Rawalpindi for a conference with the viceroy of India, Lord Dufferin, the news came that at Panjdeh, a disputed place on the boundary held by the Afghans, the Russians had attacked and driven out with some loss the amir's troops.
He lavished presents on influential saints, built shrines, sent gifts to churches, went on frequent pilgrimages and spent much time in prayer - employing his consummate diplomacy to win celestial allies, and rewarding them richly when their aid secured him any advantage.
This document, which has been called the Magna Charta of the Indian people, went on to explain the policy of political justice and religious toleration which it was her royal pleasure to pursue, and granted an amnesty to all except those who had directly taken part in the murder of British subjects.
The war went on uninterruptedly, for the popes prevented all attempts to arrive at an understanding, as they were determined that the rights of the church should be fully recognized.
The war went on with varying success, until Charles of Valois, summoned by the pope to conduct the campaign, landed in Sicily and, his army being decimated by disease, made peace with Frederick at Caltabellotta (1302).
Garibaldi went on board the British flagship to confer with the Neapolitan generals Letizia and Chretien; Letizia's proposal that the municipality should make a humble petition to the king was indignantly rejected by Garibaldi, who merely agreed to the extension of the armistice until next day.
Keohane returned, and the party of eight went on with two sledges.
The drift went on until April 9 1916 when the floe, reduced to a triangle zoo yds.
On the death of his father (1246) Alexander and his younger brother Andrew went on a two years' journey into Mongolia to obtain their yarluiki, or letters of investiture, from the Grand Khan, who then disposed of the fate of all the Russian princes.
As time went on these practices of commutation became more and more frequent.
But it must be kept in mind that the conversion of services into rents went on very gradually, as a series of private agreements, and that it would be very wrong to suppose, as some scholars have done, that it had led to a general commutation by the middle or even the end of the 14th century.
In ancient times, and especially in Egypt, Babylon and Greece, he went on to develop reason into science or the systematic investigation of definite subjects, e.g.
In 1889-1890 she went on a lecturing tour in the United States.
The agitation on the subject went on in the tion of II" assembly from 1857 to 1869, when the assembly by a large majority condemned patronage as restored by the Act of Queen Anne, and resolved to petition parliament for its removal.
Between 883 and 900 Hucbald went on several missions of reforming and reconstructing various schools of music, including that of Rheims, but in the latter year he re- turned to St Amand, where he remained to the day of his death on the 25th of June 930, or, according to other chroniclers, on the 20th of June 932.
To atone for the murder of Beorn, Sweyn went on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, and on the return journey he died on the 29th of September 1052, meeting his death, according to one account, at the hands of the Saracens.
As the leading "aesthete," Oscar Wilde became one of the most prominent personalities of the day; apart from the ridicule he encountered, his affected paradoxes and his witty sayings were quoted on all sides, and in 1882 he went on a lecturing tour in the United States.
Though the process went on from the pontificate of Paul III.
August Becker, asking for explanation of some difficulties, began an intimate correspondence which went on for some time (and which was published by Becker's son in 1883).
Seven years afterwards, however, when the contest with the Crown was ended, the kirk was expressly acknowledged as the only Church in Scotland, and jurisdiction given it over all who should attempt to be outsiders; while the preaching of the Evangel and the planting of congregations went on in all the accessible parts of Scotland.
Adalrik och Gothilda, which went on appearing from 1742 to 1745, is the best known; it was followed, between 1748 and 1758, by Thecla.
The organization of the revolutionary forces went on slowly.
Jevons's work in logic went on par/ passe with his work in political economy.
For three years the undertaking went on quietly and simply, subject to few outward troubles other than financial, the number of associates increasing to seventy or eighty.
The Cortes went on wrangling for a day and night until, at daybreak on the 3rd of January 1874, General Pavia forcibly ejected the deputies, closed and dissolved the Cortes, and called up Marshal Serrano to form a provisional government.
At the same time the antiquarian study of Stoic writings went on apace, especially those of the earliest teachers - Zeno and Aristo and Cleanthes.
Beginning with a chapter on the means of locomotion in the 10th century, it went on to discuss war, the conflict of languages, faith, morals, the elimination of the unfit, and other general topics, with remarkable acuteness and constructive ability.
The Lombards who, after they had occupied the lands and cities of Upper Italy, still went on sending forth furious bands to plunder and destroy where they did not care to stay, never were able to overcome the mingled fear and scorn and loathing of the Italians.
The Arian and Catholic bishops went on for a time side by side; but the Lombard kings and clergy rapidly yielded to the religious influences around them, even while the national antipathies continued unabated and vehement.
But the angry quarrels still went on between the popes and the Lombards.
In 1856 the Coeur d'Alenes, Palouses and Spokanes went on the war-path; in April 1857 they put to flight a small force under Col.
From this he went on to socialism, which bases its militant philosophy upon this interpretation of history.
In the same year he went on his third foreign journey, going as far as Egypt.
The battle went on by moonlight till close on midnight, when the Swiss retired a short distance.
The reclaiming and protecting of the riparian lands went on rapidly under the Romans, and in several places the rectangular divisions of the ground, still remarkably distinct, show the military character of some of the agricultural colonies.
His mother, the duchess, died in 1472, and his first wife in 1473; in 1475 and the following year he went on pilgrimage to the holy places of Italy; from this time forth there was a strong tincture of serious reflection thrown over his character; he was now, as we learn from Caxton, nominated "Defender and Director of the Siege Apostolic for the Pope in England."
Still he made frequent progresses, and took some part in the fighting that went on in the north during 1462 and 1463.
This was the crowning stroke of the Central India campaign, and practically put an end to the Mutiny, though the work of stamping out its embers went on for many months, and was only completed with the capture and execution of Tantia Topi in April 1859.
Neither did he stop at mere appearances of any kind, but, having stamped the image of things upon his brain, went on indefatigably to probe their hidden laws and causes.
Mrs Canning, who was left destitute, received no help from her husband's family, and went on the stage, where she was not successful.
After his return he went on the 29th of October to Coughton in Warwickshire, near which place it had been settled the conspirators were to assemble after the explosion.
Mahe proved very useful to French ships during the wars of the Revolution, and this led to its capture by the British in 1794, but no troops were left to garrison the place, and the administration went on as before.
Whilst a political and national revival was taking place in Moldavia and Walachia, towards the beginning of the 19th century, the Latin movement went on in Transylvania.
The rebels were defeated in May in a desperate battle at Cartagena; and continuous fighting went on about Panama, where British marines had to be landed to protect foreign interests.
As the year 1900 advanced, the conflict went on with varying success, but the government troops were generally victorious, and in August Vice-President Marroquin was recognized as the acting head of the executive, with a cabinet under General Calderon.
Nothing daunted, the new prophet walked on to Benares, and in the cool of the evening went on to the Deer-forest where the five ascetics were living.
He strongly upheld in the House of Commons the measures taken, first by Mr. Macpherson and then by Sir Hamar Greenwood, to restore law and order in that country; and definitely refused to interfere in the case of the Lord Mayor of Cork who, sentenced to imprisonment for conducting a rebel organization, went on hunger-strike and eventually succumbed in gaol.
In 1853 he went on personal business to Smyrna, where he secured a passport from the American consul;; the Austrian consul, however, caused him to be seized and detained on an Austrian brig-of-war.
In 367 Pelopidas went on an embassy to the Persian king and induced him to prescribe a settlement of Greece according to the wishes of the Thebans.
During the printing of this edition a correspondence went on continuously between Newton and Cotes.
A few of his followers who landed were cut off, and he went on to Ireland to join the earl of Desmond in Munster.
This went on for a time proportionate to the gravity of the offence, perhaps for years; then, if his sin allowed it, he was readmitted by the bishop and clergy with further laying on of hands.
After this the war went on interminably, without complete advantage to either side, Stephen for the most part dominating the eastern and Matilda the western shires.
The only monastic chronicler who went on writing for a few years after the extinction of the house of York was the Croyland continuator.
Nevertheless he went on recklessly with his design, having already enlisted the support of a party of the greater peers, who were ready to follow him to any length of treason.
In four years, from 1845 to 1849, its population decreased from 8,295,000 to 7,256,000, or by more than a million persons; and the decline which took place at that time went on to the end of the century.
Somewhat unnecessarily the prime minister went on to condemn the clergymen of the Church of England who had subscribed the Thirty-nine Articles, who have been the most forward in leading their own flocks, step by step, to the very, edge of the precipice.
Unfortunately the conference failed, and the war went on for another year.
Be began with finance and went on to justice, recognizing that justitia magnum emolumentum, the administration of justice was a great source of revenue.
Her husband, after awaiting her in vain at Ostend, went on to Paris.
The folding and consequent elevation went on until the close of the Miocene period when a considerable subsidence took place and the Pliocene sea overspread the lower portions of the range.
Still gathering unpopularity, still offending, alarming, alienating, the government went on till 1874, suddenly dissolved parliament, and was signally beaten, the Liberal party breaking up. Like most of his political friends, Disraeli had no expectation of such a victory - little hope, indeed, of any distinct success.
In 1428 Archbishop Chichele confessed that the Lollards seemed as numerous as ever, and that their literary and preaching work went on as vigorously as before.
In the primary structure of the stem the Calamites present many points of resemblance to Equisetum, but secondary thickening went on in both stem and root.
For fourteen years his education, more or less interrupted, went on in the rural home at Belluton, on his father's little estate, half a mile from Pensford, and 6 m.
The Assembly went on to declare that it placed the debts of the crown under the safeguard of the national honour and that all existing taxes, although illegal as having been imposed without the consent of the people, should continue to be paid until the day of dissolution.
Volunteers and federes were constantly arriving in Paris, and, although most went on to join the army, the Jacobins enlisted those who were suitable for their purpose, especially some 500 whom Barbaroux, a Girondin, had summoned from Marseilles.
As the bloody work went on the pretence of trial became more and more hollow, the chance of acquittal fainter and fainter.
No satisfied with these outlets for his mental energy, Filelfo went on translating from the Greek, and prosecuted a paper warfare with his enemies in Florence.
The old system of borrowing money to cover the yearly deficits were continued, and the expenditure went on increasing from year to year.
In 1411 he went on an embassy abroad, and in 1412 became chancellor again, his return to power being accompanied by a change in the foreign policy of Henry IV.
Parting there from Hypereides and the rest, Demosthenes went on to Calauria, a small island off the coast of Argolis.
The family went on with their usual avocations, but some of the men and women, and in some cases all, practised celibacy, and all joined in fasting and prayer.
Marriage among the secular clergy went on in Ireland until the 15th century.
According to the Metalogus of John of Salisbury, who in 1155 went on a mission from King Henry II.
The aristocracy, on the contrary, went on increasing in power, and eventually became masters of the situation.
From 1431 to 1454 the struggle against the English went on energetically; and the king, relieved in 1433 of his evil genius, La Trmoille, then became a man once more, playing a kingly part under the guidance of Dunois, Richemont, La Hire and Saintrailles, leaders of worth on the field of battle.
There was a volume of attack upon Colbert; but as the fundamental system remained unchanged, because reform would have necessitated an attack upon privilege and even upon the constitution of the monarchy, the evil only went on increasing.
The programme went on broadening as it descended in the social scale.
So the war went on to its inevitable issue.
This marked type of the Leonese of modern times represents a Berber colony cut off among the Christians, and christianized at an early date, who went on using Arab and Berber names long after their conversion.
In social life the religious zeal favored by the Inquisition led to such things as those public processions of flagellants which Went On in Spain till the end of the 18th century.
Republican agitations went on in the towns.
This went on almost continuously as long as the rgime of moderate tariffs and commercial treatises lasted, ie.
We need not dwell upon the evolution from the crude idea, which first took form in the endeavour to compel beesto build straight combs in a given direction by offering them a guiding line of wax along the under side of each top-bar of the frame in which the combs were built; but we may glance at the more important improvements which gradually developed as time went on.
Here his life went on its placid course, interrupted only by the death of his brother in 1770, until 1773, when he became again deranged.
The over-seas traffic in slaves did not continue long after the date (1851) to which Barth referred, but slave-raiding by the Fula went on unchecked up to the moment of the British occupation of the country.
This went on for a thousand nights till Shahrazad had a son, and ventured to tell the king of her device.
On two occasions he went on diplomatic errands to France, and he was also employed by Henry on public business at home.
Accordingly he not only left Malatesta unmolested, but in 1299 conferred on him fresh honours and estates, so that his power went on increasing to the day of his death in 1312.
The story went on to cite a half-dozen sources where our tips had led to successes.
Merrill Cooms went on to tell of the capture of the guilty Michigan pedophile who had earlier beaten the wrap.
The entry went on with no more mention of the mysterious vamp.
Dean handed the phone to his wife as the light went on like in the comic books—a flashing bulb of inspiration.
While she could never fully understand what it was to have the weight of a planet on her shoulders for fifteen years, her resentment toward A'Ran's rigid sense of duty began to thaw as Evelyn went on.
Lana's body went on autopilot as her mind returned to her fall from the helo.
There are … Brady went on.
The Washington Post went on to say that "what's remarkable here isn't Moore's political animosity, or ticklish wit."
The consequences of war are the reasons people went on the march.
A lot of pious fraud went on in writings of the ancient world.
He went on to become a noted Shakespearean actor.
He went on to make 62 first-team appearances for the Lions, scoring four goals.
Perhaps we saw a cocaine friend die of respiratory arrest, and still we went on using!
I went on to have a go at biathlon, doing my first biathlon race in 2004.
The researchers then went on to assess whether ES cell lines could be derived from the Cdx2 -deficient blastocysts.
Each tag then went on to explain what they it ment by it's title with a little shore blurb.
After the War he went on to run a boatyard on the Thames building motor launches for the London River Police.
The ball bobbles around almost at random and the replays are vital to see what the hell went on when anyone scores.
He was a gentle tough nut who went on to be a champion Scottish amateur boxer.
The ten lionesses were sleek and glossy; they drank and went on their way looking businesslike.
They also went on to show that humans are also fooled by active motion camouflage.
The Hearing Officer therefore went on to consider the case put forward by the applicant.
He went on the road for six months, a minor celebrity touring the country, meeting mayors, giving exhibitions.
Early clocks tended to be of iron, but most clockmakers went on to use brass.
Coal tar dyestuffs Between 1820 and 1850 a great deal of research went on into the chemistry of coal tar dyestuffs Between 1820 and 1850 a great deal of research went on into the chemistry of coal tar.
I went on all the rides including two roller coasters, which were not too scary.
The DMCC went on to sink a further colliery, Cadeby Main, in 1889.
The mother went on a parenting course and learned cookery and her husband gave up his job to help her.
I say this, because David later went on to become a corporal in the Machine Gun Corps.
Mark and his wife went on to be founders of the Leith School or Art before their untimely death.
In the end she played small, declarer scored his 10 and went on to make his doubled contract.
When she was left destitute by the death of her husband she went on the stage first in London then touring the country.
On 15th November 1852 she had an illegitimate daughter, Emma who went on to become a dressmaker.
Oh I went on got drunk with my mates.
Roared on from the terraces, the Swedish duo went on to make a perfect carbon copy of the opening race 'fiver ' .
Coal tar dyestuffs Between 1820 and 1850 a great deal of research went on into the chemistry of coal tar.
Mr Simpson went on to give his views about Gulf War III, a fool's errand.
Growing up on the traveling fairgrounds he went on to become a wealthy nightclub owner on the Isle of Wight.
Throughout these formative years MY peers went on to become key industry figureheads.
As the half went on the pace became frenetic.
Obviously I went to little school then I went on to Aylesbury Grammar School, and there acting was slightly frowned upon.
She went on to have a 9 1/2 lb baby girl at home; the baby was a full face presentation.
He went on television and talked and talked, and ended up saying some rather graceless and foolish things.
Director Philip Casson went on to direct Louise Gold in her actress ' guise in an episode of Casualty.
The Irishman went on to complete a hat-trick before being rested for the final half-hour.
The first successful small family hatchback in Europe was the Volkswagen Golf, which first went on sale in 1974.
From here we went on to some bar in Romford but the night was starting to get a bit hazy for me.
He went on to become the headmaster of the new Dulwich College Shanghai.
Stephanie Ray went on to become, I believe, a school headmistress in her own right.
He also he went on to become a judge at local and national shire horse competitions.
It was in this prison that she went on her first hunger strike and 8 days later was released.
On Saturday we had silly games, then Mike went on a pub crawl and Steve went on a woefully ill-prepared walk.
He went on without stopping, feeling no fatigue, obeying a potent instinct which allowed no room for thought.
Glens ewe went on to repeat Sparky success in the interbreed, and took the days reserve Interbreed title.
When his sailors went on shore they met islanders with what seemed to be burning sticks in their mouths.
Racist attacker after September 11 escapes 01-05-2002 A MAN who went on a racist wrecking spree just days after September 11 has escaped jail.
Fortunately as the day went on it softened further down, built a kicker a played on that for an hour or two.
She went on to teach kindergarten for thirty-two years in the public school system.
Some went on trips to the Blue Mountains, others to beaches, whilst some cuddled koalas.
He went on to gain his PhD in 1984 and was appointed a lectureship at the Veterinary School in the same year.
The longer it went on the more the deeply rooted self loathing got a footing in her soul.
Carnegie went on to become the richest man in the world.
He was at large for several weeks while a massive manhunt went on.
Inigo went on to develop from designing masques to architecture.
Jessica Mendoza, aged nine, was the youngest member of the English squad, which went on to clinch a team silver medal.
In 1993 in Rwanda the Hutu militia went on a killing rampage, murdering more than 800,000 Tutsi people.
After the war, Erica went on to marry first one American millionaire and then another.
Well, one of the ships I went on was the H.M.S. Derby, which was a small minesweeper, a coal ship.
The monastery went on to become a minster, which in turn became the St. Peter's Church we know today.
In Portadown a loyalist mob went on a rampage through the town after a band parade.
He transferred to the University of Göttingen in Germany to study neurobiology, and went on to obtain a PhD.
The group went on to heap praise on fellow nominee Richard Hawley.
He went on to describe UKIP's allies in the European Parliament as " xenophobic and anti-Semitic " and " bloody right-wing nutters.
And, with mutual courtesies, the little old maid and I went on our respective ways.
Vortigern then went on to suppress the opposition, as the conflict with Ambrosius at Wallop in 437 shows.
Rachael went on to place 4th at the World which is awesome for a debut outing.
She went on to the Guildhall for lunch before watching a pageant of 150 years of policing in Exeter.
Steve went on to win pass the parcel - a nice bottle of wine.