Ways Sentence Examples
There are thousands of ways to be smart.
The Internet has allowed for the creation of thousands of new ways to give, both time and money.
Online, people are constantly thinking up new ways to share with others.
As each of us spent five full days a week together, we agreed to go our own ways on weekends, establishing an outside life.
You fulfill me in so many ways I never dreamed of, this isn't that big a deal.
Once the promise of this world comes to be, new ways will be created to measure even more data.
Alex is a lot like his father in some ways.
But you are alike in some ways.
You know Cade; you could make a profit off this ranch other ways than running cattle.
He was history, in more ways than one.
AdvertisementThey've got all kinds of newfangled ways of digging up the past.
Donnie's entrance seemed to brighten Edith's morning as she clucked over him, cautioning him about the perils of his undertaking in a dozen different ways, all the while ignoring father Donald who'd fled from her bed the night before.
Two women couldn't room together for fifteen years and, in some ways, remain virtual strangers.
Gabriel will indoctrinate you to our ways, teach you to feed properly.
Jackson proceeded to pleasure her in ways she had never experienced, asking nothing of her.
AdvertisementShe gave him his love of music and schooled him in all the proper ways a noble man should behave.
Better microscopes gave us more information, more ways to unlock the secrets of life.
He was such a wonderful person in so many ways.
The former of these ways is followed by the very skilful and intelligent blowers in Sweden, who, with the temperature and all other conditions well under control, and with their minds set on the quality rather than on the quantity of their product, can thus make steel of any desired carbon-content from o io to 1.25%.
The methods of cultivation and manufacture followed there differ in many ways from those of the other large producing countries, but the industry has been fairly successful throughout its history.
AdvertisementThese are prepared by cutting down and burning the jungle, which is afterwards hoed, lined and staked in parallel rows running both ways.
Pascal solved the hitherto refractory problem of the general quadrature of the cycloid, and proposed and solved a variety of others relating to the centre of gravity of the curve and its segments, and to the volume and centre of gravity of solids of revolution generated in various ways by means of it.
The ditches may be filled in one or other of several different ways.
The latter is in many ways the most complete statement of the facts at present published.
The increase of trade and a system of taxation provided the governing body with funds, which were used to fortify the city and in other ways to make life and property more secure.
AdvertisementThe Essenes, while clinging to what they held to be original Mosaism, yet conceived and practised their ancestral faith in ways which showed distinct traces of syncretism, or the operation of influences foreign to Judaism proper.
Heights have been calculated in various less direct ways, by observing for instance the angular altitude of the summit of an arc and the angular interval between its extremities, and then making some assumption such as that the portion visible to an observer may be treated as a circle whose centre lies over the so-called auroral pole.
The mean height calculated at Arctic stations, where careful observations have been made, in this or analogous ways, has varied from 58 km.
In these ways Maximilian proved himself a capable and energetic ruler, although his plans for making Austria into a kingdom, or an electorate, were abortive.
At the beginning of 1877 a secret understanding had been made between the two powers, by which Russia undertook not to annex any territory, and in other ways not to take steps which would be injurious to Austria.
In this, as in other ways, the Germans in Austria have been much influenced by the course of events in the German empire.
But Roman ascendancy nowhere crushed out Greek life where it already existed, and in some ways it strengthened it.
The war is instructive in many ways.
This way of speaking would imply that Agyrium had so far advanced in Greek ways as to run the usual course of a Greek commonwealth.
The new paper, though attractive in many ways, and full of force and fire, was too far ahead of public sentiment on moral questions to win a large support.
Many of them seem to have rejected a belief in immortality and in a personal God, and in many ways they resemble the Brethren of the Free Spirit in the 14th century.
Already before Alexander pan-hellenic feeling had in various ways overridden the internal divisions of the Greek race, but now, with the vast mingling of Greeks of all sorts in the newlyconquered lands, a generalized Greek culture in which the old local characteristics were merged, came to overspread the world.
Crocodiles are caught in various ways, - for instance, with two pointed sticks, which are fastened crosswise within the bait, an animal's entrails, to which is attached a rope.
A secondary road branched off through the Wadi Tumilat, whence the ways ran northwards to Syria and southwards to Sinai.
In the mass they were a body of patient laborers, tilling a rich soil, and hating all foreign lands and ways.
Later theories symbolized Re in many whc erent ways.
The aim of the artist-scribe was to arrange his variously aped characters into square groups, and this could be done in great measure by taking advantage of the different ways in which many words could be spelt.
Opposed to European ways, Abbas lived in great seclusion, and after a reign of less than six years he was murdered (July 1854) by two of his slaves.
Every child is bound to attend the parish school at least from the seventh to the thirteenth year, unless the parents can prove that it receives suitable instruction in other ways.
In particular the suppression of the monasteries benefited the crown in two ways.
We come now to what is in many ways the most interesting of Alfred's works, his translation of Boethius' Consolation of Philosophy, the most popular philosophical manual of the middle ages.
The churches are in full communion with one another, and act together in many ways; missionary jurisdictions and dioceses are mapped out by common arrangement, and even transferred if it seems advisable; e.g.
Little else has been recorded of their ways.
The king declared him loyal, and a statute was passed freeing him from any penalties which he might have incurred under the Statute of Provisors or in other ways.
Growth in length is effected in a variety of ways.
The mixing may be effected in several ways.
He put out the eyes of his uncle, Donald Ban, and in unsaintly ways established the dynasty of the English St Margaret and of the Celtic Malcolm.
A truce till 1354 was arranged between England, France and Scotland, while the country strove to raise the royal ransom, and David, who preferred English ways to those of his own kingdom, acknowledged Edward III.
This attack by a Catholic queen on the leader of the Catholic party has been explained in various ways.
Mary, according to Ruthven's published account, had herself unconstitutionally named the executive committee of parliament, the Lords of the Articles, who were usually elected in various ways by the Estates themselves.
It would not be difficult to show that the reaction in the i 8th century against literary and class affectation - however editorial and bookish it was in the choice of subjects and forms - was in reality a re-expression of the old themes in the old ways, which had never been forgotten, even when Middle Scots, Jacobean and early 18th-century verse-fashions were strongest.
In 1883 he was appointed secretary to the ministry of ways and communications.
His zeal, conscientiousness and energy were so universally recognized, that on the retirement of Gabor Kemeny, in 1886, he was appointed minister of ways and communications.
The amalgamation of the ministry of commerce with the ministry of ways in 1889 further enabled Baross to realize his great idea of making the trade of Hungary independent of foreign influences, of increasing the commercial productiveness of the kingdom and of gaining every possible advantage for her export trade by a revision of tolls.
The old organism is more stable and responds in obvious ways to direct assaults from without; the young organism is at once less stable and more profoundly modified by environmental change, replying in terms less easy to predict from knowledge of the nature and amount of the impinging agency.
Differential fertility may be induced in either of two ways.
There are many ways in which a whipper-in who is not intelligent and alert may spoil sport; indeed, the duke of Beaufort went so far as to declare that "in his experience, with very few exceptions, nine days out of ten that the whipper-in goes out hunting he does more harm than good."
His tenure of the deanery of Westminster was memorable in many ways.
The architectural details are in some cases unmistakably copied, without intentional modification, from the architecture of Greek temples; others point perhaps to Persian influence, while several - which are perhaps among the early works of this period - show the old freedom and power of employing in new and original ways details partly learned from abroad.
When two thinkers of such eminence (probably the two greatest ethical thinkers of antiquity) have arrived independently at this strange"--conclusion, have agreed in ascribing to cravings, felt in this life, so great, and to us so inconceivable, a power over the future life, we may well hesitate before we condemn the idea as intrinsically absurd, and we may take note of the important fact that, given similar conditions, similar stages in the development of religious belief, men's thoughts, even in spite of the most unquestioned individual originality, tend though they may never produce exactly the same results, to work in similar ways.
A highly-educated man (according to the education current at the time), speaking constantly to men of similar education, he followed the literary habit of his day by embodying his doctrines in set phrases (sutras), on which he enlarged, on different occasions, in different ways.
During this long period of legislative activity he served in the House on the committees on elections, ways and means, and appropriations, took a prominent part in the anti-slavery and reconstruction measures during and after the Civil War, in tariff legislation, and in the establishment of a fish commission and the inauguration of daily weather reports.
But even what may be considered as common experiences have affected the individual islands in different ways; in the matter of population, for instance, Corfu has undergone much more important modifications than Ithaca.
In the year of his accession he abolished an old edict concerning the censorship. He also furthered in many ways the internal administration of the state, and especially that of the finances.
Agur's dictum is one of pious agnosticism directed, apparently, against certain theologians who talked as if they were well acquainted with the ways of God.
The various ways in which this special style could be modified by the scale of the work, and contrasted with the broader and more elaborate parts, gave the Mass (even in its merely technical aspects) a range which made it to the 16th-century composer what the symphony is to the great instrumental classics.
This familiarity with the facts of art, though neither deep nor historical, gave a freshness to his lectures on aesthetics, which, as put together from the notes of 1820, 1823, 1826, are in many ways the most successful of his efforts.
In the house he was continuously a member of the ways and means committee (of which he was chairman in 1865-1867), and in the Senate of the finance committee (of which he was chairman in 1877-1879,1881-1893and 1893-1898).
Soon after entering Congress he became the acknowledged leader of the protectionists, and at the request of John Sherman, then chairman of the ways and means committee, he prepared a new tariff bill, which was introduced in the house in March 1860.
Under the older conception the order had been Sorrow (Contritio), Confession, Satisfaction (or due manifestation of sorrow in ways prescribed) and Absolution.
But Luther, rightly or wrongly, believed that of the two ways in which wrongs can be spt right - the way of war and the path of peace - the latter is the only sure road in the long run.
This year, 1525, saw the parting of the ways in the movement for reform.
If, however, the action of the chlorine on the sodium hydrate is prevented, which can be done in various ways, they can both be collected in the isolated state and utilized as has been previously described, viz.
John Tillotson, one of his predecessors in the archbishopric, was a favourite hero of his, and in some ways the two men resembled one another.
A Berber woman has in many ways a better position than her Arab sister.
In many respects no two men could be more unlike than Severus, the scholar and orator, well versed in the ways of the world, and Martin, the rough Pannonian bishop,.
He was a "strong" speaker in his control of the proceedings, and he developed an organized committee system, making the majority of the Committee on Rules consist of the speaker and chairman of the committees on ways and means and on appropriations.
Scientifically speaking, bhang consists of the dried leaves and small stalks, with a few fruits; ganja of the flowering and fruiting heads of the female plant; while charas is the resin itself, collected in various ways as it naturally exudes.
They are administered in three separate ways - as guaranteed, state or assisted lines.
Hindus wind the pagri in various ways as described for Mussulmans, but the angles are formed over the ears and not from front to back.
Some people's bodies break in ways that we don't understand.
They looked a lot alike in some ways.
As if she hadn't been a burden in enough ways, now she had Mrs. Giddon upset with him.
They slid down the hill a ways until they could stand without being seen.
If he hasn't been with a woman, it's probably because he's had other ways of...
You know, Cade, there are others who feel the same way you do about the old ways.
In many ways he was still a recluse, but he wasn't wrapped up in himself.
They dated in college, parted ways mutually, and ended up working for the same financial planning firm in Virginia.
I know my parents loved me, but there are other ways to teach children without hurting them, Martha.
Whether it was wedding plans, baby names, or ways to kill her son, Dean didn't know.
He glanced back at Fred, who had again closed his eyes and was prattling on about the best ways to "case" the storage facility.
His velvety tongue was hot against her neck and her lips and as he pleasured her in ways she never experienced before.
She favored him in many ways.
We can watch as long as we stay back a ways and don't make noise.
Last night was different in too many ways for him to count.
Death and her pet worked in their own ways.
There are ways of releasing you from Rhyn's claim, and there are ways of erasing your memory.
My … ways can be sated quietly.
Or maybe he was desperate to return to the only place that would accept him and all his sick ways.
If he killed her, Kris would finally see the folly of his ways.
I realize in most ways Edith isn't deserving of too much sympathy, but I still think of her as a tragic figure.
Jackson frantically searched his mind for ways to lure him away from here.
He'll advise you and help you in ways I can't.
Now, the way I see it, there's three ways to prove Byrne's alive—fingerprints, positive ID, or handwriting.
He's book smart and business savvy, but he's still a boy in some ways.
Of course Alex would expect her to change in some ways.
There are other ways.
Still, in most ways she was a good wife and mother.
In many ways he was the perfect husband, but trust in a woman had never been his strong point.
Maybe then your ways will change.
She saw nothing and stepped cautiously into the hallway, looking both ways.
He knew nothing aside from Memon's heavy-fisted ways and those of the surrounding clans, but he felt far more comfortable sitting in a hall full of what should be the enemy than he ever had at Memon's court.
Taran knew dozens of ways to kill a man.
I've outlived two advisors and three mates…I purged the kingdoms to the east of their evil ways.
Still, in most ways Alex was the perfect husband.
They were total opposites in many ways.
Still, I never realized how many ways they can be used.
In many ways I was very fortunate.
If you'll take the wheelbarrow back to the camp, I'll ride Random back a ways and see what made the cow run through brush like that.
She put the groceries in the back seat and sat the broom up cross ways on the floor.
Their ways had to part, because there was no place for her weapon in a civilized society.
Xander kept up with her easily, the solid, warm body beside her affecting her senses in ways that made her angrier.
The message was from Jonny, who had texted only once, before their ways parted months ago.
I'm not seeing why you don't go your separate ways and see what happens.
In a variety of ways it does a great deal of social service similar to that of gilds of help. Its administration has always been in the hands of laymen, and it works through local "conferences" or branches, the general council having been suspended because it declined to accept a cardinal as its official head.
Here her character was shaped; here she imbibed that passionate love of country scenes and country life which neither absence, politics nor dissipation could uproot; here she learnt to understand the ways and thoughts of the peasants, and laid up that rich store of scenes and characters which a marvellously retentive memory enabled her to draw upon at will.
Hastings's personal task was to provide the ways and means for this exhausting war.
These are subdivided into twenty provinces, each administered by an administrator of native affairs by whose side is the provincial council consisting of natives and occupied with the discussion of ways and means and questions of public works.
The "Acropolis" is in some ways more remarkable than the great kraal which has just been described.
Fermat, Roberval and Desargues took exception in their various ways to the methods employed in the geometry, and to the demonstrations of the laws of refraction given in the Dioptrics and Meteors.
Extended body has no limits to its extent, though the power of God has divided it in lines discriminating its parts in endless ways.
In doing what he did, Descartes actually exemplified that reduction of the processes of nature to mere transposition of the particles of matter, which in different ways was a leading idea in the minds of Bacon, Hobbes and Gassendi.
The foundation of cleruchies was an admirable device, which in many ways anticipated the colonial system of the Romans.
It may be defined in several ways.
Judged in other ways, however, the influence of the assembly's labours has been very great.
Of cattle besides the breeds named the Norman (beef and milk), the Limousin (beef), the Mont bfiard, the Bazadais, the Flamand, the Breton and tile larthenais breeds may be mentioned, societies and in many other ways.
In Oceania The members of these committees are un- New Caledonia and [N;S]paid, and have no concern with ways and Establishments in 00 means which are in the hands of a paid treasurer (receveur).
His conclusions were that the group "has never been nearer the mainland than it is now, nor have its members been at any time closer together"; and that the character of the flora and fauna is the result of species straggling over from America, at long intervals of time, to the different islets, where in their isolation they have gradually varied in different degrees and ways from their ancestors.
It is, however, less liable to cause confusion, and in many other ways more convenient to employ the better known term Marsupialia in both senses.
For the Tasmanians in many ways closely approximated to the Papuan type.
The development of pianoforte technique since Beethoven has been in some ways even more revolutionizing than that of the brass instruments; and pianoforte instrumentation, both in solo and in chamber-music, is a study for a lifetime.
Crane brakes are usually under the direct control of the driver, and they are generally arranged in one of two ways.
Gardens or plantations were let in the same ways and under the same conditions; but for dategroves four years' free tenure was allowed.
In one of these ways the oscillations can be created or stopped at pleasure in the radiating antenna, and hence groups of electric waves thrown off at will.
This alteration improved the operating conditions in three ways.
The annual surpluses are largely accounted for by the heavy taxation on almost everything imported into the country, i and by the monopolies on tobacco and on salt; and are as a rule spent, and well spent, in other ways.
The directcrs of Paris, not content with overrunning and plundering Switzerland, had outraged German sentiment in many ways.
In 1847 Lord Minto visited the tionary Italian courts to try to induce the recalcitrant despots agitation, to mend their ways, so as to avoid revolution and war, 1847.
Mancini exerted himself in a hundred ways to soothe French resentment.
But " philosophy of religion " can be construed in many different ways.
It is reasonable to hold that the supreme personality is the only fully personal being, while ours is a broken and imperfect personality, hindered by the Non-ego which in other ways helps it.
For instance, the provisions in Magna Carta concerning the freedom of the church find no place in the Articles, while a comparison between the two documents suggests that in other ways also influences favourable to the church and the clergy were at work while the famous charter was being framed.
He was in many ways the leading spirit of the Girondists, who were also known as Brissotins.
Yet while thus placing himself at a point of view opposed to that of a gradual evolution of the organic world, Locke prepared the way for this doctrine in more ways than one.
But the secular arm, from the time of Nicaea I., was in the habit of aiding spiritual decrees, as by banishing deposed bishops, and gradually by other ways, even with laymen.
In all but the very simplest forms the plant-body is built up of a number of these cells, associated in more or less definite ways.
Other hairs consist of a chain of cells; others, again, are branched in various ways; while yet others have the form of a flat plate of cells placed parallel to the leaf surface and inserted on a stalk.
Isolated celh (idioblasts), thickened in various ways, are not uncommonly founc supporting the tissues of the leaf.
The inner layer of the cortex (phloeoterma) may form a well-marked endodermis, or differ in other ways from the rest of the cortex.
Both cork and phelloderm may be differentiated in various ways.
So long as they are connected together mechanically they have apparently the power of influencing one another in various ways, and of passing liquid or gaseous materials from one to another.
This is a primal necessity of the protoplast,and every cell gives evidence of its need by adopting one of the various ways in which such need is supplied.
This may take place in various ways.
Tissues.The component parts of the tissues of which plants are composed may consist of but slightly modified cells with copious protoplasmic contents, or of cells which have been modified in various ways to perform their several functions.
The work of Captain Cook bore fruit in many ways.
No one form occurs alone, but always grouped together with others in various ways to make up districts, regions and lands of distinctive characters.
At every stage of the geographical cycle the land forms, as they exist at that stage, are concerned in guiding the condensation and flow of water in certain definite ways.
It is in some such manner as these that the natural conditions of regions, which must be conformed to by prudence .and utilized by labour to yield shelter and food, have led to the growth of peoples differing in their ways of life, thought and speech.
He was a member of the commission for ecclesiastical causes, and although afterwards he claimed that he had used all his influence to dissuade James from removing the tests, and in other ways illegally favouring the Roman Catholics, he signed the warrant for the committal of the seven bishops, and appeared as a witness against them.
When the port of Boston was closed by Great Britain in 1774 the bell of the old First Parish Church (Unitarian) of Portland (built 1740; the present building dates from 1825) was muffled and rung from morning till night, and in other ways the town showed its sympathy for the patriot cause.
The three middle metatarsals become fused together into a cannon bone; the upper part of the third middle metatarsal projects behind and forms the so-called hypotarsus, which in various ways, characteristic of the different groups of birds (with one or more sulci, grooved or perforated), acts as guiding pulley to the tendons of the flexor muscles of the toes.
Birds possess an ear-muscle which at least acts as a tensor tympani; it arises near the occipital condyle, passes through a hole into the tympanic cavity, and its tendon is, in various ways, attached to the inside of the membrane and the neighbouring extracolumellar processes.
Having undertaken the government in person, the king received the submission of the powerful earl of Ross, and strengthened his authority in other ways.
From Australia, where we have the best chance of studying rudimentary religion in some bulk, comes a certain amount of evidence showing that in the two ways just mentioned some inchoate prayer is being evolved.
By history it had already (in the time of Augustus) been Roman for from 80 to loo years and was familiar with Roman ways.
Thus thrown into Italian fashion, the province took rapidly to Italian ways.
That is, as has been already said, the Norman as such has vanished in two different ways.
The other old Greek cities, as well as those of medieval Italy and Germany, would supply us with endless examples of the various ways in which privileged orders arose.
It is like two men who are both for a moment in the same place, though their faces are turned in opposite ways.
The Old-English laws point out ways by which the churl might rise to thegn's rank, and in the centuries during which the change went on we find mention - complaining mention - both in England and elsewhere, at the court of Charles the Simple and at the court of 'Ethelred, of the rise of new men to posts of authority.
Moreover the fauna and flora of New Zealand in many ways resemble those of Samoa.
In general it may be stated that beetles live and feed in almost all the diverse ways possible for insects.
He was succeeded by his sons Hippias and Hipparchus, by whom the tyranny was in various ways brought into disrepute.
This deprives parliament of control over the administrative departments, all the ministries being thus " armour-plated " - to use the cant phrase current in Russia - except that of ways and communications (railways).
It may be supposed that originally the public roads, when worn by the cartage of the coal, were repaired by laying planks of timber at the bottom of the ruts, and that then the planks were laid on the surface of special roads or ways' formed between the collieries and the river.
There are two main ways of attaching the rails to the sleepers, corresponding to two main types of rails - the bull-headed rail A B FIG.
For some distance these wagons will all travel over the same line, but sooner or later they will reach a junction-point where their ways will diverge and where they must be separated.
This high carrying capacity has worked in several ways to reduce the cost of transportation.
They are under the control of the Post and Telegraph department, the state issuing loans to encourage the undertakings; the authorities in the provinces and communes also give support in various ways, and under various conditions, to public bodies or private persons who desire to promote or embark in the industry.
It was agreed that one rap should mean "no" and three "yes," while more complicated messages were - and are - obtained in other ways, such as calling over or pointing to letters of the alphabet, when raps occur at the required letters.
It is not, however, till the 8th century that prophecy attained its highest level as the interpreter of God's ways to men.
Thus the exile period marks the parting of the ways in the development of Hebrew religion.
It may with truth be said that after Jeremiah we discern the parting of the ways.
Hearings had been previously held by the Ways and Means Committee of the House of Representatives, and a measure was promptly reported.
According to Strabo he was a courteous man and in many ways useful to the Jews.
Mendelssohn's translation of the Pentateuch into German with a new commentary by himself and others introduced the Jews to more modern ways of thinking.
The soul thus faces two ways - towards the vas, from which it springs, and towards the material life, which is its own product.
In other orchids movements take place in different ways and in other directions.
The words " Asiatic " and " Oriental " are often used as if they denoted a definite and homogeneous type, but Russians resemble Asiatics in many ways, and Turks, Hindus, Chinese, &c., differ in so many important points that the common substratum is small.
The life of the ancient Aryans, as portrayed in their sacred songs, the Rig Veda, was quasi-nomadic and in many ways democratic, but by the 6th century B.C. settled states had been formed in the Ganges valley.
In another sense also the coelom is not a closed cavity, for it communicates in several ways with the external medium.
Thomas Corneille is in many ways remarkable in the literary gossip-history of his time.
One of the most p im ortant ways of keeping insect pests in check is by " spraying " or " washing."
In some ways also the study of highly developed organizations like the modern industrial state is simpler than that of earlier forms of society.
If our view is correct that, broadly speaking, the two ways of regarding economic questions are complementary rather than mutually exclusive, there does not seem to be any reason why the growth of the historical school should have been destructive of the " old Political Economy " if it had been well founded.
At the capital he found affairs quickly falling back into the old ways of pleasure and luxury.
The settlement which he thereby imposed was in many ways excellent; but it was dearly purchased by the complete ascendancy of Bonaparte in all important affairs, and by the claim for the services of a considerable contingent of Swiss troops which he thereafter rigorously enforced.
His brilliant parts were somewhat obscured by his rather erratic conduct, and a certain contempt, partly aristocratic and partly intellectual, for commonplace men and ways.
Main ways were paved.
In many ways, however, they are nearly as important.
Macleay indeed never pretended to a high position in this branch of science, his tastes lying in the direction of Entomology; but few of their countrymen knew more of birds than did Swainson and Vigors; and, while the latter, as editor for many years of the Zoological Journal, and the first secretary of the Zoological Society, has especial claims to the regard of all zoologists, so the former's indefatigable pursuit of Natural History, and conscientious labour in its behalf-among other ways by means of his graceful pencil-deserve to be remembered as a set-off against the injury he unwittingly caused.
Instead of recognizing, as before, a subclass in the Ratitae of Merrem, Nitzsch now reduced them to the rank of an order under the name " Platysternae," placing them between the " Gallinaceae " and " Grallae," though admitting that in their pterylosis they differ from all other birds, in ways that he is at great pains to describe, in each of the four genera examined by him - Struthio, Rhea, Dromaeus and Casuarius.
After the great fire of 1872 it became possible, in the reconstruction of the business district, to widen and straighten its streets and create squares, and so provide for the traffic that had long outgrown the narrow, crooked ways of the older city.
Spiders of various families will, when alarmed, lie absolutely still with legs tucked up and allow themselves to be pushed and rolled, and handled in various ways without betraying that they are alive by the slightest movement.
The separation of lint from seed is accomplished in various ways.
The necessity of miracles is displayed in their connexion with the divine revelation; but this connexion may be conceived in two ways.
One can readily understand the popularity of the Crusades, when one reflects that they permitted men to get to the other world by fighting hard on earth, and allowed them to gain the fruits of asceticism by the ways of hedonism.
In small bands, and by divers ways, they streamed gradually southward and eastward, in a steady flow, throughout 1096.
In many other ways the Europe over which the Crusades had passed was different from the Europe of the 11th century.
They had torn men loose from the ancestral custom of home to walk in new ways and see new things and hear new thoughts; and some broadening of view, some lessening in the intensity of the old one-sidedness, was the inevitable result.
It is not so much that the West came into contact with a particular civilization in the East, or borrowed from that civilization; it is simply that the West came into contact with something unlike itself, yet in many ways as high as, if not higher than, itself.
It is related of Anthemius that, having a quarrel with his next-door neighbour Zeno, he annoyed him in two ways.
Under the Commonwealth he faced both ways, keeping his ecclesiastical preferment, but publishing from time to time pamphlets on behalf of the Church of England.
Her fate is told in various ways, most of which connect her with the promontory Cynossema, on the Thracian shore of the Hellespont.
His perfect command of temper, his moderation of speech and action, in a bitterly personal age, never failed, and were his most effective weapons; but he made his power felt in other ways.
Even then he had a great reputation at Moscow as one who thoroughly understood "German ways and things."
The C-derivatives have been prepared in various ways.
At the same time Alexander himself made it a principal concern to win fresh geographical knowledge, to open new ways.
She showed in various ways a strong liking for England and the English.
Later sects sought to rise from it to a higher unity in other ways.
There is an entire underground city with several storeys of larger and smaller streets, squares and cross ways, cut out of the rock; at the intersection of the cross ways FIG.
This union, however, is influenced by the deeds of the man and by the ways in which he walks.
The six provinces were created, and had governors and assemblies (" diputaciones "); and a municipal law was provided that in many ways was a sound basis for local government.
The formidable deficit is met principally in three ways.
This did not suit him, but from March 1883 to July 1884 he was at home at a charming house called La Solitude, above Hyeres; this was in many ways to be the happiest station in the painful and hurrying pilgrimage of Stevenson's life.
In other cases, such as that of litmus, both the ion and the undissociated molecule are coloured, but in different ways.
The affinities of acids have been compared in several ways.
We may imagine these changes reversed in two ways.
Very significant, too, is the parting of the ways in the development of liturgical vestments in the East and West.
These problems are, however, certain to be solved in the near future, and then probably caoutchouc may be formed in other ways than from isoprene.
Siberia has been colonized in two different ways.
This cavity lodges the arms, which are curved and coiled in different ways in different genera.
Simony may be committed in three ways - in promotion to orders, in presentation to a benefice, and in resignation of a benefice.
The essence of the tax denoted by these names was that the amount was fixed en bloc for a whole group of persons, and afterwards divided among them in various ways.
These equations can be arrived at in many ways; the method here given is due to Gordan.
Their Number For Any Weight W Is The Number Of Ways Of Composing W 3 With The Parts I, 2, And Thus The Generating Function Is Verified.
From the Greek sophists they borrowed ingenious ways of playing off one duty against another, or duty in general against self-interest - leaving the doubter in the alternative of neglecting the one and being a knave, or neglecting the other and being a fool.
From 1891 to 1895 he represented the First Congressional District of Nebraska, normally Republican, in the national House of Representatives, and received the unusual honour of being placed on the important Committee on Ways and Means during his first term.
Charles sought to improve the condition of Navarre by making canals and rendering the rivers navigable, and in other ways.
Gnostic sects approached the question in two ways.
Princess Isabella was charitable in many ways, always ready to take her full share of the duties falling upon her as the future empress, and thoroughly realizing the responsibilities of her position; but she was greatly influenced by the clerical party and the priesthood, and she thereby incurred the hostility of the Progressives.
The two systems were nothing more as yet than two different ways of interpreting a phrase of Porphyry, and they remained unnoticed in the for nearly two centuries not so much for its dialectics S' and philosophy as for its humanistic culture.
He regulated and simplified the whole system of taxation, encouraged agriculture by differential duties in favour of the farmers, and promoted trade by a systematic improvement of the ways of communication.
The important thing to notice is that where, in any of these five cases, one statement is followed by another, the second is not to be regarded as obtained from the first by logical reasoning involving such general axioms as that " if equals are taken from equals the remainders are equal "; the fact being that the two statements are merely different ways of expressing the same relation.
We can begin with any one of the 5 letters, so that the first change can be made in 5 ways.
Hence the change can be made in 3.4.5 ways.
Negative quantities will have arisen in various ways, e.g.
Thus a(b+c) and (b+c)a give the same result, though it may be written in various ways, such as abdac, ca+ab, &c. In the same way the associative law is that A(BC) and (AB)C give the same formal result.
The outer and inner products of two extensive quantities A, B, are in many ways analogous to the quaternion symbols Vab and Sab respectively.
It cannot be said that previously to Darwin there had been any very profound study of teleology, but it had been the delight of a certain type of mind - that of the lovers of nature or naturalists par excellence, as they were sometimes termed - to watch the habits of living animals and plants, and to point out the remarkable ways in which the structure of each variety of organic life was adapted to the special circumstances of life of the variety or species.
The stock may be destroyed, killed out by adverse conditions, but its quality is not directly affected, and if removed to more favourable conditions it will show no hereditary results of the previous adversity; indeed it will probably have been strengthened in some ways by the destruction in severe conditions of its weaker members and the survival of the stronger individuals.
Soon after 1 The names are read in various ways; it is impossible to establish the correct forms.
Scyles, his son by the Greek mother, affected Greek ways, had a house in Olbia, and even took part in Bacchic rites.
In personal character he has sometimes been described as having been revoltingly heartless; and it is abundantly plain that he was singularly incapable of feeling strongly the more generous emotions - a misfortune, or a fault, which revealed itself in many ways.
Frank Buckland, who visited the place, states that after a little while they allowed him to take hold of them, scratch them on the back, and play with them in various ways.
The amount of traffic which passed the town of Emmerich near the Dutch frontier, both ways, increased from an annual average of about 6 million tons in 1881-85 to over 214 million tons in 1899.
He had become its leader as a conciliator of the various sections, and it was as a conciliator, ready to sympathize with the strong views of all sections of his following, that he kept the party together, while his colleagues went their own ways in their own departments.
She pretty certainly was the chief cause of his early introduction to good society, the abbe de Chateauneuf (his sponsor in more ways than one) having been her friend.
Rousseau, and the former was, in the guise of a criticism or rather panegyric of English ways, an attack on everything established in the church and state of France.
This has been misunderstood in many ways - the mistake going so far as in some cases to suppose that Voltaire meant Christ by this opprobrious expression.
It follows, therefore, that the main streets also are not in line with the Roman ways, except perhaps in a few instances.
Chaka had but two ways of dealing with the tribes with whom he came in contact; either they received permission to be incorporated in the Zulu nation or they were practically exterminated.
While abundant warning of the caving-in of the workings is thus given in advance it may happen that men are unexpectedly imprisoned by the closing of the main passage ways.
Antennas can be classified in different ways.
It contains nearly io,000 MSS., including many magnificent illuminated missals and Bibles and a number of valuable Greek and Latin texts, 242 incunabula and 11,000 printed books, chiefly dealing with palaeography; it is in some ways the most important of the Florentine libraries.
The Opera del Duomo contains models and pieces of sculpture connected with the cathedral; the Etruscan and Egyptian museum, the gallery of tapestries, the Michelangelo museum, the museum of natural history and other collections are all important in different ways.
The egg gives rise in the uterus to a six-hooked embryo, which reaches the first host in a variety of ways.
Peter, then a youth of seventeen, married her on the 27th of January 1689 at the command of his mother, who hoped to wean him from the wicked ways of the German suburb of Moscow by wedding him betimes to a lady who was as pious as she was beautiful.
Mexican tobacco approximates more or less closely to that of Cuba, and is cultivated and prepared in very similar ways.
On his return to Russia in 1712, Peter discovered that Menshikov had winked at wholesale corruptions in his own governor-generalship. Peter warned him "for the last time" to change his ways.
While these different feudal systems have shown a general similarity of organization, there has been also great variation in their details, because they have started from different institutions and developed in different ways.
In these two ways then the feudal system was formed, and took possession of the state territorially, and of its functions in government.
Often, too, one event or one important detail is told in several ways on the basis of several contemporary statements transmitted to the final narrator through distinct lines of tradition.
The Annals soon came to be dealt with in various ways.
Thus Vienna forms a junction of natural ways from south to north, and from west to east.
As chairman of the Ways and Means Committee of the House of Representatives in1887-1889during President Cleveland's first administration, he led the fight for reform.
He was the first to introduce family pews in synagogues, and in many other ways "occidentalized" Jewish worship.
He became, however, chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means, and was instrumental in the enactment of the Morrill Tariff Act of 1860.
First of all she could not fail to remark the increasing discontent withaher arbitrary and wasteful ways.
The social feeling that inspired this disinterested act showed itself in other ways.
Each of our leading conceptions, each branch of our knowledge, passes successively through three different phases; there are three different ways in which the human mind explains phenomena, each way following the other in order.
Hence the beliefs he preached were never to him mere speculative ideas, but rather the ultimate realities of being and thought, the final truths as to the character and ways of God interpreted into a law for the government of conscience and the regulation of life.
This Kojiki marks the parting of the ways.
The law presently interdicted these female comedians (onna-kabuki) in the interests of public morality, and they were succeeded by boy comedians (wakashu-kabuki) who simulated womens ways and were vetoed in their turn, giving place to yaro-kabuki (comedians with queues).
Fukuzawa Yukichi, founder of the KeiO Gijuku, now one of Japans four universities, did more than any of his contemporaries by writing and speaking to spread a knowledge of the West, its ways and its thoughts, and Nakamura Keiu labored in the same cause by translating Smiless Self-help and Mills Representative Government.
In all ways he was the ardent advocate of what have in later times been known as "Liberal causes," the removal of all religious disabilities and tests, the suppression of private interests which hampered the public good, the abolition of the slave trade, and the emancipation of all classes and races of men from the strict control of authority.
The solitary Xenopeltis is in several ways intermediate between Boidae and Ilysiidae.
Boulenger rightly considers this snake in various ways intermediate between the Ilysiidae, Boidae and Colubridae.
This isolation from the familiar ways of his contemporaries, while it was, according to tradition and the internal evidence of his poem, destructive to his spirit's health, resulted in a work of genius, unique in character, which still stands forth as the greatest philosophical poem in any language.
The presence of water in alcohol may be detected in several ways.
This formalism shows itself in many ways.
In other ways the experiences coincide, the pictures are either fanciful, like illustrations of some unread history or romance, or are revivals of remembered places and faces.
This may be done in several ways, e.g.
The main object of the Moralists is to propound a system of natural theology, and to vindicate, so far as natural religion is concerned, the ways of God to man.
The French plundered the churches, abolished monks, nuns and nobles, and set up forthwith the ways and doings of the French Revolution.
Such statues were animated with sense and full of spirit, they foresaw the future, and foretold it by lot, through their priests, in dreams and in other ways.
Although he lacked oratorical fluency, his short speeches, like his writings, were forceful; his plain dress and unassuming ways helped to make him extremely popular with the common people, in whom he had much greater faith than his cousin John had; and, above all, he was an eminently successful manager of men.
The gigantic rampart was unflanked, and the covered ways in the face of it subject to enfilade from end to end.
The verbal identities can only be explained in one of the following ways.
He thus, in the course of his official business, gradually acquired principles and settled ways of thinking which he afterwards expressed in writing.
In the revival of learning, scholarship supplanted scholasticism, and the old ways of medieval thinking were forgotten.
The earliest zeal has passed away and heathen ways of thought and life are tolerated and practised at Pergamum and Ephesus, and faith is dying or dead at Laodicea and Sardis.
Like geography, oceanography may be viewed in two different ways, and is conveniently divided into general oceanography, which deals with phenomena common to the whole ocean, and special oceanography, which has to do with the individual characteristics of the various divisions of the ocean.
In 1890 he visited Berlin and Amsterdam to acquaint himself with the ways of younger theologians, especially with the Ritschlians, whose work he appreciated but did not accept as final.
The laying out of a colliery, after the coal has been won, by sinkings or levels, may be accomplished in various ways, according to the nature of the coal, its thickness and dip, and the extent of ground to be worked.
The removal of the coal after the roads have been driven may be effected in many different ways, according to the custom of the district.
This agent has been applied in various ways, in machines which either imitate the action of the collier by cutting with a pick or make a groove by rotating cutters attached to an endless chain or a revolving disk or wheel.
In a large colliery where the shafts are situated near the centre of the field, and the workings extend on all sides, both to the dip and rise, the drawing roads for the coal may be of three different kinds - (r) levels driven at right angles to the dip, suitable for horse roads, (2) rise ways, known as jinny roads, jig-brows, or up-brows, which, when of sufficient slope, may be used as self-acting planes, i.e.
This method, which is the oldest, is best adapted for ways that are nearly level, or when many branches are intended to be worked from one engine, and can be carried round curves of small radius without deranging the trains; but as it is intermittent in action, considerable engine-power is required in order to get up the required speed, which is from 8 to ro m.
From 8 to ro tubs are usually drawn in a set, the ways being often from 2000 to 3000 yds.
In the following table are given the values of the diameters of the molecules of six substances with which it is easy to experiment in the gaseous state, these values being calculated in different ways from formulae supplied by the kinetic theory.
What is given by the formulae is accordingly the mean radius of an irregularly shaped solid (or, more probably, of the region in which the field of force surrounding such a solid is above a certain intensity), and the mean has to be taken in different ways in the different phenomena.
The task of civilizing the natives is undertaken in various ways by the numerous Protestant and Roman Catholic missions established in the colony, and by the government.
The geography of the Western province includes many interesting features, the in many ways peculiar Albert Nyanza (q.v.), the great snowy range of Ruwenzori (q.v.), the dense Semliki, Budonga, Mpanga and Bunyaraguru forests, the salt lakes and salt springs of Unyoro and western Toro, the innumerable and singularly beautiful crater lakes of Toro and Ankole, the volcanic region of Mfumbiro (where active and extinct volcanoes rise in great cones to altitudes of from 11,000 to nearly 15,000 ft.), and the healthy plateaus of Ankole, which are in a lesser degree analogous in climate and position, and the Nandi plateau on the east of Victoria Nyanza.
Wholly novel and distinctive it is not, for the rulers of Catholic countries, like Spain and France, and of England (before the publication of the Act of Supremacy) could and did limit the pope's claims to unlimited jurisdiction, patronage and taxation, and they introduced the placet forbidding the publication within their realms_ of papal edicts, decisions and orders, without the express sanction of the government - in short, in many ways tended to approach the conditions in Protestant lands.
This item alone amounted during the previous forty-six years, the parliament declared, " at the least to eight score thousand pounds, besides other great and intolerable sums which have yearly been conveyed to the said court of Rome by many other ways and means to the great impoverishment of this realm."
His services to Louis were rewarded in various ways, and, using part of his wealth to increase the area of his possessions, he bought the town and district of Ansbach in 1331.
The Whigs having the ascendancy in the TwentySeventh Congress, he was made chairman of the House Committee of Ways and Means.
Slow as the Spanish government was to move, and obstinately as it clung to old ways, it was forced to remove restrictions on trade, largely by the discovery that it could not prevent smuggling, which was, in fact, carried on with the connivance of its own corrupt officials.
The architectural Mexicans, Central Americans, and especially the Peruvians, had no derricks or other hoisting devices, but rolled great stones into place along prepared ways and up inclined planes of earth, which were afterwards removed.
On the uplands structures were of stone laid up in a dozen ways.
Moreover, it had come to be suspected by several scholars that a lost book, variously entitled The Two Ways or The Judgment of Peter, had been freely used in a number of works, of which mention must presently be made.
The author of the complete work, as we now have it, has modified the original Two Ways by inserting near the beginning a considerable section containing, among other matter, passages from the Sermon on the Mount, in which the language of St Matthew's Gospel is blended with that of St Luke's.
When by the aid of this evidence The Two Ways is restored to us free of glosses, it has the appearance of being a Jewish manual which has been carried over into the use of the Christian church.
There was a danger of admitting Gentile converts to the church on too easy moral terms; hence the need of such insistence on the ideal as in The Two Ways and the Mandates.
It consists of precepts relating to church life, which are couched in the second person plural; whereas The Two Ways uses throughout the second person singular.
This section was probably added to The Two Ways before the addition of the remainder.
A tariff bill introduced in the House by William Lyne Wilson (1843-1900), of West Virginia, chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means, was so amended in the Senate, through the instrumentality of Senator Arthur Pue Gorman and a coterie of anti-administration democratic senators, that when the bill eventually came before him, although unwilling to veto it, the president signified his dissatisfaction with its too high rates by allowing it to become a law without his signature.
Adalbert increased the importance of the town in various ways about 1122.
The name is spelt in various ways in contemporary records, e.g.
This may happen in either of two ways.
The formula is a deduction from a general formula, considered later (§ 58), and may be verified in various ways.
Some of the formulae obtained by the above methods can be expressed more simply in terms of chordal or tangential areas taken in various ways.
Here there are two arbitrary constants, which may be adjusted in various ways.
In contrast to both of these, which in different ways express the principle of clerical or official authority, Congregationalism represents the principle of democracy in religion.
These semi-separatists still set great store by the church-covenant, in which they bound themselves " to walk together in all God's ways and ordinances, according as He had already revealed, or should further make them known to them."
Meanwhile, without giving up the main principle of the autonomy of the local church, they have developed in various ways an active disposition to co-operate as a united religious body.
The just man who has held steady from the cradle in the ways of virtue He will not look upon."
Now the transfer of momentum across a surface occurs in two ways, firstly by the carriage of moving matter through the surface, and secondly by the force acting between the matter on one side of the surface and the matter on the other side.
Now momentum is transferred in two ways, viz.
The circuit of the electro-magnet is made and broken by the vibration of the fork in different ways - say, by a wire bridge attached to the lower prong which dips into and lifts out of two mercury cups.
We shall conclude by a brief account of the ways in which combination tones may be produced.
A government Department of Agriculture, created in 1904, affords help to the farmers in various ways, notably in combatting insect plagues, in experimental farms, and in improving the breed of horses, sheep and cattle.
Pan-Lung was connected with the Japanese lines by covered ways, approaches were begun towards several of the eastern forts, and on the 10th of September 180-Metre Hill was stormed, though the crest was untenable under the fire from 203-Metre Hill.
This is highly improbable, but he may have derived particular sayings from the Aramaic source itself of that document by independent translation; and may also have learned both sayings and narratives in other ways.
In his study - a tower of refuge, separate from the house, which he has minutely described - he read, wrote, dictated, meditated, inscribed moral sentences which still remain on the walls and rafters, annotated his books, some of which are still in existence, and in other ways gave himself up to a learned ease.
In matter of style and language Montaigne's position is equally important, but the ways which led him to it are more clearly traceable.
His pastoral character is recognized in the 1 Note the prestige of martyrs and confessors, the ways of true and false prophets in Mand.
He planted Flemish and Dutch settlers in the land between the Elbe and the Oder, fostered the growth and trade of Lubeck, and in other ways encouraged trade and agriculture.
Industry was thus in many ways compensated for the paralysis of trade with private buyers in the home market and for the closing of foreign markets, and it would have been able to continue quietly on the old lines but for the emergence of a new factor which fundamentally altered the conditions.
In Austria the Government did not subscribe any of the capital, but the central boards were subjected to State supervision and their power of fixing prices was in many ways limited.
The former, besides embodying catechetical instruction in Christian conduct (the "Two Ways"), which goes back in substance to the early apostolic age and is embodied also in "Barnabas," depicts in outline the fundamental usages of church life as practised in some conservative region (probably within Syria) about the last quarter of the 1st century and perhaps even later.
The widowed duchess of Kent was now a woman of thirty-four, handsome,, homely, a German at heart, and with little liking for English ways.
The queen and Prince Albert were affected in many private ways by the events abroad.
It was in some ways the herald of a new school of German historical thought, for it shows that idealization of power and success which he had learnt from the teaching of Hegel.
His moral character was undoubtedly weak in other ways than this, but it is fair to remember that but for his astounding Confessions the more disgusting parts of it would not have been known, and that these Confessions were written, if not under hallucination, at any rate in circumstances entitling the self-condemned criminal to the benefit of considerable doubt.
The formal legal view continued to be widely held, though it was modified in many ways by various theologians.
She soon tired of him, returned to Paris and gratified her whims in ways that caused some scandal.
The Menam is the largest, deepest and most sluggish of the four, and in many ways resembles its continuation, the Menam ChaoPhaya lower down.
The Romanists therefore were no longer recognized by the state, and were persecuted in divers ways, though the tide afterwards turned in their favour.
The Holy Spirit was supposed to be manifest in various striking ways, in prophecy, speaking with tongues and miracle working.
This ideal unity found expression in many ways.
Thus in various ways the feeling of unity found expression, and the development of widely separated parts of Christendom conformed more or less closely to a common type.
He established a library at Salzburg, furthered in other ways the interests of learning, and presided over several synods called to improve the condition of the church in Bavaria.
Parakeet (spelt in various ways in English) is usually applied to the smaller kinds of Parrots, especially those which have long tails, not as Perroquet in French, which is used as a general term for all Parrots, Perruche, or sometimes Perriche, being the ordinary name for what we call Parakeet.
These birds, highly prized from the first, reprobated by the moralist, and celebrated by more than one classical poet, in the course of time were brought in great number to Rome, and ministered in various ways to the luxury of the age.
Unhappily, on the voyage, by some mistake (accounted for in different ways), Tristan and Iseult drink the love drink, and are forthwith seized with a fatal passion each for the other.
These stresses may operate in several ways.
For an enumeration of these sizes, see Roofs, where also will be found an account of the different varieties of slates and of the ways in which they are fixed.
Self-pollination is effected in very various ways.
He held firmly to Atlanta, clearing the city of non-combatants and in other ways making ready for a stubborn defence.
This mixture is now wrought mainly in two ways.
It was still long before any considerable' results were achieved; but in various ways the dogmatic and.
In the Epistle of James we have a really distinct type; and it seems to us that the degree to which the epistle misses its mark as a polemic may be easily and naturally accounted for in more ways than one.
This feeling had been instinctive, and it found expression in several ways, each one of them partial, when taken alone, but obtaining their full effect in combination.
If then they so wished, the temporary marriage could be made permanent; if not, they could go their several ways without reproach, the child, if any, being supported by the party who objected to further cohabitation.
Shaler there are altogether " doubtless a hundred thousand miles of ways large enough to permit the easy passage of man."
The theodicea of the prophets is national; they see Yahweh's righteousness working itself out with unmistakable clearness in the present, and know that all that He brings upon Israel is manifestly just; but from the days of Jeremiah' the fortunes of Israel as a nation are no longer the one thing which religion has to explain; the greater question arises of a theory of the divine purpose which shall justify the ways of God with individual men or with His "righteous servant" - that is, with the ideal community of true faith as distinct from the natural Israel.
This Spirit, manifesting His presence in a variety of ways and through a variety of gifts, was to be the only ruling authority in the Church.
The oral arms are the starting-point of a further series of variations; they may be simple flaps, crinkled and folded in various ways, or they may be subdivided, and then the branches may simulate tentacles in appearance.
Even in the spiritual labours which the Society shares with the other orders, its own ways of dealing with persons and things result from the system of training which succeeds in forming men to a type that is considered desirable.
On the one hand we have sects with a strongly ascetic tendency, on the other we find some characterized by unbridled libertinism; in some the most abandoned prostitution has come to be the most sacred mystery; in others again appears the worship of serpents, which here appears to be connected in various and often very loose ways with the other ideas of these Gnostics - hence the names of the " Ophites," " Naasseni."
This peculiarity the Basilidian system shares with that of Satornil of Antioch, which has only come down to us in a very fragmentary state, and in other respects recalls in many ways the popular Gnosticism.
Thus we regard Rotifers as an independent stem branching off at the outset of the rise from the Platode type to higher Invertebrata The Polyzoa (q v), which in many ways recall Rotifers, appear to be equally independent.
From 1885 to 1891 he was a representative in Congress, and, as a member of the Ways and Means Committee, helped to draft the McKinley Tariff bill.
Oracles were obtained from it in various ways.
The governor of the city, Colonel Luttrell, at the same time issued a proclamation ordering all Protestants not housekeepers, excepting those following some trade, to depart from the city within 24 hours, under pain of death or imprisonment, and in various ways restricting those who were allowed.
In many ways they have thus a close resemblance to the Quakers or Society of Friends.
In many ways he was a typical Mahommedan, fiercely hostile towards unbelievers - "Let us purge the air of the air they breathe" was his aim for the demons of the Cross, - intensely devout and regular in prayers and fasting.
Hellenic ways and modes of thought begin to appear in the towns only in the later 2nd century.
In the West it has been used in other ways.
More than an equal length of canal ways (2444 m., costing $80,000,000) was reported as having been abandoned after construction.
Revenue bills for imposing or continuing the various customs duties and internal taxes are prepared by the House committee on ways and means, whose chairman is always a leading man in the majority party.
In October 1361 the pope appointed him bishop of London, and he was soon serving the king as an ambassador and in other ways.
In Liguori's time there were four ways of answering the question.
For beef, shorthorns, Herefords, Gallo ways and AberdeenAngus cattle are bred largely, whilst for dairying purposes, shorthorns, Ayrshires, Jerseys, Guernseys and Holstein-Friesians prevail.
The department of agriculture of the Dominion government renders aid to agriculture in many ways, maintaining the State aid.
The same spirit was illustrated in other ways.
In topography and characteristics and in the difficulties of its regulation the Arkansas is in many ways typical of the rivers in the arid regions of the western states.
After his master's death, in the third period of his own life, and during his connexion with Alexander, but before the final construction of his philosophy into a system, he was tending to write more and more in the didactic style; to separate from dialectic, not only metaphysics, but also politics, rhetoric and poetry; to admit by the side of philosophy the arts of persuasive language; to think it part of their legitimate work to rouse the passions; and in all these ways to depart from the ascetic rigidity of the philosophy of Plato, so as to prepare for the tolerant spirit of his own, and especially for his ethical doctrine that virtue consists not in suppressing but in moderating almost all human passions.
At the same time, there are three species of syllogism, scientific, dialectical and eristical or sophistical; and in consequence there are different ways of acquiring premisses.
A series of subterranean ways extending many miles have been constructed to enable merchandise traffic to pass through without interfering with passenger trains on the surface railways.
Mrs Bent, who had contributed by her skill as a photo grapher and in other ways to the success of her husband's journeys, published in 1900 Southern Arabia, Soudan and Sakotra, in which were given the results of their last expedition into that region.
Gram is largely cultivated in the East, where the seeds are eaten raw or cooked in various ways, both in their ripe and unripe condition, and when roasted and ground subserve the same purposes as ordinary flour.
The sesquioxide, Cr 2 0 3, occurs native, and can be artificially obtained in several different ways, e.g., by igniting the corresponding hydroxide, or chromium trioxide, or ammonium bichromate, or by passing the vapours of chromium oxychloride through a red-hot tube, or by ignition of mercurous chromate.
Hence arose a general feeling of disappointment, which acted on different natures in different ways.
The bulk of the inhabitants are Somali, who have abandoned a nomadic life and adopted largely the ways of the Arab and Indian traders.
He was generous to the church and aided the spread of Christianity in many ways.
The Hague Peace Convention of 1907, which re-enacts the essential parts of the earlier one of 1899, sets out five ways of adjusting international conflicts without recourse to war.
The oscillation of the earth's axis may arise in two distinct ways; distinguished as " nutation of the axis " and " variation of latitude.
The metals may be introduced into the arc in various ways, and in some cases where they can be obtained in sufficient quantity the metallic electrodes may be used in the place of carbon poles.
Pringsheim seems, however, to have modified his view in so far as he now seems to consider that the spectra in question might be obtained also in other ways, and to attach importance to the process of reduction only in so far as it forms an effective inciter of the particular spectra.
Some account of the evidence supplied in these two ways must be given in the present article, so far as it is common to all four Gospels, or to three or two of them, and in the articles on the several Gospels so far as it is especial to each.
These names are arranged in different ways, according to the laws of the different states.
Spirits capable of being confined in matter and made useful are in various ways sung or coaxed into the tenements prepared for them.
Leibnitz thus influenced Fechner, as in other ways he influenced Lotze.
It was continued after that event, and in two ways.
Such doubtless were most of the towns of Roman Britain - thoroughly Romanized, peopled with Romanspeaking citizens, furnished with Roman appurtenances, living in Roman ways, but not very large, not very rich, a humble witness to the assimilating power of the Roman civilization in Britain.
The idea that the Roman Church is at the head of the other Churches, and has towards them certain duties consequent on this position, is expressed in various ways, with more or less clearness, in writings such as those of Clemens Romanus, Ignatius of Antioch and Hermas.
These changes, which so greatly disturbed the current of all European relations, could not fail to react upon the papal policy in various ways.
During his first period of discovery, besides the induction of electric currents, Faraday established the identity of the electrification produced in different ways; the law of the definite electrolytic action of the current; and the fact, upon which he laid great stress, that every unit of positive electrification is related in a definite manner to a unit of negative electrification, so that it is impossible to produce what Faraday called "an absolute charge of electricity" of one kind not related to an equal charge of the opposite kind.
High as man is placed above the creatures around him, there is a higher and far more exalted position within his view; and the ways are infinite in which he occupies his thoughts about the fears, or hopes, or expectations of a future life.
A month later a papal legate arrived in Hungary to inquire into the conduct of the king, who was accused by his neighbours, and many of his own subjects, of adopting the ways of his Kumanian kinsfolk and thereby undermining Christianity.
Experiments on alloys are, in some ways, easier to make than on pairs of non-metallic substances, partly owing to the possibility of polishing sections for microscopic examination, and the investigation of alloys has done much to elucidate the general phenomena of solution, of which metallic solution constitutes a special case.
Thus in two ways at least a constant melting point can be obtained in a two-component system.
But another method of investigation will illustrate new ways of treating our subject.
So popular has it become that besides being used for massive constructions like breakwaters, dock walls, culverts, and for foundations of buildings, lighthouses and bridges, it is also proving its usefulness to the architect and engineer in many other ways.
Its object is to distribute all the materials evenly throughout the mass, and it is performed in many different ways, both by hand and by machine.
With regard to pattern, the evidence is now clear that albinoes may carry the determinants in both these ways.
The old treaty had proved irksome in many ways, especially as it left portions of the territory belonging to protected chieftains of each power as enclaves within the boundaries of the other.
His sympathy with men of other ways and thought, and with the truth in other ecclesiastical systems gained for him the confidence and affection of men of varied habits of mind and religious traditions, and was thus a great factor in gaining increasing support for the Episcopal Church.
This can be done in two ways, either by rotating the optical train inside the main tube, or, as is more usually the case, rotating the whole periscope.
The term mimicry has also been applied to resemblances of a different kind from the two enumerated above - resemblances, that is to say, by which predaceous species are supposed to be enabled to approach or mix without detection with animals they prey upon or victimize in other ways.
When Segar, garter king of arms, wrote in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, this had been accomplished with such completeness that he does not even mention that there were two ways of creating knights bachelors.
Unyoro, though not a large country, is in many ways remarkable.
His first step was to recover control of the mint, and place it in the hands of capable middle-class merchants and bankers, like Caspar Beer, Jan Thurzo, Jan Boner, the Betmans, exiles for conscience' sake from Alsace, who had sought refuge in Poland under Casimir IV., Justus Decyusz, subsequently the king's secretary and historian, and their fellows, all practical economists of high integrity who reformed the currency and opened out new ways for trade and commerce.
It became customary to burn an effigy of Haman at the conclusion of the feast, and this was regarded as in some ways an attack on Christianity and was therefore forbidden by the Theodosian code, XVI.
Boyle displayed in other ways his zeal for the cause of missions.
Raiffeisen devoted himself to the improvement of the social condition of the cultivators of the soil, and did good work in the planning of public roads and in other ways.
He was one of the signers of the White Plains protest of April 1775 against "all unlawful congresses and committees," in many other ways proved himself a devoted loyalist, and wrote the Free Thoughts on the Proceedings of the Continental Congress (1774) by "A.
Having crossed yellow and green seeded peas both ways, he found that the progeny resulted in all yellow coloured seeds.
Walks are separated from the adjoining beds and borders in a variety of ways.
He found expression in so many ways, and was apparently so inexhaustible in his resources, that his very versatility and the ease with which he gave expression to his thought sometimes stood in the way of a recognition of his large, simple political ideality and the singleness of his moral sight.
For this purpose the telescope can be used in the four different ways shown in fig.
Disassociating these gods from all local connexions, Anu became the power presiding over the heavens, to Bel was assigned the earth and the atmosphere immediately above it, while Ea ruled over the deep. With the transfer of all the gods to the heavens, and under the influence of the doctrine of the correspondence between the heavens and the earth, Anu, Bel and Ea became the three "ways" (as they are called) on the heavens.
The "ways" appear in this instance to have been the designation of the ecliptic circle, which was divided into three sections or zones - a northern, a middle and a southern zone, Anu being assigned to the first, Bel to the second, and Ea to the third zone.
Quantities of heat may be measured indirectly in a variety of ways in terms of the different effects of heat on material substances.
The Frictional Generation Of Heat In A Metallic Wire Conveying A Current Can Be Measured In Various Ways, Which Correspond To Slightly Different Methods.
They despised tradition and Old World ways and notions; and they accepted the Jeffersonian dogmas, not only as maxims, but as social forces - the causes of the material prosperity of the country.
In these ways we find that a judgment is both different from, and more than, a proposition.
Now, there is no doubt that, especially in mathematical equations, universal conclusions are obtainable from convertible premises expressed in these ways.
The sophists furthered the transition from dialectic to logic in two ways.
These are predicates of the object known, ways of knowing it, rather than the object itself.
Had Bacon analysed bodies into their elements, instead of their qualities and ways of behaviour, he would have been the logician of the chemical formula.
Social life was sluggish in some ways and wild in others.
State legislation has advanced the fruit interest in all possible ways.
This fact found formal expression mainly in two ways.
He was prominent in the debate which resulted in the defeat of the Democratic Morrison Tariff Bill in 1884, and, as minority leader of the Ways and Means committee, in the defeat of the Mills Bill for the revision of the tariff in 1887-1888.
On the 16th of April 1890 he introduced from the Ways and Means committee the tariff measure known commonly as the McKinley Bill, which passed the House on the 21st of May, passed the Senate (in an amended form, with a reciprocity clause, which McKinley had not been able to get through the House) on the 10th of September, was passed as amended, by the House, and was approved by the president on the 1st of October 1890.
The half-serpent Cadmus brought knowledge of mines, agriculture, and the " Cadmean " letters, while Cecrops inculcated laws and ways of life and was the first to establish monogamy.
In consequence the old affects the new in various ways.
They accomplished their purpose in various ways, by distinguishing between God and his power - or by the notion of a hierarchy of super-sensible beings, or in a doctrine which taught that the operations of nature are the movement of pure spirit; or by the use of the " Word " of " Wisdom," half personified as intermediate between God and the world.
The situation, however, being in many ways inconvenient, and a conflagration having destroyed the shops at Makaryev, the fair was transferred in 1817 to its present locality at Nizhniy-Novgorod.
Stephen thereupon appointed as his successor his wife's nephew Peter Orseolo, who settled in Hungary, where his intrigues and foreign ways made him extremely unpopular.
Just as a system of forces is in general equivalent to a single force, so a given force can conversely be replaced by combinations of other forces, in various ways.
The sides of the force-polygon may in the first instance be arranged in any order; the force-diagram can then be completed in a doubly infinite number of ways, owing to the arbitrary position of 0; and for each force-diagram a simply infinite number of funiculars can be drawn.
Each extraneous force W acting on a bar may be replaced (in an infinite number of ways) by two components P, Q in lines through the centres of the pins at the extremities.
The six independent quantities, or co-ordinates, which serve to specify the position of a rigid body in space may of course be chosen in an endless variety of ways.
The preceding theorem, which is due to Michel Chasles (1830), may be proved in various other interesting ways.
Conversely it is seen that any wrench can be replaced in an infinite number of ways by two forces, and that the line of action of one of these may be chosen quite arbitrarily.
These co-ordinates may be chosen in an endless variety of ways, but their number is determinate, and expresses the number of degrees of freedom of the system.
For otitside gearing that ratio is negative, Cs because the wheels turn contrary ways; for inside gearing it is positive, because they turn the same way.
That condition is / fulfilled by a pair of con- B ?-D tinuous cones generated by - \ the revolution of two straight 2 / lines inclined opposite ways to -, their respective axes at equal angles.
The interesting and important part of the investigation is that a number of experiments were made on small shafts arranged in different ways and loaded in different ways, and the speed at which whirling actually occurred was compared with the speed calculated from formulae of the general type indicated above.
On the one hand, it seemed to follow from the existence of such a family that Homer was a mere " eponymus," or mythical ancestor; on the other hand, it became easy to imagine the Homeric poems handed down orally in a family whose hereditary occupation it was to recite them, possibly to add new episodes from time to time, or to combine their materials in new ways, as their poetical gifts permitted.
The pharynx projects freely into the atrium; it is surrounded at the sides and below by the continuous atrial cavity, but dorsally it is held in position in two ways.
Boiled oil is prepared in a variety of ways - that most common being by heating the raw oil in an iron or copper boiler, which, to allow for frothing, must only be about three-fourths filled.
The dioceses are grouped in various ways; some are immediately dependent upon the Holy See; some are grouped in ecclesiastical provinces or metropolitanates, which in their turn are sometimes grouped together to form a patriarchate.
Nevertheless, the climate of Colorado is not to be judged severe, and that of the plains region is in many ways ideal.
It is on the contrary over-developed in them, but ill-informed and working in ways unessential or even morally harmful.
This extinction is achieved in eight ways, namely rectitude of faith, resolve, speech, action, living, effort, thought, self-concentration.
To understand the genesis of human morality we must study the ways of sociable animals such as horses and monkeys, which give each other assistance in trouble, feel mutual affection and sympathy, and experience pleasure in doing actions that benefit the society to which they belong.
The powers of the bishops were increased, and their brethren brought in various ways under subjection to them, and in 1609 two courts of high commission were set up by the royal authority with plenary powers to enforce conformity to the new arrangements.
Maxwell showed in this paper that the velocity of propagation of an electromagnetic impulse through space could also be determined by certain experimental methods which consisted in measuring the same electric quantity, capacity, resistance or potential in two ways.
In the same year she was a delegate to the Prison Reform Congress in London, and founded there the Woman's Peace Association, one of the many ways in which she expressed her opposition to war.