Warriors Sentence Examples
The warriors gave her no choice but pulled her up the hill.
Women never slapped warriors.
He trains the warriors and fights the wars.
The warriors regained themselves first and crossed to the edge of the canyon, unaffected by the water spraying on them.
Nearly all of us girls here are warriors.
She is too small and khorj to bear warriors.
There are few warriors as strong as she was.
One of the warriors flanking her nudged her forward.
The Qatwali warriors had looked her over in full light, as if to ensure she was no threat, then dismissed her with a look that said she ranked lower than the tarantula cat clinging to one wall.
Many of it requires negotiations with headstrong warriors like A'Ran.
AdvertisementOne of the warriors emerged, spoke to Romas, and retreated.
She didn't have Elise's physique; she was clearly not one of the genetically altered warriors.
The two warriors were well matched physically.
She leaned over the single table at one end of the main chamber, several larger warriors around her.
At least, that.s what some of Ancient Erik.s warriors said.
AdvertisementShe couldn't imagine even one of the genetically altered warriors healing so quickly from an impact great enough to create the deep scars on his face!
He glanced at the warriors around him, wondering if the people's loyalties were as divided as Allin and Lean seemed to think they were.
Gods are represented with their appropriate attributes - the fire-god hurling his spear, the moon-goddess with a shell, &c.; the scenes of human life are pictures of warriors fighting with club and spear, men paddling in canoes, women spinning and weaving, &c. An important step towards phonetic writing appears in the picture-names of places and persons.
We have the thickest walls, and the creature promised to help me build the strongest armies with the strongest warriors.
Many warriors believed the wound that caused the scar running down the side of Vara's face occurred when he fought off his father's assassin.
AdvertisementThe main chamber had been transformed into a centralized location for rallying warriors, supplies, and war planning.
At a pause, he darted to a small enclave hugging the walls, where a dozen warriors were gathered.
Messengers perched near the door in one huddle while various warriors, Rissa's counselors, and strangers occupied the floor area.
She rode through the city that bustled with ill- clad warriors and few others, unable to help feeling both disgust and pity for them.
The warriors guarding the dwelling eyed her.
AdvertisementThey ignored her as she joined the rest of the pages moving in and out of the stables, bringing horses and armament to the warriors.
One of the warriors stood in the hall next to a sleepy servant.
Fires ignited near the south gate as his men attacked groups of Memon's advisors and the warriors that had been invited into the hold for the feast.
Battle erupted to the north, and the hidden Dierdirien warriors erupted from the forest to challenge Memon's allies.
The great hall was filled with Tiyan warriors, Vara's men, and Dierdirien's warriors.
Warriors, women, infirmed, elderly, children.
The college is sometimes described as being different from other colleges in being merely a large chantry to pray for the souls of the dead warriors.
In battle the carroccio was surrounded by the bravest warriors in the army and it served both as a rallying-point and as the palladium of the city's honour; its capture by the enemy was regarded as an irretrievable defeat and humiliation.
That according to which they were set up at Munich was in the main suggested by Cockerell; in the middle of each pediment was a figure of Athena, set well back, and a fallen warrior at her feet; on each side were standing spearmen, kneeling spearmen and bowmen, all facing towards the centre of the composition; the corners were filled with fallen warriors.
But the princes of the house of Savoy were a race of warriors; and what Emmanuel Philibert lost as sovereign he regained as captain of adventure in the service of his cousin Philip II.
Norman warriors had long before helped the Christians of Spain in their warfare with the Saracens of the Peninsula, and in Sicily it was from the same enemy that they won the great Mediterranean island.
Thereafter he returned with seven war canoes, each holding a hundred warriors, priests, stone idols and sacred weapons, as well as native plants and animals.
The mountainous country, ill-suited for agricultural purposes, was well adapted for these hardy warriors,whose training was Spartan in its simplicity and severity.
Late Minoan art in its finest aspect is best illustrated by the animated ivory figures, wall paintings, and gesso duro reliefs at Cnossus, by the painted stucco designs at Hagia Triada, and the steatite vases found on the same site with zones in reliefs exhibiting life-like scenes of warriors, toreadors, gladiators, wrestlers and pugilists, and of a festal throng perhaps representing a kind of " harvest home."
With the exception of the peshwas, its chiefs were little more than freebooting warriors, for the most part rude, violent and' unlettered.
The dominion of Alp Arslan now extended over the fairest part of Asia; 1200 princes or sons of princes surrounded his throne and 200,000 warriors were at his command.
The counts of Dreux, for two centuries and a half (1132-1377), and the counts of Evreux, from 1307 to 1425, also belonged to the family of the Capets, - other members of which worthy of mention are the Dunois and the Longuevilles, illegitimate branches of the house of Valois, which produced many famous warriors and courtiers.
The turbulent Basuto warriors did not remain quiet for any length of time, and in 1879 Moirosi, a chief residing in the southern portion of Basutoland, openly repudiated colonial rule.
Though in these lands they have for not less than a thousand years enjoyed the position of the dominant race, they all possess a tradition that they are not indigenous, and that their first rulers "came out of the sea," with a large band of Malayan warriors in their train.
Up to this time the rule of the Bhonsla rajas, rough warriors of peasant extraction, had been on the whole beneficent; but, soured by his defeat, Raghoji now set to work to recover some of his losses by a ruthless exploitation of the peasantry, and until the effective intervention of the British in 1818 the country was subjected to every kind of oppression.
In reward for the brilliant services rendered him by Ertoghrul (the father of Osman) and by Osman himself, Ala-ud-din, the last of the Seljuk sultans, conferred certain provinces in fief upon these two great warriors.
Those who had not yet crossed the river refused, in face of this omen, to follow their brethren; the little band, numbering 400 warriors (according to others, consisting of 2000 horsemen) decided to remain under Ertoghrul, son of the drowned leader.
The first named were charged with the duty of revising and duly executing the decisions of the divan respecting the assignment of lands to warriors and the apportioning of conquered territories.
The Franks were redoubtable warriors, and were generally of great stature.
Frankish arms and armour have been found in the cemeteries which abound throughout northern France, the warriors being buried fully armed.
The king is not mentioned - which on Credner's view is explained by assuming that the plague fell in the minority of Joash, when the priest Jehoiada held the reins of power - and the princes, councillors and warriors necessary to an independent state, and so often referred to by the prophets before the exile, are altogether lacking.
The family produced not a few turbulent warriors during the Hundred Years' War, and the cardinal's father, Francois du Plessis, seigneur de Richelieu, began his career by killing the murderer of his elder brother and then fighting through the wars of religion, first as a favourite of Henry III., and after his death under Henry IV.
He was next ordered out against the Solymi, a hostile tribe, and afterwards against the Amazons, from both of which expeditions he not only returned victorious, but also on his way back slew an ambush of chosen warriors whom Iobates had placed to intercept him.
The companies had yearly feasts, at which the commander honoured warriors who had slain one or more of the enemy.
Similar movements from the same regions appear also to have penetrated Iran itself; hence the resemblance between the dress and daggers of certain classes of warriors on the sculptures of Persepolis and those shown on the Kul Oba vase.
The inhabitants were unable to withstand the attacks of the disciplined Zulu warriors - or Matabele, as they were henceforth called - by whom large areas of central and western Transvaal were swept bare.
The Hittite warriors upon north Syrian sculptures (Zenjirli, perhaps ' all to 9th centuries) have a short-sleeved tunic which ends above the knees, and this type of garment recurs over a large area with numerous small variations (with or without girdle, slits at the neck, or bordering).
Assyrian Warriors with women and children captured Idols.
Such was the terror inspired by these fierce warriors that many of the tribes, such as the Wa-Nindi of Mozambique, adopted the name of their conquerors or oppressors.
Members of a regiment were of much the same age, and the young warriors were forbidden to marry until they had distinguished themselves in battle.
Usibepu, having created a formidable force of well-armed and trained warriors, and being left in independence on the borders of Cetywayo's territory, viewed with displeasure the re-installation of his former king, and Cetywayo was desirous of humbling his relative.
Several warriors and wrestlers, hearing of Guru Har Govind's fame, came to him for service.
The kachh or drawers fastened by a waist-band was more convenient and suitable for warriors than the insecurely tied dhoti of the Hindus or the tamba of the Mahommedans.
In the sculptures of the Cornmagene and the Tyana districts, the nose has a long curving tip, of very Jewish appearance, but not unlike the outline given to Kheta warriors in Egyptian scenes.
In this institution the chief of the tribe, or of some plainly marked division of the tribe, gathered about himself a band of chosen warriors, who formed a kind of private military force and body-guard.
In the Heliand the Saviour and His Apostles are conceived as a king and his faithful warriors, and the use of the traditional epic phrases appears to be not, as with Cynewulf or the author of Andreas, a mere following of accepted models, but the spontaneous mode of expression of one accustomed to sing of heroic themes.
It is true that rival prophets were leading rebellions in various parts of Arabia, that the tax-collectors were not always paid, and that the warriors of the land were much distressed for want of work owing to the brotherhood of Arabs proclaimed by Mahomet.
The successful reduction of the rebels in Arabia enabled him in his first year to send his great general Khalid with his Arab warriors first against Persians, then against Romans.
All three were renowned warriors and played a prominent part in David's history.
He now made up his mind to study the real wilderness in its gloom and vastness, and to meet face to face the dusky warriors of the Stone Age.
He accordingly ravaged their country in 791 at the head of an army containing Saxon, Frisian, Bavarian and Alamannian warriors, which penetrated as far as the Raab; and he spent the following year in Bavaria preparing for a second campaign against them, the conduct of which, however, he was compelled by further trouble in Saxony to entrust to his son king Pippin, and to Eric, margrave of Friuli.
This episode, which bears the marks of popular heroic poetry, may well be the substance of a lost Carolingian cantilena.1 The legendary Charlemagne and his warriors were endowed with the great deeds of earlier kings and heroes of the Frankish kingdom, for the romancers were not troubled by considerations of chronology.
Charlemagne was endowed with the good and bad qualities of the epic king, and as in the case of Agamemnon and Arthur, his exploits paled beside those of his chief warriors.
The purely fictitious and romantic tales added to the personal history of Charlemagne and his warriors in the 13th century are inferior in manner, and belong to the decadence of romance.
Here he was persuaded to make peace in consideration of a brigadier-general's commission and payment for the property confiscated by Georgia; and with the warriors who accompanied him he signed a formal treaty of peace and friendship on the 7th of August.
The Aztecs settled there because of the security afforded by its islands and shallow waters - their city, Tenochtitlan, being so completely surrounded by water that a handful of warriors could easily defend its approaches against a greatly superior force.
There is no doubt that it contains an element of truth; as among the Romans the gradual deification of ancestors and the apotheosis of emperors were prominent features of religious development, so among primitive peoples it is possible to trace the evolution of family and tribal gods from great chiefs and warriors.
Continuing a few miles down stream, he came upon what was supposed to be a single Sioux village; the Indians, however, proved to number from 8000 to 10,000, including 2500 to 3000 warriors.
Saxony at last seemed to be subdued, and Saxon warriors took service in the Frankish armies.
Four hundred warriors were slain, and a great number were captured.
In 1864 Sully defeated the Sioux at the battle of Takaakwta, or Deer Woods, on the Knife river, and a few days later he again encountered them, and after a desperate struggle of three days administered a crushing defeat; the warriors abandoned their provisions and escaped into the Bad Lands.
Absalon, with only Sweyn, bishop of Aarhus, and twelve "housecads," thereupon disembarked, passed between a double row of Wendish warriors, 6000 strong, along the narrow path winding among the morasses, to the gates of the fortress, and, proceeding to the temple of the seven-headed god Rtigievit, caused the idol to be hewn down, dragged forth and burnt.
Again Laomedon broke his word; whereupon Heracles returned with a band of warriors, attacked Troy, and slew Laomedon and all his sons except Priam.
The wars of this nation with the Tepanecs, which went on into the 15th century, were merely destructive, but larger effects arose from the expeditions under the Culhua king Acamapichtli, where the Aztec warriors were prominent, and which extended far outside the valley of Anahuac. Especially a foray southward to Quauhnahuac, now Cuernavaca, on the watershed between the Atlantic and Pacific, brought goldsmiths and other craftsmen to Tenochtitlan, which now began to rise in arts, the Aztecs laying aside their rude garments of aloe-fibre for more costly clothing, and going out as traders for foreign merchandise.
Then the royal body was invested in the mantles of his patron-gods, especially that of the war-god, for Mexican kings were warriors; on his face was placed a mask of turquoise mosaic, and a green chalchihuite-stone as a heart between his lips.
It was suppressed in an hour's time by the tsar's troops, of whom only one man was mortally wounded; and the horrible vengeance (September - October 1698) which Peter on his return to Russia wreaked upon the captive musketeers was due not to any actual fear of these antiquated warriors, but to his consciousness that behind them stood the reactionary majority of the nation who secretly sympathized with, though they durst not assist, the rebels.
This body consisted partly of young warriors in constant attendance on the king, and partly of senior officials whom he called together from time to time.
Again, the fird (fyrd) was composed of mounted warriors during the 9th century, though apparently they fought on foot, and there are indications that such was the case also in the 7th century.
No doubt ceorls took part in military expeditions, but they may have gone as attendants and camp-followers rather than as warriors, their chief business being to make stockades and bridges, and especially to carry provisions.
Above all he had to meet the difficulties caused by the arrival of the warriors of the First Crusade, which had been in a great degree initiated owing to the representations of his own ambassadors, though the help which he wanted from the West was simply mercenary forces and not the immense hosts which arrived to his consternation and embarrassment.
The second and much more serious host of warriors, led by Godfrey of Bouillon, he conducted also into Asia, promising to supply them with provisions in return for an oath of homage, and by their victories recovered for the Empire a number of important cities and islands - Nicaea, Chios, Rhodes, Smyrna, Ephesus, Philadelphia, Sardis, and in fact most of Asia Minor (1097-1099).
The motive force towards extension of territories was supplied by military ambition; especially we have to take account of the growth of a warlike spirit in the North, which was constantly driving young warriors to seek their fortunes in the service of continental princes.
Lastly, from the very beginning of the 9th century bodies of Scandinavian warriors began to found kingdoms and principalities in all parts of Europe.
Further, Tribal it was here that the principes were chosen, serious charges brought against members of the tribe and youths admitted to the rights of warriors.
Moreover, kings and other distinguished persons kept standing bodies of young warriors, an honour to them in time of peace, as Tacitus says, as well as a protection in war.
The favourite method of attack was by a wedge formation (known later in the North as svinfylking), the point being formed by a chosen band of young warriors.
In all such cases the tribes subject to the Romans, in the neighbourhood of the Rhine, were probably the chief channel by which Roman influence made its way, though account must also be taken of the fact that considerable numbers of warriors from remoter districts were attracted to serve in the Roman armies.
Great improvements took place likewise in armour and weapons; the equipment of the warriors whose relics have been found in the Schleswig bog-deposits, dating from the 4th and 5th centuries, appears to have been vastly superior to that which Tacitus represents as normal among the Germani of his day.
Again, those who had fallen in battle were supposed to go to Valhalla, where they became warriors in Odin's service.
We know from Tacitus that the German tribes in his day were wont to celebrate the admission of their young men into the ranks of their warriors with much circumstance and ceremony.
Since then we discover in the Capitularies of Charlemagne actual mention of "caballarii " as a class of warriors, it may reasonably be concluded that formal investiture with arms applied to the " caballarii " if it was a usage extending beyond the sovereign and his heir-apparent.
But, although these eminent warriors were subsequently elected as vacancies occurred, their admission was postponed to that of several very young and in actual warfare comparatively unknown knights, whose claims to the honour may be most rationally explained on the assumption that they had excelled in the particular feats of arms which preceded the institution of the order.
Smyth's record of this great family shows that, from the middle of the r3th century onwards, the lords were not only statesmen and warriors, but still more distinguished as gentlemen-farmers on a great scale, even selling fruit from the castle gardens, while their ladies would go round on tours of inspection from dairy to dairy.
The energy which warriors were accustomed to put forth in their efforts to conquer was now " exhibited in the enterprise of conversion and teaching " 5 by Wilfrid on the coast of Friesland, 6 by Willibrord (658-715) in the neighbourhood of Utrecht,7 by the martyr-brothers Ewald or Hewald amongst the " old " or continental Saxons, 8 by Swidbert the apostle of the tribes between the Ems and the Yssel, by Adelbert, a prince of the royal house of Northumbria, in the regions north of Holland, by Wursing, a native of Friesland, and one of the disciples of Willibrord, in the same region, and last, not least, by the famous Winfrid or Boniface, the " apostle of Germany " (68 o-755), who went forth first to assist Willibrord at Utrecht, then to labour in Thuringia and Upper Hessia, then with the aid of his kinsmen Wunibald and Willibald, their sister Walpurga, and her thirty companions, to consolidate the work of earlier missionaries, and finally to die a martyr on the shore of the Zuider Zee.
Three days afterwards the Kumasi warriors attacked a party of Hausa sent with the chief object of discovering the golden stool.
The manners and sentiments of the 15th century are made to harmonize with the classical legends after the fashion of the Italian pre-Raphaelite painters, who equipped Jewish warriors with knightly lance and armour.
He was of noble descent, his father being a scion of the family of the Balthi or Bold-men, next in dignity among Gothic warriors to the Amals.
The armies of Charlemagne contained warriors from all parts of Germany; and although tribal law was respected and codified, legislation common to the whole empire was also introduced.
The number of available warriors was increased by the return of many crusaders, among them being the famous soldier, Henry von Kalden, who was mainly responsible for the success of Philips cause in 1199.
He helped the Parians in their settlements of Issa and Pharos; he took into his pay Illyrian warriors with Greek arms, and helped the Molossian Alcetas to win back part of his kingdom.
The bravest of their warriors sometimes knew deplorably little about it; distinction on that field they cheerfully accorded to pious men like Ibn Mas`ud.
These three manuscripts will therefore be those which the caliph, according to trustworthy tradition, sent in the first instance as standard copies to Damascus, Basra and Kufa to the warriors of the provinces of which these were the capitals, while he retained one at Medina.
Egypt itself was thus clear of enemies; but the chariots and warriors of the Philistines and their associates were advancing through Syria, their families and goods following in ox-carts, and their ships accompanying them along the shore.
We know nothing of the authors of these poems, which treat of the heroic adventures of the great warriors and lovely ladies of the chivalric age in strains of artless but often exquisite beauty.
Then, for ten long days, the warriors labour at the rearing of his mighty mound on the headland, high and broad,.
Montrose arrived a day too late for Marston Moor (2nd of July 1644); Rupert took his contingent; he entered Scotland in disguise, met the ill-armed Irish levies under Colkitto, raised the Gordons and Ogilvies, who supplied his cavalry, raised the fighting Macdonalds, Camerons and Macleans; in six pitched battles he routed Argyll and all the Covenanting warriors of Scotland, and then, deserted by Colkitto and the Gordons, and surprised by Leslie's cavalry withdrawn from England, was defeated at Philiphaugh near Selkirk, while men and women of his Irish contingent were shot or hanged months after the battle.
The old sultan of Mataram was captured, and he and other Balinese chiefs were exiled to different parts of the Malay Archipelago, whilst the sultan's heir fell at the hands of his warriors.
The rowers in each vessel, though among the northern folk these were free men and warriors, not slaves as in the Roman and Carthaginian galleys, would yet need to be supplemented by a contingent of fighting men, marines, in addition to their crew.
It was in this crusade that Richard Coeur-de-lion was especially distinguished among the Frankish warriors.
It is reported that Mahmud marched through Ajmere to avoid the desert of Sind; that he found the Hindus gathered on the neck of the peninsula of Somnath in defence of their holy city; that the battle lasted for two days; that in the end the Rajput warriors fled to their boats, while the Brahman priests retired into the inmost shrine; that Mahmud, introduced into this shrine, rejected all entreaties by the Brahmans to spare their idol, and all offers of ransom; that he smote the image with his club, and forthwith a fountain of precious stones gushed out.
The necessity of conciliating the proud warriors of Rajputana had taught him toleration from his earliest days.
Both were eager and valiant warriors.
Accompanied by eleven chosen warriors, he journeys to the barrow.
The treasures of the dragon's hoard are buried with his ashes; and when the great mound is finished, twelve of Beowulf's most famous warriors ride around it, celebrating the praises of the bravest, gentlest and most generous of kings.
And even after this event, whatever may have been the attitude of churchmen towards the old heathen poetry, the kings and warriors would be slow to lose their interest in the heroic tales that had delighted their ancestors.
Though Siva, too, assumes various forms, the incarnation theory is peculiarly characteristic of Vaishnavism; and the fact that the principal hero of the Ramayana (Rama), and one of the prominent warriors of the Mahabharata (Krishna) become in this way identified with the supreme god, and remain to this day the chief objects of the adoration of Vaishnava sectaries, naturally imparts to these creeds a human interest and sympathetic aspect which is wholly wanting in the worship of Siva.
The Apache Indians, the most savage of all, were placed on reservations somewhat later, but for many years bands of their warriors would escape and make raids into New Mexico, Arizona and Mexico.
Many of the turbulent Welsh warriors having now become mercenaries on the continent or else enlisted under the English king, and the whole of the land west of Severn at last enjoying internal peace, the commercial resources of Wales were developed in a manner that had hitherto not been possible.
Consequently, only a few distinguished warriors wore shirts of mail.
On the other hand, every magnate put into the field as many mounted warriors as possible, chiefly servants and bought slaves, who, like the Janissaries and Mamelukes, were trained exclusively for war.
Still Gelimer with many of the Vandal warriors was at liberty.
The Basuto and Kaffir tribes were giving trouble, and the 40,000 trained Zulu warriors under Cetywayo threatened the peace both of Natal and the Transvaal.
The old amir called the British to his aid, and, putting himself at the head of his warriors, drove the enemy from his frontiers.
The Bari warriors have been much recruited for the Egyptian army and were formerly used as slave-hunters by the Arab traders.
The most prominent feature of the facade is the series of eight warriors carved on the base of this tower.
They were the most relentless of all the warriors.
In 378 the Goths won the great battle of Adrianople, and after this Theodosius the Great, the successor of Valens, made terms with them in 381, and the mass of the Gothic warriors entered the Roman service as foederati.
But they met Gothic warriors in his army.
The ethnographical features of the present Tatar inhabitants of European Russia, as well as their language, show that they contain no admixture (or very little) of Mongolian blood, but belong to the Turkish branch of the Ural-Altaic stock, necessitating the conclusion that only Batu, his warriors, and a limited number of his followers were Mongols, while the great bulk of the 13th century invaders were Turks.
The dynasty was founded by a succession of three warriors, Damaji I., Pilaji and Damaji II., who established Mahratta supremacy throughout Gujarat during the first half of the 18th century.
The Polynesians set up sticks to see if the warriors they stood for were to fall in battle; on Hallowe'en in our own country the behaviour of nuts and other objects thrown into the fire is held to prognosticate the lot of the person to whom they have been assigned.
History became the tragic spectacle of a game of dupes - the real movers being priests, kings or warriors.
Tasmanian savages were crafty warriors and kangaroo-hunters, and the women climbed the highest trees by notching, in quest of opossums. Shell-fish and crabs were taken, and seals knocked on the head with clubs, but neither fish-hook nor fishing-net was known, and indeed swimming fish were taboo as food.
In 1257 he drove the English out of northern Connaught, after a single combat with Maurice Fitzgerald in which both warriors were wounded.
It was a vain story, a mere romance, about giants, and lions, and goblins, and warriors, sometimes fighting with monsters, and sometimes regaled by fair ladies in stately palaces.
Herr Burkli confines his criticism to the first struggle, in which alone mention is made of the driving back of the Swiss, pointing out also that the chronicle of 1476 and other later accounts attribute to the Austrians the manner of attack and the long spears which were the special characteristics of Swiss warriors, and that if Winkelried were a knight (as is asserted by Tschudi) he would have been clad in a coat of mail, or at least had a breastplate, neither of which could have been pierced by hostile lances.
The practice of commendation, by which - to meet a contemporary emergency - the revenues of the community were handed over to a lay lord, in return for his protection, early suggested to the emperors and kings the expedient of rewarding their warriors with rich abbeys held in commendam.
Warriors, statesmen, Brehons, 011amhs, physicians, poets, and even eminent workers in the more important arts, were, in different degrees, rewarded with free lands for their respective public services.
And as their crews were trained warriors chosen for their high spirit, contending with a raw militia fresh from the plough, they were generally successful.
But there is small doubt that the system was working to some extent in the later wars of the great king, and that his successes were largely due to the fact that his army contained a larger nucleus of fully armed warriors than those of his predecessors.
Even in the age of chivalry the lords of Berkeley were notable warriors.
With several warriors Black Hawk was sent to Fortress Monroe, Virginia, where he was confined for a few weeks; afterwards he was taken by the government through the principal Eastern cities.
Hence arose the belief in the Amazons as a nation of female warriors, organized and governed entirely by women.
To these may be added two or three works of a semi-literary kind, composed by learned men, not by heroes and warriors.
These are (r) chiefs, greater and lesser; (2) priests; (3) Mata ni Vanua (lit., eyes of the land), employes, messengers or counsellors; (4) distinguished warriors of low birth; (5) common people; (6) slaves.
The family quarrels of the O'Connors at this time, and their alliances with the Burkes, or De Burghs, and the Berminghams, may be traced in great detail in the annalists - the general result being fatal to the royal tribe of Connaught, which is said to have lost ro,000 warriors in the battle of Templetogher.
In this chronique the gods, like other gods, are adventurous warriors, adulterers, incestuous, homicidal, given to animal transformations, cowardly, and in fact charged with all human vices, and credited with magical powers.
The Churchs patronage provided some with a refuge from violence; others ingratiated themselves with the rich for the sake of shelter and security; others again sought place and honor from men of power; while women, churchmen and warriors alike claimed the kings direct and personal pro tection.
To us in ancient story wonders great are told Of heroes rich in glory and of adventures bold, Of feast and joyous living, of wailing and of woe, Of gallant warriors striving may ye now many marvels know.'
He rides fiddling at the head of the host; he plays to the weary warriors in the intervals of the battle in the court of Etzel's palace; but he is also expert at performing other music, with "a strong fiddle-bow, mighty and long, like to a sword, exceeding sharp and broad."
He was one of the oldest warriors among the immortals, a man with the body of a thirty-year-old and the soul of the Ancients.
None of the other immortal Amazonian warriors were below six feet.
In his blood-filled haze, he heard one of his brothers shout, and the demons shift their focus from Kris.s small group—which Rhyn defended—to the warriors pouring out of portals onto the small battlefield.
Bodies blocked her descent to the basements where the warriors were, and she struck off down a narrow corridor that dead-ended in another set of stairs leading to a door hanging from one hinge.
My warriors intercepted information from Anshan.
It was unfortunate the cheerful youths would turn into unsmiling, frozen warriors one day.
She trotted down the hall, toward the practice fields, not surprised to see all the warriors sparring on the field.
My warriors have intercepted a message that may reference you as an intended victim.
Mansr led the column of warriors into the hills, not stopping until they reached the canyon she'd last seen several hours before.
Every night, Tiyan warriors lit channels of fire around the field east of the walls using oil pans propped up by wooden stilts.
Better yet, he was eager and passionate about battle, a rare trait among the warriors of Landis, who were forced to fight or starve!
Taran settled into a comfortable morning with the good-natured warriors of Tiyan.
Unlike Landis warriors, who were suspicious others meant to take their places, the Tiyan warriors accepted him quickly.
Taran resisted the urge to protect her as he might Jame from Landis warriors, reminding himself of what he felt in her presence earlier.
For her sake, he hoped they were being stalked by inept bandits and not by bloodthirsty warriors like those from Landis.
The warriors were just as dirty, but the wealthy members of the clan wore silks and jewels like gaudy flowers.
The wealthiest of the warriors gathered outside the stables, armed with well-made weapons that would pay for enough clothing for all the poor in Landis.
Memon had strengthened his attacks after the Tiyan warriors drove him back and had broken into the city again.
Landis's warriors - -those who had brought down the southern wall - -were present in larger numbers than before.
Tiyan warriors looked on in quiet anger while Memon's warriors explored the chamber in fascination.
More Landis warriors rode through the gates to explore the city.
Taran signaled the archers first, then watched as Tiyan's warriors melted from the meadow to the south side of the city.
As time passes, the Z Warriors become aware of the new androids as they battle again and again but always reach a stalemate.
Bush's new warriors have thrown such ideas in the dustbin with a resounding clang.
Owing to the temporary debility of all the adult warriors of Ulster, the seventeen-year-old CuChulain undertakes to oppose Medb's host single-handed.
A small diorama using some modified models from the plastic Warriors of Rohan sprue.
Beside warriors, they had druids, physicians and musicians among their number.
The player's challenge is to build and defend medieval desert fortresses and lay siege to fearless enemies as European nobles or Arabian warriors.
Guide to Irish genealogy The legendary Fianna of Ireland were a band of mighty noble warriors.
David O'Leary's babies were rapidly turning into battle hardened European warriors.
Its mysterious intrinsic beauty and practicality may well have led the Samurai warriors to cover the hilts of their swords with such skin.
We lose too many of our warriors too soon.
The Japanese would not issue military medals, since they thought that all of the Emperor's warriors were equally meritorious.
These incredibly potent warriors have become fixed upon the path of the Technical Support advisor; they are usually ancient, bloated beings.
He may have been chosen through competitions to show prowess, hunting or warriors skills.
The Warriors surged forward and won the resulting ruck, which allowed the center to score.
Scientists and superheroes are our modern day soothsayers and warriors, here to discover and defend.
The departed souls of many great warriors, who died defending the Pass, lie there.
Nothing will prepare you for this awe-inspiring spectacle; 8,000 life-sized model warriors, chariots and horses.
Then one of the warriors let a dart fly from his hand, so that it pierced all too deeply Ethelred's noble thegn.
According to Norse mythology, Valhalla was a palace roofed with shields, wherein lived the bravest of the slain Norse warriors.
More business quot jazz films in and middle parts paintings depict warriors.
The men on both sides were fierce, brave warriors.
A crew of about for good reason of terracotta warriors is able to.
Little Green Radicals is a NEW range for rambunctious little eco warriors who want to change the world!
They were not so much the occupiers of the soil as a dominant caste of warriors and freebooters.
That Heriberts device proved effectual in raising the spirit of his burghers, and consolidating them into a formidable band of warriors, is shown by the fact that it was speedily adopted in all the free cities.
The body politic consisted, after as before, of the king and the whole mass of Magyar freemen or nobles, descendants of Arpad's warriors, theoretically all equal in spite of growing inequalities of wealth and power, who constituted the populus; privileges were granted by the king to foreign immigrants in the cities, and the rights of nobility were granted to non-Magyars for special services; but, in general, the non-Magyars were ruled by the royal governors as subject races, forming - in contradistinction to the " nobles "- the mass of the peasants, the misera con/ribuens plebs upon whom until 1848 nearly the whole burden of taxation fell.
Among the upper classes it was unusually broad and was made to stand out in 2 Old Babylonian sculptors who represent the enemy as naked (Meyer [see bibliography below], pp. 12, 70 seq., 116), conventionally anticipate the usual treatment of the slain and wounded warriors.
Used almost exclusively for bathing, they are prescribed for gout, rheumatism, and some scrofulous affections, and their reputed efficacy in alleviating the effects of gun-shot wounds had gained for Teplitz the sobriquet of "the warriors' bath."
But if it did we must naturally suppose that it applied in the first instance to the mounted warriors who formed the most formidable portion of the warlike array of the Franks.
The more important are the Hualapais or ApacheYumas; the Mohaves; the Yavapais or Apache-Mohaves; the Yumas, whose lesser neighbours on the lower Colorado are the most primitive Indians of the United States in habits; the Maricopas; the Pimas and Papagoes, who figure much in early Arizona history, and who are superior in intelligence, adaptability, application and character; the Hopis or Moquis, possessed of the same good qualities and notably temperate and provident, famous for their prehistoric culture (Tusuyan); the Navaho, and the kindred Apaches, perhaps the most relentless and savage of Indian warriors.
In the north-east of the colony, in the upper basin of the Welle and the Mbomu, the Niam-Niam or Azandeh, a Negroid race of warriors and hunters with a social, political and military organization superior to that of the Bantu tribes of the Congo basin, have intruded from the north.
Namyawaza, for instance, whom Itakkama (see above) accuses of disloyalty, writes thus to the Pharaoh, " Behold, I and my warriors and my chariots, together with my brethren and my SA-GAS, and my Suti 10 are at the disposal of the (royal) troops, to go whithersoever the king, my lord, commands."
Little Green Radicals is a NEW range for rambunctious little eco warriors who want to change the world !
The warriors set off on horseback and proceed to raze the rustic village to the ground.
They admit that their colonial history has made them much more reluctant warriors than the Americans.
About 10,000 warriors were engaged in this most sanguinary conflict.
The staff originated from the long spears carried by classical warriors.
Warriors soon exerted their dominance on the game with the Warriors ' backs having a stranglehold on the game.
Then one of the warriors let a dart fly from his hand, so that it pierced all too deeply Ethelred 's noble thegn.
Among remains are tombstones carved between 1300 and 1560 depicting armored warriors, priests and war galleys.
Then again, was it so trifling a skirmish to such mighty warriors as to have been forgotten already?
These twisted beings are the previous tyrannical rulers of the solar system who enforced their iron-fisted law with genetic mutant warriors !
Your heads cloven by the pagans ' blades, O warriors of the King of glory, ye truly vanquished death.
Lacrosse was originally played by Indian warriors and viking raiders as a preparation for war.
Viking warriors from Scandinavia began to attack the coasts of western Europe toward the end of the eighth century.
We predict that the number of Hard-core climbers will grow faster than the number of Weekend warriors.
He built a grand wickerwork image in which to burn them but the warriors objected and insisted on a substitute.
Many who promote Maqui juice explain that this historical tribe of warriors have eaten the berry as part of their daily food and also consumed it as a concentrated juice used to treat a variety of ailments.
The renowned strength and longevity of this tribe of warriors is then associated with the benefits of the Maqui berry.
A Squared Amory has a great collection of famous medieval swords of notable knights and warriors.
Many school boards have voted to change potentially offensive mascots such as "Warriors", "Redskins" and "Chiefs."
This independent charity was later renamed Wildlife Warriors Worldwide.
The Celts were known for giving their warriors a burial befitting a prince.
This program is called the Warriors Promise Foundation.
In late 2010 and early 2011, Activision also announced that it would be cancelling its planned 2011 Guitar Hero game, partly because of the poor sales of Warriors of Rock, the 2010 release.
The best graphics of the game were put into the robot AC warriors, which look cool.
Basically the Earth is in danger, and it is up to Goku, his son Gohan, and the motley crew of warriors they hang around with to defeat the villains and save all of mankind.
The title,Super Sonic Warriors, is quite fitting given the incredible speed found in this game.
The seven dragon balls each represent a game mode in Super Sonic Warriors, and they cycle through in a three-dimensional circle.
The mythological enemies include Cyclops, gorgons, minotaurs, undead warriors, and winged harpies.
You can upgrade your weapons and earn more through orbs that you acquire defeating the horde of skeletal warriors and other such mythical foes.
Dr. Light reprogrammed Mega Man to be a soldier to fight against Wily and his robot warriors.
Champion of Shang Tsung's annual kombat tournament for 500 years, Goro is the Prince of the Shokan race of four-armed warriors.
She later aligned herself with Sindel (her mother), Liu Kang, Kung Lao, and other Earthrealm warriors.
You battle your way through the region, eventually confronting each of these seven warriors.
The strange Arena Masters have constructed the 'Arena Eternal' for their amusement and have brought the greatest warriors to fight and die for the alien's amusement.
Notable releases include Jetpac, Sabre Wulf, The Staff of Karnath, Entombed, Outlaws, Dragonskulle, Marble Madness, Wizards & Warriors, Snake Rattle 'n' Roll, Super Off Road, Narc and several Battletoads titles.
Sacrificing their powers they created Grim Angels, supreme warriors that defeated the demons.
The warriors range from ninjas to swordsmen to odd guys dressed to frighten you.
You may start playing with a small handful of characters, but keep slicing and dicing, and you'll soon find yourself among a stable of 30 world (and not so worldly) warriors.
Old warriors will meet some new challenges and try to claim victory once again.
The Warriors, a street gang wrongly accused of killing a rival gang leader, are outnumbered.
Thousands of street gang members are out for blood and The Warriors must get back to their own turf.
Rockstar Games' The Warriors, based on the movie of the same name, is a cinematic journey through the tough streets of New York.
Far more than a simple beat 'em up game, Rockstar Games' The Warriors takes the cult classic movie and translates it to the video game world.
Storyline and visuals aside, The Warriors features an extensive and deep combat system that allows you to do almost anything you please.
The Warriors is much more than just a beat 'em up.
Rockstar Games' The Warriors is a dramatic, mood-setting game that features a deep combat system, varied gameplay and lots of extras.
The far roots of Celtic dancing come from the celebrations by warriors in the highlands, and as such are not well documented.
Other dance moves are based on more "martial" forms, such as the kumintang move, a rotating hand gesture which resembles the stick-fighting technique developed by Philippine warriors.
Braids often denoted warriors in Africa and Native Americans in the Plains wore long braids adorned with feathers.
The Mohawk Warriors were fierce and looked even tougher with this unique look.
In Japan of the 12th century, samurai warriors were well versed in the arts, and might easily have used origami during the course of Shinto worship or as a form of artistic expression.
Named after the mythical Norse god of warriors and deity among all athletes, the TYR (pronounced "tire") brand truly embodies the competitive spirit of sports, and stands as a symbol of courage and victory for athletes the world over.
Pronounced "tier," TYR is named for the Norse god of warriors and the deity among athletes.
Battlestar Galactica Minimates include the Classic Colonial Warriors and Classic Cylon Empire box sets.There are also a few modern action figure options.
Legends say that the Aztecs carried only one tablespoon of seeds per person during long marches, but that was enough to sustain their fierce warriors.
The Spanish conquistadors banned the seeds, probably because it was so important to both the Aztec warriors and the priests.
The first customs were introduced to France by Romans, with the first celebration in 496 when Clovis and his warriors were baptized.
In the Star Wars trilogy, the Jedi are the official warriors and protectors of the Force.
Likewise, business road warriors will appreciate the myriad of built-in security features.
Male twins, often drawn as warriors, are the personification of Gemini.
Native American tattoos were also used to show "rank" within the tribe - depending on tribal culture - and different symbols were worn by chiefs, warriors and hunters.
In Mexico, it was once believed that the butterflies were protectors of warriors and patrons of women who had died in childbirth.
For this reason, Samurai warriors often placed butterfly symbols on their armor.
In some areas, people believe butterflies are the spirits of their dead and the caretakers of slain warriors and women who perished giving birth.
On this tour, you will visit the Forbidden City, the Tian'anmen Square, the Great Wall of Mutianyu, Terracotta Warriors, go on the Li River Cruise and many other such attractions.
You can enjoy the Summer Palace, Terracotta Warriors and Horses, Ciquiko Old Town, Hall of Clocks and Watches and many other such exotic destinations throughout China.
These dedicated individuals are comprised of males and females with a goal of making the Trojan fans as loud as possible to intimidate their opponents and create an atmosphere of support for Trojan Warriors.
You could choose something that mentions the team you're competing against in the big game like "Beat the Bobcats" or "Whip the Warriors".
Ancient warriors are always hot - how about all those incredibly ripped abs in 300?
To defend themselves, the inhabitants have the Dragonriders, stalwart warriors of both genders who ride the fabulous firebreathing dragons.
They wage war with mankind whenever they have the population resources to do so; there is peace between humanity and Kzinkind whenever the Kzin need to breed up another generation of warriors.
Aragorn, the human heir to the throne of Gondor, which has sat vacant for generations, with elf Legolas and dwarf Gimli, ride a secret path through the lands of the dead, mustering deceased warriors to their cause.
Since days of old, important warriors bore important weapons; these weapons were unique to them, often forged under mysterious or magical circumstances, or came to the bearer in unusual, often magical ways.
If your fantasy story needs mighty thewed warriors and scantily clad lithesome sorceresses, then you need pictures by Frank Frazetta.
One of the original and most-feared races in the Star Trek universe, the Romulans are a calculating race of warriors, thinkers and scientists.
Creatures of Heaven, angels are depicted as obedient warriors with no free will.
In "The Magnificent Warriors", Box and Muffit are allowed to go with a negotiating party from the ship to trade for farming and food supplies.
It allows viewers to actually relate to the fierce biomechanical warriors in a human way.
Throughout history, hard helmets have been used to protect soldiers and warriors from injury.
He watched them, recalling a time he'd overseen the training of all Immortal warriors.
Jade stormed out of the study and shoved past two warriors in the hallway.
His monsters are tearing through our warriors like they're made of cotton candy.
Kris, can you spare a few warriors?
At barely above her height and slender, the mad scientist was very unlike the Immortal warriors that filled the castle.
I tested it on one of the warriors.
Katie, take Toby and the healer to the basement with the warriors.
Jade had trained under Kris, the greatest of the Immortal warriors, and knew Sasha to be a lazy fighter.
Mostly. The Council sent in their warriors to help Kris.
Are the warriors ready for the next campaign?
The softened expression on Romas's face-- only present for her-- hardened as he prepared himself to deal with whichever of his warriors had happened upon Kiera.
She hung back when she reached the other three warriors in the hall watching the scene in the room.
She clung to one of the warriors, attempting to climb him as the cat-like critter-- convinced it was a game-- wagged its tail and chased her around the large man in the center of the room.
The warriors made no move to corner the critter or even calm Kiera down.
Romas snatched the critter with one hand and tossed it to one of the warriors at the door.
Several of what Evelyn had called warriors passed her in the hall.
The race of warriors was ancient, dating back a hundred millennia.
The warriors never spoke or even gave her more than a passing glance.
The three warriors at the table relocated several chairs down.
They like you Kiera, Evelyn said, and raised her chin toward the warriors near them.
The warriors with her closed around her, blocking some of the crowd from sight.
Three massive warriors escorted a fourth whose hands were bound.
Given his guard of four warriors and his unfriendly gaze, maybe she should be grateful someone wrenched her arm off to get her away from him.
I'm pretty sure the prisoners are kept on the same floor as the warriors.
Talal paused in an open doorway leading to a large, green field behind the dwelling occupied by hundreds, perhaps thousands, of warriors organized into sparring groups of four and five.
Kiera will never be the woman you warriors want.
I'll teach you the first weapons form we teach our warriors.
Two moons rose, and the four warriors around her kept to a path only they understood.
The men led her into a large meeting hall with warriors clumped in small groups throughout the hall.
It was packed with warriors facing a screen with A'Ran's calm, hard image displayed.
The warriors moved and shifted as one, and she backpedaled quickly out of their paths as they exited the dwelling.
She was getting used to the hard stares the warriors gave her, the only indication of their surprise at her candidness.
Two warriors stood hidden in the dark on either side of the doorway.
Several more warriors stood at intersections like gargoyles, moving only to point in the direction she needed to go.
He stood outside a closed door down a short hallway lined with warriors.
Her heart quickened as she paced through the silent warriors and joined him.
The warriors grabbed her and passed her up the hall before he took one arm and another warrior her other.
More warriors tumbled out after them until the last closed the stone door.
She pulled away from the warriors and dropped beside him, more comfortable on the ground than trying to navigate the shaking earth on her feet.
She looked at each of the warriors, who watched the water as if they'd never seen it before.
Startled, she froze, watching the giant warriors fight until Leyon wrenched her forward.
They stopped in the shadow of a hill, and Mansr barked quiet orders at the dozen warriors with them.
Her latest protest was lost on the warriors, who dragged her aboard yet another ship.
His quick pace forced her to trot to keep up, and the two warriors behind her let her go to pursue their leader.
Neither spoke to her, only stood quietly while their warriors remained in the hallway behind them.
Darian glanced at his warriors.
The Guardians are for warriors, Jenn.
She bit her lip, not wanting to make yet another scene in front of the waiting warriors.
He bowed out after several rounds to watch a heated match between two warriors casting loud taunts at each other as they battled.
None of her men, not even Hilden, knew the locations of all their warriors.
The line of warriors appeared to be holding.
Messengers darted between his group and the warriors at the wall.
Of all the warriors, Vara wanted him at his side when he triumphed in his own revenge.
Dierdirien sent his best warriors ahead.
The enemies' warriors were in place.
One of the warriors above pulled at the rope, and she snatched it, unwilling to remain in the darkness.
We don't have the warriors - -
You forget, I command them in the absence of my father and his most trusted warriors.
The gates are closed, and I sent warriors after the advisors.
Her band The True Warriors were rather more elegantly attired in a Japanese styled suit get up.
None the less, till Marathon the Persians were successful in discomfiting every enemy before he could close, whether that enemy consisted of similarly accoutred bowmen (as the Medes), of cavalry armed with the lance (as the Lydians), or of heavily armoured warriors (as the Babylonians, Egyptians and Greeks).
Patience and time are my warriors, my champions, thought Kutuzov.
She heard no signs of the demon pursing but trotted down the stairs, hoping to find another way into the dungeons where the Immortal warriors lived.
Behind the tent and its low, shallow steps was a small group of blond warriors surrounding a fifth man with darker skin and hair.
She heard the runner before she saw him and watched as one of the warriors breezed past her toward Ne'Rin.
Several warriors loitered near the console.
The group was silent and tense, the warriors flanking Evelyn eyeing Kiera as much as the distant flashes of light.
Waiting to see what Darkyn intends by sending his remaining warriors to the human village.
Warriors were known for their patience and control, but he sensed this woman would test both.
How quickly I should lock up all these mighty warriors, and hoary sages, and impossible heroes, who are now almost my only companions; and dance and sing and frolic like other girls!
He saw only warriors on the main floor of the castle and ascended with increasing pain to the floor where Kris would be.
When they prayed for the warriors, she thought of her brother and Denisov.
The warriors before her looked as if they'd just been released from some sort of meeting.