Waxes Sentence Examples
What waxes is spherical.
This is a type of candle that is unique to them, perhaps it has been created using a specific scent, blend of candle waxes or a special shape.
They provide specific information about waxes, wicks and molds that they sell and this can be a very reliable way to learn more about different types of materials.
Although paraffin waxes are amongst the cheapest and most popular waxes used for candle making, if you're looking to make the very best scented candles available soy wax will likely be your first choice.
Unlike paraffin waxes that contain crude oil byproducts, soy wax is natural and biodegradable and, therefore, ideal for people who desire an environmentally-friendly non-toxic product.
This type of wax has many benefits over traditional candle waxes and is becoming increasingly popular.
New-generation candle waxes, including soy wax, offer many benefits and are a better fit for our modern day expectations.
Candle makers are increasingly turning to soy wax and other vegetable or plant based waxes as these are easy to use as well as benefiting the environment.
This speeds up the cleaning process and makes soy wax a good alternative to traditional candle waxes, particularly for occasions when time is short.
Some soy waxes are blended with other vegetable oils to reduce the frosting appearance which is a feature of soy wax.
AdvertisementMany new candle makers, particularly those new to working with soy wax, also enjoy trying and experimenting with different types of waxes and blends and therefore it can be a mistake to commit too early to a particular type of wax.
General Wax and Candle Company carries a variety of candle waxes including paraffin, soy, beeswax and blends.
As with most colors, the popularity of black in decorating waxes and wanes, but you can find many shopping opportunities for candles and votive holders.
Other popular types of candle wax include beeswax and vegetable based waxes made from palm or soy.
The candle wax is made up of soy along with a blend of palm waxes, though the company does not provide the exact ingredients in the wax itself.
AdvertisementIf you haven't used soy candles before, you'll also notice that they burn much more cleanly than other waxes.
You can fill a tackle box with fishing supplies or present a bucket with sponges, waxes, and drying cloths to the car enthusiast.
Some products used to waterproof a pair of western boots include waxes, oils, and natural beeswax.
Most waxes are classified as either a natural form of carnauba wax or a synthetic paint sealant.
Consumer Reports, on the other hand, rates Black Magic Wet Shine, Turtle Wax Carnauba, and Eagle One Nanowax, as three of the best valued automotive waxes on the market, offering the best overall results for the lowest price.
AdvertisementTwo additional auto waxes to consider are Zymol and Mother's, both rated consistently high among consumer reviews at Epinions.
Some professional car waxes require special tools.
Hinson - Melodic and soulful country music that waxes philosophical with its lyrics and style alike.
The fats and waxes are the esters of the higher fatty acids and alcohols.
What is spherical waxes.
AdvertisementWaxes The waxes consist chiefly of the fatty acid esters of the higher monohydric alcohols, with which are frequently associated free alcohols as also free fatty acids.
The other waxes are of more complex composition, especially so wool wax.
In their physical properties the natural waxes simulate the fatty oils and fats.
An important property of waxes is that of easily forming emulsions with water, so that large quantities of water can be incorporated with them (lanolin).
The liquid waxes occur in the blubber of the sperm whale, and in the head cavities of those whales which yield spermaceti; this latter is obtained by cooling the crude oil obtained from the head cavities.
Vegetable waxes appear to be very widely distributed throughout the vegetable kingdom, and occur mostly as a very thin film covering leaves and also fruits.
The animal waxes are widely distributed amongst the insects, the most important being beeswax, which is collected in almost all parts of the world.
Today I managed to phone the Lab of a company that manufactures waxes, including the paraffin / beeswax mixture I use.
Jonathan Hoare waxes rhapsodic about a 1950 Triumph 6T Thunderbird.
Even on whaling vessels, where up to recently whale oil, seal oil and sperm oil (see Waxes, below) were obtained exclusively by "trying," i.e.
His column, titled " Trent Lott waxes nostalgic about the segregationist era ", stirred up the blogger community.
Frequent reassessment is essential to titrate treatment of pain that rapidly waxes and wanes.
She first proclaimed them dead, then waxes indignant because they are still alive.
There are three basic types of furniture care products and out of those three, Hooker Furniture recommends using polishes instead of waxes or silicone cleaners.
Use vegetable oils and waxes as a replacement for lubricants containing solvents.
Gel stains or aging waxes can also recreate the look of an antique farmhouse kitchen table by establishing an instant patina.
Their mineral makeup is a true natural product with no preservatives, talc, oil, waxes, fragrances or other chemicals.
As it has no waxes, it resists the smudging common with pencil liners.
Equally as harsh, if not more so than the preservative additives, binders and fillers add many unwanted chemicals and heavy waxes to the skin that may cause not only breakouts, but clogged pores as well.
Pressed powders are easier to carry in your purse because added ingredients like waxes or emollients help the powder to hold a solid form.
This natural source of color makes it possible to get long-lasting, natural color without the use of oils, talc, waxes or chemicals.
Synthetic waxes may be used on the yarn, but they must be water soluble.
Other bad air toxic materials used during building include mold, vermiculite attic insulation, formaldehyde, glues, paints, wood strippers, waxes and more.
You can also get colored waxes for extra fun - and they wash out at the end of the night.
The techniques for adding these extension to your real hair include weaving, heat fusing, gluing, clamping or using waxes or polymers.
Unfortunately, this cut is not low maintenance and frequently requires waxes, gels and pomades to keep its hold.
Do note, however, that not all bikini waxes are alike.
There are a number of creams and waxes specifically for men, such as Nads for Men and other unscented or neutrally scented products.
The Tigi Bed Head line contains numerous styling waxes, foams, sprays, and frizz fighters.
Waxes, foams, and sprays are all available in the Amplify line.
Waxes, putties, and gels are all available to craft the perfect male coif.
Each line has an astonishing variety of individual products, including shampoos and conditioners as well as styling aids such as sprays, pomades, waxes, and gels.
Waxes are available for volume and control, and styling foam, hair gel, and high gloss sprays are other popular options.
Products such as gels, waxes, and sprays with stronger holds may be necessary for the most extreme styles.
Visit HairCrazy.Info for reviews on all the major unnatural hair dye brands, shampoos and conditioners that won't damage your mohawk or dreads, as well as reviews of waxes, hairsprays, and more.
Styling products such as waxes and clays will define this look and add texture.
To keep hair shiny and touchable, avoid heavy styling products such as waxes or gels, instead opt for smoothing serums, hair spray, and sheen sprays to get the look.
A layered bob can be blown straight or left to air dry and tousle with texturizing pomades and waxes.
Styling products such as waxes and gels are used to vary the look.
Styling products like gels, lotions, and waxes can accent layers and waves, and also provide some definition and shape to a long men's hairstyle.
While time in between appointments may vary, most Brazilian waxes are maintained every 3 weeks or on an as-need basis.
Brazilian waxes are often considered the flirtatious and taboo version of a standard bikini wax.
It isn't always practical to go to the salon for waxes, and body waxing kits make it even easier to take care of the task on your own.
Brazilian bikini waxes remove all the hair from a woman or man's pubic area.
Since that time, these waxes have become very popular among socialites, celebrities, and wanna-bes.
Whereas at one time most candles would be made from beeswax, over recent years other types of waxes and oils have been explored in the quest for creating the perfect candle.
The cost of the jars or the addition of other hard vegetable waxes to make pillar candles can add to the cost of the finished item.
Once you have the basics mastered you can get creative with new additives, different molds and waxes, and a variety of techniques that will expand your skill set and give you more control over the finished product.
There are waxes made for votives, pillars and containers, as well as general use wax.
Check the label on the wax you are using to find out how much fragrance oil is safe to add to your candle, but around five percent fragrance to wax by volume seems to be the standard for most soy waxes.
Michael tested some natural plant waxes and came up with a vegetable wax made with partially hydrogenated soy oil, palm oil, and coconut oil.
Colored waxes can also stain materials such as marble and fabric.
Many candle makers enjoy the challenge of making taper candles using different waxes, colors and fragrances to produce unique candles.
The most popular types of wax for jar candle making are paraffin and beeswax; hard waxes that burn quickly and create black soot on the inside of the jar.
Since waxes come in a wide variety of types, different products can take on varying amounts of additives, including scent.
These waxes can only handle a small amount of fragrance oil, and if you try to add more, the oil will seep out from the sides of your finished candle, causing a greasy mess.
Kentucky Candle Wax Supply - You'll find different waxes and blends here, as well as lots of other candle making supplies.
Soy wax is made from hydrogenated oil derived from soybeans, making it a natural wax that is less expensive than beeswax or bayberry waxes.
These blended waxes combine the ease of use of soy wax with the hardness and versatility of paraffin wax, and can be used in any type of candle.
Have some fun and experiment with different types of candle waxes to see which one is right for you.
Many candle makers offer workshops that focus on one area of candle making, for instance making taper candles or working with new-generation waxes such as soy wax.
Some soy waxes have been developed to offer different features.
In the case of isolated patches the intensity often waxes and wanes as if a search-light were being thrown on and turned off.
The ozone so prepared has numerous uses, as, for example, in bleaching oils, waxes, fabrics, &c., sterilizing drinking-water, maturing wines, cleansing foul beer-casks, oxidizing oil, and in the manufacture of vanillin.
They are best applied with a piece of flat wood; or very liquid waxes may be applied with a brush.
It is curious to find that Caxton, an honest man, and an enthusiast as to the future of the art of printing, which he had introduced into England, waxes enthusiastic as to the merits of the intelligent but unscrupulous peers who took an interest in his endeavours.
Therefore the inflow waxes and wanes from season to season throughout the year, but it also varies in the same season in different years.