Wasted-time Sentence Examples
Don't get in a hurry and make a mistake you that will cost you wasted time and hurt feelings.
Gallatin never wasted time in futile complaints.
If we had narrowed our market definition at the start, however, we would have avoided all the wasted time and increased our chances of making the startup a success.
It's a recipe for both wasted time and wasted money.
This helps to reduce wasted time and eliminate procrastination.
People don't find out about these hidden charges until after they've taken the time to fill out their profiles, and at that point either have to accept the charges or accept that they wasted time.
Using CRM tools can put a stop to this type of wasted time.
Remember the frustration of not finding what you're looking for and all the wasted time?
While many feel that warm up and stretching are just wasted time in a workout, nothing could be further from the truth.
It reduces frustration, cuts wasted time and still gets the job done.