Warm-blooded Sentence Examples
This order is almost exclusively parasitic in warm-blooded animals.
Just like their warm-blooded counterparts, they can have fun in hamster wheels, tunnels and balls, thanks to a full line of accessories for the toys.
The higher "warm-blooded" creatures appear to present the simplest case and in their lifehistory there seems to be a point at which we can say "that which was alive is now dead."
They feed off warm-blooded animals like humans and can be found in a variety of climates all over the world.
The respiration becomes slower owing to a paralytic action on the respiratory centre and, in warm-blooded animals, death is due to this action, the respiration being arrested before the action of the heart.
In warm-blooded animals, such as birds and mammals, protective mechanisms for the regulation of temperature enable them to endure exposure to extreme heat or cold, but in such cases the actually living cells do not appreciably rise or fall in temperature.
The females of these species use their piercing mouthparts to feed on the blood of warm-blooded animals.
But A Rich Vocabulary, A Mastery Of Verse Forms Quite Beyond The Range Of Cremazie, Real Originality Of Conception, Individual Distinction Of Style, Deep Insight Into The Soul Of His People, And, Still More, The Glow Of Warm Blooded Life Pulsing Through The Whole Poem, All Combine To Give Him The Greatest Place At Home And An Important One In The World At Large.
These pesky insects are tiny, wingless, nesting creatures that feed on warm blooded organisms such as humans, and leave red wounds where they bite.