Warmer Sentence Examples
It was much warmer in the chicken coop.
Those of warmer countries cannot be cultivated in British gardens without protection from the rigours of winter; still less are they able to hold their own unaided in an unfavourable climate.
It is certain that they originally existed under warmer conditions of climate than now obtain, and that progressive refrigeration.
At the close of the Pliocene the European flora was apparently little different from that now existing, though some warmer types such as the waterchestnut (Trapa natans) had a more northern extension.
He held her hand, noting that she felt warmer than usual.
Something warmer and more intimate.
It was warmer on Monday and Dean was pleased his body felt better than he expected.
But while some large families, such as the Staphylinidae (rove-beetles) are especially abundant on the great northern continents, becoming scarcer in the tropics, others, the Cicindelidae (tiger-beetles), for example, are most strongly represented in the warmer regions of the earth, and become scarce as the collector journeys far to south or north.
The days grew warmer, and work on the house on the hill drew to a standstill.
They made her insides feel even warmer than the doc's drugs.
AdvertisementIf she thought her face could get no warmer, she was unpleasantly surprised.
Her face burned warmer.
Rhyn breezed by him, much warmer in his jaguar shape than he.d been in his human shape.
When the warmer interglacial periods recurred the polar and continental ice-caps melted and the sea-level became raised again - that is, there was submergence of the eroded plateaux formed as indicated above.
Crossing the mountains and descending their eastern slopes, the wind becomes less saturated and warmer, so that the formation of clouds ceases.
AdvertisementThese volumes revealed the author as the most gifted of the immediate disciples of Wordsworth, with a warmer colouring and more pronounced ecclesiastical sympathies than the master, and strong affinities to Tennyson, Keble and Monckton Milnes.
But usually the lower layers are warmer than the upper layers, and the velocity below is greater than the velocity above.
The purpose is so that you can place the candles in a tart or votive warmer.
She pulled her hand back, her face growing warmer.
It started with Crocus and Jonquils and then the fruit trees as the weather grew warmer.
AdvertisementHer face grew warmer.
The flush grew warmer.
Her face was getting warmer.
The sinkingdown occurs in the Kattegat when the inflowing Atlantic water enters the Baltic as an undercurrent which is both warmer and denser than that on the surface.
Since there is less of the indispensable food material in the warmer seas there is, therefore, less phyto-plankton.
AdvertisementNevertheless September is much warmer than May, and October than April, even in the most continental parts of Siberia.
The fruit also is of excellent quality and in great variety, although the culture of the vine is limited to some of the warmer valleys in the southern districts.
Asparagus contains about Loo species in the dryer warmer parts FIG.
In the Parahyba valley, which extends across the state of Rio de Janeiro, the mean temperature is somewhat higher than it is in Sao Paulo and Minas Geraes, and the nights are warmer, but the higher valleys of the Serra do Mar enjoy a delightfully temperate climate.
They are largely used and raised in Rio Grande do Sul, but in the warmer regions of the north only to a limited extent.
The largest genus, Ipomaea, has about 400 species distributed throughout the warmer parts of the earth.
The tubers of Ipomaea Batatas are rich in starch and sugar, and, as the "sweet potato," form one of the most widely distributed foods in the warmer parts of the earth.
The air underground remains throughout the year at nearly the same temperature, and is warmer in winter and cooler in summer than the outside air.
They are distributed throughout the world, but are most abundant in the tropics and the warmer parts of the temperate zones; within these limits the largest forms occur.
Bats are social, nocturnal and they migrate to a warmer climate, or hibernate.
In the east where the elevation is lower the climate is warmer.
Vineyards and sugar-cane yield crops in the warmer ravines; the sub-tropical valleys are famous for splendid crops of maize; wheat and barley thrive on the mountain slopes; arid at heights from 7000 to 13,000 ft.
As a rule tsetse-flies are most active during the warmer hours of the day, but they frequently bite at night, especially by moonlight.
But with the return of the warmer season each male selects a territory, which he fiercely defends against all comers, especially against intruders of his own species and sex, and to which he invites all females, until the nest is filled with ova.
Opuntia, the prickly pear, or Indian fig cactus, is a large typical group, comprising some 150 species, found in North America, the West Indies, and warmer parts of South America, extending as far as Chile.
Two species of the former family inhabit our islands, but the Belostomatidae are found only in the warmer regions of the globe; some of them, attaining a length of 4 to 5 in., are giants among insects.
They would act equally well if the water grew continually warmer as the depth increases, but they cannot give an exact account of a temperature inversion such as is produced when layers of warmer and colder water alternate.
Such old sea-ice when prevented from escaping forms the palaeocrystic sea of Nares; but, as a rule, it is carried southward in the .East Greenland and Labrador currents, and melted in the warmer seas of lower latitudes.
The species are natives of the southern parts of Europe and the warmer parts of Asia and Africa.
In warmer seas many other kinds of prawns are caught for food.
The dwarf-palm, orange, lime, and olive grow in the warmer tracts; and on the higher grounds the thorn-apple, pomegranate, myrtle, esparto and heaths flourish.
In virtue of these physical characteristics, the air over the land becomes much warmer in summer and much colder in winter than the air over the oceans in corresponding latitudes; hence the seasonal changes of temperature in the central United States are strong; the high temperatures appropriate to the torrid zone advance northward to middle latitudes in summer, and the low temperatures appropriate to the Arctic regions descend almost to middle latitudes in winter.
The agricultural products of Jalisco include Indian corn, wheat and beans on the uplands, and sugar-cane, cotton, rice, indigo and tobacco in the warmer districts.
The elevation of this region gives it a moderate climate during the summer as compared with the plain country, while the winter is warmer and more equable.
Many wild plants characteristic of the warmer parts of middle Europe are seen to flourish along with the vine.
Here snow usually lies for several months, till it gives place to a spring and summer considerably warmer than the average of British seasons.
The presence of these plants among the alpine flora is traceable to the steppe-like conditions which prevailed in central Europe both during the warmer inter-glacial periods and (probably) for a time after the close of the ice-age.
In winter the temperature of the soil, out of doors, beyond a certain depth is usually higher than that of the atmosphere, so that the roots are in a warmer and more uniform medium than are the upper parts of the plant.
In the warmer parts of the country the wall on the north side of the garden should be so placed as to face the sun at about an hour before noon, or a little to the east of south; in less favoured localities it should be made to face direct south, and in still more unfavourable districts it should face the sun an hour after noon, or a little west of south.
The plant is a native of tropical Africa, but it has been introduced, and is now cultivated in most tropical and in the warmer temperate countries.
Chinchilla, La Plata, incorrectly named and known in the trade as "bastard chinchilla," size 9 X4 in., in a similar species, but owing to lower altitudes and warmer climatic conditions of habitation is smaller, with shorter and less beautiful fur, the underwool colour being darker and the top colour less pure.
The darkest and best come from Labrador and Hudson Bay, and the ordinary sorts from the northwest of the United States and, as with silver and other kinds, the quality is inferior when taken from warmer latitudes.
It is similar in colour and quality to the prairie fox and to many kinds from the warmer zones, such as from Turkey, eastern Asia and elsewhere.
In the west no chain of hills intercepts the warmer and moister winds which blow from the Atlantic, and these accordingly influence at times even the eastern regions of Germany.
All the commoner sorts of fruitapples, pears, cherries, &c.grow everywhere, but the more delicate kinds, such as figs, apricots and peaches, are confined to the warmer districts.
Many of the species are sedentary, others are winter visitants, while others again simply pass through Egypt on their way to or from warmer or colder regions.
The islands have, upon the whole, a somewhat warmer climate than Jutland.
The staple foods for the common people are potatoes on the plateau (which are chiefly consumed in the form of locro, or potato-soup) and yuccaor cassava-meal in the warmer regions.
From his father, whose stern, somewhat pedantic nature repelled warmer feelings on the part of the children, Goethe inherited that "holy earnestness" and stability of character which brought him unscathed through temptations and passions, and held the balance to his all too powerful imagination.
On the other hand, his interest in Minna Herzlieb, foster-daughter of the publisher Frommann in Jena, was of a warmer nature, and has left its traces on his sonnets.
In France the crystallization of soda is performed not in large tanks but in sheet-iron dishes holding only about 4 cwt., and requires only from 27 to 48 hours in the cool season; it is not carried on at all in warmer climates during the summer months.
The carpenter-bees (Xylocopa and allied genera), unrepresented in the British Islands, though widely distributed in warmer countries, make their nests in dry wood.
Sugar-cane is grown only in the rich plains; and though cotton is grown in the warmer tracts, most of the cotton cloth is imported.
In south India it is warmer on the west coast than on the east, and the maximum temperature is found round the headwaters of the Kistna.
Among the peculiarities of Californian climate it is not one of the least striking that as one leaves the Sacramento or San Joaquin plains and travels into the mountains it becomes warmer, at least for the first 2000 or 3000 ft.
There are about 450 species of acacia widely scattered over the warmer regions of the globe.
The Gunpowder Plot had aroused in the Commons warmer feelings towards the king; they passed severe laws against recusants, and granted a triple subsidy.
The parrot tribe form one of the most pre-eminently tropical groups of birds, only a few species extending into the warmer temperate regions; yet even the most exclusively tropical genera are by no means delicate birds as regards climate.
During the warmer months, however, the mountain sides are richly clothed with the foliage of maple, mountain ash, apple, pear and walnut trees; the orchards furnish, not only apples and pears, but peaches, cherries, mulberries and apricots; and the farmers grow sufficient corn to export.
The large genus Cyperus contains about 400 species, chiefly in the warmer parts of the earth; C. Papyrus is the Egyptian Papyrus.
In general terms it may be said that the extremes of temperature are not so great as in corresponding latitudes of the northern hemisphere, because of the greater expanse of water in comparison with the land areas, the summers being cooler and the winters warmer.
Some cases of phthisis, therefore, do better in warmer and moist climates, and especially those where the larynx has become affected by the disease.
The air is cold and dry, and the warmer season is too short for the production of anything but potatoes and barley.
Tobacco of a fair quality is produced in the warm regions of the east, including the yungas valleys of La Paz and Cochabamba; cacao of a superior grade is grown in the department of Beni, where large orchards were planted at the missions, and also in the warm Andean valleys of La Paz and Cochabamba; and coffee of the best flavour is grown in some of the warmer districts of the eastern Andes.
The mean annual temperature diminishes very regularly from south-west to northeast, the west coast being warmer than the east, so that the mean temperature at the mouth of the Mersey is as high as that at the mouth of the Thames.
The foreign trade, especially that with the West Indies and with Great Britain, decreased after 1875, and yet much trade from the West that goes to Montreal during the warmer months passes through Portland during the winter season.
Less familiar are the grains of warmer climates - rice, maize, millet and sorgho, or the sugar-cane.
Isolated tufts or tussocks are also characteristic of steppe - and savanna - vegetation and open places generally in the warmer parts of the earth.
The species of Heteropogon, a cosmopolitan genus in the warmer parts of the world, have strongly awned spikelets.
Sporobolus, a large genus in the warmer parts of both hemispheres, but chiefly America, derives its name from the fact that the seed is ultimately expelled from the fruit.
Coracana is a cultivated grain in the warmer parts of Asia and throughout Africa.
With three exceptions, all the genera of this extensive family belong to the New World, being specially characteristic of the Neotropical region, where they occur as far south as Patagonia, while extending northward into the warmer parts of the Nearctic regions as far as California and British Columbia.
Large quantities of peaches, grapes and small fruits are grown; the islands in the west end have a climate much warmer and more equable than the adjoining mainland, and are practically covered with vineyards.
Porcupines enjoy a very wide range, being represented throughout the warmer parts of the Old World, with the exception of Madagascar (and of course Australasia), by the Hystricidae, and in the New World by the Erethizontidae.
The main facts at the present day are, firstly, the restriction of the Prosimiae, or lemurs, to the warmer parts of the Old World, and their special abundance in Madagascar (where other Primates are wanting); and, secondly, the wide structural distinction between the monkeys of tropical America (Platyrrhina), and the Old World monkeys and apes, or Catarrhina.
A warmer day than usual restores it to temporary activity, and then it supplies itself with food from its autumn hoard, again becoming torpid till roused by the advent of spring.
Birch woods exist in a good many places, especially in the warmer valleys; but the trees are very short, scarcely attaining more than 3 to 10 ft.
Vallisneria (eel-grass) contains two species, one native of tropical Asia, the other inhabiting the warmer parts of both hemispheres and reaching as far north as south FIG.
There is no doubt that at this epoch various movements of elevation and subsidence affected the north-west of Europe, and modern Ireland may have had extensions into warmer regions on the west and south, while the area now left to us was almost buried under ice.
Oranges and lemons, excluded from the plateau by the severity of the Winter cold, are grown in great quantities on the plains of Andalusia and all round the Mediterranean coast; the peel of the bigarade or bitter orange is exported to Holland for the manufacture of curacao; and figs, almonds, pomegranates, carobs and other southern fruits are also grown abundantly in all the warmer parts, the first two even in central Spain and the more sheltered parts of the northern maritime provinces.
Brassenia peltata, a water-lily found in the warmer regions almost throughout the world, except in Europe, occurs abundantly in north Germany, but not in Great Britain.
She took a moment to adapt to the new glimmers of energy in the room before changing into warmer clothes and her heavy coat.
She didn't have a sock warmer in her room – something Cora called a toaster – but the socks were better than the floor.
It wasn't the cold power of the vamps and Jonny but the warmer magic of a Guardian.
Angora wool is up to 3 times warmer than sheep's wool.
It is still cultivated in the warmer regions of the Upper Nile for its flowers, which are intensely aromatic.
Flying off to a warmer climate - a fun site which calculates for you the air pollution caused by any flight route you choose.
Europe, hardest hit by its temperature drop, struggles to deal with immigrants from Scandinavia seeking warmer climes to the south.
Follow some simple procedures and your pet will soon be enjoying the warmer climes with you.
On the way down to warmer climes, we stopped at a river about 2 km from the main entrance.
A fantastic English antique Victorian copper hot water bottle or bed warmer, with original early celluloid plastic screw top.
Thermal electric drills are more standard for warmer ice.
Night Light Holders The warmer weather means we can all enjoy the evenings in the garden or on a balcony.
He took the grog out, and felt hazier, but warmer.
Patients report relief with the use of nylon panty hose and woolen long underwear, even in warmer weather.
One of the problems raised is the increased likelihood of tropical hurricanes in a warmer world.
It was not uniformly cold, with periods of severe icing alternating with periods of warmer weather, called interstadials.
Narcissus take the smaller narcissi straight into a warmer room if you want them to flower for Christmas.
They're made using stretchy, soft neoprene with soft Lycra binding for maximum comfort, giving you a happier, warmer toddler.
However, the warmer weather arrived and a sweat rash appeared.
The award was made under an innovative scheme that will help the residents of his home village of Helpringham enjoy warmer, healthier homes.
On the last day there was a dramatic change to strong southerly and then westerly winds bringing warmer conditions and rain.
Warmer weather will bring over wintering greenhouse spider mites out of hibernation.
They're made using stretchy, soft Neoprene with soft Lycra binding for maximum comfort, giving you a happier, warmer toddler.
Climate change and warmer summers encourage them to breed.
We also cross the Antarctic Convergence, a biological barrier where cold polar waters sink beneath the warmer waters of the more Temperate Zones.
Bream will dominate early catches although expect the tench to start to show as warmer weather arrives!
The region which separates the warmer water of the mixed layer from the colder deep ocean water is called the thermocline.
Others, like the song thrush, migrate to warmer areas.
The sea is not tidal, has less salt and is warmer than the Med.
A high tog indicates a warmer duvet, a low tog a cooler duvet.
In warmer weather, the garden is a popular area for walks or for sitting on the shaded veranda.
On warmer days, there is outdoor seating on the cobble-stoned quayside overlooking the waterfront, where summertime events include jazz on the key.
In habits bats are social, nocturnal and crepuscular; the insect-eating species feed on the wing, in winter in the temperate regions they migrate to a warmer climate, or hibernate, as do the British bats.
These Tertiary deposits are characterized by a rich fauna; fully developed leaves of poplars, numerous fruits of the mammoth tree, needles of several conifers, &c., being found in them, thus testifying to a climate once very much warmer.
Some of the poorer sorts of furs, such as hamster, marmot, Chinese goats and lambs, Tatar ponies, weasels, kaluga, various monkeys, antelopes, foxes, otters, jackals and others from the warmer zones, which until recently were neglected on account of their inferior quality of colour, by the better class of the trade, are now being deftly dressed or dyed in Europe and America, and good effects are produced, although the lack of quality when compared with the better furs from colder climates which possess full top hair, close underwool and supple leathers, is readily manifest.
The climate of Denmark does not differ materially from that of Great Britain in the same latitude; but whilst the summer is a little warmer, the winter is colder, so that most of the evergreens which adorn an English garden in the winter cannot be grown in the open in Denmark.
So, also, every one who has waded about the shores of the pond in summer must have perceived how much warmer the water is close to the shore, where only three or four inches deep, than a little distance out, and on the surface where it is deep, than near the bottom.
As the weather became warmer the thin serge suit was much appreciated.
The temperature and salinity differences between the deep water in the Arctic and the warmer tropics drive a southward flow of deep water.
The infilling material may be warmer, softer ice from below the surface, or water from a subsurface ocean.
Unlike your counterparts from warmer climates you are n't equipped to describe happy go lucky sunshine pop.
We also cross the Antarctic Convergence, a biological barrier where cold polar waters sink beneath the warmer waters of the more temperate zones.
Bream will dominate early catches although expect the tench to start to show as warmer weather arrives !
Chrome towel warmer radiators will be fitted in the bathroom and master bedroom en suite.
More water vapor means more clouds means less loss of heat out into space means a warmer planet.
Climate models predict that Northern Ireland will see warmer wetter winters, with drier summers.
If your baby is born prematurely, you may notice that she is kept in a bed equipped with a radiant warmer.
Medium to lightweight car seat covers can be used in the warmer months to help shield your baby from the sun, cool winds, and even rain.
If you're looking for an insulated sippy cup for the warmer weather, Munchkin Dora the Explorer sippy cups will provide that and more.
Low grade fever - the infant may feel physically warmer than normal to touch or have a temperature of 37.2 or degrees Celsius or slightly above on a digital thermometer.
For warmer months, take along a cooler to store drinks and other items that might melt.
Some of the items below, like a bottle warmer, are optional, but you'll need most of the things on this list as well.
Wood is good at both insulating and letting the roof breathe during the warmer months, but it is not nearly as durable as the other two materials.
Warmer clothes for babies are for when you take them out in the stroller or carrier.
In general, warmer clothes include something like a pair of overalls or a one-piece that opens with snaps or Velcro.
Check the fabric content of these types since they may include a blend of synthetic materials that will make the pants hot to wear in warmer weather, or can cause skin allergies.
If you live in cooler climes, select a warmer wool blend.
In general, cotton is the coolest, flannel a little warmer and silk and polyester the warmest.
Cottons and natural fiber blends will work best for warmer climates while silks and satins and wool-based blends will work well in cooler climates.
In general, lightweight cotton weaves are the coolest, cotton flannel is a little warmer and synthetics such as polyester are the warmest.
Leather and buckskin shoes will feel relatively warmer than canvas and suede.
With this combination, your foot will get the warmth and protection of leather on cold, rainy days, and the breathability of mesh on warmer days.
If you've been looking for an excuse to get away to a warmer climate, visit the Florida beaches or just shop in a city that isn't your own, Stay and Shop packages are available through the outlet mall's affiliate hotels.
Whether you're fascinated with the mod subculture of old or just looking for a way to save on gas in the warmer months, there are a number of places in Toronto for you to pick up a scooter.
To produce a warmer tone, select rose brass or silver.
In warmer situations, an open bed might be the right choice.
Whether or not the bite begins to redden, you will want to check it often to make sure it is not warmer than the other parts of your body.
Frozen mixed drink recipes are handy to have when the weather gets warmer and you want to sip something cool and refreshing.
Warmer air temperatures cause ocean temperatures to rise in areas as well.
This is largely due to warmer water temperatures and It's estimated that the ocean levels will rise by approximately four inches over the next 100 years.This change could eventually lead to the diminishment of shorelines around the world.
Of course, it's best to wash everything in cold water, because the clothes will get just as clean, but if you want to use warmer water, you can be assured you're still saving on energy.
The light generated by the newer CFLs is of a higher quality than it used to be, generating a warmer light.
This in turn affects other parts of the carbon cycle, for instance by making the oceans warmer, which causes yet more carbon to be released into the atmosphere.
This system works because, like a cave, the temperature of the shallow ground is warmer that the air in the winter and cooler than the air in the summer.
Warmer polar winters will result in melting sea ice, which will cause a rise in sea level.
Warmer temperatures will also increase evaporation from large water bodies, which in turn will increase cloud formation and rainfall amounts.
Warmer global temperatures are causing the arctic tundra to begin emitting carbon dioxide.
Warmer water also directly affects algae growth in the oceans, and as algae growth diminishes, small fish and other sea life who consume the algae die or relocate.
Melting Glaciers - As the planet gets warmer, the glaciers that form the polar ice caps begin to melt.
Hurricanes are becoming more frequent and more intense as the water they pass over gets warmer and warmer.
An increase in atmospheric and ocean temperatures is associated with the increased number of violent storms in recent years, as tropical cyclones thrive in warmer sea waters.
The increase in El Nino and La Nina systems may also result from warmer ocean and atmospheric temperatures.
This thermal expansion is increasing due to warmer global temperatures, and accounts for approximately half of sea level rise.
In warmer months, shading devices such as roof overhangs, trees, blinds and awnings can help to mitigate the heat transfer.
A properly designed passive solar house will have even heat distribution throughout the home during the winter months and cool air distribution during the warmer months.
In the summer, the thermostat works the same way by cooling the house when you are there and allowing it to be a little warmer when you are away.
Conversely, if you like coziness, you should consider warmer colors.
You should avoid colors that excite, like bright yellows and reds, and instead go for warmer, deeper reds, cool blues and greens, or neutral colors.
However, a range of other outdoor activities dominate during the warmer seasons in Park City.
Ceiling tiles add insulation, which can help keep your home warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer - and your energy bills down.
The arched porchways along the exterior walls serve as an asthetic and functional purpose by providing shade in the warmer months.
Many of the features found in spa baths are often considered luxuries such as a towel warmer or radiant heat flooring.
A stained wood finish on beadboard material can also be used as a warmer alternative.
Warm colors actually registered with warmer temperatures.
However, warmer, darker greens such as olive are also great.
If your bedroom is small, perhaps you want to make look larger by using a cool color to make the walls appear to recede, or maybe you should embrace the coziness of the space and opt for a warmer, darker shade.
If your kitchen is large, choose a warmer toned color.
Simply choose a warmer shade of green which has tones of yellow in it, rather than a cooler shade with tones of blue.
Use the warmer tones on large or high ceilinged rooms to provide a cozier atmosphere.
Choose some decorative backsplash tiles, sunflower print curtains or some framed wall prints and your kitchen will instantly become warmer and more inviting to see.
This draws the air up and away from your body while forcing the warmer air near the ceiling down.
Replace these classic fixtures with warmer toned items.
Large rooms, rooms with lots of windows or high ceilings can benefit from darker, richer and warmer colors.
The same kitchen painted in warmer colors, such as golden yellow or terra cotta orange will give the light coming in a yellowish hue, making the room appear warmer.
For your eyebrows, I would try a shade that is not too dark or too greenish, staying with warmer tones there.
You'll want to use foundation if your skin isn't naturally flawless (and let's face it - very few of us can brag that we are), but during the warmer months a tinted moisturizer with SPF creates the perfect canvas for your barefaced beauty.
If the brisk chill of winter has you daydreaming of the warmer months ahead, take a peek at Benefit Coralista.
Brunettes and warm-skinned individuals may opt for a palette of taupes, chocolate brown and beige to create a warmer balance without losing the same contrast.
As a general rule, porcelain toned gals tend to look great in white, while warmer complexions look great in nude colors.
The smooth, lightweight powder is ideal for keeping skin fresh, cool, dry, and lightly scented, especially in the warmer month.
Lightweight medium-coverage foundation makeup is ideal for women of any age or skin color, and it may be the best foundation makeup of choice during the warmer months.
A cloudy setting (even on a sunny day) will produce a warmer looking photo, whereas an auto setting will produce a cooler looking photo.
Easter is a time to celebrate the return of spring and the warmer weather and, with Easter cake recipes, you can turn it into a sweet celebration.
Frozen yogurt - If you are worried about yogurt spoiling in warmer weather, try sending frozen yogurt with your child in the morning.
Teen girls all over the country are snapping up this fun winter warmer.
When it's a little warmer outside, keep the leg warmers but get rid of the tights.
Wool blends, flannels, mohair, and thicker cottons should keep you warmer and more comfortable.
Modest dresses can also be warmer in cold climates because less skin is revealed, or a young woman may prefer modest attire because she is shy or has a more demure, reserved personality.
Putting down a throw rug in a room with hardwood or laminate flooring can help keep the room warmer in the winter while changing the decor.
Junior sweaters are very popular during the fall and winter seasons, since it is cooler outside and people want to be warmer when they go out.
Spinach soup is a hearty and warming nutritious dish for colder days or spinach green smoothies for warmer days.
Informal short wedding dresses are especially popular during the warmer months, particularly for beach wedding attire.
Now we can decorate our home with your kindness in mind, making it an even warmer place for us to live.
This keeps her shoulders covered, while keeping her cool enough for the warmer afternoon temperatures.
Wool is great in cool weather, while linen and chiffon are perfect for warmer months.
Blood vessel dilate, which causes a body to feel warmer than it may be in reality.
Most people suffer from this disorder during the winter months, but it is possible to experience it during the warmer months as well.
You'll also stay warmer while you sleep.
It can lift these neutrals and provide a yearlong reminder of warmer and brighter days.
For warmer months, go with cotton comforters or lightweight options.
The hood not only helps keep children warmer, but it's also convenient to hang the towels onto a door or wall hook.
When the days finally begin to get warmer and the snippets of grass break through the frozen ground, it's time to start designing some winning Easter cupcake decorating ideas for spring.
When the weather gets warmer and the days get longer, it's time to pull those summer sun dresses for little girls out of the closets and see which ones will fit this year and which ones are still too big or are now too small.
We've found an adorable Julius Berger white sweater cape, which can make an excellent jacket in the warmer periods of spring and can dress up any outfit.
Especially in warmer weather, white pants look great for holiday gatherings and celebrations.
In addition, while T-back and velvet halter dresses are popular during the holiday season, these styles are better suited for warmer climates.
For warmer weather, however, consider lighter weight material and short sleeves, even if you forgo pajama shorts and opt for pants instead.
Stores in warmer climates don't usually stock the types of heavy materials sold in snowy climates.
If the weather is warmer, then short-sleeved lace jackets can dress up an otherwise simple dress.
Summer is often too warm for the use of rain gear, although some lighter weight coats will work well during warmer weather too.
This can allow the PJs to be worn in both cooler and warmer weather.
The fleece is warmer than a typical soft-shell jacket as well.
These are great for those days that start out cold but become warmer as the day moves on.
Gowns are usually made of lightweight material, making them perfect sleepwear for warmer months.
Nordic style wool hat - You can't find material any warmer than wool, but some wool is quite scratchy.
For the winter season, not much can keep your daughters warmer than girls' down parkas paired with thick mittens and hats.
These are the sort of clothes one can only wear in warmer weather, and they heralded the return of spring after a cold, dark winter.
However, many purveyors of school uniforms make husky shorts available so boys can be comfortable on warmer days.
Southern itineraries are offered year-round, with the greatest number of voyages scheduled between October and April to take advantage of the warmer climate without undue summer heat and humidity.
Extra casual clothes to change after shore excursions, particularly in warmer destinations.
If warmer weather is a possibility, or a pool or Jacuzzi is available onboard, pack shorts and a bathing suit.
The Mississippi Queen cruises the Mississippi River during the warmer months of the year, offering travelers a different way to experience the Deep South and the Heartland states.
You may be able to spend more time on land if you cruise during the warmer months of May through September.
Many of the plastic dog houses feature structural foam insulation that keeps the dog house warmer in winter and cooler in summer.
Though this disease can affect any dog breed anywhere in the country, it is more prevalent in warmer climates where pest populations are higher.
Northern regions may only have to deal with fleas during warmer seasons, but other regions that don't experience a hard freeze will likely have flea problems all year long.
The foam is a breathable material that can keep a dog warmer in the cold weather and cooler in hot weather.
They could actually collapse from a long walk or run that would not harm a dog with a longer muzzle, especially in warmer weather.
When spring approaches, the birds begin chirping, the flowers start blooming and the weather becomes warmer.
Bedsdesigned tocool off pets may be the right option for long-haired dogs or dogs that live in warmer climates.
Europe. There are fine old trees in many of England seats in all parts of the south of the country, though excepting in the warmer counties, the fruit is not as good as on the Continent of Europe.
Corokia - Two pretty evergreen shrubs from New Zealand, allied to the Dogwoods, and hardy only in the warmer parts of Britain.
Coming from dry, rocky places of Texas and Colorado, it is hardy only in the warmer parts of Britain, and does best against a wall in light fertile soil and in a sunny aspect.
It is naturalised in several parts of England, but its home is in the warmer parts of Europe.
American and European species are hardy as forest trees, and thrive in almost any soil, but the Southern American and Japanese kinds want warmer soils to thrive in our climate.
They are found at elevations sufficiently high to admit of their being grown out of doors in England, or at any rate in the warmer parts of the country, and yet the Mutisias are scarcely known in our gardens.
It is hardy in the warmer parts of Ireland and in the south-west of England, a fine plant 10 feet high having flowered in the Trinity College Gardens, Dublin, for several years past.
In countries a little warmer than Britain this tree is very beautiful, and much used in public gardens and even in street planting.
As they come from the warmer parts of California and Mexico, and even there grow on dry hill-sides and in warm valleys, their perishing here may be understood.
The varieties of A. tricolor require a light soil and a warmer place.
It may be treated either as a half-hardy annual, and sown in February or March under glass or in a hot-bed, but it requires a warmer climate than ours to do well.
Rock Mallow (Malvastrum) - These are in flower like Mallows, but dwarfer, not quite hardy, being natives of the warmer parts of America.
Stauntonia - S. hexaphylla is a fine evergreen twining pinnate-leaved shrub from China, hardy enough in the warmer parts of these islands for walls.
E. chrysanthum, with lemon-yellow flowers, and E. guttatum, these being mostly fitted for the warmer parts of the rock garden.
Strawberry Tree (Arbutus) - Evergreen shrubs of much beauty, both of flower and form of leaf or bush, coming from warmer countries thrive best on our sea-shore or warmer districts.
It would probably attain a greater stature in river-side soil in a warmer country than ours, the best trees in its native country growing in rich moist soils.
Tassel Tree (Acacia) - Beautiful shrubs and trees, thriving in warmer countries, but a few grown out of doors do well in parts of England.
L. Wilsoni is benefited by a lighter soil and by a warmer and more sheltered position.
Winged Nut (Pterocarya) - Walnut-like trees of fine stately form of leaf and habit, P. caucasica being hardy in England, at least in the southern and warmer parts.
Trachelospermum jasminoides, called star or Confederate jasmine, is usually recommended for zones 8 and warmer, with a few cultivars recommended for zone 7.
Pinks are often grown as an annual, but in warmer climates they can be grown as perennials.
In zones 7 and higher, they may over-winter, especially in warmer garden microclimates, or areas that are sheltered and warm.
An area next to a home's foundation, for example, that faces south may in fact be warmer than the surrounding area, especially if sunlight warms stone or brick and the surface radiates heat back towards plants located nearby.
They do not like heat at all, and as the days grow warmer, the plants get spindlier.
For example, northern highbush varieties tend to do better in the northern part of the U.S. Those in Zone 6 and warmer zones should look at southern highbush or rabbiteye plants.
Like trees and shrubs, perennial flowers also benefit by easing into the garden through moderate temperatures, warmer soil, and the cool dormant period of winter.
If it's winter and you like to keep your house warmer than 70 degrees, try to find a room that can be kept a little cooler than the rest of the house.
Warmer weather varieties planted in mid-Spring are planted after the last frost date and are harvested during the summer months.
Trumpet honeysuckle grows in zones three to nine, and is evergreen in the warmer regions of its growing area.
In warmer climates, however, a female may live several years.
Use a row cover, cold frame or another technique to retain warmer air around the plants and keep snow, ice and frost from damaging them.
Temperatures will drop into the 30s near the freezing point, 32 degrees Fahrenheit, although frost may form at temperatures slightly warmer than the freezing point.
You can roll it up or down, keeping it down during the warmer months and rolling it up in the winter to control the light and temperature inside the greenhouse.
Garden zones 4 and 5 (northern climates) should begin fall garden planning during the summer months, while gardeners in warmer zones can begin in September.
Mulch helps the soil retain moisture and stay warmer, which in turn encourages the kitchen waste you mixed with the soil to decompose.
The purpose of this type of method is to keep the soil warmer by raising it above ground level.
By warming the soil faster and keeping it warmer longer, the gardening season is extended.
The neck pickup (the one closest to the headstock) produces a warmer, mellow tone.
Remember that tube amps give a warmer tone while solid state amplifiers give a brighter tone.
Carpeting is definitely warmer and easier on the feet, but on the downside it retains moisture.
The water stays warmer and feels like a conventional shower even with low flow features.
This layer will act as a moisture barrier, will make your floor warmer and more comfortable.
The purpose of blown attic insulation is to keep your home warmer by adding additional padding to the attic area where most heat loss occurs.
Any color can become warmer or cooler by simply adding an undertone of yellow or blue.
Use warmer colors in very large rooms, or rooms with high ceilings, to provide a more intimate feeling in the space.
In the spring and summer, the flower design echoes the beauty of the outdoors, and in the fall and winter, it can be a reminder of the warmer seasons.
For warmer weather wear, there is the Kings' Court Wrinkle Resistant Linen 4 Button Suit Jacket.
Short-sleeved button-up shirts are fine for warmer weather while a long-sleeved top can be worn when it's cooler.
One hundred percent cotton twill will keep you cool in warmer weather and the ease these shorts provide are sure to keep you comfortable.
Warmer weather brings the perfect opportunity for men to wear their short sleeve dress shirts.
Wear light materials such as linen or cotton in warmer months and if the nights get cooler, bring a jacket or sweater along that matches your outfit.
When the warmer months roll around, a men's cotton sports coat can be the perfect addition to complement any outfit.
Summer fashions feature softer pastel shades while fall can bring warmer colors.
Linen is ideal for warmer temperatures; it's a lightweight material that happens to be quite stylish, although it's important to watch for creases because it does wrinkle easily.
Consider choosing lighter colors like tan or gray for the warmer months, saving the black, charcoal, and navy suits for winter.
When the weather gets warmer, men want to feel comfortable yet look pulled together.
Denim shorts for men are a popular item for warmer months.
During the warmer months, try a pair of jeans in a lighter wash and denim material.
During fall, it's more important to seek out jackets that are warmer.
During the warmer months, hats could shade a person from the sun, and in the winter, keep them warm.
During the warmer months (or year-round, if that is an option in your area), shop at a local farmers' market.
When worn during colder months, they keep warmer air close to the skin.
Your hair will look warmer, shinier, and healthier.
Choose the style that suits your shape and style, and you'll look effortlessly beautiful during the warmer months.
An outfit-builder - Consider the long knit dress as the starter piece, building your outfit with jackets and boots in the cool weather and shawls and sandals in the warmer weather.
Nightshirts, suitable for women who live in warmer climates, are also widely available.
Rayon tops are cool and fashionable, making them ideal for the warmer months.
Look for colors that accent the colors in your warmer weather wardrobe like spring green, or a banana yellow or a soft grey.
When it comes to wearing fleece, remember that it comes in heavier and lighter weights so some fleece rain jackets will be warmer than others.
Enjoy these dresses during the warmer months whether or not you actually have the luxury of lounging on a boat somewhere relaxing.
Get ready for the warmer weather and start shopping now for the best styles in summer clothing.
Also, stay away from dark colors, such as black or brown, as not only do they look dreary and boring, but dark colors absorb heat, which in turn will make you feel warmer.
Brides can opt for warmer tones rather than stark white without worry about outdated symbolism associated with the tradition of wearing white during the wedding ceremony.
Women's plus size cargo shorts are an ideal choice for the warmer weather that comes with spring and summer.
Women's long plus size shorts are a great base for many summer outfits that can help keep you cool as the days get warmer.
In warmer weather, all you need to do is slip one on and you're practically all dressed.
If you prefer something longer and warmer, consider the comparable barn coat, a water-resistant, heavy coat made of canvas.
Plus size summer suits are a great option for women to wear in warmer months to look fashionable and polished without much effort.
Once the weather gets warmer, it is time to lighten up your look.
It looks rich and silky and is great for warmer months when you want to feel cool and comfortable.
No matter how you wear them or enhance them, summer dresses are a comfortable answer to warmer weather.
Colder months bring with them different risks of personal injury than warmer ones, and it's important to have a good understanding of winter safety issues.
Some centers open their doors to give seniors a safe place to take shelter from the heat during warmer months, while others serve meals to their members as part of their services.
Infrared goggles can work by amplifying the light until it's detectable or by thermal imaging, where warmer objects show up in the line of vision while cold ones do not.
The area is a popular destination during the warmer summer months, but can make a nice sojourn even in early spring and late fall.