Welfare Sentence Examples
The care for his welfare led his father to decide to move to a better neighborhood.
Consider that the welfare of his soul is at stake.
Weller turned to Dean, "I thought you might be interested in the welfare of your guests."
In the upper classes the welfare of the family has been set above the interests of each member.
In Scotland there were public almsmen supported by the king and expected in return to pray for his welfare and that of the state.
In this manner the food absorbed by one individual contributes to the welfare of the whole colony, and the coenosarc has the 6 C FIG.
When he had to choose between the welfare of the Society and the feelings of an individual it was clear to which side the balance would fall.
This company is widely known for its "welfare work" on behalf of its operatives.
In the modern era, what we have seen around the world is a general increase in social services and the welfare state over time.
Louis I., who did a great deal for the welfare of his country, died on the 6th of April 1830, and was followed on the throne by his son, Louis II.
AdvertisementCritics have also urged that Kallay; fostered the desire for material welfare at the cost of every other national ideal; that, despite his own popularity, he never secured the goodwill of the people for Austria-Hungary; that he left the agrarian difficulty unsolved, and the hostile religious factions unreconciled.
Some of them lay the blame on the papacy; and it is true that the papacy had contributed towards the decay of the Crusades when it had allowed its own particular interests to overbear the general welfare of Christianity, and had dignified with the name and the benefits of a Crusade its own political war against the Hohenstaufen.
The acting-president had in his absence been granted leave by the volksraad to carry out various measures opposed to the public welfare; native lands had been indiscriminately allotted to adventurers, and a war with Sikukuni (Secocoeni), a native chief on the eastern borders of the country, was imminent.
These parsissoks, elected at the rate of about one representative to 120 voters, wear a cap with a badge (a bear rampant), and aid the European members of the council in distributing the surplus profit apportioned to each district, and generally in advising as, to the welfare of that part of Greenland under their partial control.
By draining the land, by planting millions of trees and by erecting numerous buildings, he greatly improved the condition of his Aberdeenshire estates, and studied continually the welfare of his dependants.
AdvertisementHe introduced a rational system of taxation, based upon a survey of landed possessions, which his father had begun, and tried in every way to increase the welfare and the revenues of his empire.
The welfare caseload on the choices to deal with.
It will not be welfare (or, at least depending on how you define the term, it will not be perceived as welfare).
The mob, the traitor... the public welfare, thought he.
He regarded all these occupations as hindrances to life, and considered that they were all contemptible because their aim was the welfare of himself and his family.
AdvertisementIn Athens in the sixth prytany of each year the representatives of the Boule asked the Ecclesia whether it was for the welfare of the state that ostracism should take place.
Although not a man of great abilities, Catulus exercised considerable influence through his political consistency and his undoubted solicitude for the welfare of the state.
But his long reign is unstained by a single ignoble deed, and he devoted himself heart and soul to the promotion of the material and spiritual welfare of Denmark.
Intent only on promoting their own interests and disregarding the welfare of the community, the old companies had become an unmitigated evil.
Adoption, for example, as a practice for improving the happiness of families and the welfare of society, is capable of being weighed, and can in truth only be weighed, by utilitarian considerations, and has been commended 1 For Comte's place in the history of ethical theory see Ethics.
AdvertisementC. Dargan, "show the native oratorical instinct highly trained by study and practice, a careful and sensible (not greatly allegorical) interpretation of Scripture, a deep concern for the spiritual welfare of his charge, and a thorough consecration to his work.
Frivolous, selfish, avaricious and fond of luxury, she used her influence, during the different periods when she was invested with the regency, not for the public welfare, but mainly in her own personal interest.
On the National Insurance bill in 1911 he pointed out that a fundamental change of opinion had taken place, both parties now accepting the principle that social welfare was the care of the State.
I have keen interests in animal welfare and crypto zoology.
Her concern was exclusively directed toward the boy's welfare.
It contains some fine carvings, many interesting old tombs, and a monument of Jan Nieuwenhuizen, the founder of the Society for Public Welfare (Tot Nut van het Algemeen) in 1785.
Religious judgments of value determine objects according to their bearing on our moral and spiritual welfare.
His interest also in public matters was incessant, especially ecclesiastical questions, and such as bore upon the social welfare and moral improvement of the masses.
The king stood at the head, as the court of final appeal, and upon him and his officers depended the people's welfare.
In its charities Cleveland has carried far the principle of coOperation, seeking to obviate through a welfare federation the waste in soliciting contributions.
He hastened to propitiate the former by a donative of twice the usual amount, and excused his hasty acceptance of the throne to the senate by alleging the impatient zeal of the soldiers and the necessity of an imperator for the welfare of the state.
From early times up to the present day Friends have laboured for the welfare of the North American Indians.
Yet the nation patiently endured the mild yoke of the great queen, because it felt and knew that its welfare was safe in her motherly hands.
The enemy invariably dispersed before superior forces, and the removal of the women and children from the farms did not have the effect of disheartening the burghers as had been anticipated - it rather mended their vitality by relieving them of responsibility for their families' welfare.
The Sokol societies, in collaboration with the army gymnastic clubs and with the Y.M.C.A., devote themselves systematically to the physical and moral welfare of the troops.
In this connexion it is noticeable that, as Ino tended her nephew Dionysus, so at the Matralia the participants prayed for the welfare of their nephews and nieces before that of their own children.
The family have on the preceding days solemnly visited the grave, and offered to the shades gifts of water, wine, milk, honey, oil, and the blood of black victims; they have decked the tomb with flowers, have renewed the feast and farewell of the funeral, and have prayed to the ancestors to watch over their welfare.
It is possible that these incantations were recited as part of the funerary ritual, but there is no doubt that their mere presence in the tombs was supposed to be magically effective for the welfare of the dead.
He had a genuine regard for the welfare of the fellahin, and a land law of 1858 secured to them an acknowledgment of freehold as against the crown.
The first point was speedily decided in the affirmative, and, as to the second, it was ultimately decided that the king should be released from his path and the charter returned to him; but a rider was added suggesting that he should, at the same time, promulgate a Recess providing for his own and his people's welfare.
He was perhaps wanting in firmness of character, and the undue influence exercised over him by unscrupulous ministers, or by the seductions of fairer but no less ambitious votaries of statecraft, led him to make concessions which tarnished the glory of his reign, and were followed by baneful results for the welfare of his empire.
He interested himself in agriculture, horticulture and mining, which were of paramount importance to the welfare of the duchy, and out of these interests sprang his own love for the natural sciences, which took up so much of his time in later years.
The eastern suburb of Laurieston was first called Langtoune, then Merchistown, and received its present name after Sir Lawrence Dundas of Kerse, who had promoted its welfare.
The dissatisfied nobility found their greatest ally in Charles the Bold, afterwards duke of Burgundy, and in 1465 formed a "league of public welfare" and declared war on their king.
But men are so ordered and constituted that the individual cannot secure his own interests unless he contribute to the common welfare.
His physical welfare is watched over by competent medical men; close attention is paid to the sanitary condition of prisons; strict rules govern the size of cells, with their lighting, warming and ventilation.
He did not feel that anxiety for the spiritual welfare of his subjects which had animated Omar II.
From 1895, when China renounced her claims to suzerainty, to 1910 the king (since 1897 emperor) was in theory an independent sovereign, Japan in 1904 guaranteeing the welfare and dignity of the imperial house.
When the tablets containing the vows to be offered for the welfare of the state during the next lustrum were handed to him, he left the duty of reciting them to Tiberius, saying that he would not take vows which he was never destined to perform.
Even the most repulsive forms of disease and sin drew from him only loving aid, while he recognized in all other men who laboured for the welfare of their fellows the most intimate relationship to himself.
This Commission was authorized to " inquire into the origin, nature, amount and application of the temporalities, endowments and other; properties of the Church of England in Wales and Monmouthshire; and into the provision made and the work done by the Churches of all denominations in Wales and Monmouthshire for the spiritual welfare of the people, and the extent to which the people avail themselves of such provision."
We may define, then, the religious object as the sacred, and the corresponding religious attitude as consisting in such manifestation of feeling, thought and action in regard to the sacred as is held to conduce to the welfare of the community or to that of individuals considered as members of the community.
But Schopenhauer reminds us that the welfare of society is a temporal and subordinate aim, never to be allowed to dwarf the full realization of our ideal being.
I am a good republican and have never had any aim but the honour and welfare of the state."
He encouraged commerce and agriculture, gave much attention to the shores of the Persian Gulf, and carefully studied the welfare of the Armenian community settled in his dominions.
The state employs police solely in the interests of the public welfare.
Union with the neighbouring states would, he thought, cure its ills and promote the general welfare of South Africa.
In a time of acute trade depression this commercial rivalry was disastrous to the welfare of South Africa.
Gustavus was inspired by a burning enthusiasm for the greatness and welfare of Sweden, and worked in the same reformatory direction as the other contemporary sovereigns of the "age of enlightenment."
It need not be objected to the justice of this arrangement that men are sorely tempted, and may very easily be brought to neglect that on which their future welfare depends, for the very same holds good in nature.
Weakened through years of underfunding, the Welfare State faced the prospect of outright abolition.
Unexplained absences will be followed up by the school Learning Mentor and/or the Education Welfare Officer.
People who use the welfare system in this way allegedly take unfair advantage of their fellow citizens.
Rule-based evolutionary models may also provide new insights into " in-group altruism, " or self-sacrifice for the welfare of close cultural relatives.
The welfare of the farm animals is satisfactory under this system.
The charity also contributes by supporting research and through promoting education on farm animal husbandry and welfare.
Wives are not mere appendages or chattels of their husbands, rather the welfare of his wife must be a man's first concern.
Snaring has not been studied in detail but can cause very poor welfare, in part because the animals gradually asphyxiate themselves.
Nor need a welfare attorney who becomes bankrupt lose their powers.
Services include written information and advice on childhood deafness, including audiology, technology, welfare benefits and education.
The results highlight the importance of reserve requirements in determining the welfare effects of a more generous bailout.
The appalling persecution of Iraqis seeking asylum in Britain also belies our government's supposed concern for their welfare.
The taxes go in part to pay the welfare benefits of the workers that you have thrown out of work.
Born Free cares about the welfare of every individual animal from the tiniest ant to the gigantic blue whale.
I instructed the congregation to pray for the health and welfare of Reverend Oshimolowo, and for you as well, my dear lady.
Its profound contempt for international law, science, secularism, and any concern for minimal social welfare at home or abroad is unprecedented.
The College does not countenance any research which harms the health or welfare of any of our animals.
We have already moved away from a passive social security system which could be caricatured as encouraging welfare dependency.
I have argued for a shift away from welfare dependency for single parents with children of secondary school age.
Concerns about public opinion need to be balanced against the long-term detriment to public welfare of not performing such studies.
Frank Field, a former welfare minister, said building a new system would prove disastrous.
Velvet is a 4 year old otter rex doe and she has been at Kirkby Pet Welfare since she was very young.
Why not make an extra donation to the Rabbit Welfare Fund?
Obviously the converse is true of Individual B. Two Theorems of welfare economics And now two theorems of welfare economics.
Let the Government then intervene in the manners sanctioned by the welfare economists to increase competition and thereby drive down prices.
These groups will maintain a high level of order and creativity, stimulate the economy, and promote growth and welfare.
In an increasing number of instances, parents are finding that they have to meet educational, health and welfare expenses.
This forms the basis for improved interpretation of plasma electrolyte status and thereby health and welfare of birds.
On the one hand, it has to intervene in order to achieve intergenerational equity, compatibly with a time consistent social welfare criterion.
The Beveridge Report, published in 1942, proposed the establishment of a comprehensive welfare state.
Welfare Committee distribute the bursaries, which rarely exceed £ 50.
Back in 1989 the Farm Animal Welfare Council examined mink and fox fur farming.
Of welfare reform states now subject low cost health insurance Georgia in california who expansions to medicaid.
Britain didn't give a hoot for the welfare of a few heathen Turks.
The Thai government's national ID card will contain biometric identification, as well as insurance, tax and welfare benefit information.
In the name of ' modernisation ' the neo-liberal ideologues want to take us back to a milieu that pre-dates the welfare state.
The proposal included a recommendation to ban pithing which had certain animal welfare implications.
However the welfare of others is always of paramount importance.
The government has begun to tackle asset inequality with a radical new type of welfare.
Improve access to care welfare policy maryland baltimore county of reputable insurers.
No person shall intentionally interfere with, or misuse anything provided by the University in the interests of health, safety or welfare.
An understanding of the natural behavior or ethology is a requirement in the assessment of the welfare of domesticated livestock.
The worldwide problem of the welfare state is mainly due to retirement ages not being raised in line with increased longevity.
The provision of a small swimming pool for captive macaques is an effective contribution to improving their welfare.
Arguably, crack misusers in Britain have the health and welfare support systems needed to make even greater treatment gains.
Unlikely to Health Leads be welfare reform on ysubi phi mu of parent health.
Owing to welfare pattern company health insurance oxford of results or policies of be funded through.
The welfare of the child must always remain paramount.
From the us quot welfare reform parity states passed.
Moral vs. welfare paternalism The usual justification for paternalism refers to the interests of the person being interfered with.
This is all a sales ploy, to persuade customers that the toys are approved by animal welfare groups.
International development policy has often seemed more a form of welfare for UK companies than a way of alleviating poverty.
Animal welfare livestock predation is clearly not conducive to animal welfare.
Attending to the social environment of captive primates is fundamental to their welfare.
This could finish off small welfare groups, the cost of a license could prove prohibitive.
Yeah sod the workers, I'm alright Jack, I don't need no welfare or labor protectionism.
How can the consumer make choices about welfare provenance of the food they eat without it?
This is another example of student welfare provision by the JCR.
Owing to welfare lowest quartile of second half of.
No greyhound racetrack is acceptable, no matter what measures might " be taken to ensure the welfare of racing greyhounds " .
English Nature routinely removes ragwort from parts of National Nature Reserves we manage where the welfare of grazing animals would be at risk.
C C2-SPECTR - FREE registry of over 10,000 randomized and possibly randomized trials in education, social work and welfare, and criminal justice.
More than 80,000 welfare recipients are forced to submit to examinations by the 15 doctors at HS Systems each year.
A local CAB or Welfare Rights Project should be able to help with your request to have a decision reconsidered or an appeal.
H I Griffiths Portable handling facilities to improve the welfare of farmed red deer (Cervus elaphus ).
Of welfare reform are affected by not strong evidence a change the.
At the minute my role encompasses those of a general welfare officer, equal opportunities and LGBT reps normally associated with common rooms.
It also examines the changing definitions of social need these reflected and asks why welfare states have experienced retrenchment in recent years.
It is argued here that there is no evidence, only supposition, to support the conventional view that globalization demands welfare retrenchment.
Liberals think you should practice self-restraint and conservatives don't mind how many offspring you have as long as you stay off welfare.
In a planned shake-up of welfare reforms, Mr Hutton said the name for Incapacity Benefit would also change.
Social Work statutory duties are detailed in the Social Work (Scotland) Act 1968 which gives local authorities duties to promote social welfare.
The conclusion is that to obtain optimal social welfare, part of the negative side effects, such as environmental pollution, will remain.
Or could it be that Abraham was, as a fond father, extremely solicitous of his son's welfare and safety?
The chancellor's reforms are part of an adaptation to the declining competence of the welfare state, which other European countries may follow.
Whilst the public welfare offenses are thought of not as evil or immoral but as criminal and punishable because they are prohibited by statute.
The rhetoric of welfare has thus become the touchstone of almost all areas of the law dealing with children.
Yet the defense of the welfare state in the face of the new immigration has revealed an undercurrent of racism.
From a welfare point of view, the fox is either killed or it escapes completely unscathed.
Chapter Thesis The conception of welfare used by preference utilitarians and many modern welfare economists is that of want-satisfaction.
Benthamite utilitarianism does involve a commitment to individual welfare, but not to personal freedom.
The step back from measurement to judgment about the welfare state of the animal involves an interpretation, which is not value-free.
The draft animal welfare Bill published last week panders to the ludicrous British obsession with the cute and cuddly.
In recent decades British governments have introduced some of the most stringent controls in the world to safeguard laboratory animal welfare.
Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people.
Paragraph 12 - We have already commented above on the unsatisfactory nature of the phrase " seriously compromises the welfare " .
Rather than go quietly I would like to do something to improve animal welfare on upland organic farms.
Any move to lift the ban on pet markets would set animal welfare back twenty years.
In Britain we have seen the collapse of our funded pensions, and our social security pension is being overtaken by means-tested welfare.
National equine welfare Council Represents about 60 equine welfare charities and equine based organizations having equine welfare as a main aim.
Practically all have had active experience in social welfare or other work of a relief nature.
A mile south of the Bishop's Hall a little chapel was built for the spiritual welfare of the dwellers by the waterside.
By scanning the fingers of welfare recipients, no one can attempt to collect multiple welfare recipients, no one can attempt to collect multiple welfare checks using different names.
Farm Training From the Farm trail we run an NVQ training course in small animal welfare.
Attlee created the welfare state and the NHS and also nationalized a fifth of Britain's economy.
He was born at St Germain, entered the priesthood and was successively cure of Elan near Mezieres, vicar-general of Pontoise (1747), bishop of Evreux (1753) and archbishop of Toulouse (1758), archbishop of Narbonne in 1763, and in that capacity, president of the estates of Languedoc. He devoted himself much less to the spiritual direction of his diocese than to its temporal welfare, carrying out many works of public utility, bridges, canals, roads, harbours, &c.; had chairs of chemistry and of physics created at Montpellier and at Toulouse, and tried to reduce the poverty, especially in Narbonne.
According to Isocrates, whose panegyric must however be read with caution, Evagoras was a model ruler, whose aim was to promote the welfare of his state and of his subjects by the cultivation of Greek refinement and civilization, which had been almost obliterated in Salamis by a long period of barbarian rule.
Immigration to Australia has been very slight since 1891, owing originally to the stoppage of progress consequent on the bank crisis of 1893, and, subsequently, to the disinclination of several of the state governments towards immigration and their failure to provide for the welfare of immigrants on their arrival.
That there are defects in the logical process as here outlined to account for the curious rite constitutes no valid objection to the theory advanced, for, in the first place, primitive logic in matters of belief is inherently defective and even contradictory, and, secondly, the strong desire to pierce the mysterious future, forming an impelling factor in all religions - even in the most advanced of our own day - would tend to obscure the weakness of any theory developed to explain a rite which represents merely one endeavour among many to divine the intention and plans of the gods, upon the knowledge of which so much of man's happiness and welfare depended.
The same care for his welfare led his father to choose him a bride in the powerful Cilli family, but the young Elizabeth died before the marriage was consummated, leaving Matthias a widower at the age of fifteen.
Though a despot, as all Inonarchs were obliged to be at that date, he reigned with prudence, probity and zeal for the welfare of his subjects.
The mystic erratic temperament of Otto, alternating between the most magnificent schemes of empire and the lowest depths of self-debasement, was not conducive to the welfare of his dominions, and during his reign the conditions of Germany deteriorated.
Notwithstanding the changes in organization and terminology, the officials remained ignorant, indolent, careless, indifferent to the public welfare, high-handed and extortionate, and the local self-government which was intended to enlighten and control them proved sadly wanting in vitality and practically worthless.
When an influential deputation was sent from Finland to St Petersburg to represent to him respectfully that the officials were infringing the local rights and privileges solemnly accorded at the time of the annexation, it was refused an audience, and the leaders of the movement were informed indirectly that local interests must be subordinated to the general welfare of the empire.
It may confidently be asserted that, of insects which directly or indirectly affect the welfare of man, Diptera form the vast majority, and it is a moot point whether the good effected by many species in the rapid clearing away of animal and vegetable impurities, and in keeping other insect enemies in check, counterbalances the evil and annoyance wrought by a large section of the Order.
In the same year there were in the city 227 social, health, religious and welfare agencies.
In 1902 the " orthodox " yearly meetings in the United States established a "Five Years' Meeting," a representative body meeting once every five years to consider matters affecting the welfare of all, and to further such philanthropic and religious work as may be undertaken in common, e.g.
The rapid advance of Belgium in industrial and manufacturing prosperity, due largely to the stimulus of William's personal initiative, did nothing to bring north and south together, but rather increased their rivalry and jealousy, for the Dutch provinces had neither manufactures nor ironand coal-mines, but were dependent on agriculture and sea-borne commerce for their welfare.
The material welfare of the nation was certainly promoted by it.
At an assembly of 1629, Lubeck, Bremen and Hamburg were entrusted with the task of safeguarding the general welfare, and after an effort to revive the League in the last general assembly of 1669, these three towns were left alone to preserve the name and small inheritance of the Hansa which in Germany's disunion had upheld the honour of her commerce.
As might be supposed by those who know the affectionate anxiety with which Mill regarded the welfare of any onewhom he believed to be doing good work in the world, he at once took pains to have Comte's loss of income made up to him, until Comte should have had time to repair that loss by his own endeavour.
The republicans hoped that the issue of its deliberations would be favourable to their views; whilst the military, on the other hand, did not conceal their conviction that a stronger and more permanent form of government was essential to the public welfare.
Encouraged by the assurance of the Anglo-French convention, Siam now turned her whole attention to internal reform, and to such good purpose that, in a few years, improved government and expansion of trade aroused a general interest in her welfare, and gave her a stability which had before been lacking.
By this enactment it is made possible, where more than 20 workers are employed, for an elected council to cooperate in securing the welfare of the workers, to see to the due execution of contracts and agreements, to settle disputes, and to take part in the management of philanthropic institutions.
But the Poles proving obstinate, and Austria simultaneously displaying a disquieting interest in the welfare of the Republic, Prussia, on 1 I Pol.
During his visit to England on this occasion General Botha declared the whole-hearted adhesion of the Transvaal to the British empire, and his intention to work for the welfare of the country regardless of racial differences.
A wise economy also contributed to reduce the national debt within manageable limits, and in the welfare of the peasantry Frederick IV.
A minister of justice and religion (Dharma Mahamatra) directed its operations; and, one of its first duties being to proselytize, he was specially charged with the welfare of the aborigines among whom its missionaries were sent.
He will approve or disapprove of himself according as his conduct has fulfilled the conditions of social welfare.
The other phrase, "tribal self," gives the key to Clifford's ethical view, which explains conscience and the moral law by the development in each individual of a "self," which prescribes the conduct conducive to the welfare of the "tribe."
At the same time, however, he insisted (as he did from first to last) on the enormous importance to the country, to the character of its people no less than to its material welfare, of agricultural contentment and prosperity; and he also obtained As a more general recognition of the fact that "the land" had borne fiscal burdens under the old regime which were unfair and unendurable under the new.
People narrow their attention to their own pressing needs and ignore the welfare of the larger society.
Individuals who have repeated a grade are more likely as adults to be unemployed, live on welfare, or be in prison than adults who did not repeat a grade.
Ask at your local hospital/clinic, department of children's services, or welfare office to find out what is available in your area.
TeenParents.org has additional information about federal and state welfare laws in regards to pregnant and parenting teens.
This includes schools for children in inner cities, helping to improve the welfare of minority women around the world, and elevating the educational and financial success of minorities in both America and abroad.
As other animal humane societies grew throughout the state, the focus of the Illinois Humane Society shifted completely to the welfare and protection of children.
The largest humane society in the Chicago area, the Animal Welfare League, has been caring for the needs of animals for more then 70 years.
The Waukesha Wisconsin humane society is better known as the Humane Animal Welfare Society.
The Humane Animal Welfare Society is at 701 Northview Road in Waukesha, WI, between Aviation Drive and Pewaukee Road.
Most of her charity work focuses on female empowerment and child welfare, with much emphasis also focused on animal rights.
The most common types of exempt organizations are those that exist for charitable or social welfare purposes, as well as trade associations.
According to the Child Welfare Information Gateway, there are four types of child abuse-child neglect, sexual abuse, physical abuse, and emotional abuse.
The program is administered at the state level through community action programs, local welfare agencies, and area agencies on aging.
A combination of federal and state requirements now determine who is eligible for welfare.
The federal government used to have sole control over welfare eligibility until 1996, when former President Bill Clinton spearheaded legislation giving individual states the right to administer welfare programs.
More recently, the government has replaced the word "welfare" with the term "public assistance programs."
State-run welfare agencies determine local poverty levels by adjusting federal poverty guidelines to local conditions.
Each of the 50 states develop their own additional guidelines for welfare based on local conditions.
Every state's requirements varies and the best way to know whether or not one can qualify for a welfare program is to visit your county's social services agency.
Applicants must apply in person at a welfare office located within their own county of residence.
To learn more specifics about who is eligible for welfare within the state where you live, visit WelfareInfo.org.
If you want to apply for welfare online, it depends on the state you live in and exactly what assistance program you seek to utilize.
Welfare is generally known as a form of public assistance that is reserved for those who need help paying for basic needs, such as food, clothing and housing.
Most people living in the United States consider Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, or TANF, as the main form of welfare.
It replaced several other welfare programs, including Aid to Families with Dependent Children.
To determine which of the various welfare programs you and your family are eligible for, call your local Department of Health and Human Services.
Applying for TANF and other forms of welfare is a complicated process.
Most people who qualify for the TANF and other welfare programs need to fall under or close to the federal poverty guidelines.
Most states list the welfare eligibility requirements on their Health and Human Services agency website.
To find out whether you can apply online for welfare through TANF, click on Welfare Reform/Social Services State Links through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
For example, WorkFirst New Jersey, the state's TANF program, requires potential participants make an appointment with the County Welfare Agency to apply for benefits.
If you cannot apply for welfare online in your area, it does not hurt to call and ask if an electronic submission is welcome.
Other welfare organizations may allow you to fill out an application online.
Other states have websites and programs set up so you can fill out multiple applications online for welfare and other benefit systems, like Pennsylvania's COMPASS.
In addition to the government funded welfare programs, you and your family may be eligible for assistance through charitable foundations and private donation programs in your area.
If you're struggling to make ends meet, you may be wondering about welfare qualifications in your state.
When most people talk about welfare, however, they are referring to programs that offer specific cash assistance.
Each state determines the amount of welfare payments for TANF recipients based on federal guidelines and available funding.
These welfare requirements could include participating in paid employment, job search activities, job training, or community service.
However, they are not as extensive as they might be in some European welfare states.
Although their shoes are manufactured in China, the company takes a high level of interest in their employees' welfare.
The welfare of a child affects an entire family.
The one thing that needs to be remembered is that the prime motivation for working with autistic children needs to be the welfare of the children.
The cost benefit of Employee Assistance Programs can make a difference in both your company's bottom line and the welfare of your employees.
Is the bottom line of your business more important than the health and welfare of your employees?
Your cat's health and welfare depend on you.
Your family is of the utmost importance when deciding the policy that you will ultimately pay for, so consider first and foremost their welfare.
Families who are concerned about the welfare of their children in the state of Colorado might be interested to learn about Colorado low income health insurance for kids.
Nixon requested Merle Haggard's Okie from Muskogee and Guy Drake's Welfare Cadillac, and Cash replaced these with two more politically liberal songs.
Andersson also dedicates himself to a variety of charity organizations for breast cancer and animal welfare.
The powerful episode illustrates the courage and strength of character Catelynn and Tyler possess in making the ultimate sacrifice for the welfare of their daughter.
But he grows to respect and maybe even care about the welfare of certain people and can be counted on to do the right thing in a pinch.Living on the station with him is his brother Rom and nephew Nog, Rom's only son.
According to their site, 70 percent of the profits from the purchase of uniforms and other items are given back to United States sailors through Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) distributions.
It might've been another seven-foot stranger concerned about your welfare.
He was sweet as sugar—just a concerned husband looking out for his wife's welfare.
Unfortunately, on this, as on other critical occasions, deputies proved themselves incapable of common effort to promote general welfare.
Does not Stephen himself rather say that morally good things are conditions of social, not personal welfare?
The pretty wood at Winschoten was laid out by the Society for Public Welfare (Tot Nut van het Algemeen) in 1826.
He had done much for the welfare of Crete, but his participation in party struggles and his attitude towards the representatives of the powers had rendered his position untenable.
The new constitution, therefore, started badly, and it was soon evident that William intended to make his will prevail, and to carry out his projects for what he conceived the social, industrial and educational welfare of the kingdom regardless of the opposition of Belgian public opinion.
Yet no social attractions or successes diverted him from his devotion to his profession, the welfare of his brethren in art or of the Royal Academy.
While helping to establish French supremacy in neighbouring states and assisting Bonaparte in securing the title of First Consul for life, Talleyrand sought all means of securing the permanent welfare of France.
After the Danubian campaign of 1809 and the divorce of Josephine, Talleyrand used the influence which he still possessed in the imperial council on behalf of the choice of an Austrian consort for his master, for, like Metternich (who is said first to have mooted the proposal), he saw that this would safeguard the interests of the Habsburgs, whose influence he felt to be essential to the welfare of Europe.
Moreover, the mightiest secular ruler was but a poor sinner dependent for his eternal welfare on the Church and its head, the pope, who in this way necessarily exercised an indirect control over the civil government, which even the emperor Henry IV.
Abuses arising from the granting of indulgences were to be remedied, and the excessive number of church holidays, which seriously interfered with the industrial welfare of Germany, was to be reduced.
He settled among them, and for thirty-five years devoted himself to promote their welfare.
While it is true that the building of railways, the opening of mines, the growth of the lumber industry and the settlement of frontier lands by hardy pioneers was rapidly promoted by this policy, it also resulted naturally in the accumulation of great wealth in the hands of a comparatively few men who were controlling lumber, coal, oil and railway transportation in a way that was believed to be a menace to the public welfare.
At the resurrection, those who drink of the life-giving juice of this plant will obtain perfect welfare," including deathlessness.
For, by representing the prosecution of its party-political objects as a championship of the Catholic Church, Ultramontanism seeks to acquire the support of the official organs of that Church, and the good will of all circles interested in her welfare; while at the same time it strives to discredit any attempt at opposition by branding it as an assault on the orthodox faith.
The close inter-relation which existed in primitive society between magic, priesthood and kingship has been indicated by Frazer in his Early History of the Kingship. His remarks throw some light on the early character of priesthood as well as kingship. " When once a special class of sorcerers has been segregated from the community and entrusted by it with the discharge of duties on which the public safety and welfare are believed to depend, these men gradually rise to wealth and power till their leaders blossom out into sacred kings."
For where holiness is associated with ascetic practices the masses can never attain to a perfect life, and naturally tend to lean on the professors of special sanctity as tke mediators of their religious welfare.
The Indians were enslaved, and their welfare was wholly subordinated to.
The superintendent of the Ninth Census, 1870, presented a computation 01 the effects of this causefirst, through direct losses, by wounds or disease, either in actual service of the army or navy, or in a brief term following discharge; secondly, through the retardation of the rate of increase in the colored element, due to the privations, exposures and excesses attendant upon emancipation; thirdly, through the check given to immigration by the existence of war, the fear of conscription, and the apprehension abroad of results prejudicial to the national welfare.
His especial zeal was directed towards the welfare of the Indians.
For Antoninus came to his new office with simple tastes, kindly disposition, extensive experience, a well-trained intelligence and the sincerest desire for the welfare of his subjects.
In character he was pious, courtly and valiant, popular alike with the nobility and the middle classes, whose increasing welfare he did so much to promote, and much beloved by the clergy.
A superficial glance at Innocent's correspondence is sufficient to convince us that he was pre-eminently concerned for the reformation and moral welfare of the Church, and was animated by the best intentions for the re-estab lishment in the ecclesiastical body of order, peace and respect for the hierarchy.
From him the welfare of the Church had nothing to hope.
He now devoted himself to promoting the welfare of, his subjects, and did his utmost to support the cause of Christianity, both by his bounty and by his example.
For now the corporation was styled " The Propagation of the Gospel in New England and the parts adjacent in America," and its object was defined to be " not only to seek the outward welfare and prosperity of those colonies, but more especially to endeavour the good and salvation of their immortal souls, and the publishing the most glorious gospel of Christ among them."
The country was ruled by Gerold, a brother-in-law of Charlemagne, till his death in a battle with the Avars in 799, when its administration was entrusted to Frankish counts and assimilated with that of the rest of the Carolingian empire, while its condition was improved by the measures taken by Charlemagne for the intellectual progress and material welfare of his realm.
Among societies of general utility are the Society for Public Welfare (Maatschappij tot nut van't algemeen, 1785), whose efforts have been mainly in the direction of educational reform; the Geographical Society at Amsterdam (1873); Teyler's Stichting or foundation at Haarlem (1778), and the societies for the promotion of industry (1777), and of sciences (1752) in the same town; the Institute of Languages, Geography and Ethnology of the Dutch Indies (1851), and the Indian Society at the Hague, the Royal Institute of Engineers at Delft (1848), the Association for the Encouragement of Music at Amsterdam, &c.
At first the stadholder's efforts to promote the trade and welfare of the country were hampered by the distrust and opposition of Amsterdam, and other strongholds of anti-Orange feeling, and just as his good i ntentions were becoming more generally recognized, William !y .
The order in council mentioned, which may be described as the first constitution granted Ashanti by its British owners, provides that the governor, in issuing ordinances respecting the administration of justice, the raising of revenue, or any other matter, shall respect any native laws by which the civil relations of any chiefs, tribes or populations are regulated, "except so far as they may be incompatible with British sovereignty or clearly injurious to the welfare of the natives themselves."
The conduct of the king proves that he had a most sincere regard for the welfare of his the Academy of Science, and he consistently restrained the undue intervention of the church in secular affairs, and placed restrictions upon the accumulation of property in the hands of religious bodies.
None of these disturbances deeply or permanently affected the welfare of the republic, nor were all of them accompanied by bloodshed.
Reasoning can come in only to put sensations together, and to point out how they severally contribute to human welfare; it does not make them, and cannot alter them.
The Stoic doctrine of Fatalism seemed to Epicurus no less deadly a foe of man's true welfare than popular superstition.
After the battle of Chacabuco O'Higgins was entrusted with the administration of Chile, and he ruled the country firmly and well, maintaining the close connexion with the Argentine, co-operating loyally with San Martin in the preparation of the force for the invasion of Peru, and seeking, as far as the confusion and embarrassments of the time allowed, to improve the welfare of the people.
Instead of studying the general welfare, they wrung from exhausted states the largest possible revenue to support a lavish and ridiculous expenditure.
He declined the proposal, however, and became henceforward still more fervent in exercises of piety, and more zealous for the welfare of the church.
He had no sympathy with political liberalism, but throughout his long reign of forty-two years, with a constant interchange of ministries and many ministerial crises, he never had a serious conflict with the states-general, and his ministers could always count upon his fair-mindedness and an earnest desire to help them to further the national welfare.
This important work, essential for the welfare of the northern territories, was begun under the superintendence of Sir Percy Girouard,' the builder of the Wadi Halfa-Khartum railway.
This exclusion of the European land speculator and denial of the right to buy and sell land and of freehold tenure was held by all the authorities to be essential for the moral and material welfare of the inhabitants of a land where the duty of the white man is mainly that of administration and his material advantages lie in trade.
The peculiar interests, strategic, political and commercial, of Great Britain in the Persian Gulf have never been denied; they are intimately connected with the welfare of India, with the security of its communication with the outside world, and of its internal tranquillity.
On the 27th of July the ambassadors of the five powers presented to the Porte a joint note, in which they declared that an agreement on the Eastern Question had been reached by the five Great Powers, and urged it "to suspend all definite decision made without their concurrence, pending the effect of their interest in its welfare."
The " corporation," as the employers were called, provided from the first for the welfare of their employees, and Lowell has always been notably free from labour disturbances.
His efforts in behalf of the welfare of the working classes were guided by personal knowledge.
His purpose was to defend what may be called a humanist position in moral philosophy; that is, to show that morality was not an affair of mysterious innate principles, or abstract relations, or supernatural sanctions, but depended on the familiar conditions of personal and social welfare.
Under pressure from the king, who was himself present in Vienne, the pope determined that, as the order gave occasion for scandal but could not be condemned as heretical by a judicial sentence (de jure), it should be abolished per modum provisionis seu ordinationis apostolicae; in other words, by an administrative ruling based on considerations of the general welfare.
His career is that of a good man, struggling for the welfare of his Church against corruptions not essential to the system to which he was devoted.
He travelled in distant parts of the world to receive the homage of his followers, and with the object either of settling differences or of advancing their welfare by pecuniary help and personal advice and guidance.
That the welfare of his dominions was dear to him there can be no doubt.
Though the latter took the first rank in relation to man's eternal welfare, the former was necessary for the perfection of his intellect and the civilization of his manners.
The Society for Public Welfare (Maatschappij tot nut van het Algemeen), founded in 1785, has for its object the promotion of the education and improvement of all classes, and has branches in every part of Holland.
He was distinguished for his hospitality to literary and scientific men, and for his interest in the welfare and independence of his native country.
Entering politics as a Jacksonian Democrat, Mason was throughout his career a consistent strict constructionist, opposing protective tariffs, internal improvements by the national government, and all attempts to restrict or control the spread of slavery, which he sincerely believed to be essential to the social and political welfare of the South.
His own dissolute conduct increased his unpopularity, and at last the leading statesmen in both provinces, who had long believed that the national welfare demanded the election of a foreign prince, conspired to dethrone him.
As in Chile, the indifference of the ruling class to the welfare of the common people is a primary cause of their ignorance and poverty, to which must be added the apathy, if not opposition, of the Church.
On the advice of Germany he proposed the assembly of an international conference at Algeciras in 1906 to consult upon methods of reform, the sultan's desire being to ensure a condition of affairs which would leave foreigners with no excuse for interference in the control of the country, and would promote its welfare, which Abd-el-Aziz had earnestly desired from his accession to power.
Edgars life was too short for the welfare of his peoplehe was only in his thirty-third year when he died in 975, and his sons were young boys.
The second, and more fatal, was that this council of ordainers, when installed in office, showed energy in nothing save in persecuting the friends of Edward and Gaveston; it neglected the general welfare of the realm, and in particular made no effort whatever to end the Scottish war.
The duke and the bishop were both unscrupulous; but the churchman, with all his faults, was a patriotic statesman, while Gloucester cared far more for his own private ends than for the welfare of the realm.
The earl had his established reputation for disinterested devotion to the welfare of the realm, and his brilliant record as a soldier and statesman.
He always took the interest of an ardent patriot in his unfortunate country; and, as we shall see, made more than one weighty sacrifice on behalf of the principles which he deemed to be bound up with her welfare.
Among other industries that have largely contributed to the welfare of the town are dyeing and bleaching, brass and iron founding, tanning, machine-making, brewing and distilling, milling, rope-making and the making of soap and candles,while the collieries in the immediate vicinity are numerous and flourishing.
The simplicity of the Emperor's personal life, and the concern he had always displayed for the welfare of his subjects, had endeared him to his people.
Still, even to the theologian the practical interest in church welfare is vital.
But Giraldus threw up his post, indignant at the indifference of the bishop to the welfare of his see.
We may grant, indeed, that a moderate provision of material wealth is indirectly included, as an indispensable pre-requisite of a due performance of many functions as Aristotle conceives it - his system admits of no beatitudes for the poor; still there remain other goods, such as beauty, good birth, welfare of progeny, the presence or absence of which influenced the common view of a man's well-being, though they could hardly be shown to be even indirectly important to his " well-acting."
The only good of man is the pure existence of the soul, which in itself, apart from the contagion of the body, is perfectly free from error or defect; if only it can be restored to the untrammelled activity of its original being, nothing external, nothing bodily, can positively impair its perfect welfare.
The imminence of death often intensifies instead of diminishing a man's desire for the welfare of those he loves, as a crucial experiment proving the disinterestedness of love.
And very frequently arguments are adduced by evolutionists to prove that men's belief in the absolute character of moral precepts is one of the necessary means adopted by nature to carry out her designs for the social welfare of mankind.
His father and grandfather were Yorkshire agriculturists, and throughout his life he took a strong interest in the welfare of the agricultural labourer, publishing three volumes on the subject, Village Politics (1878), Christ and Democracy (1883) and The Land and the Labourers (1890).
Chief among its industrial establishments are the famous iron and steel works of Krupp, and the whole of Essen may be said to depend for its livelihood upon this firm, which annually expends vast sums in building and supporting churches, schools, clubs, hospitals and philanthropic institutions, and in other ways providing for the welfare of its employees.
He also interested himself in a variety of schemes for the advancement of the social and religious welfare of the community, including the establishment of the Association for the Better Observance of Sunday, the foundation, with Hannah More, of schools at Cheddar, Somersetshire, a project for opening a school in every parish for the religious instruction of children, a plan for the education of the children of the lower classes, a bill for securing better salaries to curates, and a method for disseminating, by government help, Christianity in India.
He was greatly interested in the welfare of Oxford University, of which he became chancellor in 1667, succeeding Clarendon (1609-1674).
Finally, in 1871, a "constitutional government" was formed by certain Englishmen under King Thakombau; but this, after incurring heavy debt, and promoting the welfare of neither whites nor natives, came after three years to a deadlock, and the British government felt obliged, in the interest of all parties, to accept the unconditional cession now offered (1874).
During this whole period Sidgwick took the deepest interest in the welfare of the college.
Years before the danger from Macedon was urgent, Demosthenes had begun the work of his life, - the effort to lift the spirit of Athens, to revive the old civic loyalty, to rouse the city into taking that place and performing that part which her own welfare as well as the safety of Greece ca uses.
The most highly developed All-Father is the Baiame or Byamee of the Euahlayi tribe of north-western New South Wales, to whom prayers for the welfare of the souls of the dead are, or recently were, addressed - the tribe dwelling a hundred miles away from the nearest missionary station (Protestant).'
Harsh and rough, he compelled admiration for his delight in work, his aptitude in disentangling affairs, his desire of continually augmenting the wealth of the state, and his regard for the public welfare without forgetting his own.
The revocation of the edict of Nantes vitiated thi-ough a fatal contradiction all the efforts of the latter to create new manufactures; the country was impoverished for tht1 benefit of the foreigner to such a point that economic conditions began to alarm those private persons most noted for their talents, their character, or their regard for the public welfare; such as La Bruyre and Fnelon in 1692, Bois-Guillebert in 1697 and Vauban In.
According to Comte the only practical method of social regeneration is gradually to inculcate the true social feeling which subordinates itself to the welfare of others.
During this time she nresided at its meetings and took an active part in its work, until advancing years prevented her attendance, but her interest in the welfare of the association was maintained to the last.
The governorsgeneral and the leading officials were nearly all Turks, Albanians or Circassians, and, with rare exceptions, the welfare of the people formed no part of their conception of government.3 Numerous efforts were made to extend the authority of Egypt.
In the first place, the movements and position of the heavenly bodies point to such occurrences as are of public import and affect the general welfare.
The parents paid thirty marks for their son's admission; and he expresses the conviction that they imposed this exile upon him from an earnest desire for his welfare.
To the same end he conceived the constitutional doctrines of liberal construction, " implied powers," and the " general welfare," which were later embodied in the decisions of John Marshall.
This indifference to the welfare of the Protestants added to the estrangement between the elector and his eldest son, which was further accentuated when John George, ignoring the Dispositio Achillea, bequeathed the new mark to one of his younger sons.
His welfare was what got me through our father's death.
He was sweet as sugar—just a concerned husband looking out for his wife's welfare.
We must have a concern for the welfare of zoo animals.
Yet we have still not directly attributed welfare reform to identifiable subjects in a genuinely causal explanation.
A report of the UK Farm Animal Welfare Council Report (FAWC) is rightly cautious over the potential uses of cloning in animals.
The great conservation concern for the welfare of the noble chafer is the continuing loss of old orchards.
Chechen refugees are barred from accessing social welfare provisions.
If the proceedings are disputed the welfare checklist will apply, s.1(4) Children Act 1989.
There are numerous welfare problems created by using chimps in advertising.