Waveform Sentence Examples
Select and display the waveform at the circuit input, the first, second and third inverter output wires and the final circuit output.
The waveform at the control grid has also been used in some television receivers to provide a sawtooth timebase waveform.
The resultant waveform is stored in AV to be viewed.
This word sets the value of a single point in the geometric waveform buffer.
The machine purports to give the central arterial waveform from the measured radial artery pressure waveform.
The voltage waveform shows a complete absence of any beat envelope following the initiation of an arc to ground.
Sound is picked up by a microphone worn behind the ear, and the analog waveform passed to an external speech processor.
The pulse echo waveform has a fractional bandwidth of 50% .
They are used in the equations of motion to produce the output waveform, with dynamic effect of speed added.
A square wave is a voltage or a current change in which the waveform has square, i.e. right-angled, corners.
AdvertisementThis creates the sawtooth waveform known more commonly as ripple voltage.
The data streams from the two engines are superimposed to create an artificial atrial fibrillation waveform.
A controller in the synchronous buck converter switches the FETs according to the input voltage waveform to achieve rectification.
The solution to the problem is simple - just do n't disturb the program which generates the waveform.
The waveform amplitude envelope provides useful perceptual information to listeners.
AdvertisementThree basic waves, sine, triangles and square, generated by a locked waveform generator, are applied to shape the display.
Two additional waveform samples shall also be computed by the on-board processor by performing a DFT algorithm on the corrected I/Q signal samples.
Drag the Warp Marker from 1.2 to the beginning of the spike in the waveform display where 1.3 was originally.
The pulse echo waveform has a fractional bandwidth of 50 %.
A computer compiles the findings into a waveform that gives the examiner information about the location of a hearing problem anywhere along this pathway from the ear canal to the brainstem.
AdvertisementThe Waveform format, more commonly called WAV, is an uncompressed version of recorded sounds.
Since both edges of V2a Waveform are caused by an avalanche, very steep edges result - ideal for timing.
The pulse duration of a wide pulse, on the other hand, is a large fraction of the period of the waveform.
The vent position is initially checked with the pressure waveform but later confirmed with the trans-oesophageal echocardiography (TOE) (Figure 1 ).
The numbers stored correspond to the amplitudes of the waveform at the sampling instants indicated by the black vertical lines.
AdvertisementThis process, known as waveform inversion, has been shown to give very dependable results.
Square wave inverters simply change a DC current to a square AC waveform.
The solution to the problem is simple - just don't disturb the program which generates the waveform.