Wean Sentence Examples
Further, an alliance with the House of Habsburg might be expected to wean the Germans from all thought of gaining succour from that quarter.
It is best to wean off Ionamin under the instruction of your physician.
If a school age child seems distressed about his or her thumb sucking, the parent may want to suggest ways in which they can work together to wean the child from the thumb.
The extreme severity of his rule repelled the Bohemians, whom he vainly strove to wean from their national customs and pagan rites.
Many pediatricians encourage parents to wean their babies off of the bottle by the time they are one year old.
They will begin to play with their littermates for longer periods of time.Although the kittens will continue to nurse, the mother cat will begin to wean the kittens by the end of the week.
This way your body can slowly wean itself off the drug, and you experience fewer nicotine withdrawal symptoms.
Building trust in your relationship is one of the best things to wean thoughts of jealousy.
Ah wondered when ma da was gonnae start his speil aboot the wean bein the new lama.
Normally, a baby is willing to wean between 9-18 months.
AdvertisementA kitten receives immunities from its mother's milk until it's time to wean.
Could and would I be willing to wean Cappy off his valium, just to really see if this could work?
After the college fairs are over and the recommendations from your college counselor wean down, it is important to use another objective source to find the right school for you.
Use 3. Let the foresight of this glorious estate wean thee from all inordinate affections to human and earthly glory.
Jamie Oliver was trying to wean children away from eating chips, pizza, burgers and turkey twizzlers on to healthier recipes.
AdvertisementHe shuffled fae wan foot tae the ither, lookin at the lamas, who stood smilin at the wean in the cradle.
Instead, slowly wean yourself from the substance until you're only drinking one or two caffeinated beverages each day.
Nicotine medication helps you wean your body off the drug by decreasing the physical effects of nicotine withdrawal.
The withdrawal symptoms with buprenorphrine are milder than vicodin; this helps your body wean itself off the vicodin.
This process helps wean the smoker from nicotine slowly.
AdvertisementThe medication works like morphine and it can help wean opiate-addicted patients.
After you wean your baby, you may find your breasts are a little smaller and droopier whether or not you wore a bra.
Peter, then a youth of seventeen, married her on the 27th of January 1689 at the command of his mother, who hoped to wean him from the wicked ways of the German suburb of Moscow by wedding him betimes to a lady who was as pious as she was beautiful.
Online, Lohan is "undergoing a rigorous detox program to help wean her of multiple addictions to alcohol and drugs, including the powerful painkiller OxyContin."
The herb does not cause sleepiness upon waking, and can be helpful for anyone attempting to wean off benzodiazepine medications.
AdvertisementWhen your baby is 6-months-old, you can start giving him a cup, but wait to completely wean your baby until he is about 9-months-old.
Her personal charms were not potent enough to wean Charles away from the society of his mistresses, and in a few weeks after her arrival she became aware of her painful and humiliating position as the wife of the selfish and licentious king.