Water supply Sentence Examples
It wasn't wise to allow a canteen to go empty in this country, but the water supply was getting low.
Generally there is, if possible, a water-supply in the vicinity; sometimes a nuraghe guards a spring, or there may be a well in the nuraghe itself.
At this point in the Haram enclosure there is an enormous underground cistern, known as the Great Sea, and this may possibly have been the source of water supply for the Greek garrison.
The city owns its water-supply system and owns and operates its gas plant; an electric plant, privately owned, lights the streets and many houses.
A flow pipe which serves also for expansion is taken from the top of the cylinder to a point above the cold - water supply and turned down to prevent the ingress of dirt.
The principal water supply is derived from the Macarao river, 15 m.
Speaking generally, it is probable that the water supply of Jerusalem in ancient times was better than it is at present.
Their descendants are known as the senior and junior branches of the family, and since 1841 each has ruled his 'own portion as a separate state, though the lands belonging to each are so intimately entangled, that even in Dewas, the capital town, the two sides of the main street are under different administrations and have different arrangements for water supply and lighting.
The results areaa lack of water-supply and of water-power, the streams becoming mere torrents for a short period and perfectly dry for the rest of the year; lack of a sufficient supply of timber; the denudation of the soil on the hills, and, where the valleys below have insufficient drainage, the formation of swamps.
This type of structure, which is extremely various in its details, is found especially, as we should expect, in plants which have to economize their water supply.
AdvertisementIn such cases the vascular system is said to be polycyclic in contrast with the ordinary monocyclic condition, These internal strands or cylinders are to be regarded as peculiar types of elaboration of the stele, and probably act as reservoirs for water-storage which can be drawn upon when the water supply from the root is deficient.
What little differentiation can be found to exist in the protoplasm of the simple unicellular organism shows the importance of an adequate water-supply, and indeed, the dependence of life upon it.
Besides this intimate relationship, however, we can point to other features of the necessity for a constantly renewed water supply.
Moreover, growth is essentially dependent upon water-supply.
There is little wonder, then, that in a colony of protoplasts such as constitute a large plant a considerable degree of differentiation is evident, bearing upon the question of water supply.
AdvertisementIn 1904-1905 the city built on the Scioto river a concrete storage dam, having a capacity of 5,000,000,000 gallons, and in 1908 it completed the construction of enormous works for filtering and softening the water-supply, and of works for purifying the flow of sewage - the two costing nearly $5,000,000.
Hanoi resembles a European city in the possession of wide well-paved streets and promenades, systems of electric light and drainage and a good water-supply.
The water supply and drainage systems were introduced by the United States government, which controls the sanitation of the city, but has no other jurisdiction over it.
In spite of the predominating interest in stock-raising, intensive cultivation of the soil is practicable where the water supply is sufficient.
The city owns and operates its own water-supply system and electric-lighting plant.
AdvertisementAn excellent water-supply has been provided from two large artificial lakes.
In northern Syria the mountains of Lebanon rise to about to,000 ft., and with a more copious water supply the country becomes more productive.
The water supply of the city is derived from eight deep wells.
The water-supply system and electric-lighting plant are owned and operated by the city.
Under the republic, and until modern times, the water supply of Venice was furnished by the storage of rain-water supplemented by water brought from the Brenta in boats.
AdvertisementThe municipality owns and operates its waterworks; the water supply is obtained from artesian wells.
The main drawback to the situation of the city lay in the insufficiency of its water-supply, which was supplemented by an aqueduct constructed in the time of the Peisistratids and by later water-courses dating from the Roman period.
The city obtains its water-supply from the Chattahoochee river (above the mouth of Peachtree Creek), whence the water is pumped by four pumps, which have a daily capacity of 55,000,000 gallons.
Saturninus, defeated in a pitched battle in the Forum (Dec. 10), took refuge with his followers in the Capitol, where, the water supply having been cut off, they were forced to capitulate.
The town owns the water-supply, gas-works and electric-lighting.
The city secured in 1906 a new and adequate water-supply, modern drainage works having been completed the previous year.
An excellent water supply is derived from the mountains.
The city's water-supply is derived from the Chile river and is considered dangerous to new arrivals because of the quantity of saline and organic matter contained.
An abundant water-supply is obtained from the Burdekin river, some 8 m.
It is a remarkable fact that, except in the island of Andros, no streams of running water are to be found in the whole group. The inhabitants derive their water supply from wells.
The municipal water supply comes from a reservoir at Crystal Springs at the foot of Mill Mountain near the city limits.
Under powers secured in 1884, the town obtains its chief water supply from a gathering ground near the sources of the Taff on the old red sandstone beyond the northern out-crop of the mineral basin and on the southern slopes of the Brecknock Beacons.
The water-works and electric-lighting plant are owned and operated by the Territorial government, and to the plentiful water-supply is partly due the luxuriant vegetation of the city.
He entered the Victorian Legislature in 1878 and first took office as Minister of Public Works and Water Supply (1883-6).
The city owns its water-supply system, the water being pumped from Owasco Lake, about 22 m.
The municipality owns and operates the water-works (the water-supply being drawn from the Penobscot by the Holly system) and an electric-lighting plant; there is also a large electric plant for generation of electricity for power and for commercial lighting, and in Bangor and the vicinity there were in 1908 about 60 m.
The water-supply of London is considered under that heading; it may be noted here that the Thames forms the chief source of supply for the metropolis, but apart from this the corporation of Oxford and two companies in the Staines district have powers to draw water from the river, though not in any large quantities.
The village owns and operates its water-supply and electric-lighting system.
But after* the water-supply of the garrison had been cut off, the besieged were forced to capitulate, on the 11th of July 1648, on the condition of surrendering up the three chief defenders of the castle.
The corporation has acquired the gas-works, the cable tramways (leased to a company), the electric lighting of the streets, and the water-supply from the Pentlands (reinforced by additional sources in the Moorfoot Hills and Talla Water).
Many regions suffer permanently from deficient rainfall; in others, owing to the absence of irrigation works, the water supply is lost, while the burning of the grass at the end of summer, a practice adopted by many farmers, tends to impoverish the soil and render it arid.
The water supply of Pretoria is drawn from the source of the Aapies River, where rise magnificent springs.
Besides attending to the spiritual needs of the lepers, he managed, by the labour of his own hands and by appeals to the Hawaian government, to improve materially the water-supply, the dwellings, and the victualling of the settlement.
As he is called upon to construct lines of transport, both underground and on the surface, works for water-supply and drainage, and buildings for the handling, storage and treatment of ore, he must be trained to some extent as a civil engineer.
Elaborate arrangements had been made for water supply to the troops ashore, as the whereabouts and the capacity of wells were doubtful.
The city owns a fine water-supply and a filtration plant covering 20 acres, with a capacity of 30,000,000 gallons daily and storage reservoirs with a capacity of 2 2 7,000,000 gallons.
The country is dry and sandy, and entirely depends on well irrigation for its water supply.
This may be more than the rainfall, in which case irrigation or special control of the water supply may be necessary.
So far as the water-supply is concerned - and this is what ultimately determines the yield of crops - the rain which falls upon the soil should be made to enter it and percolate rapidly through its interstices.
Its chief characteristic is the bareness and aridity of its surface; one-third of the whole desert, and of the remainder only a small proportion is suited to settled life, owing to its scanty water-supply and uncertain rainfall.
Its mountains are insufficient in elevation and extent to attract their full share of the monsoon rains, which fall so abundantly on the Abyssinian highlands on the other side of the Red Sea; for this reason Arabia has neither lakes nor forests to control the water-supply and prevent its too rapid dissipation, and the rivers are mere torrent beds sweeping down occasionally in heavy floods, but otherwise dry.
Shibwan, on which the water-supply of their capital depended.
Stock-raising is pursued chiefly in the east, where the pastures are rich and the water supply unfailing.
His chief work is De aquis urbis Romae, in two books, containing a history and description of the water-supply of Rome, including the laws relating to its use and maintenance, and other matters of importance in the history of architecture.
Irrigation is necessary for productiveness, and the water-supply is now deficient.
The water-supply is brought over a fine aqueduct 5 m.
There is a regular water supply worked by the municipality.
The city is provided with tramways, telephone service and electric lighting, but the water supply and drainage are inferior.
It has an excellent artesian water-supply.
The water-supply of the town was promptly interrupted, but the river water was quite drinkable.
The despised Herati Tajik, in blue shirt and skull-cap, and with no instrument better than a three-cornered spade, is as skilled an agriculturist as is the Ghilzai engineer, but he cannot effect more than the limits of his water-supply will permit.
The marshes at the mouths of the Seybuse and Bujema rivers, which enter the sea to the south of Bona, have been drained by a system of canals, to the improvement of the sanitary condition of the town, which has the further advantage of an abundant water supply obtained from the Edugh hills.
The water-supply comes from the Niagara river.
Cape Town is provided with an excellent water supply and an efficient drainage system.
The city, which then got its water supply from the Los Angeles river bed, in 1907 authorized the issue of $23,000,000 worth of 4% bonds for the construction of an aqueduct 209 m.
Lake Xochimilco, celebrated for its chinampas, or "floating gardens,", is supplied very largely by fresh-water springs opening within the lake itself, which the city has partially diverted for its own water supply.
For the water supply the Aztecs used the main causeway through their city as a dam to separate the fresh water from the hills from the brackish water of Texcoco, and obtained drinking water from a spring at the base of the hill of Chapultepec. The Spaniards added three other springs to the supply and constructed two long aqueducts to bring it into the city.
The water-supply is very unhealthy.
Powell contends that in a proper sense none of the Indian tribes was nomadic, but that, governed by water-supply, bad seasons and superstition (and discomfort from vermin must be added), even the Pueblo tribes often tore down and rebuilt their domiciles.
A fascinating study in this connexion is that of the water-supply.
In cases where the water supply is known to be infected, or even where it is merely doubtful, it is wise to have recourse to sterilization by boiling, rather than trust to any filter.
For the sand-filtration of water on a large scale, in which the presence of a surface film containing zooglaea of bacteria is an essential feature, see Water Supply.
Its entire course is within New York, from which it receives most of its water supply.
The water-supply is drawn from a hill region 30 m.
Boring for underground water supply to be used in irrigation was tried on a small scale.
The constitution limits the indebtedness of a county to 5% of the value of its taxable property and that of a city, town or school district to 3%, except that the question may be submitted to a vote of the tax-payers affected when it is deemed necessary to construct a sewerage system or procure a water supply.
Caiatia has remains of Cyclopean walls, and under the Piazza del Mercato is a large Roman cistern,which still provides a good water supply.
West of the Missouri river the drift gives place to a fine soil of sand aid clay, with deposits of alluvium in the vicinity of streams. Though lacking in vegetable mould, these soils are generally capable of producing good crops where the water-supply is sufficient.
The city is well sewered, and has an excellent water-supply system owned by the municipality and representing an investment of more than $5,000,000.
The water-supply of the town and of the 70 or 80 villages under its jurisdiction is very scanty.
Since 1859 it has formed the chief source of the water-supply of Glasgow, the aqueduct leaving the lake about z 2 m.
In this region the soils of sand and clay are much finer than the drift, and are very productive where the water-supply is sufficient.
Water-supply depends chiefly, therefore, on local rainfall.
The water supply of the city was formerly obtained from rainwater tanks on the walls or by carriage from springs a few miles inland.
A new and greatly improved water-supply system for the city was virtually completed in 1907.
A number of lakes within its limits are the source of an abundant and excellent water supply.
The municipal water-supply is drawn from Pike's Peak, 10 m.
A large part of the country is too arid for agriculture, and even with irrigation the water supply is sufficient for only a small part of the dry area.
A village district is a portion of a town, including a village, which is set apart and organized for protection from fire, for lighting or sprinkling the streets, for providing a water-supply, for the construction and maintenance of sewers, and for police protection; to serve these interests three commissioners, a moderator, a clerk, a treasurer and such other officers as the voters of the district may deem necessary are chosen, each for a term of one year.
One feature of municipal activity in Bradford deserves special notice - there is a municipal railway, opened in 1907, extending from Pateley Bridge to Lofthouse (6 m.) and serving the Nidd valley, the district from which the main water-supply of the city is obtained.
The water supply is scanty, and most of the irrigation is by water drawn from wells.
A fine water-supply controlled by the city is obtained from Skaneateles Lake, 18 m.
The city has a good water-supply, derived from springs and brought in through an aqueduct 8 m.
The water-supply is from Manchester.
The city is lighted by gas and electricity, has an abundant water-supply, and cable connexion with Europe, the United States, other Antilles and South America.
The township owns and operates its water works; the water supply is obtained from Weymouth Great Pond in the village of South Weymouth.
The public water supply is drawn from a range of hills 6 m.
The water-supply is brought to the town by an aqueduct from the hills some 8 m.
The high land and temperate climate, and the excellent drainage and water-supply systems, make Buffalo one of the most healthy cities in the United States, its death-rate in 1900 being 14.8 per thousand, and in 1907 15.58.
The municipality maintains several well-equipped public baths, and owns its water-supply system, the water being obtained from Lake Erie.
The city owns and operates its water-supply system.
He was president of the Chemical Society in 1897, and of the British Association in 1902, served on the Balfour Commission on London Water Supply (1893-1894), and as a member of the Committee on Explosives (1888-1891) invented cordite jointly with Sir Frederick Abel.
The city is level and well drained, and has a good water-supply system.
The water-supply is from wells sunk through the sandy soil to the rock; of these there are more than twenty - an unusual number for a Syrian town.
Esarhaddon, on his way to Egypt for the second time, determined to deal out punishment; he blockaded Tyre, and raised earthworks on the shore and cut off the water-supply; but he did not capture the city itself.
The water-supply from Palanduken is distributed by wooden pipes to numerous public fountains.
To the north of the city is a large artificial lake called the Anasagar, whence the water supply of the place is derived.
The water supply is derived from the Maumee river and is filtered by a municipal filtration plant.
The water-supply is drawn from the Magdalena, and the city is provided with telephone, electric light and tram services.
The accumulation of vast masses of snow, which have gradually been converted into permanent glaciers, maintains a gradation of very different climates within the narrow space that intervenes between the foot of the mountains and their upper ridges; it cools the breezes that are wafted to the plains on either side, but its most important function is to regulate the water-supply of that large region which is traversed by the streams of the Alps.
The ripening process must be brought about by free exposure to light, and by the application of a little extra heat with dryness, if the season should be unfavourable; and both roots and tops must submit to a limitation of their water supply.
The initial expenses for frames, lights, cloches, mats and water-supply are in many cases prohibitive to men with the necessary gardening experience, while on the other hand those who have the capital lack the practical knowledge so essential to success.
The water-supply is good and abundant.
It is fitted with a section pipe and a circular balanced sluice for admitting and cutting off the water-supply.
The latter part of the palace is composed of a number of private rooms and halls, and is especially remarkable for its skilful drainage and water-supply systems.
The basbab or calabash tree, known in the eastern Sudan as the tebeldi and locally Homr, is fairly common and being naturally hollow the trees collect water, which the natives regularly tap. Another common source of water supply is a small kind of water melon which grows wild and is also cultivated.
The placer-miner's cradle and rocking-trough were replaced by puddling troughs stirred by a revolving comb worked by horse power; reservoirs were constructed for the scanty water-supply, bucket elevators were introduced to carry away the tailings; and the natives were confined in compounds.
The flank defences of the main wall are insufficient; indeed there is no pretence at scientific structure about any part of the defences; but the site of the city is well chosen for defence, and the water supply (drawn by canals from the Arghandab or derived from wells) is good.
The art of irrigation is so well understood that the water supply is at times exhausted, no river water being allowed to run to waste.
The karez is a system of underground channelling which usually taps a sub-surface water supply at the foot of some of the many rugged and apparently waterless hills which cover the face of the country.
The source of the water-supply is unknown.
There are pumping works and filtration beds for the water-supply of London.
Reservoirs are familiar everywhere for the water-supply of towns, but as the volume necessary, even for a large town, does.
The fall of the water supply must suffice for a fairly rapid current, say ro in.
Rapid progress was not expected here, and 792,000 acres was calculated as being the maximum area that could be covered with the water supply available.
The municipality owns and operates the water-works, the water-supply being obtained from artesian wells.
Great improvements have been made in the city since the end of colonial rule, especially as regards the streets, the water-supply and other public works, and sanitation.
The municipality owns the water works and the sewer system; the water supply is obtained from the Delaware and is stored in a reservoir having a capacity of about i io,000,000 gallons.
The water supply of Melrose, like that of Stoneham and of Medford, is derived from the metropolitan reservoir called Spot Pond in Stoneham, immediately west of Melrose.
C. i treats of the finding of good water; c. 2 of rainwater and rivers - rivers in various countries; c. 3 of hot springs, mineral waters, with an account of the chief medicinal springs of the world; c. 4 of selection of water by observation and experiment; c. 5 of instruments for levelling used by aqueduct engineers; c. 6 of construction of aqueducts, pipes of lead, clay, &c., and other matter on the subject of water-supply.
Since the British occupation in 1882 much has been done to better this state of things, notably by a good water-supply and a proper system of drainage.
The second entailed a desert march of about 250 m., of which one section, Obak-Bir Mahoba (52 m.), was waterless, and the rest had an indifferent water supply (except at Ariab, about half-way to Berber), capable, however, of considerable development.
Though situated near the mountainous section of southern Buenos Aires, the immediate vicinity of the city is low and swampy, its water is brackish, and it has been decidedly unhealthy; but a water supply from the Sauce Grande, 50 m.
The narrow valleys between the hills are very fertile, having a rich soil and an abundant water-supply even in the driest seasons.
The city owns and operates its electric-lighting plant and its water-supply system, the water, of exceptional purity, being obtained from artesian wells 4 m.
The city owns and operates the water-works and electric-lighting plant; the water-supply is derived from artesian wells.
The water-supply is rarely abundant, and agriculture is more or less dependent on an uncertain rainfall.
They are well wooded, the climate is healthy, and the water-supply good.
The city has gas and electric illumination, street and suburban railways, drainage and a public water supply drawn from a small tributary of the Beberibe about 7 m.
The elevated mountain chain which is now called the Nicolas range, which divides the Great from the Little Pamir, is a region of vast glaciers and snow-fields, from which the lakes lying immediately north and south derive the greater part of their water-supply.
It was a municipium under the early empire, but was converted into a colonia under Antoninus Pius by Herodes Atticus, who provided it with a water-supply.
In addition to the increased influx of persons in the prime of life, this is due largely to the improved water-supply and better sanitary conditions generally, including increased hospital accommodation.
The water-supply is now brought in through iron mains from the Cordilleras 53 m.
None of the public services was good in the Spanish period, except the water-supply, which was excellent.
In applied chemistry Frankland's great work was in connexion with water-supply.
The Afghans are expert agriculturists and make profitable use of all the natural sources of water-supply.
They also advised the protection and extension of communal rights of pasture, and the planting of the higher slopes with forest, with a view to the possible increase of the water-supply.
Judicious flattery secured him the consulship under Caligula (39); and under Nero he was superintendent of the water supply.
Though much has been done to make the town sanitary, including the provision of a good water-supply, the death-rate is generally over 44 per 1000.
Within the castle is an artesian well, the only water-supply, save that collected in rain tanks, on the island.
An abundant water supply is brought from the Santa Lucia River, 32 m.
The water supply is from artesian wells.
The water-supply system is owned and operated by the borough; the water is derived from streams flowing southward in the sparsely settled area east of the borough, and also from driven wells in the same region; it is pumped by ten engines at Ridgewood to a reservoir having a capacity of about 300,000,000 gallons, while a part of it is re-pumped to a high service reservoir near the north entrance to Prospect Park for the service of the most elevated part of the borough.
Besides this system some towns in the south section recently annexed have their own water-supply.
In the south artesian wells, and in the Great Valley the rivers of the Sierra slope, are the main source of water-supply.
The municipal water supply is obtained from artesian wells.
The constitution also forbids the creation of a state debt in excess of i% of the assessed value of the taxable property in the state; of a county debt in excess of 2 of the assessed value of the taxable property in the county; or of a municipal debt for any other purpose than obtaining a water supply in excess of unless for building sewerage, when a debt of 4% may be authorized.
The municipality owns the water-works, the water-supply being obtained from artesian wells.
He next sailed down the Red Sea to Aden (then a place of great trade), the singular position of which he describes, noticing its dependence for water-supply upon the great cisterns restored in modern times.
The water supply is derived from Lake Kerferd in the vicinity, which is a favourite resort of visitors; the scenery near the town, which lies at an elevation of 1805 ft.
The water-supply, lastly, was carefully regulated.
The city owns the waterworks; the water-supply is The burning of Washington was an act of vandalism by no means approved of by many of the British officers who were compelled to take part in it.
Subsequently the streets were cleansed and repaved, an improved sewer system was put in operation, and the water supply was obtained from artesian wells.
In the valleys there are usually about two snows a year and these quickly disappear; but on the mountain peaks and in the canyons the snow accumulates to great depths and forms a steady source of water-supply for the rivers.
The water supply is derived from a storage lake on Flat Creek, 3 m.
The higher summits of the Cordilleras afford a larger and more continuous supply of water, and so dependent are the people in the cultivated river valleys on this source of water supply that they watch for snowstorms in the Cordilleras as an indication of what the coming season is to be.
From the most important of these, known as the Madadkatte, an artificial channel is led to a distance of 72 m., irrigating an area of Io,000 acres, and ultimately bringing a water-supply into the town of Mysore.
Agricultural Products.Wheat, barley and rice are grown in all districts, the two former up to considerable altitudes (8000 ft.), the last wherever the water supply is abundant, and in inner Persia generally along rivers; and all three are largely exported.
The water-supply is brought from a lake 9 m.
The water-supply system was greatly improved after the earthquake of 1906; whereas before the earthquake one main supply pipe brougnt all the water to the city, there have since been installed five systems which work independently of each other.
The water supply is carried by an overground conduit from a spring near Diabat.
The water-supply is mainly derived from works on the Miiggel and Tegeler lakes, the river water being carefully filtered through sand.
Meanwhile the siege of insular Tyre was closely pressed; its water-supply was cut off, and it was compelled to surrender.
The town, apart from its transit trade and the industries connected therewith, has some manufactures - jam and confectionery works; oil, candle and explosive works; saw and flour mills; tanneries, &c. It has an excellent water supply.
Here, too, are the capacious reservoirs for the water-supply of the town, the source of which is a lake to the south of the island.
The water-supply is derived from the river Hugli, about 16 m.
The water supply is maintained by an aqueduct built in1823-1832with 459 arches, from the Pisan mountains.
Leighton, The Passaic Flood of 1903 (Washington, 1904), being numbers 88 and 92 of the Water Supply and Irrigation Papers of the U.S. Geological Survey.
The city's water supply is obtained from artesian wells.
The water-supply of Moharek is probably unique.
The very heavy rainfall of the district, which is the wettest in England, has led to the utilization of Thirlmere as a reservoir for the water supply of Manchester, over 80 m.
The narrow strip of Greensands appearing from beneath the Chalk escarpment on its northern side is crowded with small towns and villages on account of the plentiful water-supply.
The Fossdyke in Lincolnshire, connecting the river Trent at Torksey with the Witham near Lincoln, and now belonging to the Great Northern and Great Eastern joint railways, is usually indicated as the earliest extant canal in England, inasmuch as it was constructed by the Romans for the purpose of drainage or water-supply, and must have been used for navigation at an early period.
They may hear complaints by a parish council that a district council has failed to provide sufficient sewerage or water-supply, or has failed to enforce the provisions of the Public Health Acts in their district, and on such complaint they may transfer to themselves and exercise the powers of the defaulting council, or they may appoint a person to perform those duties.
With regard to water-supply, district councils have extensive powers.
All public sources of water-supply such as streams, pumps, wells, reservoirs, conduits, aqueducts and works used for the gratuitous supply of water to the inhabitants of the district are vested in the council, who may cause all such works to be maintained and plentifully supplied with pure and wholesome water for the gratuitous use of the inhabitants, but not for sale by them.
Special expenses include the expenses of the construction and maintenance and cleansing of sewers, providing water-supply, and all other expenses incurred or payable in respect of a parish or contributory place within the district determined by order of the Local Government Board to be special expenses.
For the most part it has reference only to what is called a special drainage district, that is to say, a district formed out of one or more parishes or parts of parishes for the purpose of the provision of a common water-supply, or scheme of sewerage, or the like, and in the event of such a district including part only of a parish, the remaining portion would, so far as the special expenses for which the district was created are concerned, be a separate contributory place.
The council may also complain to the county council that the district council have failed to sewer their parish or provide a proper water-supply, or generally to enforce the provisions of the Burial Acts; and upon such complaint, if ascertained to be well founded, the county council may transfer to themselves the powers and duties of the district council, or may appoint a competent person to perform such powers and duties.
The main water-supply is the Umlaas river, which enters the ocean 10 m.
The city's water-supply is drawn from artesian wells.
The water-supply of Pittsburg is taken from the Allegheny river and pumped into reservoirs, the highest of which, in Highland Park, is 367 ft.
Under French administration the town has been rebuilt, placed (1905) in railway communication with the coast, and given an ample water supply by the sinking of artesian wells.
Although the Saxon invaders were naturally attracted to Bedfordshire by its abundant water supply and facilities for agriculture, the remains of their settlements are few and scattered.
But the old aqueduct was frequently out of repair, and seems to have played but a secondary part in the medieval water supply.
Next in importance to the Chalk formations as a source of underground water supply comes the Trias or New Red Sandstone, consisting in Great Britain of two main divisions, the Keuper above and the Bunter below.
Such an expedient may be justified by the doubtful future of mining centres, but would be out of the question for permanent water supply.
The first masonry dam of importance constructed in Great Britain was that upon the river Vyrnwy, a tributary of the Severn, in connexion with the Liverpool water-supply (Plate I.).
Searching tests were applied to these fittings, and only those which complied in every respect with the prescribed regulations were stamped and permitted to be fixed within the limits of the water supply.
Where there is no excess of alkali and the water supply is sufficient, good crops can be grown in this soil without the use of fertilizers.
Its water-supply is derived from springs some distance away.
A permanent water-supply has been introduced and there is a complete system of drainage.
With the exception of Sind, the water-supply of the Bombay Presidency does not lend itself to the construction of large irrigation works.
The city has bottling works, and manufactures fertilizers, lumber, coffins, ice, &c. The municipality owns and operates the water-works; the water-supply comes from a spring 2 m.
The city owns and operates the electriclighting plant; the water-works system is privately owned, and the water supply is obtained from deep wells at San Leandro.
An excellent water-supply is provided from the Ajwa lake.
There is an excellent water-supply, obtained partly from Bloemspruit, but principally from the Modder river at Sanna's Post, 22 m.
To the north, in Longdendale, there are five lakes belonging to the water-supply system of Manchester, formed by damming the Etherow, a stream which descends from the high moors north-east of Glossop. The town is governed by a mayor, 6 aldermen and 18 councillors.
The aqueduct of Justinian, the Crooked aqueduct, in the open country, and the aqueduct of Valens that spans the valley between the 4th and 3rd hills of the city, still carry on their beneficent work, and afford evidence of the attention given to the water-supply of the capital during the Byzantine period.
The city's water-supply is taken from the Ohio river a few miles above the city limits, and purified by large filtering plants.
Though the population is diminished and the cities ruinous, the country is still remarkable for fertility, thanks to the copiousness of its water-supply draining from the Lebanon mountains.
Gould, Geology and Water Resources of Oklahoma (Washington, 1905), being Water Supply and Irrigation Paper, No.
The water supply is obtained from a spring within the town limits, from which there flows about 576,000 gallons a day, and from an artesian well.
The municipality owns the waterworks system, the water supply being obtained from the Mississippi river.
The water-supply of Seistan is about as uncertain as that of Sind, though the general inclination to one bank, the left, is more marked in the Helmund than in the Indus.
This prosperity was brought about largely by improving the water-supply, and thus bringing more land under cultivation, by the creation of new industries, and by the improvement of means of communication.
In the stable a horse should always be provided with rock salt, and water to drink at will by means of some such stall fixture as the Mundt hygienic water-supply fittings.
Condra, Geology and Water Resources of the Republican River Valley and Adjacent Areas (Washington, 1907), being Water Supply and Irrigation Paper No.
Besides the natural water supply afforded by the rivers, Bilaspur abounds in tanks.
The city owns the water supply.
There are electric tramways and a good water-supply, but most of the older houses are fragile wooden structures coated with lime or mud, and the sanitation is defective.
All food requires to be imported, and the water-supply is largely derived from condensation.
There are no streams near the ruins, and the water-supply was derived from cisterns and from a few pools now filled with soil and vegetation.
Dams were built in several western states for conserving the water-supply in dry regions.
The original five arched aqueduct has been replaced by three large rusty pipes which maintain the water supply to the rest of the canal.
In the principal water supply aquifers, levels continue to decline gently - as they approach drought minima over wide areas.
You could have a meter installed or you could have the water supply temporarily disconnected.
Budget drip watering system offering the benefits of drip watering system offering the benefits of drip watering without the need for mains water supply.
The risk of infection chiefly arises from inhaling water droplets formed from a contaminated water supply.
Really, what makes the Dolls so eternal is the attitude - it got into rock's water supply and never left.
Do you think people are wrong to protest about putting fluoride in the water supply?
Heating is largely electric with an immersion heater for the hot water supply.
Do not use immersion heaters or boilers whilst the water supply is turned off.
The impact of millions to billions of carbonaceous meteorites in the early solar system may have replenished the water supply on the terrestrial planets.
On the north side of the Lagan Valley the Triassic sandstone is succeeded by reddish Triassic mudstone which does not provide a water supply.
If we stop them building nukes they'll just come and poop in our water supply.
Originally it was the water supply for the house, but is now merely ornamental.
In addition dead pigeons in uncovered water tanks can contaminate the water supply.
Gordon also mentions that frozen water supply pipes were a problem.
The water supply to the flats was subsequently reinstated.
Cold water supply System Any external water supply is almost always a cold water supply.
In areas where the water supply is fluoridated, fluoride toothpaste provides additional protection.
Equipped with nine liter turbo charged diesel engines, they also have special gear which enables them to induce foam into the water supply.
What is the period for which the water supply can be extended to with the written consent of the water undertaker?
Finding your stop valve(s) Most properties have an internal stop valve, which stops the incoming water supply.
The geographic location of the dentists and the source of the incoming mains water supply proved to be critical.
The Group emphasizes the importance of liaison and team work in managing an incident or outbreak involving Cryptosporidium in the drinking water supply.
To ensure that the new borehole provides a secure public water supply without damaging nearby wetlands.
That it has become one of the healthiest cities in the world from being one of the unhealthiest is attributable in great measure to his insistence on the necessity of sanitary reform, and it was his unceasing efforts that secured for its inhabitants the drainage system, the sewage farms and the good water-supply, the benefits of which are reflected in the decreased death-rate they now enjoy.
Plants of physically dry habitats, such as deserts and sand dunes, have frequently long tap-roots which doubtless, in some cases, reach down to a subterranean water supply.
The great problem in 41 1 1 the Maya settlements of Yucatan was that of securing and .preserving a water supply for the dry season.
In 1892 the cholera raged within its walls, carried off 850o of its inhabitants, and caused considerable losses to its commerce and industry; but the visitation was not without its salutary fruits, for an improved drainage system, better hospital accommodation, and a purer water-supply have since combined to make it one of the healthiest commercial cities of Europe.
Notwithstanding that Freetown possesses an abundant and pure water-supply, drawn from the adjacent hills, it is enervating and unhealthy, and it was particularly to the capital, often spoken of as Sierra Leone, that the designation "White Man's Grave" applied.
The water supply is partly from the Aldershot Water Company, and partly from springs and reservoirs collecting water from a reserved area of war department property.
Lake Xochimilco, celebrated for its chinampas, or " floating gardens" (see Mexico, Federal District Of), is supplied very largely by fresh-water springs opening within the lake itself, which the city has partially diverted for its own water supply.
Waste weirs resemble ordinary solid weirs in providing for the surplus discharge from a reservoir of an impounded river or mountain stream over their crest; but in reality they form part of a masonry reservoir dam for storing up water for water-supply or irrigation, kept purposely lower than the rest of the dam to allow the excess of water to escape down the valley (see Water-Supply).
In 1768, recognized as a man who had both the ability and the means for a scientific career, he was nominated adjoint chimiste to the Academy, and in that capacity made numerous reports on the most diverse subjects, from the theory of colours to water-supply and from invalid chairs to mesmerism and the divining rod.
In addition to the provision and maintenance of roads and the construction of public buildings, the department of public works also provides all works of a public nature, such as water-supply, sanitation, embankments, lighthouses, ferries and bridges, and which require technical skill.
The water-supply of ancient Tyre came from the powerful springs of Ras-al `Ain (see Aqueduct) on the mainland, one hour south of the city, where there are still remarkable reservoirs, in connexion with which curious survivals of Adonis worship have been observed by travellers.
Water quality in water supply zones The Company complied with the required sampling frequencies in all zones.
North America North America has the highest water supply and sanitation coverage in the world.
The idea of splashing around in one 's water supply !
Technical support is also sought to provide a sustainable water supply (possible suds system) to the pond.
Cold Water Supply System Any external water supply is almost always a cold water supply.
Work on the siphon pipes used to carry the water supply over the River Wye, pictured in February 1897.
That body now transacts there the business connected with the water supply of Manchester, which is drawn from Thirlmere.
Lydia Pendlebury Most of London has lead in the water supply pipes.
The project site was a working water supply reservoir between 1906 and 1979.
Agreements with the other water supply companies within our region allow a comprehensive search for every property, residential or commercial to be produced.
Southern Water holds the drainage information for 2.2 million homes in the South East and the water supply information on 1.1 million homes.
Know where your stop valves are and ensure that they work so that you can turn off your water supply in an emergency.
In all probability, this well was merely a water supply for the town, provided by the monks at the Abbey '.
Any site which has a water supply for the birds to drink from is worth checking.
An additional problem that will need to be addressed in rural areas is the water supply.
The collected rain water will provide a good source of water and saves the need to call on the drinking water supply.
The population creates a burden on the world's natural resources, food supply, clean water supply.
Beyond these important environmental considerations, there are circumstances in which composting toilets are simply more convenient and practical than those that require a reliable water supply to operate.
Options for a desuperheater are also available to equip your home with an energy efficient hot water supply.
Learn what simple steps we can all take to reduce the potential for polluting the earth's essential water supply.
Many local authorities have special collection points that can help to avoid these chemicals polluting the water supply.
This means all of the humans and animals on the world survive on less the 1 percent of the planet's total water supply.
Humans would be at risk as well, since the fresh water supply and ability to grow food could be impaired.
Water pollution can occur when water used for industrial purposes is released into the water supply.
The waste creates runoff, which often pollutes the local water supply and can affect other crops.
Sprout seeds require an ample water supply to grow, but you must make sure your growing kit has unobstructed drainage holes to rid your trays of excess fluids.
Turn off the water supply to the shower.
Before you begin to select your toilet's style, make sure it fits the rough and the water supply.
Watch out for Toto toilets with modular roughs; they can fit any size rough-in with the purchase of an extra rough, but they also mean you'll have to move your water supply 3-inches to the left.
These tankless heaters heat the water as you need it, eliminating the energy costs associated with storing and maintaining a hot water supply.
Turn off the hot and cold water supply valves located underneath the sink.
Loosen the water supply hose from the shut-off valve using the adjustable wrench.
Perform the same process with the water supply hose connected to the hot water valve.
Reach up behind the sink and remove the hot and cold water supply lines from the stems of the existing faucet.
Connect the side of the cold water supply hose with the large connector to the cold water side of the faucet and the other side to the cold water shut-off valve.
Similarly, do not over-tighten the water supply hose connections on the shut-off valves.
Eventually these chemicals find their way into the water supply.
When you care for your total landscape organically, you are actively doing your part to reduce the chemicals that enter San Diego's water supply.
The chemicals you place on your lawn may also eventually seep into a water supply or make local wildlife ill.
Ground water can also become infused with toxins used in farming and the drinking water supply is compromised.
This means that the ingredients break down into natural substances that won't affect the water supply or fish.
If running water is not available or you want to preserve your clean water supply for drinking, use a gel hand sanitizer instead.
Automobile antifreeze is toxic and can poison the future water supply.
Bathrooms include holding tanks for both blackwater and graywater (although not very large compared to your home's septic system, so use caution!) and source water tanks for the times you are not hooked up to a water supply at a campground.
If the water supply does not contain enough fluoride or if bottled water is used for drinking and cooking, the doctor or dentist should be informed.
Nearly all of these deaths occur in impoverished parts of Africa and Asia, where they often result from contamination of the water supply by animal and human feces.
The chief concern of parents should be taking appropriate safety precautions regarding the hot water supply and the bathroom or tub area.
Having the home water supply tested for possible contamination by Cryptosporidium parvum.
If the water supply is thought to be contaminated because of a recent storm or other reason, the water should be boiled or bottled water should be given.
For example, shared wells between homes are permitted only if there is no possible way for the homes to access the town's water supply.
Check any visible water supply pipes for rust or corrosion.
The Motherships were flying cities including a full military contingent, multiple shuttlecrafts, water processing and high-end storage facilities for harvesting Earth's humans and water supply.
There is no municipal water-supply, and the main drain of the city discharges into the lower pool of Siloam, which has become an open cesspit.