Well-wishers Sentence Examples
Dean stepped to the sidewalk and waited for Cynthia to emerge from the church, but when she did, a crowd of friends and well wishers surrounded her, with the Mayer-the-leech encircling her shoulder with his scummy arm.
As he opened the truck door for her, she glanced back at the well-wishers.
At the dissolution of monasteries in 1866 Monte Cassino was spared, owing mainly to a remonstrance by English well-wishers of United Italy.
After a score of handshakes from well-wishers, he located his wife and joined her for a jam-packed barbeque lunch, sponsored by the Elks at their century old restored building—another traditional happening of the annual holiday festivities.
Yugoslavia, too, has owed its relative longevity more to Western liberal well-wishers that to the true consensus of its disparate peoples.
Long serving staff took their final tea break surrounded by boxes of chocolates and cakes donated by well-wishers.
This postcard was used by Rev W H Laverty to thank well-wishers on the occasion of his Golden Wedding anniversary on 12th June 1922.
She travels by train and boat, meeting only kindly well-wishers along the route.
His family asked for no flowers, but told well-wishers they could donate money to the Chapel funds.
The vast majority of our income comes from donations made by members of the congregation or other well-wishers.
AdvertisementIn springtime each year you would if seated there be close to the snowdrops planted by Mrs Watts which have been augmented by well-wishers.
For that, Maharishi has called on governments and philanthropic well-wishers of peace to establish groups of peace-creating experts in every country.
Having gone through the upsetting motions of making complex funeral arrangements, often the last thing on a person's mind is to send out cards or notes of thanks to fellow mourners and well-wishers.
At the same time, however, a couple may set up a wedding registry early in their engagement and it can be a convenient way for well-wishers to find appropriate engagement gifts.