We Sentence Examples
What time are we going to leave tomorrow?
We must not be late.
We have some cold days, but mostly it is warm.
I wish we had never come here.
We wouldn't grow under ground, I'm sure.
We love our parents, siblings and friends.
If we keep cool and moist, and meet with no accidents, we often live for five years.
We just found out.
I am not saying we live in a utopia.
Why should we bother?
AdvertisementThere were no stairs in their houses, because they did not need them, but on a level surface they generally walked just as we do.
We are all early.
We could say he has excellent taste.
Why should we expect that to change?
We commonly do not remember that it is, after all, always the first person that is speaking.
AdvertisementWe both wanted a baby.
I guess my life isn't very interesting to other people, but Alex and I like the way we live.
If we do not...
Sometimes we go out to eat.
And this man was saying we were going to the moon in a rocket ship made of metals we hadn't even invented.
AdvertisementYes, we have many horses.
That's when we all do things together.
You fell asleep alright, but we didn't get that far.
If we have once seen, "the day is ours, and what the day has shown."
We all paraded downstairs.
AdvertisementWe should live in all the ages of the world in an hour; ay, in all the worlds of the ages.
Will we see any dolphins, Dad?
But I guess if we have, it's no worse than having a child out of wedlock.
Let's go do the chores one last time before we leave.
Inspired, perhaps, by Master Gobbler's success, we carried off to the woodpile a cake which the cook had just frosted, and ate every bit of it.
We wouldn't want them to think we were doing anything immoral.
We were all getting worried about you.
Can we swim in it?
We've been married for nearly five years, and we just made love.
We'd better get the kids ready.
We'll have to be careful about that with the new baby.
We're going to take you to the hospital.
I only meant it would be good to get out of the house, no matter what we went to see.
We haven't decided yet.
We're almost out of the sand.
We're going to stay here for the night.
We all believe you, Howie.
The longer Howie spoke on the phone, the more I felt guilty that we were manipulating him into a parlor game at the expense of his privacy.
You should take notes in case we forget some detail.
In the first place, I tell you we have no right to question the Emperor about that, and secondly, if the Russian nobility had that right, the Emperor could not answer such a question.
We are Russians and will not grudge our blood in defense of our faith, the throne, and the Fatherland!
On Christmas Eve, we sit in front of the fire and take turns reading Christmas stories.
I think we already are.
I guess there's nothing we can do here.
We'd better go in the back way or Mom will have my hide.
Thanks, now why don't you get dressed and we'll go out to dinner and a movie or something.
Well, we finally have the chance to be alone.
As a matter of fact, I think we're on completely different planets.
We were all together.
But finals are coming up, and we're likely to be distracted...
I made myself comfortable on the sofa, my arm around Betsy, as we all waited for him to continue.
Today, we leave this rustic life and move to the city.
We were clearing dishes, before he spoke.
Quinn reacted as we'd grown to expect but Howie's visions became our afternoon project.
You can take notes, just in case we forget something.
The phone was in the kitchen and we gave Howie privacy.
Howie kept us in suspense until we assumed our seats around the table.
We are somewhere in the middle of the earth, and the chances are we'll reach the other side of it before long.
But don't let us worry over such things, Zeb; we can't help ourselves just now, you know, and I've always been told it's foolish to borrow trouble.
But even old Jim has been saying things since we had our accident.
In this quake a big crack opened and we fell through--horse and buggy, and all--and the stones got loose and came down with us.
We only know that yesterday came a Rain of Stones upon us, which did much damage and injured some of our people.
We are quite solid inside our bodies, and have no need to eat, any more than does a potato.
Those colored suns are exactly in the same place they were when we came, and if there is no sunset there can be no night.
When we were fortunate enough to find a nest I never allowed her to carry the eggs home, making her understand by emphatic signs that she might fall and break them.
We lived a long way from any school for the blind or the deaf, and it seemed unlikely that any one would come to such an out-of-the-way place as Tuscumbia to teach a child who was both deaf and blind.
I think that we may safely trust a good deal more than we do.
We wanted liberty, but Buonaparte has destroyed it.
We will show Europe how Russia rises to the defense of Russia!
We'll take care of them together.
No, not too far, but the party is tonight, so we need to stay close.
That's unusual, I know, but we both like it that way.
Sometimes Alex and Jonathan play soccer, and sometimes we all go for a ride in the buggy.
Thanks, I know we can count on you, Katie, but I think she'll be more comfortable staying at our house.
We ate supper and put the rest in the refrigerator for you.
We actually have four children now.
Sure. We'll be in after a little bit.
We can handle this job by ourselves.
Speaking of your mother, we'd better go in so she doesn't worry.
I hoped we could go for a walk.
How far do you think we've traveled?
I thought we came out here to look over the country.
Well, maybe we both did a little.
We both agree that you need to get out of this place for a while.
Because we barely know each other.
Why don't we all eat out on the patio?
He's going to take me to where we left my car last night.
Alright. We'll do it your way... but be careful.
If she had asked about the building when we passed it, I might have figured she had never seen it, but she pretended she didn't notice.
We were getting along so well.
It's a part of me, and if we're going to have anything together, you're going to have to accept it.
One day we were out, so I put some powdered sugar in a bag.
My, aren't we in a good mood tonight.
It's a good thing we're all so darn sweet.
Otherwise we'd be doomed to spinstership.
I can pick you up at the hospital after work and we can spend the night up there.
We're all holding down jobs and going to school, Dad.
It wasn't that easy, either - and we're still in the barn.
We'd better get back to the apartment.
We've got some hot chocolate on the stove.
Still, don't you think we should get to know each other a little better?
We're not fooling around, you know.
Can't we wait 'till tomorrow?
I guess we'll see.
Yeah, who'd ever know we were engaged?
I thought maybe we could get married and live here.
Then, when we have kids, Mom could watch them.
We sure could use you.
We could get married in Ashley and take the stage back.
We just got back about an hour ago.
We used to be so close.
We have a beautiful house and lots of parties.
Why don't we go out for pizza tonight?
If you were trying to ask me to marry you, why did you act that way after we...
I guess we both lacked experience.
It's so nice not to listen to police sirens and taxies honking their horns but I'm afraid we might have woken Howie up earlier.
We heard him come downstairs and when he didn't return, I came down to check on him.
We were both soaked by the time we reached him.
We shook ourselves dry on the porch and returned to the warmth of the cabin.
Martha had a plate full of pancakes ready so we all sat around the large table.
Perhaps we could help you to work it out.
We all readily agreed.
We never travelled much except to come up here to New Hampshire a few times.
We're here for him, whatever his decision.
For a start we could have him take a nap up there while we fix lunch.
If nothing happens, we can eliminate one possibility.
If Betsy and I were forced to share it, we wouldn't get much sleep.
We discussed my non-happening over chicken salad and cheese soup.
We asked about buildings; there were none, only corn in the four fields separated by the cross roads.
We stopped briefly for a fast food lunch.
We all know that was impossible.
Our little group anguished over our decision once we were back together, alternating between chastising and applauding what we'd done.
We'd be accusing people of serious crimes!
We're just pointing the police in a direction.
You all contribute to what we're doing.
We are all vegetable, in this country.
I wonder why it is that we can walk so easily in the air.
Only a fairy country could have veg'table people; and only in a fairy country could Eureka and Jim talk as we do.
But we can't live long in this cavern, that's certain.
We were lucky to get away from those dreadful vegetable people.
We couldn't find a prettier place, I'm sure.
At last James Hogg said, "It's of no use; all we can do is to go home and tell the master that we have lost his whole flock."
We have, in fact, envisioned a better world and have made it happen.
When I was about five years old we moved from the little vine-covered house to a large new one.
Some of you, we all know, are poor, find it hard to live, are sometimes, as it were, gasping for breath.
Hippocrates has even left directions how we should cut our nails; that is, even with the ends of the fingers, neither shorter nor longer.
They have decided that Buonaparte has burnt his boats, and I believe that we are ready to burn ours.
How is it that we women don't want anything of the kind, don't need it?
Have we fo'gotten the waising of the militia in the yeah 'seven?
But to judge what is best--conscription or the militia--we can leave to the supreme authority....
That is the least we can do!
We can stop right here if you want, Carmen.
Sometimes we have to accept change, if we want to move forward.
Why don't we go out for supper tonight - just us and the kids?
Of course, if you prefer, we can wait until you come home from work and make it a fun family event.
We also have a couple of wild asses.
Jonathan and I will make sure we fill her in on anything she missed.
Well, whatever we do, I'd like to do it as a family.
I know, we've been all through this before - but I still don't understand.
I think we've both had a lot on our minds lately.
I was thinking about buying a new vehicle and wondered if we had the money, so I looked at his financial information on the computer.
Aunt Paulette, (we all called her Aunt Paulie) married a real estate agent and moved to Arkansas.
When we were in Texas, I got the feeling that Señor Medena loved Alex - that he was saddened by the way Alex rejected him.
We'll go, then, and I promise to keep my hands to myself.
A little, why don't we go in and I'll make us some coffee?
We're on the way to get my car.
We just turned off the highway, so we'll be there pretty soon.
I don't even think he realizes we're females.
None of us would win a beauty contest, would we?
We're probably the only roommates in Tulsa with such old fashioned rules.
If you want to wait until I get off work, I'll try to leave a little early so we won't get back so late.
I'm just tired of the labels we slap on people who think independent of the 'in' crowd.
I want to take you out to the north pasture before we leave today.
A few weeks ago we were only friends, and now...
We couldn't afford an apartment right now - even with the two of us.
Only we really never broke the rules.
Yeah. Why don't we go up and show it to Mom and Dad today?
We thought maybe you could convince him to go, or at least look at him.
Are we going to have one of these relationships where we have to constantly prove our love to each other?
We've got to let him go.
We can run another test, if you wish.
By the smug look on her face, we surmised the letter had to include the answers that were needed.
We'll get down to the details.
Last time we talked, you sounded like you never wanted to see me again.
Whose goals are we talking about here, mine or yours?
I'm saying what we had together was more important than what I have now.
Wherever we go, I can find a job to fit my goals.
That way we'll never get lost from each other again.
It looks like we've got company.
We're already late getting started on account of him and the saddle bum will probably use up another half-hour of daylight eating our food.
We're short handed so you wind up taking care of your own team and wagon.
If we all treated you like one of the guys, wouldn't you be a little disappointed?
If you guys are through socializing, we'd better get moving.
We found a family massacred a few days ago.
We'll discuss that later.
But we're here, all the same.
We've taken you for granted, haven't we?
I'll show you where we can get some water.
Why didn't we camp here?
We're close enough, and our camp sight will give us a little protection from the coming storm.
We'll have to stay here until it lets up.
We can be married in Ashley.
Is it necessary to have someone say words over us, when we already know what we want?
Neither do I - and we should.
What ever happens, we're in this together.
She fell in love with a trapper and he took her back to what we all describe as civilization.
Make me a list of the things we would need and I'll take you into town.
We're not talking over a thousand dollars, are we?
Between the two of us we ought to be able to carry them down to that room.
Let's go by and take a look at your truck while we're in town.
Should we bandage it?
Oh, we disagree now and then, but we never come to blows.
I mean it wasn't like we didn't have the money to buy clothes or anything like that.
Who are we to suggest that it's wrong?
You know, Cindy, we could...
They carry these at the store where we always shop.
Why don't I pack a lunch so we can go down to the pond for a picnic?
We could stop by and pick her up.
We'll talk when you cool off and get yourself together.
We have a lot of left-overs and Scruffy is getting ridiculously fat.
We can't let it happen again. she stammered.
But what we do with our time after work is strictly between the two of us.
If it's that important to you, I guess we could try a few guests.
I just convinced myself we were going to make it right.
Does that mean we can't indulge in a little innocent affection now and then?
Otherwise, it's just as well we never see each other again.
We're going somewhere else to talk.
Why is it that you can only remember my first name when we're making love?
Here, get yourself together and we'll go in and get a marriage license.
And then that day we rode together.
Let's get married as soon as we can.
We'll hear him the same as when he's in here, but he won't be disturbed by us when we talk.
The pure uniqueness of what we did virtually demands that there exist somewhere a record of what transpired and the terrible toll the results exerted on those of us involved.
We were rolling in euphoria when an old friend from my Amherst, Massachusetts childhood telephoned with an invitation to visit her family cabin in New Hampshire.
Betsy and I agreed as we were eager to share our news with someone.
It began with a glance as we passed each other the first time, a smile the next two or three laps, and then a pretend rest stop.
We chatted briefly, agreed to have coffee and have been nearly inseparable ever sense.
Each of us maintains our own apartment, but when Betsy is in town, we spend most nights together.
So after a cab ride to the airport rental agency, we escaped the fumes of Manhattan on an August Friday noon and joined the city escapees heading north.
While my relationship with Martha LeBlanc, nee Rossi, dated back to our play pen years and kindergarten days, lately we've hiked different paths, reducing our contact to Christmas cards and once a month phone calls.
While Martha is my kindred spirit, Quinn and I always got along fairly well the few times we're all gotten together.
I filled Betsy in on our hosts as we maneuvered the country roads of New England.
We were directed by a friendly voice on our GPS, a previously unused present from my retired parents.
Jane, our GPS, as Betsy named her, didn't let us down and we found our friend's cabin at the end of a dusty road, hungry for dinner after a six hour drive.
Hugs, intros and congratulations followed as we emerged from the car.
We were cowboy and Indian kids, living in an imagination paradise of rocks and trees and dirt, with her leading the way.
There are three small rooms upstairs but we'll explain about them later.
I dug in a tub of iced beer and Quinn and I toasted the two cans as we sat back on Adirondack chairs to enjoy the late afternoon.
We're very happy together.
Everyone back in high school figured you and Martha we're the pair.
He's only here until Sunday night when we drop him off in Boston for his flight back to the west coast.
Quinn added, We didn't want to wake him, or be talking about him while he might overhear.
We'll let Martha and Betsy alone to get acquainted.
Betsy was alone on the porch but as we approached, Martha opened the screen door, her arm around a frail looking man, about five-seven, who wore an off-center toupee and a fragile smile.
Oblivious as we were at the time, this meeting of the five of us was the beginning of a relationship that fused our lives together in a way we never would have imagined.
After introductions we gathered around the oak table to get acquainted as more beer and wine flowed.
We paused before digging in.
We chipped in clearing the table and cleaning the dishes.
We chatted amicably around the oak table, laughing at each other's stories.
He played along with her banter but it was interesting to see he was savoring everything she said like the good wine we were sharing.
We had yet to see the second floor bedrooms.
After shaking the dice again, for turns in the single bathroom, we climbed the stairs to our rooms.
We started our lovemaking slowly, allowing the others in nearby bedrooms time to fall asleep.
She began to moan and sunk her nails into my back until we finally flopped back in exhaustion.
The words weren't out of my mouth when we heard his door open and footsteps retreating down the hall.
From the porch we could see the huddled figure of Howie Abbott sitting under a large red umbrella on the edge of the pier.
We searched unsuccessfully for a map of the West Virginia.
He reiterated his concern about anyone outside our group learning of what we were doing.
When Howie ran dry, we began discussing reasonable explanations for what he was seeing.
Granted, that's a step in the right direction but we still wouldn't know if the scene Howie saw actually occurred.
Quinn is packing up the power sources as we speak and the plants will be destroyed as part of the test.
We don't know if the cause is the power sources, some or more of the plants or the room itself.
We don't know if Quinn's paraphernalia has anything to do with your dreams.
A third of the time, we're sleeping!
We plodded our way through dinner but the disappointment of the bad news phone call weighted on everyone's mind.
Howie and I were relegated to shucking more corn and cutting up strawberries on the covered front porch as we watched the rain continue to fall.
Howie was quiet for several minutes as we finished our chores.
We updated him on our experiment but his mind was elsewhere.
We briefly discussed tomorrow's half-day activities now that the weather had improved but our collective hearts weren't in it.
Quinn, surprised we were still clinging to our project, slumped down in an easy chair, journals in hand.
We assumed our now familiar positions with Howie changed into pajamas and robe.
Explanation of our lack of success was unnecessary and we all retired for the night.
We spent our remaining time in New Hampshire with no mention of his visions.
We were an hour into our drive south before I broached the subject, asking her about the tete-a-tete.
We managed the weekend in between together, mostly catching up on domestic chores; Friday night in the downstairs laundry room of my apartment.
On Saturday we took in a Broadway show and Sunday a baseball game.
Between times we made plans for a trip to Iowa where I'd meet my in-laws for the first time and we'd firm up plans for our October wedding, to be held on Betsy's home turf.
The adults were off someplace and we got a little drunk, I guess.
We talked about celibacy and all the stuff he'd miss.
That's why we couldn't find it.
Neither of us mentioned the subject since we left New Hampshire.
We could rent one.
We wouldn't exactly be alone.
We firmed plans although it meant my cancelling a night out with a coworker.
We were tip toeing toward something impossible and it made me nervous.
While he exuded honesty and sincerity, we barely knew the man.
He may have spent time there or read about the place; we only had his word to the contrary.
Two blocks away we found a dark spot that catered to happy hour regulars.
No; we promised to maintain your privacy but is that the best course?
We dined at a small Mexican restaurant and spent the meal discussing general topics.
Betsy wants to leave by seven tomorrow morning so we won't get back too late.
We breakfasted and were on the road by the agreed time.
The trip took us out of the District on the Maryland side as we headed west through picturesque rolling hills and farm lands.
We were forced to stop on three different occasions as Howie, a back seat passenger, became frequently nauseous.
Finally, approaching noon, we crossed over a wide stream.
We motored by moderately maintained modest houses and empty spaces before turning onto the main street.
We followed behind him.
We took seats on an old leather sofa and side chair while our hostess sat behind the desk that dominated the room.
We asked if there was anyone around who might still be living who would remember that far back.
I heard we had a nice museum in the cellar.
After leaving the town, we drove around the surrounding countryside in hopes Howie my spot one of the scenes of his other visions.
We all had for too much on our minds.
At six o'clock we pulled off the highway and found a family style restaurant in a small Maryland town.
We dropped Howie off at his hotel as he gushed his thanks.
We took full advantage of our opportunity.
Quinn will think were requesting something like a séance or spiritual encounter but if we don't humor Howie, he'll be devastated.
We hashed out a possible way to move forward.
Betsy would be home from her road trip and together we'd take on Quinn.
We're just beginning to understand their impact on nature and the universe.
We're infusing different charges on different forms of flora.
That's true but the electrostatic attraction is something we're just beginning to understand.
We do know as a result of earlier tests EA, as we call it, is also part of the lure.
We're working to determine how large a part it represents.
We could hear Quinn's sigh.
As any dream sessions needed to take place in Massachusetts where Quinn's test items were now located, we decided Martha was best suited as coordinator of the event.
We assumed Howie would beg for the five of us to be in attendance.
We'd drive Peabody, Massachusetts, two weeks before our wedding.
We gave only limited thought to the upcoming session as our pre wedding trip and plans took precedence in our hectic schedule.
Peabody was two hundred and thirty miles and we arrived at our destination a little after eleven on Friday night, after nearly six hours of steady traffic.
Everyone was tired so after perfunctory greetings over a single glass of wine for those of us drinking, we retreated to our sleeping quarters.
It seemed to me we were all on edge, especially Howie who, aside from a smile and a few words, stayed out of our limited conversations.
We don't have an extra bed but there's a roll out cot down there.
We agreed the set up was adequate and thanked him for his efforts.
We descended the basement stairs leaving Quinn alone in the kitchen.
We all climbed the stairs as Quinn greeted us.
We spent the next hour quizzing Howie to try and determine the location he "visited" with Martha taking copious notes while the questions flew.
When we exhausted the subject, Betsy rose and took the floor.
We don't even know if the plants have anything to do with it.
When I rose and asked if we were ready to begin another session, he was eager to join us on our trek to the basement.
When we'd finished, he remained with the women instead of retreating upstairs.
We commenced another session without even bothering to go upstairs.
We were pensive as we tried to fathom what was occurring.
We gave him our assurances we'd not violate his trust though I thought Betsy's suggestion was reasonable.
We conducted one more test before lunch.
For the first time, I felt we all sensed we might be on to something highly significant.