Was Sentence Examples
His voice was controlled.
It was the earthquake.
He was elected president.
Nurturing was in his personality.
Alex was supposed to be sterile, but they had been wrong about that.
He was going to call the doctor.
Her face was burning.
His voice was soft.
With these words she greeted Prince Vasili Kuragin, a man of high rank and importance, who was the first to arrive at her reception.
America was birthed in optimism.
AdvertisementThis was a very interesting experience to them.
The central and largest one was white, and reminded her of the sun.
Obviously he was still struggling with it.
Water was dripping from the trees, and the grass was wet.
The conductor said it was the worst quake he ever knew.
AdvertisementIt was no secret.
It was true, of course.
There was a lot at stake.
All were surprised to find that he was not with them.
Her heart was starting to flutter.
AdvertisementYou saw how he was.
It was possible after all - but was it moral?
Far up in the air was an object that looked like a balloon.
This was a decision she had already made once - but not really.
His tail was short and scraggly, and his harness had been broken in many places and fastened together again with cords and bits of wire.
AdvertisementThis was not the light in which I hoed them.
It was Alex and Morino.
On that subject she was adamant.
They saw a landscape with mountains and plains, lakes and rivers, very like those upon the earth's surface; but all the scene was splendidly colored by the variegated lights from the six suns.
Felipa was telling me.
He was fallible like everyone else.
Their son, Charles Adams, was born in Newburyport, Massachusetts, and moved to Helena, Arkansas.
I was born on June 27, 1880, in Tuscumbia, a little town of northern Alabama.
That was good, wasn't it?
Pierre was among those who saw him come out from the merchants' hall with tears of emotion in his eyes.
Was that why she looked like she was going to cry?
As Dulce had pointed out, he was trying to get away from the family.
Was that why Alex didn't want to talk to her about it?
The boy was startled and his eyes were big.
He was quite an old little man and his head was long and entirely bald.
Actually, it was way too much house as far as she was concerned, but she wasn't buying it.
No wonder he was so upset.
Alex wasn't paying a stranger to give him an heir.
I was watching for some encouraging sign.
It was completely covered with vines, climbing roses and honeysuckles.
What did you really think when you found out Alex was a Mexican?
Then there was the money he left to Carmen.
Still, the feel of his hand was reassuring.
It was in July, 1805, and the speaker was the well-known Anna Pavlovna Scherer, maid of honor and favorite of the Empress Marya Fedorovna.
His voice was husky.
She was invited to the party.
Was it another attempt to humiliate them - her?
That was one way Alex had followed her lead.
Maybe he was unusually hungry.
It was all her fault.
To her, the idea was ludicrous, and yet, it probably looked that way to Dulce.
Was that what Dulce was arguing with him about - that he didn't know what he wanted?
His face was still pale.
Maybe it was jet lag - whatever that was.
Surely there was more to their conversation.
His attention was focused on two riders approaching.
Was that what they had been arguing about?
Then he got into the buggy again and took the reins, and the horse at once backed away from the tree, turned slowly around, and began to trot down the sandy road which was just visible in the dim light.
It wasn't my intent to hide anything from you.
In fact, what she felt was pity.
Nothing. I was just thinking about technology.
Alex was looking down at her, his expression unreadable.
Alex had his professional expression on, but Dulce was pouting.
The atmosphere felt stiff and formal, as if this was not part of their routine.
Señor Medena was watching her in a strange way.
He was just showing me a house he said he was giving as a wedding gift.
That was all today amounted to - a manipulation.
I know him when he was boy and I love him then.
This is the life he was born for.
How long this state of things continued Dorothy could not even guess, she was so greatly bewildered.
Next to Washington he was the greatest American.
But scarcely had Pierre uttered these words before he was attacked from three sides.
The other was the mayor, a man with a thin sallow face and narrow beard.
He said I was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen.
I guess he was stunned by my beauty.
It was far too sweet and had a bitter aftertaste.
I guess I wasn't very polite, making a face like that.
Even as tired as she was, his arms were a welcome haven.
At the time she had thought Dulce was annoyed because she didn't like the punch.
It was something Alex didn't need to know.
She was no longer tired - no longer concerned about the children or the strange room.
After the service, Alex was unusually silent.
Then why was it so difficult to forgive him?
Maybe some of it was soaking in.
Maybe he was thinking about what his father would say or do when he came in.
Why didn't you tell me Dulce was giving you a hard time?
Carmen glanced at him, but he was still deep in thought.
Yet before the day was over, it was obvious that wasn't the case.
Well, she must have thought it was something.
What was that all about?
Carmen glanced at Alex, but he either didn't notice her attention, or he was avoiding her eyes.
After that, I guess I was focused on just getting by.
When she got to the room, Alex was sitting on the love seat reading a newspaper.
Immediately she was alert.
And yet, the driver was there.
Señor Medena was watching her intently.
Something about the way he was watching her felt uncomfortable.
It was a good thing they were going home tomorrow.
Now even their relationship was beginning to suffer.
There was no reason for him to think his father might be romantically interested in her.
She was the one who had insisted on waiting until they were married.
Jonathan was in his room watching television.
It wasn't a question, but a flat statement.
That familiar cold feeling washed over her again with a wave that was staggering.
The door to Destiny & Jonathan's room was closed.
They couldn't leave here soon enough as far as she was concerned.
There was no point in dredging up the past again.
She was jealous of Dulce, but she had no reason to be.
That was all it took.
This second one was a Rain of People-and-Horse-and-Buggy.
A middle-aged man, handsome and virile, in the uniform of a retired naval officer, was speaking in one of the rooms, and a small crowd was pressing round him.
Pierre's one feeling at the moment was a desire to show that he was ready to go all lengths and was prepared to sacrifice everything.
It was true, and it brought color to his neck, but he didn't comment.
I can't imagine what he was thinking to hide a thing like that from you.
He was getting to be quite a handsome young man.
It was embarrassing to think she had let it go on this long without realizing he was troubled by it.
Was he actually avoiding conversation with his father?
It was a stupid question, of course.
He'd be following shortly, trying to make it look like he was the injured party.
They were at it again - or at least Dulce was.
If he had passed Dulce over, it was because she wasn't what he wanted.
Dulce was beautiful, but she would forever be trying to run his life.
Alex was pacing the room when she returned.
You knew when I was arguing with you.
I knew because I was in love with you.
This wasn't a home.
It was a house full of people who happened to be related to him.
He was a good husband and father.
She could count his ribs easily where they showed through the skin of his body, and his head was long and seemed altogether too big for him, as if it did not fit.
The retired naval man was speaking very boldly, as was evident from the expression on the faces of the listeners and from the fact that some people Pierre knew as the meekest and quietest of men walked away disapprovingly or expressed disagreement with him.
It was indicative of dissipation and the exercise of authority.
The nobility don't gwudge theah lives--evewy one of us will go and bwing in more wecwuits, and the sov'weign" (that was the way he referred to the Emperor) "need only say the word and we'll all die fo' him!" added the orator with animation.
He hardened his heart against the senator who was introducing this set and narrow attitude into the deliberations of the nobility.
Alex was doing everything in his power to provide her with all the experiences of a natural mother.
Maybe something was wrong all along.
Princess was supposed to foal again in January.
If God thought it was wrong, nothing we could have done would have been successful.
It's winter - or was at home.
But this wasn't about intimacy - was it?
It was about privacy and morality.
What was that supposed to mean?
He was alright and they probably wouldn't do it again.
It was the way she wanted it as well.
The room was silent for a few minutes after they left.
Carmen's smile was wry.
Maybe that was the problem.
Or was it the other way around?
Better. I think she was foundered.
It was all just good clean fun.
His smile was relieved.
The idea was reinforced when Gerald turned and walked out the door without doing so.
His warm hand on her waist was reassuring.
But Tessa wasn't simply another pretty face.
Tessa was the girl who left him standing at the altar once.
Her smile was wry as she gazed up at his face.
His smile was strained.
But he wasn't her concern tonight.
By whoever invited all these other people - I suppose because she was someone I knew.
Possibly not, but that was the end result.
When the band took a break, Carmen was looking for something cool to drink.
Sweets usually made her thirstier - but it was wet.
While the band was on break, Eduardo entertained them with some Spanish guitar.
The kitchen was open all the time, but Alex didn't drink - or never had to her knowledge.
Carmen rushed to him, but found that he was either asleep or passed out.
Hopefully, this was his one and only session with drinking too much.
The way he acted tonight was a little too much like he did when he came home from the hospital.
The subject was how Mary had been a vessel to carry the son of god.
It might cross a person's mind now and then that their spouse might be unfaithful, but insisting on it for months was another thing.
Alfonso assured him that it was no big deal - that Señor Medena would pay for it because he had lots of money.
Señor Medena was watching Alex thoughtfully, but Alex seemed to be unaware of his attention.
That evening after Destiny and Jonathan were asleep, Carmen was picking up in their room.
Besides, there was nothing to be gained in either case by saying anything – to either of you.
His gaze was reflective.
It wasn't that it was none of her business.
It was simply that he didn't want to tell her - which amounted to the same thing.
She let the conversation drop that night, but early the next morning Dulce caught him in the hallway and it was clear that she didn't think anything was settled.
Destiny stared at Alex over Carmen's shoulder and Jonathan was so focused on Alex that he nearly ran into Alondra.
It was Christmas morning and all was not well.
Alex was being stubborn - and uncharacteristically rebellious.
It was rude to act this way to hosts who had invited them into their home on such a special occasion.
Actually, it was how my family always celebrated Christmas.
Alondra and Felipa were watching her intently, and even Señor Medena seemed to be interested in what their life was like at home.
Actually, everything belongs to both of us, but I was the one who had the lifelong dream of a horse ranch.
Señor Medena was watching her as if she were talking about something truly interesting.
Like Alex, it was impossible to guess what was going on in his mind by the expression on his face.
Part of it, of course, was Jonathan's nature.
He was right, to a degree It isn't the past that I'm pitching you, Alex.
His bittersweet chocolate gaze wandered over her face in search of something, or maybe he was digesting the information.
Even so, she was the one who had made the rule.
Whatever the issue was, the conflict between Alex and Dulce remained.
When they arrived downstairs, everyone was waiting.
Carmen shifted her attention to Señor Medena, who was focused on Alex at the moment.
The Alex she met and fell in love with was confident and generally happy.
Alex seemed to be more comfortable around Morino than he was around his father's family.
She was lounging on the bed reading a magazine when someone knocked on the door.
It had a quiet look of quality that was soothing.
The dining room was directly off the kitchen, which was also lavish.
A couple of wing-backed chairs and sofa sank luxuriously into that thick wine carpet, but what caught her full attention was the wide curving staircase.
Señor Medena was watching her again in that strange way, as if it truly mattered what she thought.
The driver was standing by the car smoking a cigarette as they emerged from the house.
No wonder he was upset in the stair room.
Alex had raced to her rescue because he knew she was too naïve to realize what his father was doing.
Surely Alex wasn't blind to the manipulation going on with intent to keep him in Texas.
Worse, he had again assumed she was a willing participant.
He was making noises like his father was the one he didn't trust, but it wasn't that simple.
She wasn't looking forward to being in the room with Alex right now - especially so with the children there to listen.
Señor Medena married my mother when I was a baby.
Still, if Señor Medena adopted Dulce when she was a baby and raised her, then he was her father - blood relative or not.
Conversation with Dulce was futile.
His tone was terse.
She took out some of his and hers so he wouldn't think she was packing to leave him.
I wasn't the one who wanted to come here in the first place.
Looking into that semi-sweet chocolate gaze, it was easy to understand why Dulce lost her composure.
Then he turned away and rubbed the back of his neck in that way he did when he knew he was wrong but wasn't sure why.
Aside from his solemn expression, there was nothing in the way he acted with the children that might indicate anything was wrong between them.
The problem was how they were both reacting to the situation.
It was after midnight.
She dropped to her pillow, wondering if she was the only one who thought their exchange across the living room ended the quarrel.
The shed at Hugson's Siding was bare save for an old wooden bench, and did not look very inviting.
Next minute there was a roar and a sharp crash, and at her side Dorothy saw the ground open in a wide crack and then come together again.
There was a breath of danger in the very air, and every few moments the earth would shake violently.
His clothing fitted his form snugly and was gorgeously colored in brilliant shades of green, which varied as the sunbeams touched them but was not wholly influenced by the solar rays.
There was not an ugly person in all the throng.
Communicating feelings with Alex wasn't always easy.
At ten years old, Jonathan was almost as tall as she was.
What was she making him disappointed about?
He was respectful of her concerns, but they didn't see eye-to-eye on any of it - except the fact that they both wanted another child.
He intended it as a joke, but the memory it resurrected was painful.
They put her through college and it was her intent to stay with them as long as they needed her.
For her, losing them was painful enough, but losing a mate - that would be agonizing.
The household account he had set up for her was healthy and growing with the monthly deposits he made.
She was a veritable garden of indecision.
I think he felt included because he was helping as much as we were.
He was going to like the clothes she bought for the trip.
It wasn't something she would normally do - buying clothes specifically for a trip.
But this wasn't just any trip.
Besides, it was time to replace some of the things she'd been wearing since before they were married.
Alex was cordial to his father and formal to his sister.
If their meeting today was any indication, this visit was going to be interesting - if not uncomfortable.
The fact that there was nothing to protect her from was irrelevant.
That she doubted, but his tone was confident.
Señor Medena was watching Alex, but from the corner of her eye Carmen could see Alex was looking out the window.
It wasn't like him to be petty.
It simply wasn't like him to be rude like that.
It was impossible to know what was going on in Señor Medena's mind by observing his expression.
His chuckle was soft.
Maybe he was simply tired.
Actually, she hadn't thought how it looked to others - and there had never been any doubt in her mind that she was fortunate to have Alex.
Her jet black hair was swept up gracefully into a plaited crown.
Alondra was attractive in a delicate way - her features more refined.
And yet, there was something about her that suggested she was in uncharted waters - maybe body language.
Alex introduced Jonathan and their welcome to him was equally warm.
He probably didn't realize that his hostility toward Señor Medena was being transferred to Jonathan as anxiety.
I think she was merely directing the comment at you because she thought you might want to know.
His brows lifted and his chuckle was deep and warm.
They swelled and blended smoothly - and that flat tummy was so masculine.
In fact, everything about him was masculine.
That pleased smile was on his lips again and his eyes held a glint of humor.
All the same, he was the one who broke the embrace.
The idea of making love in a strange bedroom was disturbing enough, but with only a door between them and the children, locked or not, it didn't feel right.
Tonight, when it was dark, she could pretend they were at home.
The man sitting at the other end of the table was introduced to them as Morino el capataz - their foreman, Morino.
The boy who sat beside him was his son.
Apparently the duo was considered part of the family.
He was being positively rude.
When Jonathan spoke, the distraction was welcome.
Carmen shot a glance at Alex, who was giving his meal undue attention.
There was no reason Alex shouldn't tell his father.
There was no way to defend her moral objections without seeding doubt in his mind.
Having a baby was something they should be excited about - talking about to others.
And yet, she was reluctant to say anything to church members - even family members.
And now she was even resenting Alex for telling his father.
Maybe he was thinking about Alexia, but that was still on their land, in the old house before it was renovated.
Or maybe he was thinking about their conversation last night.
Morino said this horse was gentle.
When they turned around, Alex was still on the horse.
The belt buckle that deflected the knife from his heart was now irritating the scar.
He did not act as if it was bothering him.
Alex said nothing, his stoic features giving no suggestion of what was on his mind.
Alex was watching her intently.
Jonathan was gazing up at Felipa with an adoring expression.
Christmas was only a few days away, and yet it didn't seem like Christmas.
Carmen was up first, showering and dressing before Alex woke.
It was almost as if he were shutting Felipa off before she could reveal something.
The shopping trip was exciting because it was so close to Christmas, but otherwise uneventful.
It was time to shove those old inhibitions out of their bedroom.
If she was invited, it was as a guest of Alex, so he would tell her when and if he decided to go.
I just thought it was because he was so good looking.
But if you could trust him this way and there was no electricity, would it still be love?
It was Alex who talked her into the IVF, but what did it matter?
She wasn't contributing money, but she was certainly contributing her share.
Whatever the case, it certainly wasn't worth arguing about.
His father was never able to get custody of him as a child.
Now he was exerting his authority in another way.
It was nice to hear English spoken without a Spanish accent.
Jonathan was sitting on his bed, watching TV in his pajamas.
It wasn't the first time she had gone to bed while he was out on a call, but it was the first time she had done so away from home.
If this was what defined a vacation away from home, she'd just as soon stay at home.
She was still awake an hour later when Alex came through the door.
Oh, I was supposed to tell you about a party.
The boxes were heavy, so carrying two of them was too much weight to handle.
Jonathan was up early and ready to go, so Alex hurriedly showered and dressed.
I don't think anyone was timing me.
Beautiful he was, but he also looked high spirited.
He wasn't going to buy it.
He was merely admiring it.
The architecture was fantastic, but not near as exciting as the ride on a ferry.
The weather was balmy, adding to the enjoyment of the day.
Pleasant as it was, they had to go back.
Jonathan was watching them intently.
Was it possible that their accent was in large, contrived?
It was a good thing he found it so amusing.
The proper distance was maintained - and proper was the operative word.
Somehow talking to him was easy.
I guess the only thing he wanted more than that was a good woman and children.
She looked too proper to be considered beautiful, and her expression was lofty.
Her beef was with Dulce - and maybe Alex.
Then he turned back to his father, who was watching him with interest.
Something about the way Felipa was smiling up at him suggested she was anticipating a good night kiss.
Her step was too long, making contact with his foot.
Alex wouldn't lie, but if he was given enough time to think about it, he could certainly evade the issue.
He was amazingly good, his fingers plucking the strings with quick nimble strokes.
Obviously the long week was taking its toll on him as well.
Home was any place they were together.
The service on Christmas Eve day was, of course, about Jesus.
Alondra was still a big question mark, but her gut said no to that idea too.
What would be different this time was the fact that he couldn't deny the babies were his - that and the fact that this time she had no uterus to lose.
A part of her might never forgive him for what he did... and that was a dark part of her personality that she didn't want him to see.
Yet somewhere deep inside she feared that if he was capable of betrayal once, then he might be again.
I thought your point was that I was trying to protect you.
On the other hand, maybe he was simply surprised that Alondra would want such a tame life.
She was so fortunate to have such a wonderful family.
How would you feel if I was fighting with my brother and wouldn't tell you what we were fighting about?
Did he arrange to have Alex out of the way, or was he simply taking advantage of the situation?
On the other side of the thick entry door was a sitting room with lush wine colored carpet.
Alex wasn't interested in Dulce.
Fighting with each other wasn't going to do anything but play into the hands of those instigating the trouble.
It wasn't simply a personal matter to Dulce.
Her attitude wasn't as Alex had said, 'sour grapes', and he knew it.
That wasn't going to be the answer, and he must know that by now.
There was no riding the fence on this one.
Alex was lounging with one shoulder against the wall on the other side of the family room when Carmen walked in.
Apparently he found what he was looking for, because a smile touched the corners of his mouth and his eyes warmed.
By the time she finished bathing and dressing Destiny, Jonathan was in bed.
She showered and changed into her new nightgown, but Alex was still downstairs when she crawled into bed.
Alex wasn't buying an heir.
It wasn't in him to do that.
When did that start - and was it a good thing?
In any case, there was nothing that couldn't wait to be discussed at home.
They would be there tomorrow night, so there was no point in making the remaining vacation time unpleasant.
Even in sleep he was irresistible.
The national weather forecast on television was calling for light snow in Arkansas.
Even so, everyone was anxious to get back home.
Alex wore a light blue sweater that accentuated his dark complexion and Jonathan was dressed likewise.
Breakfast was a quiet meal, with Dulce absent and Señor Medena lost in thought.
She was faintly aware when they reached home and Alex carried her to their bed.
As she peered through the soft gray light not a house of any sort was visible near the station, nor was any person in sight; but after a while the child discovered a horse and buggy standing near a group of trees a short distance away.
Jim's ears were standing erect upon his head and every muscle of his big body was tense as he trotted toward home.
The top of the buggy caught the air like a parachute or an umbrella filled with wind, and held them back so that they floated downward with a gentle motion that was not so very disagreeable to bear.
The worst thing was their terror of reaching the bottom of this great crack in the earth, and the natural fear that sudden death was about to overtake them at any moment.
With this thought in mind the girl took heart and leaned her head over the side of the buggy to see where the strange light was coming from.
Dorothy was too dazed to say much, but she watched one of Jim's big ears turn to violet and the other to rose, and wondered that his tail should be yellow and his body striped with blue and orange like the stripes of a zebra.
Then she looked at Zeb, whose face was blue and whose hair was pink, and gave a little laugh that sounded a bit nervous.
Yes; there was land below them; and not so very far away, either.
Immediately the Prince and all of his people flocked out of the hall into the street, that they might see what was about to happen.
It was all they could do, for to go away and leave that strange sight was impossible; nor could they hurry its fall in any way.
The only bait he could find was a bright red blossom from a flower; but he knew fishes are easy to fool if anything bright attracts their attention, so he decided to try the blossom.
So the boy went willingly upon the errand, and by the time he had returned Dorothy was awake.
But nowhere in it was there even a hint that it might not be possible.
And this man was saying we were going to the moon in a rocket ship made of metals we hadn't even invented.
Whether you are rich or poor, live in the developed world or the developing world, life today is better and easier than it was a century ago by virtually any measure.
Scarcity was the new watchword as the focus turned to all the problems of the future, not all the possibilities.
The great cathedral Notre Dame de Paris, which was begun before your birth, would not be finished by your death.
Yet it is admirable to profess because it was once admirable to live.
Pierre pushed his way into the middle of the group, listened, and convinced himself that the man was indeed a liberal, but of views quite different from his own.
All that did was to enwich the pwiests' sons and thieves and wobbahs....
Adraksin was in uniform, and whether as a result of the uniform or from some other cause Pierre saw before him quite a different man.
Pierre wished to say that he was ready to sacrifice his money, his serfs, or himself, only one ought to know the state of affairs in order to be able to improve it, but he was unable to speak.
Glinka, the editor of the Russian Messenger, who was recognized (cries of "author! author!" were heard in the crowd), said that "hell must be repulsed by hell," and that he had seen a child smiling at lightning flashes and thunderclaps, but "we will not be that child."
He was answered by a voice which informed him of the resolution just arrived at.
When Pierre saw the Emperor he was coming out accompanied by two merchants, one of whom Pierre knew, a fat otkupshchik.
Her sigh was a mixture of contentment and relief.
She was uneasy because she had never been on a plane before.
His birth father already suspected she was a country bumpkin.
Alex had been the one who helped her see them as true family, and yet he was having issues accepting his own father.
Apparently his greatest concern was the fact that his mother was married to his adoptive father at the time he was conceived.
That was a double-edged hurt, though, because Alex adored his adoptive father.
With so many people at their house, it was fortunate that the weather was warm and dry so they could utilize the courtyard for the children.
That idea was troublesome to Carmen as well.
When Josh died, Mary had indicated that she felt Carmen was at least partially responsible.
In fact, at times she had been almost brutally clear that she was no longer interested in him.
Maybe it was her way of keeping Josh alive.
At any rate, today was no different.
She was only a month into two years old, but she was big for her age.
On the other hand, the dream was in her head, not his.
That was a no-brainer.
Six-month old Dandy nickered to his mother, but Casper was busy talking to Princess and Dawn.
Somehow it simply wasn't top priority in her life right now.
Katie said that was because Carmen had been raised poor and had become frugal.
In fact, that was a good way to make sure he didn't.
It was nice having Alex home all day and having the family together, but all good things come to an end.
There was shopping and packing to be done before they left on vacation.
As busy as she was, time had to be set aside for play with Destiny.
Well, that wasn't entirely true.
But then, he had reason - in his head - to believe it wasn't his.
As it was, the kids might pick up on her fear and emulate.
Aside from packing, there was also decorating to be done.
She had to move a few things to make room, but that wasn't too hard.
When she glanced at him, he was eyeing her, a wry smile twisting his lips.
It was presumptuous of him to purchase them.
Alex was watching her, his expression unreadable.
To him, it was no different than artificially inseminating a cow at his clinic... well, the concept wasn't.
Why hadn't it occurred to her that Jonathan might feel he was being replaced?
When she reached Destiny's room, Jonathan was already dressed and was helping Destiny.
I was so excited that I couldn't sleep, so I got up and dressed.
He was dressed in his usual indigo jeans and western shirt.
Now he knew what a chicken she was.
It wasn't so bad.
Outside of this being her first trip in an airplane, the rest of the flight was uneventful.
Alex didn't look at Carmen, which was her first inkling that something was amiss.
Alex wasn't much help, though.
Her dark shining hair was pulled back loosely with bejeweled combs and hung in loose curls down her back.
Carmen tried to focus on Felipa, but her mind was full of questions.
Maybe Katie wasn't the only one who had been overlooked by Señor Medena when it came to inheritance.
It was a long time back, before they were married.
It was a hacienda, not a ranch, and Señor Medena was the patrón.
More than likely the correction was to prevent her from being embarrassed.
At any rate, the Medena hacienda was impressive.
If the outside was impressive, the inside was magnificent.
It was his way of focusing in - pulling her close without the intimacy of touching.
Sometimes he even did it when there was a room full of people between them.
Her eyes were almond shaped, the brown of the iris so dark that it was almost black.
She was so worn out that she fell asleep at the table.
If he thought Alex was warming to him, he saw more than she did.
That night after Jonathan was in bed, Carmen turned to Alex.
For a minute there, I thought I was getting forgetful.
Carmen couldn't make out more than a few words, but one of them was mare.
The warm bubble bath was relaxing.
A friend, certainly, but their relationship was also romantic so best friend didn't seem like a good description.
When she glanced at Alex, he was watching her intently.
His response was a warm smile.
It wasn't something she had considered before, but another thought followed his.
Now his father was putting a damper on it with his all consuming, self-serving plots.
Was the man capable of thinking of someone other than himself?
Jonathan was watching them, his mouth hanging open.
He was realizing the impact the lie had on their relationship.
He was growing up and she needed to keep that in mind - and some things off his mind.
Felipa said it was supposed to be nice outside today.
It made a safe ball that didn't go far, which was perfect for Destiny.
It was the first time Carmen had seen Alondra actually laugh.
Some might think Dulce didn't know what she was missing, but Carmen suspected she did.
Nina wasn't the only one awaiting her arrival.
Her figure was not as well developed as Alondra or Dulce, but she looked nice in the style and color.
It was nice seeing Alondra like this.
The big question was, would her confidence last?
But then, maybe Alondra was one of those people who simply took a long time to warm to strangers.
The overall effect was surprising.
Everyone was looking at her.
For a minute there, I was ready to do just that.
First of all, I wasn't the only one involved.
It was a strange thing for a man to say.
It was something she had always liked about him, mostly because he was sincere about it.
Maybe that was what made him such a good salesman in the past.
She was relieved when an older gentleman cut in.
Yet he too was an excellent dancer - or maybe everyone's dancing skills were so much better than hers that it only appeared so to her.
Alex was busy talking to a lady with a low-cut bodice.
By the expression on his face, he wasn't exactly enjoying the conversation.
That was the extent of their conversation before Señor Medena cut in.
She was beginning to see why Alex wasn't impressed with Señor Medena.
He was protective of you before he even met you.
He was so tall there was a vast difference in their height.
Truthfully, Gerald wasn't all that good a dancer.
I worked with him for two years before I discovered who he really was.
If he knew who Alex really was, he probably knew more than Alex did.
Maybe Katie was simply trying to stay out of trouble.
He wasn't gentle then.
Most people would have said it was difficult for Alex.
But then, that was obvious.
That was the first time she had said it to anyone.
It wasn't true, of course.
The morning passed in a pleasant way and soon it was time to leave.
Alex was in a good mood and it was a pleasant trip - until Felipa made a comment about Tessa's visit the night before.
In fact, maybe that was why Dulce didn't come to breakfast.
Maybe he was wondering when the other shoe would fall.
Jonathan was staring out the window and Alex was playing with Destiny.
Within a few minutes the plane was dipping and rising in a way that made her stomach roll uncomfortably.
The feel of his warm fingers on her temple was comforting.
Paper rattled and then something was placed on the skin under her ear.
The nausea persisted for a while, but was eventually lost in sleep.
The next thing she knew, Alex was shaking her awake and telling her they were changing planes.
Carmen was so tired that the icy wind failed to keep her awake.
When she woke again, the room was dark.
At the moment, all she wanted was to be snuggled close.
If his tone was any indication, he wanted more.
He was up on one elbow, his attention fixed on her open blouse.