Waterfowl Sentence Examples
Waterfowl are numerous and the forests of the warm valleys are filled with song-birds and birds of beautiful plumage.
Waders and waterfowl are far less abundant, and those occurring are nearly all migratory forms which visit the peninsula of India - the only important exception being two kinds of solitary snipe and the red-billed curlew.
Three species of globally threatened waterfowl were observed in the area.
Sadly, there were no gulls or other waterfowl present this day.
Southward, the Danube encircles a vast fen, tenanted only by waterfowl and herds of half-wild swine, while the plain which extends to the north-east and east only grows fertile at some distance inland.
The reeds are cover for waterfowl of various kinds, which the traveller sees in great numbers, and wild boars are found in the marshes to the south.
Birds are very numerous, including no fewer than 4 varieties of crows, 5 of warblers, 7 of woodpeckers, 8 of buntings, 4 of falcons, and 5 of eagles; while among the hosts of waterfowl which people the marshes of the Danube are 9 varieties of ducks, and 4 of rails.
The fauna also is well represented, but tigers which once were frequently seen are now very scarce; panther, hyena, jackal, wild boar, deer (Cervus maral) are common; pheasant, woodcock, ducks, teal, geese and various waterfowl abound; the fisheries are very productive and are leased to a Russian firm.
Fen Drayton Lakes is known to be an important site for wintering waterfowl in the Great Ouse Valley.
A beginner's guide to keeping and breeding ornamental waterfowl.
AdvertisementLow tide counts provide information on the spatial distribution of feeding waterfowl within estuaries during the winter months.
The H5N1 strain, which is spread by migrating waterfowl, first appeared in Southeast Asia two years ago.
Not a beach or a spot for swimming but a tranquil place with a good chance of seeing some waterfowl.
All these conditions are less good for migratory waterfowl which have declined in number.
Water management for different activities such as rice culture and waterfowl hunting threatens biodiversity in the delta.
AdvertisementWaterfowl shooters are best placed to consider all the facts relevant to their particular locality and to decide the most appropriate action.
This breed is also happy retrieving waterfowl and camping outdoors with a hunter.
These pants are one of the industry leaders in gear for serious hunters, particularly those who track waterfowl or various aquatic creatures.
Domesticated animals such as dogs, cattle, and mink are affected by botulism C toxin, which also affects birds and has caused massive die-offs in domestic bird flocks and wild waterfowl.
Parakeets are plentiful in the montes, and the lagoons swarm with waterfowl.
AdvertisementIts marshy banks are overgrown with reeds and inhabited by numerous waterfowl.
The avifauna, with the exception of waterfowl, is also limited to comparatively few species.
Other features of these parks are a small botanical garden in Cwmdonkin, a good collection of waterfowl in Brynmill, and a small aviary of the rarer British birds in Victoria Park, which also has a meteorological station in connexion with the meteorological office, and a statue of Mr William Thomas of Lan erected in 1905 in appreciation of the work done by him in preserving and obtaining "open spaces" for Swansea.
It was designated for its estuaries and adjacent coastal habitats, which are important for breeding gulls, terns and wintering waterfowl.
Explore the mangroves by boat to see numerous waterfowl, monkeys and, if you are lucky, the endangered manatee.
AdvertisementIn addition, many waterfowl will have flown to Britain to escape from even colder conditions in continental Europe.
Here we will see a variety of high Andean waterfowl including Puna, Teal & Andean Duck.
The more level parts of the shores have a fertile soil and produce a variety of crops, including rice, maize, manioc, sweet potatoes, sugar-cane, &c., &c. The waters display an abundance of animal life, crocodiles and hippopotami occurring in the bays and river mouths, which are also the haunts of waterfowl of many kinds.
Lead poisoning continues to be a danger to swans as well as other waterfowl due to the ingestion of lead fishing sinkers.
Loch Leven and Lough Neagh, for example, each support over 20,000 waterfowl, including large numbers of wintering whooper swan Cygnus cygnus.
An estimated 176 waterfowl taxa are held in captivity in the British Isles including 40 of the threatened taxa.
A beginner 's guide to keeping and breeding ornamental waterfowl.
Wild waterfowl make themselves peacefully at home along his pasture stream, .
Domestic waterfowl in the Bantam category are either miniatures or bantams.
The effect of water quality on overwintering waterfowl populations.
Overnight Sackville Day 2 Early morning will find us strolling through the waterfowl park in Sackville.