Wark Sentence Examples
Hannah had to explain to her American friend that where she's from a wark meant a pain.
Second installment of our multi-year project to show the entire surviving oeuvre of the great pioneer master David Wark Griffith.
Some English strongholds, such as Alnwick, Chillingham, Ford and Naworth, have been modernized; others, like Norham, Wark and Warkworth, are picturesque ruins; but most of the Scottish fortresses have been demolished and their sites built over, or are now represented by grass-grown mounds.
After securing his flank and rear by taking Norham, Wark and Eitel castles, he awaited the approach of Surrey's army at Ford castle, behind which lies Flodden Edge, a strong position, which he presently occupied.
My Scottish cousin uses the word wark instead of work.