Wayside Sentence Examples
Then would their children grow stately as noble trees, and their thoughts sweet and pure as wayside flowers.
The signboard of a wayside inn near Goring Heath in Oxfordshire long bore a portrait of the king with couplets reciting how his majesty "drank from the bowl, and bowl'd for what he drank."
The legend of his choice is that Nanak with his followers was going on a journey, when they saw the dead body of a man lying by the wayside.
One of the most interesting topics of study is the trails along which the seasonal and annual migrations of tribes occurred, becoming in Peru the paved road, with suspension bridges and wayside inns, or tambos.
A wayside cross is located at the junction of Potter Lane.
Two or three times we stopped to rest under a tree by the wayside.
There was no more wayside preaching, but instead there were conventicula occulta in houses, in peasants' huts, in sawpits and in field ditches, where the Bible was read and exhortations were given, and so Lollardy continued..
That all went by the wayside when I discovered astrology, which then took over my life completely.
Holy Sepulcher was not built as a parish church, but as a wayside chapel, or oratory.
Many large construction schemes had fallen to the wayside as a result of diverse policy changes made by successive Governments.
AdvertisementWhen he did in some measure find himself again, r, he gave to the world his charming Tales of a Wayside Inn (1863), and in 1865 his Household Poems. Among the latter is a poem entitled "The Children's Hour," which affords a glance into the home life of the widowed poet, who had been left with five children - two sons, Ernest and Charles, and three daughters, "Grave Alice, and laughing Allegra, And Edith with golden hair."
In extended composition, as when he followed Longfellow's Tales of a Wayside Inn with his own Tent on the Beach, he often failed to rival his graceful brother poet.
He was being conducted to London to be tried in parliament, when his two greatest enemies, Thomas of Lancaster and Guy, earl of Warwick, took him out of the hands of his escort, and beheaded him by the wayside without any legal authority or justification.
Retail has suffered a downturn in recent years, with some big names falling to the wayside.
Adjoining the ancient church where three roads meet, the Blacksmiths Arms is a warm, convivial wayside inn.
AdvertisementAnother two fell by the wayside after a quick shimmy and then he stroked the ball into the net.
Why have they fallen by the wayside on the modern internet?
United have slipped by the wayside, fallen behind, dare we say it, become third rate.
Of these three, one can definitely be cast by the wayside and at least one other is of dubious value.
The country in general is a fern paradise, and the iridescent creeping Selaginella (akin to Lycopodium) festoons the undergrowth by the wayside.
AdvertisementWe fall by the wayside at times because we are not perfect in our present state of human consciousness.
Happily we reached a wayside inn, The Mad Axeman, some miles on.
Kings Langley Common, with its wayside cottages, still survives within the settlement.
I think of a grief that would not fit in wayside flowers, a box in the Evening Post.
As boss politicians fell by the wayside in the post-war years, the old-fashioned Daley machine lived on.
AdvertisementDigital camcorders are the wave of the future, continuing to increase in popularity as the old technology of analog video cameras falls to the wayside.
Unfortunately, that special "me time" devoted strictly to beauty and pampering can often get shoved by the wayside in the process.
Vests are currently in vogue, as wearing cummerbunds falls to the wayside.
One of the lesser-known reasons for birth names of celebrities to go by the wayside is the potential for conflict within the Screen Actors Guild (SAG).
Thunberg first found this plant in Japan, growing in great abundance in ditches by the wayside.
Whereas spikes have gone to the wayside and are primarily reserved for those emulating a punk look, the mohawk has stayed mainstream and has crossed all genres.
Workbooks also make a great summer activity for those months when you might not be "schooling" but don't want newly budding reading skills to fall by the wayside.
In a world filled with skimpy bikinis and daring thong bottoms, it's easy for sexy one piece swimsuits to fall by the wayside.
There is always this concern that with the introduction of new technologies, the older simpler items will get tossed to the wayside, and in many ways, this argument has proven to have little or no merit.
It may sound silly, but small gestures of love are the things that can easily fall by the wayside as you become more bound to each other.
In our fast-paced lives, family communication often falls to the wayside.
This is where many would-be tattoo artists fall by the wayside - they give up and seek traditional employment.
The two-page resume or CV is beginning to fall to the wayside.
Although the practice of leaving a card behind when you visit a friend or acquaintance has fallen by the wayside, exchanging business cards remains as essential as a firm handshake when meeting someone new.
Without great teamwork everything else, including stunts, jumps, cheers and routines, falls by the wayside.
The next thing you know, your fitness routine has fallen by the wayside.
In the early 1900s, that style of corset went by the wayside to make room for the invention of the modern-day brassiere and girdle.
Come on, in this day and age, the stigma that was once attached to very intimate lingerie has fallen by the wayside.
Thus he traversed France, avoiding all ceremony, entering towns by back streets, receiving ambassadors in wayside huts, dining in public houses, enjoying the loose manners and language of his associates, and incidentally learning at first hand the condition of his people and the possibilities of using or taxing them - his needs of them rather than theirs of him.
Holcus lanatus (Yorkshire fog, soft grass) is a common meadow and wayside grass with woolly or downy leaves.
He converted the church porch into a wayside shrine where people could write their requests for prayers in a book.
The longer it takes to spread, the greater the number of children who will get left by the wayside.
Like we mortal humans, many of these cars have gone by the wayside, whilst others have survived.
Social and environmental rights and sustainability considerations must not be dropped by the wayside during efforts to reach economic goals.