Waterworks Sentence Examples
The waterworks are owned and operated by the city.
The municipality owns and operates its waterworks and street-lighting plants.
The city is generously provided with all the modern public services, including two street car lines, local and long distance telephone lines, electric power and light, and waterworks.
The municipality owns and operates its waterworks.
Among the city's manufactures are lumber, furniture, iron, stoves, flour and brooms. The municipality owns and operates its waterworks.
Ames has a Carnegie library, and owns and operates its electric-lighting plant and waterworks.
The township owns and operates its waterworks.
Not far from Baden, the valley is crossed by the magnificent aqueduct of the Vienna waterworks.
The waterworks and the sewage disposal plant are owned and operated by the municipality.
The farmers estimate that the other improvements, the waterworks, elevators, insurance, horse feed, &c., will make this up to $6 an acre.
AdvertisementThe city owns and operates the waterworks.
Municipal government machinery is prescribed by a general state law which provides for the acquirement by municipalities of waterworks and lightingplants, the levying and collection of taxes and?
The municipality owns the waterworks system, the water supply being obtained from the Mississippi river.
In the butterfly copse (near the Waterworks Road) (TQ 209 063) a Magpie Moth made a brief appearance.
They were discovered on the A27 road embankment just east of the bridge section where it crosses the Waterworks Road.
AdvertisementIn 1743 the Ramsden family were obliged to construct waterworks for the domestic use of Huddersfield inhabitants.
Dr. Noel Meeke The waterworks Museum for Where shall we build the waterworks?
Sandford Mill, Chelmsford's old waterworks, is a large open air site with a river running through it.
He also worked in France, and was involved in creating the first waterworks in Paris.
It incorporated the former waterworks at Shadwell and West Ham.
AdvertisementTees Cottage Pumping Station is a Victorian waterworks in Darlington in the North East of England which began supplying water to Darlington in 1849.
The magic bus at the waterworks This story is about Ms Frizzle's class who are taken on an outing to the local waterworks.
As the city has always been notoriously unhealthful, the United States, on undertaking the construction of the Panama Canal, became interested in preventing its becoming a centre of infection for the Canal Zone, and by the treaty of November 1903 secured complete jurisdiction in the city and harbour over all matters relating to sanitation and quarantine, and engaged to construct a system of waterworks and sewers in the municipality, which had been practically completed in 1907.
They may not, however, commence to construct waterworks within the limits of supply of any water company empowered by act of parliament or provisional order to supply water without giving notice to the company, and not even then so long as the company are able and willing to supply the necessary water.
Dr. Noel Meeke The Waterworks Museum for Where shall we build the waterworks?
AdvertisementSandford Mill, Chelmsford 's old waterworks, is a large open air site with a river running through it.
The magic bus at the waterworks This story is about Ms Frizzle 's class who are taken on an outing to the local waterworks.
Over 50,000 men were employed on the construction sites over the 13 years of the waterworks scheme.
We ended up walking along the road from Bontnewydd, then up the track past the waterworks buildings.
Whatever the truth of the matter, the town council 's petition proved successful and the waterworks company bill was thrown out.
About 800 meters from the dam the waterworks road bridges Black Clough, at which point the reservoir bends round to the left.
He was showing no signs of ill health and no tell tale signs of waterworks problems.
We have been responsible for a number of key developments in technologies such as flotation, waterworks sludge treatment and particle removal.
He hated all this emotional nonsense, and had it been anyone but Sarah, he would have made a hasty retreat and stayed away until the waterworks passed.
The borough includes the suburb (an ecclesiastical parish) of Luton, in which are the waterworks of Chatham and the adjoining towns.
The municipality owns and operates the waterworks and the electric lighting plant.
The township owns its waterworks.
The municipality owns and operates the waterworks.
The municipality owns and operates the waterworks and the electric-lighting plant.
The siege approaches were first directed against theTemple Waterworks group, which was stormed on the 19th and 10th of September.
Benjamin Whitworth, M.P., was a generous benefactor to the town, who built the Whitworth Hall, furnished half the funds for the construction of waterworks, established.
The revenue of the Territory for the fiscal year ending the 30th of June 1908 amounted to $2,669,748.32, of which $640,051.42 was the proceeds of the tax on real estate, $635,265.81 was the proceeds of the tax on personal property; and among the larger of the remaining items were the income tax ($266,241.74), waterworks ($141,898.04), public lands (sales, $37,585.75; revenue, $122,541.71) and licences ($206,374.28).
The municipality owns the waterworks, the water being obtained from artesian wells.
The gas, electricity (1894) and waterworks (1870) are under municipal control.
The municipality owns and operates the waterworks, and gas and electriclighting plants.
On the northern side of this terrace, between the second temple and the Cyclopean supporting wall, a long stoa or colonnade runs from east to west abutting at the west end in structures which evidently contained a well-house and waterworks; while at the eastern end of this stoa a number of chambers were erected against the hill, in front of which were placed statues and inscriptions, the bases for which are still extant.
Among the city's manufactures are lumber, furniture, baskets, pearl buttons, cars, carriages and wagons, Corliss engines,waterworks pumps,metallic burial cases, desks, boxes, crackers, flour, pickles and beer.
The government owns the waterworks, by which an abundant supply of water is taken from the Potomac at the Great Falls, condudted for 12 m.
The city owns the waterworks; the water-supply is The burning of Washington was an act of vandalism by no means approved of by many of the British officers who were compelled to take part in it.
The municipality owns and operates its waterworks and gas and' electric-lighting plants; the city is supplied with natural gas.
The municipality owns its waterworks, the water being obtained from eleven artesian wells, and being chemically similar to that of Waukesha Springs.
The municipality owns and operates the waterworks and electric-lighting plant.
But in 1871-1881 a decrease was found in the case of fifteen counties in all, and in 1881-1891 in the case of thirteen, whereas in 1891-1901, although Radnorshire, which returned a decrease previously, now returned an abnormal increase owing to the temporary employment of workmen on the construction of the Birmingham waterworks, the number fell to 10, and the average percentage also fell.
For the purpose of enabling them to supply water, most of the provisions of the Waterworks Clauses Acts are incorporated with the Public Health Act, and are made available for the district council.
These properties include tithes, tithe commutation rent charge, land used as arable, meadow or pasture ground only, or as woodlands, market gardens or nursery grounds, orchards, allotments, any land covered with water such as the reservoir of a waterworks company, or used only as a canal or towing-path of the same, or as a railway constructed under the powers of any Act of Parliament for public conveyance.
The waterworks are owned by the municipality.
The waterworks are owned and operated by the municipality.
Some human bones found on this hill when the town waterworks were built in 1855 have been placed in a chamber in the top of the canopy over the Rock.
The city added to its waterworks a filtration plant, with a total capacity of 150,000 gal.
The municipality owns and operates its waterworks and its electric-lighting plant.
The other public buildings include railway works, places of worship (Protestant, Roman Catholic, Mahommedan and Hindu) and schools, an Indian bazaar, a general hospital and waterworks - the water being obtained from springs 13 m.
The municipality owns and operates its waterworks; the water supply is obtained from artesian wells.
These elaborate waterworks were, according to Dorpfeld, constructed by the Peisistratids in order to increase the supply from the ancient spring Callirrhoe; the fountain was furnished with nine jets and henceforth known as Enneacrunus.
The municipality owns and operates its waterworks and natural gas plant.
Barracks, hospitals and waterworks have been built, the military town, called Ferryville, being self-contained.
The public revenues are derived from customs taxes and charges on imports and exports, transit taxes, cattle taxes, profits on coinage, receipts from state monopolies, receipts from various public services such as the post office, telegraph, Caracas waterworks, &c., and sundr y taxes, fines and other sources.
The waterworks and electric-lighting plant are owned and operated by the municipality.
The Chelsea Water Company opened its supply from the Thames in 1721; the Lambeth waterworks were erected in 1783; the Vauxhall Company was established in 1805, the West Middlesex, near Hammersmith, and the East London on the river Lea in 1806, the Kent on the Ravensbourne (Deptford) in 1810, the Grand Junction in 1811, and the Southwark (which amalgamated with the Vauxhall) in 1822.
These magnificent waterworks were opened in 1873, and their sanitary influence was soon felt, in the almost complete disappearance of typhoid fever, which had numerous victims before.
The railways, lighthouses, gas and waterworks and other concessions and industries were placed in British hands.
The municipality owns and operates the waterworks, a natural gas plant, and an electric lighting plant.
There are two private parks, open to the public, and a waterworks system is maintained by the village.
In front of the centre, the Waterworks Redoubt, a semi-permanent work covering the Port Arthur water supply, and connected by trenches with the four Temple Redoubts a mile away to the west, formed a strong advanced position.
On the 12th, the Japanese took the trenches between the Waterworks Redoubt and Erh-Lung, and cut the watersupply.
Other parks are Lake Park, also on the lake shore, at North Point, where stands the waterworks pumping station with its tall tower; Riverside and Kilbourn Parks, east and west respectively of the upper Milwaukee river, in the northern part of the city, Washington Park on the west side, containing a menagerie and a herd of deer; Sherman Park on the west side, and Kosciusko, Humboldt and Mitchell Parks on the south side.
In the north of the borough are the main waterworks and reservoirs of the New River Company, though the waterway continues to a head in; Finsbury.
The municipality owns its waterworks and filtration plant.
The municipality owns its waterworks and an electric-lighting plant.
The city is supplied with water drawn from the Missouri river above the mouth of the Kansas or Kaw (which is used as a sewer by Kansas City, Kan.); the main pumping station and settling basins being at Quindaro, several miles up the river in Kansas; whence the water is carried beneath the Kansas, through a tunnel, to a high-pressure distributing station in the west bottoms. The waterworks (direct pressure system) were acquired by the city in 1895.
The city waterworks are owned by the municipality.
The municipality owns and operates the waterworks and an electric-lighting plant.
Among defeated amendments that are indicative of socio-political tendencies was one (1896) to authorize cities of a population of 30,000 or more to purchase, erect or maintain waterworks or lighting plants.
On the introduction of the Waterworks Clauses Act 1847, an impetus was given to high-pressure supplies, and the same systems of distributing mains were frequently employed for the purpose; but with few exceptions the water continued to be supplied intermittently, and cisterns or tanks were necessary to store it for use during the periods of intermission.
It is therefore of supreme importance that the pressure should be constantly maintained, and to that end, in the best-managed waterworks the supply is not now cut off even for the purpose of connecting house-service pipes, an apparatus being employed by which this is done under pressure.
It is this leakage line that the waterworks engineer uses to ascertain the truth as to the leakage and to assist him in its suppression.
In well-equipped waterworks each house service pipe is controlled by a stop-cock accessible from the footpath to the officials of the water authority, and the process of waste detection by this method depends upon the manipulation of such stop-cocks in conjunction with the differentiating meter.