Wax Sentence Examples
A wax candle stood at each side of the minister's bent bald head with its gray temples.
If it fails to form a hard cake on cooling, a known weight of wax may be added and the product re-heated.
Industry consists chiefly in corn-milling and the preparation of wax and honey.
The principal products are rice, oil-seeds, lac, tussur silk, horns, hides, wax and a little iron.
The honey and the wax of the wild bee are collected by the natives.
Miracles occur at their shrines, and the surviving relatives who guard them wax rich off the offerings brought.
A copper plate having been coated with wax, outline and ornament are cut into the wax, the lettering is impressed with type, and the intaglio thus produced is electrotyped.
The Germans recognized the staple rights of Bruges for a number of commodities, such as wool, wax, furs, copper and grain, and in return for this material contribution to the growing commercial importance of the town, they received in 1309 freedom from the compulsory brokerage which Bruges imposed on foreign merchants.
Industries include the manufacture of cotton fabric, flour and wax candles.
In boiling liquids its formation may be prevented by adding paraffin wax; the wax melts and forms a ring on the surface of the liquid, which boils tranquilly in the centre.
AdvertisementFrom the time when they began to cast bronze statues, Japanese experts understood how to employ a hollow, removable core round which the metal was run in a skin just thick enough for strength without waste of material; and they also understood the use of wax for modelling purposes.
Many scale-insects are among the most serious of pests, but various species have been utilized by man for the production of wax (lac) and red dye (cochineal).
They are placed upon the trees in the spring, and at the close of the summer they void a peculiar substance which when melted forms wax.
At the same time the combs were preserved for refilling by the bees, in lieu of melting them down for wax.
The wax candles burned brightly, the silver and crystal gleamed, so did the ladies' toilets and the gold and silver of the men's epaulets; servants in scarlet liveries moved round the table, the clatter of plates, knives, and glasses mingled with the animated hum of several conversations.
AdvertisementTry a wax polish to fill scratches and restore shine.
Smooth the dough out on the wax paper with your hands or a rolling pin until it is about a half an inch thick.
A simple plan is as follows - draw an outline of the country of which a map is to be produced upon a board; mark all points the altitude of which is known or can be estimated by pins or wires clipped off so as to denote the heights; mark river-courses and suitable profiles by strips of vellum and finally finish your model with the aid of a good map, in clay or wax.
Another process of producing such blocks is known as cerography (Gr. !crtpbs), wax.
Of the better known metals potassium and sodium are the softest; they can be kneaded between the fingers like wax.
AdvertisementWax is bleached to a considerable extent, and there are numerous tobacco factories, tanneries, breweries, vinegar works and brandy distilleries.
Honey is a crop of some importance; in 1908 the yield was about 950 tons of honey and 15 tons of wax.
The castor-oil plant is common, and the wax tree grows plentifully in the neighbourhood of Lai-yang in the east, giving rise to a considerable trade in the wax produced by the wax insects.
Unlike those of their kind in Sze Ch`uen, the wax insects of Shan-tung breed and become productive in the same districts.
Exports (principally coffee and wax) are valued at about £55,000 annually, and imports at about the same amount.
AdvertisementA dangerous bar at the mouth of the river permits the entrance only of the smaller coasting steamers, but the port is an important commercial centre, and exports considerable quantities of cotton, hides, manicoba, rubber, fruit, and palm wax.
Various kinds of grafting wax are now obtainable, and are a great improvement upon the clay process.
Raffia - which has taken the place of bast - is generally used for tying, and grafting wax is only used occasionally with such plants under glass.
That such enzymes are formed in the protoplasm is evident from the behaviour of hyphae, which have been observed to pierce cell-membranes, the chitinous coats of insects, artificial collodion films and layers of wax, &c. That a fungus can secrete more than one enzyme, according to the materials its hyphae have to attack, has been shown by the extraction of diastase, inulase, trehalase, invertase, maltase, raffinase, malizitase, emulsin, trypsin and lipase from Aspergillus by Bourquelot, and similar events occur in other fungi.
Silkworms are bred, and some silk is spun; and the export of honey and wax is not inconsiderable.
A cement for Derbyshire spar and china, &c., is composed of 7 parts of rosin and i of wax, with a little plaster of Paris; a small quantity only should be applied to the surfaces to be united, for, as a general rule, the thinner the stratum of a cement, the more powerful its action.
She had once hurt her mother's feelings by refusing to use some wax candles.
He denied - he never ceased to deny - his share in the guilt, and Mary worked on his vanity and his fears, and moulded his " heart of wax " to her will.
The exports include sugar, rum, cotton, hides, skins, rubber, wax, fibres, dyewoods, cacau, mandioca flour, pineapples and other fruits.
Knowing that the water produced by the combustion of alcohol was not pre-existent in that substance but was formed by the combination of its hydrogen with the oxygen of the air, he burnt alcohol and other combustible organic substances, such as wax and oil, in a known volume of oxygen, and, from the weight of the water and carbon dioxide produced and his knowledge of their composition, was able to calculate the amounts of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen present in the substance.
The principal exports are cattle, horses, cheese, butter, honey, wax, flour, paper, hardware and Westphalian coal.
If a statue was to be cast, the figure was first roughly modelled in clay - only rather smaller in all its dimensions than the future bronze; all over this a skin of wax was laid, and worked by the sculptor with modelling tools to the required form and finish.
A mixture of pounded brick, clay and ashes was then ground finely in water to the consistence of cream, and successive coats of this mixture were then applied with a brush, till a second skin was formed all over the wax, fitting closely into every line and depression of the modelling.
The whole was then thoroughly dried, and placed in a hot oven, which baked the clay, both of the core and the outside mould, and melted the wax, which was allowed to run out from small holes made for the purpose.
Thus a hollow was left, corresponding to the skin of wax between the core and the mould, the relative positions of which were preserved by various small rods of bronze, which had previously been driven through from the outer mould to the rough core.
The most skilful sculptors, however, had but little of this after-touching to do, the final modelling and even polish which they had put upon the wax being faithfully reproduced in the bronze casting.
In our well-known hive-bee (Apis) and humble-bees (Bombus) the wax glands are ventral FIG.
Other exports of importance are rum, wax and honey; and of less primary importance, fruits, fine cabinet woods, oils and starch.
The Beni-Abbas tribe in the Algerian Atlas is famed for its walnuts, and many tribes keep bees, chiefly for the commercial value of the wax.
The chief exports are coffee, rubber, wax, palm kernels and palm-oil, cattle and hides and dried or salt fish.
Wax, gum, coffee and ivory are also exported.
Bees are abundant, and wild honey and wax are gathered in considerable quantities.
The women, who do all the work, `collect wax and honey, which are their principal staples in trade.
Odysseus, warned by Circe, escaped the danger by stopping the ears of his crew with wax and binding himself to the mast until he was out of hearing (Odyssey xii.).
Other characteristic plants of the Coastal Plain are the cranberry, wild rice, wild yam, wax myrtle, wistaria, trumpet flower, passion flower, holly and white alder.
This was soon put into operation in Scotland, first with the Boghead coal or Torbanehill mineral, and later with bituminous shales, and though he had to face much litigation Young successfully employed it in the manufacture of naphtha and lubricating oils, and subsequently of illuminating oils and paraffin wax, until in 1866, after the patent had expired, he transferred his works to a limited company.
Maxwell made a comparison between the optical refractive index and the dielectric constant of paraffin wax, and the approximation between the numerical values of the square of the first and that of the last was sufficient to show that there was a basis for further work.
He was accused 2 " I wax now somewhat ancient; one-and-thirty years is a great deal of sand in the hour-glass....I ever bare a mind (in some middle place that I could discharge) to serve her majesty; not as a man born under Sol, that loveth honour; nor under Jupiter, that loveth business (for the contemplative planet carrieth me away wholly); but as a man born under an excellent sovereign, that deserveth the dedication of all men's abilities.
Traquair in 1890, in allusion to its well-developed vertebral rings; and its structure was studied in detail in 1903 by Professor and Miss Sollas, who succeeded in making enlarged models of the fossil in wax.
It is fertile, and produces wax and honey, and coal has been found.
As large vessels can sail up to the town, it is a trade centre for the products of the districts along the banks of the Barito and Martapura, such as benzoin, rattans, wax, gold, diamonds, iron and weapons.
The natural vegetable productions are important, and include manigoba or Ceara rubber, carnahuba wax and fibre, caju wine and ipecacuanha.
Durandus, in his Rationale, interprets the wax as the body of Christ, the wick as his soul, the flame as his divine nature; and the consuming candle as symbolizing his passion and death.
The use of " wax lights and tapers " formed one of the indictments brought by P. Smart, a Puritan prebendary of Durham, against Dr Burgoyne, Cosin and others for setting up " superstitious ceremonies " in the cathedral " contrary to the Act of Uniformity."
Cochineal also contains a fat and wax; cochineal wax or coccerin, C30H60(C31H6103)2, may be extracted by benzene, the fat is a glyceryl myristate C3H5(C14Hz702)3.
There is little vegetation save stunted shrubs, such as the mimosa (which generally marks the river beds), wild pomegranate, and wax heaths, known collectively as Karroo bush.
That Zeno and Cleanthes crudely compared this presentation to the impression which a seal bears upon wax, with protuberances and indentations, while Chrysippus more prudently determined it vaguely as an occult modification or " mode " of mind, is an interesting but not intrinsically important detail But the mind is no mere passive recipient of impressions from without, in the view of the Stoics.
There are manufactures of woollen yarn, tobacco, biscuits, umbrellas and printers' ink, and a lively trade is carried on in wax, honey, wool and timber.
Pictet, Vegetable Opium also contains a gum, pectin, a wax, sugar and similar substances, in addition to meconic and lactic acids.
With us, the notion of a seal is an impression in relief, obtained from an incised design, either on a soft material such as wax or clay,, or on a harder material such as lead, gold or silver.
Also from ancient times Naturally, the introduction of the pendant seal invited an impression on the back as well as on the face of the disk of wax or other material employed.
But there are examples of elaborate matrices composed of several pieces, from the impressions of which the seal was built up in an ingenious fashion, both obverse and reverse being carved in hollow work, through which figures and subjects impressed on an inner layer of wax are to be seen.
Besides the transparent yellowishbrown of the wax when used in its natural state, as it very frequently was used in the earlier middle ages, many other colours, FIG.
For the protection of the impression, in the 12th and 13th centuries, when it was an ordinary custom to impress the seals on thick cakes of wax, the surrounding margin rising well above the field usually formed a suitable fender; at other times, as in the 14th and 15th centuries, a so-called wreath,1 or twisted shred of parchment, or plaited grass or reed, was imbedded in the wax round the impression.
In the southern countries of Europe, where wax would be affected by the warmth of the climate, it was natural that a harder material should also be used.
Such specimens as have descended to us show that the golden bulla of the middle ages was usually hollow, being formed of two thin plates of metal stamped with the designs of obverse and reverse, soldered together at the edges and padded with wax or plaster.
The value of the honey and wax produced in 1899 was $94,364.
It seems needless to give references to the voluminous discussion in newspapers and periodicals concerning the authenticity of a wax bust of Flora acquired in 1909 for the Berlin Museum and unfortunately ascribed to Leonardo da Vinci, its real author having been proved by external and internal evidence to be the Englishman Richard Cockle Lucas, and its date 1846.
The stomata are frequently arranged in rows, their position being marked by two white bands of wax on the leaf-surface.
In Abbot Islip's chapel there is a series of effigies in wax, representing monarchs and others.
Butter and honey were exported to supply the sultan's kitchen at Stambul; wax and cattle to Venice; and the red and white wine of Walachia, notably that of Pitesei, to Transylvania.
The cargoes which they here took in consisted of Moldavian timber (oak, deal and cornel), grain, butter, honey and wax, salt and nitre.
It is a tall slender palm, and is the source of the vegetable wax so largely used in some parts of the country in the manufacture of matches, a single stem sometimes yielding 16-20 lb.
Friction matches are made from the vegetable wax extracted from the Ceroxylon palm, and are generally used throughout the interior.
During the life of the whale the contents of these cavities are in a fluid condition, but no sooner is the "head matter" removed than the solid wax spermaceti separates in white crystalline flakes, leaving the oil a clear yellow fluid having a fishy odour.
If so, parliament was told that temporal possessions ruin the church and drive out the Christian graces of faith, hope and charity; that the priesthood of the church in communion with Rome was not the priesthood Christ gave to his apostles; that the monk's vow of celibacy had for its consequence unnatural lust, and should not be imposed; that transubstantiation was a feigned miracle, and led people to idolatry; that prayers made over wine, bread, water, oil, salt, wax, incense, altars of stone, church walls, vestments, mitres, crosses, staves, were magical and should not be allowed; that kings should possess the jus episcopale, and bring good government into the church; that no special prayers should be made for the dead; that auricular confession made to the clergy, and declared to be necessary for salvation, was the root of clerical arrogance and the cause of indulgences and other abuses in pardoning sin; that all wars were against the principles of the New Testament, and were but murdering and plundering the poor to win glory for kings; that the vows of chastity laid upon nuns led to child murder; that many of the trades practised in the commonwealth, such as those of goldsmiths and armourers, were unnecessary and led to luxury and waste.
It is also used for preparing shoemaker's wax, as a flux for soldering metals, for pitching lager beer casks, for rosining the bows of musical instruments and numerous minor purposes.
Bees are very generally kept, the honey being consumed in the country, the wax exported.
Rubber, coffee, wax, sugar and palm-kernels, dried fish and whale oil are the chief exports.
The device is common in ecclesiastical art, but the name is especially given in the Church of Rome to a small cake made of the wax of the Easter candles and impressed with this figure.
Formerly the principal exports, besides slaves, were gold-dust, wax and hides, the gold being obtained from the Futa Jallon district farther inland.
The export of wax, valued at £37,000 in 1843, had dwindled in 1907 to £2325.
Caravans from Sus laden with copper-ware, olive oil, butter, saffron, wax, skins, dates, dried roses, &c., are sent to Marrakesh, four days' journey from Tarudant.
Next in importance, to bee-keepers, is the enormous advance made in late years through the invention of a machine for manufacturing the impressed wax sheets known as " comb foundation," aptly so named, because upon it the bees build the cells wherein they store their food.
We need not dwell upon the evolution from the crude idea, which first took form in the endeavour to compel beesto build straight combs in a given direction by offering them a guiding line of wax along the under side of each top-bar of the frame in which the combs were built; but we may glance at the more important improvements which gradually developed as time went on.
In 1843 a German bee-keeper, Krechner by name, conceived the idea of first dipping fine linen into molten wax, then pressing the sheets so made between rollers, and thus forming a waxen midrib on which the bees would build their combs.
In 1857 Mehring (also a German) made a further advance by the use of wooden moulds for casting sheets of wax impressed with the hexagonal form of the bee-cell.
In all roller machines used at that time the plain sheets of wax were first made by the " dipping " process, i.e.
By this process " dipping " is abolished, and in its latest form sheets of wax of any length are produced, passed between engraved rollers 6 in.
Nothing seems to be lost, nor can any part of the bee's work be accounted labour in vain; the very wax from which the insect builds the store-combs for its food and the cells in which its young are hatched and reared is valuable to mankind in many ways, and is regarded to-day no less than in the past ages as an important commercial product.
The exports include logwood, cotton, hides, wax, tobacco, salt and cigars of local manufacture.
Thus Japan wax is a glyceride and should be more correctly termed Japan tallow, whereas sperm oil is, chemically speaking, a wax.
The high specific gravity, 0.970, is owned by castor oil and cacao butter, and the highest specific gravity observed hitherto, o-975, by Japan wax and myrtle wax.
The other waxes are of more complex composition, especially so wool wax.
So far carnaiiba wax is practically the only vegetable wax which is of importance in the world's markets.
An exceptional position is occupied by wool wax, the main constituent of the natural wool fat which covers the hair of sheep, and is obtained as a by-product in scouring the raw wool.
Spermaceti is a comparatively unimportant article of commerce; and of Chinese wax small quantities only are imported, as the home consumption takes up the bulk of the wax for the manufacture of candles, polishes and sizes.
There is trade in silk, honey and wax, and brown coal is found in the neighbourhood.
Lanolin, linseed oil, wax, spermaceti, &c., also belong to this group. The paraffins, glycerin and vaseline, although not fats, have much the same effect when applied externally, but they are not nutritive.
Some of them contain much organic debris, and when distilled yield paraffin oil, wax, compounds of ammonia, &c. In these oil-shales there are clear, globular, yellow bodies which seem to be resinous.
Beware of waxed strings made of candlewick - unless you like your director to wax eloquent while shedding little light.
Curiously, very few people get worked up about this UK situation compared to the numbers who wax indignant about European fraud.
When using cork tiles they are often sealed with a water based acrylic but a wax coating is also available.
As you can see, I can wax lyrical about Winchester Cathedral on purely architectural and historical grounds.
Jo's main interests are silk painting, wax batik and embroidery and she exhibits her work regularly in the Yorkshire area.
In the burrow the queen bee builds a few small cells from wax made in her body.
The design was engraved onto sheets of polished copper coated with wax, using a sharp, needle-like tool called a burin.
You even have a few choices of candles such as regular wax candles and soy candles.
The tall wax candles showing a sufficient light to note it well.
It had been thought that Chinese used the ' lost wax ' method like bronze casters in the ancient Near East.
The wax thickness of 0.5mm provides sufficient strength to the finished casting to resist flexing whilst remaining unobtrusive in situ.
Using metallocene catalysis, it is now possible to tailor the wax to the special requirements of EPS production.
She was the daughter of a wax chandler, Thomas Middleton, and was brought up as a protestant.
Wax content - determined by capillary column gas-liquid chromatography (GLC) for detecting the addition of solvent extracted olive pomace oil.
P P wax painting Draw a picture with wax crayons on paper.
Its paint is so creamy it's like molten wax.
He was inspired by Edison's invention of sound recording and Alexander Graham Bell's development of wax cylinders.
They use a very good quality wax which will last for six months if you do not do much motorway driving.
We saw a pickled Lennon who looked just like a wax dummy, but with lots of makeup!
Hearing aids push earwax further back into the ear canal therefore it accumulates and creates a wax plug.
The wax is often heated in a little pot, resting in hot embers.
The dry combs are then stored ready for reuse the following season, or melted in a solar wax extractor.
Remove candle wax Wait for the wax to cool then gently loosen using a fingernail to remove.
Enclosed within the area of the Sculpture Garden is a lost wax, bronze casting foundry.
Cetearyl glucoside - Emulsifying wax extracted from Corn and Coconut - mild and non-irritant.
This prevents granulation and kills wax moth larvae and eggs should any be present.
PhD Tea Tree Creme Wax An emerald green, creme wax, which can be easily seen during hair removal.
Whether I use soluble clear gutta or wax as the resist I always strive to hide the outlines in the finished picture.
Routinely inspect stuffed animals and even old wax combs where honey bees have died out.
There is also a rather lame wax museum; the less said about it, the better.
Lives and works in East Finchley, London I do line drawings spontaneously and uncorrected with a black wax crayon in a sketchbook.
I like it because it doesn't leave a wax build up and doesn't contain linseed or silicone oil.
Why not get them to wax lyrical about your product or service on video?
Rescrubbing on wax of the following rob McCoy a uncertainty principle.
Bronze Age It is a highly specialized foundry using the lost wax method to cast works in bronze and other non-ferrous metals.
All bags are made of water repellent canvas with wax leather trim and brass mountings.
In this remake of the classic 1953 Andre de Toth film that starred Vincent Price, horrors abound in a creepy wax museum.
Natural carnuba wax is derived from a tree native to Brazil, and is nature's hardest, purest and most transparent wax.
Shields made of water or wax can be used to absorb neutrons.
The typical usage for a strongly scented candle is 1 weighed ounce of scent to 1lb wax.
Do not use paraffin wax at all if babies or young children are able to breathe the fumes from your work area.
There'll be palms, sweet oranges and pomegranates emerging from ferns, with a delicate perfume of jasmine and wax flowers.
They contain no animal products, nor do they contain petroleum based paraffin wax.
Agreement of the theoretical models with real systems has been demonstrated by the inclusion of 3% copper phthalocyanine in paraffin wax.
KÃhrs oil finish is a mixture of oil and wax which consists almost exclusively of renewable raw materials and contains no solvents.
The unreduced nose combines figs, apricots, nectarines, scented candle wax and hard wood sawdust.
The same effect can often be achieved by layering carnuba wax over a synthetic sealant.
Organic cotton still requires caustic soda to remove the wax.
In a few hours the mites will be killed and the wax softened.
The process involves the use of volatile solvents which are added to the oil stock to dissolve the wax.
It consists of a horizontal spindle, carrying at one end the wax cylinder, on which the sonorous vibrations are to be imprinted.
I learned to wax the axle of the wheel so that it would n't squeak.
Hives should be scrapped clean of wax and propolis, and then sterilized by flaming with a blow flashlight.
You will always have some stray, very stubborn hairs in the first few times you wax.
Children use a pointed bone or metal stylus to make marks on the wax.
Surf wax and traction pads are used to keep a surf wax and traction pads are used to keep a surfers feet from slipping off the deck of the board.
Another bright red toadstool is a conical shiny Wax Cap, growing in old grassland.
The wax was then removed by hand using a soft microfibre towel.
It can be caused by excess ear wax, blocked eustachian tubes, pressure damage or aging.
The second species, with at least two discovered, was the Pale Wax Cap, Hygrocybe pratensis var pallida.
He is a professional beggar, tho in order to avoid the police regulations he pretends to a small trade in wax Vestas.
Poured wax Doll One made by pouring melted wax into a mold.
Petroleum solvents are used to soften the wax into a spreadable paste, by preventing the individual molecules from bonding together.
Tie bladder or run sealing wax over the corks, and store in a dry, cool place.
Unfortunately, much of what is advertised as carnauba wax these days is far from it.
In order to reduce our paraffin wax dip stock.. .
At the salon, she chose the Hollywood bikini wax, every single pubic hair removed.
Place damp paper over candle wax to be removed.
The Greater Wax Moth has a wingspan of up to 3.6 cm. and the Lesser Wax Moth a wingspan of 1.8 cm.
Since one horse was capable of doing the work required, Rumford remarked that one horse can generate heat as rapidly as nine wax candles burning in the ordinary manner.
Digging wasps make simple holes in the ground; many burrowing bees form branching tunnels; other bees excavate timber or make their brood-chambers in hollow plant-stems; wasps work up with their saliva vegetable fibres bitten off tree-bark to make paper; social bees produce from glands in their own bodies the wax whence their nest-chambers are built.
Gall nuts, gathered on the neighbouring Kurdish mountain slopes, are mostly exported, but are also made use of by native dyers; and hides, wax, cotton and gum are sold.
New contrasts are formed by the juxtaposition of differently toned metals; or these with an inlay of haliotis shell, introduced by Alfred Gilbert; or of coloured wax, favoured by Onslow Ford; or enamelling, perfected by Professor von Herkomer; or stained ivory, pearls, or semi-precious stones.
Two methods have been employed, the cire-perdue, or wax process (see above), and the present, or all sand method.
Fill the reservoir with enough wax to run from the spout.
Wax the sides of a saw blade when cutting wet or very resinous woods.
He has worked in the studios for 25 years, sculpting wax portraits for display in the museum 's main exhibitions.
A car shampoo should also be gentle enough not to strip existing layers of wax or sealant protection.
Wax scales are tiny flakes secreted from glands on the underneath the worker bees ' abdomen.
It has been specially formulated to help soften wax and sooth irritation.
The treatment benefits of paraffin wax makes this an excellent treatment for soothing aching backs.
Our richly scented soy wax candles will complete the ambiance.
On one corner of this was stuck the stump of a red wax candle.
Sex Wax The best known variety of surfboard wax.
Mystery of the Wax Museum Images of wax that throbbed with human passion.
Body and soul are unified in the same way that wax and an impression stamped on it are unified.
He is a professional beggar, tho in order to avoid the police regulations he pretends to a small trade in wax vestas.
In the early days the weather charts were drawn by hand with wax crayons.
Finally, wax moth does not kill bees or infest strong colonies, only weak colonies that are dying out or stored frames.
Early recordings of this type were made by a needle scratching a groove into a wax cylinder.
You'll probably want to do this on wax paper for easy clean-up.
Then consider having a wax treatment done.
The warm wax is applied over the area you want hairs removed from.
Find a salon or clinic in your town that does wax treatments.
You should also talk to people you know who have had wax treatments done and try to get recommendations from them about good spots to go to for waxing.
Expect some redness and irritation after your wax treatment.
Caution - Before your wax treatment begins, make sure that the clinician attending to you has let the wax cool down a bit.
If the wax is applied when it's too hot, you can be burned badly.
If you burn scented candles, save any wax bits left over and add them to a wax potpourri burner.
You can go to any home improvement store like Home Depot and buy a few wax crayons made specifically for wood.
You may have to purchase a small bottle of wood stain, wax crayons, varnish or special wood stain pens to try to match the color.
The territory within a cat's ear canal is warm, moist and rich in tissues and wax.
This ear debris is comprised of blood, ear wax and tissue.
The cat's body will then produce more wax, and this allows the mites to multiply and thrive.
If you get painted aluminum, you can use high quality car wax to clean the furniture without disrupting the painted finish.
You can also use a special wax made for metal furniture.
Regular cleaning with wax-based cleaners can result in a wax build-up that leaves a film on the surface of the furniture.
Soy candles are made of soy wax, which is hydrogenated soybean oil.
Soy wax is easier to clean up than paraffin candle wax, but you must still protect your furniture, yourself, and your family from hot wax burns.
Most salves contain plant-based elements in a base of wax, honey, clay or similar agents.
When you purchase a copper sink, the artisans who made it will typically put a thin layer of wax on the surface, to freeze the color where it is until you install it.
To freeze the finish in the same color you received it in, purchase can of old fashioned furniture polish wax with a beeswax base.
Rub the wax into the finish of the sink wherever water stops beading up off of its surface.
The wax will preserve the sink in whatever finish you wish.
Your mouth might be watering over a cheeseburger made out of wax or plastic.
Draw a design onto a piece of wax paper using a grease pencil.
Paint each section of the wax paper with the relevant color using a small paintbrush and careful strokes.
Allow the paint and glue to dry undisturbed on the wax paper overnight.
Carefully peel the cling off the wax paper and transfer it to a window.
They provide protection and shine, but require frequent application.Some women, who want to avoid the less organic petroleum products, prefer options that are wax based.
If you do wax, then schedule an appointment with a professional eyebrow waxer because it is very risky to try it on your own.
For those needing shape, visit the salon and meet with an esthetician who will wax and create a brow that frames your features.
An eyebrow powder topped with a light hold hair wax will hold your brows all day.
For a flattering eyebrow shape, visit a salon and have an esthetician who specializes in eyebrow shaping wax and groom your brows.
Pacifica solid perfumes contain organic soy wax, organic coconut wax and a blend of natural and essential oils.
Available options include faux chrome, glowing edges, posterization, neon glow, colored foil, faux enamel, halftone, colored edges, hot wax coating, magnifying lens, and solarize.
Shape the dough into a log about an inch of a quarter thick, roll onto parchment, or wax paper, and refrigerate for two hours.
Learning how to wax cross country skis can save you time, and possibly money.
When they get covered with wax they get dull around the edges, so be sure to have a spare.
You will need to scrape off the ice before you wax your skis.
Once you have purchased all of the tools on the list, you will be ready to learn how to wax cross country skis.
While you clean the bases with the base cleaner, heat your iron to a temperature that is just warm enough to melt the wax.
Next, use the iron to drip a dime-sized drop of wax on the bases of your skis.
Touching the bar of wax with the base of the iron is the easiest way to do this.
Spread the wax evenly over the bases of your skis.
When the wax has cooled, use your sharp scraper to scrape away the excess wax.
Use candles, wax melts, or scent diffusers to distribute the aromas.
The levels of anxiety can wax and wane at different times in life so that when the stress level is lower, the person may be able to function fairly normally.
If yours sticks you can use a wax pencil or wax paper to make it slide easier and zip correctly.
Simply take the base and rub the wax pencil or paper on it.
Rub the wax on the backside of the gown so no one will see the wax.
Originally the store, which was started by Tom Moore in 1980, only sold surfboards, surf wax, and a limited selection of T-shirts and swimwear.
After all, no bride wants to ruin her wedding gown with hot candle wax!
Get the sealing wax in your main wedding color.
Consider using a sealing wax on your envelope and stamp with your last name initial.
Symptoms during these two weeks may wax and wane, but they will continue to influence your life negatively.
Nick Carter claims his infidelity was a direct result of Paris Hilton's supposed liaisons with her House of Wax co-star Chad Michael Murray, a rumor that was unfounded.
She has already appeared in House of Wax, but will be seen shortly in the comedy The Hottie & the Nottie, set for release on February 8.
If you have time after the cruise, you can experience jazz, delicious food, a wax museum, a World War II museum, ghost tours, and more.
Check your dog's ears for wax, dirt and debris.
If you notice any dirt, wax or debris, clean your dog's ears with ear cleaning solution.
The warm water will help soften the wax.
Gently but firmly remove as much wax and dirt as possible.
Form the dough into a ball, and then place it on wax paper.
The young dark green stems have a lovely white wax on them like the bloom on a Grape.
The Wax Myrtle is met with in old gardens, where it was planted for its spicy foliage.
Check out their tabs for Photography and Surf Wax America.
Don't apply acrylic or wax floor finishes.
Don't apply wax or acrylic floor finishes to your laminate floor.
Where retail consumers can buy plumbing fixtures, like toilets, in complete kits that include screws, gaskets and wax rings, commercial plumbing products are more often sold separately.
Remove the rag from the toilet's waste pipe, and set a wax ring down around its base.
If your toilet didn't come with a wax ring, you can purchase one for a few dollars at your local hardware store.
Position the wax ring around the waste pipe evenly and lift the toilet up above it.
Set the toilet down on the wax ring at a slight angle and twist the toilet sharply forward into place.
Me and Ro prides itself on the beauty of simplicity, offering pieces designed through wax carvings and metal fabrication.
The silver rings are made by intaglio carving and were often used to seal letters and other documents by pressing the ring into hot wax, leaving the image of the Celtic cross or other design in the wax.
Simple tip-ditch the comb and grab some wax.
If you have long hair, twist it up a bit with wax to create faux waves.
If you're not wearing a wig and your hair is short, try to style your hair so that pieces flip out with styling pomade or wax.
We use candelilla wax in the Bee Free blend in place of the certified organic beeswax that we typically use in our other products.
Since candelilla wax is not available in organic, and it's the best vegetable-based wax for a lip balm, this product has a lower organic content compared with our others.
It has a natural wax content that gives the fabric luster.
Linen has three times the strength of cotton and contains a wax that gives it a natural sheen.
However, it is easily dyed without ruining the luster of the fabric, which comes from the natural wax found in the plant.
They have a thick red plastic seal over the enclosure, presenting a false image of a traditional wax seal for added protection.
Usually a wax, a real wax seal, implies an expensive wine where the producer went the extra mile to ensure a tight seal to protect the wine.
At first look I thought the seal was wax and I'd have to go through the usual cutting and chiseling to get it off.
When I discovered the wax was actually plastic I thought life would be easier.
They also offer a wax dipping service where the neck of the wine bottle is dipped in one of their 18 stock colors.
They provide the same soft glow, but the hurricane, or chimney, that surrounds the flame keeps the wind from blowing it out or spilling wax all over the place.
In order to keep your matches dry, dip the matches in wax.
Then, when required, you can easily scrape off the wax from the tip and light the match.
In 2003, a Cuban research study revealed that policosanol, a substance made from sugar cane wax or beeswax, lowered LDL cholesterol nearly 27 percent in study subjects.
Also refers to the technique of removing wax (cerumen) from the ear canal by flushing it with water.
The paper is then covered with wax or a sheet of plastic, so that evaporation does not occur.
Special drops are used to soften the wax, and the ears are flushed with water.
Women with flat warts on areas that are shaved should use other methods to remove hair such as depilatory cream or wax.
Because the symptoms of chlamydia wax and wane and because the adolescent or adult may be asymptomatic, proper diagnosis may be delayed.
Less common causes of cerumen impaction include overproduction of earwax by the glands in the ear canal or an abnormally narrow ear canal that tends to trap the wax.
Family care practitioners recommend that parents try to remove the impacted wax at home before calling the doctor.
If irrigation cannot be used or fails to remove the cerumen, the doctor can remove the wax with a vacuum device or a curette, which is a small scoop-shaped surgical instrument.
The doctor holds the child's head steady with one hand while using the curette with the other hand to ease the impacted wax away from the sides of the ear canal.
Some doctors prescribe special eardrops, such as Cerumenex, to soften the wax.
Over-the-counter wax removal products include Debrox or Murine Ear Drops.
A collecting plate is placed on the ear to catch melted wax.
Parents should teach children not to use cotton swabs or other objects to remove wax from the ear, and should advise older children and adolescents against experimenting with ear candling.
An ear examination with an otoscope can also detect a build-up of wax in the ear canal or a rupture or puncture of the eardrum.
Sometimes if there is an excessive build up of wax in the ear, the doctor or nurse will remove some of it so that the eardrum can be seen more clearly.
If there is a buildup of wax in the ear canal, it might be rinsed or scraped out.
Once cut, the farmer applies wax over the severed area to prevent disease such as fungus and mildew.
Healthy green sprouts eventually grow through the wax barrier.
If you don't want more sprouts apply wax over the end you cut.
Use a thick hold gel or wax and rub the product between your fingers.
Guys can take advantage of the types of treatments only girls used to get such as the hand detail, wax detail and other treatments for the hair and face.
More common methods of shaping or thinning eyebrows include hot wax and tweezers.
It is nearly impossible to get precise results with hot wax, and using tweezers to pluck one hair at a time can feel like an eternity of torture.
Most beauticians will agree that eyebrow threading is better for a person's skin that using hot wax to remove unwanted facial hair.
The skin near the eyebrow region can be very sensitive, and using wax on it can lead to break-outs, skin irritation, or even burned skin.
Hot wax can also cause the skin to peel or become wrinkled, so it is beneficial to use a hair removal method that does not involve the application of any sort of heated substance or chemical near the brows.
Hot wax, when dried, is difficult to remove from clothing.
The next step is for the esthetician to take spply the hot wax with a flat wooden application tool (which may resemble a popsicle stick or wooden spoon).
Upon pulling out the correct amount of wax, he or she will spread a layer of the wax on top of the bikini-area hair.
A piece of fabric or cotton is then placed on top of the hot wax.
This is used to help remove the wax off the skin.
For some individuals,undergoing a hot wax treatment for the purpose of hair removal is unpleasant, and itdoes hurt.
To further mitigate the pain of a waxing treatment, make sure the esthetician rips the wax strips off as quickly as possible.
Whereas some persons will prefer a little hair waxed off the sides and top, others may opt for a more intense Brazilian wax, a technique that leaves a small triangle patch of hair.
However, if you'd like to be completely bare, the Hollywood wax will leave your private areas entirely fuzz-free.
Individuals who continue to wax or pluck out facial hairs are also more at risk for follicular scarring or sensitive skin that can lead to ingrown hairs.
Add a tiny bit of wax or pomade to the ends.
Style the hair with texturizing paste or wax pomade.
Once dried, use a wax or texturizing pomade and rub the product between your thumb and ring finger.
The eyebrow area happens to be one of the least painful areas to wax, so it should not be a feared method of enhancing the look of the face.
Eyebrow waxing does not necessarily have to be an overly painful experience, nor does it have to involve hot wax.
There are a few different waxing methods including hot wax, cold wax, and "sugaring."
Using hot eyebrow wax can be done either in a salon or in the privacy of a person's own home.
Having hot wax applied to the eyebrow area is not painful, but may feel very warm or hot for a few seconds before it cools and attaches itself to the hair it touches.
Usually, before the wax is cool, strips of cotton are applied to the top of the wax layer to use as a tool to remove the wax once it's ready.
After it is completely cool, the person administering the waxing must rip the cooled strips of wax off the person's face.
Cold eyebrow wax is similar to hot wax, but there is no heat involved.
With the elimination of heat, applying the wax may be easier for some people.
Also, preparing cold wax to be applied to the eyebrow area is much less messy than hot wax.
Cold eyebrow waxing treatments can be purchased in kits so that in-home applications can be performed, but cold wax eyebrow hair removal may also be available in salons.
Cold wax strips are removed from the eyebrow area in a similar method to that of a hot wax treatment.
Using the sugaring method of removing unwanted eyebrow hair is similar to the hot and cold wax methods, but a type of sugar paste is used instead of wax.
The biggest difference between wax and sugar is that the sugar paste will not stick to the skin.
With either hot or cold wax, this is not an option, and any left-over wax must be picked off the skin.
Try the Head Banger Way Out Wax that provides hair with a messy texture, perfect for shaggy short hair styles.
Before randomly plucking brows or slathering on hot wax, however, it is vital to choose a shape that will compliment and accentuate the eyes.
Then either tweeze, wax, or trim the brow to conform to that shape.
Seek professional services at a beauty salon; the technicians may pluck, wax, or trim brows and can do so with far less inconvenience than home treatments.
Even if you choose to wax your brows instead, it may be necessary to pluck hairs that do not adhere to the wax properly or to refine the brow shape as additional hairs grow in.
It focuses mainly on the coloring of the brows and includes coordinated brow powders, a cream highlighter, and a wax cream intended for the maintenance of your eyebrow shape.
For a wax treatment, it is recommended your hair be at least ¼ inch long, so refrain from shaving before going into the salon for your appointment.
Using Ciripel wax, native to France, you will receive a quality hair removal experience without spending a fortune.
One problem, however, is that the pulling on the delicate skin can cause it to loosen if you wax regularly, which could be uncomfortable and unsightly.
Next, work a large dollop of hair wax or molding paste through the ends of hair.
Bangs can be secured with a light layer of hair spray or a gob of hair wax.
Work a pomade or a light hair wax through the ends to break up the texture and add some shine.
Add some height at the crown using a hairdryer and paddle brush, run some molding wax through the ends for texture and revel in richer hair.
Texture can be developed with hair wax or paste.
Blow dry and finish with a molding paste or wax for defined edges.
Work a pomade or wax into the section from scalp to ends.
Although glue and wax have been used in the past, most stylists don't recommend these binders.
While most short styles won't require a smoothing serum, glossing gel or tress repair, you will need a wax or pomade to finish your style while imparting a small amount of shine and hold.
A wax will help separate layers, adding interest and movement to your short cut.
Whether you're rocking a runway-inspired bowl cut or a spiked 'do, wax or pomade is a styling necessity for short hair.
To create these looks takes a great deal of practice as well as heavy-hold hair products including hair wax and hair spray, though the products should not give hair a droopy, artificial look.
Should you opt for a male peasant look, hair can be a few inches long and worn in a layered shaggy and disheveled shape with the help of a molding paste or wax.
When defined and separated with a molding wax or pomade, minimal layers can also take upon a shag-like style.
Spikes can be shaped with the help of wax or a strong hold gel.
Greasing up your locks with a wax will help create a variety of wet styles that are perfect for the club scene, while temporary hair colors offer plenty of edge without a haircut commitment.
Buzz cuts and crew cuts can be strictly wash and wear for the game, and can be spiked up with a little bit of styling wax or gel off the field.
Although not nearly as common for men as it is for women, a male Brazilian wax is an affordable and temporary solution to rid unwanted body hair below the belt.
Made popular by three Brazilian women who brought their country's trend to the states, a Brazilian wax is the most barren form of hair removal for the bikini area.
While a male Brazilian wax may be less common, there are quite a few reasons why a man may opt for this exclusive form of body waxing.
If you suffer from excessive sweat and odor, a male Brazilian wax is certain to ease your worries and increase your personal comfort level during the hot and sticky months of summer.
While body waxing can be intimidating, you can prepare yourself for your first Brazilian wax by following the tips below.
No matter your reasons for going bare down below, a Brazilian wax is the industrytermfor getting smooth and barren.
If you're interested in body hair removal, you may be considering a full Brazilian bikini wax.
Before you can book any sort of a body wax appointment, you'll need to ensure that the hair is at least 1/4" inch long for successful results.
If this is your first experience with a professional wax, you may find yourself pondering plenty of embarrassing questions.
Before you bare all, take a look at the process of a full Brazilian wax and what it entails.
A full Brazilian wax means there will be no hair left below after the service.
If you're vacationing and want to ensure there is no body hair in sight when you don your bikini, a Brazilian wax is the preferable way to go.
After the careful application of wax, an esthetician will use muslin strips to quickly remove your bikini hair from the root, allowing more time between outgrowth than traditional shaving methods.
While the process of removal is quick, the application of wax and the preparation of the service can take some time, especially if this is your first visit.
While many people can withstand the physical pain and sensation of waxing, some women find themselves in too much discomfort to opt for a bikini wax service.
It's best to test your wax tolerance by trying an eyebrow or lip wax prior to exploring a bikini removal service.
Try to schedule wax appointments around special occasions in which you hope to be totally bare.
To find an establishment that offers a full Brazilian bikini wax, check out local day spas and hair salons that offer waxing.
With waxing and hair removal being an upward trend in personal grooming services, there are also freestanding wax establishments that offer monthly memberships that are both affordable and convenient.
If you're booking a hair removal appointment, you may find yourself asking, "What is a Brazilian wax?"
Brazilian waxes are often considered the flirtatious and taboo version of a standard bikini wax.
Seven Brazilian sisters introduced the women of New York City to their version of a bikini wax in 1987, and ever since the sexy Brazilian wax has grown to become one of the most sought after hair removal styles.
If you're ready to have your most feminine of areas waxed, you may find yourself wondering what is a Brazilian wax and how is it more beneficial (if at all) than a standard bikini wax?
While both wax styles have their benefits, should you decide to opt for the ultimate form of hair removal, a Brazilian wax is certain to leave you the smoothest.
A basic bikini wax includes the removal of all hair that extends beyond the bikini line with a varied width based on individual preference.
Many women opt for a standard bikini wax because it allows for preferential cuts and styles.
In addition to being the standard of bikini hair removal, a standard wax also means no surprises for your partner.
If you want a clean line without a dramatic impact, a basic bikini wax is the safest and most traditional bet.
For women who would rather have a sexy little secret and smooth personal areas, a Brazilian bikini wax is the only way to go.
Unlike a basic bikini wax, a Brazilian wax removes all pubic hair from the front to the back.
Some women customize the look of a Brazilian wax by keeping a very narrow strip of hair at the front, typically referred to as a "landing strip."
If the typical Brazilian wax seems too exposed for your taste yet you desire the hair-free finish, you may opt for a landing strip for the extra level of visual comfort.
Whether you decide to opt for a less risky bikini wax or go clean as a whistle with the Brazilian, you'll want to book a hair removal appointment with a specialist to ensure a quality and comfortable result.
While many women have had success waxing in the comforts of their own home, a wax procedure is much more likely to become a positive experience when you leave the practice to the professionals.
To find an establishment that offers a Brazilian wax, simply call and ask.
While a wax service may seem intimidating at first, rest assured they are commonplace in upscale salons and spas.
If you have any concerns or need more clarification on what type of bikini wax will produce the desired result, book a consultation with a hair removal specialist.
Whether you choose a standard bikini wax or the more involved Brazilian wax, decide what type of wax style best fits your personality and personal needs before hitting the beach.
If you need to cover a large surface area, such as your arms and legs, an at-home wax kit can be one of the best hair removal products, that is, if you don’t mind a little pain.
Waxing involves applying warm wax to hair, covering with a strip and ripping off in one quick motion, similar to the way you would yank off a band aid.
Veet Ready to Use Wax Strips for Legs, Body & Bikini are pre-cut strips with the wax already on that you apply and peel off so there’s no mixing or preparation needed.
Brow kits are perfect for women with very sparse brows, because they contain brow powder to fill in and brow wax to set, or women with short brows that they need to extend.
This all in one kit helps perfect your brows and your eyes with a light and dark brow powder, brow wax to set, eyeliner, eye brightener, brow highlighter, mini tweezers, angled brush and a step-by-step instruction guide.
This budget-friendly drugstore shaping kit is a top seller for NYX Cosmetics because it contains two shades of brow powder to fill in brows, angled brush for a precise application, spooly brush to groom brows and clear brow wax to set.
The kit contains two shades of brow powder, one light and one dark so you can custom blend to create your perfect brow shade, brow wax to set, three stencils, an angled brow brush to apply brow powder, spooly brush to groom and tweezers.
The Sally Hansen Extra Strength All Over Body Wax Hair Removal Kit received quite a few good reviews on Google products.
The wax strips from Sally Hansen received a 3.8 out of 5.0 based on 101 reviews at Makeup Alley.
You can either grip the edge of a cloth strip to remove the wax or you can lift up the edge of the wax and pull from there.
The methods are similar, but when you use sugar wax, it's easier to clean your skin once you're done.
Sugar wax is water soluble, whereas regular wax could be a pain to remove completely.
There's also no heat required to use sugar wax.
Exfoliate the area one or two days in advance so that the wax can grasp the root of the hair without any interference from dry skin.
If your wax needs to be heated, do that first according to the directions on the package.
Apply the wax in the direction of the hair you want to remove with a spatula or by pressing a strip from a cold waxing kit onto the skin.
Apply a light coating of the wax only to one small area at a time so that it doesn't harden too much in some areas before you get a chance to remove it.
If your kit uses cloth strips, press one into the wax, again in the direction of the hair.
Smooth the cloth down, leaving enough of the end free so that you can grip it when it's time to remove the wax.
Before the wax cools and hardens completely, pull the skin taut with one hand and grip the edge (of the wax or strip, depending on the type of kit) with the other, then pull quickly against the growth of the hair.
Apply a soothing lotion or gel, like GiGi After Wax Cooling Gel.
If there is stubborn wax left over, use lotion or baby oil.
This site also offers a variety of projects made with other materials, such as an eggshell pencil holder, wax sculptures and friendship bracelets.
Of course, that doesn't mean you have to go out for your first brow wax if it's not something you typically do; just make sure they're brushed into place and not distracting from your otherwise well-groomed appearance.
Wearing one of these bikinis requires a bikini wax to look your best.
Whether you choose to shave, wax, or go au natural, know that it leaves a big impression on those around you.
Most women will have to wax or shave their pubic area before they can wear this kind of bikini bottom.
Every pair of Birdwell surf shorts has a Velcro fly, wax rear pocket, three-lace band and two layers of fabric.
A tie front, a fifteen-inch inseam and a button flap wax pocket completes the look.
No discussion of Brazilian bikinis can be complete without an explanation of the Brazilian bikini wax.
Warm wax is used to remove most of the hair from the private regions which are more exposed than ever when wearing a Brazilian suit.
The Brazilian bikini wax for men is becoming an ever more popular for the body conscious gent.
Some wonder, what man would willingly allow his more intimate parts to be exposed to hot wax before having that wax ripped from his body?
A Brazilian bikini wax for men is similar to the waxing women experience.
Waxing involves the application of warm wax on an area where you wish to remove hair; sometimes cloth is applied over it, sometimes not.
After the area is smoothed, the wax is ripped away in one motion against the direction of hair growth.
Some of the guys who enjoy the Brazilian bikini wax do so because of their profession or hobbies.
So you're feeling courageous and have decided to go ahead with the ultimate wax job.
Warm or hot wax will be spread on the genital area in sections.
The wax will probably be covered with cotton cloths.
The aesthetician will then remove the strips of cloth, with the wax attached, in one smooth motion.
If you've gone through a Brazilian bikini wax for men and survived without too much complaint, good for you!
Lest you think there is only one type of wax available out there, namely the Brazilian bikini wax, here's a quick run down on the subtle differences between several popular variations.
With the standard bikini wax, hair is removed from outside the panty line.
So what happens when you get a Brazilian bikini wax?
If you tend to sport a more modest look, then consider opting for a simple bikini wax.
The much talked about Brazilian wax is a must.
What better way to show off your Brazilian wax than in a Brazilian tanga.
The trunks are all made of 100 percent polyester and are usually loaded with the kinds of extras that water lovers truly appreciate including Velcro fly closures, waistbands contoured for comfort, wax combs, easy-open tabs and more.
Since eyes will be all over your body, you will usually have to do as women do and make an appointment for a full body wax before going out in your exotic swimwear.
Surf boarders know that blowing sand can stick to the wax on their boards, making the surface feel like sandpaper rubbing against their flesh.
If you've previously only thought of a bikini wax as a woman's domain, think again, because men will not want to wear one of these manly micros without one.
The Rip Curl style comes in three different colors, brown, light blue and black, and even includes a wax comb in the back pocket!
Sand can cling to the wax, thus irritating the skin when the surfer slides on or off the board.
Suffice it to say that if this is your bikini of choice, then a thorough body wax is in short order.
The one absolute must to wearing a micro is to have absolutely no body hair to spoil those sleek, smooth lines, and so the bikini wax comes in to play.
The process can be very painful, but it does get the desired results, so if you're going micro, learn to love the wax.
The only way to wear one of these suits is to first submit to the dreaded bikini wax.
When you commit to wearing mini bikinis you also commit to something else--a full body wax.
The good news is that a body wax lasts weeks longer than a close shave and there's no stubble to deal with.
If you dare to wear such a tiny bikini, you will have to get a Brazilian wax first.
The wax used to help surf boards retain their "grip" also collects sand, leaving a fine gritty film on the surface that doesn't immediately wash off in the water.
The process involves using a penetrating wax to block dyes from being absorbed into the fabric.
Just as with women, guys will definitely need a full bikini wax to stand any chance of pulling off this very daring swimsuit look.
The slingshot has the barest of breast coverage and a tiny front that demands a full wax before wearing.
Unless you've been blessed with an amazing smooth nether region or have endured multiple sessions of laser hair removal, you will need to wax thoroughly.
The Brazilian bikini wax is a smart choice for women who want to wear a string tanga that doesn't just require you to remove hair from the pubic area, but from the back as well.
Instead of shaving, you can wax away for a smoother look for six to eight weeks.
You'll be more likely to wax and trim away when you are planning on wearing a thong!
G-string thongs or Rios are very revealing and you will no doubt need to wax your pubic area before wearing one.
In addition to being fit, you're also going to have to endure the dreaded bikini wax, because pulling off one of these looks requires baby smooth skin.
A Brazilian bikini wax is mandatory because shaving can produce unsightly bumps.
To avoid any embarrassing exposure, make sure you get a fresh wax or shave before slipping into your tiny G string!
Consider getting a Brazilian bikini wax, because it removes all of your bikini fuzz and leaves your skin smooth for weeks.
However, if you like to keep yourself well kept down below, a bikini wax and a trim will certainly make you feel more confident when the suit goes from dry to wet.
Be sure to get a Brazilian wax before planning to wear your invisible swimwear.
Once the sock has been removed from the hand, place a piece of wax paper inside to keep paint, markers, glue, etc. from "bleeding" onto the other side of the puppet as you work.
Put chunks of wax into the double boiler and set the heat to high.
Stir frequently until the wax is melted.
Use the candy thermometer to monitor the temperature of your wax.
As a general rule, you'll want to use no more than 1/8 oz. undiluted candle scent for every 1 lb. wax.
After the wax has partially hardened and formed a skin, add wicks to candle molds.
When the wax cools, you may notice that it has shrunk to create a small pit around your wick.
However, if you wish, you may reheat your leftover wax and fill in the pit to create a floating candle with a smooth top.
Don't try to scrape the candle out of the mold with a knife, since you'll leave unsightly impressions in the wax.
It's not actually a spa you visit, but it's one you can create in your own home with the help of some wax, some scented oils, and a small flame.
Candles can be created from traditional wax or from one of the vegetable alternatives such as soy.
Dripping candle wax should also be taken into account so it does not mar tablecloths or other decorations.
You can simply roll the wax onto the wick, tapering it a one end, or you can jazz it up by trying different colors.
The final way of making taper candles involves dunking the wick in the melted wax as many times as necessary to get the candle the size and shape that you want.
Start by melting your wax in a coffee can or a wax melting pot.
To make the candle, simply dip your length of wick into the wax, then lift up again.
Keep going up and down in a smooth, steady motion, not leaving the wick in the wax for a very long time each pass.
Remember to take the wax off the heat before you begin dipping, or it will get too hot.