Water-lilies Sentence Examples
Of recent years great strides have been made in the culture of new varieties of water-lilies in the open air.
In the ditches and pools common yellow and white water-lilies are seen, as well as water-soldier (Stratiotes aloides), great and lesser reed-mace, sweet flag and bur-reed.
The Dicotyledons include several water-lilies, a somewhat doubtful Trapa, and many genera of forest trees still common in America.
Among the more abundant plants are nucules cf several species of Chara, and drifted fruits and seeds of water-lilies, of Folliculites (now generally referred to Stratiotes) and of Limnocarpus (allied to Potamogeton); there is little else mixed with these.
Aquatic plants, especially water-lilies, are abundant and varied; the soil-dry Callitris and Widdringtonia become scarce.
Daphnia are found in large numbers sheltering under floating aquatics such as water-lilies.
A tall glass vase with pink water lilies is the table centerpiece.
Nymphaea Alba Laydekeri Rosea - One of the most useful of hardy Water-Lilies, with fragrant, pale pink flowers, passing through several shades to deep rose as they fade away.
Its subdued growth and distinct globe-shaped flowers make it one of the most distinct of white Water-Lilies.
Nymphaea Alba William Falconer - A flower of striking color, one of the best dark Water-Lilies.
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Water-lilies of the genera Nymphaea and Nelumbium occur.