Web Sentence Examples
Betsy spotted the web site and began monitoring it daily.
I been busy surfing the web.
Mosquitoes are rarely troublesome; gadflies, and a large spider (hangeyu), which spins a web resembling golden silk, are common, as are scorpions and centipeces.
Why not try that web site bablefish.com?
Online dating services with dating club matchmaking and uk dating advice for dating web site and dating web sites in the uk.
The American mathematical Society has much mathematical information and links to many other web pages of interest to mathematicians.
I check the web site of After occasionally but have refrained from direct contact.
In both cases two eyepieces are employed, one to view each separate web.
Public opinion is a powerful force, and if it is generally a force for peace, then the web magnifies it.
Elastic web weaving by power looms is carried on to a great extent, and the manufacture of lace and net curtains, gimp trimmings, braids and cords.
AdvertisementThe union of the index and middle fingers by means of a web extending as far as the terminal joints is the distinctive feature of the siamang, which is the largest of the group, and black in colour with a white frontal band.
A very similar sheet is spun by a species of Linyphia, one of the Argyopidae, but in this case there is no tube connected with the web and the spider hangs suspended beneath the horizontal netting.
Snares of another type consisting of a tangled mass of threads amongst which the spiders pick their way with ease, but which are impassable to insects, are spun by members of the Theridiidae and Pholcidae; but by common consent the so-called orbicular web, so characteristic of the Argyopidae but by no means confined to them, is regarded as manifesting the greatest perfection of instinct in snare-spinning.
Other webspinning spiders (Tegenaria) have somewhat similar habits; and the male of the park-web spider (Atypus), one of the Mygalomorphae, taps the walls of the tubular web of the female before daring to bite a hole in it and descend into her burrow.
As a permanent home the spider makes beneath the surface a thimble-shaped web, with inverted mouth, anchoring it to the weeds.
AdvertisementThe river is not deep and can be forded in many places; the banks are fringed with thick bush and dom-palms. At the junction of the Ganale and the Web the river is swift-flowing and 85 yards across; just below the Daua confluence it is 200 yds.
On the hind foot the nails are long, curved and pointed, and the web extends only to their base.
These were the two men who enmeshed the king in a web of Rosicrucian mystery and intrigue, which hampered whatever healthy development of his policy might have been possible, and led ultimately to disaster.
As a substitute for timber props at the face, pieces of steel joists, with the web cut out for a short distance on either end, with the flanges turned back to give a square bearing surface, have been introduced.
The stresses in the web are greatest at the ends of the span.
AdvertisementOn account of its delicacy no web is more difficult to see than one of the orbicular type above described.
Some tropical members of the family belonging to the genus Nephela, however, spin a web which is intermediate in structure between that of Aranea and the complete sheet-like web of Agalena.
One genus of Thomisidae (Phognarachne), which inhabits the Oriental region, adopts the clever device of spinning on the surface of a leaf a sheet of web resembling the fluid portions of a splash of bird's dung, the more solid central portions being represented by the spider itself, which waits in the middle of the patch to seize the butterflies or other insects that habitually feed on birds' excrement and are attracted to the patch mistaking it for their natural food.
Of the three headstreams, the Web, the Ganale and the Daua, the Ganale (or Ganana) is the central river and the true upper course of the Juba.
But girders may have curved chords and then the stresses in the web are diminished.
AdvertisementWrought iron and, later, steel plate web girders were largely?
It would be economical, therefore, to make the girder very deep. This, however, involves a much heavier web, and therefore for any type of girder there must be a ratio of depth to span which is most economical.
On the other hand a framed or braced web afforded opportunity for much better arrangement of material, and it very soon became apparent that open web or lattice or braced girders were more economical of material than solid web girders, except for small spans.
Now plate web girders are only used for spans of less than ioo ft.
Three types of bracing for the web very early developed the.
By curving the top boom of a girder to form an arch and the bottom boom to form a suspension chain, the need of web except for non-uniform loading is obviated.
A main girder consists of an upper and lower flange, boom or chord and a vertical web.
For practical purposes it is accurate enough to consider the booms or chords as carrying exclusively the horizontal tension and compression and the web as resisting the whole of the vertical and, in a plate web, the equal horizontal shearing forces.
If A is the area of the plate web in a vertical section, the intensity of shearing stress is fs = S/A and the intensity on horizontal sections is the same.
A constant difficulty in studying works on metrology is the need of distinguishing the absolute facts of the case from the web of theory into which each writer has woven them -- often the names used, and sometimes the very existence of the units in question, being entirely an assumption of the writer.
But into the figure of Arthur as we know him, other elements have entered; he is not merely an historic personality, but at the same time a survival of pre-historic myth, a hero of romance, and a fairy king; and all these threads are woven together in one fascinating but bewildering web.
The essence of the raising-cloth is a weft that will provide plenty of nap and yet have sufficient fibre to maintain the strength of the web.
Fifteen plants are known to furnish dyes, and eight are sources of fibre - the caraguatay especially being employed in the manufacture of the exquisite nanduty or spider web lace of the natives.
Any use of any LoveToKnow Corp. web site after the date of such notice is deemed acceptance of the new terms.
All the states of western Europe were being brought within the web of his diplomacy.
When the star enters the field of view its image is approximately bisected by the spider web of the micrometer n, the exact bisection being completed in the immediate neighbourhood of the meridian.
Lotze again wove together many threads of earlier thought, though the web was assuredly his own.
Bullock (1813-1867) of Philadelphia who in 1865 invented the first machine to print from a continuous web of paper.
This drum has a series of small cogs which move the web or tapes in the same direction.
For example, there are the drop-bar, the web and the gripper methods of feeding these presses.
The web arrangement consists of a series the high over-feedboard, and the taking-off apparatus is automatic but on a different plan from that of the ordinary Wharfedale, the sheets being carried over tapes with the freshly-printed side uppermost, thus preventing smearing; they are then carried on to the heap or pile by the frame or long arms placed at the end of the machine.
It printed from the web, and had a folder attached.
From this point the long sheet is carried overhead to the left-hand side of the machine, where it is cut longitudinally and divided, and then associated with the other web similarly printed by the other half of the press.
It used to be said that, if this narrow passage were blocked up, escape would be impossible; but an intricate web of fissures, called the Corkscrew, has been discovered, by means of which a good climber, ascending only a few hundred feet, lands 1000 yds.
The situation of Berlin, midway between the Elbe and the Oder, with which rivers it is connected by a web of waterways, at the crossing of the main roads from Silesia and Poland to the North Sea ports and from Saxony, Bohemia and Thuringia to the Baltic, made it in medieval days a place of considerable commercial importance.
The tarantula, like all its allies, spins no web as a snare but catches its prey by activity and speed of foot.
The Pima, a Central-American tribe, say the earth was made by a powerful being, and at first appeared " like a spider's web."
It is on this latter plane that the eyepiece must be focussed, and here the measuring web must be placed.
A web in the focal plane of telescope marks the point in the field at which the bands are to be made to disappear; this is effected by turning the polarizer by means of a rack and pinion worked by an arm from the observer's end of the instrument.
Pot-8-os was the sire of Waxy (1790) out of Maria (1777) by Herod out of Lisette (1772) by Snap. Waxy, who has been not inaptly termed the ace of trumps in the Stud'-Book, begat Whalebone (1807), Web (1808), Woful (1809), Wire (1811), Whisker (1812), and Waxy Pope (1806), all but the last being out of Penelope (1798) by Trumpator (1782) from Prunella (1788) by Highflyer out of Promise by Snap, while Waxy Pope was out of Prunella, dam of Parasol (1800) by Pot-8-os.
At large few European birds possess greater beauty, the pure white of its scapulars and inner web of the flight-feathers contrasting vividly with the deep glossy black on the rest of its body and wings, while its long tail is lustrous with green, bronze, and purple reflections.
Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.
Post details on a web site that only us can access without any fear we can be traced by using it.
A web site was created listing pertinent information on missing persons' cases, updated on a timely basis, describing a wide variety of abductions and missing children reports.
Brennan posted a call-me notice on our web site, his only means of contacting us from his end.
Betsy won't even look at the web site, afraid of the anguish she'll feel seeing negative results from some of our cases and in action on others.
Fate was both vengeful and impassioned in his treatment of past-Deidre, and Gabe sorted through the tangled web that marked the tumultuous relationship between Fate and past-Death.
He began by selling some of his numerous mystery novels on a book finder's web site, then expanded to garage sale scouring for items of dubious value.
Jack is a fairly confident web user who has developed a feel for how long to allow for information gathering.
I feel much more confident about using the web now.
It was disseminated electronically, by email and through stakeholder body networks and made available on the web.
Initially, we plan to use the Dublin core metadata elementsto index the pages on the superjournal web site.
Joe Clark recently played homage to the CSS Samurai by starting a WCAG samurai focusing on web accessibility.
There are kudos attached to having a presence on the web!
You want the web server to support four of the most popular programming paradigms.
Abacus chosen for Nottinghamshire Portal October 2003 The Nottinghamshire Partnership has selected abacus chosen for Nottinghamshire Portal October 2003 The Nottinghamshire Partnership has selected Abacus e-Media to supply and develop the County's web portal.
The World Wide Web is often abbreviated to the Web or WWW.
Black hole accretion disk Useful web links A good place to start is Relativity on the WWW.
For web browsing, SP2 extends Internet Explorer with a pop-up blocker and the ability to disable browser add-ons.
To find out more, go to the SERD web address.
Alternatively you can, of course, manually adjust the size of the text with your web browser.
The web page provides the full report, available as a pdf file, requiring acrobat adobe reader.
Have you noticed how your favorite television programs, billboard adverts, magazines, and business cards include web site and email addresses?
You can too, by looking out for vacancies advertised in the press or checking the main Civil Service gateway on the web.
Please note that targeted advertising can be found on this Web site.
He is very agreeable to the information being put on the web site.
Ajax web app - isn't the most accessible system - probably not accessible at all.
The term Ajax was coined last February to describe a combination of Web technologies, including JavaScript and XML.
Visit the University of Bristol web site for more information on carbon allotropes.
These web pages are one example; another is forthcoming The Astronomer's Diary, our first almanac on CD-ROM.
WebTrends Analysis Suite, Standard Edition (formerly Professional Suite) provides the valuable web analytics you need for your single server web site.
Powerful web analytics Web visitor analysis isn't just about how many people visited your web site.
There are articles, images, and illustrations on primate anatomy and physiology collected from a variety of Web sites.
For a more advanced and interactive online presence, our design team can use animated Flash technology to create high impact web sites.
These enhance the web site by providing personalized content driven by the semantic annotations.
The Web site contains a number of BPA safety documents, notices and manuals, including anti doping policy, in Word format.
In general (with a few notable exceptions) Council web sites are quite appalling examples of web site design.
The need for users to be aware of the options contained within web browsers enabling them to alter the appearance of web pages.
The prospect of having to use FTP to transfer all files from the web server was not appetizing.
Their server was now armed and ready to take on the Web.
Here she stands for some time; then, descending to her web, she collects the wreckage in great armfuls.
I wonder whom you are destined 1 ako army mail web for.
The Web site includes free access to full-text articles from Volume 1 (4) Winter 2001.
The Old Quarter is comprised of a chaotic web of 36 streets; each named after traditional artisan 's guild.
Many of the most attractive web sites are built by graphic artists.
Which con artists web site at the footsie flotation to the kentucky.
To use asp in your own web projects you will need to have a personal web server installed on your computer.
It runs on the IIS Web server side-by-side with classic asp on Windows 2003 platforms.
Display Data from Database asp Tutorial - ASP web Pro Display data from database asp tutorial to use on your asp web page.
An IP address is a number that is automatically assigned to your computer whenever you are surfing the Web.
The web contains a rich assortment of business information.
A web page that looks great in Internet Explorer might look atrocious in a Mozilla based browser like Firefox or Netscape.
Any web design needs to look authoritative, convey the correct messages and download with optimum speed.
The web technology allows automatic filtering of individual prescriptions to suitable eyewear.
Hugely popular Web site faces backlash over hidden dangers.
I've also added a nice little animated MAME banner that I found elsewhere on the web.
Creating the entry is simple via the easy-to-use web based control panel.
Its also worth bearing in mind what most users want from the web.
This makes a CGI's runtime behavior strongly coupled to the environment setup by the web server.
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The Web site also provides educators with original lessons and resource to enchance bioscience teaching.
Further use is evolving of electronic blackboard, accessed through the School's web site, to enhance communication with the students.
Omea Reader Omea Reader is an easy to use RSS feed reader, newsgroup reader, and web bookmark manager.
The abbreviations bot or web bot is also used.
Driven in part by my then brand-new Web access, I used a search engine to determine that Oris had no Canadian distributor.
The Band created a technological breakthrough by going on ' the web ' with its own website, an instant success.
The ones listed in the tourist brochure are now given on the official Western Isles Tourist Board web site.
All states mortgage broker web site design except our biggest concern risks outside the.
The Royal Navy Community web site is designed to be usable with all graphical and text-only browsers, and screen readers.
You can set your web browser to refuse cookies.
Broken links, disabled back buttons, the Flash intro - everybody has a web bugbear.
One of the main innovations of RSF, request-scope programming, also solves another perennial bugbear with web frameworks which is the scoping issue.
I've designed business cards, ANDY SAXTON, computer genius designed and uploaded a web site to the net!
The FTP proxy service is distinct from the existing Web proxy cache service.
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Blitz Communications Solutions is set to launch its web callback service.
Last weekend live web cams were focused on live maggots.
Runner Prospects Web - profile of a runner from the official UK graduate careers website.
Web Design i-Net+ i-Net+ certification is vendor-neutral and will validate an individual's baseline knowledge of Internet concepts.
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A quick check on the Internet will uncover thousands of web pages on that issue.
Seals Web Page Bearded Seals are a non-migratory Arctic species that feed on mollusks including clams.
The web site offers free classifieds online in many categories.
Plus, Web pages are full of prompts to help users navigate the site, adding to the visual clutter.
Also a very good web page on hissing cockroaches.
The source code in which web pages are written.
You can see the raw HTML code for any page by going to View Source in your web browser.
We have some of the most rare animal collectibles on the web.
In this case, the border will appear using the default text color for the web page.
Check out this highly colorful Web Greeting Card with lovely " Online Love " poem.
We also welcome any comments you may have on our web site.
Please report any Web problems or offer general comments to the Micscape Editor, via the contact on current Micscape Index.
Strong visual hooks like the new logo panel are easier to transfer from design comp to web.
Welcome to the 2002 web edition of UK Defense Statistics, the annual statistical compendium of the Ministry of Defense.
Any good, technically competent web design firm can set this up for you.
It can keep vandals from altering your Web page and prevent industrial competitors from reading your confidential documents.
Having created the mechanism to complain via the Web, the onus would be on the PCA to communicate this option to potential complainants.
Word of mouth is unlikely in this case but publicizing the anonymous details of a successful web complainant might encourage others.
Leave a short but sincere compliment about their web site.
It is intended that the web site will become more comprehensive over time.
Now that the list is fairly comprehensive, a web page seemed the easiest way to share Gary Hodges back catalog.
The news comes as people grow increasingly concerned at the attempt of Americans to impose their values on the World Wide Web.
The general consensus was to publish the data on the CLIP web site.
The consort Web site provides free access to the full-text CONSORT statement, supporting documentation and explanatory notes, and links to further initiatives.
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Arguing for one institutional archive for digital contents is akin to calling for a single web site for an institution.
Some web sites also offer online convertors and some jobs in textile programs allow you to convert MIDI into RTTTL.
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Wouldn't it be great if you could learn all the insider secrets of top web copywriters for you to use yourself?
The results could spell bad news for small businesses hoping to beat big corporates with a winning web presence.
Camping courier - A web site dedicated to campsite couriers working in Europe.
But, in the last weeks, the object will actually appear more like a husk caught in the web of its steel cradle.
Cosign with SPNEGO support will provide a way of delegating credentials to web services, which at present is only possible by running KCT.
The small shrimp-like crustacean, krill is central to the Antarctic food web.
The Web site includes an online curling manual, which is split into basic and advanced techniques.
Please use cut-and-paste to transfer these logos to your web site.
Profits from their at its web says David golden.
A report of the team's activities will appear on the web site once debriefs have been undertaken.
A distributed denial of service attack on the NHL Web site took it off the air for several days, 21 through 25 May.
You'll also find web exclusive offers for hundreds of women's denim.
The site contains technical and scientific data and links to other desertification Web sites.
Using the latest in web page design is not generally the best way to go.
You don't have to hire a web designer, like us, or web design studio.
The code fragment allows web developers to include this search box within a web page.
Award winning new media agency urgently seeks a web developer!
With the development of the World Wide Web in the 1990's numerous sites can be found entirely devoted to wolves.
Calling all online customer shoping devotees, enjoy this remarkable on line e-commerce site, a very enjoyable web page.
In a search of the web I came across your site, and at first I just read the devotionals every so often.
Web logs - A relatively new feature like an online diary.
Help build the largest human-edited directory on the web.
Do you want to have your website listed in our web directory?
In 1997, Microsoft was so disdainful of federal bureaucrats that it created a Web site specifically to keep regulators at bay.
For a publicly funded body to have allowed it to be published on the web is a complete disgrace.
The three loops together cycle through the 216 colors that will not dither in a web browser.
They can connect to your server and view your published documents by typing this address in their web browser.
Visit the web and convertible dodge for reformers tho he could obtain.
Subjects such as how to transfer domain names to us and how much web space we offer are often mentioned.
Sliced web content management system is now fully e-commerce ready for you to control.
The League has now gone electronic with most members updating on the web.
Running a Process-Description in a Web Browser You can enact a process-description in a web browser by submitting it to a web enact a process-description in a web browser by submitting it to a web enactment server.
Portals are aimed at human end-users using common Web ' standards ' such as HTTP, HTML, Java and JavaScript ' .
These are largely self- explanatory, the resource center search engine indexes more than 15,000 web documents in the area of civil engineering.
Or maybe later, depending on how you read the entrails at the Web site.
How can we use the Web for effective evangelism?
Further information on recognition and a list of recognized exchanges can be found on our web site at IR Recognized stock exchange.
Web service security is taken care of by the simple expedient of being able to expose service points over SSL.
See also external links for web sites of bodies associated with NEWI quality assurance.
We do not charge extra should you wish to host your web site elsewhere.
A web site makes great eye candy, but can your web site engage senses other than sight?
The 20th century screen is a more sophisticated form of this web, made of finely woven fabric stretched over a frame.
From the birth in Switzerland of HTML in 1991, the Web has grown to encompass every facet of our lives.
The US Department of commerce web site provides a search facility on its home page.
Faraday partnerships Web link Explanation of the benefits of joining a faraday partnerships Web link Explanation of the benefits of joining a Faraday Partnership.
Unable to view our PDF files within your web browser window?
This web site includes a self build mortgage finder which will take you step by step through the selection process.
We have the creative skills to come up with some very flashy Web designs.
Over the past weeks, security researchers have reported several unpatched flaws in Internet Explorer, the Web browser component of Windows.
We intend to establish on-line fora to ease communication across these networks and to create areas of our web site dedicated to each theme.
The new research and Enterprise Services web site and information pages have been launched and close working with the research fora has been established.
A few long wisps of white hair, like shreds of a torn spider web, clinging to the domed, blue-veined forehead.
Marketers such as Search King complain that Google's changes come with no forewarning to a web community so dependent on it for traffic.
This makes the web server more forgiving to typos.
After you spread the chocolate frosting onto the cake, use melted white chocolate chips to create a web.
Full details of next weekend's gala are on the web.
The eCommerce hosting account has been upgraded to allow 1 Gb of web space and provide 15 Gb of Bandwidth per month.
These web pages are designed to provide some useful resources, mainly for those tracing medieval English genealogy.
Prospects web - profile of a clinical molecular geneticist from the official UK graduate careers website.
The Web is already having its first, fairly genteel, row over who sets standards.
In a parting gesture, the Web publisher you fired replaced photos of board members with sheep.
Franco's info gleaned beforehand from the sparse pickings on the web had proved useful - camping was a good call.
Can a tiny country find its way through the web of neoliberal globalization without compromising its autonomy or social gains?
The Schemas web site also contains a useful glossary.
My hope is that it conveys a wholesome goodness that can refresh Web sites with high quality design.
Sources used include gopher, USENET News, the World Wide Web and various listserves.
The university places adverts on staff web pages and magazines and actively promotes school governorship as a way of strengthening links with the community.
MediaGuardian.co.uk | Media | Sudoku fever grips UK newspaper readers Guardian Unlimited Web.
It includes a glossary of terms, outreach (curriculum in UK, useful web resources) and quick reference guide.
This is of course in addition to evaluating the web site for conformance to usability design guidelines and standards.
Web India - Adverse childhood experiences make people gullible - have a sheltered early life.
This implies that the food web structure and primary productivity are uncoupled in the oligotrophic gyres.
If you would like to add your own haiku then simply register with the Charnwood Arts Web site and login.
Free 3G Mobile Phones All the latest 3G handsets reviewed with links to the best deals on the Web.
Based on these character information, a feature that will identify possibly harmful web sites for mobile platforms shall be developed.
This cross searching is done via specific types of web search engine (also called harvesters ).
The spam harvesters that scour the web looking for e-mail addresses always find mine.
The algorithm described here can be used to compute an MD5 hash for HTML pages on the Web.
The underlined headings will take you to each sections web page.
I have also tried to include web sites containing significant source material on medieval English heraldry, although at present little is available online.
A Web site author can code an alt tag when building a Web page to say anything he/she wants.
Most web sites, on the other hand, are highly heterogeneous in many respects.
Colors for web pages are given as 6 digit hexadecimal (normally just referred to as " Hex ") numbers.
Macromedia Flash Player is the standard for delivering high-impact, rich Web content.
Online business accounts for nearly ten per cent of its business, and customers include high-profile Web sites such as Lastminute.com.
Web site on other hin featured eighty percent of.
Avoid giving hints about how the person should interact with your web pages.
This link designates the home page of the World Wide Web Consortium.
Connect Now The LJMU web Site Provides access to the Liverpool John Moores University web site home page.
Continue Reading Add comment Italians charmed by honeybees By Web Editor.
Hacker Web Pages Nothing attracts hordes of hackers like a hacker web page.
This Web site is a news and information resource for international hoteliers and travel trade executives.
It detonated, leaving only a loud high pitched howl and the smell of burning web behind.
But Time has received hundreds of complaints from readers and Web users.
Changes to this page can really hurt the mental model users have formed of the web site over time.
Internet search engines exist to organize the seemingly immeasurable amount of information available on the web.
The rather impassioned and premature title given to the World Wide Web.
Is it too impersonal to propose over the web?
We reserve the right to remove any material which we deem inappropriate from your Web Site without prior notice to you.
A web page with 50 inbound links can have better rankings than a web page with 500 inbound links can have better rankings than a web page with 500 inbound links.
If Web sites are to become socially inclusive, all users must be able to enjoy shared experiences.
Find out more on the UWE's business incubator web site.
Record numbers book on the web The internet is making further inroads into holiday sales with record numbers booking online.
Control & instrumentation engineer Prospects Web - profile of a control & instrumentation engineer from the official UK graduate careers website.
Likewise failing to recognize the interdependence of all living things threatens the delicate web of life which supports us.
I redesigned the web interface, ran usability tests and researched customer requirements... .
Internet marketer there are some basic things you should know about how search engines spider and index your web site.
Search engines and directories interrelate with other search engines, for instance, they share their database contents to cover more web pages.
We pride ourselves on our state-of-the-art, highly intuitive web interface.
Sites that repeat the Flash intro each time the same user visits the home page raise the ire of most web users.
The scientists who devised the ARPANET had no intention to make possible that seemingly irresistible force for globalization, the World Wide Web.
The web site will be created using Java, javascript.
For further information about the JIVE project see the jive project see the JIVE web site.
But we may share with our Web site partners aggregated statistical " ratings " information about the use of /discuss journalism.
Features include web blogs, forums and a video jukebox.
Java enterprise technologies Microsoft got a jump-start with integrating Web services into the.NET framework.
We give our clients the ability to update their own web sites without needing any technical knowledge.
It's Web of Hate, Inside Canada's Far Right by a liberal lackey in Ottawa called Warren Kinsella.
Image CD Request a free CD-ROM containing a library of scanned images of Formica laminate designs shown on this web site.
In this short article I will talk about a book on PHP, a web scripting language.
Larry king aplomb web was a from these young.
Tonight, I'm attending a lecture by a guy who makes architecture look like web design - Will Allsop.
We also found web access slower than dial-up, a major letdown in the broadband age.
Top ten topics UL li Would you like us to promote your Web site?
For example, the Partner will be solely responsible for ensuring that materials posted on their web site are not libelous or otherwise illegal.
The Internet was founded on the linking of related information, and this remains the lifeblood of the modern World Wide Web.
How did Sir Tim Berners-Lee create the world wide web and how has he avoided the public limelight?
Over the last two years, web marketing and online booking have become the linchpins of tourism in Wales.
External links The following links will take you to external Web sites over which we have no control.
You can also translate Web pages on-demand using the Internet Explorer plug-in that also includes translations of all hypertext links.
For further info, please visit our web site link at the bottom of this page.
In the web links library you will find links to various NHS Wales informatics sites.
The British Mountaineering Council's web site has the most up-to-date listing of open crags.
In a publishing first, musically literate readers will find some one hundred notated music examples on a special Web site.
The word ' blog ' is short for ' web log ' is short for ' web log ' .
Our resulting web creations offer positive impact identity and image branding in an easy-to-navigate online presence that converts lookers into buyers.
There's an art to turning your web lookers into bookers Introduction to web usability and a site review of ' Jenners ' .
With minimally delayed drum loops setting the stage, the duo weaves an organic web of various acoustic instruments on top.
The Microsoft web pages suggest several ways of plugging this loophole.
I use lynx for almost all of my web browsing.
However, the value and usability of human-readable Web pages will be enhanced when they are made machine-readable with standardized semantic tags.
Don't forget, you can read Contact, the University's bi-monthly magazine on the web site.
The IMAGE web site discusses NASA's mission dedicated to imaging the earth's magnetosphere.
People with low vision may use screen magnifiers to increase the size of their view of a web page.
You don't need to be a computer expert to use mailtalk; all you need is web access or electronic mail.
Forget all the pornographers, mass mailers and virus producers; one Daly is sufficient justification for the existence of the World Wide Web.
The mall on the Web The best online mall shopping on the web is on ' The Mall on the Web ' .
Mandrake mandrake Mandrake users can get packages for all of the video programs from the Penguin Liberation Front web site.
Documents available here include WHO press releases, fact sheets, pandemic preparedness plans, diagnostic manuals, and links to relevant Web resources.
This book contains many of the images seen on this web site.
One of the methods that have spawned many success stories in driving targeted web site traffic into websites is viral marketing.
Cameron's matchbox car Page - A web site for kids who like to collect matchbox cars.
August 2002 Global Web Limited joins the e-Learning Alliance Global Web Limited is pleased to become a founding member of the Scottish e-Learning Alliance.
The Web has become a microcosm of our society.
One of the huge ironies of the web is that the economic incentives actually militate in favor of the monkeys.
Could such miscreants be the origin of the web of restrictive agreements with which UK industry is said to be rife?
We have very fast design access reviews using the web portal and thereâs now no need for physical mock-ups.
NetNotes works in conjunction with a specific Web domain, deals with a limited number of Web components, and requires minor server-side modifications.
Voted best work at home mom web site by Dr. Phil.
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Photographs from this album were placed on the Canadian web site, WebNet - UN monde de solutions!
Therefore in August 1997, we started our first thematic web site concerned with the prediction of the Asian summer monsoon.
This applies as much to web material as to printed material.
Every delegate was also given an NDAD promotional mug, at least ensuring that they took away our correct web site address!
Do your web searches strike oil on your first attempt or do you plumb the depths only to find murk and mire?
The Transformers mush List - MUSHes based on the Transformers theme, with telnet and web addresses.
Each fungus will have vast numbers of these hyphae, all intertwining to make up a tangled web called the mycelium.
These web pages have been designed so that elements required for on-screen navigation are not printed.
Public Health informatics seems to be a somewhat neglected discipline on the web.
For comparative newcomers the following handful of suggestions may be interesting places from which to commence a web search.
You can either include the feed in your favorite desktop newsreader, or web developers can embed the feed in their own web sites.
Over the years the search engines were the target number one on the hunt for visitors and traffic to millions of web sites.
Use them for backgrounds, pattern fills, web graphics, reflection maps, texture wraps around 3D objects and much more.
To address these needs we used off-the-shelf Web Services technology rather than existing systems like Globus.
Some people hang on every word Jakob writes, whereas some detest his apparent omniscience regarding the world wide web.
The traditional Web has tended to be somewhat one-sided, with a flow of content from provider to viewer.
Named entities are used to automatically enrich a domain ontology in the KMi semantic Web site.
Prospects Web - profile of a dispensing optician from the official UK graduate careers website.
Basically it's like Linux but more suited to web hosting than being a desktop osting than being a desktop OS.
Our email and web services are subject to scheduled and unscheduled outages which will impact your ability to use our services.
We also have various youth outreach initiatives which are detailed elsewhere on the web site.
Developing a diversity of task-oriented authoring tools to reduce the cognitive overhead for authoring hypertexts could change the face of the Web.
Individual work becomes available on the web as soon as possible, with only the minimum necessary proofreading and editorial oversight.
Its Web site and image results are now supplied by its subsidiary overture and it offers some serious competition to Google.
Does your web hosting packages include any limit do you set on maximum mailbox sizes?
This provided a meta-analysis and has been summarized on a separate web page (Bone mass and exercise in women ).
Their web pages can be seen by clicking here.
The most basic feature of a web conference is screen sharing, whereby conference participants see whatever is on the presenter's screen.
Even the many spectacular pictures generated from datasets available on the Web present an essentially passive view of what is happening.
Spider web patterns stuck on the slippery, shining icy pavement.
Find British army pen pals in UK to make new penpal friendships via army and military dating web sites online.
They allow an individual using the web to adopt a persona with which they can then interact with other avatars in a virtual world.
In due course, we hope to allow photographers to enter their own captions through a web form.
Web of Science returned the highest number of citations for condensed matter physics 1993 and 2003 (22.5 and 3.9 respectively ).
Ocean microalgae, called phytoplankton, are the base of the ocean food web.
There is no doubt that the convergence of TV with the Web and mobile phone platforms has started happening.
Continue Reading Add comment Italian playboy sees the light By Web Editor.
This now gives our design team the ability to create fast loading visually pleasing Web pages.
You may not however reproduce any portion of these web pages ' text or graphics without prior written consent.
It therefore remains possible that the reports and web files contain inaccuracies.
Any modifications to our privacy practices will be reflected first within this area of our network of Web sites.
The online coffee pot actually predates our World Wide Web server by some time.
Sitting on top of this web is the great white shark, unchallenged apex predator of the South African seas.
A web presence is moving from a novelty to an expectation.
Members are encouraged to attend the public presentations, details of which are on the village web site.
Brian was involved in a study on the digital preservation of Web sites during summer, 2002.
Web Site privacy Policy WESTMINSTER CITY COUNCIL will use its best endeavors to safeguard the privacy of its website visitors.
Very little talent is required for the majority of the free interactive music programs available on the web.
Full details of the share issue including the ability to download the prospectus were available from this web site.
Details are given in the school prospectus which can be accessed on the web site.
You do not get direct access to the Internet, access will be through a web proxy server.
You may not reproduce any material on a web site, whether for personal, educational, commercial or non-commercial purposes, without permission.
Doing so can bring qualified, interested visitors to the web site you create.
But so far, none of these Web publishers has expressed any moral qualms about their actions.
More information can be found on web site www.hereford-racecourse.co.uk or by telephoning the racecourse.co.uk or by telephoning the racecourse on 01432 273560.
Ppi is sold cdi racetracks have admitted he had rising in a. The web at to a maximum.
Blind web users may use a screen reader to ' speak ' the content of the web page to them.
However, to produce the Web site in a hard copy would take almost a ream of paper.
SuperStream shares similar features and benefits with FatPipe Xtreme, including web based management tools, auto fail-over, and auto reboot.
We review the Jesus Myth web sites as well as those who have taken the trouble to provide a rebuttal.
If you find a better price anywhere on the web, we?ll refund you the difference.
Please note; the printed page will not be a faithful reproduction of the web page.
A second World Wide Web proxy server has now been installed in order to provide increased resilience.
I hope the same problem doesn't exist in Orlando next year. submitted resumes based on job postings from their web sites.
The address of the file is in a format that can be interpreted by a Web server, which then retrieves the file.
We can design a brand new web site or revamp existing web site.
They will learn the rudiments of Web Page Design to create a small website on the intranet.
A workshop run by UKOLN in conjunction with UK Web Focus.
Posted in accessibility web standards, WaSP ATF, Snakeoil salesman | 1 Comment Back to navigation Muggle me!
Welcome to the home of Scottish episcopal satire on the world-wide web.
Also covered in this edition is a quick start guide to getting net savvy, a survival requirement in the Web marketing world.
They spin a communal web near to large patches of their foodplant, Devils bit scabious.
Subjects who search for information, on the other hand, seem to apply cognitive schemata that suppress a deeper processing of Web banners.
Added a search page to search the entire web site using the google search engine.
Web site design secondary to content is the actual design of your Web site.
ComStation can enhance security by password protecting " ftp " folders on the web server.
Web Search and MSN Search will likely integrate some form of visual page segmentation into their search algorithms.
Email replies can also include a link to web self-help to continue trouble-shooting.
This is particularly important when supporting large contact centers and web self-service.
The default setup is adequate for most web providers.
Do you want an online shop set up on your Web Site?
Unix based web servers allow a convenient shortcut to accessing files placed in the directory public_html in the user's home directory.
Several big players only exist on the web and there are many traditional traders running a nice little sideline in online transactions too.
Some MindLeaders courses make limited use of Authorware Web Player in order to more closely simulate the actual application.
Sirius web is a useful tool for calculating staff costs within the University sector.
Please click here to view the found dogs web site.
Do you believe that the Clie related web sites are a help or a hindrance to Sony's strategy?
Here's a web site where you can get your mate fixed up on a hot date.
In January, the Anonymous Digital Coalition issued a plan for virtual sit-ins on five web sites of Mexico City financial corporations.
A relatively small proportion of web users are using IE5 and even its support for XML is quite skimpy.
Slough History online Find out about the history of slough History online Find out about the history of Slough by visiting Slough History Online - a web site run by Slough Library Service.
However, before leaving I did take a sneak preview of what to expect on my trip by visiting some tour companies web sites.
Agency Listings Direct links to online recruitment specialists for web design jobs and new media careers.
Ian studied the tiny moving speck of life, dashing around the web, trailing a thin strand of silk.
There is also a web page showing pictures of the 2dF spectrograph.
The Baja Web site assures that getting rid of the microchip is a simple and harmless procedure, something like removing a splinter.
Mind you most people just don't have the patience to get a few solid spokes in their web of trust.
Information to improve our site We collect web statistics automatically about your visit to our site based on your IP address.
Casweb provides a user-friendly web interface to the aggregate statistics of UK censuses.
But we may share with our Web site partners aggregated statistical " ratings " information about the use of /discuss Journalism.
There are lots more on the Web - do a search on for example ' 3D magic eye stereogram ' .
The prices displayed on are web site are in £ GBP British pound sterling.
For Web Designers Zen Cart™ gives web designers a robust and customizable electronic storefront that's easy to keep up-to-date with new features.
It makes sense to consider the Ecommerce benefits of a web storefront online.
You should be aware that some planning is required to determine the structure of your web site.
You can also browse the subversion repository via the web, and download a tarball if you do not have subversion installed.
Back to web view Happier, healthier, holidays... Why does British summertime make most of us feel so much better?
The Notes were published formally in booklet form and are now superceded by the revised versions published on the ICE web site.
Warning Your web browser needs to be able to format superscripts for the following sections!
Sorry I can't be small business web design of any real help... Vonage - Shaw Issues QoS enhancement surcharge.
But firms can't hide behind a spider's web of hidden surprises and get-out clauses.
A working SAMBA installation will be created, with graphical configuration using swat via a web browser.
Using color - the color mixer, the color swatches panel, web safe colors.
The web site also provides links to the course syllabi.
This web based tool is used to stimulate increased collaboration between organizations and facilitate industrial symbiosis.
So what excuse do " professional " web developers have for producing tat?
Additionally, we evaluated its Web and we indicated the accessory changes to him that would have of movable telephony and.
Now you can get teletext wherever you are - thanks to our new Mobile Web service.
Link back template Shop Professionally designed html and flash templates for your web project.
Looking up he saw a long tendril like a spiders web.
That is the production by a large community of mainly textual documents for viewing on the Web.
The web pages include a summary of ophthalmology programs and services including experimental therapeutics.
Shown below is a detail of the flow where the curtain (width W) strikes the web at the dynamic contact angle theta.
The interim results from the PMlifeline online poll gives a resounding thumbs up to web based training.
Support Founder, Wasim Khan approached the tic ' s Media Vault with a view to creating a web presence for the company.
There is a need to moderate these and putting them up on the web site is quite time-consuming, but well worth the effort.
As soon as they have been finalized the examination timetables appear on the Oxford University web site and are posted in the Examination Schools.
But it also includes handy Net tips and even how to create and publish your own web pages.
Site includes much information about eco tourism, as well as publications and comprehensive web links.
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Web Links are a good way to generate traffic for your site.
The Web traffic Driver The Web Traffic Driver - Driving A Tons Of Targeted Traffic To Your Website!
I will point them to our web page resistance welding transformers in Spanish.
There is no bigger turnoff than visiting a web site that is hosted on an obviously overloaded web server.
Web designers in general don't seem to spend a great deal of time on even typographical basics.
And the web of life's colors needs each single thread For the dance to continue unbroken.
This allows many web pages, currently unclassified, to be given a place in the hierarchy.
Making Time is a much underplayed song and a good name for a Web site!
We have an in-depth understanding of the design, technological and marketing processes required to help companies in Guildford define their web strategy.
Now if she can just untangle the web before any more manatees or people die.
The web underwent a major upgrade in the summer of 2005.
The ' BIDS Web Server ' will be available 99% of scheduled service uptime.
Join our Math on the Web Mailing List to stay up-to-date on Math on the Web.
Please note that the web edition is often more up-to-date than the printed edition.
Mr. Carr received him in his company design site web private office with ominous urbanity.
This may include your name, email address and web site URL.
What the web does is remove any barriers to the expression of utterly vacuous drive.. .
I don't get why previous comments should therefore show so much venom to a Labor web site World Cup blog.
Konrad referred to the problem of how to verify the veracity of the information presented on the Web.
In current web ser vices standards, the notion of sequencing is handled by the workflow definitions provided by proposals such as BPEL4WS.
Well, I finally lost my job interview virginity last week taking an interview for a web developer job in Reading.
All the virology on the Web " seeks to be the best single site for Virology information on the Internet " .
This Guide to Good Practice concentrates on accessible desk-top virtual reality which may be distributed and viewed on-line via the World Wide Web.
I searched the web in an attempt to choose a school that didn't seem too wacky.
Our services can be accessed either by the Psion wap browser, or a web browser.
A general web resource for research on figs and fig wasps is provided by the " Ficus server " .
The basic course comprises 10 training sessions and includes email, surfing the web and an introduction to newsgroups and chatrooms.
One in five even admitted to getting up in the middle of the night to browse the web.
Because an essential measure for the ranking will be the number of connections to your site when these engines trawl the web.
Thus you can use your Bookmarks/Favorites to help you navigate the web.
As the club gradually unravels the tangled web of fate, Anne learns shocking news about herself.
Welcome to the home of Scottish Episcopal satire on the world-wide web.
What is new on the world wide web for 2006?
In this way links create a complex virtual web of connections which allow you to move within and between web pages and web sites.
At the simplest possible level the client may just be the web browser itself viewing suitable web browser itself viewing suitable web pages.
We have also engaged a new web designer to provide a dynamic resources site on our web designer to provide a dynamic resources site on our web pages.
I made fairy cakes and covered them in white icing and piped a chocolate spider web on them.
Previous issues are still available on the library web pages.
Electronic journals For details of the journals that UCL subscribes to in electronic format please see the Electronic journals Web page.
At the simplest possible level the client may just be the web browser itself viewing suitable Web pages.
For more information about serving Web pages, please refer to the Apache manual.
If Firefox beats IE, programmers will be able to make much more complex Web pages.
Web pages listed on the left tell you more about our research degree programs and the opportunities available.
This is the same advice that we give to those creating their own Web pages at the University.
There are also interactive web based tutorials to support you in making best use of the library available through the Library Web pages.