Waxed Sentence Examples
The debate waxed fast and furious.
This had developed by the 14th or 15th century into a cerecloth, or waxed cloth, on the table itself; and three linen coverings one above the other, two of about the size of the table and one rather wider than the altar, and long enough to hang down at each end.
A great wave of secularity rolled over the Church, engulfing the religious orders with the rest; love waxed cold, fervour languished; learning declined, discipline was relaxed, bitter rivalries broke out, especially between Franciscans and Dominicans.
The apprehension never died out in his mind; and when he knew that the principles and abstractions, the un-English dialect and destructive dialectic, of his former acquaintances were predominant in the National Assembly, his suspicion that the movement would end in disastrous miscarriage waxed into certainty.
This question aroused a controversy which waxed hottest in England, and as the Irish monks stubbornly adhered to their traditions they were vehemently attacked by their opponents.
The colonists were strong enough to send large forces to the king in his Scottish wars, but as there was no corresponding immigration this really weakened the English, whose best hopes lay in agriculture and the arts of peace, while the Celtic race waxed proportionally numerous.
Beware of waxed strings made of candlewick - unless you like your director to wax eloquent while shedding little light.
The speakers waxed lyrically about the fresh water aquatic conservation center, which they hope to bring to a disused clay pit near Bedford.
Golf writers have always waxed poetic about the unique challenge of golf caused by the offset hosel.
At this time, a few short years before he became one himself, he waxed sarcastic about parliamentarians.
AdvertisementNeedless to say I waxed wroth, and left none that I could find alive.
Whether or no Gawain was a sunhero, and he certainly possessed some of the features - we are constantly told how his strength waxed with the waxing of the sun till noontide, and then gradually decreased; he owned a steed known by a definite name le Gringalet; and a light-giving sword, Escalibur (which, as a rule, is represented as belonging to Gawain, not to Arthur) - all traits of a sun-hero - he certainly has much in common with the primitive Irish hero Cuchullin.
Mother pieces " waxed " down to a silicon carrier using a thermoplastic polymer.
The reporter waxed lyrical; At morning and evening you may hear and see train wagons thundering along through these handsome sheds.
I get him with a faint impression of waxed mustache - a sort of foreign person - but I ca n't get more.
AdvertisementWith the latter I waxed really eloquent, almost succeeding in reducing myself to tears in a mixture of emotion and baffled exasperation.
A strip of muslin is applied over the waxed area of your body, then pulled back quickly to remove the hair.
It's recommended that you apply a moisturizer to the area you've had waxed, and to avoid running hot water over this area of your body for a few hours.
If you are interested in keeping the area you have waxed hairless for good, you will have to go back for another treatment every six weeks.
Food contaminated paper, waxed or oiled paper are non-recyclable.
AdvertisementDo not apply lemon juice to skin that has been recently shaved, waxed or otherwise irritated.
When dry, place them on sheets of waxed paper, roll up the paper, and affix a rubber band around them to hold them in place.
You can also visit a salon to have your eyebrows tweezed, waxed, sugared or threaded away, but goths and high, skinny eyebrows are a match made in heaven.
Before you go out and buy the tools needed for waxing, determine whether your cross country skis actually need to be waxed.
If you do not ski on a regular basis, consider having your skis waxed at the ski shop.
AdvertisementLay out the grape leaves on waxed paper.
Christopher Knight waxed poetic about pork chops and apple sauce on The Brady Bunch.
They specialize in fabrics like tie-dye, batik, waxed cotton and linen.
A waxed cork tile will have more of a shine to it and will bring out the natural texture of the cork.
A professional bodybuilder can pull it off, but unless you have a tanned, freshly waxed chest, bulky enough to set your groceries on while searching for your car keys, this kind of clothing may not be your thing.
Dental floss comes in many varieties (waxed, unwaxed, flavored, tape) and may be chosen based on personal preference.
Professional ballroom dance competitions have waxed and waned in popularity over the years.
If you dread the thought of having your eyebrows waxed or plucked, it may be time to give eyebrow threading a try.
Whereas some persons will prefer a little hair waxed off the sides and top, others may opt for a more intense Brazilian wax, a technique that leaves a small triangle patch of hair.
The Hummingbird Skin Care Spa is a premier location in the D.C. area to get waxed without spending a fortune.
To add some variation to your waxed pelvic region, you can request that a small patch of hair remains.
Once you've been thoroughly waxed you can expect a clean and smooth surface for about a week before hair slowly begins to grow back.
Once you've been thoroughly waxed, you'll have to wait till hair is 1/4" long to repeat the hair removal process.While the rate of pubic hair growth will vary, most women find it takes a good 2-3 weeks between repeat visits.
If you're ready to have your most feminine of areas waxed, you may find yourself wondering what is a Brazilian wax and how is it more beneficial (if at all) than a standard bikini wax?
Make sure your hair is long enough to be waxed.
Don't worry if you haven't yet waxed, or lost those last few winter pounds -- neither has nearly anyone else.
One of the most-touted benefits of waxing is that, unlike with shaving or tweezing, the waxed area will stay hair-free for weeks.
Talcum powder will be dusted over the area to be waxed.
You must be buffed, exfoliated, waxed and bronzed in order to carry off this swimsuit style.
Rash guard shirts protect skin from chaffing against a waxed surfboard.
This is why all body hair needs to be either waxed, shaved or lasered off before the swimsuit is worn.
Allow to harden on waxed paper, then seal up in a cellophane bag.
Pat dry with paper towels, and set the wick on waxed paper to cool completely.
Place the assembled puzzle on top of a piece of thin plastic or waxed paper to prevent it from becoming accidentally glued to your table.
Take his car when he isn't using it and have it washed and waxed.
While interest has waxed and waned over the years, there was a resurgence in 1933 when anecdotal evidence brought the monster back to the front page.
Eighty percent of fruits and vegetables are waxed - some organics have organic wax - to increase shelf life, but the wax also traps what is underneath.
If the leaves aren't perfectly flat, you can cover them with waxed paper and put a heavy book on top of them for a day or two.
In this rundown of French love poems by literary period, you can learn some of the most famous French poets who waxed eloquent on the subject of love.
To make chocolate truffles at home, you'll need a heavy duty pot to melt the ingredients, waxed paper, the ingredients, and a mold or scoop.
A small lawn tractor could be waxed and in the corner to add a little extra ambiance.
Feelings with regard to the Vulcans waxed and waned between gratitude for their friendship and resentment for their perceived containment of the human spirit.
Once the floors had been waxed and the furniture polished, the house sparkled - in an empty kind of way.
And out of one of them came forth a little horn (Antiochus Epiphanes) which waxed exceeding great towards the south (Egypt) and towards the East (Babylon) and towards the beauteous land (the land of Israel)."
Thus it was that Baldwin waxed while Bohemund waned.
Indeed, in the years between 1840 and 1850, during which the movement waxed and waned, no fewer than forty-one phalanges were founded, of which some definite record can be found.
Failures there have been many, and scandals not a few in Benedictine history; but it may be said with truth that there does not appear to have been ever a period of widespread or universal corruption, however much at times and in places primitive love may have waxed cold.
But matters went otherwise than he had expected; when he waxed unmannerly, and unsheathed his dagger to strike one of the royal retinue who had dared to answer him back, the mayor of London, William Walworth, drew his cutlass and cut him down.
Then followed a time of great ethnical confusion in South Africa, during which tribes flourished, split up and disappeared; but ere this the culture represented by the ruins in Rhodesia had waxed and waned.
Then Brunhild "waxed as wan as a dead woman, and spoke no word the day long."
Milk spill The only container milk won't spill out of is an unopened waxed cardboard carton.