Weather-reports Sentence Examples
During this long period of legislative activity he served in the House on the committees on elections, ways and means, and appropriations, took a prominent part in the anti-slavery and reconstruction measures during and after the Civil War, in tariff legislation, and in the establishment of a fish commission and the inauguration of daily weather reports.
You can also check out the weather reports page so you know the conditions on the mountains before you head up.
Also, mind the weather reports as much as you can when planning your big day.
Parents should pay close attention to weather reports before sending children out to play or to take part in long-exposure outdoor activities such as sledding, skiing, and winter camping.
Local weather reports on television and on Web sites provide detailed allergen maps of pollen and mold/mildew spores.
Red Cross was able to provide support without evacuation systems or accurate weather reports.
This is a common effect that's used daily during televised weather reports when the meteorologist stands in front of a computerized shot depicting maps and other animated weather sequences.