Weight-gain Sentence Examples
Lynsey decided that marital bliss needn't mean weight gain.
In the latest People magazine cover story, Bertinelli opens up about her weight gain and upcoming plan to lose weight.
This is not a time to try to lose weight, or prevent weight gain.
The weight gain is so gradual that we hardly notice the change.
These may include poor memory and concentration, irritability and overactivity in children, swollen gums, acne and weight gain.
By contrast, no effects on body weight gain or insulin sensitivity were observed in female offspring.
High calorie, high energy Vitamin concentrate, Palatable dietary supplement helps stimulate appetite, increases weight gain.
Food ingestion relieved symptoms in 71% of patients; 39% reported weight gain.
A large baby or increased weight gain may indicate that you are at risk for gestational diabetes.
Keep in mind that it is common for premature babies to lose weight or experience very slow weight gain in the first couple of weeks after birth.
AdvertisementMake sure that your pregnancy weight gain is sufficient - studies show a low weight gain for mothers can increase risks for SIDS.
Keeping a newborn weight gain chart helps you and your healthcare provider follow your baby's growth over time.
Several websites offer child and newborn weight gain chart printables, as well as digital archives.
Hourglasses are often considered the luckiest shape of all, the ideal shape because they're curvy and proportional while maintaining a distinct waistline-even with weight gain.
Due to diet's role, you should take care to choose a food which will serve your cat's nutritional needs, but not contribute to her weight gain.
AdvertisementMany of us eat in order to relieve worry or tension, and that weight gain can lead to many other physical problems.
That is why a lack of sleep leads to weight gain.
That might sound pretty depressing; if it weren't for one tiny fact- you have a magic bullet to end that weight gain cycle, and it's called exercise!
Chronic stress may cause weight gain or loss, sleeping difficulties, problems with concentration and memory, and may increase sensitivity to pain.
Puberty naturally comes with weight gain and will likely become proportional over time.
AdvertisementEven more surprising, she made the weight gain the focus of a brand-new sitcom.
In the latest issue of People magazine, Tyra Banks is speaking out about the media's harsh reaction to her recent weight gain.
Tyra Banks, who conceived the hit show America's Next Top Model, a well as her own talk show, has been the subject of media scrutiny for her weight gain.
Banks has revealed much about herself on her program, dispelling rumors about having breast implants and responding to critics about her weight gain.
Celebrity bulges can refer to a couple of different things, such as weight gain or pregnancy, as well as the not quite so innocent male version.
AdvertisementMany of them, like Oprah, admit the weight gain and vow to do something about it.
You can also offer less fattening treats to help cut down on weight gain.
Remember that pregnancy will always result in weight gain, but the trick is to gain the weight necessary for your baby's development while avoiding excess weight gain that will be difficult to shed after your baby's birth.
Then, you may wish to wear clothes which disguise your weight gain and enhance other features.
A lack of sleep can lead to a variety of health conditions, including emotional and physical illness, fatigue and even weight gain.
One way that this correlation between weight gain and sleep apnea relates is in overweight people.
What is also important to point out is that doctors have determined that those that are suffering from sleep apnea are also prone to weight gain.
Another correlation between a lack of sleep, and in particular sleep apnea, and weight gain has to do with the body's ability to produce hormones.
Excessive weight gain can decrease the muscle strength in the chest and make it harder to take a deep breath.
The weight gain can contribute to the sleep disorder, but the sleep disorder also contributes to the inability to lose the excess weight.
Have your pressure needs evaluated - Weight gain or loss can affect the amount of pressure you need.
Other causes of snoring include sleeping positions and weight gain.
An 8-ounce to 1-pound (225-450-gram) weight gain in a month may be acceptable.
The physician will monitor the child's weight gain and advise the parents of the goal weight gain and any necessary dietary changes.
Sometimes additional feedings are required with the aid of a nasogastric tube to provide enough calories and promote weight gain.
Striae. Striae are stretch marks in the skin caused by rapid weight gain or growth; they frequently occur in pregnant women, for example.
They will grow in spurts, with each spurt followed by a period of weight gain.
Keeping weight gain under control can be accomplished by changing eating habits, lowering fat intake, and increasing physical activity.
Every child admitted to the hospital for poor weight gain or malnutrition should be screened for the presence of illnesses and conditions that could lead to protein-energy malnutrition.
Symptoms in infants may include shortness of breath (dyspnea), difficulty in feeding, and poor weight gain.
Even when a child has had surgery or is on medication, the doctor should be contacted when any abnormal symptoms arise, such as shortness of breath, difficulty in feeding (with infants), and poor weight gain.
Diabetes and rapid weight gain can also be factors in causing GERD.
An 8-oz to 1 lb (225-450 g) weight gain in a month may be acceptable.
Obesity involves excessive weight gain and fat accumulation.
When calories consumed exceed calories expended, weight gain results.
The major symptoms of obesity are excessive weight gain and the presence of large amounts of fatty tissue.
Overweight and obese children should be evaluated by a physician for diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, and other medical conditions that are influenced by excessive weight gain.
Poor nutrition and dietary habits can lead to weight gain and obesity.
Hyperplastic obesity-Excessive weight gain in childhood, characterized by an increase in the number of new fat cells.
Hypertrophic obesity-Excessive weight gain in adulthood, characterized by expansion of already existing fat cells.
Frequent or constant vomiting, unsuccessful feeding, and poor weight gain should be reported to the pediatrician as soon as noted.
Ninety-five percent of fetal weight gain occurs during the last 20 weeks of gestation.
If the delicate process of development and weight gain is disturbed or interrupted, the baby can suffer from restricted growth.
Determination of an accurate due date is essential in order for the doctor to know if development and weight gain are appropriate.
Rice in 1976 had shown that premature babies who were massaged surged ahead in weight gain and neurological development over those who were not massaged.
Children with either XHIM or ARHIM who are not diagnosed early may show delays in growth and normal weight gain.
Slow weight gain is common in children with congenital heart defects and may be alarming for parents.
Common side effects of clozapine include tachycardia (rapid heart rate), hypotension, constipation, and weight gain.
Unlike the other antipsychotic drugs, however, it does not promote weight gain.
They should chew sugarless gum or eat sugar-free hard candy to redirect the oral fixation that comes with smoking and to prevent weight gain.
However, a larger skin surface area to body weight ratio may make children more susceptible to adrenal gland problems such as growth retardation and delayed weight gain.
This can lead to poor weight gain and failure to thrive.
Some infants with PWS also require special nipples or tube feeding to improve weight gain.
For example, if you use Depo-Provera for birth control, one of the side effects is missed periods and some weight gain.
In this trimester, you baby is going through rapid growth and weight gain.
Symptoms include high blood pressure, protein in the urine, an intense headache, vision changes, sudden swelling, or rapid weight gain.
Every woman knows about pregnancy weight gain.
The majority of pregnancy weight gain will be gained during the second and third trimester.
This weight gain is necessary so that your baby gains the right amount of weight.
For many women, the possible link between birth control and weight gain is a deciding factor when choosing which contraceptive method best fits their needs.
In one recent survey, 50% of all women felt that birth control pills would cause unwanted weight gain.
However, researchers have found it difficult to prove a connection between birth control and weight gain.
While many women do gain weight after starting oral contraceptives, it's hard to tell if this weight gain is related to the use of the pill or other lifestyle factors.
How much of a weight gain are we talking about?
In most cases, women taking oral contraceptives report a weight gain of five pounds or less.
Only a small percentage of women experience a weight gain of more than 10 pounds after beginning a birth control pill prescription.
Typically, pills that contain higher doses of estrogen will be more likely to cause weight gain due to fluid retention.
While most women have heard about the potential link between the birth control pill and unwanted weight gain, it may surprise you to learn that Lunelle, Depo Provera, and Norplant have also been associated with weight gain in some women.
In most cases, you can prevent the unwanted weight gain associated with your birth control by paying extra attention to your diet and exercise habits or simply switching to a different type of birth control.
In a recent interview with People magazine, she claims the most recent rumors may be due to a possible small weight gain.
Too many images of weight gain isolated only to the belly can lead to unhealthy pregnant body images.
Your doctor will tell you how much weight gain to expect.
They accept a certain amount of additional weight gain as part of the pregnancy.
For these women, a growing pregnant belly and the associated weight gain can be disturbing.
Women with preeclampsia often suffer a number of signs and symptoms, including high blood pressure, swelling (edema), and rapid weight gain.
Studies consistently go back and fourth about weight gain and hormones.
Learning to eat balanced and healthy foods before you conceive will help you to control pregnancy weight gain once you do conceive.
Despite the tale, weight gain in the face during pregnancy is usually not related to baby gender.
While no drastic weight gain is evident in television appearances over the years, even the slightest weight gain leads to the question, "Is Stacy London pregnant?"
A woman who is considered obese may have her doctor recommend she gain only 10 pounds, while a woman who is underweight when she conceives may be encouraged to aim for a weight gain of 45 to 50 pounds.
Speak to your healthcare provider if you have questions about what the recommended weight gain is for your pregnancy.
Much of a baby's weight gain and development occurs during the last few weeks of pregnancy, so every day spent in the womb benefits your child.
A pregnancy calculator can also estimate the end date of each trimester; some pregnancy calculators also allow you to estimate your weight gain during pregnancy as well.
If you are particularly concerned about weight gain while you are pregnant, you may want to consider that a Purdue study featured on Good Morning America has found that artificial sweeteners increase the odds of weight gain.
Cortisol is indicated, especially in women, in adrenal fatigue and excess weight gain.
If you're worried about weight gain related to eating carbs, a supplement may be a consideration.
A pear or triangle has narrower shoulders and upper torso; weight gain can be seen in hips, legs, and thighs.
If you do experience the following digestive symptoms, they will most often be accompanied by the symptoms above including depression, extreme fatigue and weight gain.
Limit fat intake, however, because too much fat of any type increases calorie consumption, which may induce weight gain.
The Official Journal of the American Association of Pediatrics formed some serious conclusions after conducting research regarding the connection between weight gain in adolescents and sugar-sweetened beverages.
Sugar can have a very deleterious effect on health and weight gain.
None of my friends seemed to notice the weight gain.
I started out my pregnancy at 223 pounds, with orders from my obstetrician to keep my weight gain to a minimum or risk having a nine or ten pound baby.
Teens who are rejected or ridiculed by their peers because of a weight problem may develop depression -- and a side effect of depression is weight gain.
Surprising to many is that crash diets can actually cause weight gain while still on the diet.
A moderate diet helps maintain a healthy weight by supplying the calories right for you, but not more calories that can lead to weight gain.
With this in mind, the volume of food does not have to be compensated, and in fact, more generous portions may be tolerated without weight gain noted, if and when protein and carbohydrates are chosen.
Therefore, when we speak of burning calories, it is critical for weight management purposes to have our body burn as many as possible throughout a person's life in order to avoid weight gain.
Consistent participation in an aerobic activity of choice is key to burning a consistent number of calories to avoid weight gain.
When a lower BMR has been set, and normal eating patterns return, weight gain occurs due to the body now requiring fewer calories secondary to lower BMR.
Many say it is easy to lose weight in the first weeks of the diet, though the massive weight gain touted by the promoters of the diet is probably mostly water loss.
Obesity and portion control cannot remain exclusive of each other if we're going to buck the current weight gain trend in this country.
It may be that the artificial sweeteners used in diet sodas trigger cravings for more calorie-laden sweets, which help lead to the weight gain and other health problems associated with metabolic syndrome.
Drinking diet soda has been linked to weight gain for much the same reason the authors of this study suggested-because it causes cravings for calorie-rich food.
It might seem more than you think you can add to your life, however regular exercise not only will help you burn that unwanted fat, but it also reduces the stress that can lead to overeating and more weight gain.
Unfortunately, quitting smoking and weight gain usually go together.
You can control weight gain even when you quit smoking, if you combine healthy eating with a physical activity program.
Quitting smoking and weight gain results are usually caused by munching on food when you have a cigarette craving.
Typically, nobody likes gaining weight, especially when it is unexplained weight gain.
However, if the unexplained weight gain is significant and sudden, it's time to account for various aspects in your daily life.
If you've gone from eating mainly celery and carrot sticks to candy bars and pork rinds, this could be the source of your weight gain.
It's a good idea to journal all the foods you eat each day for an entire week to help determine if your eating habits are contributing to your unexplained weight gain.
It's a proven fact that various medications can cause weight gain.
Check with your doctor or pharmacist, if you've recently changed any of your medications, to learn if weight gain is a possible side effect.
This, alone, may cause you to have unexplained weight gain.
There are a number of diseases and disorders that first show up with simple symptoms such as unexplained weight gain.
The best thing to do is to contact your physician if you experience unexplained weight gain.
Don't diagnose yourself with something fatal until you've fully researched the causes of your unexplained weight gain.
For many, unexplained weight gain is the stimulus that gets them off the couch and into the doctor's office.
One of the most difficult health issues facing women is female weight gain.
Understanding the things that cause women to gain weight can aid in preventing weight gain and promote losing unwanted pounds.
These effects often lead to weight gain.
Eating a balanced diet during pregnancy is important for healthy weight gain and preventing a woman from gaining too much weight.
Consulting a dietician is a good idea when you are trying to maintain a healthy weight gain during pregnancy.
Much of the weight gain women experience is during the years before menopause, this time is called perimenopause.
Female weight gain is also influenced by lifestyle, stress, and food processing.
If these steps are already a part of health conscious living and weight gain is still an issue, consult a doctor to find out if there is an underlying health issue contributing to an increase in weight.
Most Americans worry about excessive weight gain but often for the wrong reasons.
Because of this, a return to old eating habits will most likely result in a return to weight gain.
Eating a healthy combination of foods can help control diabetes and prevent weight gain.
Following the MedWell program you can have a gene makeover in your own kitchen to reverse the real cause of weight gain and the loss of wellness that goes with it.
Women have an additional reason to control their weight, as postmenopausal weight gain increases the risk of breast cancer.
Dieters often wonder why they aren't losing weight, and in some cases, diet soda weight gain may be the culprit.
The term weight gain may mean 10 pounds or it could mean 50 pounds.
You avoid the extra calories here or there that can spell weight gain.
Although one oversized portion isn't likely to be a problem, when every meal every day is full of these portions, it's a recipe for weight gain.
Problems such as weight gain can arise when one consumes too many sugary treats including cookies, cakes, and sodas.
Limiting complex carbohydrates from fruits, vegetables, and whole grains is not advised and can actually contribute to weight gain and other health problems in the long run.
The weight gain isn't blamed on eating too many simple carbohydrates but is attributed to the fact that the bodies of O type individuals aren't designed to metabolize these kinds of foods efficiently.
Simple carbs are the ones responsible for weight gain.
Cheating will cause your body to kick out of ketosis, which can result in weight gain.
Since the HCG diet only allows for participants to consume 500 calories per day, many of them will experience weight gain once they go off of the diet.
This weight gain is due to the fact that muscle burns more energy (calories) even when the body is resting.
Some studies show that restriction may actually lead to overeating and weight gain.
It was his belief that this toxic waste was to be blamed for weight gain.
If an individual takes in more calories than he or she burns, weight gain will happen.
Snack Foods - Snack cakes, potato chips, and sodas all contain fat and contribute to weight gain and, thus, a variety of diet-related illnesses.
This weight gain may be associated with heredity or hormones - and it may be more noticeable after menopause.
Moreover, your liver ceases to effectively regulate fat metabolism, which leads to uncontrolled weight gain and an increasingly larger storage of fat in the liver.
Regular exercise gives you a means to control your weight and prevent unhealthy weight gain.
There are a number of medical conditions - like hypothyroidism - that cause weight gain.
Additionally, certain medications also cause weight gain.
Hormonal changes, pregnancy, aging, genetics, and regular weight gain can all cause a pooch of fat that lies over the top of the abdominal muscles.
The consequences of both weight gain and inactivity are many.
This sets up a scenario for weight gain and a deterioration of health.
After all, weight gain might lead to unwanted curves, whereas a little extra padding in one area guarantees a sexy look.
By necessity, it might be widened to allow for weight gain - a woman might give birth more than ten times throughout her married life - but it still offered some shape and support.
However, two days after she was released, she had to return to the hospital after having a reaction to fortifiers added to her baby milk to encourage weight gain.
They have to decide if risking the weight gain is worth what the reward may be.
This often happens during growth spurts, rapid weight gain or loss, and during pregnancy.
Cravings for carbohydrates can lead to weight gain.
If increasing the feed results in over-exuberant behavior or weight gain then add a balancer as these will provide nutrients without energy.
All these supply empty calories which lead to weight gain Cut back on alcohol.
Predictable and dose-related side effects include weight gain with steroids, reduced white cell counts with high-dose cyclophosphamide and bleeding with too much warfarin.
Black cohosh can have side effects including nausea, indigestion, vomiting, headaches, weight gain and low blood pressure.