Well-being Sentence Examples
It was a paradigm of economic productivity and well-being.
Other indicators of fetal well-being include short term variability (STV), which constitutes changes in the FHR from one beat to another, and long term variability (LTV), which is changes in the FHR over a long period of time.
Developed by Dr. Jeffrey Thompson, an expert in brainwave frequencies and sleep for health and well-being, this musical program is a natural sleep aid that does not involve a high cost, taking medication, or time commitment.
While used equipment can be a worthwhile purchase, most professionals seek new equipment and opt for used when considering tattoo chairs, lighting, and other basic tattoo shop supplies that don't affect a customer's health or well-being.
In general, yoga allows people to become more aware of body and breath and to gradually grow into healthier ways of relating to body and breath-which can manifest as a greater sense of physical, mental, and emotional ease and well-being.
The fact that its product is shut out of its natural markets, without gaining that of the United States, is also a great handicap. The civic status of the people is still unsettled, but there has been under American rule a notable advance in the well-being of the island.
Lately, many financial experts have been touting the benefits of consumers examining where they spend little bits of money they don't think about, and how budgeting can really make a difference to their financial well-being.
Finally in the late 1970s, all of these badges were categorized into five interest groups - The World of Well-Being, The World of People, The World of Today and Tomorrow, The World of the Arts, and The World of the Out-of-Doors.
If you build a permanent water fountain, then you'll have only one alternative when it suddenly becomes a detriment to your health, finances or even your well-being, which will be to empty the fountain of water and cease using it.
The latter feature is the growth of the tree, the well-being of the protoplasts is its life and health.
AdvertisementIn spite of one or two disadvantageous facts in her career, Madame Comte seems to have uniformly comported herself towards her husband with an honourable solicitude for his well-being.
The Stoic claims on this head were the loftiest; as the well-being of their sage was independent, not only of external things and bodily conditions, but of time itself; it was fully realized in a single exercise of wisdom and could not be increased by duration.
A carefully rendered coiffure also indicates a state of well-being.
One is the sense of well being in society, which is virtually not existent.
Many trees are found to have their smaller roots invaded by fungi and deformed by their action, but so far from these being injurious, experiments go to show that this mycorhiza (fungus-root) is necessary for the well-being of the tree.
AdvertisementIn a country where learned opinion has so much influence on public affairs it was of especial importance that several of the younger teachers separated themselves from the dominant Manchester School and asserted the duty of the state actively to promote the well-being of the working classes.
But in spite of the intense conviction with which he thus identified metaphysical speculation and practical wisdom, we find in his writings no serious attempt to deduce the particulars of human well-being from his knowledge of absolute good, still less to unfold from it the particular cognitions of the special arts and sciences.
It is true that the Cynics were more concerned to emphasize the negative side of the sage's well-being, while the Stoics brought into more prominence its positive side.
This theological view of the physical universe had a double effect on the ethics of the Stoic. In the first place it gave to his cardinal conviction of the all-sufficiency of wisdom for human well-being a root of cosmical fact, and an atmosphere of religious and social emotion.
Even the " joy and gladness " (Xapa, eu4po n vn) that accompany the exercise of virtue seem to have been regarded by them as merely an inseparable accident, not the essential constituent of well-being.
AdvertisementIt is perhaps easy to understand how, in the crisis of 1640, when the ethico-political system of Hobbes first took written shape, a peace-loving philosopher should regard the claims of individual conscience as essentially anarchical, and dangerous to social well-being; but however strong might be men's yearning for order, a view of social duty, in which the only fixed positions were selfishness everywhere and unlimited power somewhere, could not but appear offensively paradoxical.
But the quasi-theistic assumption that what is natural must be reasonable remained in the minds of Hobbes's most docile readers, and in combination with his thesis that egoism is natural, tended to produce results which were dangerous to social well-being.
He identifies religion with civilization, and in his treatise Del primato morale e civile degli Italiani arrives at the conclusion that the church is the axis on which the well-being of human life revolves.
The latter labored at re-establishing order in fiscal affairs; and various measures like the impost of the dixiine upon all property save that of the clergy, together with the end of the corn famine, sufficed to restore a certain amount of well-being.
Gross international happiness is a new concept in economic thinking aimed at replacing the western paradigm of economic productivity and well-being.
AdvertisementRemoval of gluten and/or casein containing products requires the active participation of all those concerned with the child's well-being.
Happiness economics would target unemployment beyond what is economically efficient to what is optimal for well-being.
Shealy's group suggested that an increase in beta endorphins is associated with a sense of well being and decreased pain.
The radio guest claimed that wild blue green algae totally transformed his life to one of optimum health, well being and vitality.
A reply is not, and is not intended to be, a definitive pronouncement on a customer's financial well-being.
The Nuffield Foundation's mission is support research and practical developments that will ' advance social well being ' .
The National Institute for Mental Health in England is explicit about the benefits to the nation of working to enhance mental well-being.
However, thermal discomfort has been shown to affect the general well-being of people.
They can even do a lot to help the emotional well-being of their pupils.
We are a group of people who are dedicated to work for the mental well-being among Chinese people in UK.
Ideally, they are designed to measure the cost of attaining a given level of economic well-being.
For example, a recent analysis of the socioeconomic patterning of women's health found that psychosocial well-being displayed the steepest socioeconomic gradient.
All aspects of health are interrelated and interdependent, and there needed to be a broader and more holistic approach to employe well-being.
A lethargy of well-being, broken only by the pinch of taxation for war-costs, or by outbursts of frantic ferocity and lust in the less calculating tyrants, descended on the population of cities which had boasted of their freedom.
Nervous System of Planls.So far we have considered the plant almost exclusively as an individual organism, carrying out its own vital processes, and unaffected by its surroundings except in so far as these supply it with the materials for its well-being.
We are now in a position to give an expanded definition of instinctive behaviour as comprising those complex groups of co-ordinated acts which, though they contribute to experience, are, on their first occurrence, not determined by individual experience; which are adaptive and tend to the well-being of the individual and the preservation of the race; which are due to the co-operation of external and internal stimuli; which are similarly performed by all members of the same more or less restricted group of animals; but which are subject to variation, and to subsequent modification under the guidance of individual experience.
The pilgrimage retained its importance for the commercial well-being of Mecca; to this day the Meccans live by the Hajj - letting rooms, acting as guides and directors in the sacred ceremonies, as contractors and touts for land and sea transport, as well as exploiting the many benefactions that flow to the holy city; while the surrounding Bedouins derive support from the camel-transport it demands and from the subsidies by which they are engaged to protect or abstain from molesting the pilgrim caravans.
He did not overlook the need of supplementing merely intellectual insight by " Socratic force of soul "; but it seemed to him that, by insight and self-mastery combined, an absolute spiritual independence might be attained which left nothing wanting for perfect well-being (see also Diogenes).
To the philosophers (with the single exception of Plato), however, convinced as they were that the multitude must necessarily miss true well-being through their folly and ignorance, it could never occur to guard against these evils by any other method than that of providing philosophic instruction for the few; whereas the Christian clergy, whose function it was to offer truth and eternal life to all mankind, naturally regarded theological misbelief as insidious preventible contagion.
A new horizon and new labors were opening out, full of well-being and prosperity for all.
The review 's aim is to develop a workforce that can deliver personalized, user-led services and safeguard the well-being of vulnerable people.
It 's enjoyably car-like and almost sporty to drive, as well being quiet and refined.
How important is it for the well-being of the world that people act with unselfish motives?
The Nuffield Foundation 's mission is support research and practical developments that will ' advance social well being '.
Nor do we wish to encourage narrow partisanship about an issue which so clearly affects the well-being of all humankind.
You should win the Nobel Prize of Peace, for your contribution to the well-being of mankind !
The Tribunal formed the opinion that there was a serious risk to the well-being of the residents in Hillside Manor.
The well-being of children requires political action at the highest level.
Our actions should take account of the well-being of other nations, other species, and future generations.
It is a document setting out a local program for improving the well-being of the citizens of Welwyn Hatfield.
Local Cultural Strategy The Local Cultural Strategy sets out the council 's plans to promote the cultural well-being of Slough.
For example, a recent analysis of the socioeconomic patterning of women 's health found that psychosocial well-being displayed the steepest socioeconomic gradient.
Mental Health Indicators Project, project investigating the establishment of a core set of national mental health and well-being indicators for Scotland.
As the leader in health and wellness products, we will continue to provide you with innovative products that promote your overall well-being.
Emotional catharsis is an important factor in a person's well-being.
However, establishing a schedule is important for your sanity and your baby's well-being.
This is not to say that commercial breeders do not care for their bird's health, well being etc, it just may result in a bird that may be difficult to bond with.
Learning how to handle your bird correctly will allow you to physically check the health and well-being of your bird.
Whether you're the person giving free kittens to good homes or you're hoping to adopt, you play a role in the well being of another life.
Spending a little extra time researching the perfect food for your cat and a few extra dollars can reap big rewards in the health and well-being of your favorite companion.
For the well-being of your cat, it is essential to seek out accurate cat health care information.
If you decide that adding another cat to your family is right for you, be sure take the right steps to ensure the kitten's safety and the mental well-being of your current feline.
Caring for a kitten is not difficult, but cats do have basic needs that are important to their health and well being.
In addition, the Winn Feline Foundation provides grants for scientific studies specific to cats and their well-being.
Many times, the cause of divorce is much more detrimental to the well-being of children than the actual effect of divorce because usually the children have to experience negative situations between their parents.
Whether you decide to start dating during divorce or opt for a more conservative approach, take care to avoid situations like the ones below that may compromise your child's physical and emotional well-being.
To make it through divorce, it's important to nurture emotional well-being.
If you can't agree on a situation that needs to be decided on, think only about the interest and well-being of the child.
Let the other parent know that you will not stand for him violating the rules that you both set in place for the safety and well-being of your child.
Sounds that have become part of everyday life, from the urban areas to the rural ones, have a cumulative affect on the environment and our well-being.
These are but a few of the many types of environmental pollution that affect our heath and well-being in today's world.
Extra green healthy living involves developing environmentally sound habits and making wise decisions that can have a positive impact on your overall health and well being as well as on the environment.
The "extra" in this tea is a shot of valerian, a soothing herb that promotes physical and mental well being.
These provide fiber as well as vitamins, minerals and other substances for health and well-being.
Aromatherapy is a great way to heal various medical conditions as well as promote a feeling of well being.
These natural ways to lower blood pressure are a great place to start, but a healthy diet really is the foundation for overall well being.
It may relieve stress, promote well-being and relaxation, boost the immune system or prevent cancer when used in conjunction with a therapeutic massage.
Many are believed to work quite well; however, it is best to work with a health care provider to assure your safety and well-being.
Your emotional well-being is the foundation on which all other aspects of your life are based.
This herb is generally associated with feelings of well-being and relaxation similar to the effect of an alcoholic drink, but should only be taken with extreme caution.
Renovating your master bathroom just might make good sense for your well being while you are living in the house and your portfolio when you decide to sell it.
As the sense of smell is a complex mechanism, fragrances affect your sense of well-being, influence feelings and awaken memories.
This recommendation is not only for those seeking to shed a few pounds, but also for your overall health and well-being.
Whole food cooking focuses on the role of food and its relationship to our health and well-being.
Stress is one of the most dangerous health threats facing both your body as well as your psychological well-being.
Practicing meditation for at least 30 minutes a day will have a tremendous impact on your overall sense of well-being.
Discovering what works, what boosts the mood, relaxes the headaches and relieves the tension is vital to an individual's mental, emotional and physical well-being.
Treating stress with massage helps to relieve the pain caused by muscle tension, as the soothing touch also promotes a feeling of well-being and calm.
Change can always cause stress, but how you perceive and react to that change will have a major impact on your well being.
Over a lifetime, this simple man from India turned a practice of peace and relaxation into a multi-billion dollar business that has contributed to the success and well-being of millions.
If you don't take steps to relieve stress now, it could be detrimental to your health and emotional well being years down the road.
It increases the body's endorphins, giving you a feeling of happiness and well-being.
Aromatherapy is a practice of using various essential plant oils to achieve well being.
Studies repeatedly demonstrate the positive side effects of exercise on your internal processes, but exercise can also have profound effects on your mental well being.
Even if you score very low on the Beck Anxiety Inventory, knowing how to help your body relax when it is under stress is important for your overall health and well-being.
Generally you will feel happier, more confident and experience an overall feeling of well-being.
The Center for Well Being teaches the technique of Turiya Meditation.
The Center for Well Being offers a free lecture to introduce attendees to the Turiya method of meditation.
Use crosses the line to abuse when it begins to affect everyday life, cause social problems, and/or impact a teen's physical well being.
Not only can redecorating be a blast but it can be one of the most practical things a teen does for their well being.
It can cause teens to care little about themselves and their well-being.
Vitamins play an important part in our well being.
Moreover, the B vitamins are essential to the well-being of the human nervous system.
This is why it is so important to be involved in the lives of your children and to get the education you need to make smart choices about their physical and mental well being.
The health and well being of your child may depend on it.
The nicotine triggers the brain to produce higher levels of dopamine, and this creates a feeling of well-being.
Her struggles with relationships, her children, and her personal well-being have been well documented, but Britney Spears continues to churn out high-quality pop music that her fans adore.
His sole concern is for the well-being of his friend.
Spears was transported to the hospital by ambulance, where she is continued to remain for up to three days so doctors can asses her mental and physical well-being.
The school also provides a number of general education courses designed to improve the overall well-being and education of everyday citizens of the community.
The campus also offers a free on-site fitness facility to encourage physical health and mental well-being.
Good dog grooming practices are essential for maintaining the health, happiness and well-being of your dog.
When used properly, and with consideration for your pet's well-being, electronic dog collars can be handy training aids.
You also need to fully understand the concept of collar training so you can do it properly without undue stress and injury to your pet's physical and mental well-being.
While there, the sitter will see that your dog is fed, watered, and exercised, and generally make sure of your pet's well being.
There's no doubt about it, fleas and ticks are a menace to your pet's well being.
The injuries can be quite horrendous, yet participants show little concern for the well being of an animal they have put so much time into raising.
This is something of a lifetime achievement award that goes to seven breeders who each have made significant contributions to the overall well being of their chosen breed.
A puppy mill is a term given to a dog breeding business that operates solely for financial gain and without any regard to the animals' health or well-being.
According to dog owners on many sites including Rate It All, there is plenty of praise about the formula lines improving their dog's health and well-being.
In signing the PWDCA Breeder Referral Agreement Form, a breeder is agreeing to breed and sell Portuguese Water Dogs in an environment that places attention primarily on the health and well-being of the dog.
All that is necessary for their well-being is protection from slugs, which soon scent them from afar.
Gutters are crucial to the well being of your home.
A tight fit is important for your baby's safety and well-being.
Sapien is an intelligent and modern choice for those who care about beauty, well-being and planet conservation.
We believe, in fact, that this is necessary because our own well-being and our planet's future depends on it.
The more proactive you are about your health, the more in charge you'll find yourself regarding your well-being.
If your own health, happiness, or well-being would be jeopardized by living alone, then an ALF is probably not the best option.
Life insurance is primarily designed to provide for your family's financial well-being after your death.
Open access to friends and family is important for your well-being and that of your loved ones.
If you do become ill, your general well-being will help you heal more quickly.
A division of the National Institutes of Health, the NIA has a mission to improve the well-being of senior citizens through research on a number of levels.
With the right nutrition and regular healthful activity, you'll have more control of your total well-being.
Rather, you'll improve your overall mental well-being even if you do minimal amounts of routine exercise, such as stretching or lifting weights.
Comfort U Pillow - The Comfort U Body pillow is designed to support the entire body and reduce the need for tossing and turning, helping you get a better, more secure feeling of well-being and sleep.
No matter which approach you select, Brandenton sleep apnea treatments can help relieve the symptoms of the sleep disorder, promoting overall health and well being.
However, improving the condition is necessary to maintain health and well-being.
The herb is thought to support rest, relax muscles, clear thinking and promote a sense of well-being.
Electronic fetal monitoring is frequently used during labor to assess fetal well-being.
Also, the parent's behavior is influenced by the parent's work, the parents' marriage, family finances, and other conditions likely to affect the parent's behavior and psychological well-being.
Medical personnel will also assess the extent of the wound and what effect it has had on the patient's well being.
There is no known way to prevent congenital amputations, but the prevention of birth defects in general begins with the well being of the mother before and during pregnancy.
Hydrotherapy-The use of water (hot, cold, steam, or ice) to relieve discomfort and promote physical well-being.
Chronic diarrhea, though, can have considerable effect on health and on social and economic well-being.
Narcotics are addictive drugs that reduce the user's perception of pain and induce euphoria (a feeling of exaggerated and unrealistic well-being).
When a narcotic medication stimulates these receptor proteins, the person typically experiences intense sensations of euphoria or well-being.
It is important for kids and teens to understand that the rules and expectations set by parents are based on parental love and concern for their well-being.
With the introduction of electronic fetal monitoring (EFM) in the 1970s, doctors had more information for assessing fetal well-being.
Although complications from paralysis, hydrocephaly, Chiari II malformation, and urinary tract deterioration threaten the well-being of the survivors, the outlook for normal intellectual function is good.
As a social unit with genetic, emotional, and legal dimensions, the family can foster the child's growth, development, health, and well-being.
Availability of and quality of social support influence family life and well-being as individuals cope with raising children in poverty.
Parents should try to increase the child's feeling of security and well-being by close involvement with the immunization process.
While seeking help for their child, parents must remain sensitive to the emotional needs and physical well being of their other children.
Parents need to realize the importance of play to the well being of a sick child.
If the practitioner feels that a baby may be at risk for problems during pregnancy, non-stress tests, biophysical profiles, or even contraction stress tests are performed twice a week to monitor fetal well-being.
It is important for kids and teens to understand that the rules and expectations set by parents are based on parental love and concern for their well being.
The basic positions can increase a person's strength, flexibility, and sense of well-being almost immediately, but it can take years to perfect and deepen them, which is an appealing and stimulating aspect of yoga for many.
Along with B vitamins, manganese produces feelings of well-being.
Loss of sleep has a cumulative impact on the well being of both children and adults.
In addition to respiratory problems and a diminished level of overall well-being in adolescence, teenage smoking is also responsible for health problems in adulthood.
In addition, botanical medicine and homeopathy can be considered to help bring the body's systems back to a state of health and well-being.
Many clinicians require their diabetic patients to have at least one CST/OCT a week to assure fetal well-being.
Electronic fetal monitoring occurs after an amniocentesis or cordocentesis to assure fetal well-being.
Because touch is also a form of communication, sensitive touch can convey a sense of caring to the person receiving massage, enhancing the individual's sense of self and well being.
This may mean avoiding leaving siblings alone together, getting assistance with childcare, or even seeking residential or hospital treatment for the child if the safety and well-being of other family members is in jeopardy.
However, if dependency in a child or adolescent starts to interfere with school work, daily living, and the child's sense of self-esteem and well-being, parents should seek professional help from their child's doctor.
One of the first rooms that a feng shui practitioner will analyze is your bedroom since she recognizes how important it is to your overall health and well-being.
Review those items and colors around you that do not promote your well-being and change them out.
Bergamot - Helps to fight depression and sadness by invoking feelings of optimism and well-being.
Once they are in place, the positive chi is not blocked and freely flows within your space giving you an overall feeling of well being and a sense of harmony and balance in life.
Neutrals - In feng shui, neutral tones are akin to skin tones and represent sexual well being.
Mortgage lenders sometimes package a group of mortgage loans and sell them to Fannie Mae, and this means that Fannie Mae has an interest in homeowners making their payments beyond mere concern for the well-being of the housing market.
For more than 14 years, Grace has helped homeowners enhance their financial well being after retirement.
While it's important to make sure becoming a stay at home mom is financially feasible, don't forget to make plans for your emotional well-being.
If you're concerned about the development of your only child, remember that parenting styles have a substantial impact on a child's well-being.
We know this is a very difficult time for her and her family, and our primary concern right now is for Jamie Lynn's well-being.
Time spent in relaxing and restive activities that help Mom feel like herself are as important to your overall well-being as eating right, getting enough rest and seeing the doctor regularly.
The ancient Chinese, Egyptians, and Greeks all believed that various scents could affect a person's physical and psychological well being.
The umbilical cord plays a critical role in your baby's well-being, even once the birthing process has begun.
Good prenatal and postnatal care is essential for the well being of any newborn infant.
If you live in the city and are hoping for a better quality of life through heightened self-esteem and emotional well-being, then you just may be a perfect candidate for cosmetic dentistry.
With her hair blown back and a thumb stuck playfully in the bikini bottom, Fergie glows with health and well-being.
Not only is it important for your overall well-being, but the tanga is not the swimsuit you want to don if you are feeling ill at ease.
UjENA supports fitness in everyday life for well being.
A dollhouse is a catalyst for hours of imaginative play that is shown to increase intelligence and emotional well-being in children.
Vitamin D is essential to our health and well-being.
In fact, protein consumption is critical to our health and well-being.
It may help promote an overall sense of well-being.
Many nutrients are essential for good health and overall well being.
It is essential to our well being and while a relatively small amount is required, it has far reaching and long term benefits.
Although vitamin C or perhaps D gets all the attention and acclaim, vitamin K is also a vitamin critical for health and well-being.
Violet leaf and lemongrass work almost as well as meditation to give you that perfect feeling of well-being.
Each component of blood play an important role in maintaining a person's health and well-being.
Organizations, such as the United Lesbians of African Heritage focus on educating black women on the topics of education, health, well-being, and advocacy.
It means the guy is invested in his child's well being.
If his or her well being is a concern for you, then you may be in love.
In fact, you may find this type of treatment could be just what you need to improve your overall health and well-being.
Additionally, Men should try to avoid alcohol and narcotics because these things are not helpful to their well being.
There is an intense attraction here, as well as a general sense of well being when they're together.
The goal of every state is to protect the health, safety, and general well being of young children, to control the standards of child care programs, and to improve child care options for parents.
Both parents need to put the emotional well-being of their children before their own pain and anger over the divorce.
Others who have studied the system note that its techniques make use of the known positive benefits of meditation, such as increased focus, decreased anxiety and an overall improved sense of well-being.
The purpose of the "chute" was to protect the mental well-being of living patients.
A bright, sunny clear yellow is associated with life and well being.
The goal of the WIC program is to ensure the nutritional well being of women existing on low incomes and children up to age five.
The name comes from Sanskrit - "su" (good) and "asti" (to be), which was mean to translate to "well-being."
Like the early sailors who braved unknown dangers in pursuit of fortune, glory and the well-being of their kin, soldiers of bygone days embraced the nautical star for its safety and guidance symbolism.
Over 4,000 years ago in the Near and Far East, Europe and North America, the cross served as symbols of advantage, positivity, profit and well-being.
Air travel restrictions are in place for the safety and well-being of all passengers and airport personnel.
Serenity Health - This online store specializes in products that promote well being.
However, even a modest practice has been proven by many health studies to reduce stress, encourage better sleep and increase overall well-being.
Having clothing that not only feels comfortable but also instills a sense in the wearer of looking good can increase the sense of well-being that is, after all, the goal of any yoga practice.
For example, the non-profit organization Girls, Inc. promotes yoga as a way to improve concentration, create a stronger sense of well-being, and build muscle tone and increase circulation.
These techniques are designed to foster physical and mental well-being while posing the least amount of discomfort to the arthritis patient.
The American Yoga Association's research program has discovered yoga relaxation exercises are beneficial for stress reduction and an overall feeling of well-being for those coping with osteoarthritis.
The team of instructors focuses on helping individual students on their personal journey to physical well-being through yoga practice.
Ensuring the well-being of the family goes a long way towards helping children with autism rise to the challenge of overcoming its effects to reach their full potential.
Leisure time is an investment in your well-being, hence your job searching efforts.
Similar to health benefits, an EAP can help take care of your employee's well-being.
By following a pure, wholesome and nutrient-rich diet plan, your physical, mental and emotional well-being can improve.
This new state of well-being also means less susceptibility to illness and stress.
The guidelines are actually quite simple, and the impact on a child's health and well-being is amazing.
A cleansing diet can be a tremendous boost to one's overall well-being when done in a healthful and safe manner.
While there is no diet that fits all individuals, an eclectic mix of new habits, including when, where, why, and how you eat, will offer you all the benefits of well-being without major sacrifices and challenges to face.
To clarify these factors, general good health, well-being, and weight management unquestionably requires some physical activity on a daily basis.
Having said that, a good diet for depression has a lot in common with a good diet for general health and well-being.
Achieving optimum nutrition has never been easier with the vast selection of functional foods, vitamins and mineral supplements, and the newest nutritional compounds proven to prevent disease and enhance overall well-being.
Working out can reduce depression and anxiety and give you more energy as well as a feeling of well-being.
This food group provides protein, which is essential to our well-being.
People in ketosis often feel a renewed sense of well being.
By focusing on positive changes that will improve both your digestive comfort and overall well-being, you can feel confident that you are taking charge of your health and working toward a stronger future.
Eating a healthy diet is crucial to your well being.
However, the rewards that come from bettering your health and general well-being far outweigh any negatives.
According to organizations like the American College of Sports Medicine, what's really important when it comes to health and well-being is the accumulation of physical activity throughout the day.
In addition to becoming physically healthier, exercise can also increase mental and emotional well being.
The effect isn't just psychological either; the workout triggers a burst of endorphins, similar in nature to morphine, raising all-around well-being.
Exercise not only burns calories but it improves your overall well-being.
Mental Benefits of Exercise shows you how physical fitness not only improves your body, but also your mental well being.
The Encyclopedia of International Sports Studies explains an intrinsic connection between exercise and mental well being.
People exercise for the sake of the physical, as well as the mental, well-being of the body.
Exercising is not only important for losing weight, it is also important for maintaining weight, for muscle and bone strength as well as for psychological and cardiovascular well-being.
Curves is a gym with a special focus on women's health and well-being.
The Fitbit Tracker will help you determine whether or not you are one of these people whose sleep schedule is hindering your overall well-being.
Rather, it is more like a philosophy of well-being with a goal to improve your everyday life.
Benefits extend beyond the physical to manners of your well-being.
To be a landlord takes fortitude, but to be a landlord without proper insurance coverage takes a brazen disregard for financial well-being.
The VPI Insurance website offers a guide to help pet owners understand coverage available and to make an educated decision in choosing the best coverage for their pet's well being.
Many holistic healthcare treatments are preventive in nature, focusing on maintaining health and well being.
A dental insurance plans helps to cover costs associated with going to the dentist, and the money you spend is an investment in your health and well being.
Regardless of your life situation, by shopping around with well-established and financially stable insurance companies, you can rest assured that the financial safety and well-being of your family will be in good hands.
Endorphins are believed to have a beneficial effect on general health and well-being and also the immune system!
He gets personally involved in the lives of his clients, and he values their well being over their ability to bring home the crown.
He is gentle with her and cares for her well-being, thoughtfully setting her in a safe place before turning to do battle with the biplanes that ultimately shoot him down.
A Lightbringer will more often than not seek to offer comfort and healing even at the expense of his or her own well-being.
This little lotion tempts the senses and is designed to be applied to pulse points only to stimulate well-being.
Your mind and body will benefit from the unique approach to well-being offered by Yon-Ka skin care.
How to help sunburns, whether preventing or treating, is important for your overall health and well-being when you expose yourself to the sunny skies.
The small red building has a cozy atmosphere inside and visiting here you feel like you're contributing to the well-being of yourself and the entire community.
Halesia Hispida - The best examples of the tree I know of are in the neighborhood of Cork and Queenstown, but mild climatic conditions such as they exist under there are not essential to their well-being.
These drugs often induce a state of euphoria or feeling of extreme well-being, and they are powerfully addictive.
A doctor can help you create a structured workout routine that will improve your overall health without compromising your safety and well-being.
The nurse interrupted him with a series of questions about my well-being and left after telling me a doctor would visit and breakfast was on the way.
The satisfaction and well-being he garnered frightened him.
And concern for her well-being, like he showed at the Peak when she hadn't known him from any other army-type.
He'd personally call Mayer's wife and pass on her husband's deep and frequent concern for Cynthia's well being as well as any news he heard.
Water is everywhere essential to their well-being; and no animals delight more thoroughly in a bath.
It was, for instance, necessary to the well-being of the towns that they should possess territory round their walls, and this had to be wrested from the nobles.
Such limitations of the powers and properties of the individuals have for their object the well-being of the community of which those individuals are constituents.
Instead of regarding these as only ministering to the construction of the bulky portions, the living protoplasts take the first place as the essential portion of the tree, and all the other features are important mainly as ministering to their individual well-being and to their multiplication.
The second, which is usually included in the term, is the increase of such accessories of living substance as are necessary for its well-being.
This is not the place to enter into the prolonged controversy as to the real significance of this term, whether it signifies the nation Israel or the righteous community only, or finally an idealized prophetic individual who, like the prophet Jeremiah, was destined to suffer for the well-being of his people.
In the investigation of past times, the incommensurate elements of well-being are so numerous that merely money estimates are frequently misleading.
A noteworthy feature is the attention paid by the manufacturers to the well-being of their workpeople.
The Roman oratory of the law courts had to deal not with petty questions of disputed property, of fraud, or violence, but with great imperial questions, with matters affecting the well-being of large provinces and the honour and safety of the republic; and no man ever lived who, in these respects, was better fitted than Cicero to be the representative of the type of oratory demanded by the condition of the later republic. To his great artistic accomplishment, perfected by practice and elaborate study, to the power of his patriotic, his moral, and personal sympathies, and his passionate emotional nature, must be added his vivid imagination and the rich and copious stream of his language, in which he had no rival among Roman writers or speakers.
The remainder represents his net earnings which he will contribute to the well-being of the new country.
The aim of that association is " to promote the development, and maintain the well-being, of classical studies, and in particular (a) to impress upon public opinion the claim of such studies to an eminent place in the national scheme of education; (b) to improve the practice of classical teaching by free discussion of its scope and methods; (c) to encourage investigation and call attention to new discoveries; (d) to create opportunities of friendly intercourse and co-operation between all lovers of classical learning in this country."
Freethinking is a right which cannot and must not be limited, for it is the only means of attaining to a knowledge of truth, it essentially contributes to the well-being of society, and it is not only permitted but enjoined by the Bible.
The importance of sun heat to the general well-being of plant life, its influence on the production of flowers and the ripening of edible fruits, has long been appreciated in horticulture.
This connexion with the declining fortunes of Spain was disastrous to the well-being of the Belgian people, for during many years a close alliance bound together France and the United Provinces, and the Southern Netherlands were exposed to attack from both sides, and constantly suffered from the ravages of hostile armies.
Thus, in 1901 he was able to growing prosperity, declare that the foundations on which the well-being and material prosperity of a civilized community should rest have been laid.
But in Hawaii there are traditions'of a wise king who interested himself in promoting the social well-being of the people, and made good laws for their guidance.'
Steady progress was made in the development of the country and the increase of well-being and civilization among the natives in the five years preceding the World War.
Thus the highest idea is that of goodness; things are, only if they are good; being without well-being is naught.
Government grew strong because it could draw on a society which was going ahead in enterprise and well-being; social intercourse progressed because it could depend on a strong government to safeguard it.
From 1789 to 1811 the Weimar court theatrical company gave performances here of the plays of Schiller and Goethe, an attraction which greatly contributed to the well-being of the town.
After Russia, the neighboring state next in importance to the well-being of Persia was Turkey, with whom she was united on the west by a common line of frontier.
The nature of this is not very easy to analyse, but as mental depression is closely associated with irritation of the vagus nerve and weakening of the circulation, it seems not at all unlikely that mountain air acts by accelerating the pulse and quickening the circulation, and thus creating a sense of well-being.
Since their day not only had the opposition between sense and reason broken down, but the reasoned scepticism of Pyrrho and Arcesilaus had made the impossibility of attaining truth the primary condition of well-being.
But since Napoleon introduced the "war of masses" the only alternative to cantoning the troops is bivouacking, which if prolonged for several nights is more injurious to the well-being of the troops than the slight relaxation of discipline necessitated by the cantonment system, when the latter is well arranged and policed.
The teaching of history, during the three to four thousand years of which contemporary chronicles have been preserved, is that civilization is gradually developed in the course of ages by enlargement and increased precision of knowledge, invention and improvement of arts, and the progression of social and political habits and institutions towards general well-being.
The tranquillity which he thus obtained was employed by Brancovan as by his predecessor in furthering the internal well-being of the country, with what success is best apparent from the description of Walachia left by the Florentine Del Chiaro, who visited the country in 1709 and spent seven years there.
Although from the very conditions of their creation they regarded the country as a field for exploitations, they were themselves often men of education and ability, and unquestionably made some praiseworthy attempts to promote the general culture and well-being of their subjects, In this respect, even the Phanariote regime was preferable tc mere pasha rule, while it had the further consequence of preserving intact the national form of administration and the historic offices of Moldavia.
The more representative a government becomes, the more necessary it is for the well-being of the nation that the expression of individual thought should be free in every direction.
Humanitarian moralists, who hesitate to believe in the retributive theory of punishment because, as they think, its aim is not the criminal's future well-being but merely the vindication through pain of an outrage upon the moral law which the criminal need never have committed, might welcome a theory which urges that the sole aim of punishment should be the exercise of an influence determining the criminal's future conduct for his own or the social good.
What will now be his view of wisdom, virtue, pleasure and their relation to human well-being?
In a rightly ordered polity social and individual well-being alike would depend on that harmonious action of diverse elements, each performing its proper function, which in its social application is more naturally termed SLKawwVGv7.
It remains to ask whether the statement of these gives a complete account of human well-being, or whether pleasure also is to be included.
Nor, finally, does Aristotle's account of the relation of pleasure to human well-being (although he has to combat the extreme anti-hedonism to which the Platonic school under Speusippus had been led) differ materially from the outcome of Plato's thought on this point, as the later dialogues present it to us.
Pleasure, in Aristotle's view, is not the primary constituent of well-being, but rather an inseparable accident of it; human well-being is essentially well-doing, excellent activity of some kind, whether its aim and end be abstract truth or noble conduct; knowledge and virtue are objects of rational choice apart from the pleasure attending them; still all activities are attended and in a manner perfected by pleasure, which is better and more desirable in proportion to the excellence of the activity.
In fact men commonly recognize such an end, and agree to call it well-being 1 (EUSatµovia).
May we not then infer that man, as man, has his proper function, and that the well-being or " doing well " that all seek really lies in fulfilling well the proper function of man, - that is, in living well that life of the rational soul which we recognize as man's distinctive attribute ?
In the first place, though in Aristotle's view the most perfect well-being consists in the exercise of man's " divinest part," pure speculative reason, he keeps far from the paradox of putting forward this and nothing else as human good; so far, indeed, that the greater part of his treatise is occupied with an exposition of the inferior good which is realized in practical life when the appetitive or impulsive (semi-rational) element of the soul operates under the due regulation of reason.
Even when the notion of " good performance of function " was thus widened, and when it had further taken in the pleasure that is inseparably connected with such functioning, it did not yet correspond to the whole of what a Greek commonly understood as " human well-being."
We may grant, indeed, that a moderate provision of material wealth is indirectly included, as an indispensable pre-requisite of a due performance of many functions as Aristotle conceives it - his system admits of no beatitudes for the poor; still there remain other goods, such as beauty, good birth, welfare of progeny, the presence or absence of which influenced the common view of a man's well-being, though they could hardly be shown to be even indirectly important to his " well-acting."
These Aristotle attempts neither to exclude from the philosophic conception of well-being nor to include in his formal definition of it.
The most important element, then, of well-being or good life for ordinary men Aristotle holds to consist in well-doing as determined by the notions of the different moral excellences.
But happiness so definitely signifies a state of feeling that it will not admit the interpretation that Aristotle (as well as Plato and the Stoics) expressly gives to eu5acuovia; the confusion is best avoided by rendering the word by the less familiar " well-being."
Though common sense will admit that virtues are the best of goods, it still undoubtedly conceives practical wisdom as chiefly exercised in providing those inferior goods which Aristotle, after recognizing the need or use of them for the realization of human well-being, has dropped out of sight; and the result is that, in trying to make clear his conception of practical wisdom, we find ourselves fluctuating continually between the common notion, which he does not distinctly reject, and the notion required as the keystone of his ethical system.
He who exercises this wisdom or knowledge has complete well-being; all else is indifferent to 1 There is a certain difficulty in discussing Aristotle's views on the subject of practical wisdom, and the relation of the intellect to moral action, since it is most probable that the only accounts that we have of these views are not part of the genuine writings of Aristotle.
My feeling of well being and energy levels have picked up a lot and now I go home feeling full of energy.
We have also had the children treated constitutionally by a classical homeopath to enhance their well being.
A central aspect of his political philosophy was his emphasis on the general public well being - ' salus populi est suprema lex ' .
As the legend goes Kartik exhorted people to tie green mango leaves to the doorway signifying a good crop and general well-being.
Implementing peer mediation to ensure the well being of all pupils.
The woman was wheelchair bound and taking opiates long-term for pain which affected her physical health and general well being.
Carefully study the well-being of your men, and do not overtax them.
Their work aims to enhance prosperity and well-being in the UK by demonstrating and promoting the vital role of design in a modern economy.
Warrants renewed on national security / economic well-being grounds are valid for a further period of six months.
Finally, the well-being economy would be environmentally sustainable.
Cleansing your body of its accumulated toxins is a great way to boost well-being.
The atmosphere is thick with history, but the building radiates warmth and well-being.
Workers institutes, education programs, cultural betterment, were seen as a way for workers to better their material and spiritual well being.
This year WMD is focusing on mental health and physical well being.
Local Cultural Strategy The Local Cultural Strategy sets out the council's plans to promote the cultural well-being of Slough.
The review's aim is to develop a workforce that can deliver personalized, user-led services and safeguard the well-being of vulnerable people.
Without your co-operation you may endanger the well-being and lives of others.
We believe this scheme will improve the overall well-being of nursing home residents in Wallasey.
When you look at your time log after a few days, you're likely to find large chunks of time going to nonproductive activities that do not contribute to your personal or professional well being.