Welch Sentence Examples
Jonathan looked confident atop a Welch gelding.
Catherine Welch, in The Little Dauphin (1908) gives a résumé of the various sides of the question.
While on a flight out of Bogota, Lovato got out of her seat, punched Welch in the eye, and sat back down.
Elastica were born in 1993 when Frischmann brought in guitarist Donna Matthews, Justine Welch on drums, and Annie Holland on bass, who replied to an advert in the press.
Luke Welch leaves to become a housemaster at More House School in Surrey which specializes in children who have difficulties associated with dyslexia.
Includes a black and white photographic portrait of Denton Welch in 1937.
Lovato was not sure which dancer it was, but decided it must have been Alex Welch (who, incidentally, had not even been present for any of the festivities).
Welch got a black eye and Lovato got a stint in rehab.
There are numerous wig manufacturers, including popular names such as Adolfo, Eva Gabor, Louis Ferre, Motown Tress, Jon Renau, Revlon, and Raquel Welch.
On the day of her wedding to bad news DA Larry Welch, Bo stormed the Church in his motorcycle and took off with the bride.
AdvertisementShe married Larry Welch before she married Bo, and has only the three children and one grandchild she shares with Bo.
Mrs Hawkins and Mrs Welch poisoned the mind of Colonel Oglethorpe against the brothers for a time.
Welch produced oedema of the lungs experimentally by increasing the pressure in the pulmonary vessels by ligature of the aorta and its branches, but this raised the blood pressure only about one-tenth of an atmosphere, while in some of Loeb's experiments the osmotic pressure, due to retained metabolic products, was equal to over thirty atmospheres.
It is not clear from Welch's account what is the cause of the whiteness of the tips of the hairs of the autumn coat, but his figures suggest that it is due to the development of gas in the interspaces between the keratin bridges and trabeculae of the hairs.
This method of treating the Psalter has largely vitiated modern criticism 10 A. C. Welch, op. cit., pp.