Watch Sentence Examples
He glanced at his watch and swallowed before answering.
I can't let anyone watch what I am doing!
She turned her head to watch him.
I'll take care of the others if you want to watch the kids.
This dog helped him watch the sheep.
Mom always told me to watch out for those fast talkers.
After breakfast we go out and watch the men at work.
Always cautious, I stop, watch and listen.
I like to watch them move and listen to them - I even like the way they smell.
You might want to watch out for him too.
AdvertisementDo you want to watch Tammy?
You better watch your step.
I looked at my watch.
If you had to watch lord knows what mayhem he sees you'd have shrieking nightmares too!
Watch yourself; you're public and he might very well target you or your people.
AdvertisementIf the animals in front are continually changing and the direction of the whole herd is constantly altered, this is because in order to follow a given direction the animals transfer their will to the animals that have attracted our attention, and to study the movements of the herd we must watch the movements of all the prominent animals moving on all sides of the herd.
I forgot my watch.
A kid who stole matches so he could light spiders on fire and watch how far they ran.
It is very interesting to watch a plant grow, it is like taking part in creation.
Even the police, who see the aftermath of terrible, gut-wrenching crimes, aren't forced to watch them actually happening.
AdvertisementShe continued to watch him soberly.
I've already discussed my plans with Mom, and she's going to watch Tammy.
I'll watch over you tonight.
We went in a sail-boat along with many others to watch the races.
He took a sip of the coffee as he turned back to watch the rain.
AdvertisementJust watch the phone bill.
How 'bout we go watch "Beaches" now.
He glanced at his watch and rose.
I checked my watch as often as I looked over my shoulder.
Watch her for a bit while we go back and clean up what's left of Czerno's goons.
A real roller coaster of emotions to watch her perform.
He took out his watch with the same measured composure with which he did everything.
It hurt to watch him struggle this way.
When he continued to watch her expectantly, she turned to Carmen.
Darian strode away towards the large jungle gym, out of hearing distance but close enough to watch and react.
She went to the railing again to watch Toni throw herself all over Xander under the guise of conducting an interview.
Jessi and Gerry stopped to watch as Laurencio's assistant set up a tripod.
She knew he was popular enough for her cousins to watch the show, but this was pure madness!
Jessi moved up the beach far enough she was able to sit and watch.
He let me live, only so I could watch him win.
We have orders to watch him but not interfere, unless someone is in danger.
Thoughts shifting to the task at hand, Xander stepped back to watch the Grey God do his job.
Jessi returned to the paddock to watch the animals.
He didn't like seeing her vulnerable like this; he wanted to hear her sharp tongue and watch her face turn pink when he looked at her too long or provoked her.
It was instituted primarily as a precaution against the ever-present danger of a helot revolt, and secondarily perhaps as a training for young Spartans, who were sent out by the ephors to keep watch on the helots and assassinate any who might appear dangerous.
I appreciate the fact that you guys watch your language around me and make sure you're all busy at the camp fire when I need privacy.
Gabe twisted his head to watch Kiki, Rhyn's right hand and the most dependable of the brothers, walk into the gym.
I guess that's the punishment for our roles in the Schism – being pushed aside and forced to watch, Eden said, referring to the war that severed the two realms completely from one another.
How can I listen to audio clips or watch video on Century Digital?
People do not come to the circus to watch the clowns.
In snow conditions watch out for skiers and snowboarders.
Stand the beaker on a large watch glass in a fume cupboard.
A woman just died on my watch, Jake.
I can't watch them twenty-four hours a day, you know.
The guards on the fortress walls had bunched together to watch and draw poison- tipped arrows.
He bowed out after several rounds to watch a heated match between two warriors casting loud taunts at each other as they battled.
Taran handed off the horse to a stable hand and turned to watch as Sirian took Rissa's arm, leading her into a squat stone building at the center of the fortress.
He was too angry to watch the procession leave.
The women were hungry, and she saw them watch Taran with a familiar light in their eyes.
So it's your place to watch her die because you did not feel you should object to her madness?
Hilden will take you into the city, and your archers may watch me to ensure I do not venture closer to her than I am now.
Do you want me to watch the kids tonight?
It certainly helped to have Jenny watch the children, but even that created a problem.
Even now it was a pleasure to watch him.
She caught her breath and glanced at her watch.
It must have been comforting to watch Gerald remind Alex who he was talking to.
Katie said she would watch the children and not to worry.
She glanced at her watch as the elevator doors opened... five-thirty.
Had her father sent him to watch over her?
She consulted her watch.
The next question was, would he drop by the cabin or simply watch from a distance?
All right, but you'd better watch for snakes.
He let the sensations outside of his mind distract him while he checked his watch a few times.
She'll need to see a doctor in a couple of days for follow up shots, and you need to watch the bite wounds for signs of an infection.
Women watch for me, and men like things that blow up.
I'm pretty sure men watch for you, too.
He propped his feet up and checked his watch.
You just decided to sit on the beach and watch the man you can't stand.
Frigates were left to watch Navarino.
Great Britain could not afford to stand aside and watch the accomplishment of an ambition to prevent which she had, at immense sacrifice of blood and treasure, overthrown the power of Louis XIV.
In 1568 he was appointed lieutenant-general to Don John of Austria during the suppression of the Morisco revolt in Granada, and he also accompanied Don John during the Lepanto campaign, his function being to watch and control his nominal commanderin-chief, whose excitable temperament was distrusted by the king.
McGlashan just loved to watch the smoke billow from the piles of flaming furniture on the front grass of some hard case or other.
Through your eyes and emotion you will be left breathless every time you watch your Grand Cinema RTX.
A watch glass would make it easier than the plastic container it was in now.
Or, simply watch the facial contortions for your own amusement.
So that was why you came up to watch the goats kid.
He dropped her hand as if it had suddenly become too hot to hold, and glanced at his watch.
It was Katie who had said he was coming up to watch the goats kid.
He squinted at his watch in the dim light.
He looked at his wrist, but then remembered the watch was on the dresser in the motel room.
He continued to watch her solemnly.
Josh continued to watch her.
She wandered over to watch him brush Ed.
I see that look in your eyes when you watch a baby in church.
She wasn't pouting, but she wasn't going to watch him leave either.
I'm still not going to watch your plane leave.
She wasn't going to watch him go.
She wasn't going to watch him leave.
Once across the creek, she pushed her way up the overgrown trail and across the field, pausing to watch a couple of ducks on the pond.
Did you want me to watch the boys for you?
Carmen sat down on the swing with Jonathan, and Lori turned to watch the drive again.
Who's going to watch Jonathan?
She continued to watch him until he shifted uncomfortably.
She resisted the impulse to check her watch.
Jenn glanced at her watch.
She made her new spot as comfortable as possible and lay down to wait and watch.
We watch them as well.
Maybe you should set up the parental controls on the TV so they can't watch that garbage, if they have no adult supervision.
He resumed his watch off Navarino, and on the 13th was joined by de Rigny and the Russian rear-admiral Heiden with his squadron.
Thus they make Mer y a sort of watch tower over the entrance into Afghanistan on the north-west and at the same time create a stepping-stone or etape between north-east Persia and the states of Bokhara and Samarkand.
Such were various procuratorships; 'the prefectures of the corn supply, of the fleet, of the watch, of the praetorian guards; the governorships of recently acquired provinces (Egypt, Noricum), the others being reserved for senators.
Under the empire the power of the equites was at its highest in the time of Diocletian; in consequence of the transference of the capital to Constantinople, they sank to the position of a mere city guard, under the control of the prefect of the watch.
Herds of buffaloes, and the few peasants who watch them, are now the only occupants of this once thickly populated and garden-like region.
He despatched French with a large force to clear the south-eastern districts of the Transvaal and for the rest maintained a force to watch De Wet, and organized a defence force in Cape Colony, while using the residue of his mounted men to sweep the country of stock, forage and inhabitants.
From the laws of the Kentish kings Lhothhere and Eadric (673-685) we learn that the Wic-reeve was an officer of the king of Kent, who exercised a jurisdiction over the Kentish men trading with or at London, or was appointed to watch over their interests.
When on the eve of St John's Day, 1510, the king in the habit of a yeoman of his own guard saw the famous march of the city watch, he was so delighted that on the following St Peter's Eve he again attended in Cheapside to see the march, but this time he was accompanied by the queen and the principal nobility.
Sir John Gresham, mayor in 1548, revived the march of the city watch, which was made more splendid by the addition of three hundred light horsemen raised by the citizens for the king's service.
To make this apparatus more perfectly automatic, an arrangement for continually adding to and mixing with the juice the proper proportion of milk of lime has been adapted to it; and although it may be objected that once the proportion has been determined no allowance is made for the variation in the quality of the juice coming from the mill owing to the variations that may occur in the canes fed into the mills, it is obviously as easy to vary the proportion with the automatic arrangement from time to time as it is to vary in each separate direction, if the man in charge will take the trouble to do so, which he very seldom does with the ordinary defecators, satisfying himself with testing the juice once or twice in a watch.
A permanent commission was established to watch its execution.
The treasury was managed by two chamberlains; and every five years the Paduans sent one of their nobles to reside as nuncio in Venice, and to watch the interests of his native town.
The natural route overland through Marseilles and Toulouse was held by his enemies; that through the empire from the head of the Adriatic was little safer, since Leopold of Austria was on the watch for him.
This provision hardly consists with Comte's congratulations to the tsar Nicholas on the " wise vigilance " with which he kept watch over the importation of Western books.
Amongst the finest of his classical pictures were - "Syracusan Bride leading Wild Beasts in Procession to the Temple of Diana" (1866), "Venus disrobing for the Bath" (1867), "Electra at the Tomb of Agamemnon," and "Helios and Rhodos" (1869), "Hercules wrestling with Death for the Body of Alcestis" (1871), "Clytemnestra" (1874), "The Daphnephoria" (1876), "Nausicaa" (1878), "An Idyll" (1881), two lovers under a spreading oak listening to the piping of a shepherd and gazing on the rich plain below; "Phryne" (1882), a nude figure standing in the sun; "Cymon and Iphigenia" (1884), "Captive Andromache" (1888), now in the Manchester Art Gallery; with the "Last Watch of Hero" (1887), "The Bath of Psyche" (1890), now in the Chantrey Bequest collection; "The Garden of the Hesperides" (1892), "Perseus and Andromeda" and "The Return of Persephone," now in the Leeds Gallery (1891); and "Clytie," his last work (1896).
The graceful form of their body, the elegance and rapidity of their movements, and the exquisite beauty of their colours have been the admiration of all who have had the good fortune to watch them in their native haunts.
In the same year he was despatched with a fleet to watch the movements of the Count d'Estaing, and in July 1779 fought an indecisive engagement with him off Grenada.
To the visitor from Europe the attraction of Tunis lies in the native city, where, in the Rue al Jezira, along which runs electric trams, he can see hundreds of camels in the morning bearing charcoal to market; where he may witness the motley life of the bazaars, or, by the Bab-Jedid, watch the snake-charmers and listen to the Moorish storytellers.
The chief industry is the making of watches, and the town has long been celebrated for the production of watch movements and tools.
If we watch a man breaking stones by the roadside some distance away, we can see the hammer fall before we hear the blow.
For instance, a ticking watch may be put at the focus of a large concave metallic mirror, which sends a parallel " beam " of sound to a second concave mirror facing the first.
At the declaration of the republic, he closed his Ami du peuple, and commenced, on the 25th, a new paper, the Journal de la republique francaise, which was to contain his sentiments as its predecessor had done, and to be always on the watch.
Their fleets were divided into squadrons, of which one, under Tombazes, was deputed to watch for the entrance of the Ottomans into the archipelago, while the other under Andreas Miaoulis sailed to blockade Patras and watch the coasts of Epirus.
He was probably intended to watch the conduct of his colleague, Admiral Montagu (afterwards 1st earl of Sandwich), who was in command of the Baltic squadron.
In the early part of 1841 the "Third of March Association" was formed to watch over the interests of the citizens, and in November of that year the government was forced by a popular demonstration to summon an assemblee constituante, which in 1842 elaborated a new constitution that was accepted by the citizens.
After Luther's death the more rigid Lutherans declared it to be their duty to preserve the status religionis in Germania per Lutherum instauratus, and to watch over the depositum Jesu Christi which he had committed to their charge.
But even now the Lithuanians were indisposed towards a complete union, and finally they quitted the diet, leaving two commissioners behind to watch their interests.
But Catherine, still in difficulties, was obliged to watch in silence the collapse of her party in Poland, and submit to the double humiliation of recalling her ambassador and withdrawing her army from the country.
This motion is resisted by the torsion of a spiral spring resembling the hair-spring of a watch having one end fixed to the coil axis, and there is therefore a definite position of the needle on the scale corresponding to each potential difference between the terminals, provided it is within the range of the control.
The family have on the preceding days solemnly visited the grave, and offered to the shades gifts of water, wine, milk, honey, oil, and the blood of black victims; they have decked the tomb with flowers, have renewed the feast and farewell of the funeral, and have prayed to the ancestors to watch over their welfare.
Both he and his college took kindly the amazing proceeding of his mother, who left her husband and her home to reside in Oxford, that she might watch over her son's health.
One is mentioned in the annals of China two centuries before our era, between the territories of the Huns in the west and those of the Tunguses in theeast - a vast area of some 300 to 400 m., on the opposite margin of which the two peoples kept watch.
It is his duty to watch the proceedings in the public interest, to issue summonses to witnesses whose evidence is desired by the court, and to prosecute before the election court or elsewhere those persons whom he thinks to have been guilty of corrupt or illegal practices at the election in question.
It was probably at first a means of calling the people together in case of a sudden invasion, but was afterwards a signal for setting the watch.
It is a centre of the watch-making industry, especially of gold watch cases; about 70% of those manufactured in Switzerland are turned out here.
There is a school of industrial art (engraving and enamelling watch cases) and a school of watch-making (including instruction in the manufacture of chronometers and other scientific instruments of precision).
The whole establishment is surrounded by a wall, furnished at intervals with watch towers (R).
For some time after the marriage, the young couple were controlled by the empress Elizabeth, who appointed court officials to keep a watch on their conduct; but before long these custodians themselves had become the agents of Catherine's pleasures and ambition.
And when they had been served with wines and spices they went away leaving only the candidate, the esquires, " the priest, the chandler and the watch," who kept the vigil of arms until sunrise, the candidate passing the night " bestowing himself in orisons and prayers."
Vessels were accumulated on the American sea-board, and the watch became more strict.
A similar conflict took place between Arnulf's son and successor Eberhard and Otto the Great; but Eberhard was less successful than his father, for in 938 he was driven from Bavaria, which was given by Otto with reduced privileges to the late duke's uncle, Bertold; and a count palatine in the person of Eberhard's brother Arnulf was appointed to watch the royal interests.
Tromp kept watch over them until he had received large reinforcements, and then (21st of October) boldly attacked them as they lay in English waters.
Nelson urged immediate attack, and recommended, as an alternative, that part of the British fleet should watch the Danes while the remainder advanced up the Baltic to prevent the junction of the Russian Reval squadron with the ships in Kronstadt.
During those visits his chief business was to watch Johnson, to discover all Johnson's habits, to turn the conversation to subjects about which Johnson was likely to say something remarkable, and to fill quarto notebooks with minutes of what Johnson had said.
After this he had to watch closely the movements of the emperor Joseph II., who, although an ardent admirer of Frederick, was anxious to restore to Austria the greatness she had partially lost.
In reply Athens sent Phormio to Naupactus to watch her interests in that quarter.
With an adjustment to give a t5-second period, a deflection Table Watch Stand ' 'Boom 0008.
The passage of the long hand of a watch across the end of the slit every hour cuts off the light, and gives hour marks enabling the observer to learn the time at which a disturbance has taken place.
The Nile crocodile makes a hole in white sand, which is then filled up and smoothed over; the mother sleeps upon the nest, and keeps watch over her eggs, and when these are near hatching - af ter about twelve weeks - she removes the 18 in.
Print of microscopic size may be read; a watch ticking in another room can be heard.
To take one's watch from the pocket and look at it when from a familiar clock-tower a familiar bell strikes a familiar hour, is an instance of a habitual action initiated by a sense perception outside attentive consciousness.
We may suddenly remember dimly afterwards that we have done so, and we quite fail to recall the difference between the watch time and the clock time.
During the latter part of this period he was associated with Sir Thomas Smith, whose function was at least partly to watch and check his fellow-ambassador.
Lethington then went to London to watch over Mary's interests, and either to arrange her marriage with Don Carlos, or to put.
We have followed it long enough to see its directness and simplicity, to observe the naturalness with which one incident succeeds another, and to watch the gradual manifestation of a personality at once strong and sympathetic, wielding extraordinary powers, which are placed wholly at the service of others, and refusing to be hindered from helping men by the ordinary restrictions of social or religious custom.
Then coming to a place called Gethsemane, He bade the disciples wait while He should pray; and taking the three who had been with Him at the Transfiguration He told them to tarry near Him and to watch.
But Great Britain, on the ground that she had no immediate interest in the Italian question, was represented only by Lord Stewart, the ambassador at Vienna, who was not armed with full powers, his mission being to watch the proceedings and to see that nothing was done beyond or in violation of the treaties.
He was occupied in trying to unite firmly together the whole evangelical movement; he laboured to give his countrymen a good system of schools; he was on the watch to defeat any attempt of the Roman Curia to regain its hold over Germany; and he was the confidential adviser of a large number of the evangelical princes.
During the last two or three years of his life Louis lived in great isolation, "seeing no one, speaking with no one, except such as he commanded," in the château of Plessis-les-Tours, that "spider's nest" bristling with watch towers, and guarded only by the most trusty servitors.
He was a great civil and military official, charged to watch, in the interests of the crown, over groups of several comitatus, or countships, especially in the border provinces.
A watch should be kept on rats at ports of arrival and on board ships from infected countries.
Paley refers several times to Nieuwentyt, who uses the famous illustration of the watch.
Zeus ceases to watch the field - Poseidon secretly comes to the aid of the Greeks.
Like the Moerae (Fates), they regulate the destinies of man, watch over the newly born, secure good laws and the administration of justice.
In vain did he watch for any sign of recognition of his philosophic genius.
In 1807 he was again sent to the Mediterranean to watch the movements of the Turks.
The higher summits of the Cordilleras afford a larger and more continuous supply of water, and so dependent are the people in the cultivated river valleys on this source of water supply that they watch for snowstorms in the Cordilleras as an indication of what the coming season is to be.
It has a pocket-hole on either side, giving access to the pockets, which are always in the arkhalik, where also is the breast-pocket in which watch, money, jewels, and seals are kept.
He despatched his son Jiafir to assume the government of Isfahan, and watch the movements of Ali Murad, who appears to have been then absent from that city; and he gave a younger son, Ali Naki, command of an army in the field.
Early in 1909, indeed, a Russian force of 2600 men was sent to watch events near Tabriz, and if necessary to intervene in favor of the Nationalists who held the town, and had for some months been besieged by the shahs troops.
Yet as far back as the 13th century a statute, known as that of "Watch and Ward," was passed in the 13th year of Edward I.
Borough constabulary forces were established by the Municipal Corporation Act (1835), which entrusted their administration to the mayor and a watch committee, and this act was revised in 1882, when the general powers of this authority were defined.
The High Church party in England had induced Vere to dismiss him from the chaplaincy; but he was still held, deservedly, in such reverence, that it was arranged he should attend the synod, and accordingly he was retained by the Calvinist party at four florins a day to watch the proceedings on their behalf and advise them when necessary.
Two corps were left in the open in observation, one at St Ninian's to watch the lower course of the burn, one to guard the point at which the Falkirk-Stirling road crosses the burn.
His mother Agave having joined the revellers on Mount Cithaeron, Pentheus followed and climbed a lofty pine to watch the proceedings.
As his fleet was only 57 sail in all he was not able to engage the enemy from end to end, but as the French were arranged in a line from east to west he could have fallen on the end nearest him, and could have guarded himself by telling off a part of his ships to watch the remainder.
Chitral is an important state because of its situation at the extremity of the country over which the government of India exerts its influence, and for some years before 1895 it had been the object of the policy of the government of India to control the external affairs of Chitral in a direction friendly to British interests, to secure an effective guardianship over its northern passes, and to keep watch over what goes on beyond these passes.
At the same time Gnaeus Calpurnius Piso, one of the most violent and ambitious of the old nobility, was sent as governor of Syria to watch his movements.
A series of periodicals keeps watch over this enormous output.
Histories of commerce and cities now rank beside those on war and kings, although there are readers still who prefer to follow the pennants or robber barons rather than to watch the slow evolution of modern conditions.
In an ensuing battle (in January 1831), both Sabagadis and Marie were killed, and Ubie retired to watch events from his own province.
With particular regard to this last named duty the college deputed two of its members to attend all meetings of the states-general, to watch the proceedings and report at once any proposals which they held to be contrary to the interests or to infringe upon the rights of the province of Holland.
At about ten o' clock Robert Keyes brought Fawkes from Percy a watch, that he might know how the anxious hours were passing, and very shortly afterwards he was arrested, and the gunpowder discovered, by Thomas Knyvett, a Westminster magistrate.
The people of the principalities were to enjoy all the privileges that they had possessed under Mahomet IV.; they were to be freed from tribute for two years, as some compensation for the ruinous effects of the last war; they were to pay a moderate tribute; the agents of Walachia and Moldavia at Constantinople were to enjoy the rights of national representatives, and the Russian minister at the Porte should on occasion watch over the interests of the principalities.
The Rumanian Academy keeps jealous watch over the treasures it has accumulated, and few have had access to the riches entombed in its archives; nor has any private or public collection been catalogued.
On the 30th of April he with difficulty wound up his watch, and early on the morning of the 1st of May the boys found "the great master," as they called him, kneeling by the side of his bed, dead.
If, for example, in the case of a hundred such districts we watch the result of leaving them alone, a gradual growth of leakage common to most of the districts, but not to all, is observed, while here and there a sudden increase occurs, often doubling or trebling the total supply to the district.
The coupling is effected by firmly clamping the ends of the beams upon the top and bottom respectively of a loop of watch - spring, which is tightly stretched round the casting carrying the pan, as is shown in the end view in fig.
Pierluigi being an uncompromising opponent of the emperor Charles V., Don Ferrante Gonzaga, the imperial governor of Milan, was ever on the watch for a pretext to deprive him of Piacenza, which the emperor greatly coveted.
The Elgin National Watch factory, and the Borden milk-condensing works, are famous throughout the United States and beyond.
The twenty-five were to hear and decide upon any claims and complaints preferred against the king, and to keep tip their numbers by co-optation, so that it would seem that the barons intended to keep a permanent watch upon the crown.
The three northern powers thereupon agreed upon what was known as the Berlin Memorandum, in which they demanded an armistice, and proposed to watch over the completion of the reforms which the Porte had promised.
It will perch on the topmost bough of a tree, if a tree be near, to watch his proceedings, and the cock exhibits all the astounding gesticulations in which the males of so many other Limicolae indulge during the breeding-season - with certain variations, however, that are peculiarly its own.
Some reckless enthusiasts for truth set four trustworthy hospital nurses to watch her; the Celtic obstinacy of the parents was roused, and in defence of their imposture they allowed death to take place in eight days.
Their function once discharged, these men had no public character, but they resolved that they would hold together in order to watch over the interests of the city.
Bathe, who was rising into notice by the skill with which he trimmed between parties, opposed this motion, and carried a decree appointing a Committee of Twelve to watch over the safety of the Convention.
They were also required to watch over the souls of the flock and report to the bishop the cases of those who had sinned or were in need of spiritual help. "You deacons," says the Apostolical Constitutions (4th century), "ought to keep watch over all who need watching or are in distress, and let the bishop know."
He is usually supposed to watch over human conduct, but this is by no means invariably the case.
A refuge of Italian pauperism in the time of the Gracchi, after the triumph of the oligarchy the Narbonnaise became a field for shameless exploitation, besides providing, under the proconsulate of Caesar, an excellent point of observation whence to watch the intestine quarrels between the different nations of Gaul.
On the heights, as at Bibracte, or on islands in the rivers, as at Lutetia, or protected by marshes, as at Avaricum, oppidaat once fortresses and places of refuge, like the Greek Acropoliskept watch and ward over the beaten tracks and the rivers of Gaul.
Whilst others were triumphing openly, Mazarin, in the shadow and silence of the interregnum, had kept watch upon the heart of the queen; and when the old party of Marie de Medici and Anne of Austria wished to come back into power, to impose a general peace, and to substitute for the Protestant alliances an understanding with Spain, the arrest of Francois de Vendme, duke of Beaufort, and the exile of other important nobles proved to the great families that their hour had gone by (September 1643).
For this purpose hydraulic mechanism of Bessemer's design was arranged under the control of an attendant, whose duty it was to keep watch on a spirit-level, and counteract by proper manipulation of the apparatus any deviation from the horizontal that might manifest itself on the floor of the saloon owing to the rolling of the vessel.
The Spanish foreign office received every assurance that friendly governments would watch the Carlists and Republicans, to prevent them from using their territories as a basis for conspiracies against the peace of Spain.
He was one of the Boston grand jurors who refused to serve in 1774 because parliament had made the justices independent of the people for their salaries; was a leader in the Boston Tea Party; was one of the thirty North End mechanics who patrolled the streets to watch the movements of the British troops and Tories; and in December 1774 was sent to Portsmouth, New Hampshire, to urge the seizure of military stores there, and induced the colonists to attack and capture Fort William and Mary - one of the first acts of military force in the war.
From this island it was possible to exercise a certain control over the townspeople, and a consul was stationed there to watch affairs.
But the larvae of the Ecaudata are mainly herbivorous and the digestive tract is accordingly extremely elongate and coiled up like the spring of a watch.
As Siegfried approaches Worms, Kriemhild's brothers, the Burgundian kings Gunther, Giselher and Gernot watch his coming, and to them their faithful retainer, "the grim Hagen," explains who he is.
He resigned himself to watch her drift towards perdition.
A glance at her watch confirmed it wasn't lunch time yet, so why was Alex coming home already?
Felipa enthusiastically agreed to go with them and watch Destiny and Jonathan while they shopped.
Maria was supposed to watch Destiny until they got back.
After breakfast they went upstairs to watch a children's movie on the television with Destiny and Jonathan.
Nowadays men don't think it's beneath their dignity to help around the house and watch the kids.
Tired but more at peace with the strange world, she stretched out on the couch to watch TV.
Watch your step—now you're getting to be a challenge.
We'd better watch our step and not give him any excuse to harass us further.
I.m going to watch the world fall apart.
As the maître d' lead them to their table, he was acutely aware of the heads turning to watch them.
Deidre said nothing. Rain fell steadily, until Katie's skin was too numbed to feel it. She heard Deidre's breathing grow deeper as the woman fell asleep. Aware there could be demons or other creatures in the dark, Katie roused herself to keep watch, as Gabriel had kept watch over her.
The petite woman started to run, ignoring the demons that swiped at her with talons large enough to take off her head with one swipe. She seemed immune to the demons' strikes. They fell away, as if hitting an invisible shield. The bizarre display drew more than Katie and Toby's attention. A ripple went through the demons, and they turned to watch the tiny woman sprinting towards them with flashing blue eyes.
Listen, you little son-of-a-bitch, I'll toss your ass right out this door to the street and then advertise on television exactly where you are and sell tickets while we watch them cut you up in little pieces.
The allies would not assist without the promise of more healing waters, which meant she needed more bladders of blood and another journey into the enemy- riddled forest under Sirian's watch.
What sheer bliss not to have to clock watch any more!
She learned the local dialects, and was able to accompany her husband on his tours of inspection and watch him dispense justice.
Are you really willing, in your land of extortionate inadequate health coverage, to watch women dying from botched backstreet abortions?
People would come from miles away, just to watch the beautiful lady with her sparkling facial adornments.
Would people actually want to watch a game of red alert 2 on the TV?
Watch out greek anarchists, now you have an anarchist Cat!
I'm a real anorak for film, I will watch anything.
Watch the sun set behind the mountains as you sip a nice aperitif, before enjoying a lovely barbecue.
The audience enter a booth one at a time to watch a three minute performance through a small rectangular aperture.
After tea, Sue and I watch the film apocalypse Now which we recorded back in January.
Watch out for special guest star appearances throughout the festival.
Goodnight, fellas and watch the door doesn't hit yer arses on the way out!
At least one consolation of a wet weekend is that it enabled us to watch England regain the ashes.
The local children found this a highly amusing sight and flocked to the windows of the corridors to watch in silent awe.
A full auto EL backlight automatically illuminates the display whenever the watch is angled toward the face while lighting is dim.
Each court has a viewing balcony where you can watch other matches in progress.
Always watch the bartender as he/she makes your drink or opens your bottle.
Assume our better half wants us to build a garden in the yard, but we want to watch basketball.
Watch the Vatican news boards for his impending beatification, kids.
Treat the cave biota with respect, watch out for them, and avoid disturbing them.
Meander by the thatched cottages & watch the blacksmith at work.
It's like when you watch Frost and think, blimey that's clever, how did they do that?
Sit down and watch a film in the renewably powered cinema, shake yer booty with bands on the sound stage.
Companions ' outings in recent months have included visits to go bowling, clay pigeon shooting and to watch boxing.
When you can't take the heat anymore watch in amazement as our fire breather puts on a show!
On the way down, watch out for the sharp bends and narrow hump back bridge at the bottom!
Only 3.4 million consumers watch mobile TV broadcasts currently, In-Stat said.
I sent my young brother up the hill to watch where the patrol boat went in to anchor.
Old-fashioned bristle shaving brush; shaving bowl; cut throat razor; base-metal pocket watch.
A canopy tower on the hill enables us to watch canopy tower on the hill enables us to watch canopy foothill flocks.
To watch closed captions you need to connect a caption reader to your video recorder.
Pest & disease watch Garden hygiene helps greatly in the prevention of disease carry-over from one year to the next.
Working along side firefighters from Blue watch at Buxton, the team facilitated a hoisting system using technical rope skills to evacuate the casualty.
Watch the I just caught A Face video from The Basement now.
Back in the 18th century, Cadiz had no less than 160 towers to watch over its harbors.
Among some pests to watch for are aphids, red spiders, leaf tiers, and rose chafers.
Watch as Cushing smugly grins as the creature kills his former chambermaid behind a closed door.
You cannot record one digital channel and watch another digital channel.
Maria Bello is becoming a character actress to watch and is quite impressive as Mort's ex-wife Amy.
If you do watch from here please be respectful of the religious sensitivities of the site (no shorts or bare chests ).
And although there were a few dull moments I thought the choreography for the corps was very eye-catching and fun to watch.
Enjoy a dusk cruise, a dawn chorus walk or watch the sunrise from a canoe.
The dial markings indicate that the watch is an officially certified Swiss chronometer.
The watch also happens to be an officially certified chronometer.
Tearfund is urging churchgoers to watch Al Gore's film An Inconvenient Truth, which goes on selected nationwide release from 15 September.
Are you off to Molineux tomorrow to watch the clarets take on Wolves in our first away game of the season?
To watch a video clip of where your money goes, please click here.
Click below to watch a short clip of our appeal.
This will be the condition people suffer from when they can't begin to watch anything without feeling compelled to watch something else.
Can we really sit back and watch the suffering of a whole nation and be so complaisant?
Watch out for occasional markets, which may feature craft, Christmas or even continental themes.
In three quick games, Lincou took and maintained control of the T, leaving Amr Shabana little option but to watch and stare.
The crowds that lined the Dublin footpaths to watch the cortege were honoring the Revolutionary soldier.
No one really knows... I'll probably just watch the usual crap on TV or read about the upcoming demise of Leeds United.
Rock the baby to sleep in its very own swinging crib, turn the arm and watch the balloon sail around the hill.
My husband wants a beige linen suit, the sort that Classics teachers used to wear to watch cricket.
Pest & disease watch If leaves on pot cyclamen start to turn yellow, this may be a sign of over-watering.
Here you can to stop and sit among the trees and spring daffodils and watch the world go by.
Anyway, John Hunter from Oz has rectified the deficiency, which has enabled Number Watch to introduce a new section.
Watch the video clips of the bubble raft undergoing compressive, tensile and shear deformation.
Content and shopped out, we raided a local gourmet deli and headed home to watch movies and eat lunch.
Down (naughty E still asleep) to find somewhat despondent D unable to find anything on tv to watch.
Kate found neither but did get the chance to climb the lighthouse and watch fishing dhows in the distance heading back to Zanzibar.
Nice looking watch with sub seconds dial at the 9 position.
I'm waiting up to watch a potentially interesting episode of Horizon, about what killed the dinosaurs.
The same rules should apply whether you're flogging chicken dippers or trying to get someone to watch a program.
I turned over to ITV1 rather than watch the same dirge this morning.
Now there's no need to watch the March Madness while paying for expensive lager during a cheesy disco anymore.
Millar has been able to watch the action in the first week from a relatively dispassionate viewpoint.
Williams looked distraught - her father, Richard, could hardly bear to watch.
Watch your guest's faces as they dip strawberries, marshmallows and mini doughnuts into warm cascading Belgian Chocolate.
You could also watch film / television dramatizations of these works.
I notice a number of changes when I watch the dress rehearsal.
I'd have to watch for defenestration of myself during the deadly duel, however.
Come and watch the eloquence of Shakespeare against the backdrop of Borde Hill.
Always watch that sparks and flying embers do not set light to anything.
On the way to the opera we stopped at Covent Garden to watch a street entertainer.
Many people have told me the head-banging scene is like no other and makes them feel so exuberant to watch it.
So watch out you may be entering a fairyland soon.
They see Tony's mom looking after Jack and watch him being breast fed, having his diaper changed and being bathed.
At fourteen I even feigned illness to watch World Championship Bowls instead of going to school.
Watch this space All sticks are tipped with a metal ferrule to prevent damage to the end of the stick.
Tonight the audience faced a dilemma; attend the gig or watch the series finale of The OC on E4.
This time she was leaning back chewing at a jaggedly cut fingernail, continuously checking the clock against her watch.
As with all O&W's this watch is superbly finished, pristine looking is functional and uncluttered.
Got to go and watch some firefly, cheer myself up.
For me being able to watch flamingoes at places like the WWT centers is a huge priveledge.
Another highlight was the opportunity to watch a pair of Souza's Shrikes feeding a fledgling.
The outlaw gang pose in bowler hats, sporting elegant three piece suits with watch fobs, resting their hands on the carved chairs.
For this month only, BTM members can watch exclusive footage of rising tenor star Alfie Boe.
Then [Newcastle chairman] Freddie Shepherd started inviting us to watch football.
Leeds is a pretty cool place to watch the footy.
Watch our experts at work while they uncover fossils in the Paleontology Conservation Unit.
One of the mechanical problems that has to be overcome to produce a good watch is to minimize the friction between the moving parts.
From this point on the rather frivolous debate of " Is it cool to watch this?
The filming in 2003 was great fun to watch.
She was forced to watch while they poured gasoline over him and set him on fire.
Watch your ants create 3D tunnels and a home in the specially made clear non-toxic gel.
Within the park, we were also able to watch geysers, including Old Faithful, spouting, with Buffalo roaming among them!
In its heyday, 30,000 people piled into the arena to watch gladiators fight.
The Island has glassworks where one can watch sand being turned into beautiful glassware.
Take a break and watch the gliders if they are flying.
I need to actually watch the godfather some time.
He'd already got one. ' S. E. Harper, 3rd engineer on watch down below at the time of the sinking.
But as the story progresses it gets increasingly hard to watch, simply because it's so grisly.
Follow the best trajectories by using the guardrails, but watch out because your opponents are gunning for you.
The following guidelines describe how the watch routine function.
Just make sure you have a hankie with you when you watch it.
Andrews took his watch from his pocket and, noting the time, announced that they should return post haste to the hospital.
The coxswain or master must watch the seas carefully and maintain all possible headway during the run to the beach.
A drop or raise in baby's heartbeat will alert your midwife to watch you closely.
Pest & disease watch Hellebore leaf spot can be a problem on old foliage of hellebore leaf spot can be a problem on old foliage of hellebores.
I watch the heron disappear toward the village, it's tummy full of fish.
On a nearby hilltop, a Buddhist temple stands watch.
I can watch hippos for ages, playing their sinister, slow-motion, peek-a-boo game of silently submerging and reappearing.
However, the council can be accused of poor housekeeping in failing to watch the pennies.
This number may not seem huge in comparison to the 12 million people who watch the adverts during Coronation Street.
He's a joy to watch and often worth the entrance money in an otherwise humdrum season.
Watch what the newspapers say or follow a hunch.
On a serious note, watch your oral hygiene.
At Streatham Vale there was very bit ice-skating rink where I used to go with my boyfriend to watch the ice hockey.
Get someone to turn the ignition whilst you watch the gage.
I checked my watch to see how long I would have to endure this ignominy.
David Blaine Magic Tricks Revealed Everyone loves to watch a good illusionist at work.
Tip a player into stress and watch the primitive survival instincts take over.
In the evening we did a night watch on the Sooty Tern colony in Mars Bay to determine behavior patterns.
Enjoy a whale watch cruise, visit the oceanarium or marvel at the incomparable scenery in the park.
However, watch out for young men on bicycles who try to snatch purses, handbags or cameras.
And then we're going to watch the news and play trivial pursuit when the lights go out.
Watch our latest mouth-watering video recipes Barbecue Special Offers This month we have a great selection of products on offer.
They began an orderly retreat to their two fortified redoubts, closely followed by the Black Watch and Cameron Highlanders.
The idea of self reliance has changed to the idea that someone else will watch out for us.
But with so much resting on this game it should be a cracker to watch for fans and neutrals alike.
These colorful, beautifully patterned fish are a joy to watch as they emerge from their hiding places in the coral rubble.
Men played or went to watch Rugby, football, or cricket.
Watch out for the economic ruination of Spain, I wonder how Max will explain that, with yet more Socialist cut and pastes?
In the wheel rut 's clinging dark watch an arc of bright cloud, blue sky.
Watch the boats in and out of the harbor, or the yachts sailing around the bay.
Watch a special renowned bird sanctuary the finest in china.
Also watch out for weekly specials of fresh sardines - they are great value.
From the ledge on Jurassic scarp the traverse was continued at the same level around the corner under the prow into The Night Watch.
I watch a lot of horror film none have been remotely scary.
It is also thought that Aston Villa recently sent a scout to watch Lincoln City.
We'll also watch for Common Seal, Red Kite, Osprey and numerous seabirds.
Watch a special encounter sea lions of the hair.
The easiest way to register is to call the newly self-employed helpline on 08459 15 45 15 5. Watch out for VAT!
In 1829, three of the watch were so senile and infirm that they were incapable of performing their duties and were replaced.
Hath sentinel of old Cromwell E'er watch'd thine ancient hall?
With a well-drilled chorus and effective set pieces it was always great to watch.
Luckily the law didn't get involved but a crowd did gather to watch our rather shameful descent from our heavenly nest.
Pest & disease watch Keep temporary shelters in place over peach trees to protect against peach leaf curl.
This range of Rado watches also displays chunky faux diamond hour markers adding a shimmer to the gold watch.
In the vintage classic sidecars a local rider, Nick Weston riding a Triumph twin, was a character to watch.
For seven days and seven nights Man will watch this awesome sight.
Use this for that and watch your sales skyrocket.
Whether you want to sing along with your favorites show tunes or watch two gun slingers showdown at noon there's something for everyone.
Watch out for a very slinky cheetah and a wicked trio of hyenas.
The path on the approach to the CIC Hut is pretty slippy in places so watch your step.
I remember that on the night it finally exploded we all slithered down to the beach to watch.
The sharp suits, perfect shoes, spiffy watch, it all smacks of the well dressed " C " Level look.
Really, I'd rather just smack my head into a tree than watch somebody paint a house.
Rather, have a nutritious snack, watch a TV show, or read your favorite section of the newspaper.
He knows how to play snooker - you just watch him next time he's on the box.
You might watch some dinosaur eggs hatching or see a dinosaur having a snooze in the sun.
This week end, the plan is to chill a bit and watch the opening ceremony of the Nokia world snowboard championships.
The year was 1950 and Joan's father was invited to meet his intended son-in-law and watch him perform on stage.
The activity of Watch members can foster a new community spirit and a belief in the community's ability to tackle problems.
We watch them feed for a short while but they are very easily spooked and soon fly off upstream and into the distance.
Walking further round the track we climbed another platform to watch over two hundred feeding Eurasian spoonbills.
I watch movies, read books, I`m not really sporty.
Watch out for the MV old stagers - they still turn in a good time.
Watch out for the fire corals in shallow water these creamy tan or mustard colored corals can give a nasty sting.
If you watch the video you can see him looking straight at the guy and then stomping.
Swallow them whole. Watch for bloody, black, or tarry stools or blood in your vomit.
Ken disappears into his chalet, and I sit and watch the seabirds - two huge black storks, and an ibis chasing crabs.
You can visit the spacious studios to watch the glassblowers in action, and also the Glass Art Gallery where pieces are displayed.
The youngsters watch a video where a young boy is fatally injured after ignoring triangular yellow Danger of Death signs and entering a substation.
These English language subtitles can be very useful for deaf people who want to watch the DVD.
At the same time the police in rural areas kept a close watch on dissidents and were prepared to remove those it deemed subversive.
Eventually seven cavers gathered at the terminal sump to watch Rick assemble his swag.
In the morning we drove into the dunes to watch the sunrise over Dune 45.
Our private garden invites you to watch birds, take your breakfast or take the first suntan in your va cat ion.
Sit by fire with coffee and watch the snow swirl around outside.
A passing ad sales guy is hastily appointed chief taster, and we watch with concern as he wolfs down a slice.
You will need Microsoft Windows media player or Realplayer to watch the video to watch the teaser.
I go to work, chat to people, watch telly in the evening.
The girls had a tennis tournament every year on their tennis tournament every year on their tennis court - the boys school were given time to watch which they enjoyed.
Hath sentinel of old Cromwell E'er watch 'd thine ancient hall?
But it was either that or watch the world tiddlywinks championship with his Dad.
Watch out for our second film tie-in activity, which will coincide with the movie's release!
However, Harrison discovered with his new watch that if certain improvements were made, it had the potential to be an excellent timekeeper.
All of the savings made in these areas are invested in the construction of the watch to produce best quality timepieces.
I have to watch my intake of eggs so I have recently discovered the joy of scrambled tofu!
He glances down at his Omega Seamaster watch and peers over his Calvin Klein faux tortoiseshell glasses at the closed door to the boardroom.
This model is referred to as the reduced due tot he fact that it is slightly smaller than the moon watch.
The girls had a tennis tournament every year on their tennis court - the boys school were given time to watch which they enjoyed.
The grand front faces the east, and is flanked by battlemented towers carrying small watch turrets.
Click here for more information or to watch the trailer.
Theatrical trailer (2.14 mins) Watch the promotional trailer that was shown in cinemas.
Then stand in line behind me to watch Maggie work out on her new treadmill.
Be careful not to buy poached ivory souvenirs in Thailand and watch out for elephant ivory trinkets in Hong Kong and China.
But, hell, if someone else wants to watch tripe, what do I care?
Got into terrible trouble for being late, but could never wear a watch.
Watch for narwhals and beluga whales in these nutrient-rich waters - and caribou can often be seen roaming the endless tundra.
If you watch terrestrial TV, go get one immediately!
Luxuriate in the comfortable window seat and enjoy a glass of wine in the evening while you watch the lights twinkle across the water.
Hopefully people watch it and enjoy the show and go right, yo ully people watch it and enjoy the show and go right, yo u are just like us.
Watch your children on the beaches, there are some strong undertows.
He also got a chance to check out potential hiding places, sneak back later, and watch the neighbor ladies undress.
Once in the lock up to 10 little urchins came to watch the proceedings.
Watch Sir Paul's personal message about why its time to go veggie.
There are only so many programs that you can watch about the African Bullfrog for example. disable ad verdict So should you invest?
The BBC covered the story itself in News watch; for more, watch this video.
Simply lock the vino of your choice in the puzzle's complex clutches and watch as your host struggles to set it free.
Great setting, lots to do, and good volleyball to watch indoors.
I watch a wagtail 's pulsing throat; It's nesting in the sacristy.
Instead she was sitting in the entrance of the nest keeping watch.
He then did a most interesting experiment with a pocket watch.
We are currently under a tornado watch which is very common after the eye of the hurricane passes.
O&W divers watch, made by the esteemed Swiss military watchmakers, Ollech & Wajs.
This is a well designed watch produced to high standards by Germany's best known watchmaker.
Swiss made, high quality construction by Bergeon, the world's foremost watch tool maker, and the preferred choice for professional watchmakers.
Don't worry if you can't watch the Webcast then, you can always watch it from their archive later on.
The Sheriff's men, believing a ghost is among them, watch wide-eyed, holding their fire.
Anyway, I will indeed send you back the unopened, untouched travel watch winder by Special Delivery sometime this week.
Then plant them on a sunny windowsill, in paper cups for the kids to watch.
As in 1997, Visitors could watch or participate in tablet weaving, spinning, wood turning, steatite working and metal working.
And while you're figuring that one out, switch on your telly and watch some American wrestling.
We've got the unit itself already attached (via watch styled spring pins) to the wide Velcro wrist strap.
Acts 3.14 Then saith he unto them my soul is exceeding sorrowfull even unto death tarry ye here & watch with me.
When the local yeomanry paraded children came out to watch.
So do I. Through my binoculars, I watch the baby zebra trot round the corner of the track.
Cromwell sent powerful English fleets to watch the coast of Spain and to prevent communications with the West Indies and America; on the 8th of September 1656 a fleet of treasure ships was destroyed off Cadiz by Stayner, and on the 10th of April 1657 Blake performed his last exploit in the destruction of the whole Spanish fleet of sixteen treasure ships in the harbour of Santa Cruz in Teneriffe.
The instrumental equipment of that observatory was somewhat antiquated, his largest telescope being a small refractor of 73 lines aperture, but he selected a line of work to suit the instruments at his disposal, observing nebulae and variable stars and keeping a watch on comets and new planets.
Curiosity impelled him to remain and watch the progress of such a novel phenomenon; but curiosity was changed into dismay as the terrific character of the phenomenon unfolded itself.
Gladstone, addressing the electors of Newark, said that he was bound by the opinions of no man and no party, but felt it a duty to watch and resist that growing desire for change which threatened to produce " along with partial good a melancholy preponderance of mischief."
The only other fact preserved by Thucydides is that Athens appointed a board called the Hellenotamiae (ra,aias, steward) to watch over and administer the treasury of the league, which for some twenty years was kept at Delos, and to receive the contributions (06pos) of the allies who paid in money.
Luther published Barnes' confession with a preface of his own as Bekenntnis des Glaubens (1540), which is included in Watch's edition of Luther's Werke xxi.
During the last two or three years of his life Louis lived in great isolation, "seeing no one, speaking with no one, except such as he commanded," in the château of Plessis-les-Tours, that "spider's nest" bristling with watch towers, and guarded only by the most trusty servitors.
There are statues of Dürer, Sachs, Melanchthon, the reputed founder of the grammar-school, the navigator Martin Behaim, and Peter Henlein, the inventor of the watch; and the streets are further embellished with several fountains, the most noteworthy of which are the Schöne Brunnen, 1385-1396, in the form of a large Gothic pyramid, adorned with statues of the seven electors, the "nine worthies," and Moses and the prophets; and the GÃnsemÃnnchen or goose-mannikin, a clever little bronze figure by Pankratz Labenwolf.
Belief in a Supreme Being is vague but universal, but as this Being is good, or at least neutral, he is disregarded, and the native applies himself to the propitiation and coercion, by magical means, of the countless malignant spirits with which he imagines himself to be surrounded, and which are constantly on the watch to catch him tripping.
But we have to picture him as anon coming out and gathering about him a tatterdemalion company, and jesting with them until they were in fits of laughter, for the sake of observing their burlesque physiognomies; anon as eagerly frequenting the society of men of science and learning of an older generation like the mathematician Benedetto Aritmetico, the physician, geographer and astronomer Paolo Toscanelli, the famous Greek Aristotelian Giovanni Argiropoulo; or as out-rivalling all the youth of the city now by charm of recitation, now by skill in music and now by feats of strength and horsemanship; or as stopping to buy caged birds in the market that he might set them free and watch them rejoicing in their flight; or again as standing radiant in his rose-coloured cloak and his rich gold hair among the throng of young and old on the piazza, and holding them spellbound while he expatiated on the great projects in art and mechanics that were teeming in his mind.
I did play with your watch.
Father will buy me a lovely new watch.
He gave me a beautiful watch.
The rapid development of Helen's mind is beautiful to watch.
The doctor glanced at his watch.
Anatole looked at his watch.
Suddenly the sound of a firing of cannon was heard from the embankment, to celebrate the signing of peace with the Turks, and the crowd rushed impetuously toward the embankment to watch the firing.
Napoleon took a lozenge, put it in his mouth, and glanced at his watch.
And then we 're going to watch the news and play Trivial Pursuit when the lights go out.
The watch has a stainless steel case, sapphire crystal, glass display back, screw down crown and quickset date.
Septicaemic rash Watch out for tiny red or brown pin prick marks which can change into purple blotches or blood blisters.
Whilst this species is frequently encountered throughout the trip it is always nice watch or photograph one while relaxing with a cup of tea !
You might use relaxation techniques, listen to soothing music, read or watch TV.
In them you are to watch over one another in love - is an attempt to restate the importance of this dynamic.
However, as time passed they began to use their imagination and it was hugely rewarding to watch them enjoying themselves using their talent.
Watch, pause and rewind live television on your Mac.
On the rooftop of this building we noticed several ravens that had gathered there to watch us.
You can watch your food being flamboyantly prepared just behind the buffet from the freshest ingredients then cooked in wood burning rotisserie ovens.
Men played or went to watch rugby, football, or cricket.
From the ledge on Jurassic Scarp the traverse was continued at the same level around the corner under the prow into The Night Watch.
On the first day it rained, so we went to watch John 's other favorite pastime - scoffing food in the local cafe.
I had to sit and watch all these guys scoff huge greasy breakfasts washed down with gigantic mugs of sweet tea.
Watch carefully and quietly - many seashore creatures are hard to spot and may be scared off by splashing feet !
When you watch it you can see that the actors are n't as relaxed, they 're so self-conscious in front of the camera.
The easiest way to register is to call the newly self-employed helpline on 08459 15 45 15 5. Watch out for VAT !
What is the difference between an automatic and a self-winding watch?
Watch your puppet come to life in the woodland trail shadow puppet theater.
Luckily the law did n't get involved but a crowd did gather to watch our rather shameful descent from our heavenly nest.