Webb Sentence Examples
In the Webb compound the driver opened communication from the high-pressure exhaust pipe to the blast-pipe, and at the same time opened a valve giving a supply of steam from the boiler direct to the lowpressure valve chest.
Engines of this class, with 78-inch driving wheels and the leading axle fitted with Webb's radial axle-box, for many years did excellent work on the London & North-Western railway.
Provision was made in the design, by Sir Aston Webb, for the extension of the Mall to open upon Trafalgar Square, through gateways in a semicircular range of buildings to be occupied by government offices, and for a wide circular space in front of the Palace, with a statue of the Queen by Thomas Brock in its centre.
Close to this museum is the Victoria and Albert Museum (formerly South Kensington Museum, 1857) for which an extension of buildings, from a fine design by Sir Aston Webb, was begun in 1899 and completed in ten years.
About 1725 there were built, to protect the carrying-place here, Fort Bull, on Wood Creek, which was surprised and taken by French and Indians in March 1756, and Fort Williams, on the Mohawk, which, like Fort Craven, also on the Mohawk, was destroyed by Colonel Daniel Webb after the reduction of Oswego by the French in August 1756.
Webb to measure the tractive resistance of trains on the London & North-Western railway, a tractive pull or push compresses two spiral springs by a definite amount, which is recorded to scale by a pencil on a sheet of paper, drawn continuously from a storage drum at the rate of 3 in.
Lusitanica, Webb, by Cynips (Diplolepis, Latr.) tinctoria, L., or C. gallae tinctoriae Oliv.
In December 1852 he married Lucy Ware Webb of Chillicothe, Ohio, who survived him.
Webb, Ioannis Saresberiensis episcopi Carnotensis Policratici (Oxford, 1909), 2 vols.
It is served by the St Louis & San Francisco, the Missouri Pacific, and the St Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern railways, and is connected with Webb City and Joplin, Mo., and Galena, Kan., by the electric line of the Southwest Missouri railway.
AdvertisementA Life of George Fox, by Dr Thomas Hodgkin; The Fells of Swarthmoor Hall, by Maria Webb; and The Life and Character of George Fox, by John Stephenson Rowntree, are valuable.
Lord Courtney, who in 1883 married Miss Catherine Potter (an elder sister of Mrs Sidney Webb), was a prominent supporter of the women's movement.
Rossetti, Philip Webb, Burne-Jones, Madox Brown, Faulkner and Marshall, and in January 1862 started business under the title of Morris, Marshall, Faulkner & Co., with offices at 8 Red Lion Square.
Designed by Aston Webb and Ingres Bell, and executed by Dent And Hellier.
Mr Webb was one of the early members of the Fabian Society, contributing to Fabian Essays (1889); and he became well-known as a socialist, both by his speeches and his writings.
AdvertisementThe total output for the state in 1908 was 114,459 tons, valued at $12,134,556; of this 116,J31 tons came from the central and southeast field, and of the remainder 15,240 tons from the Webb CityProsperity camp. Zinc was originally a hindering by-product of lead mining in the south-west, and was thrown away; but it long ago became the chief product in value in this field.
In 1905 the eleven municipalities with a population of at least 8000 each (including the seven above, and Carthage, Moberly, Sedalia and Webb City) produced, under the "factory system," goods valued at $335,43 1, 97 8.
In addition to St Louis, 2 Kansas City and St Joseph, the leading cities in 1900 were Joplin, Springfield, Sedalia, Hannibal, Jefferson City, Carthage, Webb City and Moberly.
C. Webb's Republican Election Methods in Kansas, General Election of 1892, and Legislative Investigations (Topeka, 1893) may also be mentioned.
Another luxury deal handled by Cavendish was the sale of jewelry chain Mappin & Webb to the highly acquisitive Icelandic investor Baugur.
AdvertisementToday Gone to earth stands with precious bane as the best-known and finest of Mary Webb's novels.
The first overall award presented was a beautifully polished walking stick for the oldest bowman which went to George Webb of Purple Haze.
Stephen Webb MP has received a letter from an angry commuter on this issue.
The Webb stories were hard to ignore, for they had ignited a firestorm.
There was a clear handball by a Preston player in that final onslaught which was missed by a below par Howard Webb.
AdvertisementMalmesbury Victoria overpowered Easington Sports winning 6-1 with Alan Webb netting a hat trick.
Laundry There is a coin-operated laundry There is a coin-operated laundry in the basement of O staircase in Webb's Court.
Webb's next solo LP, Twilight Of The Renegades will be released prior to these two exclusive London shows.
As the race settled, Nigel Webb got up to third after a slow start, and John Chisholm held on to fourth.
It is particularly unfortunate that your reply did not address any of the specific issues Mr Webb raised.
Webb evolved the type of threec y linder compound with which his name is associated in 1882.
The carved or " cameo " glass, introduced by Thomas Webb of Stourbridge in 1878, had been copied with varying success by glass-makers of all nations.
On a fine Webb Ellis surface, Rugby then scored three more tries in the final 10 minutes of the first half.
Daniel Webb shares his free platform bed plans that he used to build his bed.
In addition to the zip file with the plans, Mr. Webb provides photographs of the bed in various stages as it was being built and gives detailed information about the types of wood he used.
Del Webb Senior Communities offer the opportunity for seniors to live an active adult lifestyle in more than eighty locations in twenty-one states.
On New Year's Day in 1960, businessman and hotel developer Del Webb opened Sun City to visitors.
During the three day opening Mr. Webb had hoped that 10,000 people would come to visit his new retirement community, the first real active retirement community in the world.
People came to see what Del Webb had built.
During the decades that followed, the Del Webb Corporation continued building resort-style, active senior communities in many areas of the United States.
In 2001, the Del Webb Corporation merged with the Pulte Group, making it the largest builder of senior communities in the country.
All Del Webb communities provide residents with the opportunity to live a full and active lifestyle.
Because of this, in addition to all of the activities common to all of the Del Webb communities, there are also specific programs and activities that are unique to each community.
Residents of Del Webb senior communities enjoy an active lifestyle in beautiful, resort-like surroundings.
If you would like to experience the lifestyle of a Del Webb community, several of the locations offer a three-night vacation getaway or a one-day guest pass.
Charley Webb as Debbie Dingle, who was an accessory to the murder Jasmine committed.