Watchword Sentence Examples
This principle became the watchword of the entire school of Saint-Simon.
Her name was a watchword for the progressive faction.
Their watchword was the constitution of 1861, which had been drawn up by their leaders; they demanded that it should be restored, and with it parliamentary government.
The Union has over 3000 members (of whom 1400 have gone to the field), and has adopted as its watchword, " The Evangelization of the World in this Generation "; and this motto has been approved by several bishops and other Christian leaders.
This doctrine became the watchword of the moderate Hussites who were known as the Utraquists or Calixtines (calix, the chalice), in Bohemian, podoboji; while the more advanced Hussites were soon known as the Taborites, from the city of Tabor that became their centre.
Some of the water is sprinkled on him five times, and he drinks of it five times from the palms of his hands; he then pronounces the Sikh watchword given above and promises adherence to the new obligations he has contracted.
In the Synoptists, Jesus " grows in favour with God and man," passes through true human experiences and trials, prays alone on the mountain-side, and dies with a cry of desolation; here the Logos' watchword is " I am," He has deliberately to stir up emotion in Himself, never prays for Himself, and in the garden and on the cross shows but power and self-possession.
The Germans had for long past given up all efforts at Germanization; their watchword was " maintenance of the national status quo " - that is to say, not an aggressive but a defensive principle.
The Education Act of 1842 led to the formation of the Liberal party, whose bond of union was resistance to clericalism, whose watchword was the " independence of the civil power."
It is interesting to note that at the synod of Antioch the use of the word consubstantial to denote the relation of God the Father to the divine Son or Logos was condemned, although it afterwards became at the Council of Nicaea the watchword of the orthodox faction.
AdvertisementHe continued to rule according to the constitution; his watchword was " unpolitical politics," and he brought in little contentious legislation.
Technique was perhaps the main watchword through the year.
The laisser-faire doctrine, coming down to us from the system of natural liberty, was long the great watchword of economic orthodoxy.
In the US, the educational watchword of the day is " high standards " (Slide 2).
His father was reserved, undemonstrative even to the pitch of chilling sternness, and among young Mill's comrades contempt of feeling was almost a watchword.
AdvertisementThere were, however, some ardent spirits who continued to work along the old lines and whose watchword was revivalism, and out of their efforts came the Bible Christian, the Independent Methodist and the Primitive Methodist denominations.
From this time the maintenance of the revised constitution of 1867 has been the watchword of what is called the Constitutional party.
The motto on the city arms is "Bon Accord," which formed the watchword of the Aberdonians while aiding Robert Bruce in his battles with the English.
The watchword rings through all the New Testament- " the Lord is at hand."
Ruiz Zorilla found ff0 response from the Republican masses, who looked to Pi y Margall for their watchword, nor from the Republican middle classes, who shared, the views of Salmeron, Azcarate and Pedregal as to the inexpediency of revolutionary methods.
AdvertisementFire exclusion became the watchword in attempts to restore wilderness.
But grit remained the overriding watchword, summed up by 1960's " A Night Out ", Harold Pinter's debut TV work.
Design has become the company's watchword, with design teams going as far as to suggest future production scenarios.
God's presence was to abide in Jerusalem, and, as the century drew near its close, " Immanuel " became the watchword and talisman of a strong faith that God would never permit Jerusalem to be captured by the Assyrians.
The public buildings were placarded during the night with an intimation that four hundred knights had sworn not to leave Luther unavenged, and the ominous words Bundschuh, Bundschuh, Bundschuh (the watchword of peasant revolts) were written at the foot.
AdvertisementScarcity was the new watchword as the focus turned to all the problems of the future, not all the possibilities.
But grit remained the overriding watchword, summed up by 1960's " A Night Out ", Harold Pinter 's debut TV work.
Design has become the company 's watchword, with design teams going as far as to suggest future production scenarios.
The motto, or watchword of government, on these occasions, ought to be - Be quiet.
Present security concerns around electronic voting and fraud are acknowledged in the report, but the watchword for the future of voting is âchoiceâ.
But what you will also see is that the basic idea of the standard suit is still the watchword for professional wear.
The watchword for men's Italian dress shoes is "sleek."
During the progress of the work, in January 532, there brcke out in Constantinople a disturbance in the hippodrome, which speedily turned to a terrible insurrection, that which goes in history by the name of Nika, the watchword of the insurgents.
In his Indian budget speech of 1913 he remarked with true insight that the watchword of the future was cooperation between the Government and the governed in India; the difficulty was that in India men of the 20th century lived side by side with men of the 5th.
Practically, the watchword of such settlements is personal service.
Agreement in the use of a common watchword had masked as it seems a real divergence of meaning and purpose.
In Duns Scotus, Averroes and Aristotle are the unequalled masters of the science of proof; and he pronounces distinctly the separation between Catholic and philosophical truth, which became the watchword of Averroism.
Dio says she put on a sword, gave watchword, harangued soldiers.