Well-defined Sentence Examples
The muscles on his chest and arms were not well defined.
The boundaries of the subregions are not well defined.
The steps which lead from the appearance of formaldehyde to that of the first well-defined carbohydrate are again matters of speculation.
This great divide is not always marked by well-defined ranges facing steeply either to the north or south.
In the West, in the 6th and 7th centuries, besides the original functions of their office, archdeacons had certain well-defined rights of visitation and supervision, being responsible for the good order of the lower clergy, the upkeep of ecclesiastical buildings and the safe-guarding of the church furniture - functions which involved a considerable disciplinary power.
The community we are studying must have reached such a stage of development that its economic functions and those immediately cognate to them form a well-defined group, and adequate means must be available so that we can, as it were, watch the performance of these functions and test our hypotheses and conclusions by observation and experience.
But in another and wider sense the Consulate has a well-defined unity; it is the time when France gained most of her institutions and the essentials of her machinery of government.
Differences of opinion with regard to the policies to be pursued by the new government gradually led to the formation of two well-defined political groups - the Federalists and the Democratic-Republicans - and Adams became recognized as one of the leaders, second only to Alexander Hamilton, of the former.
There is, however, a well defined watershed extending from the hills east of Stefanie to the Harrar range.
Chemistry and physics, however, meet on common ground in a well-defined branch of science, named physical chemistry, which is primarily concerned with the correlation of physical properties and chemical composition, and, more generally, with the elucidation of natural phenomena on the molecular theory.
AdvertisementThe surrounding seas are shallow for the most part, but there are three well-defined channels - the Florida or New Bahama channel, between the north-western islands and Florida, followed by the Gulf Stream, the Providence channels (north-east and north-west) from which a depression known as the Tongue of Ocean extends southward along the east side of Andros, and the Old Bahama channel, between the archipelago and Cuba.
There is no well-defined difference between aboriginal Thracians and Illyrians.
In the plateau there are in reality two terraces - a higher and a lower, both very well defined in Transbaikalia and in Mongolia.
On the inner surface of both valves several well-defined muscular, vascular and ovarian impressions are observable; they form either indentations of greater or less size and depth, or occur as variously shaped projections.
The corolla is generally funnelshaped, more rarely bell-shaped or tubular; the outer face is often marked out in longitudinal areas, five well-defined areas tapering from base to apex, and marked with longitudinal striae corresponding to the middle of the petals, and alternating with five non-striated weaker triangular areas; in the bud the latter are folded inwards, the stronger areas being exposed and showing a twist to the right.
AdvertisementIn order to the formation of a well-defined corona it is essential that the particles be exclusively, or preponderatingly, of one size.
Save on the south-west the frontiers, fbr the main part, are well defined natural features.
The Lebombo hills are flat topped but with a well-defined break on their seaward side.
But even in the midst of the richest quarters, in Westminster and elsewhere, small but well-defined areas of the poorest dwellings occur.
London has no single well-defined manufacturing quarter.
AdvertisementA quartz vein or bed of hard rock may show itself as a sharp ridge or as a well-defined bench; a stratum of soft rock or the line of a great fissure, or the weakening of the strata by an anticlinal fold, may produce a ravine or a deep valley.
On reaching their appointed stations the columns were to wheel to the right and were to work their way up certain steep but well-defined gullies that led towards the Ned front hire July ^ ?
Peru is divided longitudinally into three well-defined regions, the coast, the sierra and the montana.
The anterior and posterior ends of the body are well defined.
In Rhodesia, the country lying north of the Transvaal, where gold occurs in well-defined quartzveins, there is unquestionable evidence of extensive ancient workings.
AdvertisementIt dissolves in alkalis to form well-defined crystalline salts; potassium aurate, KAu0 2.3H 2 O, is very soluble in water, and is used in electrogilding.
The recognition of this fact is expressed, at the present day, by the division of the Sporozoa into several well-defined orders, which are grouped in two main divisions, each containing more or less closely related forms. One of these groups consists of the Gregarines, Coccidia and Haer_aosporidia (qq.v.).
As far as the frontier the Oder flows through a well-defined valley,.
The English Revolution of 1688 divided the people of New York into two well-defined factions.
It consists of two well-defined tracts, viz.
But as each successive range, proceeding south, represents a higher step in the terraced ascent from the desert of Gobi to the plateau of Tibet, the ranges when viewed from the north frequently appear like veritable upstanding mountain ranges, and this appearance is accentuated by the general steepness of the ascent; whereas, when viewed on the other hand from the south, these several ranges, owing to their long and gentle slope in that direction, have the appearance of comparatively gentle swellings of the earth's service rather than of well-defined mountain ranges.
The remains of transverse and other ranges are to be seen in the isolated ridges and peaks which rise above the level of the table-land, in some cases forming well-defined basins; otherwise the surface is singularly uniform in character and level.
It forms the main watershed between the Pacific and Atlantic river systems. Its summit is not a well-defined crest, but is often rounded or flattened into a table-land.
Many well-defined channels, cutting across the north-sloping spurs of the plateau in the neighborhood of Syracuse, NY., mark the temporary paths of the ice-bordered outlet river.
The western boundary of the plains is usually well defined by the abrupt ascent of the mountains.
Conversely, nocturnal cooling produces well-defined descending breezes which issue from the valley mouths, sometimes attaining an unpleasant strength toward midnight.
In many cases the lakes of Canada simply spill over at the lowest point from one basin into the next below, making chains of lakes with no long or well-defined channels between, since in so young a country there has not yet been time for the rivers to have carved wide valleys.
North of the line mentioned, and collectively known as North Georgia, are the four other regions, each with well-defined characteristics.
The digastric muscles also are remarkable for their well-defined central tendon, and in many species their anterior bellies are united between the two halves of the lower jaw.
The state consists of two well-defined parts which may roughly be called the northern and the southern.
Two high and well-defined ranges divide the island into three districts, of which the northern is mountainous, the central undulating and the southern low -lying.
The salts of the normal or orthoboric acid in all probability do not exist; metaboric acid, however, forms several well-defined salts which are readily converted, even by carbon dioxide, into salts of pyroboric acid.
Yet throughout the bronze age it is possible to trace a fairly well-defined group of antiquities covering the basin of the Elbe, Mecklenburg, Holstein, Jutland, southern Sweden and the islands of the Belt, and archaeologists have conjectured with much probability that these antiquities represent the early civilization of the Teutonic peoples.
It is impossible to estimate the influence of the elder conquerors, Greek, Carthaginian and Roman; but there are clear traces of Moorish blood, with a less well-defined Jewish and gipsy strain.
Nor does it appear that any well-defined compound of argon has yet been prepared.
In these animals the eyeball and the fur of the body are unpigmented, but the tips of the ear pinnae and extremities of the fore and hind limbs, together with the tail, are marked by more or less well defined colour.
But although the Flysch is so uniform in character, and although it forms so well-defined a zone, it is not everywhere of the same age.
In the Western Alps the outer border of Molasse persists; but it no longer forms so well-defined a zone, and strips are infolded amongst the older rocks.
In many parts of the world there is no sharp line of demarcation between the Devonian and the Carboniferous rocks; neither can the fossil faunas and floras be clearly separated at any well-defined line; this is true in Britain, Belgium, Russia, Westphalia and parts of North America.
The clinical influence of digitalis upon the heart is very well defined.
Its elements in the hieroglyphic form are pictorial, but each hieroglyph had one or more well-defined functions, fixed by convention in such a manner that the Egyptian language was expressed in writing word by word.
It is a curious fact that not a single bird is visible on the fragments, and the trees and plants, which might easily have been collected in a tillage compact and well-defined section, are widely scattered.
On the surface of the desert, at the borders of the valley, palaeolithic implements of well-defined form are not uncommon, and bear the marks of a remote antiquity.
The bonder, or yeomen, were prosperous and independent, with well-defined rights.
Beginning a northward journey with sledges at the end of the winter, Wellman met with an accident which compelled him to return, but not before some exploration had been accomplished, and the eastern extension of the archipelago fairly well defined.
Well-defined polypetalous and gamopetalous genera sometimes occur in the same order, and even Monocotyledons and Dicotyledons are classed together where they have some .striking physiological character in common.
To adopt a figure, it is probable that the sources from which the two streams of life - animal and vegetable - spring may not be separable by a well-defined watershed at all, but consist of a great level upland, in which the waterways anastomose.
Seen from Strathmore or the Firth of Clyde the Highlands present well-defined masses of hills abruptly rising from the Lowland plains, and from any of the western islands their sea front resembles a vast rampart indented by lochs and rising to a uniform level, which sinking here and there allows glimpses of still higher summits in the interior.
Some of the older houses, however, as well as the parish church and the convent of San Francisco, which still has well-defined Roman inscriptions on its walls, are built of stone from the ruins of Begastri, a Roman colony which stood on a small adjacent hill known as the Cabecico de Roenas.
It moves straightforward upon a well-defined path.
From Nushki it crosses the Helmund desert, touching the crest of a well-defined mountain watershed for a great part of the way, and, leaving Chagai to Baluchistan, it strikes nearly west to the Persian frontier, and joins it on the Koh-i-Malik Siah mountain, south of Seistan.
But if we could look down on the whole from a balloon, we should find that India (apart from Burma, for which see the separate article) consists of three separate and well-defined tracts.
The Vindhyan series is generally sharply marked off from older rocks; but in the Godavari valley there is no well-defined line between them and the Transition rocks.
He developed four well-defined characters in the process - a country farmer, Ezekiel Biglow, and his son Hosea; the Rev. Homer Wilbur, a shrewd old-fashioned country minister; and Birdofredum Sawin, a Northern renegade who enters the army, together with one or two subordinate characters; and his stinging satire and sly humour are so set forth in the vernacular of New England as to give at once a historic dignity to this form of speech.
Whilst there is thus no well-defined lower limit to the dimensions of systems of two stars, on the other hand we cannot set any superior limit either to the number of stars which shall form a system or to the dimensions of that system.
Cologne, Mainz, Worms, Spires, Strassburg, Basel and Regensburg, claimed a privileged position as "Free Cities," but neither is the ground for this claim clearly established, nor its nature well defined.
Lacordaire strove to show that Catholicism was not bound up with the idea of dynasty, and definitely allied it with a well-defined liberty, equality and fraternity.
The hydrides of the halogens are all colourless, strongly fuming gases, readily soluble in water and possessing a strong acid reaction; they react readily with basic oxides, forming in most cases well defined crystalline salts which resemble one another very strongly.
On the other hand the stability of the known oxygen compounds increases with the atomic weight, thus iodine pentoxide is, at ordinary temperatures, a well-defined crystalline solid, which is only decomposed on heating strongly, whilst chlorine monoxide, chlorine peroxide, and chlorine heptoxide are very unstable, even at ordinary temperatures, decomposing at the slightest shock.
In the east a well-defined mountain system runs nearly parallel to the Black Sea coast from Batum to Sinope, forming a gentle curve with its convexity facing southwards.
Indeed, even prior to the definite establishment of the caste-system, the mingling of the lower race with the upper classes, especially with the aristocratic landowners and still more so with the yeomanry, had probably been going on to such an extent as to have resulted in two fairly well-defined intermediate types of colour between the priestly order and the servile race and to have facilitated the ultimate division into four" colours "(varna).
The zoological collections of the "Pola" expeditions show that certain well-defined districts are extremely rich in plankton, while others are correspondingly poor; and it appears that the latter occur in districts surrounded by currents of relatively low temperature, while the richer parts are where the movements of water are blocked by irregularities in the coast-line.
It is the flux of matter and the inconstanc y of the physical body which requires induction, that thereby it may be fixed as it were, and allow the formation of notions well defined.
The most important are cuprous oxide, Cu 2 0, and cupric oxide, CuO, both of Oxides which give rise to well-defined series of salts.
Picric acid forms many well-defined salts, of a yellow or red-brown colour.
Jamesii is a well-defined species occurring in the mountains of Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona, and also in Mexico.
Nor can it be said to be as yet well defined to the east of Lhasa.
The main features of Nepalese topography are now fairly well defined.
An instance of this occurs where the Indus suddenly breaks through the well-defined Ladakh range in the North-west Himalaya to resume its north-westerly course after passing from the northern to the southern side of the range.
According to theory, there would be no well-defined lower limit; on the other side, the external vibration cannot be efficient if it tends to produce divisions whose length is less than the circumference of the jet.
The apparent gathering together of the sheaf into a fine and well-defined stream is an effect of singular beauty.
It is however the received name for a current of rationalistic theological thought which, though not confined to one country, or to any well-defined period, was most conspicuous in England in the last years of the 17th and the first half of the 18th century.
Lake in Early Days of Monasticism on Mount Athos (1909) traces the development through three well-defined stages in the 9th and 10th centuries - (a) the hermit period, (b) the loose organization of hermits in lauras, (c) the stricter rule of the monastery, with definite buildings and fixed rules under an ii-youµevos or abbot.
The possession of morphine by medical practitioners is also safeguarded by well-defined limitations.
It may be seen on the western horizon from Dera Ismail Khan, a grey, flat-looking rampart rising from the lower line of mountains north and south 'of it, slightly saddle-backed in the middle, but culminating in a very well-defined peak at its northern extremity.
Along the sea-board are twenty-two well-defined headlands or capes and about a score of bays or inlets, to mark which for navigators there are thirty-four lighthouses.
The its muscular coat; g, g, the heart is of the usual Arthro lateral teeth, which when podous type, lying in a more or in use are brought in conless well-defined pericardial blood tact with the sides of the sinus, with which it communi median tooth m; c, c, the cates by valvular openings or muscular coat.
In the south-east of England, the North and South Downs are both well-defined ranges, but are characterized by a number of breaches through which rivers penetrate, on the one hand to the Thames or the North Sea and on the other to the English Channel.
There are still, however, some small well-defined woodland areas.
The Coast Range of the Panhandle attains a width of loo m., but has no well-defined crest line.
This view would probably be strongly pressed in the case of protectorates over countries having no well-defined or stable government.
Its general uniformity of direction, its comparatively narrow width, and its well-defined limits towards both south and north are all features which it has in common with the former.
On the north-west this rugged highland region is well defined by the distinctive transverse ridge of Andi, which to the east of Kasbek strikes off from the Caucasus range almost at right angles.
Schemes which set up a larger number of distinct races, such as the eleven of Pickering, the fifteen of Bory de St Vincent and the sixteen of Desmoulins, have the advantage of finding niches for most well-defined human varieties; but no modern naturalist would be likely to adopt any one of these as it stands.
There are about 300 genera containing about 3500 well-defined species.
A characteristic feature of the genus Agathis (Dammara) the Kauri pine of New Zealand, is the deciduous habit of the branches; these become detached from the main trunk leaving a well-defined absciss-surface, which appears as a depressed circular scar on the stem.
A pine needle grown iji continuous light differs from one grown under ordinary conditions in the absence of hypodermal fibres, in the absence of the characteristic infoldings of the mesophyll cell-walls, in the smaller size of the resin-canals, &c. The endodermis in Pinus, Picea and many other genera is usually a well-defined layer of cells enclosing the vascular bundles, and separated from them by a tissue consisting in part of ordinary parenchyma and to some extent of isodiametric tracheids; but this tissue, usually spoken of as the pericycle, is in direct continuity with other stem-tissues as well as the pericycle.
While the large genus Drosera has an all but world-wide distribution, its congeners are restricted to well-defined and usually comparatively small areas.
This is not strictly the case, however, for such gases and vapours as exhibit well-defined bands of absorption in the spectrum, as these bands are altered in character by compression.
Oxides.-Phosphorus forms three well-defined oxides, P406, P204 and P205; two others, P 4 O and P 2 O, have been described.
It rises in the realm of physical speculation, passes over into the territory of ethics and theology, and makes its way through at least three well-defined stages.
The order Antipathidea is a well-defined group whose affinities FIG.
The colour of face and legs is well-defined black and white, the black predominating.
The district naturally divides itself into three well-defined tracts - (1) The salt tract, along the coast; (2) The arable tract, or rice country; and (3) The submontane tract, or jungle lands.
There are no well-defined crop belts, the production of the various crops being general throughout the state, except in the case of potatoes, most of which are raised in the sandy regions of the north.
As regards existing forms of life, the limitations of the class are perfectly well defined and easy of recognition; for although certain groups (not, by the way, whales, which, although excluded in popular estimation from the class, are in all essential respects typical mammals) are exceedingly aberrant, and present structural features connecting them with the lower vertebrate classes, yet they are by common consent retained in the class to which they are obviously most nearly affiliated by their preponderating characteristics.
The first two give origin to well-defined series of salts, the ferrous salts, wherein the metal is divalent, and the ferric salts, wherein the metal is trivalent; the former readily pass into the latter on oxidation, and the latter into the former on reduction.
Red ferric hydroxide dissolves in acids to form a well-defined series of salts, the ferric salts, also obtained by oxidizing ferrous salts; they are usually colourless when anhydrous, but yellow or brown when hydrated.
Its aqueous solution is strongly alkaline, and with acids it forms well-defined stable salts.
A few persons reside on the little island Allegranza, a mass of lava and cinders ejected at various times from a now extinct volcano, the crater of which has still a well-defined edge.
Like the previous assemblies, it did not fall into well-defined parties.
The stars are supposed to be generally spherical, like the sun, in form, and to have fairly well-defined boundaries; while the nebulae are generally irregular in outline and have no well-defined limits.
The Alai is a well-defined ridge with steep slopes, and both it and the Terek-tau, which prolongs it towards the Kokshal-tau, are flanked next the Ferghana valley by what appear to be the old uplifted strata both of the old Palaeozoic series of metamorphic limestones and of the newer Tertiary series of softer conglomerates and sandstones.
The mathematical theory of the moon's motion does not yet form a well-defined body of reasoning and doctrine, like other branches of mathematical science, but consists of a series of researches, extending through twenty centuries or more, and not easily welded into a unified whole.
Their poetry has well-defined metres, and a sort of rhyme.
The sphinx, however, is a perfectly clear and well-defined type there, and is usually recumbent.
It is easy to see that a good year of inundation extends the borders of the so-called lake to within the Naizar; and there are well-defined beds of dry canals intersecting the country, which prove the existence formerly of an extensive water-system no longer prevailing.
Just as this latter method of divination rested on a well-defined theory, to wit, that the liver was the seat of the soul of the animal and that the deity in accepting the sacrifice identified himself with the animal, whose "soul" was thus placed in complete accord with that of the god and therefore reflected the mind and will of the god, so astrology is based on a theory of divine government of the world, which in contrast to "liver" divination assumes at the start a more scientific or pseudo-scientific aspect.
Each is a real being, with a well-defined personality.
The principal inlet is Storm Bay, which has three well-defined arms. The most easterly is Norfolk Bay, enclosed between Forestier's Peninsula and Tasman Peninsula.
We further find that, whereas the Ferns of the present day form a well-defined and even isolated class, this was not the case at the time when the primary rocks were deposited.
The Accadians bequeathed their system to the Babylonians, and cuneiform tablets and cylinders, boundary stones, and Euphratean art generally, point to the existence of a well-defined system of star names in their early history.
Otters are widely distributed, and, as they are much alike in size and coloration, their specific distinctions are by no means well defined.
Well-defined ranges prolong themselves through each of the peninsulas, rising in many places to a considerable elevation.
Other physiological effects are not well defined but can involve reduced carbon dioxide assimilation and reduced protein synthesis.
Blade fragment, edge bevel well defined 4.5mm away from blade edge on one side.
The use of silicon allows precise micromachining of components with well defined thermal conductance.
He was a meticulous draftsman; his characters are well-defined and precise so that little ambiguity is encountered in the deciphering process.
Well-defined mega-scale glacial lineations are present within the trough, produced by a palaeo-ice stream draining the Greenland Ice Sheet across the continental shelf.
More a pop orchestral mishmash than a well-defined rock opus, Bat III is dark, seemingly hopeless at times, and über dramatic.
The skull oval from ear to ear, showing plenty of brain room, and with a well-defined occipital protuberance.
However, most visual languages lack a well-defined formal semantics.
Can you check to see how well defined his muscle tone is?
We investigate the propagation of well-defined vector modes along strongly guiding rectangular waveguides.
First, the events causing or triggering insured losses must be sufficiently well-defined.
Overall, it was found that tire noise increases with speed in a reasonably well-defined manner.
Such fields often have a relatively well-defined terminology, which is sometimes even codified, and given official recognition by professional bodies.
However, 3 or 4 streams were found running off the grit and sinking at the bottom of large shakeholes into fairly well-defined sinks.
Structured tasks will be designed to test whether or not well-defined learning goals have been achieved.
The outline of the girl is still very well-defined.
The dividing line between hard and soft X-rays is not well defined and can depend on the context.
It is beyond doubt that Huygens independently discovered that an object placed in the common focus of the two lenses of a Kepler telescope appears as distinct and well-defined as the 3 Delambre, Hist.
Every tribe is divided into septs fairly well defined.
In primitive cults the distinction between sacred and unclean is far from complete or well defined (see Taboo); consequently we find two types of cathartic sacrifice - (i.) one to cleanse of impurity and make fit for common use, (ii.) the other to rid of sanctity and in like manner render suitable for human use or intercourse.
The growing importance of the lagoon townships, owing to their maritime skill, their expanding trade, created by their position between east and west, their monopoly of salt and salted fish, which gave them a strong position in the mainland markets, rendered it inevitable that a clash must come over the question of independence, when either east or west should claim that Venice belonged to them; and inside the lagoons the growing prosperity, coupled with the external threat to their liberties, concentrated the population into two well-defined parties - what may be called the aristocratic party, because it leaned towards imperial Byzantium and also displayed a tendency to make the dogeship hereditary, and the democratic party, connected with the original population of the lagoons, aspiring to free institutions, and consequently leaning more towards the church and the Frankish kingdom which protected the church.
In India the northern range of the group is only bounded by the slopes of the Himalaya, and farther to the eastward parrots are not only abundant over the whole of the Malay Archipelago, as well as Australia and Tasmania, but two very well-defined families are peculiar to New Zealand and its adjacent islands (see Kakapo and Nestor).
There are five well-defined soil regiotis corresponding to the geologic-topographic divisions already indicated of drift loess, sand-hills, foot-hills and Bad Lands.
A handheld GPS unit can settle any well-defined border issue.
However, it 's quite refreshing to find such a tiny ensemble who feel pretty well-defined from the off.
This becomes necessary only if the disease has reached a certain, well defined stage, as the milder forms often regress spontaneously.
There is a well defined circular layer of smooth muscle in the tunica media.
There was only one line, which was along the well-defined ridge itself.
The Internet has no geographic location and no well-defined boundaries.
Every object has one or more well-defined interfaces at which it provides services.
In both integrations a common semantic model is used in order to given specifications in the language a well-defined meaning.
Beyond the gate at the end of the road is a well-defined path leading to the Thames.
The dividing line between hard and soft x-rays is not well defined and can depend on the context.
Achieve a bold, sensuous look or a smart, well-defined one with a Prescriptives eyeliner.
Whatever styles you choose to highlight your eyes, always start with a well-defined brow and quality products.
If you like a well defined eye and are ready to commit to an eyeliner style, you may decide an upper or lower permanent line is an easy way to look pulled together and finished no matter the rest of your grooming routine.
Waterproof gel eyeliner is a must have for those who prefer well defined eyes.
If you're shopping for alternative girls' clothing, it's typically a good idea to have a well defined sense of self, your personal brand of alternative.
Internodes about 2 inches apart, leaves 2 to 4 inches in length and narrow, cross veins well defined.
The upper surface of the leaves is green, the under side glaucous, but there is usually, when young, a well-defined margin of red or brown.
If you decide you want to add bulk or look really "ripped" (with very well-defined muscles), check with a nutritionist to learn how to adjust your diet.
The environments are well defined and sharp and give you lots of cover and additional ways to kill enemies, like TNT barrels, or explosive detonators.
Every creature you destroy is a true work of art, well-defined and delivered in varying shapes, sizes and species.
The well-defined, flaky sores can be dry and scaly or moist and crusty.
Some are well defined and some are not fully understood.
Patchy thin brows can easily make you feel less than gorgeous in a beauty world where strong, well-defined arches are revered.
Having a well-defined mission statement and ethics policy helps ensure that both you and your employees know where you stand on certain issues.
The term "natural" is not typically well-defined.
Regular strength training will, however, create lean, strong muscles that are well defined rather than bulging.
Most body builders and general weight lifters will agree well-defined biceps are a sign of true strength.
Cardio activity, such as walking or jogging, will burn off the fat hiding your well-defined muscles.
Many people consider a flat stomach and very well-defined abs to be a mark of true physical beauty and also of excellent fitness.
Many men dream of having tight abs with well defined oblique muscles.
Questions of Lockhart's reliability and strength of character are raised early on, but his usefulness has been well defined and nicely rounded out on the page.
Sam's role harks back to a time in which master and servant had well-defined spheres and in which servants absorbed the status and values of their masters, rejoicing in their successes and commiserating at their failures.
The collection of well-defined sites was tastefully arranged around a circular loop with about thirty camp sites on both the inside and outside of the narrow roadway.
Great responsibility is thus thrown on the skip in the choice of his players, who are selected for well-defined reasons.
Many of the islands are of volcanic formation; and a well-defined volcanic chain bounds the Cretan Sea on the north, including Milo and Kimolos, Santorin (Thera) and Therasia, and extends to Nisyros.
The movement had no well-defined object.
We distinguish between a Siberian, Mongolian, Mediterranean and European province, none of which can be well defined.