Watered Sentence Examples
She went to the coop first and watered the chickens.
Her eyes watered, and she coughed.
Her eyes watered again.
What she saw amazed her, and her eyes watered, this time out of relief and happiness.
He alone had watered and weeded the flowers.
The chickens need to be fed and watered.
He took in the gilded sconces and carved statues until his sensitive eyes watered, and he closed his eyes to the torch light.
Her eyes watered while a sense of doom settled in her gut.
The rest of the continent gets a lot of rain so it can be considered well watered.
Her mouth watered, and her eyes dropped to the source.
AdvertisementThe whole of the east coast of the continent is well watered.
A large area of the interior is watered to the extent of 20 to 30 in.
Hann, with Messrs Warner, Tate and Taylor, in 1873, related to the country north of the Kirchner range, watered by the Lynd, the Mitchell, the Walsh and the Palmer rivers, on the east side of the Gulf of Carpentaria.
South and east of the range the country, apart from that watered by the coast streams, drains to the Mono river.
The district is watered by four branches of the Ganges canal, and traversed by two lines of railway.
AdvertisementThe department belongs to the Seine basin, and is watered chiefly by the Seine and the Aube.
Thus, for example, in a mountain range at right angles to a prevailing sea-wind, it is the land forms which determine that one side of the range shall be richly watered and deeply dissected by a complete system of valleys, while the other side is dry, indefinite in its valley systems, and sends none of its scanty drainage to the sea.
By far the greater part of the country was a plain watered by numerous rivers, the chief of which have already been mentioned, with the exception of its great central stream, the Liger or Ligeris (Loire).
The southern half of the country is mostly undulating grass land, well watered by streams and springs.
Liberia is almost everywhere well watered.
AdvertisementThe whole group is abundantly watered, and the igneous soil is marvellously fertile.
The three principal areas in which irrigation is practicable are along the Humboldt river, in the plains watered by the Carson, Truckee and Walker rivers, and at the foot of the mountains along the western edge of the state.
All these countries are well watered, populous and fertile, with a climate very similar to that of eastern Bengal.
The country is generally well watered, fertile and well cultivated.
A remarkable &c, expedition by Baron Toll in 1892 through the regions watered by the Lena, resulted in the collection of material which Afghan- will greatly help to elucidate some of the problems which beset the geological history of the world, proving inter alia the primeval existence of a boreal zone of the Jurassic sea round the North Pole.
AdvertisementIt is traversed by the Grampian mountains and watered by the Tay, Tummel, Garry, Tilt, Bruar and other streams. Glen Garry and Glen Tilt are the chief glens, and Loch Rannoch and Loch Tummel the principal lakes.
The stones were carefully cleared from the fields, which were also watered from canals and conduits, communicating with the brooks and streams with which the country " was well watered everywhere," and enriched by the application of manures.
I have watered the red huckleberry, the sand cherry and the nettle-tree, the red pine and the black ash, the white grape and the yellow violet, which might have withered else in dry seasons.
On that thought, the horses needed to be fed and watered.
After she finished dishes, she watered the chickens and added water to the horse tank.
Her eyes watered, and she knew she'd never accept her death without fighting to live, even at his hands!
The coastal belt of Australia is everywhere well watered, with the exception of the country around the Great Australian Bight and Spencer Gulf.
The southwest coast is watered by a few streams, but none of any size; amongst these is the Swan, upon which Perth, the capital of Western Australia, is built.
They could truly boast of having watered their horses in every Indian river from the Cauvery to the Indus.
It is situated in the fertile district of Brie, in a valley watered by the Grand-Morin.
Dacca is watered by a network of rivers and streams, ten of which are navigable throughout the year by native cargo boats of four tons burthen.
Channels formed at right angles to the cultivation ridges provide for the access of water to the crop. The seeds, previously soaked, are sown, usually in March, on the sides of the ridges, and the land watered.
After the seedlings appear, thinning is completed in usually three successive hoeings, the plants being watered after thinning, and subsequently at intervals of from twelve to fifteen days, until about the end of August when picking commences.
The name is taken from that of a Gallic tribe, the Cadurci, and was applied to a small district watered by the Dordogne, the Lot and the Tarn.
The department is an elevated region, well watered with a large number of small streams whose waters eventually find their way through the Amazon into the Atlantic. Many of its productions are of the temperate zone, and considerable attention is given to cattle-raising.
It is well watered by numerous small streams and one larger river, the Aguascalientes or Rio Grande, and has a mild healthy climate with a moderate rainfall.
Between these two systems of hills lies the fertile undulating tract known as the Wetterau, watered by the Wetter, a tributary of the Main.
The middle and eastern divisions of the district, forming the south-western part of the Mahanadi delta, consist entirely of alluvial plains, watered by a network of channels through which the most southerly branch of that river, the Koyakhai, finds its way into the sea.
With the exception of the southern section, the province of Alberta may be said to be well watered.
It lies in a plain watered by the river Ouse, at the junction of the Foss stream with the main river.
From both ridges spurs of greater or less length are sent off at various angles, whence a magnificent view is obtained from Breslau to Prague; the lowlands of Silesia, watered by the Oder, and those of Bohemia, intersected by the Elbe and the Moldau, appearing to lie mapped in relief.
The surface of some, as notably the Mostarsko Blato, lying west of Mostar, is marshy, and in spring forms a lake; others are watered by streams which disappear in swallow-holes of the rock, and make their way by underground channels either to the sea or the Narenta.
So famous was the silk of Bagdad, manufactured in the Attabieh quarter (named after Attab, a contemporary of the Prophet), that the place-name passed over into Spanish, Italian, French and finally into English in the form of "tabby," as the designation of a rich-coloured watered silk.
The valleys are well watered and produce excellent crops of cereals and dates.
Taraba, according to John Lewis Burckhardt, is a considerable town, surrounded by palm groves and gardens, and watered by numerous rivulets, and famous for its long resistance to Mehemet Ali's forces in 1815.
Throughout the mountainous country the valleys are well watered and cultivated, with fortified villages perched on the surrounding heights.
This supersedes artificial irrigation, and the plains so watered yield abundantly in rice, jute and mustard.
Novibazar is a mountainous region, watered by the Lim, which flows north into Bosnia, and by several small tributaries of the Servian Ibar.
In Rio Grande do Sul the Atlantic coastal plain extends westward more than half-way across the state, and is well watered by numerous streams flowing eastward to the Lagoa dos Patos.
The range of Taygetus is well watered and was in ancient times covered with forests which afforded excellent hunting to the Spartans, while it had also large iron mines and quarries of an inferior bluish marble, as well as of the famous rosso antico of Taenarum.
Far poorer are the slopes of Parnon, consisting for the most part of barren limestone uplands scantily watered.
This portion of Mongolia is also much better watered, namely, by the Khatsyr, the Lao-ho and the Shara-muren, all flowing from the Khingan Mountains eastwards, and the last making the frontier between Mongolia and the Chinese province of Chihli.
In general the state is insufficiently watered, the rainfall being light and the rivers small.
The meadows are extensive and well watered, and are pastured by numerous flocks and herds.
The kingdom of Assyria, which was the outgrowth of the primitive settlement on the site of the city of Assur, was developed by a probably gradual process of colonization in the rich vales of the middle Tigris region, a district watered by the Tigris itself and also by several tributary streams, the chief of which was the lower Zab.'
It is probable that this nonSemitic form A-usar means "well watered region," a most appropriate designation for the river settlements of Assyria.
In attempting to picture the site of London in its original condition, that is, before any building took place, it is necessary to consider (I) the condition of the Thames unconfined between made banks, (2) the slopes overlooking it, (3) the tributary streams which watered these slopes.
The country is well watered.
The district is watered by the Geuk Su (Calycadnus and its tributaries), and is covered to a large extent by forests, which still, as of old, supply timber to Egypt and Syria.
The plain is watered by the Cydnus (Tarsus Chai), the Sarus (Sihun) and the Pyramus (Jihun), each of which brings down much silt.
The Pallacopas, called Pallukkatu in the NeoBabylonian texts, started from Pallukkatu or Faluja, and running parallel to the western bank of the Euphrates as far as Iddaratu or Teredon (?) watered an immense tract of land and supplied a large lake near Borsippa.
Armagnac is a region of hills ranging to a height of 1000 ft., watered by the river Gers and other rivers which descend fanwise from the plateau of Lannemezan.
As the soil was fertile and well watered, the township had been agricultural up to this time.
Loch Laggan and Loch Ericht are the principal lakes, and the district is abundantly watered by the Spey and its numerous tributaries.
The greater part of it is desert, but a short stretch lying between the 48th and 50th meridians is well watered and exceptionally fertile.
Doughty adds that the Nejd highlands between Kasim and Mecca are watered yearly by seasonable rains, which at Taif are expected about the end of August and last commonly from four to six weeks.
The eastern half of the district is watered by the Agra canal, which is navigable, and the western half by branches of the Ganges canal.
It occupies the site of the Tacape of the Romans and consists of an open port and European quarter and several small Arab towns built in an oasis of date palms. This oasis is copiously watered by a stream called the Wad Gabes.
It is well watered by streams more or less perennial.
It is watered, however, by fifty streams which cross the desert at intervals.
All these valleys, except Morrope and Chao, are watered by rivers which have their sources far in the recesses of the mountains, and which furnish an abundant supply in the season when irrigation is needed.
The southern half of the montana is watered by streams flowing from the eastern Andes, which go to form the river Madre de Dios or Amaru mayu, the principal branch of the river Beni, which falls into the Madeira.
The department includes an arid, sand-covered region on the coast traversed by deep gorges formed by river courses, and a partly barren, mountainous region inland composed of the high Cordillera and its spurs toward the coast, between which are numerous highly fertile valleys watered by streams from the snow-clad peaks.
Rivers.Japan is abundantly watered.
The greater part of Baden belongs to the basin of the Rhine, which receives upwards of twenty tributaries from the highlands; the north-eastern portion of the territory is also watered by the Main and the Neckar.
The county is well watered by numerous streams. The principal are the Callan, the Tynan and the Tallwater, flowing into the Blackwater, which, after forming the boundary between this county and Tyrone, empties itself into the south-western angle of Lough Neagh.
The black rhinoceros (Rhinoceros (Diceros) bicornis) is the smaller of the two, and has a pointed prehensile upper lip. It ranges through the wooded and watered districts of Africa, from Abyssinia in the north to the Cape Colony, but its numbers are yearly diminishing, owing to the opening up of the country.
Within this portion also lie the lowlands of Bhagalpur, fertile, well planted, well watered, and highly cultivated.
Few perennial streams take their rise in Anti-Lebanon; one of the finest and best watered valleys is that of Helbun, the ancient Chalybon, the Helbon of Ezek.
The place is surrounded by extensive vineyards and orchards, all well watered by canals led from the river, and producing great quantities of fruit for exportation to Russia.
The province is well watered by the Ourthe, the Semois and the Sure.
Amesbury Abbey, a beautiful house built by Inigo Jones for the dukes of Queensberry, stands close to the village, in a park watered by the river Avon, here famous for its trout.
The central tract alone possesses a rich soil, well watered by the Machna and Sampna rivers, almost entirely cultivated and studded with villages.
The country is well watered, but with the exception of the Rufiji the rivers, save for a few miles from their mouths, are unnavigable.
The south-east corner of the state is a sandy lowland, generally level with a slightly elevated ridge (Manomet) south of Plymouth, and well watered by ponds.
Between the higher ranges are many fertile plains and low hilly districts, well watered but comparatively little cultivated in consequence of intertribal feuds.
Just to its south-west there opens the chief Waldensian valley, the Val Pellice, watered by the stream of that name, but sometimes called inaccurately the Luserna valley, Luserna being simply _a village opposite the capital, Torre Pellice; near Torre Pellice the side glens of Angrogna and Rora join the Pellice valley.
To the north-west of Pinerolo, up the Chisone valley, there opens at Perosa Argentina the valley of St Martin, another important Waldensian valley, which is watered by the Germanasca torrent, and at Perrero splits into two branches, of which the Prali glen is far more fertile than that of Massello, the latter being the wildest and most savage of all the Waldensian valleys.
According to the statement of Walafrid Strabo, Einhard was born in the district which is watered by the river Main, and his birth has been fixed at about 770.
The khanate is small, but well watered and populous.
The surface of the country is beautifully diversified, undulating tracts and well-wooded hills alternating with fertile valleys watered mainly by the Aar and its tributaries.
Rarotonga is hilly, well watered, and very beautiful.
The city has a large import and export trade for an immense region watered by the Maranon, Huallaga, Ucayali and other large Amazonian rivers navigated from Iquitos by lines of small boats.
In 1909 about 3000 acres in this project were watered and under cultivation.
Three-fourths of the country lies north of these hills and is typical veld; the valley of the Caledon, sheltered eastward by the Maluti Mountains in Basutoland, is well watered and extremely fertile.
It lies at an altitude of nearly 6000 ft., and is well watered by the Caledon and its tributaries.
An area of 16,000 acres in Missoula county is watered by a ditch to m.
The districts watered by.
The island is beautifully diversified with hill and dale, and well watered with numerous small streams, of which the most considerable is the Tungkiang, falling into the harbour of Tinghai.
The western portion of the state is a plain watered by the Zarafshan and by countless irrigation canals drawn from it.
Land suitable for cultivation is found only in oases, where it is watered by irrigation canals, but these oases are very fertile.
Malik Shah, third of the Seljuk dynasty of Persia, passed the Oxus about the end of the 11th century, and subdued the whole country watered by that river and the Jaxartes.
It is evident, however, from the extent of the beds of these streams and of others now permanently dry, and from remains of ancient forests, that at a former period the country must have been abundantly watered.
Manresa is the chief town of the highlands watered by the Cardoner and upper Llobregat, which meet below the town, and are also connected by a canal 18 m.
Guatemala is richly watered.
The region east of the Mississippi is singularly favored in this way; for it receives a good amount of rainfall, well distribu ted through the year, and indeed is in this respect one of the largest regions in the temperate zones that are so well watered.
The district is highly fertile and is well watered, owing in great measure to its abundant rainfall.
The Munstertal, or Gregoriental, which is watered by the river Fecht, is famous for its cheese.
Most of Canada is so well watered that the lakes have outlets and are kept fresh, but there are a few small lakes in southern Saskatchewan, e.g.
The Yeres, a tributary of the Seine, and the Grand Morin and Petit Morin, tributaries of the Marne, are the chief rivers, but the region is not abundantly watered and the rainfall is only between 20 and 24 in.
The islands are well watered, though the streams seem to be small; the coasts afford some good harbours.
The state is watered by numerous rivers.
The peaks of the mountain are irregular, abrupt and broken; its sides are deeply furrowed by gorges and ravines; the shore plain is broken by ridges and by broad and deep valleys; no other island of the group is so well watered on all sides by large mountain streams; and it is called " garden isle."
The province is watered by numerous streams and rivers, which have hollowed out deep valleys; but owing to the narrowness of the level tract, their courses are short, rapid and subject to floods.
Fruit is good and abundant as the rich volcanic soil is well watered from the town springs.
The richest portion of the vilayet lies east of the capital in the rolling plains watered by tributaries of the Tigris.
The country is watered in most parts by streams from the hills, but a series of small canals has been constructed.
The Logar valley, which is watered by its southern affluents, is rich and beautiful, about 40 m.
The ribbon is watered red.
The ribbon is light watered blue, the collar of alternate gold elephants with blue housings and towers, the star of silver with a purple medallion bearing a silver or brilliant cross surrounded by a silver laurel wreath.
It is watered as no other province in China is watered.
The first of these two divisions is the southern portion of the valley of the Hpilu, or Balu stream, an open, fairly level plain, well watered and in some parts swampy.
Stand-pipes should be placed at intervals beside the walks and in other convenient places, from which water may at all times be drawn; and to which a garden hose can be attached, so as to permit of the whole garden being readily watered.
The pots should be watered so as to settle the soil, and be placed in the close atmosphere of the propagating pit or frame, where they will need scarcely any water until the buds are seen pushing through the surface.
When finished off, the pots should be watered well, to settle the soil; but they should stand till the water has well drained away, since, if they are moved about while the fresh soil is very wet, there will be a risk of its becoming puddled or too much consolidated.
Keep forced strawberries with swelling fruit well watered.
Heaths and Australian plants must be very sparingly watered, and kept with only fire heat enough to repel frost.
Apart from the rivers on its borders, it is watered by insignificant streams, of which the Conie in the west need alone be mentioned.
The district watered by the southern tributaries of the Danube consists for the most part of an extensive plateau, with a mean elevation of 2390 ft.
It is mainly watered by the river Aar, with its affluents, the Kander (left), the Saane or Sarine (left) and the Emme (right); the Aar forms the two lakes of Brienz and Thun.
This section is divided by the Middengebergte or middle chain into a northern half watered by the Ombilin or upper Indragiri with its affluents, and a southern half traversed by the Batang Hari or upper Jambi.
The most healthy portions of the territory are in the north and east, embracing the slopes of the Apennines which are watered by the Teverone and Sacco; and the most pestilential is the stretch between the Monti Lepini and the sea.
There are no lakes in Belgium, but otherwise it is exceedingly well watered, being traversed by the Meuse for the greater part of its course, as well as by the Scheldt and the Sambre.
Adis Ababa stands on the southern slopes of the Entotto range, at an altitude of over 8000 ft., on bare, grassy undulations, watered by small streams flowing S.S.E.
The plains about Kandahar are chiefly watered by canals drawn from the Arghandab near Baba-wali, and conducted through the same gap in the hills which admits the Herat road.
Besides being the centre of the plumgrowing and distilling industries, Valyevo has a considerable trade in cattle, for which the pastures watered by the Kolubara are celebrated.
Dr Tristram was the first explorer to identify this fish, and on account of its presence suggested the identification of the "round spring" with the fountain of Capharnaum, which, according to Josephus, watered the plain of Gennesareth.
This zone is also watered by the Dourdou du Nord, a tributary of the Lot.
There are extensive orange-groves, watered by the irrigation canal of Castellon, which is a good example of Moorish engineering skill.
To the north-west a fertile and undulating plain, watered by the White Drin, extends as far as Ipek (42 m.).
The sculptures and paintings of ancient Egypt bear no trace of anything approaching scientific irrigation, but they often show the peasant baling up the water at least as early as 2000 B.C. By means of this simple plan of raising water and pouring it over the fields thousands of acres are watered every year in India, and the system has many advantages in the eyes of the peasant.
With a shaduf it is only possible to keep about 4 acres watered, so that a great number of hands are required to irrigate a large surface.
South of Elche is the province of Murcia, watered by the river Segura, on which there is a dam 25 ft.
During the winter months in northern India magnificent wheat crops can be produced that have been watered only twice or thrice.
But to keep sugar-cane, or indigo, or cotton alive in summer before the monsoon sets in in India or the Nile rises in Egypt the field should be watered every ten days or fortnight, while rice requires a constant supply of water passing over it.
That portion of the ground which is to be watered by one conductor should be made into beds to suit the circumstances of that conductor; that is, instead of the beds over the meadow being all reduced to one common level, they should be formed to suit the different swells in the ground, and, should any of these swells be considerable, it will be necessary to give each side of them its respective conductor.
The beds are watered by " feeders," that is, channels gradually tapering to the lower extremities, and their crowns cut down, wherever these are placed.
By means of these sluices any portion of the meadow that is desired can be watered, whilst the rest remains dry; and alternate watering must be adopted when there is a scarcity of water.
In such a case the main drain of a watered meadow may form the conductor of the one to be watered, or a new conductor may be formed by a prolongation of the main drain; but either expedient is only advisable where water is scarce.
In the November of each year it is decided how much water is to be given to each parish in the year following, and this depends largely on the number of acres of each crop proposed to be watered.
No assessment can be levied on lands which have not been watered, and the law of Egypt requires that in order to render land liable to taxation the water during the Nile flood must have flowed naturally over it.
Nine years later this canal watered 1,830,525 acres.
It is a smaller work than the Chenab, but it is calculated to command 1,130,000 acres, of which at least half will be watered annually.
By these canals large portions of country throughout most of the Punjab are brought under cultivation, and the area thus watered has increased from about 180,000 to 50o,000 acres since 1878.
The Periyar scheme has for its object both the addition of new irrigation and the safeguarding of that which exists in the district of Madura, a plain watered by means of a great number of shallow tanks drawing their supply from a very uncertain river, the Vaigai.
The total acreage supplied by such means was probably less than 1% of that watered by gravity systems.
These are Franconia (Franken), which embraces the districts of Bamberg, Schweinfurt and Wurzburg on the upper Main; Swabia (Schwaben), in which is included Wtirttemberg, parts of Bavaria and Baden and Hohenzollern; the Palatinate (Pfalz), embracing Bavaria west of the Rhine and the contiguous portion of Baden; Rhineland, applied to Rhenish Prussia, Nassau, Hesse-Darmstadt and parts of Bavaria and Baden; Vogtland, the mountainous country lying in the south-west corner of the kingdom of Saxony; Lusatia (Lausitz), the eastern portion of the kingdom of Saxony and the adjacent portion of Prussia watered by the upper Spree; Thuringia (Thulingen), the country lying south of the Harz Mountains and including the Saxon duchies; East Frlesland (Ost Friesland), the country lying between the lower course of the Weser and the Ems, and Westphalia (Westfalen), the fertile plain lying north and west of the Harz Mountains and extending to the North Sea and the Dutch frontier.
The heights between the lower Neckar and the Main form the Odenwald (about 1700 ft.); and the Spessart, which is watered by the Main on three sides, is nothing but a continuation of the Odenwald.
The only plain of any great extent is that of Catania, watered by the Simeto, in the east; to the north of this plain the active volcano of Etna rises with an exceedingly gentle slope to the height of 10,868 ft.
This area is watered by the Damietta and the Rosetta branches of the Nile, and by a network of canals.
The desert was full of wild life, the balance of nature being preserved by the carnivorous animals preying on the herbivorous; trees watered by soakage from the Nile protected the undergrowth and encouraged occasional rainfall.
In the immediate vicinity of the city, on the Red river, cotton, sugar, alfalfa and garden vegetables are cultivated; south of the Red river is a peculiarly rich farming country watered by Bayou Rapides and Bayou Boeuf.
The oath of abjuration of James was another cause of division, at least till it was watered down in 1719; and by 1726 a revival of the charges of heresy against Simson, with the increase of agitation against the majority of the Assembly who supported patrons, lighted a flame which burned the slight bonds that kept the extremists in union with the kirk.
Azuaga is the central market for the live-stock of the broad upland pastures watered by the Matachel, a left-hand tributary of the Guadiana, and by the Bembezar, a right-hand tributary of the Guadalquivir.
On the eastern side of the watershed the most important feature is perhaps the great valley system that connects the Mukhnah (the plain south of Nablus) with the Ghor - beginning with the impressive Wadi Bilan and proceeding through the important and abundantly watered Wadi Far`a.
The soil is very fertile, is well watered, and produces much wheat, barley and rice.
It is traversed by the chain of the Jura, and is watered by the Birs and the Ergolz, both tributaries (left) of the Rhine.
It is mainly watered by two streams that descend from the Santis, the Urnasch joining the Sitter (on which is the capital, Appenzell), which later flows into the Thur.
The state lies in the lowlands of the Baltic, is diversified by gently swelling hills, and watered by the Trave and its tributaries, the Wakenitz and the Stecknitz.
The wide plains watered by the Himalayan rivers form the second of the three regions into which we have divided India.
The vast level tract which thus covers northern India is watered by three distinct river systems. One of these systems takes its rise in the hollow trough beyond the Himalayas, and issues River, through their western ranges upon the Punjab as the systems Sutlej and Indus.
On the west, in the dry region, this is occupied partly by the alluvial deposits of the Indus and its tributaries and the saline swamps of Cutch, partly by the rolling sands and rocky surface of the desert of Jaisalmer and Bikaner, and the more fertile tracts to the eastward watered by the Luni.
This region is in general sparsely watered and somewhat sterile.
The central part of the district consists of three fertile valleys, watered by the Myu, Koladaing and Lemyu.
Walled in by towering rocks and watered by a perennial stream, Petra not only possessed the advantages of a fortress but controlled the main commercial routes which passed through it to Gaza in the west, to Bostra and Damascus in the north, to Elath and Leuce Come on the Red Sea, and across the desert to the Persian Gulf.
It is well watered and fertile.
Moawiya stood then with a large army in Maskin, a rich district lying to the north of the later West Bagdad, watered by the Dojail, or Little Tigris, a channel from the Euphrates to the Tigris.
It is watered by many rivers, the largest of which is the Segre, a left-hand tributary of the Ebro.
As in Syria, watered by the Orontes, an image, the lower remedy part of which was a scorpion, cured the sting of against scorpions and freed the city from snakes.
This done, the pasha turned his attention southward to the vast country watered by the Upper Nile.
The south-eastern like the northwestern corner of the island is watered by a considerable number of short mountain streams. The one great river of the eastern versant is the Kutei or Mahakan, which, rising in the central mountains, flows east with a sinuous course and falls by numerous mouths into the Straits of Macassar.
Taking it as a whole, the company's territory is much less generously watered than are other parts of Borneo, which again compares unfavourably in this respect with the Malayan states of the peninsula.
The plain forming the plateau is well watered with numerous small lakes and streams. These several small streams, one of which, the San Francisco, passes through the city, unite near the south-western extremity of the plateau and form the Rio Funza, or Bogota, which finally plunges over the edge at Tequendama in a beautiful, perpendicular fall of about 475 ft.
It has extensive gardens, well watered by the Zanjaneh river, which flows south of it.
The fruitful departments watered by the Loire and its tributaries produce considerable quantities of wine.
It is a level country, watered by many streams, the general slope being towards the south.
It is known by the name of the Mesaoria or Messaria, and is watered by a number of intermittent streams from the mountains on either hand.
The district as a whole is not well watered, and most of the old irrigation tanks had fallen into disrepair before the annexation.
It is sometimes called the " Vale of Chile," and is the richest and most thicklypopulated part of the republic. It is a highly fertile region, is well watered by numerous streams from the Andes, has a moderate rainfall, and forms an agricultural and grazing region of great productiveness.
The plants are duly watered and earthed up as they advance in growth.
Directly south are the beginnings of the meridional arteries, the Hab, the Purali and the Hingol, which end in the Arabian Sea, leaving a space of mountainous seaboard (Makran) south of the Panjgur and west of the Hingol, which is watered (so far as it is watered at all) by the long lateral Kej river and several smaller mountain streams. Thus southern Baluchistan comprises four hydrographical sections.
They should be sheltered from winds and well watered during the growing period.
Transverse chains are thrown off from the main chain, and are separated by deep narrow valleys, some of which are watered by streams of considerable size, which, at the spring thaw, bring down a remarkable bulk of detritus.
The district is intersected by the Jumna, and is also watered by the Agra canal.
The principal seat of the settlement was the rich plain watered by the Po and its affluents, which was in future to receive its name from them; but their power extended across the Apennines into Liguria and Tuscany, and then southwards to the outlying dukedoms of Spoleto and Benevento.
The eastern tract consists of rich alluvial soil, well watered, and subject to fertilizing inundations, yielding heavy crops of coarse rice, oil-seeds and jute.
He is constantly admitting that on such and such an occasion he was terribly afraid; he confesses without the least shame that, when one of his followers suggested defiance of the Saracens and voluntary death, he (Joinville) paid not the least attention to him; nor does he attempt to gloss in any way his refusal to accompany St Louis on his unlucky second crusade, or his invincible conviction that it was better to be in mortal sin than to have the leprosy, or his decided preference for wine as little watered as might be, or any other weakness.
How the Saracens, when they took him prisoner, he being half dead with a complication of diseases, kindly left him "un mien couverture d'ecarlate" which his mother had given him, and which he put over him, having made a hole therein and bound it round him with a cord; how when he came to Acre in a pitiable condition an old servant of his house presented himself, and "brought me clean white hoods and combed my hair most comfortably"; how he bought a hundred tuns of wine and served it - the best first, according to high authority - well-watered to his private soldiers, somewhat less watered to the squires, and to the knights neat, but with a suggestive phial of the weaker liquid to mix "si comme ils vouloient" - these are the details in which he seems to take greatest pleasure, and for readers six hundred years after date perhaps they are not the least interesting details.
The former is watered by the Kashaf-rud (Tortoise River), or river of Meshed, flowing east to the Hari-rud, their junction forming the Tejen, which sweeps round the Daman-i-Kuh, or northern skirt of the outer range, towards the Caspian but loses itself in the desert long before reaching it.
The Jovain plain is watered by the Kali-i-mura, an unimportant river which flows south to the Great Kavir or central depression.
On the north the district is watered by the Godavari and its tributaries the Prawara and the Mula; on the north-east by the Dor, another tributary of the Godavari; on the east by the Sephani, which flows through the valley below the Balaghat range; and in the extreme south by the Bhima and its tributary the Gor.
In the south-west there is a fairly extensive lowland in south Devonshire watered by the Exe in its lower course.
There is no quite level tract of great extent, excepting perhaps the fertile and beautiful district watered by the lower Severn and its tributary the Upper or Warwickshire Avon, overlooked by the Cotteswolds on the one hand and the Malvern and other hills on the other.
The mountain districts are rich in unexploited mineral wealth, and the fertile coast-plain, which produces cotton, rice, cereals, sugar and much fruit, and affords abundant pasturage, is well watered by the rivers that descend from the Taurus range.
It is watered by the Black Liitschine, a tributary of the Aar.
A conventional basin of the Congo was defined, which comprised all the regions watered by the Congo and its affluents, including Lake Tanganyika, with its eastern tributaries, and in this conventional basin it was declared that "the trade of all nations shall enjoy complete freedom."
In this region, watered by the Lualaba, Lufira and other head-streams of the Congo, immense copper ore deposits are found in hills and spurs of rising ground extending over 150 m.
This region is watered by the Benue, the chief affluent of the Niger, and its tributary the Faro.
On the north-east shore east of Naples is an extensive flat, forming part of the ancient Campania Felix, and watered by the small stream Sebeto and by the Sarno, which last in classical times formed the port of Pompeii.
W., and watered by a tiny tributary of the Guiers Mort.
Francis Fernandez applies it to the country from the extreme east of Chittagong to Point Palmyras in Orissa, with a coast line which Purchas estimates at 600 m., running inland for the same distance and watered by the Ganges.
The main ridge runs north and south along the line of the greatest diameter, and from the heights descend many torrents, the v% hole island being well watered.
These mountains separate the southern half of the department, which comprises the basin of the Ardeche, from the northern half which is watered by numerous smaller tributaries of the Rhone, the chief of which are the Erieux and the Doux.
The northern half of the state is well watered and extremely fertile.
Andorra is surrounded by mountains, and comprises one main valley, watered by the Gran Balira, Valira or Balire, a tributary of the Segre, which itself flows into the Ebro; with several smaller valleys, the most important being that of the Balira del Orien, which joins the Gran Balira on the left.
Along the southern and eastern shore the country is better watered, more fertile and more picturesque than along the western seaboard.
An undulating plateau stretches through the middle, watered by the Ishim and its tributary the Nura.
The island appears to be well watered, and some of its rivers are not without importance as possible highways of commerce; but the details of its hydrography are very partially ascertained.
Gujarat, except on its northern parts, consists of rich, highly cultivated alluvial plains, watered by the Tapti and Nerbudda, but not much subject to inundation.
The plains of the Deccan and Khandesh are watered by large rivers, but as the rainfall is uncertain, they are generally, during the greater part of the year, bleak and devoid of vegetation.
The country is well watered by numerous rivers, all of which discharge into Delagoa Bay.
The plain of Palermo is very fertile, and well watered by springs and streams, of the latter of which the Oreto is the chief.
The streams of Kansas are usually fed by perennial springs, and, as a rule, the east and middle portions of the state are well watered.
The surrounding country is well watered and very fertile.
The germs were Jewish; but, transported to a new soil, and watered with a new enthusiasm, they assumed new forms. These cannot claim the merit of correctness, but they are works of religious genius.
On the English side the region is watered by the Till, Bowmont, Coquet, Rede and North Tyne; on the Scottish by the Tweed, Whiteadder, Leet, Kale, Jed, Kershope, Liddel, Esk and Sark.
This part of the district is well wooded and watered.
The central districts are watered by the Llobregat, which rises at the base of the Sierra del Cadi, and flows into the sea near Barcelona, the capital, after receiving many small tributaries.
The state is poorly watered and covered with a scanty vegetation suitable for pasturage only.
The whole of Lower Galilee is well watered.
The various decomposing volcanic rocks - tufas, conglomerates and basalts - mingled with decayed vegetable matter, and abundantly watered, form a very fertile soil.
The eastern district, traversed by the most westerly offshoots of the Erzgebirge and watered by the Pleisse and its tributaries, forms an undulating and fertile region, containing some of the richest agricultural soil in Germany.
The small fertile valleys between the plateaus are watered by streams during the greater portion of the year, while wells of particularly good and pure water are numerous.
These four river-basins occupy the greater part of the lower plateaus of North and West Africa, the remainder consisting of arid regions watered only by intermittent streams which do not reach the sea.
Charles had all the country watered by the Scheldt, the Seine, the Loire and the Garonne, as far as the Atlantic and the Ebro.
The greater portion of the province is a lowland region extending inland from the sea to the base of the mountains of the Elburz range and, though the Sefid Rud (White river), which is called Kizil Uzain in its upper course and has its principal sources in the hills of Persian Kurdistan, is the only river of any size, the province is abundantly watered by many streams and an exceptionally great rainfall (in some years 50 in.).
Seistan Proper is bounded on the north by the Naizar, or reed-bed which fringes the Hamun; west by the Hamun itself, of which the hill called Kuh-i-Khwajah marks the central point; south by a line shutting in Sikuha and all villages and lands watered by the main Seistan canal; and east by the old bed of the Helmund, from i m.
It is well watered by rivers and canals, and its soil is of proved fertility.
In all, about 9% of the entire surface of Spain is artificially watered, but in 1900 the government adopted plans for the construction of new canals and reservoirs on a vast scale.
The island is watered by several short rivers, mainly on the east and south; there are numerous fresh water springs, as well as hot chalybeate and sulphurous springs.
In 1840 - previous attempts having been unsuccessful - the fertile district of Taka, watered by the Atbara and Gash and near the Abyssinian frontier, was conquered and the town of 2 For a list of the governors-general see The Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, i.
There is a great amount of fertile valley land, adequately watered.
It is watered by the three large rivers, the Rhine, the Waal and the Maas, and has a level clay soil, varied only by isolated hills and a sandy, wooded stretch between Nijmwegen and the southern border.
The region enclosed between the Rhine and the Waal and watered by the Linge is called the Betuwe ("good land"), and gave its name to the Germanic tribe of Batavians, who are sometimes wrongly regarded as the parent stock of the Dutch people.
Vegetation is luxuriant in the valleys, which are well watered with streams and, from their seaward termination in small bays, are themselves known as "bays."
The central portion of the state consists of a wide plain well watered and under rice cultivation.
Zamindawar is a district of hills, and of wide, well populated, and fertile valleys watered by important affluents of the Helmund.
Once the horses were fed, watered and released, she went back to the house.
Sofi's own eyes watered at the revelation of his fate.
I kissed them, I watered them with my tears, I strove to breathe the holy breathe the holy breath they once contained.
So well fed and watered we headed off to spot some more cetaceans with Susie's warnings ringing in our ears.
All watered in with a touch of seaweed extract.
Is this area watered out or are you producing mud filtrate?
Plants like petunias and pelargoniums are drought resistant, but under watered fuchsias and lobelia can take weeks to recover.
Soulful with jazz inflections, mature definitely not poppy or watered down.
The area was fertile meadowland watered by abundant springs and the Fleet river.
Small lawns are best watered using a hosepipe with an adjustable spray nozzle, whilst a sprinkler system is ideal for a larger area.
Aintree can dry out quickly or become a quagmire with heavy rain on watered ground.
The country through which they passed was not only well wooded, but well watered by numerous rivulets.
The top one uses traditional sawdust with watered down PVA.
Her tears shed for her son watered the ground wherever she prayed.
Simply set up and leave for 20 mins - half an hour while you ensure you are well watered too with your preferred tipple.
She watered the plants, emptied a wastebasket and hung up a towel to dry.
It lies in a basin watered by the Nesenbach just above its confluence with the Neckar, 115 m.
The Argentine " mesopotamia " is well watered by a large number of small streams flowing north and west into the Parana, and east into the Uruguay.
The peninsula of Brittany and the coasts of Normandy on both sides of the Seine estuary are watered b numerous independent streams., Amongst these the Vilaine, whic passes Rennes and Redon, waters, with its tributaries, an area of 4200 sq.
The rest of the continent may be considered as well watered.
The rich lowlands, between the Downs and the Forest Ridges to the south (which themselves extend into Kent), watered by the upper Medway and its feeders, are called the Vale of Kent, and fall within the district well known under the name of the Weald.
Except in a few places where unusual dryness of soil and climate indicate the employment of water, even in small quantity, merely to avoid the consequences of drought, irrigation works are not to be commenced upon a large area, if only a part can ever be efficiently watered.
Little did the dusky children think that the puny slip with its two eyes only, which they stuck in the ground in the shadow of the house and daily watered, would root itself so, and outlive them, and house itself in the rear that shaded it, and grown man's garden and orchard, and tell their story faintly to the lone wanderer a half-century after they had grown up and died--blossoming as fair, and smelling as sweet, as in that first spring.
It is unusually hard, owing to the recent severe but transient cold, and all watered or waved like a palace floor.
Pick runner beans frequently to encourage more flowering and keep well watered to prevent flower drop.
I needed to make sure she was fed, watered and lathered with sun tan cream before I could relax and enjoy myself.
And the parched ground shall become a watered place, and the thirsty land springs of water.
Tulips don't like moist summers, which many bulbs get when they are part of a flower bed with shrubs, trees or other flowers that are watered regularly.
Herbs left outside in the summer may need to be watered every day.
All of these are easy to grow in containers, as long as you keep them well watered and in good sunlight.
Don't water a lawn too frequently - A lawn does not need to be watered if it springs back after you have stepped on it.
To test if you've watered enough, put an empty tuna can on your lawn while you are watering.
If you have continually turned over the compost in the three sections and watered it regularly, the compost in the first section should be ready for use when the third section is half full with waste.
Some are pure pulp and juice while others are watered down or mixed with other fruit juices.
These are often very watered down versions of the good stuff.
Your pet, like a real dog or cat, has to be fed and watered every day and it can come down with medical issues that need to be taken care of.
While there, the sitter will see that your dog is fed, watered, and exercised, and generally make sure of your pet's well being.
Planted out in June in rich soil, and liberally watered, they continue in good condition for a long time.
It should be planted in light rich soil, and if watered liberally during the growing season will soon cover a large space and flower freely.
Each plant should be allowed quite 8 inches for development, and in hot weather those from the latest sowing should be well watered.
They require light, well-drained soil and a warm position, and should seldom be watered.
It thrives best in sunny positions in loam freely intermingled with pieces of stone, and well watered in dry weather, and is a gem for the rock garden.
In North Hants, with a hot, dry, light soil, I never could grow it well, although I always kept it watered at the roots during summer."
A deep, friable loam, enriched with rotten manure, is a good soil for them, but they will grow well in a hot sandy soil if it be heavily manured and watered.
On a porous bottom it may be plentifully watered during a dry time in summer without fear of injuring the roots.
The bottom-heat, however, is not indispensable; for they will succeed if carefully and sparingly watered after potting.
It should be planted about the beginning of April in deep open soil mulched with rotten manure, and watered copiously in hot dry weather.
To increase the plant, the cutting, a single joint, is potted in sandy soil, and the pot placed in a sunny airy spot under glass and watered very sparingly, and in a short time it will form roots, and commence to push out young shoots.
It succeeds in dry as well as damp positions, if it has a rich friable soil, or if when beginning to grow it is well watered.
During warm weather and fruit bearing season, keep strawberries well watered.
It should be watered deeply two or three times a week, enough so that the water gets to the bottom of the pot and drains out.
It needs to be watered regularly but doesn't like having really wet roots, so be careful not to over water.
Pinks don't mind being a little dry, but they should be watered once a week or so if it isn't raining regularly.
Once plants become established, they need to be watered at least weekly.
Many people make the mistake of thinking that because strawberries like their soil well drained, they also don't like to be watered a lot.
Keep your strawberries well watered throughout the growing season.
Keep well watered throughout the first several weeks until they establish themselves in the garden.
Be sure your asparagus planted in the fall is kept well watered.
If you know you won't be able to plant them right away, leave the pots in a sunny location and keep well watered.
Be sure to water your newly planted grape vines thoroughly and keep them well watered for the first few months after planting.
Replant the hydrangea and keep it well watered through the transition period.
Organic lawns also tend to be watered less frequently.
They have never seen a plant grow from seed, watered it, and harvested the result.
Clay pots will need to be watered more often because the dry out faster.
Seed are planted closely and the raised beds are kept watered, fertilized and mulched.
Remember that the garden will need to be weeded, mulched, and perhaps watered on a regular basis.
That means, keep it clean, keep your plants watered and keep your pictures dusted.
They must be properly balanced, and must also be watered regularly to ensure their freshness lasts all season.
Because Harry and his friends are still young, the tone of this novel possesses a slightly watered down sense of evil, but it clear that the threats against Harry and the other students at Hogwarts are not to be taken lightly.
As such, Nvu is actually very much a watered down version of Dreamweaver.
Pouring water from one of the canteens into his hat, he watered the horse.
It's straight from the trees; not like that watered down grocery store junk.
Bianca's eyes watered again.
His eyes watered, and he shook his head, shivering.
His mouth worked without producing a sound, and his eyes watered.
Her eyes watered at his brave words, and she hugged him.
Her eyes watered as she typed it.
Her stomach dropped at the thought of him, and her eyes watered.
Her eyes watered at the soul-wrenching emotions.
She wanted to make sure her stuffed owl SB was being hugged and Alice watered.
Her hand went to her stomach, and her eyes watered.
Her eyes watered as she recalled when she'd last worked on it, the night she was kidnapped.
Katie's eyes watered, and she squeezed him harder. The nightmares of the past few weeks seemed to fade away while she was in his arms. She'd been too afraid to think about what kind of life they might possibly have, but she found herself wondering how it would feel to wake up and go to sleep with Rhyn beside her.
His digital speedometer read 54 miles an hour, faster than he had ever ridden in his life, and his eyes watered from the rush of cold air.
Releasing them to the corral, she watered them and then opened the gate to the pasture.
After Alex left, she fed and watered the animals.
Carmen had fed and watered the rest of the animals before he came home from the clinic.