Weathered Sentence Examples
The wooden planks were old and weathered, but felt solid enough.
Katie and Bill had weathered the storm well with their new family.
The garden was beginning to look weathered.
To enable the soil to grow good crops the upper layer must be pulverized and weathered.
The man who could have had such success, who could have made the Treaties of Westphalia and the Pyrenees, who could have weathered the storm of the Fronde, and left France at peace with itself and with Europe to Louis XIV., must have been a great man; and historians, relying too much on the brilliant memoirs of his adversaries, like De Retz, are apt to rank him too low.
A weathered paint finish is popular with beadboard headboards, since the designs are generally just right for rustic, casual rooms.
White washed furniture or weathered blue or yellow painted chairs are a classic look.
They are built of blocks of pudding-stone, originally well jointed, but now much weathered.
Both mother and daughter weathered the ordeal well.
If you want a more rustic look, then you can opt for hand-hewn doors that are intentionally finished with a weathered or distressed look, but stained in a natural or dark finish.
AdvertisementThe basement rocks, which tested oil, consist of fractured metaquartzites, weathered argillites and weathered granite.
The older sandstone remains weathered and discolored and recent repair work in fine grained yellow ashlar is clearly visible.
Between these are structurally weaker palaeosol horizons of weathered basalt that encourage localized collapse as the wear back and undermine the overlying basalt.
The ascent of the Wrekin, along the main track, initially found dark fine-grained dolerites, which were very weathered and somewhat crumbly.
Every one also has easels standing tall, accompanied by a weathered table speckled with paint and sporting a paintbox and palettes.
AdvertisementHe is a street evangelist and his personality shows all the signs of a tough, weathered and fearless ' front line ' evangelist.
Even hard igneous rocks get weathered away eventually over millions of years to form sand grains.
But England weathered the storm and broke out to grab the opener on 25 minutes.
Follow-up overburden sampling showed that gold is present in head and weathered bedrock, as well as in near-surface overburden sampling showed that gold is present in head and weathered bedrock, as well as in near-surface overburden.
The wood has been supplied by James Latham and Co from a sustainable source and has been weathered to give a silvery patina.
AdvertisementNewly sanded wood is shown on the left whilst the right hand side still has a weathered patina showing up black.
Follow-up overburden sampling showed that gold is present in head and weathered bedrock, as well as in near-surface overburden.
Threshold stone at door is weathered 18thC grave slab with flags just inside; then 8 concrete steps up to interior.
Thus far, the Ernst & Young ITEM Club has said that the UK has weathered recessionary squalls very well.
Comb of Type 4, with deeply curved cross-section; much weathered and unornamented length 136 mm.
AdvertisementSlightly weathered mortar is very rarely the cause of dampness and water penetration through a wall.
I painted around the castle picture, which is very weathered - I'll try to restore it.
Fortunately, that inscription was transcribed before it became too weathered.
To my eye at least, this stonework appears weathered.
Meantime the colony had weathered a severe commercial crisis brought on in 1865 through over-speculation and the neglect of agriculture, save along the coast belt.
High-tech firms in North Carolina 's Research Triangle weathered Hurricane Floyd after days of preparation and rerouting of important online traffic.
We could not let this senseless tragedy fade away into the weathered pages of history.
The British economy looks to be doing fair, and has weathered the storm relatively well.
The Climbs Composed of natural, weathered sandstone the crag can be divided into four buttresses.
Subsequent erosion of the chemically weathered granite took place as a generally radial drainage network evolved around the granite dome.
They are weathered limestone which were brought to the site from a nearby source.
East of the chancel some weathered slabs may be 18thC.
Paul had tried to place a bolt to ease the take-off, but the brittle, weathered surface rock had foiled his valiant attempts.
In general, soft, porous or severely weathered stone must be treated with a softer, weaker mortar than hard, dense stone.
A decision support tool will be developed for determination of wellhead protection areas around groundwater sources in the weathered fractured aquifer system.
Reclaimed barnwood gives furniture like dressers, buffets and hutches an antique, weathered look that fits the style perfectly.
The weathered look goes hand in hand with French farmhouse designs.
This is the color palette for the antique collector, for those that love the aged, weathered look of treasures from an ancient past.
Nautical colors can be bright or have a weathered, distressed look.
The Weathered Gate features many prints and signs showcasing farms, barns, and country cottage homes through the seasons, and a selection of floral and farmhouse-themed wallpapers and borders in soft, muted colors.
The pair weathered criticism for their age difference (16 years) and religious difference.
The show weathered two seasons, from April 2005 to March 2006.
While you can always use recycled lumber from old barns or pallets, you'll have to replace it faster since the wood is already weathered.
Vinyl siding even comes in wood-like colors such as weathered gray, pine and cedar.
It has a weathered texture making it soft and comfortable.
They are a heavy cotton canvas in a weathered look.
The Classic Polo is a short sleeve version that is cut for a comfortable fit and done in your choice of either Pima mesh, interlock cotton or weathered cotton.
Their eyes do not block as many UV rays as mature eyes do, and since youngsters often spend a great deal of time outdoors during warm weathered months, they are at a higher risk.
You have weathered the storms of life together.
Melissa weathered the media storm in style.
Even the dice fit the theme, looking more like weathered chunks of wood than plastic game pieces.
An open-neck, puffy shirt with ruffles, a weathered frock coat, belt for one's sword, snug trousers, knee-high boots and a tri-cornered hat are de rigueur.
The honeymoon period is long over, and in the years that followed, you and your spouse have probably weathered tough times and shared intense joys.
Often, certain types of leather will adopt an attractive weathered look that only serves to improve its aesthetic appearance.
The upper portion of the sneaker features a dark brown weathered crocodile skin upper with a brown suede swoosh and eye-popping metal eyelets, which shine as brightly as the shoes' yellow midsole.
Storm Weathered (29 March 2010) - Jones and Lux's relationship takes another hit when she rejects him and he turns to another girl.
The diligent company weathered the quartz craze of the 1970s to emerge weakened but alive and even more committed to its principal mission of superior quality and affordability.
They weathered many automotive changes and worked hard to build their reputation as the go-to source for auto values in Canada.
Black is definitely a color that has weathered the finicky fashion storms for centuries.
The Ras et-Tin quarter represents all that is left of the island of Pharos, the site of the actual lighthouse having been weathered away by the sea.
On the whole, the Revised Version weathered the storm more successfully than might have been expected.
The liveried usher escorted me to the front where the Judge hunched over the table like a weathered gargoyle.
These crystals may be half an inch to several inches in length; they are usually more or less completely weathered to white mica and kaolin.
The Bad Lands are essentially nothing but fresh-water mud excessively weathered and eroded.
These fine-grained materials are at first mixed with broken and more or less weathered rock fragments and coarser mineral particles in the soil and subsoil, but by the action of wind and rain they are swept away and deposited in distant situations.
The Norman walls are so darkened and weathered that, from a little distance, they seem a part of the rock itself.
It receives its name from its soil (weathered from the weak underlying limestone), which is black in colour, almost destitute of sand and loam, and rich in limestone and marl formations, especially adapted to the production of cotton; hence the region is also called the "Cotton Belt."
The lofty and rugged mountains of the Hodheyl tower over the plain on the north side and overshadow the little Hill of Mercy, which is one of those bosses of weathered granite so common in the Hejaz.
It is fine, tenacious and bright red, and represents the insoluble and thoroughly weathered impurities which are left behind when the calcareous matter is removed in solution by carbonated waters.
Who can write so graphically the history of the storms they have weathered as these rents have done?
As fast as the rock of a cliff is weathered its fragments are washed to the ground by the rain, and carried down the slopes by small streams, ultimately finding their way into a river along which they are carried until the force of the water is insufficient to keep them in suspension, when they become deposited in the river bed or along its banks.
Where the hard rock does crop out on the surface, it is so excessively weathered as to be with difficulty recognized as rock at all.
That the colony successfully weathered its early perils was due more to Winthrop's skill and wisdom than to the services of any other of its citizens.
It is a large house, devoid of boarders, though a weathered sign offers such accommodations.
Roman civic institutions perished; but probably parts of the population survived, and small Christian congregations with their bishops in most cases seem to have weathered all storms. Much of the city walls presumably remained standing, and within them German communities soon settled.
Their typical colour is blackishblue, owing to the abundance of sulphuretted hydrogen; when fresh they have a sulphurous odour, when weathered they are brown, as their iron is present as hydrous oxides (limonite, &c.).
I weathered some merry snow-storms, and spent some cheerful winter evenings by my fireside, while the snow whirled wildly without, and even the hooting of the owl was hushed.