Weapon Sentence Examples
It wasn't a weapon; it was a key.
He reached for the weapon with a shaking hand.
No human weapon can hurt me.
Dusty released her, strapped in the last weapon, and looked around.
He carried close to his leg a narrow unsheathed sword (small, curved, and not like a real weapon) and looked now at the superior officers and now back at the men without losing step, his whole powerful body turning flexibly.
The ten-year-old child she adopted and turned into a killer started as a weapon with no more attachment to her than a sword or dagger.
She knew that the sole weapon against him was prayer, and she tried to pray.
As the years passed, their relationship transitioned from master and weapon into something different.
He thought too of the possibility (which he feared most of all) that Napoleon might fight him with his own weapon and remain in Moscow awaiting him.
She whipped around, weapon pointed at Xander as he appeared through the doorway.
AdvertisementBrady muttered a curse, reached for his laser weapon, and fired at an angle at the ceiling.
Any hope he'd had of finding something—anything!—to use as a weapon was dashed as he looked around the sparsely decorated room.
Yully lowered the weapon slowly.
She replaced her weapon and crossed to him, unwilling to show fear.
The second put his weapon away and darted off down another hallway.
AdvertisementTheir ways had to part, because there was no place for her weapon in a civilized society.
He affixed the paper to his breast, and unsheathing a sword-stick fell upon the weapon, which pierced his heart, on the Toth of November 1793.
Drawing a weapon, he walked through the hall and into a corridor.
She had a weapon capable of destroying the immortal realm but had chosen not to unleash Xander completely, knowing what might happen if she did.
On the other hand, if he wanted to harm her, he might snatch the stick from her and use it as a weapon against her.
AdvertisementThe Others are acquiring a weapon, but … it didn't seem quite right.
Gabriel whipped around at the voice, lowering the weapon that emerged instinctively at the sound of a stranger in his home.
Jack waited for her by the door, and she tucked the weapon Mrs. Watson gave her into one cargo pocket.
Xander understood how dangerous of a weapon he was; Eden exploited it once before.
Even when, on the invention of gunpowder and firearms, the bow had fallen into disuse as a weapon of war, the prohibition was continued.
AdvertisementShe glanced around for some kind of weapon as they walked, and soon came up with a walking stick.
I only have one weapon that takes that ammo, so you can take it all.
He slung his weapon over his shoulder as they walked deeper into the underground city.
Fortunately, no human-made weapon was able to hurt him.
His low growl made Jenn shift and stretch a hand to the small of her back, where she probably had at least one weapon stashed.
The weapon hadn't been cleaned since it was last fired, but all six chambers contained bullets.
The characteristic weapon of the Australian is the boomerang.
The important results obtained showed that a weapon of great power had been provided for assisting naval warfare.
Richard Hooker, again with traces of Aquinas, uses the conception as a weapon against Puritanism, with its aggressive positivism of scriptural precept.
Their chief weapon is the blow-pipe, in the use of which they are adepts.
There was a practical motive for using this weapon.
Roundhead was also used during the Civil War as the name of a weapon.
His immense learning served him rather as a storehouse of illustrations, or as an armoury out of which he could choose the fittest weapon for discomfiting on opponent, than as a quarry furnishing him with material for building up a completely designed and enduring edifice of systematized truth.
It was hunted in England and in Europe on foot and on horseback with dogs, while the weapon of attack was always the spear.
The weapon is not shown.
The Others are acquiring a weapon, but … it didn't seem quite right.
But it then occurred to him for the first time that he certainly could not carry the weapon in his hand through the streets.
As you start to reload, switch to a different weapon.
Beginning with the prince's father ransacking a Maharaja's castle, the story quickly develops and leaves the prince alone to retrieve the mystical Dagger of Time, a sand-filled weapon rumored to have the ability to rewind time.
Once that's done, forensics can discover who the murderer is and what weapon they used.
Betsy hesitated, but complied when Grasso feigned a slice with his weapon.
I can hardly walk let alone lift a weapon.
In 1198, on the election of Enrico Dandolo, the aristocracy carried their policy one step farther, and by the promissione ducale, or coronation oath, which every doge was required to swear, they acquired a powerful weapon for the suppression of all that remained of ancient ducal authority.
With the end of the Persian Wars, the original object of ostracism was removed, but it continued in use for forty years and was revived in 417 B.C. It now became a mere party weapon and the farcical result of its use in 417 in the case of Hyperbolus led to its abolition either at once, or, as Lugebil seeks to prove, in the archonship of Euclides (403 B.C.).
Within the town are situated the smelting-works, the mint, and a Government weapon factory.
The principal weapon of the Malays is the kris, a short dagger with a small wooden or ivory handle, of which there are many varieties.
It consists of a series of sermons on the latter portion of the 6th chapter of Ephesians, and is described as a "magazine from whence the Christian is furnished with spiritual arms for the battle, helped on with his armour, and taught the use of his weapon; together with the happy issue of the whole war."
The oldest iron weapon known was hitherto supposed to be an Egyptian halbert-head of the time of Rameses III., but Mr. Randall Maclver has recently discovered in a tomb of the XII.
The latter weapon in the interval between Alexander and the time of Polybius had been increased to a length of 21 ft.
They were a weapon apt to be dangerous to the employer, but the terror they inspired was such that every potentate sought to get hold of them.
Therefore, when her inheritance was assailed at the beginning of her reign, she fought for it with every weapon an honest woman could employ, and for years she cherished the hope of recovering the lost province of Silesia, conquered by Frederick.
In the Two Tactics (1905) he had announced that terrorism was inevitable as a weapon in the hands of revolutionists.
From the girdle hung the single-edged missile axe or francisca, the scramasax or short knife, a poniard and such articles of toilet as scissors, a comb (of wood or bone), &c. The Franks also used a weapon called the framea (an iron lance set firmly in a wooden shaft), and bows and arrows.
Nor is the argument that they are a visible manifestation of the continuity of the Church anything but a doubleedged weapon; for, as Father Braun pertinently asks, if these be their symbolism, of what was their disuse in the Church of England for nigh on 3 00 years a symbol?
That the encouragement of the Slav aspirations was soon deliberately adopted as a weapon against the Hungarian government was due, partly to the speedy predominance at Pest of Kossuth and the extreme party of which he was the mouthpiece, but mainly to the calculated policy of Baron Jellachich, who on the 14th of April was appointed ban of Croatia.
This procrastinating policy played into the hands of the extremists; for supplies had not been voted, and the question of the credits for the expenditure incurred in connexion with the annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, increasingly urgent, placed a powerful weapon in the hands of the Magyars, and made it certain that in the autumn the crisis would assume an even more acute form.
His wit was often used as a weapon of defence, for he did not suffer fools gladly.
It is said that one of Zaleucus's laws forbade a citizen, under penalty of death, to enter the senate-house bearing a weapon.
These gifts and pensions were rather in the nature of subsidies than bribes; they were the recognition by various powers of the value of an ally whose pen had proved itself so potent a weapon in their cause.
Depriving the organism of any of these essential conditions for its existence in the soil will secure our best weapon for defence.
Piero Capponi's declaration that "it was time to put an end to this baby government" was the sole weapon needed to depose Piero de' Medici.
Bribery was the first weapon employed, and a car- y p dinal's hat was held out as a bait.
She has ten arms, holding each a weapon, while her attendant lions and giants are grouped on each side.
The whole apparatus is so exactly analogous in structure to the poison-gland and tooth of a venomous snake as to suggest a similar function, and there is now evidence that it employs this organ as an offensive weapon.
Kattenbusch supposes that Anatolius, bishop of Constantinople, or his archdeacon Aetius, who read the creed at the 2nd session of the council, took up the idea that through its likeness to the Roman Creed it would be a useful weapon against Eutyches and others who were held to interpret the Nicene Creed in an Apollinarian sense.
This theory, however, depended upon unverified assumptions, such as the supposed silence of theologians about the creed at the beginning of the 9th century; the suggestion that the completed creed would have been useful to them if they had known it as a weapon against the heresy of Adoptianism; the assertion that no MS. containing the complete text was of earlier date than c. 813.
Against these the church is not to attempt to use physical force; its only weapon is to be passive endurance and loyalty to God.
Her leading politicians were out of sympathy with the conduct of national affairs (in the conduct of foreign relations, the distribution of political patronage, naval policy, the question of public debt) from 1804 - when Jefferson's party showed its complete supremacy - onward; and particularly after the passage of the Embargo Act of 1807, which caused great losses to Massachusetts commerce, and, so far from being accepted by her leaders as a proper diplomatic weapon, seemed to them designed in the interests of the Democratic party.
This weapon embodied all the essential features which distinguish the ordnance of to-day from the cannon of the middle ages - it was built up of rings of metal shrunk upon an inner steel barrel; it was loaded at the breech; it was rifled; and it threw, not a round ball, but an elongated projectile with ogival head.
But some form of sight was almost invariably employed with rifled firearms, even of early date, and when about1780-1800the rifle came into use as a military weapon, sights were introduced with it.
Involved in secular feuds with Douglas, Livingstone and the earl of Crawford, Kennedy destroyed Crawford with a spiritual weapon, his Curse (23rd of January 1445-1446).
An act abolished civil penalties upon sentences of excommunication, and thus broke the terrible weapon which the preachers had wielded so long.
The names generally given to the three prehistoric periods of man's life on the earth - the Stone, the Bronze and the Iron age - imply the vast importance of the progressive steps from the flint knife to the bronze celt, and lastly to the keen-edged elastic iron weapon or tool.
The quoit was the ancient weapon of the Sikh, who calls it chakar.
In fact, since Moawiya did not turn the weapon of assassination against such men as Abdallah b.
This unlucky marriage was negotiated, it is said, chiefly to acquire the old claims of Denmark over England, to be used as a weapon against Richard I.
Russian aid, though promptly offered, was too double-edged a weapon to be used save at the last extremity.
A two-edged weapon, of which the blade is of sharks' teeth, and a defensive armour of braided sennit, are also peculiar to the islands; a large adze, made of the shell of the Tridacna gigas (the largest bivalve known), was formerly used in the Carolines, probably by the old builder race.
Hitherto infallibility had been thought of as the supreme weapon of the Church's armoury, destined only for use at some extraordinary crisis; hence it was naturally conceived of as residing only in the extraordinary authority of a general council presided over by the pope.
The only victim of this plot was Ali, who died at Kufa in 661, of the wound inflicted by a poisoned weapon.
Hitherto the mode of demonstration had been by the syllogism; but the syllogism is, in many respects, an incompetent weapon.
The chief weapon of the Persians, as of all Iranians, was the bow, which accordingly the king himself holds in his portraits, e.g.
Like him he had little inclination to the orthodox church, and favored Mazdak, the founder of a communistic sect which had made headway among the people and might be used as a weapon against the nobles, of whom Mazdak demanded that they should cut down their luxury and distribute their superfluous wealth.
The zeal with which the school prosecuted logical inquiries had one practical result - they could use to perfection the unrivalled weapon of analysis.
It was as a weapon of war, as well as a nursery of learning, that Frederick William III.
The Maillotins, as the Parisian insurgents were named from the weapon they used, gained the upper hand in Paris, and were able temporarily to make terms, but the commune of Rouen was abolished, and the Tuchins, as the marauders in Languedoc were called, were pitilessly hunted down.
In the former the bow with vegetable string is the chief weapon, and clothing is woven from palm fibre; in the east spears are found, and in the Welle district swords and throwing-knives also; clothing made from skins also makes its appearance, and more attention is paid to the shades of departed ancestors.
Although the army has been equipped with modern rifles, the common weapon of the people is the matchlock, and slings are still in use.
Here they did not attempt to repeat their old charges, but found a more effective weapon to their hands in a new charge of a political kind - that Athanasius had threatened to stop the Alexandrian corn-ships bound for Constantinople.
One of the heroines rescues herself from a ravisher by blinding him with a hair-pin, and as she escapes the seducer apostrophizes the blood which trickles from his eye, and the weapon which has wounded it, in a speech forty verses long.
But it must also be remembered that a feudal army was an inefficient weapon for long wars, and that the mercenaries, by whom alone it could be replaced, were both expensive and untrustworthy.
In his later military career he was the first general who showed on a large scale how the national English weapon, the bow, could win fights when properly combined with the charge of the mailed cavalry.
It was the weapon of the old City Guard of Edinburgh.
Obstruction was Fersen's chief weapon, and he continued to postpone the granting of subsidies by the house of nobles for some weeks.
On monuments and cylinders he is represented as armed with the weapon with which he despatched the monster Tiamat.
He would find, in theory at least, that he possessed a weapon of matchless power and precision.
Little conspiracies were got up to displace him, and might have succeeded but for an unconquerable dread of the weapon that destroyed Peel.
In either case his resistance only served to give a weapon to his enemies in the Assembly.
With skill and experience a mass of flint can be worked to any simple shape by well directed strokes, and further trimming can be effected with pressure by a pointed stone in a direction slightly across the edge of the weapon.
The Celts cared nothing for the king except as a weapon against the Protestants; the old Anglo-Irish Catholics cared much, but the nearer Charles approached them the more completely he alienated the Protestants.
By proposing to allow the president of the Assembly to call in armed force, the questors revealed the Assembly's plans for defence, and gave the Elysee a weapon against it ("donnent barre contre elle a l'Elysee").
Thus his raid upon Dobrzyn, the latest acquisition of the knights on Polish soil, speedily gave them a ready weapon against him.
Not merely did he fight for the Protestant cause as a preacher and theologian, but he was almost the only member of Luther's party who was able to confront the Roman Catholics with the weapon of literary satire.
In 1280 he was wounded in the head with a dart, and as he retained there a part of the weapon for a year, he was called " Otto with the dart."
He reloaded his weapon first, then entered his bedroom for a new shirt.
I can master any weapon without really trying, Jonny said, a touch of pride in his voice.
Any weapon I come across, I can master without even trying!
If what the Watcher said was remotely true, she was a powerful weapon in the hands of the Others, and he had limited otherworldly ability to protect her from them.
Any hope he'd had of finding something—anything!—to use as a weapon was dashed as he looked around the sparsely decorated room.
One of the members of Jonny's own personal guard had shifted forward and was discreetly drawing the weapon at his thigh.
One of Dusty's spies found out the Others have a weapon they want to use, we think to open the gateway between the immortal and mortal worlds.
Czerno was already there and with him, a secret weapon, one that made the vamp believe they'd win before he'd been shot down.
Every ship, every weapon they own, came from Anshan ore.
Brady peeled his face mask off and lowered the muzzle of his weapon, unnerved by the unrealistic utopia after the three-day battle up the side of the mountain.
It would make a formidable weapon if he was anything other than what she suspected.
What if that weapon had a taste for blood and didn't want to stop?
Every campaign, he gave it to her for safekeeping, in case the weapon of an enemy severed the leather cord and it was lost.
Banal lyrics with meaning and worth is another essential weapon in a jazz singer's armory.
Subjects include aeronautics, astronautics, military vehicle and weapon technology, and electronic and information warfare.
An extremely effective area weapon, the EMP produced by a nuclear airburst would undoubtedly produce severe damage to the civilian infrastructure.
Airspace weapon systems Current programs include Scramjet, future air-to-surface guided weapons, Storm Shadow and attack helicopter air-to-surface weapons.
Iraq has made several attempts to buy high-strength aluminum tubes used to enrich uranium for a nuclear weapon.
The ability to fire a weapon outside the defensive armaments of an enemy bomber had obvious advantages.
A man is not armed because he has custody of a weapon.
Not everyone who performs well with his weapon possesses this attribute.
This weapon is prayer, which, she wrote, ' is as sure as my two-handed backhand.
It has always been intended to produce the weapon in caliber 7-08 for jurisdictions where 30 caliber weapons are forbidden.
Today, with the empire long dismantled, a rearticulated national chauvinism is a much more useful weapon.
A responsive, informed citizenry is the best weapon we have against crime.
When infra-red homing is used decoy hot sources may be used to deflect the incoming weapon.
Later, when the tank became a serious tactical weapon, anti-tank ditches were added to the first line of defense.
At first glance two pieces of wood strung together by a length of cord, may not look too fearsome a weapon.
The competition has been run successfully for the last 3 years and attracts the top ranking national fencers in each weapon.
With the withdrawal of a Rn fencer with an injury the RAF took victory against the RN 2-1, again taking the weapon win.
It became a ratings weapon for ITV, deployed whenever the channel needed a fillip or to attract viewers to an entirely different series.
Firstly rather than your bare fists, you have a weapon, or pair of weapons, at your disposal.
Rather, they deliberately foment sectarianism, a traditional weapon of colonizers.
What do you do if you ca n't frag some one by running at them and blasting your weapon?
Our splendid main battle tank is almost impervious to the rocket propelled grenade, which is the weapon of choice of the enemy.
It's a pretty lethal weapon in inexperienced hands.
Nonlethal weapons are legal with respect to jus in bello if the effects of the weapon are not long-term, debilitating, or irreversible.
The new design does not require any modification to the mating weapon connector or aircraft.
Weapon No 312 Bayonet Triangular Common Socket - Prior to 1814 A pattern bayonet used on British smooth bore muskets prior to 1814.
Even possession of a (normally) two-handed weapon such as the spear didn't obviate the necessity of acquiring empty-handed skills.
The rear sight should not obtrude anymore than necessary above the weapon itself.
If you usually carry a penknife, make sure you leave it behind as the police could conceivably construe it as an offensive weapon.
Tina is a highly ranked squash player in Austria and is Marcel's secret weapon for the team event in Vienna.
His examples will run from bee-keepers and pigeon-fanciers to those anxious and willing to use poison gas, the period weapon of mass destruction.
On the other hand, the weapon models are very good some even looking like they have more polys than the player models.
The Charter neither expressly prohibits, nor permits, the use of any specific weapon, including nuclear weapons.
When a uranium-tipped weapon hits an object, it produces a vapor that is weakly radioactive.
The weapon, tho, has not been used of late and is rather rusty.
After a colored sash is finished, it is possible to take a weapon grading.
In so doing he gave away a highly serviceable political weapon.
The traditional Irish shillelagh or cudgel is one example of a weapon made with this wood.
The all-woman shortlist, in short, has been a crucial weapon in the fight to secure more women MPs representing Welsh seats.
He persisted in sending shrapnel - a useless weapon in trench warfare.
The siege Tower was an invaluable Medieval siege attack weapon.
But the funny remark made with apparent sincerity was not the only weapon in her humorous armory.
No in-game yet as we are still needing a weapon skinner.
A sling shot in my hands is a kid's toy A sling shot in my hands is a kid's toy A sling shot in David's hand was a mighty weapon.
An economic weapon, wheat smut, designed to attack crops, was also being experimented with.
The weapon shown has a solenoid fitted on the right hand side of the body.
However, putting a culture containing millions of bacillus anthracis spores into a form that makes an effective weapon is not easy.
These include kick, lightening strike, weapon strip frying pan to the head and penalty box.
Every move that Ryu pulls off with every weapon looks completely realistic and supremely stylish.
The Mangonel was an invaluable Medieval siege attack weapon, similar to a catapult which worked by using torsion or counterpoise.
For the first time since the Greek trireme the ship reemerged as a weapon in its own right.
The Effects of Anthrax In 1941 the Russians developed tularemia as a biological weapon.
After a quick twirl of the weapon to show off, she punched with her left and staked with her right.
Then thirdly, he was unconventional in that he used an unconventional weapon.
Donald Martin's witness box weapon of choice was pure vitriol.
Tho the machine guns seem weak, they are the best and most accurate weapon if used correctly.
Yesterday, another activist was arrested for possessing an offensive weapon, taking the total number of arrests to 39.
Iraq could make nuclear weapon in months to a year once it acquires sufficient weapons-grade fissile material.
Though rejected by the Jesuits, who found peripatetic formulae a faithful weapon against the enemies of the church, Cartesianism was warmly adopted by the Oratory, which saw in Descartes something of St Augustine, by Port Royal, which discovered a connexion between the new system and Jansenism, and by some amongst the Benedictines and the order of Ste Genevieve.
In his Autobiography he alleges that he learned from the Provincial Letters of Pascal " to manage the weapon of grave and temperate irony, even on subjects of ecclesiastical solemnity."
It took up, too, the Democratic weapon of states' rights, and in New England carried sectionalism dangerously near secession in 1808, and in 1812-1814,during the movement, in opposition to the war of 1812, which culminated in the Hartford Convention (see Hartford).
Their great weapon was their logic; and a logician, as Pascal says, must be very unfortunate or very stupid if he cannot manage to find exceptions to every conceivable rule.
The crook which figures among royal and divine insignia may go back to the boomeranglike object which was a prominent weapon in antiquity (Muller, 123 sq.).
The breaking short of the shaft of the assegai when the weapon was used at close quarters was already a common practice among the Ama-Zulu, but Chaka had the shaft of the assegais made short, and their blades longer and heavier, so that they could be used for cutting or piercing.
Oratory is no longer an independent voice appealing to sentiments of Roman dignity, but the weapon of the "informers" (delatores), wielded for their own advancement and the destruction of that class which, even in their degeneracy, retained most sympathy with the national traditions.
It is, however, as Cardinal Hergenrdther points out, possible to exaggerate its importance in this respect; a charter purporting to be a grant by an emperor to a pope of spiritual as well as temporal jurisdiction was at best a double-edged weapon; and the popes generally preferred to base their claim to universal sovereignty on their direct commission as vicars of God.
Of tales relating to the east there survive the Weapon-firth cycle - the tales of Thorstein the White (c. 900), of Thorstein the Staffsmitten (c. 985), of Gunnar Thidrand's Bane (1000-1008) and of the Weapon firth Men (975-990), all relating to the family of Hof and their friends and kin for several generations - and the story of Hrafnkell Frey's Priest (c. 960), the most idyllic of sagas and best of the eastern tales.
Once you have any kind of weapon, you might start looking for small, puny creatures to kill for XP.
Highly radioactive fallout would be generated even by a small nuclear weapon detonated just below the Earth 's surface.
Surprisingly the weapon we found least useful was the rocket launcher, acquired about half-way through the game.
The world, scorched by the heat of that weapon, seemed to be in a fever '.
Their secret weapon is repetition, making the eventual break away from the pattern stronger.
Some of these countries are now a short time away from having a serviceable nuclear weapon.
The Siege Tower was an invaluable Medieval siege attack weapon.
A sling shot in my hands is a kid 's toy A sling shot in David 's hand was a mighty weapon.
Weapon No 241 Pistol Single Shot.410 inch Caliber This Belgian single action pistol has a smoothbore barrel.
However, putting a culture containing millions of Bacillus anthracis spores into a form that makes an effective weapon is not easy.
The first operational use of the new standoff weapon system called Storm Shadow has also been an outstanding success.
It became a major weapon in Mahatma Gandhi 's struggle for Indian independence.
Let me say, for the thousandth time, that you never put your absolute faith in any safety device on the weapon.
No one, he claims, has asked for self-government, and, moreover, democracy itself is a two-edged weapon.
Most short, two-handed weapons do not have the ability to trap an opponent 's weapon.
Donald Martin 's witness box weapon of choice was pure vitriol.
I am sorry if the db where you has been wielded as a weapon to bash other Christians.
The weapon must be wielded in both hands at all times to either cause damage or to parry.
In an attempt to debilitate her opponent on the video game, she moved his weapon so that he couldn't find it.
No trip to buy hunting gear is complete without ensuring that you have the proper weapon and ammunition.
The type of weapon you use depends on the game you hunt and the hunting season.
Avoid using the children as a weapon against your spouse.
Plant sterols and stanols for heart disease are the latest natural health weapon against high cholesterol and associated risk for heart disease.
Other painful ailments such as headaches and backaches may be also somewhat relieved through the consumption of ginger.Another weapon in the ginger arsenal is the ability to fight menstrual symptoms.
Now I have new secret weapon; I'm delighted!
Choose the best quality you can afford, as concealer is a 'secret weapon' in cosmetics you may not want to skimp on.
Rail of War Extended - Select your own train engine, truck and weapon and choose your speed.
Heavy Weapon - Beat the commies with your chosen heavy weaponry in this fast-paced game.
Popular war games on this site include Risk, Destroyer, Rail of War Extended, Heavy Weapon and many more.
Page kits and ready-made layouts are another weapon in the fast and easy scrapbooking arsenal.
Sometimes in life it's the only weapon we've got."
Try not to get physical in retaliation as you can never be sure whether someone has a weapon.
In addition to the home tour, you'll cruise past many sites of movie magic, like the house that "exploded" in Lethal Weapon and the fire escape where Julia Roberts and Richard Gere sealed the deal in Pretty Woman.
His service comes as a result of felony weapon and drug charges from 2006.
March 2006 - Arrested in Florida for his alleged involvement in a shoot-out and charged with two counts of carrying an unregistered concealed weapon.
The San Diego District Attorney's office has charged Malil with attempted murder with special circumstances of premeditation causing great bodily injury and using a deadly weapon.
Mel Gibson has also become a successful producer and director, beginning with the first Lethal Weapon film.
Rip Torn - In 2010, Rip Torn was caught inside a closed bank after hours, carrying a weapon.
Mel Gibson soared to the A-list as an affable cinematic heavyweight with starring roles in Mad Max and Lethal Weapon, as well as directing and producing credits for Braveheart and The Passion of the Christ.
Gold from a Weapon - Here is yet another glitch to give you virtually limitless gold.
Ride a horse and wield your most expensive weapon.
At either location, go to the barter screen and sell your equipped weapon.
The shields will come down faster than any other weapon you might use.
First you must make sure you have a ranged weapon.
A good strategy is to use the longbow as your main weapon.
The grenade launcher might seem like an intimidating weapon, but if you use it against someone, it will hardly do any damage unless you hit that person directly.
Try to get this weapon before you congregate at the red smoke.
Across the water there is a house with a SCAR weapon.
Something else to do to unlock a weapon?
Go to Bad Company website and register an account, then check your online stats to unlock the weapon.
The regular sword can be quite fun in this game, but you can take the adventure much further by equipping your hero with a chainsaw as a secondary weapon.
Instead of guns, you use a weapon that resembles a light-saber to dispatch your opponents.
This will let you fight as Eyedol, a beast with two heads and a club as a weapon.
Just about anything you can think of to use as a weapon is available.
To carry a third weapon with you over these areas, you can make use of the glitch in the game.
In this sense, you can "drag" a specialty weapon -- like a rocket launcher -- with you into key sections of Black.
One of the unique features of Borderlands the game is weapon and item capabilities.
The weapon and item system is completely randomized.
Most of your opponents will be after you so one weapon against them is the non-racing traffic.
The best weapon is the Kak 98, since it is the most powerful gun in the game.
The one complaint I had about the previous game was that you end up with so many weapon and soul choices, but you only end up using one set that you get used to and rarely have the need to diversify your tactics.
Switch back and your weapon will be reloaded 3-5 times faster.
Use a powerful weapon, like the rocket launcher or shotgun for quick results.
Since you cannot carry every weapon or item you find, you need to find a safe place to stash them.
Weak opponents can be defeated easily by using kicks and a taser weapon.
Use guns, your handy equipped taser, or whatever material you can find (like a lead pipe) as a weapon.
Each weapon you consider picking up will be compared to the one you already have equipped.
Any red displays are worse than your existing weapon.
Certain weapon items like crowbars, shovels, fire axes and sledgehammers will also help you access blocked off areas.
With a pistol, it will take two shots; with any other weapon, one.
At the beginning of the town is a Carbine weapon.
You can an infinite amount of money by going to the Weapon's Shop in Arindale.
You'll gain weapon upgrades as you play, lending a feeling of progression to your missions.
It is possible to change your weapon's power, but doing so will modify your other weapon to balance it out.
Kratos is powerful from the start, fighting with "Blades of Chaos", a fire-tipped whip-like weapon.
This deadly and creative weapon is known as the "Chaos Blades."
One thing I did like was the weapon configuration.
The right trigger fired your primary selected weapon and the left trigger fired your lock-on missiles.
Changing weapons was as easy as pressing A for the next weapon, or using the digital pad for quick selection, though remembering which direction had what weapon took some time and accuracy in pressing the weapon.
When the Wraith's cannon aims at you, go back to the Warthog and shoot at it with your plasma weapon.
The weapon system is slightly different.
The Halo 3 skulls won't do much to aid you in winning multiplayer combat sessions like how the weapon cheats might, but they can be a lot of fun to find and use.
Whether you're looking to finish the single-player campaign or you want to get the upper hand in a multiplayer deathmatch, you may be interested in learning a Halo 3 weapon cheat or two.
As such, when you look for a Halo 3 weapon cheat, you'll find that many of them are still skill-based and may require some practice.
Shoot a three-round burst with the battle rifle, then quickly press RT and Y at the same time with your secondary weapon.
Some of the Halo 3 weapon cheats are specific to just this one game, but it may be possible to duplicate some of their basic strategies in other Bungie games like ODST.
You'll find choppers in many games today, both as a support vehicle and a tactical weapon.
Like its predecessor, this title puts you into the action as a Navy SEAL who must stop forces who are engaged in weapon and drug trafficking.
Hopping (and drifting) is performed with the R trigger, while weapon deployment is performed with the L trigger.
Once you get the hang of spear throwing it can be an effective weapon on flying and land-based creatures.
You will want to have Sora armed with his best weapon at all times.
You must synthesize one of each of these items to be able to aquire Sora's ultimate weapon.
When starting the game you'll be asked to choose a weapon.
After you choose your weapon you are asked three questions that will determine how quickly you level up.
If you pick up this item, it will give you 60 seconds of unlimited ammo for any weapon.
The creatures you will face are not that stupid, and have a variety of weapon skills and magic to assist them.
The signature trait of these games is our hero's ability to take the weapon of a defeated boss and use it as part of his arsenal.
Strange telepathic messages have been intercepted that suggest a powerful weapon is here.
Samus is immediately dispatched to locate the weapon and secure it before it falls into sinister hands.
Bounty hunters from nearby worlds have also decoded the messages and are here gathering artifacts in an effort to unlock the secret weapon.
Once the bullets are used up, you must discard the worthless weapon and move on.
Weapon and hand-to-hand combat take a second seat to that actual action in the game.
Besides the weapon, you can also do hand-to-hand combat.
Then find the weapon and complete the level with it.
Use the DEF-12 shotgun and any other long distance weapon.
He will attack with the ViBlade, so use the dodge ability so he will lose his balance and drop his weapon.
Now take his Vi-Blade weapon and finish him off before he can try and attack you again.
First make sure you have the Hawk weapon.
Go towards the vehicle and throw the Hawk weapon as far as you can.
Peter Jackson's King Kong game will take you on an adventure to Skull Island, where your main weapon is a primitive spear, and fierce opponents like King Kong along with multiple dinosaurs that attack you at every turn.
However, this weapon is not very good for combat, so switch to a dagger or use your Sand Powers as necessary.
Wielding the weapon put the prince in a different stance and shifted controls to allow for finer combat motions.
You will see a locked door where the weapon is hidden.
Each weapon has a number next to it that indicated how many times you can use it.
No hack and slash, no finding the best weapon and just using it.
Often characters can use magic and/or a number of weapon types.
Where the control falters slightly is weapon response.
For those of you who aren't familiar with Soul Caliber, the Soul Caliber is a legendary weapon, so this fighting game is strongly based around bludgeoning your opponents with actual objects.
Each character needs to finish Olcadan's tutorials in order to gain access to their ancient weapon.
Despite the lackluster Chronicles of the Sword mode, you can find clean graphics, 3 excellent new characters, and the deep gameplay that has always been associated with Namco's premier weapon's based fighter.
While not in weapon mode, you find yourself tapping the Circle button to constantly center the camera behind you.
When you switch to weapon mode, movement transfers to the four buttons.
Unlock each super weapon using this code and you'll definitely have an added advantage over your enemy civilizations.
The Rebels are unaware that Palpatine's goal was to obtain the energy source for the ultimate destructive weapon (Death Star).
Control the galaxy, gain bonuses, get powerful allies to help you and use the ultimate destructive weapon.
A laboratory has been burned down, destroying evidence of a new biological weapon someone was creating.
Each turtle has a different weapon with different abilities, such as Donatello's long reach with his bo staff but slow attack speed, while Raphael and his sai weapons had a short reach but could attack rapid-fire.
Midna is searching for a sacred weapon that can defeat him, and only Link can help find it.
Sometimes a particularly strong hit to a baddie will cause it to drop its weapon.
Each weapon you grab will act differently and is mostly for fun.
While in the Weapon Training section, find the briefcase in the corridor upstairs with the Operator's secret stash on your way back from the Teahouse.
When she casts her Barrier spell, avoid her to prevent getting stunned or having your weapon damaged.
Scroll through your weapon choices with the directional buttons, and press the X button to select the one you want.
It also shows the weapon you currently have equipped.
You'll get access to the plasma sword, a weapon used exclusively by the covenant in the first Halo.
Adding a certain gem or rune to a weapon will give it special powers or add to your abilities.
Constant trips to Aven to sell your unwanted goods will become a chore, but finding a better weapon is always a joy.
In one scene, for example, you may see the rendering of a main character, a weapon, a tree, an enemy of some sort, and a lushly detailed backdrop.
Partly because of the new capability of the internet to transmit quality video, the trailer is a relatively new weapon in a game company's arsenal.
Semi-automatic pistols are her weapons of choice and never doubt her courage, because that is her other weapon.
Players help the Baudelaire orphans -- Violet, Klaus, and Sunny -- identify the villainous Count Olaf and his associated by deducing which room held which villain or weapon.
Once all the rooms are matched up with the correct person and weapon, Count Olaf's scheme is revealed and you move on to the next level.
Once that's done, the main villain, and his or her weapon is discovered.
You should read through its many pages to get an idea of who or which weapon was in what room.
In the end, each room will only have one tile in it, either a person or a weapon.
The weapon and people tiles are all color coded and different enough from each other that it's easy to tell which is which, and fans of the novels will recognize all of their favorite villains.
Yahoo's Inspector Parker is an online version of the board game Clue, tasking players with discovering which person was in which room with what weapon.
Once all the rooms are matched up with the correct person and weapon, it is revealed who the murderer is and you move on to a more difficult level.
The weapon and people tiles are all color coded and different enough from each other that it's easy to tell which is which.
Comparison shopping is your greatest weapon.
Accessories are a must have beauty weapon for lengthy hair.
Modifications may necessary to create a life-size replica of a weapon using origami techniques.
Learn how to make the weapon of your choice by picking the tutorial medium, from diagrams to videos, that is easiest for you to understand.
Due to concerns about student violence, many schools have blanket policies that will result in suspension or expulsion for a student who brings any device that looks like a weapon to school.