Warrior Sentence Examples
No warrior wants to die of old age, he said.
The warrior looked her over from head to toe.
What sort of warrior should I make?
The massive warrior paced to the window.
I've been a warrior for too long to understand how to be the lifemate you deserve.
The warrior stepped away.
Her greatest warrior, Gabriel had experienced his fair share of battle wounds.
He is not, but he is a warrior worthy of her attention in battle. The Immortals always say, at least they understand Darkyn.
She'd wanted to see if he was capable of being anything more than the cold, distant warrior obsessed with war.
The warrior had no intention of avoiding the people he meant to escape.
AdvertisementA born warrior, he earned his way out by honing his dealmaking skills.
Just now, my dear, there is not a single warrior in your company.
He was, without a doubt, a warrior.
A warrior wants to die in battle for his Warlord and kin.
If she hadn't thought it impossible for an alleged warrior to feel such a thing, she might have thought him troubled.
AdvertisementSilently, he cursed the blond warrior he suspected gave it to Lana.
You're not a warrior.
And you will be my most trusted warrior.
Mahmud ibn Sabuktagin, the second of the dynasty (998-1030), continued to make himself still more independent of the caliphate than his predecessors, and, though a warrior and a fanatical Moslem, extended a generous patronage to Persian literature and learning, and even developed it at the expense of the Arabic institutions.
Among the Slays between the Elbe and the Oder the kinj was represented by Margrave Gero, a warrior well fitted for th rough work he had to do, loyal to his sovereign, but capabl of any treachery towards his enemies, who conquered much 0 the country north of Bohemia between the Oder and the uppe and middle Elbe.
AdvertisementHe was often given the solar attributes, and was credited as a great warrior.
Warrior. Skilled with all weapons and combat abilities.
Adventure Quest - Choose to be a wizard or a warrior and find yourself battling bad guys.
Do you desire to be a tough warrior, a powerful wizard, or a stealthy assassin?
You not only get to customize the look of your unique warrior, but also his (or her) complete moveset.
AdvertisementIt appears that Scorpion is an undead hell-spawned warrior whose loyalty changes depending on what is offered.
The cast also saw a number of new additions, including a new Shokan warrior and three hidden characters.
Goro's successor, Kintaro is another Shokan warrior with four arms and a horrible temper (but he has no direct relation to Goro).
Naughty Dog reformed in Boston and made Way of the Warrior for the 3DO This game was financed 100% by Naughty Dog.
While searching for a publisher for Way of the Warrior, Naughty Dog was introduced to Universal Interactive Studios.
Based on the information given on their website, the only good deal is the "Weekend Warrior Pass" of one game at a time for $12.95.
Take on the role of Kratos and battle your way to mythical warrior status.
Have you always wanted to be a magic-user or a warrior?
The music soundtrack is a lot more subdued than the Warrior Within.
It is the third in the popular series, which continues where the Warrior Within left off.
A deeper combat system from Warrior Within was kept, while the narrations and story-like presentation were brought back from Sands of Time.
You see a lone warrior on a horse traveling along a winding path.
The warrior reaches a mysterious looking tower and enters it.
Spartan Total Warrior is one of the most addicting, action-packed adventure games you can play.
Raised by a set of twins, Castor and Pollux, you train and become a great warrior.
Spartan Total Warrior has a bit of a learning curve.
He starts off as a warrior, later becomes a Hero, and later a Legend.
Spartan Total Warrior is a fun, challenging game.
The length and depth of Spartan Total Warrior is immense.
Sound effects and music soundtrack in Spartan Total Warrior enhance the game.
Spartan Total Warrior is an addicting, action-packed, time-stealing game.
Fulfill your destiny to rise from a Warrior, to Hero to Legend.
Here are some hints and tips to defeat the bosses of Spartan Total Warrior.
During Stage 5, while infiltrating Displace International, Sam will come across two guards talking about Prince of Persia Warrior Within.
Born in Japan, he is known for creating the famous scar on Sagat's chest, resulting from an advanced version of Shouryuuken during the first World Warrior tournament.
Blanka reunited with his mother after the second world warrior tournament, when she recognized the golden anklet he was wearing.
He later adopted the nickname "The Red Cyclone" for his 360-degree techniques, and was invited to represent Russia in the second world warrior tournament.
Generally a pacifist, the slim Gandhi-like Dhalsim retired from fighting after the second world warrior tournament.
A Muay Thai God from Thailand, Sagat hosted the first world warrior tournament.
Bison hosted the second world warrior tournament, wherein he is killed by Akuma's (Gouki in Japan) Shun Goku Satsu (Instant Hell Murder, or The Raging Demon).
Originally appearing alongside Cody and Haggar in Final Fight, Guy became the 39th Bushin ("Warrior God") ninja master after defeating his master, Zeku, the 38th master.
He hosted the third world warrior tournament in an attempt to recruit the powerful people needed to achieve his goal.
One of only two female characters in Street Fighter III, Ibuki is a skilled ninjitsu warrior and was sent by her clan to procure documents from Gill regarding the rumoured "G-File" project.
They entered the third world warrior tournament to show off their skills, and, as a team, actually defeated Gill.
All of the most popular games are here, including Warcraft 3, Mech Warrior 2, and The Battle for Middle Earth II.
Yoga fans will find some familiar poses, like the downward facing dog, tree, and warrior.
As the story goes, a village child had been kidnapped by a monster and the warrior was watching for its possible return.
In answer to the villagers' prayers to kill the monster, the great spirit sent a powerful storm, which turned both mountaintop and warrior into stone.
It's got shades of the ancient warrior in it, which adds to the appeal.
In the history of origami, the way of the warrior is well represented.
Rather than don a large sombrero and a pair of jeans, why not dress up in a colorful feathered headdress and make your mark as an Aztec warrior?
The final bag we'll look at today is the Eagle Creek Centerline Load Warrior.
The Aries man is one of action, and you should let that be your first clue in formulating your battle plan to snag this warrior!
It isn't personal; it's just the way this warrior moves through life, conquering one challenge after another.
He is, after all, as skilled a lover as he is a warrior.
That said, Aries is correct in retaining his special warrior spirit; it's precisely that spirit that makes Aries so intriguing to others.
For those looking for a motorcycle boot, the Rally Boot from the Street Warrior Collection is a great choice.
Michael-Often considered the most powerful angel, Michael is a warrior and a defender.
Doves would express peace and gentleness, while a sword would indicate protection or a warrior.
The Warrior Pose I, also named Virabhadrasana I, is great for strengthening the legs, back, shoulders, and arms.
There are three versions of the Warrior posture, all exhilarating to perform and achievable with regular practice.
Warrior Pose - Because of its many variations, this asana is a very accessible yoga position for beginners.
Come up into Warrior Pose, any variation.
You might also like the Sun Salutation Set, which features a pendant with the sequence outlined, a ring, and earrings with Warrior Pose on them.
Yoga United features two Warrior Pose designs in carved marble.
There are three different versions of Warrior Pose; most often, beginners are taught Warrior II or Warrior I.
Both of these versions of Warrior Pose will develop your balance, strengthen muscles in your legs and buttocks, and help you practice stability and strength.
In addition, Traveler, a white horse with a Trojan warrior astride, is the team's mascot and makes an appearance at every home football game.
Traveler, a white horse that is ridden by a fully decked out Trojan warrior at all home games, has been a part of USC tradition since 1961.
V-I-C-T-O-R-Y--That's how we do the warrior cry.
Star Wars MP3 downloads are readily available online and are perfect for those days you want to indulge your inner Jedi warrior.
Of all the individuals appearing on Trading Spouses none were as memorable as "psycho mom" and self-proclaimed "God Warrior" Marguerite Perrin.
Captain Samantha "Sam" Carter (Amanda Tapping), a brilliant tactician and astrophysicist, and the Jaffa warrior Teal'c (Christopher Judge) completed the original team.
In the pilot episode, they run afoul of the Kazon, a race of bad-hair warrior types who steal technology and set their sights on owning Voyager.
The first movie was only briefly released in America - it was Road Warrior, or Mad Max 2, that really launched the series in the US.
The second entry in the Mad Max series is the one most Americans remember as 'Mad Max'; this film was released in the US as The Road Warrior.
While The Road Warrior isn't much for dialog, it set the standard for lavish chases of bizarre vehicles.
He recruits the helicopter pilot of the Road Warrior to assist him, and the pilot carries them all, except Max, to safety.
An adventure game where you train to become a Klingon warrior and captain of your own ship.
He'll make a good warrior, one I can train to kill a couple pain in the asses I can't get rid of otherwise.
He wore heavy clothing, as if easily chilled, and moved with the smoothness of a warrior.
Even his youngest sister was composed and respectful of her place and a warrior's needs and expectations.
He knew what she was, and he was content to call her nishani, the title given to a warrior's lifemate.
She imagined the conversation was nothing short of torture for a warrior.
If anything, he was gentle and patient, traits she hadn't expected from a warrior.
Kiera concentrated on her movements rather than the silent form across from her, intent on not looking like a fool in front of a master warrior.
He wanted to push the warrior into more, but he was too much like his devoted predecessors.
This result shows that Cyrus must have been a great warrior and statesman.
The three coalitions against France had not produced a single warrior worthy of his steel.
In the highest hell rules alone the grisly king Sh'dum, "the warrior"; in the storey immediately beneath is Giv, "the great"; and in the lowest is Krun or Karkum, the oldest and most powerful of all, commonly called "the great mountain of flesh" (Third rabba d'besra), but also "the first-born of darkness."
Usually, however, he is styled son of Sualdam, an Ulster warrior who plays a very inferior part in the cycle.
The cycle contains a large number of episodes, such as the gaining of the champion's portion and the tragical death by the warrior's hand of his own son Connlaech.
Charles Emmanuel achieved a great reputation as a statesman and warrior, and increased the prestige of Savoy, but he was too shifty and ingenious, and his schemes ended in disaster.
At this period a young man named Moshesh (born about 1790), who was of the family of Monaheng and already noted as hunter and warrior, gathered round him the remnants of several broken clans, out of which he welded the existing Basuto nation.
The Cid of history, though falling short of the poetical ideal which the patriotism of his countrymen has so long cherished, is still the foremost man of the heroical period of Spain - the greatest warrior produced out of the long struggle between Christian and Moslem, and the perfect type of the Castilian of the 12th century.
Here, in the centre of a small chapel, surrounded by his chief companions in arms, by Alvar Fanez Minaya, Pero Bermudez, Martin Antolinez and Pelaez the Asturian, were placed the remains of the mighty warrior, the truest of Spanish heroes, the embodiment of all the national virtues and most of the national vices.
His true place in history is that of the greatest of the guerrilleros - the perfect type of that sort of warrior in which, from the days of Viriathus to those of Juan Diaz, El Empecinado, the soil of Spain has been most productive.
After Christ has appeared from heaven in the guise of a warrior, and vanquished the antichristian world-power, the wisdom of the world and the devil, those who have remained steadfast in the time of the last catastrophe, and have given up their lives for their faith, shall be raised up, and shall reign with Christ on this earth as a royal priesthood for one thousand years.
Thus the high-priest is not only a high-priest and civil ruler, but also a warrior.
From the former point of view the freeman, then essentially a warrior, and the slave were mutual auxiliaries, simultaneously exercising different and complementary functions - each necessary to the community.
Any estate with a revenue exceeding 100,000 aspres was a khas, and was conferred on a prince or on a high dignitary as long as he held his post; for each 5000 aspres of revenue one armed warrior had to be furnished in war.
By taking into his personal service a body of Alani, and appearing in public in the dress of a Scythian warrior, he aroused the contempt and resentment of his Roman troops.
It took the form of a warrior, wearing a girdle of three stars and a lion's skin, and carrying a club and a sword.
In 1401 he was succeeded by his son Earl Richard, a brave and chivalrous warrior, who defeated Owen Glendower, fought the Percys at Shrewsbury, and, after travelling in state through Europe and the Holy Land, was employed against the Lollards and afterwards as lay ambassador from England to the council of Constance (1414).
As evidence of such prowess, and as a token of his right to a share of any spoil, the warrior was accustomed to scalp his enemy and adorn his bridle with the trophy.
We cannot place Ariantas, who made a kind of census of the nation by exacting an arrow-head from each warrior and cast a great cauldron out of the bronze, nor Taxacis and Scopasis, the under-kings in the time of Idanthyrsus.
But the warrior had something stouter, and the Hittites wore a turned - up shoe bound round the legs with thongs.
In 1875 his " Warrior Bearing a Wounded Youth from the Field of Battle " gained the gold medal at the Royal Academy schools, and when exhibited in 1876 it divided public attention with the "Tennyson " of Woolner and " Wellington monument " sculptures of Alfred Stevens, now in St Paul's Cathedral.
At the same time the size of the shield was increased, the more completely to cover the body of the warrior.
Konia; relief of warrior, drawn by Texier in 1835 and since lost; of very doubtful Hittite character.
He is at once the gigantic eater of Turpin, the huge warrior eight feet high, who could lift the armed knight standing on his open hand to a level with his head, the crusading conqueror of Jerusalem in days before the crusades, and yet with all this the temperate drinker and admirer of St Augustine, as his character had filtered down through various channels from the historical pages of Einhard.
In Homer the term is applied especially to warrior princes, to kings and kings' sons, even to distinguished persons of lower rank, and free men generally.
In these shrines a complete set of armour was kept, in accordance with the idea that the hero was essentially a warrior, who on occasion came forth from his grave and fought at the head of his countrymen, putting the enemy to flight as during his lifetime.
Henri de Tourville, in his Histoire de la formation particulariste (1903), basing his argument on the Ynglinga Saga, interpreted in the light of " Social Science," reveals Odin, " the traveller," as a great " caravan-leader " and warrior, who, driven f rem Asgard - a trading city on the borders of the steppes east of the Don - by " the blows that Pompey aimed at Mithridates," brought to the north the arts and industries of the East.
The second cycle contains the epics of Finn (Fionn, Fingal) mac Cumhail, and his son Oisin (Ossian), the bard and warrior, chiefly known from the supposed Ossianic poems of Macpherson.
No longer a peaceful sheikh but a warrior with a small army of 318 followers,4 he overthrows a combination of powerful monarchs who have ravaged the land.
Finally, the name of Tidal, king of Goiim, may be identical with a certain Tudhulu the son of Gazza, a warrior, but apparently not a king, who is mentioned in a Babylonian inscription, and Goiim may stand for Gutim, the Guti being a people who lived to the east of Kurdistan.
Initiated from childhood in all the arts of diplomacy at what was then the focus of civilization, and as much a warrior by nature as his imperial kinsman Manuel, Bela showed himself from the first fully equal to all the difficulties of his peculiar position.
The " Black Prince " and " Duke of Edinburgh " were doing convoy work in the Red Sea and Indian Ocean, and the " Warrior was at Port Said, while the " Defence " was with Rear-Adml.
In that year, however, it was seized by the warrior, Paya Tak, as a convenient point from which to attack the Burmese army then in occupation of Siam, and upon his becoming king it was chosen as the capital of the country.
Charles was not a great warrior.
He was represented as a warrior performing superhuman feats, as a ruler dispensing perfect justice, and even as a martyr suffering for the faith.
The son of a noted warrior, he quickly rose to supreme power, becoming sultan or amir in 1525.
The warrior painted the story of conflicts on his robe only in part, to help him recount the history of his life; the Eskimo etched the prompters of his legend on ivory; the Tlinkit carved them on his totem post; the women fixed them in pottery, basketry, or blankets.
In early poetry, as often in art, he is an archer, afterwards a club-wielder and fullyarmed warrior.
Absalon remains one of the most striking and picturesque figures of the Middle Ages, and was equally great as churchman, statesman and warrior.
Primarily a warrior with a strong taste for heroic adventure, John Albert desired to pose as the champion of Christendom against the Turks.
Mawara'lnahr was taken from Timur and entrusted to a son of Toghluk; but he was defeated in battle by the bold warrior he had replaced at the head of a numerically far inferior force.
Another was projected against China, but the old warrior was attacked by fever and ague when encamped on the farther side of the Sihon (Syr-Daria) and died at Atrar (Otrar) on the 17th of February 1405.
The regulation that every five or six hides should supply a warrior was not a product of the Danish invasions, as is sometimes stated, but goes back at least to the beginning of the 9th century.
Had the fighting material been drawn from the ceorlisc class a warrior would surely have been required from each hide, but for military service no such regulation is found.
During an invasion the Avars swept off the five sons of this warrior into Illyria, but one, his namesake, returned to Italy and restored the ruined fortunes of his house.
Francke under the title of the Kesar Saga, is a widely known tale of a heroic warrior king of northern Asia named Kesar (believed by some to be a transcription of " Czar "), but it is not found as a printed book.
Another Tibetan epic in Khaur, the Gyaldrung, praises Dagyolong, a famous warrior who subdued the savage men of Kham.
As Stubbs says " the thegn seems to be primarily the warrior gesith " - the gesithas forming the chosen band of companions (comites) of the German chiefs (principes) noticed by Tacitus - " he is probably the gesith who had a particular military duty in his master's service "; and he adds that from the reign of Athelstan " the gesith is lost sight of except very occasionally, the more important class having become thegns, and the lesser sort sinking into the rank of mere servants of the king."
Yet the fact that Harold received knighthood from William of Normandy makes it clear either that Harold was not yet a knight, which in the case of so tried a warrior would imply that " dubbing to knighthood " was not yet known in England even under Edward the Confessor, or, as Freeman thinks, that in the middle of the iith century the custom had grown in Normandy into " something of a more special meaning " than it bore in England.
And in their indifference to the distinctions of race and nationality they merely accommodated themselves to the spirit which had become characteristic of chivalry itself, already recognized, like the church, as a universal institution which knit together the whole warrior caste of Christendom into one great fraternity irrespective alike of feudal subordination and territorial boundaries.
He might have run past them by the use of sail and oar to escape, but with the true spirit of a Norse warrior he refused to flee, and turned to give battle with the eleven ships immediately about him.
It is immortalized in the Nibelungenlied in the person of "Volker von Alzeie," the warrior who in the last part of the epic plays a part second only to that of Hagen, and who "was called the minstrel (spilman) because he could fiddle."
The principal source for the history of this time is the biographical inscription at El Kab of a namesake of the king, Ahmosi son of Abana, a sailor and warrior whose exploits extend to the reign of TethmOsis I.
After two short and unfortunate reigns, the crown had been bestowed on Totila or Baduila, a warrior of distinguished abilities, who by degrees drove the imperial generals and governors out of Italy.
They marched in whole communities from one river-valley to another, each house-father a warrior, husbandman and priest, with his wife and his little ones, and cattle.
In the depths of Asia a great conglomeration of east Turkish tribes (Tatars or Mongols), formed by a terrible warrior, known under his honorific title Jenghiz Khan, had conquered the northern provinces of China, and extended its power to the frontiers of the Transoxianian regions.
But in every one of the fourteen places it is used of " darkness " coming over the sight of a fallen warrior.
The social organism of the Aryan tribe did not probably differ essentially from that of most communities at that primitive stage of civilization; whilst the body of the people - the Vis (or aggregate of Vaisyas) - would be mainly occupied with agricultural and pastoral pursuits, two professional classes - those of the warrior and the priest - had already made good their claim to social distinction.
The precise date and place of his birth, together with details of his early life, are wanting; but in 1143 he assisted his maternal uncle, Count Welf VI., in his attempts to conquer Bavaria, and by his conduct in several local feuds earned the reputation of a brave and skilful warrior.
They embody for the time being a vague consciousness of the divine, which is concentrated for some single act into an outward object, like a warrior's spear or the thunderbolt, 2 or the last sheaf of corn into which the Corn-Mother has been driven.
For three hours the gallant young warrior fought in the streets with determined valour, but in vain.
Manus O'Donnell, though a fierce warrior, was hospitable and generous to the poor and the Church.
I love you, too, B. I know I'm a Natural warrior now, but can you still make me some cookies?
Jake was a warrior, one of my loyal Guardians.
Cynric is a warrior that is deadly with a sword and has minimal magic abilities.
You start off as a "commoner", and after you gain enough experience, you can become a mage, priest, thief or warrior.
A giant mech warrior game, this third-person game demo was a brief mission to destroy a select group of enemies in a desert-like environment.
It is from this scenario that a small band of mercenaries and a blue-haired warrior named Ike will rise up as the only home to overcome the evil empire of Daein.
There, use the warrior Rannek to finish off the dragon, since he will do the most damage at this point.
Play the game as the Rogue, the Sorcerer or the Warrior.
The story begins as the former Emperor of the oddly named Uricointi Empire decides to release the four immortal heroes -- the Warrior, Elf, Valkyrie and Wizard -- from their bondage.
Play alone or with friends on your game console or online as the Wizard, Elf, Warrior or Valkrie hero.
You play Kratos, a powerful Spartan warrior on a mission to destroy Ares, the God of War.
Alex entered the third world warrior tournament to seek revenge on Gill, who seriously injured Alex's best friend Tom.
Necro enters the third world warrior tournament to seek revenge on Gill for the atrocities he has suffered.
Even the disciples whom he chose did not recognize his true nature, but mistook him for the Messiah promised by the Demiurge through the prophets, who as warrior and king was to come and set up the Jewish empire.
A curious combination of the fierce warrior and the pious churchman, he manifested the one aspect of his character in his ruthless suppression of an insurrection in his northern dominion (thus gaining for himself the title of "the Fierce"), the other in his munificent foundation of bishoprics and abbeys.
Among these adventurers was Count Henry of Burgundy, an ambitious warrior who, in 1095, married Theresa, natural daughter of Alphonso VI., king of Leon.
Alphonso, who became count of Portugal in 1128, was one of the warrior heroes of medieval romance; his exploits were sung by troubadours throughout south-western Europe, and even in Africa " ibn Errik " - the son of Henry - was known and feared.
The king was no warrior, but in 1212 a Portuguese con- 1223.
In the Iliad he is described as the prince of augurs and a brave warrior; in the Odyssey he is not mentioned at all.
Of the numerous bridges, the most remarkable are the Schloss-briicke, built after designs by Schinkel in 1822-1824, with eight colossal figures of white marble, representing ideal stages in a warrior's life, the work of Drake, Albert Wolff and other eminent sculptors; the Kurfiirstenor Lange-briicke, built 1692-1695, and restored in 1895, with an equestrian statue of the great elector, and the Kaiser-Wilhelm-briicke (1886-1889) connecting the Lustgarten with the Kaiser-Wilhelm-strasse in the inner town.
Joinville is a better warrior than Louis, but, while the former frankly prays for his own safety, the latter only thinks of his army's when they have escaped from the hands of the aliens.
In his old age Constantine, who had once been a famous warrior, utterly neglected the defences of the empire and reduced his army by disbanding 50,000 of his best troops; on the other hand, he spent extravagant sums on luxuries and the erection of magnificent buildings.
Prince Eugene was a man of the middle size, but, upon the whole, well made; the cast of his visage was somewhat long, his mouth moderate and almost always open; his eyes were black and animated, and his complexion such as became a warrior.
A magnificent silver-point head of a Roman warrior at the British Museum was clearly done, from or for a basrelief, under the immediate influence of Verrocchio.
According to Flodoard, Charles Martel drove Rigobert, archbishop of Reims, from his office and replaced him by a warrior clerk named Milo, afterwards bishop of Trier.
To the peaceful occupation of a farmer he added that of a warrior, and his first exploit was the conquest of this place, where, and at Savendrug, his family subsequently erected fortresses.
In the name Diomedea, assigned to them by Linnaeus, there is a reference to the mythical metamorphosis of the companions of the Greek warrior Diomedes into birds.
On festal occasions he decks his wellforked-out and dyed hair with feathers and flowers, and sticks others in his ear-lobe holes and under his armlets; while a warrior will have ovula shells and various bones of his victims dangling from ringlets of his hair, or fixed to his armbands or girdle.
This office he held for fifteen years, and then, in 1078, on the death of Herlwin, the warrior monk who had founded the monastery, he was made abbot.
A born warrior, he speedily raised the little struggling Polish principality on the Vistula to the rank of a great power.
A great warrior and an upright ruler, his conquests recalled those of the great Christian emperors, and the Church completed the parallel by training him in her lore.
The old warrior endured the fatigue of the march as well as the youngest soldier, and for his courage and prowess he received the cross of St Louis.
As feudal independence increased, the word vassal lost every vestige of its original servile sense, and, since it had come to imply a purely military relation, acquired rather the meaning of "free warrior."
A lituus found in a Roman warrior's tomb at Cervetri (Etruria) in 1827 is preserved in the Vatican.
He is represented in various ways, especially as a warrior holding in his hand a vessel from which he pours out flames.
Apparently this restless warrior found his death at the siege of Gina.
Sultan Bulkeiah was otherwise known as Nakoda Ragam; he was the greatest warrior of Brunei and made military expeditions to Java, Malacca, Luzon and all the coasts of Borneo.
The Philistines had come up to make war against Saul and, as the rival camps lay opposite each other, this warrior came forth day by day to challenge to single combat.
It made sense he was so skilled a warrior and dealmaker, if his magic was so limited in the mortal world.
He's the most incredible warrior you ever trained, Fate added.
They followed the woman, who looked like a fitness warrior if she ever saw one.
Satisfied he.d outsmarted everyone, he waited for Jade to hack apart the demon warrior guarding the portal and then disappear into the shadow world on his way to where Sasha was, the one piece of information Darkyn didn.t have.
The warrior Kiera had been attempting to scale addressed Romas.
He was beautiful in the moonlight, with the gentle light of the moons clashing with his ferocious warrior body.
As a warrior who spent his adult life at battle, he wasn't really keen on how to comfort a woman who had seen three things she'd likely never witnessed before in the span of five minutes.
Just recalling how dangerous a female Guardian warrior with a knack for manipulating others can be.
Carrying a reminder of a station so far below her current one seemed odd for the pragmatic warrior.
She'd excelled as a warrior and been present in the orchard at the celebration of his twenty-seventh birthday along with half the city.
Darian had never seen anything half as beautiful as the pale, exhausted warrior in oversized clothing she must've borrowed from the beefier Guardians who lived at the station.
He handed the warrior a bladder of the woman's blood, the last one from the wardrobe.
All were traits she developed in him that made him the perfect warrior, insatiable for blood, merciless and ambitious.
A head taller than her tallest warrior, Xander was thick yet agile, his bulging physique covered in skin the same shade of bronze as hers.
Great care was taken to ensure the complete anonymity of the unknown warrior.
The identifiable hierarchy of settlement reflects a perceived increase in the stratification of society dominated by a warrior aristocracy.
There is a danger of inadvertently - or knowingly - replacing warrior aristocrats with an equally romantic and misleading view of Iron Age societies.
A warrior might perform valiant deeds, but his fame would soon vanish if he had no bard to record them for posterity.
He was one of the pall bearers at the Burial of the Unknown Warrior on 11th November 1920.
The footage also showed a Warrior tank being hit by home-made gasoline bombs hurled by people in the crowd.
Apache warrior women who battled along side their brothers and hunted the buffalo of the plains.
On the other, the younger sons of the warrior caste sought pay, booty and estates to maintain themselves.
The shorts were pragmatic for a warrior who needs ease of movement, but also symbolized chastity, another aspect reminiscent of ascetic celibacy.
The burial provides further evidence of the early Anglian tradition of animal sacrifice at the grave of a dead warrior chieftain.
Join a nightmarish journey through faith and betrayal as the infamous warrior Jubei returns to confront the ultimate evil!
Abraham BOLD, formerly sergeant in the 7th fusiliers, a warrior of thirteen battles and a hundred skirmishes, died recently in Huddersfield.
With her helmet on, she is a warrior goddess with a difference!
He discovers in the British Museum a Welsh warrior's breastplate, a torc of beaten gold, dating from 3,000 years ago.
The fact that Kian is a warrior means he'll be pretty handy in a fight.
It pictures Christ as a warrior king and He's coming back in that sort of motif, or that sort of mode.
He is the warrior deity carrying the hundred knotted mace from whom all demons flee in fear.
Taiji is a major course of study within the Shaolin warrior monk 's curriculum.
I am flying in a PA28 - 161 Piper Warrior which is a single engined 4 seater low wing monoplane.
Visually Warrior Within is also quite murky, making it all the more difficult to see that all-important ledge or pole.
You'll get to take control of Kian, who's a rather mysterious warrior from the world of Arcadia.
He makes friends with Cradoc, a British warrior, and all seems peaceful.
I would say that the warrior priestess really doesn't seem to have a strong belief about health one way or the other.
Whether you're a weekend warrior or an aspiring pro, weight training is one of the best ways to increase athletic prowess.
Chinese Gordon became more famous as a martyred warrior saint by his death at Khartoum.
She reveals how the clothes can define a character, giving the example of Algren's rise from drunken slob to hardened warrior.
However, her stronger role that year was in the Korean box office smash, The Warrior.
Showing a native warrior seated on a camel and brandishing a spear.
A warrior, he throws sharpened spears to cut in deep.
The warrior tried to get the sharp iron spearhead under the enemy's shield to stab him.
These had spawned many warrior tribes, notably the Huns who roamed this steppe with impunity.
Go-Daigo despatched his favored general to capture the fortress of Fujishima where stalwart warrior monks were defending a wooden stockade.
A born warrior, Lexaeus effortlessly brandishes a gigantic tomahawk.
Figures include a Canadian trapper, a Zulu warrior, a turbaned Indian an Australian farmer and a New Zealand Maori.
A samurai warrior armed with feudal weaponry would not last long against the missiles, tanks, etc. employed by their modern counterparts.
If a " Viking " is a marauding pagan warrior, then the idea of a " Viking woman " would be unthinkable.
Thirdly the gentleman warrior, carrying the weaponry of his Way.
Within the red trimmed contours, an image of a warrior appears, reminiscent of Japanese woodcuts.
The fruit-eating savage cannot stray beyond his woods which bound his life as the water bounds that of a fish; the hunter is free to live on the margin of forests or in open country, while the robber or warrior from some natural stronghold of the mountains sweeps over the adjacent plains and carries his raids into distant lands.
All that he had done for her in the days of the Consulate was remembered; his subsequent proceedings - his tyranny, his shocking waste of human life, his deliberate persistence in war when France and Europe called for a reasonable and lasting peace - all this was forgotten; and the great warrior, who died of cancer on the 5th of May 1821, was thereafter enshrouded in mists of legend through which his form loomed as that of a Prometheus condemned to a lingering agony for his devotion to the cause of humanity.
Among less important, but still conspicuous, figures may be mentioned Kay (the Kai of the Mabinogion), Arthur's foster-brother and sensechal, the type of the bluff and boastful warrior, and Bedivere (Bedwyr), the type of brave knight and faithful retainer, who alone is with Arthur at his passing, and afterwards becomes " a hermit and a holy man."
With bishop Odo, a warrior like himself, he was on the battle-field of Hastings, exhorting the Normans to victory; and at William's coronation it was he who called on them to acclaim their duke as king.
As regard cannibalism, it appears that the heart and liver of the human victims offered in the temples were eaten as a religious rite, and that the same parts of any prominent warrior slain in battle were devoured by the victor chiefs, who believed that they would thereby inherit the valour of the dead man.
The chiefs who had planned to hurl the famished warrior host upon the colony had committed an incredible blunder in neglecting to call the nation together under pretext of witnessing the resurrection.
Ah! here's the warrior!
Here's a fine warrior!
Anyhow, CWV warrior looks at Christianity 's cultural mandate and Church leadership in the postmodern relativistic quagmire in this post.
Haggar is about to give the samurai warrior a taste of his own sword in the underworld fighting arena.
It could even bring a slain warrior back to life !
She reveals how the clothes can define a character, giving the example of Algren 's rise from drunken slob to hardened warrior.
The warrior tried to get the sharp iron spearhead under the enemy 's shield to stab him.
Against some trippy visuals a solitary dancefloor warrior shakes himself through out whilst the venue's cockles begin to warm up.
Abu ' Obeida had an ungracious task, seeing that to the degraded warrior he was beholden for his victories in Syria.
Only a valiant warrior can stand a chance to save the kingdom.
It 's the closest you can come to being a victorious warrior.
The Scottish Clans comprised an agricultural peasantry dominated by a warrior aristocracy.
The Knights Templar The Knights Templar were an order of warrior monks, originally formed to give pilgrims protection in the Holy Land.
They 're now going to find Him a warrior King.
Although a brave and clever warrior, his opponent Saladin was an equally wily campaigner.
Here, precariously hugging wind-swept cliffs are literally hundreds of castle ruins, connected in many cases to the warrior clans Sinclair and Gunn.
Woodworking Super Center also has an excellent design for a first-time weekend warrior.
Eden Eternal is a 3D anime-style game that allows players to step into the life of a magic-wielding warrior or magician that is out to save the once-utopia world.
For Him - Mr. Fix-it or the weekend warrior will appreciate a basket or suitable container with chocolate, coffee, popcorn, cheese and crackers, and a bottle of their favorite wine or imported beer.
Their most popular shirt is a vintage-inspired Star Wars tee featuring a Jedi warrior fight.
Throughout life, a change in style of sheath may mark achieved status from child to warrior to husband to elder.
Another great printable guitar chord chart can be found at Guitar Warrior.
The character is an ancient vampire who was once a Viking warrior.
In the military category, Panoptx offers a line appropriately titled "Warrior."
You start at a low rank and work your way up to beat the top robot mech warrior.
This a good edition to the series if you are new to it, like arena challenges or really enjoy customizing your AC robot warrior.
Start at a low rank and work your way up to beat the top robot AC warrior.
Play as a tough melee warrior, try your hand at magic, or even play as a dangerous assassin.
The Barbarian is your basic Warrior who uses only melee weapons and bows to fight his enemies.
It is a role-playing/adventure game that offers a variety of characters and classes to play- Iskar Shaman, Vah Shir Berserker, Barbarian Warrior, Wood Elf Ranger, High Elf Cleric, Erudite Wizard, and the Dark Elf Shadow Knight.
Anikin is said to mean warrior by some name generators, but the name also is similar to a Hebrew word that means eclipse.
His name is said to come from the Sanskrit word yoddha which means warrior or the Hebrew word yodea which means one who knows.
On Themyscira, Diana was raised as a Princess, a diplomat and a warrior.
She represents strength, hope, honor and a warrior's code, but with a diplomat's tongue.
This hardback volume includes maps, paintings, sketches and 1,000 photos used to chronicle not only the weapons introduced in Lord of the Rings, but every battle ground and type of warrior who fought upon it.
The young warrior from Gondor attacked Frodo to take it away, nearly killing the hobbit.
For example, the University of Southern California has a Trojan warrior as its mascot.
Romas was detached and unreadable, the supreme warrior prince.
Heat flared within her body, and her imagination painted an image of the warrior before her without the clothing.
The warrior before her had an intensity that made her breath catch, and the energy between them made her insides tingle.
The warrior opened the door and strode into the corridor without waiting.
In fact, no one slapped a warrior full grown, not even his father.
There was something about the warrior that warned her he didn't lose his battles.
She interacted daily with the warrior members of her husband's family, but she'd never seen one quite like this, with soulful, ancient intelligence in his black gaze and a predatory walk.
He was sparring with another warrior, his fluid, destructive movements far from the gentle ones he used with her.
She possessed promising coordination and ability to learn at least the basics of the warrior's trade, skills no other nishani had ever needed.
She wanted to go home, though a part of her had told her upon meeting this fierce warrior her that she'd never go home again.
Mansr's words returned to him, those that wanted him to be something other than a warrior.
The warriors grabbed her and passed her up the hall before he took one arm and another warrior her other.
They entered, and she looked up at him, afraid to address the fierce warrior.
She followed Evelyn into the craft, seeing only one Qatwali warrior to pilot the craft.
Until that time came when their sparring became a final battle, she'd learn as much as she could from the ancient warrior.
She'd watched him go from a near-comatose state, through his teenager stage that nearly drove them all mad, to the gym-obsessed warrior trying to understand his place in the world.
Taran watched him fade into the forest with a warrior's stealth.
Of everyone he'd known since coming to this land, Vara had been the only kind one, aside from the ancient warrior in the catacombs.
Caring for the ancient warrior in the catacombs, Jame, all those years taught him compassion otherwise denied him among the dead in those underground passageways.
He was built like any warrior, but it was the sharpness of his gaze that made her uneasy.
He raised his eye- band to meet the gaze of the warrior, a man with dark eyes and hair and cocoa skin.
There was another man down there, an old warrior named Jame.
Was he named after the great warrior from the far east?
This man was too noble to kill any but a warrior.
He's quite a warrior, he said.
The warrior stood above her, his powerful body poised.
Sirian bristled, staring the warrior down.
The gruff warrior appeared in the doorway.
Taran considered the old warrior, itching to return to the book.
The warrior closed the door behind him, his gaze on the broken book.
The warrior offered a low bow before hurrying away.
Will tear through even a warrior, unless it chooses not to.
She shielded them, unable to see through her blurred vision as the warrior pulled her.
The warrior led her to a wooden wagon, enclosed on all sides except for a small window.
The warrior hauled her to him and released her with a hasty bow.
The old warrior was sweating, the glow of battle lust in his gaze.
Taran smiled tightly as the grizzled warrior bowed, recalling how much had changed since he first lay eyes on the man.
The warrior drew an arrow and aimed at the door while the others escaped.
Seeing the look on his face, the grizzled warrior's voice grew fatherly.
He didn't understand the difference between an immortal warrior and a human child, between opponent and innocent.
Eden watched the pacing predator, admiring the warrior he had turned into while struggling with a new emotion.
Her mind control power was second only to his, and she fought like a warrior.
I think she'll end up as a Warrior, Damian answered.
But his active career was that of a warrior and statesman.
That according to which they were set up at Munich was in the main suggested by Cockerell; in the middle of each pediment was a figure of Athena, set well back, and a fallen warrior at her feet; on each side were standing spearmen, kneeling spearmen and bowmen, all facing towards the centre of the composition; the corners were filled with fallen warriors.
On each side of this, in the western pediment, is a group of two combatants over a fallen warrior; in the eastern pediment, a warrior whose opponent is falling into the arms of a supporting figure; other figures also - the bowmen especially - face towards the angles, and so give more variety to the composition.
Before the 14th century B.C. the warrior kings of Egypt had carried the power of their arms southward from the delta of the Nile wellnigh to its source, and eastward to the confines of Assyria.
In Homer he is represented as an ideal warrior, the champion of the Trojans and the mainstay of the city.
Ranulf Flambard, working together the detached feudal usages of earlier times into a compact and logical system of feudal law, was as characteristic a type of the people as any warrior in the Conqueror's following.
All Maoris are natural orators and poets, and a chief was expected to add these accomplishments to his prowess as a warrior or his skill as a seaman.
The accession of Solomon had not been without bloodshed, and Judah, together with David's old general Joab and his faithful priest Abiathar, were opposed to the son of a woman who had been the wife of a Hittite warrior.
On another a Minoan warrior prince appears before his retainers.
In the extreme north-east are found the oldest rocks in the state - lower Devonian (the New Scotland beds of New York) and, not so old, an extension of the Lower Carboniferous which underlies the Warrior coalfields of Alabama, and which consists of cherts, limestones, sandstones and shales, with a depth of 800 to 900 ft.
Firdousi accepted the challenge, and the three poets having previously agreed upon three rhyming words to which a fourth could not be found in the Persian language, 'Ansari began "Thy beauty eclipses the light of the sun"; Farrakhi added "The rose with thy cheek would comparison shun"; 'Asjadi continued "Thy glances pierce through the mailed warrior's johsun"; 1 and Firdousi, without a moment's hesitation, completed the quatrain "Like the lance of fierce Giv in his fight with Poshun."
The last prince of the house of Saman, Montasir, a bold warrior and a poet of no mean talent, carried on for some years a kind of guerilla warfare against both Mahmud and the Ilek Khan, who had occupied Transoxiana, till he was assassinated in 1005 (395 A.H.).
In the hunter period the savage warrior does not enslave his vanquished enemy, but slays him; the women of a conquered tribe he may, however, carry off and appropriate as wives or as servants, for in this period domestic labour falls almost altogether on their sex.
Fiefs with a revenue of from 3000 to 20,000 aspres were timars, furnishing one armed warrior for every 3000 aspres' revenue; the grant of a fief was conditional on obligatory residence.
As the God of Israel Yahweh becomes its leader and champion in war; he is a warrior, mighty in battle; but he is not a god of war in the specific sense.
Merlin (Myrddin), the famous wizard, bard and warrior, perhaps an historical figure, first introduced by Geoffrey of Monmouth, originally called Ambrose from the British leader Ambrosius Aurelianus, under whom he is said to have first served.
As king, he still retained something of the clerk in the habit of his dress; but he was at the same time a warrior so impetuous, as to be sometimes foolhardy, and his policy was on the whole anti-clerical.
From that time, apparently under the influence of Athenian sculptors, he was conceived as the ideal of a youthful warrior, and was for a time associated with Aphrodite and Eros.
But there are indications that at an earlier date the Kshatriya or warrior caste often became priests.
He was primarily a warrior, whose reign, an almost uninterrupted warfare, resulted in the formation of a vast kingdom extending from the Baltic to the Carpathians, and from the Elbe to the Bug.
Henry I., called the Fowler, who was chosen German king in May 919, was one of the best of German kings, and was a born statesman and warrior.
This policy speedily led to a formidable rebellion, headed by Thankmar, the kings halfbrother, a fierce warrior, who fancied that he had a prior claim to the crown, and who secured a number of followers in Saxony.
He is named in similes as a great warrior, and as such and son of Nut he is identified with the Syrian Baal.
The underlying idea, as of similar mutilations of those slain in battle, is the warrior's wish to preserve a portable proof or trophy of his prowess.
After the successful warrior's return the scalp or scalps captured were dried, mounted and consecrated by a solemn dance.
Though lame and only of moderate stature, he won renown as a warrior, and became king on the death of his brother Gonderic in 428.
They are a pair of shoulderpieces from a suit of bronze armour, and each has in very high relief a combat between a Greek warrior and an Amazon.
A form Ath-Firdia, however, is connected with the ancient story of the warrior Cuchullain of Ulster, who, while defending the ford against the men of Connaught, was forced to slay many with whom he was on friendly terms, and among them the warrior Firdia, whom he regarded with special affection.
Of the metopes also a great number of fragments have been found, together with two almost complete metopes, the one containing the torso of a nude warrior in perfect preservation, as well as ten wellpreserved heads.
In Homer Apollo appears only as the god of prophecy, the sender of plagues, and sometimes as a warrior, but elsewhere as exercising the most varied functions.
In the MS. of the chronicle of Diebold Schilling of Bern (c. 1480) there is in the picture of the battle of Sempach a warrior pierced with spears falling to the ground, which may possibly be meant for Winkelried; while in that of Diebold Schilling of Lucerne (1511), though in the text no allusion is made to any such incident, there is a similar picture of a man who has accomplished Winkelried's feat, but he is dressed in the colours of Lucerne.
Among them are the sagas of Thorgils and Haflidi (I118-1121), the feud and peacemaking of two great chiefs, contemporaries of Ari; of Sturla (1150-1183), the founder of the great Sturlung family, down to the settlement of his great lawsuit by Jon Loptsson, who thereupon took his son Snorri the historian to fosterage, - a humorous story but with traces of the decadence about it, and glimpses of the evil days that were to come; of the Onundar-brennusaga (1185-1200), a tale of feud and fire-raising in the north of the island, the hero of which, Gudmund Dyri, goes at last into a cloister; of Hrafn Sveinbiornsson (1190-1213), the noblest Icelander of his day, warrior, leech, seaman, craftsman, poet and chief, whose life at home, travels and pilgrimages abroad (Hrafn was one of the first to visit Becket's shrine), and death at the hands of a foe whom he had twice spared, are recounted by a loving friend in pious memory of his virtues, c. 1220; of Aron Hiorleifsson (1200-1255), a man whose strength, courage and adventures befit rather a henchman of Olaf Tryggvason than one of King Haakon's thanes (the beginning of the feuds that rise round Bishop Gudmund are told here), of the Svinefell-men (1248-1252), a pitiful story of a family feud in the far east of Iceland.
These range from the mighty warrior to the healing hands of the monk, with several magical classes in between.
Then the cup was handed over by a fearsome warrior.
I thought you were a man of honor, integrity, a fearless warrior, ready and eager to defend our country.
Ethelred was a valiant warrior who took up the struggle against them with renewed vigor.
What this means is that anything you wear later on that adds stamina will be added to your overall health then multiplied by 1.05%, making this an attractive feature for any warrior (tank class).
A baggy t-shirt can slip over the head or, conversely, a t-shirt with tight cap-style sleeves will hinder the range of motion for poses such as the Warrior Pose series.
It wasn't human technology that was the threat, but humanity's warrior heritage.
For reasons long forgotten, two mighty warrior tribes went to war and touched off a blaze which engulfed them all.
In Road Warrior, it is the wheeled gangs, living on the plunder of civilization, that are warring against the few remaining pockets of a gentler society.
Boys of five are turned over to their fathers of record, to be raised in a warrior tradition.
The music was every bit as masculine and warrior as she remembered him.
That Kiera's warrior was at least willing to do something so painful gave her some hope for her friend.
No warrior came to mind.
In that broken state, he radiated the sex appeal of a warrior fresh from battle.
How strange, how extraordinary, how joyful it seemed, that her son, the scarcely perceptible motion of whose tiny limbs she had felt twenty years ago within her, that son about whom she used to have quarrels with the too indulgent count, that son who had first learned to say "pear" and then "granny," that this son should now be away in a foreign land amid strange surroundings, a manly warrior doing some kind of man's work of his own, without help or guidance.
Kris, he knew, was the best Immortal warrior ever known.
You.re the best Immortal warrior there is.
She couldn't survive if anything happened, and every Yirkin warrior on the planet would be looking for her, once they hear she exists.
The warrior opened the door wider and motioned her in.
He'll be a warrior, methinks, Darian said.
Romas was all business by the time they rounded the corner; he even released Evelyn's hand and quickened his step into one that befitted a warrior prince.
She waved her wrist before the access pad, but once more, the warrior prevented the door from opening.
If a warrior could be amused, he was.
It was the intense, fierce look of a leader and a warrior, and she was surprised to note a difference in the way he regarded her not more than an hour ago.
Another warrior trailed as he pulled her down the hall.
Think of it as a tribal warrior society that's kinda backwards or antiquated in its customs.
She felt silly standing in it with the three warrior strangers around her, waiting for something to happen that never did.
She packed hurriedly and grabbed another of Toby.s stuffed animals before meeting the female warrior in the hallway.
She turned at the familiar voice, pleased and surprised to see Megan, the Immortal warrior who befriended her and showed her around when she arrived to the castle several weeks before.
The man was as huge as any warrior but not fair like Romas's clan members.
In fact, he had never seen any warrior speak to her save Ne'Rin.
And no sexy warrior-- even a prisoner-- would want anything to do with her at all.
Soon after, a warrior came to her door and led her down several halls and into a tiny box resembling an elevator.